Evans County C Community it Profile 152 in order of county creation November 3, 1914 Prepared for Evans County Cooperative Extension by the Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development The University of Georgia • Athens, GA Total Population Evans County 2020 OPB Proj Proj. 14,052 14 052 13,045 2015 OPB Proj. 11,000 10,495 Census 2010 2000 8,724 8 428 8,428 7,290 6,952 6,653 1990 1980 1970 1960 1950 7,401 7,102 1940 1930 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 16,000 Primary data sources: U.S. Census Bureau, decennial censuses; GA Office of Planning & Budget projections. Population Composition by Age Evans County 100% 4.8 13.3 65 + 45-64 20-44 5-19 <5 36.4 34.2 6.7 17.0 32.7 30.8 83 8.3 19.5 27.8 31.9 10 5 10.5 12 9 12.9 14.3 12 6 12.6 20.6 18.5 18.2 20.7 35 2 35.2 36 3 36.3 26.9 32 6 32.6 31.8 13.7 24.5 33.3 28.6 24.3 23.6 20.8 11.3 12.9 12.6 93 9.3 83 8.3 80 8.0 69 6.9 77 7.7 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 0% 2010 Median Age Primary data source: U.S. Census Bureau Evans Co. = 35.9 yrs. GA = 35.3 yrs. 2010 County Population Comparisons Total Total Rank Density per sq.mi. land area % Chg. 2000-10 Rank of % Chg. EVANS 11,000 123 63.2 4.8 107 BRYAN 30,233 55 73.7 29.1 26 BULLOCH 70 217 70,217 31 101 5 101.5 25 4 25.4 33 CANDLER 10,998 124 43.3 14.8 67 LIBERTY 63,453 37 119.8 3.0 116 LONG 14 464 14,464 112 30 30.5 40 4 40.4 11 TATTNALL 25,520 72 50.6 14.4 68 County Primary data source: U. S. Census Bureau (3/11) Population Change: 1930-2010 30 25 Perce entage Ch hange 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 1930-40 1930 40 1940-50 1940 50 1950-60 1950 60 U.S. Primary data source: U.S. Census Bureau 1960-70 1960 70 1970-80 1970 80 Georgia 1980-90 1980 90 1990-00 1990 00 2000-10 2000 10 Evans Co. Population Change: 2000-2010 LOSS Gain < US Gain > US but < GA Gain > GA Gain > 2x GA Avg. GA County = 14.2% GA = 18.3% US = 9.7% Primary data source: U.S. Census Bureau (3/11) Components of Population Change Natural Increase & Net Migration* g 2000-2009 Numerical Change* g 2000-2009 # Natural Increase (Bi th D th ) (Births-Deaths) 2000-2009 # Net Migration g 2008-09 1-yr Natural Increase Rate 2008-09 1 yr Net Migration Rate EVANS 1,200 782 487 7.7 1.7 BRYAN 9 142 9,142 2 164 2,164 7 031 7,031 10 1 10.1 29 2 29.2 BULLOCH 13,230 3,411 10,047 5.9 14.7 CANDLER LIBERTY LONG TATTNALL 1,103 576 1,930 2,188 10,330 1,642,430 531 9,977 890 1,018 4,305 684,445 619 -9,209 1,096 1,302 5,340 849,133 5.7 14.2 7.4 4.6 4.8 7.8 12.0 40.3 61.8 46.9 1.0 5.5 Area Avg. County GEORGIA Primary data source: U. S. Census Bureau (4/10) * Numerical change includes “residual” not represented in either NI or NM. Selected Vital Statistics 2009 Rates 15.2 Total births per 1,000 pop 15.1 52.2 U Unwed d per 100 total t t l bi births th 45.2 Teen pregnancy per 1,000 females age g 10-19 Deaths per 1,000 pop 52.5 34 1 34.1 10.1 7.2 Induced terminations per 1,000 females age 15-44 g p per 100 Low birth weight births Infant deaths per 1,000 births 55.7 14.9 17.6 9.6 Evans Co. 8.8 Georgia 8.4 10-yr. rates 2000-2009 2009 Evans Co. Natality Data 178 total births, 93 unwed births 14 induced terminations 38 teen pregnancies 24 low birth weight babies 2009 Evans Co. Mortality Data 118 total deaths 0 infant deaths Primary data source: GA Dept. Public Health, OASIS Highest Level of Educational Attainment: 2005-2009 5 Yr Yr. Avg Avg. – American Community Survey 4.5 Grad or Prof Degree 96 9.6 8.3 Bachelor's degree 17.5 6.3 6 3 6.4 Associate degree 18.9 19 7 19.7 Some college, no degree 34.5 HS Grad 29.7 18 0 18.0 9th-12th no diploma Evans Co. Georgia 10.8 9.6 < 9th grade 62 6.2 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Percent of Persons Age 25+ Evans Co. Not completing HS = 27.5% With a bachelor’s + degree = 12.8% Primary data source: U.S. Census