\1..,. ' :.,1 This is to certrfy that .".f ,.,i,.:i.,,]l Elly Arliqni has parttctpated tn 1st trnternatinnal tonfersnce on Current Issues in Hdueation orgtnizcd by Study Prqgram of Educational Policy, Faculty of Education & D&torul Prqgram of FAucational Sciences, Graduate School, Yqryakarta State University,Indonesia, incollaborationwith F aculty of Education, the National Universiry ofMalaysia on 15-16 September 2012 at the Rektorate Hall, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia as a Participant Yogyakarta, 16 September Z0l2 State [JniversitvJ chmat Wahab, M.Pd., M.A. The National lJniversity of Malaysia Representative Chairperson Prof, Madya Dato' Dr. Abdul Razak Ahmad Prof. Dr. Achmad Dardiri, M.Hu