Message trom H.E. Mr. Mohammad Hatta, Ambassador bxtraordnary and Plempotentrary ol The Republic of Indonesia to the Kingdom of Thailand. il ............. Message from Prof. Dr. Didik Sulistyanto, Education Attache of The Republic of Indonesia to the Kingdom of Thailand Keynote Speaker: Assoc. Prof. Winai Dahlan ........................ I 26 locial and Humanism. Thai Muslim and Their Nation Development 71 \JUNrIV/ Poverty Caused in Indonesian's Rural Area (Case Study: Kulon Progo District, Yogyakarta Special Province) (Mhd Zamal Nasution).... ........:........... ....................86 A story about Korea rapid economic growth under President Park Chung Hee: A lesson for Indonesia's economic development (Yuni Wachid Asrori) ...................'.'.' 91 Stimulating Education Enthusiasm Among College Students by Establishing Study Room The Impact of Economic Land Concession on Indigenous People's in Cambodia i Eastin Hotel Makassan, Bangkok,24-25 September 2010 - : t--i\Ltl) :: ilrilflet" , . rn.techtarget . . c(r:l html fAccessc; .\ Trcatise on l: L Oxford: ClrLr -,rnological ' l',,,.,I,t ErolL': li;.t.,.,. 'F-ssentials i,n'- Ittc - 51. r': -' It)il1), "lntcrncL : ' : : ol aPProachc' i-rillional iouilil no.4 PP 5 J 6-5 l: .rr\\'itt. Janrcs S i' - 1). Sniith, rnil . Chain Manag(':l n -- 'rr. l. P. l8 .tc1 and r .::lrent", . , I d ljj { l( "ExPitrlr: - u{ Secur: llbsci' :rlkingtesc0/1i\tr'l ;..recserl Arrrrt-: , 'a { /( rl d d "d ill { d Department of Accounting - Yogyakarta State Universitl School of Management - Asian Insititute of Technology Office: Karangmalang Yogyakarta Indonesia 5528 I Email : soekirno uny @ or sukirno @ IE cdy is investigate the human treing was considered lbdry n to d lecturers performances in higher in Indonesia. As a developing country, problems regarding finding the ways Igher education quality, Many factors b til intended as determinants factors of lecturers b.aefit government in setting a better of higher education quality. This the simultaneous impact of reward decision making, lecturer commitm€nt on the lecturer performance. uscd to collect the data, Open-ended nt to the lecturers in in Indonesia. All Alpha scores distributed 0.7 and factor scores loaded perfectly Research hypotheses rorc than 0.50. analysis. Independent sample test rrrt abo conducted to investigate the d *x, academic rank, experience, age, r Se variatrles examined. h tbat reward system has a positive on participative decision making, hrr ffaction, and lecturer performance. fri for the nurturing better lecturer lilrr i{ucafi6n institutions in Indonesia, ls to provide a good reward system, h ltcturer to participate in decision commitment and satisfaction. lnrformance, participative r-*n" L satisfaction, c decisinn ommitm ent, higher INTRODI]CTION hs role as a center of excellence for lcrourc€s necessary for a country's cducation is the engine that drives rrcine against the worst effects of 3fl. ln educatioan context, Faqih [3] educational success is the teaching staff, both in terms of tq to l" l."azear [4], therefore, suggest that h rais€d by paying higher salaries. It r$ part of the labor force, can Teacher's performance is one of the most imponan issues in education institutions [5]- It is believed tha teacher performance in turn will determine student aft organizational performance. In order to accomplish th( national education philosophy, the teachers have to worl hard and give full devotion towards their career- It ir therefore not surprising that teachers nowadays iue moft stressful due to their obligation towards nationa education needs, school authorities and paren expectations [6.]. Nevertheless, higher education system in Indonesi: now is impeded by some systematic education problems Students, parents, legislators, businesses and the genera public are dissatisfied with the higher education that i: currently being provided resulting from students an unable to register for courses because sections are full many courses are taught not by faculty but by graduatr teaching assistants; faculty do not appear committed tt teaching. Several factors might affect the unsatisfied lecture performance. The World Bank reported tha approximately half of today's higher education studentr live in the developing world and faculty are oftel underqualified, lack motivation, and are poorly rewarde< [7]. In line with the evidence, Rasian [8] found tha Azerbaijan, Turkey, Irak, India, Pakistan, Iran and lral and other the developing countries were also facinl similar challenges the main role in creating experts dml- to a larger pool of applicants, which permits a school t( engagc in more selective hiring. be Providing higher salary implies standards, of funding insufficiencies, lov political and religious influence ol universities, and poor incentives. Considerable attention has been placed on enhancinl teacher professionalism primarily through increasinl teacher participation in decision making regarding issue affecting teachers' schools and classrooms t9l Nevertheless, the impact of participation has been studier in the indusfial and business domains throughout thr world but only recently is it evident in schools. Anothe neglected managerial aspect related to the lecture performance is lecturer commitment. l-ecturers anr managements .'-1"^. in the universities generally have differen I antrrorc ctinlr tn nrnfpccinnol rrolrrec whicl