量子力学 Quantum mechanics School of Physics and Information Technology Shaanxi Normal University Chapter 9 Time-dependent perturbation theory Chapter 9 Time-dependent perturbation theory 9.1 Two Two--level systems 9.2 Emission and absorption of radiation 9.3 Spontaneous emission 9.1 TwoTwo-level systems 9.2 Emission and absorption of radiation 9.3 Spontaneous emission 9.1 Two-level systems Suppose that there are just two states of the system. They are eigenstates of the unperturbed Hamiltonian,and they are eigenstates orthonormal: H0ψ a = Eaψ a and H0ψ b = Ebψ b ψ a |ψ b = δab Any state can be expressed as a linear combination of them ψ (0) = caψ a + cbψ b In the absence of any perturbation,each component evolves with its characteristic exponential factor: ψ (t ) = caψ a e 2 − iEa t / h + cbψ b e 2 | ca | + | cb | = 1 − iEa t / h 9.1.1 The perturbed system Now suppose we turn on a timetime-dependent perturbation, then the wave function can expressed as follows: ψ (t ) = ca (t )ψ a e − iEa t / h + cb (t )ψ b e − iEa t / h If the particle started out in the state ψ a We solve for ca (t ) and cb (t ) by demanding that ψ (t) satisfy the tim-dependent SchrÖdinger equation ∂ψ Hψ = ih , where ∂t So, we find that H = H 0 + H ' (t ) − iEa t / h ' ca [ H 0ψ a ]e − iEa t / h + cb [ H 0ψ b ]e − iEb t / h + ca [ H ψ ] e a ' + cb [ H ψ b ]e − iEb t / h iE a + caψ a − h − iE a t / h − iEb t / h & & = ih[ caψ a e + cbψ b e − iEa t / h iEb + cbψ b − e h − iEb t / h ] e The first two terms on the left cancel the last two terms on the right, and hence ' c a [ H ψ a ]e − iE a t / h = i h [ c& aψ a e − iE a t / h ' + c b [ H ψ b ]e + c& bψ b e − iE b t / h − iE b t / h ] Take the inner product with ψ a , and exploit the orthogonality of ψ a and ψ b For short, we define ' ij ' H ≡ ψ i | H |ψ j Note that the Hermiticity of H ' entails H 'ji = ( H 'ji ) * . M ultiplying through by - (i / h ) e iE a t / h , we conclude that i &ca = − [ca Haa' + cb Hab' e−i ( Eb −Ea )t / h ] h Similarly, the inner product with ψ b picks out c&b : i c&b = − [cb Hbb' + ca Hba' e−i ( Eb −Ea )t / h ] h Typically, the diagonal matrix elements of H' vanish: H ' aa = H ' bb =0 In that case the equations simplify i c& a = − H h i c& b = − H h ' ab e − iω 0 t cb (1) ' ba e − iω 0 t cb where ω 0 Eb − E ≡ h a We'll assume that E b ≥ E a , so ω0 ≥ 0 9.1.2 Time-Dependent Perturbation Theory So far, everything is exact: we have made no assumption about the size of the perturbation. But if H ' is "small", we can solve Equation (1) by a process of successive approximations, as follows. Suppose the particle starts out in the lower state: ca (0) = 1, cb (0) = 0 0.. If there were no perturbation at all , they would stay this way foreever Zeroth Order: c (0) a ( t ) = 1, c (0) b = 0. To calculate the first-order approximation, we insert these values on the right side of Equation (1) First Order: dca = 0 ⇒ ca(1) = 1; dt dcb i ' iω0t i t ' ' iω0t ' ' (1) = − H ba e ⇒ cb = − ∫ H ba (t )e dt dt h h 0 Now we insert these expressions on the right to obtain the second-order approximation: Second-Order: dca i ' −iω0t i t ' '' iω0t '' '' = − H ab e ( h ) ∫ H ba (t )e dt ⇒ 0 dt h ' t t ' 1 − iω0t iω0t '' (2) ' ' ' '' '' ' ca (t ) = 1 − 2 ∫ H ab (t )e H ( t ) e dt dt ba ∫ 0 0 h Notes: Notice that in my notation ca(2) (t ) includes the zeroth order term; the second-order correction would be the integral term alone. In principle, we could continue this ritual indefinitely, always inserting the nth − order approximation into the right side of Equation (1) and solving for the (n +1) th −order. Notice that ca is modified in every even order, and cb in every odd order. 