ESP Status. Calibration, Degradation, Validation Leonid Didkovsky, Darrell Judge, and Seth Wieman USC Space Sciences Center ESP Status (1) • Fully operational, correctable, and predictable. No degradation, except for the Al filters is detected. We do: • Regular tests of ESP variables (changes of dark count-rates, gain, visible light, filter degradation) based on daily and weekly calibrations. • Prompt data reduction and submitting EVE internal Reports, e.g. related to the Filter Scans, FOV maps, Cruciform maps, etc. These reports allow us updating ESP Level1 program for calculation of absolute irradiances with better accuracy, to calculate locations of the flares, etc. • Regular workshops to discuss current and future works (the last one was on Aug 23-24) @ LASP, including technical issues and science with ESP. Oct 6, 2010 LASP SWx Workshop 2 ESP Status (2) • ESPR calibration @SURF BL-2 in Sep was successful. The results will be ready upon receiving SURF fluxes. A fast look shows very small changes compared to the previous ESPR calibration. • ESP QD data were used as near-real time proxies for GOES XRS-A,B with small latency in Level-0CS. • Level-0CS updated to get ESP irradiance-like data (all channels) with small latency. • ESP Ch9 (30.4 nm) channel is validated as a proxy for SEM 30.4 nm channel. • We improve ESP Level1 Program. Current work is to implement filter degradation ‘live’ updates from daily/weekly calibrations. Oct 6, 2010 LASP SWx Workshop 3 How Filter Degradation is Determined • We use ESP daily and weekly calibrations to calculate ratios between effective counts measured with different filters. • Time difference between two filter measurements is as small as one minute to provide smallest signal fluctuations related to possible changes of the solar EUV flux. • We work on a new algorithm, which can provide accurate measurements of the ratios for the calibration performed during rapid changes of the solar irradiance, e.g. after a solar flare*. * Time for each calibration is fixed, thus, we may catch some flare(s). Oct 6, 2010 LASP SWx Workshop 4 What ESP Tests During Daily/Weekly Calibrations • ESP provides absolute solar irradiance in different (5) spectral bands centered at 3.6, 19.0, 25.4, 29.9, and 36.4 nm. • As an advanced version of SOHO/SEM, ESP electronics has more test options than SEM electronics, such as • Test / correction for the electronics gain, including changes of the electronics related to the TID; • Test / correction for the thermal / shunt_resistance changes of the detectors; • Test / correction for the visible light / filter_pinholes; • A filter wheel with three science aluminum filters, one prime (F3) and two spare (F2 and F4). This option allows us to measure a filter degradation as a ratio of effective counts between the tested and reference filters Oct 6, 2010 LASP SWx Workshop 5 ESP Calibrations ESP has a Filter Wheel with 5 filters: Dark, three Al filters (F2, F3, F4) and one Fused Silica Filter (F5). • Before DOY = 249 (Sep 5): Filter positions for daily: 3, 4, 5, 1, 3: Ratio 4/3 Filter positions for weekly: 3, 1, 2, 3: Ratio 2/3 • After/on DOY = 249: Filter positions for daily: 3, 4, 1, 3: Ratio 4/3 Filter positions for weekly: 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3: Ratios 4/3 and 2/3. Oct 6, 2010 LASP SWx Workshop 6 ESP Filter 3 (prim sci) Degradation ESP F4/F3 Ratios 1.4 1.35 y = -0.0000026x2 + 0.0030624x + 0.7109408 2 R = 0.9995215 1.3 Ch9 Ch8 Ch2 QD Poly. (Ch9) Poly. (QD) Ratio 