Bureau Selected Public School Statistics School Year 2009-10 66.9 62.7 Teachers w/adv degrees 53 8 53.8 C ll College prep certif tif 30.2 HOPE Eligible 77.7 38.2 67.7 Class '09 09 Grad Rate 80 8 80.8 9.7 9.8 12.7 10.3 Gifted Special Ed Econ Disadvantaged 77.1 56.9 4.8 3.7 Retained in grade 12.2 12 2 9.7 Absent >15 days 4.0 3.5 HS Dropout rate 0 10 20 Georgia Primary data source: Governor’s Office of Student Achievement 30 40 50 60 Evans Co. 70 80 Percentage Evans Co. K12 enrollment = 1,679 HS dropouts = 19 General Fund Expenditures per FTE = $6,775 Per Capita Income: 2005-2009 $45,000 $40,000 $35 000 $35,000 $30,000 $25 000 $25,000 $20,000 $15,000 $10,000 $5,000 $0 2005 2006 2007 Evans Co. Co 2009 PCI Evans Co. = $25,458 Primary data source: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (4/11) 2008 Georgia Georgia g = $34,129 US = $39,635 2009 US Per Capita Income: 2005-2009 Percentage Change 10 8 Pe ercentage e 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 2005 06 2005-06 2006 07 2006-07 Evans Co. Primary data source: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (4/11) 2007 08 2007-08 Georgia 2008 09 2008-09 US Per Capita Income: 2009 PCI Rank of PCI % PCI of GA Total % Change in PCI 2005-2009 EVANS $25,458 117 74.6 10.6 BRYAN $35 361 $35,361 14 103 6 103.6 11 2 11.2 BULLOCH $24,172 143 70.8 10.7 CANDLER $24,699 132 72.4 6.1 LIBERTY $27 020 $27,020 89 79 2 79.2 16 6 16.6 LONG $23,081 149 67.6 16.4 TATTNALL $24,299 140 71.2 9.9 GA Avg Avg. Co. Co $28 581 $28,581 -- 83 7 83.7 16 6 16.6 County Primary data source: U. S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (4/11) Median Household Income 2010 Model-Based Estimates $50,046 US $46,252 GEORGIA GA Avg. Co. $39,196 $30,513 EVANS $58,092 BRYAN BULLOCH $33,858 CANDLER $31,020 $41,275 LIBERTY $37,358 LONG $31,894 TATTNALL $0 $10,000 $20,000 Primary data source: U. S. Census Bureau (11/11) $30,000 $40,000 $50,000 $60,000 Transfer Receipts: 2009 Evans Co Co. Total = $79 $79,463,000 463 000 30.3 Retirement/Disab 32 7 32.7 24.3 22.2 Medicare 16.5 Pub Med Assist 13 7 13.7 3.1 2.2 Supp Sec Inc Evans Co. 0.7 05 0.5 Familyy Assist Georgia 4.9 3.8 SNAP 7.9 66 6.6 Other Inc Maint 3.9 Unemp 6.1 2.4 35 3.5 Veteran Benefit 26.7% of total personal income 8.3% change in total 2008-09 6.2 All Other Evans Co. $6,795 per capita transfer receipts 8.7 0 5 10 15 20 Percentage Primary data source: Bureau of Economic Analysis (4/11) 25 30 35 Persons Living Below Poverty Level 2010 Model-Based Model Based Estimates # of Persons % of all Persons Rank of % EVANS 3,080 27.9 139 BRYAN 3,907 12.1 16 BULLOCH 16,878 , 26.1 125 CANDLER 2,568 25.2 117 LIBERTY 10 020 10,020 17 3 17.3 44 LONG 2,776 23.0 97 TATTNALL 5,486 10 679 10,679 27.6 18 0 18.0 137 -- County y GA Avg Avg. Co. Co Primary data source: U. S. Census Bureau (11/11) Persons Living Below the Poverty Level 2010 Model-Based Estimates 6.7 – 12.7% 12 7 – 19.8% 12.7 19 8% 19.8 – 25.2% 25.2 – 30.6% 30.6 – 38.1% Weighted average poverty threshold for a family household of 4 persons in 2010 = $21,954 Primary data source: U.S. Census Bureau (11/11) Georgia 1,698,004 Persons -18.0% ------------US = 15.3% Average g Annual Unemployment y Rates Rate per 100 in Labor Force e 12 Evans Co. Georgia U. S. 10 8 6 4 2 0 2001 2002 2010 Rates 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Evans Co. = 9.3 GA = 10.2 A g GA County Avg. Co nt = 11.1 11 1 Primary data source: GA Dept. of Labor 2009 2010 US = 9.6 Establishments, Employment & Wages: 2010 Averages Avg. g # Establishments Avg. g Monthly y Employment Avg. g Wage g Weekly 71 2,043 $558 Ag, forestry, fishing 15 111 $580 Construction 35 200 $584 Manufacturing 21 -- -- 170 1,475 $541 Wholesale trade 8 56 $594 Retail trade 50 362 $514 Transp/Warehousing 7 80 $588 Finance/Insurance 11 81 $653 Professional/Sci/Tech 11 45 $620 