9.1.3 Sinusoidal Perturbation Suppose the perturbation has sinusoidal time dependence: v v H ' ( r , t ) = V ( r ) cos(ω t ) so that where ' H ab = Vab cos(ω t ), Vab = ψ a | V | ψ b To first order we have t i iω0 t ' dt ' ' cb (t ) ≅ − Vba ∫ cos(ω t )e 0 h iVba t i (ω0 +ω ) t ' i ( ω 0 −ω ) t ' ' + =e e dt 2h ∫0 Vba e i (ω0 +ω ) t − 1 e i (ω0 −ω ) t − 1 + = 2h ω 0 + ω ω 0 − ω This is the answer, but it is a little cumbersome to work with. Dropping the first term: We assume ω0 +ω >>| ω0 −ω | . so i(ω0 −ω)t /2 Vba e i(ω0 −ω)t /2 −i(ω0 −ω)t /2 cb (t) ≅ − e e − 2h ω0 −ω Vba sin[(ω0 −ω)t /2] i(ω0 −ω)t /2 =−i e h ω0 −ω The transition probability------the probability that a particle which started out in the state ψa will be found, at time, in the state ψb : 2 2 | Vab | sin [(ω0 −ω)t /2] Pa→b (t) =| cb (t)| ≅ 2 h (ω0 −ω)2 2 (2) As a function of time, the transition probability oscillates sinusoidally. P(t) | V ab | h ( ω − ω ) 0 2π | ω0 − ω | 4π | ω0 − ω | 6π | ω0 − ω | Fig. 1 Transition probability as a function of time, for a sinusoidal perturbation 2 t The probability of a transition is greatest when the driving frequency is close to the “natural” frequency P(t) (ω0 − 2π t ) ω0 (ω0 + 2π t ) ω Fig. 2 Transition probability as a function of driving frequency 9.2 Emission and absorption of radiation 9.2.1 Electromagnetic Waves An atom, in the presence of a passing light wave, responds primarily ot the electic component. If the wavelenght is long , we can ignore the spatial variation in the field; the atom is exposed to a sinusoidally oscillating electric field v E = E cos(ω t ) kˆ 0 The perturbing Hamiltonian is H ' = − qE0 z cos(ω t ) where q is the charge of the electron. Evidently H ba' = −℘ E0 cos(ω t ), where ℘=q ψ b | z | ψ a Chapter 9 TIME-DEPENDENT PERTURBATION THEORY 9.1 TwoTwo-level systems 9.2 Emission and absorption of radiation 9.3 Spontaneous emission An electromagnetic wave consists of transverse oscillating electric and magnetic fields. Electric field An electromagnetic wave v E v u x v o H Magnetic field Typically, ψ is an even or odd function of z; in 2 either case z|ψ | is odd , and integrates to zero. This licenses our usual assumption that the ' diagonal matrix elements of H vanish. Thus the interaction of light with matter is governed by precisely the kind of oscillatory perturbation with Vba = −℘E0 9.2.2 Absorption, Stimulated Emission, and Spontaneous Emiss i on If an atom starts out in the "lower" state ψ a , and you shine a polarized monochromatic beam of light on it, the probabilit y of a transition to the "upper" state ψ b is given by Equation (2), which takes the form 2 2 | ℘ | E sin [ (ω 0 − ω ) t / 2] 0 Pa → b ( t ) = 2 2 h ( − ) ω ω 0 Of course, the probability of a transition down to to the lo wer level: 2 2 | ℘ | E sin [(ω 0 − ω )t / 2] 0 Pb → a (t ) = (ω 0 − ω ) h Three ways in which light interacts with atoms: (a) Absorption In this process, the atom absorbs energy E b - E a = h ω 0 from the electromagnetic field. we say that i t has "absorbed a photon" (a) Absorption (b) Stimulated emission If the particle is in the upper state, and you shine light on it, it can make a transition ot the lower state, and in fact the probability of such a transition is exactly the same as for a transition upward from the lower state. which process, which was first discovered by