1.25 1.2 1.15 1.1 1.05 1 0.95 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 Time 2010, DOY Degradation of ESP Al filter is due to deposition of hydrocarbon, which reduces the transmission of the filter. The change of transmission is wavelength dependent. Predicted Ch9 ratio for DOY=365 is 1.45 0.03 Oct 6, 2010 LASP SWx Workshop 7 A Comparison of a Henke-Model and Data ESP F3 Degradation With a CH Deposition 1.05 1 Transmission 0.95 Henke CH_30A ESP_DOY146 Henke CH_40A ESP_DOY165 Henke CH_60A ESP_DOY207 0.9 0.85 0.8 0.75 0.7 0.65 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Wavelength, nm Oct 6, 2010 LASP SWx Workshop 8 Thickness of F3 CH Layer: a Model Based on Measurements Thickness of ESP F3 layer of CH 2 y = -0.000957x + 0.838783x - 72.532824 Thickness, A 100 80 60 ESP F3 CH layer Poly. (ESP F3 CH layer) 40 20 0 100 150 200 250 300 350 Time, DOY Predicted thickness of CH layer for DOY=365 is about 107 A Oct 6, 2010 LASP SWx Workshop 9 Another Evidence of F3 Degradation ESP F2/F3 Ratio 1.4 1.35 1.3 2 y = -0.0000013x + 0.0024398x + 0.7603834 R2 = 0.9993904 Ch9 Ch8 Ch2 QD Poly. (Ch9) Poly. (QD) Ratio 1.25 1.2 1.15 1.1 1.05 1 0.95 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 Time 2010, DOY Data from weekly calibrations (using F2) show F2/F3 ratios similar to F4/F3 ratios. However, they are smaller than F4/F3 ratios. Oct 6, 2010 LASP SWx Workshop 10 An Evidence of F2 Small Degradation y = -2E-05x + 0.9919 ESP F2/F4 Ratio y = -3E-05x + 0.9912 y = -5E-05x + 0.9948 Ratio 0.995 Ch9 Ch8 Ch2 Linear (Ch8) Linear (Ch9) Linear (Ch2) 0.985 0.7% 0.975 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 Time 2010, DOY These slopes for the first-order ratios show some degradation of ‘reference’ F2, which was exposed to the Sun for 1 min/week (compared to 6 min/week for F4) Oct 6, 2010 LASP SWx Workshop 11 ESP Validation: SEM / ESP (30.4 nm) Comparison That Revealed a Filter Degradation Issue SEM / ESP Ratio 2 y = 0.000000190x + 0.001909746x + 0.779555980 1.40 1.35 The change of SEM/ESP ratio 1.30 Ratio 1.25 SEM/ESP Poly. (SEM/ESP) 1.20 1.15 1.10 1.05 1.00 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 2010, DOY Oct 6, 2010 LASP SWx Workshop 250 260 270 was discussed at the EVE/AIA Workshop at Stanford and at COSPAR (2010). We pointed out that one of explanations of this change is ESP degradation 12 ESP Validation: Ch9 as SEM Proxy SEM and ESP 8.0E-04 Irradiance, W/m^2 7.5E-04 7.0E-04 SEM ESP 36.258 ESPcorr 4ratio ESPcorr 4degrad 6.5E-04 6.0E-04 5.5E-04 5.0E-04 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 2010, DOY Black: ESP corrected using a fit to the SEM/ESP ratio; Red: corrected using a fit to the filter degradation curve. ESP Validation: Ch9 Provides Accurate ( 2.5%) SEM Proxy! ESP/SEM Irradiance Ratio Change Ratio Difference, % y = 0.001x + 3.7146 9 7 5 ESP/SEM ratio change 3 Linear (ESP/SEM ratio change) 1 -1 -3 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 Time 2010, DOY Practically horizontal linear fit (no trend) shows that both SEM and ESP filter degradations were calculated correctly and accurately. STD deviations around the trend line are about 2.5%. Oct 6, 2010 LASP SWx Workshop 14 Acknowledgments • This work was supported by the University of Colorado award 153-5979 Oct 6, 2010 LASP SWx Workshop 15 Backup Slide: GOES Proxies XRS − A(0.05 − 0.4nm) = 10[ −18.94 +3.606•log10 (ESP0−7nm )] XRS − B(0.1− 0.8nm) = 10[ −11.86+2.259•log10 (ESP0−7nm )] Oct 6, 2010 LASP SWx Workshop 16