Admin/Suppt/WasteMgmt/Remediation 11 28 $380 Health care/Soc Svcs 17 417 $719 Accommodations/Food Svc 21 235 $222 TOTAL GOVERNMENT 29 682 $577 TOTAL ALL INDUSTRIES 71 4,204 $555 Evans County TOTAL GOODS PRODUCING TOTAL SERVICE PROVIDING Primary data source: GA Dept. of Labor (7/11) Employment Comparisons by Industry Group: 2010 E Evans Co. C A Avg. GA C County t G Georgia i 48.6 Goods Producing 21.9 13.9 35.1 Service Providing 50.7 68 0 68.0 16.2 Government 27.3 17 8 17.8 Primary data source: GA Dept. of Labor (7/11) Components of 2010 Property Tax Gross Digest Evans County Residential 41 9% 41.9% Ag-PreferentialE i EnvironConserv 21.6% Timber * 0.7% Heavy Equipment 0.002% Commercial 13.8% Public Utility Industrial Mobile Home 2 8% 2.8% 8 5% 40% Assessment Value of Property 8.5% 1.0% Motor Vehicle 9.7% Primary data source: GA Dept. of Revenue Gross Digest = $261,790,631 Homestead & Property Exemptions = $21,523,986 N t M&O Digest Net Di t = $240,266,645 $240 266 645 Value of exempt property = $27,242,516 * Timber taxed at 100% based on previous year sales Millage Rates, Taxes Levied, & Sales Tax Rate 2010 Countywide Millage* 2010 Taxes Levied* ($000) Sales Tax Rate as of LOST Type* as of Jan. 1, 2012 Jan. 1, 2012 EVANS 20.600 $5,484 3 LSE BRYAN 23 687 23.687 $31 430 $31,430 3 LSE BULLOCH 21.090 $42,357 3 LSE CANDLER 23.714 $6,160 3 LSE LIBERTY 32 930 32.930 $43 032 $43,032 3 LSE LONG 29.460 $7,314 3 LSE TATTNALL 26.760 $12,015 3 LSE County *Countywide Includes .250 state millage. School includes bonds, if any. Taxes l i d but levied, b t nott necessarily il collected. ll t d Sales S l Tax: T 4% State St t nott included; i l d d L=Local L L l Option, S=Special Purpose, E=Educational Primary data source: GA Dept. of Revenue Farm Gate Value by Commodity Group: 2010 Evans Co Co. Total Value = $68 $68,165,861 165 861 Poultry-Egg 33.7% Row-Forage crops 15.2% Other 2.3% Fruits-Nuts 0.7% Livestock 8.0% Ornamental Horticulture 10.5% Forestry 3.7% Veges 25 9% 25.9% Primary data source: Center for Agribusiness & Economic Development, UGA (12/11) Retail Sales Analysis: 2008 Evans Co. Co Total Retail Sales = $179 $179,950,000 950 000 1.51 Total Retail Sales Health-Personal Health Personal Care 1.61 Bldg Mat-garden equip-supplies 1.34 Gas stations 3.09 2.71 Motor Vehicle-parts Furniture-Home Furn-Appliance 0.31 0 08 0.08 Cl thi & Accessories Clothing A i General Merchandise 0.29 Food Services-Drinking g Places 0.55 Food-Beverage Stores 1.19 0 1 2 3 4 Pull Factor A “pull factor” of 1.0 means that the county’s sales are what would be expected based upon the number of residents and their relative wealth. Primary data sources: “Demographics USA, County Edition, 2008;” pull factor calculations by Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development. Commuting to Work: 2005-2009 5 Yr. Average g – American Community y Survey y Percentage of: Residents working in county 57 4 57.4 Residents working out of county 42.6 Residents driving g to work alone 78.0 Residents carpooling Residents working at home 7.4 0.9 Resident workers 16+ = 4,516 Residents working in county = 2,594 Residents working out of county = 1,922 Primary data source: U.S. Census Bureau Travel time to work for residents not working at home: < 20 min min. = 54 54.6% 6% 20-44 min. = 28.1% 45+ min. = 17.3% This study was developed to assist community y leadership p with their future planning and decision making. Special p Area Report p # 12-04 January 2012 P Prepared d for f Evans E County C t C Cooperative ti E Extension t i by Susan R. Boatright Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences The University of Georgia • Athens, Athens GA Georgia Cooperative Extension 706-542-0760 • 706-542-8938 To learn more about your county, click on Georgia Statistics System System” at our website: “Georgia www.caed.uga.edu