Einstein, is called stimulated emission. (b) Stimulated emission (c) Spontaneous emission If an atom in the excited state makes a transition downward, with the release of a photon but without any applied electromagnetic field to initiate the process. This process is called spontaneous emission. (c) Spontaneous emission 9.2.3 Incoherent Perturbation The energy density in an electromagnetic wave is u= ε0 E02 2 where E is the amplitude of the electric field. So the transition probability probability is proportional to the energy density of the fields: 2 sin [(ω0 − ω )t / 2] 2u 2 Pa →b (t ) = |℘ | 2 2 ε 0h (ω0 − ω ) This is for monochromatic perturbation, consisting of a single frequency ω . In many applications the system is exposed to electromagnetic waves at a whole range of frequencies; in that case u → ρ (ω )dω, and the net transition probablity takes the form of an integral: 2u 2 Pa→b (t ) = | ℘ | ε 0h 2 ∫ ∞ 0 sin 2 [(ω0 − ω )t / 2] dω ρ (ω ) 2 (ω0 − ω ) replace ρ (ω ) by ρ (ω0 ) and take it outside the integral, we get 2 ∞ sin [(ω − ω )t / 2] 2 |℘|2 0 ρ ω Pa→b (t ) ≅ ( ) dω 0 ∫0 2 2 ε 0h (ω0 − ω ) Changing variables to x ≡ (ω0 − ω ) / 2, extending the limits of integration to x = ±∞, and looking up the define integral sin 2 x ∫-∞ x2 dx = π ∞ we find 2 |℘|2 Pa→b (t ) ≅ ρ (ω0 )t 2 ε 0h This time the transition probability is proportional ot t. When we hit the system with an incoherent spread of frequencies. The transition rate is now a constant : Rb→a = π ε 0h 2 |℘|2 ρ (ω0 ) Note : the perturbing wave is coming in along the x-direction and polarized in the z -direction. But we shall be interested in the case of an atom bathed in radiation coming from all direction, and with all possible polarizations. What we 2 2 need, in place of |℘| ,is the average of | nˆ ⋅℘ | , where v ℘ ≡ q ψ b | r |ψ a and the average is over both polarizations (nˆ ) and over all incident direction. This averaging can be carried out as follows: Polarization: For propagation in the z-direction, the two possible polarizations are iˆ and ˆj, so the polarization average is 1 ˆ 2 ˆ 2 (nˆ ⋅℘) = [(i ⋅℘) + ( j ⋅℘) ] 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 = (℘x +℘y ) = ℘ sin θ 2 2 where θ is the angle between ℘ and the direction of propagation. 2 p Propagation direction: Now let's set polar axis along ℘ and integrate over all propagation directions to get the polarization-propagation average: 1 1 2 2 (nˆ ⋅℘) = ℘ sin θ sin θ dθ dφ ∫ 4π 2 2 2 π ℘ ℘ 3 = sin θ dθ = ∫ 4 0 3 So the transition rate for stimulated emission from state b to state a, under the influence of incoherent, unpolarized light incident from all directions, is 2 pp So the transition rate for stimulated emission from state b to state a, under the influence of incoherent, unpolarized light incident from all directions, is π 2 Rb→a = |℘| ρ(ω0 ) 2 3ε0h Where ℘ is the matrix element of the electric dipole moment between the two states and ρ(ω0 ) is the energy density in the fields, per unit frequency, evaluated at ω0 = (Eb − Ea ) / h. Chapter 9 TIME-DEPENDENT PERTURBATION THEORY 9.1 TwoTwo-level systems 9.2 Emission and absorption of radiation 9.3 Spontaneous emission 9.3 Spontaneous emission 9.3.1 Einstein's A and B coefficients Picture a container of atoms, N a of them in the lower state (ψ a ), and N b of them in the upper state (ψ b ). Let A be the spontaneous emission rate, so th a t the number of particle leaving the upper state by this process, per unit time, is N b A . The transition rate for