YOGYAKARTA STATE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCES SYLLABUS Faculty Study Program Course Credit Semester Prerequisite Lecture : Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences : Chemistry Education : History of Chemistry : 2 sks :2 :: Erfan Priyambodo, M.Si. I. Course Description This course is design to introduce and discuss a short history of chemistry, from the beginning until the modern of chemistry. In this course, you will learn about the beginning of applied chemical processes. You will also learn about the combustion and the discovery of gases, atomic theory, electrochemistry, etc. II. Standards of Competence 1. Understanding the beginnings of chemistry. 2. Undersanding the differences between chemistry and alchemy. 3. Understanding the experiment and theory of combustion. 4. Understanding the development of field of chemistry. 5. Determining the great invention in chemistry that influenced human life. III. Activity Meeting Basic Competence Number 1. The Beginnings of Chemistry 2. The Beginnings of Chemistry 3. The Beginnings of Chemistry 4. Early Studies on Combustion and the Discovery of Gases 5. Early Studies on Combustion and the Discovery of Gases 6. The Foundation of Modern Chemistry 7. The Foundation of Modern Chemistry Essential Concept The origins of applied chemistry The diffusion of alchemy Learning Strategy Active Learning Active Learning Iatrochemistry Active Learning Combustion and the calcination of metals Active Learning The discovery of gases Active Learning Lavoisier’s experiments on chemistry Laws of combining proportion and the atomic theory Active Learning Active Learning Character 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Midterm exam The History of Electrochemistry The Beginnings of Organic Chemistry The History of Physical Chemistry The periodic law and the stucture of the atom The periodic law and the stucture of the atom The Great Invention in Chemistry The Great Invention in Chemistry Final exam The discovery of metals by electrolysis The developmnet of organic chemistry The history of physical chemistry Thehistory of periodic law The structure of the atom The Great Invention in Chemistry The Great Invention in Chemistry Active Learning Active Learning Active Learning Active Learning Active Learning Cooperative Learning Cooperative Learning IV. References 1. Partington, J.R. 1965. A Short History of Chemistry 3th edition. New York : MacMillan 2. Another references such as articles on the website or journals. V. Evaluation Number 1. Participation 2. Assignment 3. Midterm exam 4. Final Exam Total Component Worth (%) 5 25 30 40 100 Yogyakarta, August 15th, 2010 Lecturer Erfan Priyambodo, M.Si.