TIMAS CAME BACK! Thanks to: Ed Shelley who conceived the instrument; The engineers at Lockheed, Southw est Research Institute,Mullard Space Sciences Center, and Berne University who designed and built the robust systems; Ron Black of SwRI who identified the problem and proposed the solution; Bob Hoffman and Barbara Giles who slogged through countless meetings and reviews; The Polar Science Team for their support; Mario Acuna for effective advocacy when it mattered; Niki Fox for attending to the thousands of details involved (and for arranging a major magnetic storm for TIMAS’ first day back); The Polar Operations Team for implementing the thousands of details involved; Daryl Carr, Tony Magoncelli, Harry Collin, and Gary Heyman for operational support for TIMAS. TIMAS HV on 15:54 3/30/2001 Major Magnetic storm onset ~06:00 3/31/2001 TIMAS monitors motions of the magnetosphere in response to changes in solar wind pressure after 07:00 TIMAS observes unusual upwelling ion signature after the geomagnetic storm Cusp Normal Upwelling Ions Unusual Upwelling Ions