stimulated emission is proportional to the energy density of the electroma gnetic field---call it Bba ρ (ω 0 ). The number of particles leaving the upper state by this mechanism, per unit time, is N b Bba ρ (ω 0 ). The absorption rate is likewise proportional to ρ (ω0 )---call it Bab ρ (ω0 ); The number of particles per unit joining the upper level is therefore N a Bab ρ (ω0 ). All told, then, dN b = − N b A − N b Bba ρ (ω0 ) + N a Bab ρ (ω0 ) dt Suppose that these atoms are in thermal equilibrium with the ambient field, so that the number of particle in each level is constant. In that case dN b / dt = 0, and it follows that A ρ (ω 0 ) = ( N a / N b ) Bab − Bba The number of particles with energy E , in thermal equilibrium at temperature T , is proportiona l to t he Boltzmann fac to r , so N a e − Ea / k B T = − Ea / k B T = e hω 0 / k BT Nb e and hence A ρ (ω 0 ) = hω 0 / k B T e Bab − Bba But Planck's blackbody formula tells us the energy density of thermal radiation: h ω3 ρ (ω ) = 2 3 hω / kbT π c e − Bba Comparing the two expressions, we conclude that 3 B ab = Bba and an d and ω h A = 2 3 Bba π c π 2 | ℘ | Bba = 3ε 0 h 2 and it follows that the spontaneous emission rateis ω 3℘2 A= 3πε 0 h c 3 9.3.2 The Lifetime of an Excited S tate Suppose, now, that you have a bottle full of atoms, with N b (t ), of them in the excited state. As a result of spontaneous emission, this number w ill decrease ecrease as time goes on; specifically, in a time interval dt you will lose a fraction of Adt them: dN b = − AN b dt Solving for N b (t ), we find N b (t ) = N b (0)e − At evidently the number remaining in the excited state decreases exponentially, with a time constant 1 τ= A We call this the lifetime of the state ---- technically, it is the time it takes for N b (t ) to reach of its 1/e ≈ 0.368 initial value. This spontaneous emission formula gives the transition rate for ψ b → ψ a regardless of any other allowed states. evidently the number remaining in the excited state decreases exponentially, with a time constant 1 τ= A We call this the lifetime of the state ---- technically, it is the time it takes for N b (t ) to reach of its 1/e ≈ 0.368 initial value. This spontaneous emission formula gives the transition rate for ψ b → ψ a regardless of any other allowed states. Typically, an excited atom has many different decay modes ( that is, ψ b can decay to a large number of different lower-energy states, ψ a1 ,ψ a 2 ,ψ a3 L). In that case the transition rates add , and the net lifetime is 1 τ= A1 + A2 + A3 + L While h ( n' δ n,n' −1 + nδ n' ,n−1 ) n| x|n = 2mω where ω is the natural frequency of the oscillator. ' But we're talking about emission, so n ' must be low er than n; for our purpose, then, nh ℘= q δ n , n' −1lˆ 2 mω Evidently transitions occur only to states one step lower on the "ladder", and the frequency of the photon emitted is En − En' ( n + 1/ 2) hω − ( n ' + 1/ 2) hω = ω= h h = ( n ' − n )ω = ω Not surprisingly, the system radiates at the classical oscillator frequency. But the transition rate is nq 2ω 2 A= 6πε 0 mc 3 th and the lifetime of the n stationary state is 6πε 0 mc 3 τn = 2 2 nq ω Meanwhile, each radiate photon carries an energy hω , so the power radiated is Ahω: q 2ω 2 P= ( nh ω ) 3 6πε 0 mc or, since the energy of an oscillator in the nth state is E = (n + 1)hω , q 2ω 2 1 P= ( E − hω ) 3 6πε 0 mc 2 This is the average power radiated by a quntum oscillator with (initial) energy E. For comparison, let's determine the average power radiated by a classical oscillator with the same energy According to Larmor formula: 2 2 qa P= 6πε 0 c 3 For a harmonic oscillator with amplitude x0 ,x (t ) = x0 cos(ω t), and the acceleration is a = − x0ω 2 co s(ω t). Averaging over a full cycle, then q 2 x 0ω 4 P= 12πε 0 c 3 But the energy of th e oscillator is E = (1 / 2) mω 2 x02 , so x02 = 2 E / mω 2 ,and herenc q 2 x 0ω 4 P= E 3 6πε 0 mc This is the average power radiated by a classical oscillator with (initial) energy E . 9.3.3 Selective Rules The calculation of spontaneous emission rates has been reduced to a matter of evaluating matrix elements of the form v ψ b | r |ψ a Suppose we are interested in systems like hydrogen, for which the Hamiltonian is spherically symmetrical. In that case we may specify the states with the usual quantum numbers n,l,and m, and the matrix elements are ' ' ' v n l m | r | nlm ' a) Selection rules involving m and m : Consider first the commutations of Lz with x, y, and z, which we worked out in Chapter 4: [Lz ,x] = ihy, [Lz , y] = ihx, [Lz ,z] = 0. From the third of these it follows that 0 = n'l 'm' |[ Lz ,z]| nlm = n'l 'm' | ( Lz z − zLz ) | nlm ' ' ' ' ' = n l m |[(m h) z − z(m h)) | nlm ' ' ' ' = (m − m)h n l m | z | nlm Conclusion : ' ' ' ' Either m = m, or else n l m | z | nlm =0. (1) ' So unless m = m, the matrix elements of z are always zero. Meanwhile, from the commutator of Lz with x we get ' ' ' ' ' ' n l m |[ Lz ,x]| nlm = n l m | ( Lz x − xLz ) | nlm ' ' ' ' ' ' ' = (m − m)h n l m | x | nlm = ih n l m | y | nlm Conclusio n : ( m ' − m ) n 'l ' m ' | x | nlm = i n 'l ' m ' | y | nlm Finally, the commutator of Lz with y yields n 'l ' m ' | [ Lz , y ] | nlm = n 'l ' m ' | ( Lz y − yLz ) | nlm = ( m ' − m )h n 'l ' m ' | y | nlm = ih n 'l ' m ' | x | nlm Conclusio n : ( m ' − m ) n 'l ' m ' | y | nlm = i n 'l ' m ' | x | nlm and ( m ' − m ) 2 n 'l ' m ' | x | nlm = i ( m ' − m ) n 'l ' m ' | y | nlm = n 'l ' m ' | x | nlm and hence ' 2 either ( m − m ) = 1, or else n 'l ' m ' | x | nlm = n 'l ' m ' | y | nlm = 0 ( 2) From Equations (1) and (2), we obtain the selection rule for m: No transitions occur unless ∆m = ±1 or 0 This is an easy result ot understand if you remember that the photon carries spin 1, and henc its value of m is 1, 0, or -1; conservation of angular momentum requires that the atom give up whatever the photon takes away. b) Selection rules involving l and l' : The commutation relation: 2 2 v 2 v 2 2v [L ,[ L , r ]] = 2h ( rL + L r ) As before, we sandwich this commutation between n 'l ' m ' and nlm to derive the selection rule: v ' ' ' 2 n l m | [ L ,[ Lz ,r ]] | nlm v 2 2 ' ' ' 2v = 2h n l m | ( rL − L r ) | nlm 4 ' ' ' ' ' v = 2h [l (l + 1) + l (l + 1)] n l m | r | nlm ' ' ' 2 2 v 2 v = n l m | ( L [ L , r ] − [ L , r ]L2 ) | nlm 4 ' ' 2 ' ' ' v = h [l (l + 1) + l (l + 1)] n l m | r | nlm Conclusion : Either 2[l (l + 1) + l ' (l ' + 1)] = [l ' (l ' + 1) − l (l + 1)]2 ' ' ' v or else n l m | r | nlm =0 But ' ' ' ' ' [l (l + 1) − l (l + 1)]=(l + l + 1)(l + 1) and 2[l (l + 1) + l ' (l ' + 1)]=(l ' + l ' + 1) 2 + (l ' − l ) 2 − 1 ' ' 2 ' 2 so (l + l + 1) + (l − l ) − 1=0 The first factor cannot be zero, so the condition simplifies to l ' = l ± 1. Thus we obtain the selection rule for l: No transitions occur unless ∆l = ±1 Again, this result is easy to interpret: The photon carries spin 1, so the rules for addition ' ' of angular momentum would l = l + 1, l = l or ' l = l − 1. Allowed decays for the first four Bohr levels in hydrogen