r Ir. te9 tO! unasnLJ s.rre'll )l.rap.rl I Llder6oloqd !o tnlilso !e'!osr| uS u.pre9 .rnld n.S puP !roq'.tsr H ,(sstrnotr ua)D v 6.oc Iq (ztoz) l9ro5: pue l0q l I .! N r.rs.!.D|l .i.r1( .)ruJ]] l\ ' ,rDtt t rh .r !r|]r'xl.i $.r''P|nr p .,( ll:I Ls-\'t\I sorl (\ r.,r.nlr,! 'r 1,8n .'lrlod s|, nl)o, '.r(I /,r/r:'!,$5r$$\ )$,1.i\\ iroa$\nl\r!,rIl,i\(ttrrlur! ait !11! :r'r,J 9a L\r'91q8-.rf llll :.nknLI /r'rl I .\\ r'f\.rLl&11 'r.'J.r(.L Id lr 'rtr.r rrft(l rt)rrLir\1n( ,rrr i,,/i ar \n'1,0r rl) srio,\l) Prn \rJpr. Jr$' )rRl .'P1r J.L n,u {( i! ,n*I r!i r$I\ \)r'rnb, .uduxqrs ,, srrppv uorlJl.L,{l rrunti,o 'rs 't r,,,p.nt r{uto!)Ldr \(ti\ uiir.)hl oI qLr\ r..ri id. tr{ Inq qt.ntJt,Pn'dlln,nl (-t nljl(! r r(u.fr\Jr.,.rqql( oas lrl,lnrc s-t rl)irnor)r001!:rrrr!rrrNLl/sJt(lrl rri rn. roloris r^trs.r,ioNrrl95!r.rirr.r,r11(\tnlPrfpot])!'i'(,r!l"r(l'r<$rdr4i ab6t , \tr!,irP,ir,r su'P Iu" dr,l !r,r!xL'.irr.r riPvkl wLPr,, .rru,'I\ l(r.! rril rIIr 'r'\' JLlr.r,r !rtr '\ol,!1r JLtr ro lr.r r)i) Jf,)s li)\ r.,\ r,r tr0,1 rlnnr rlqnd vL !Rl u PJrrrkhs \r .1o1.1i.'o,\\ \,4nn\- I'r,s'.\ JL!.I. aril) Oi.t 111)8 :r!rt,t lr(iilar'l0tqt II\ rr{trlt1nu\"llrjL \o{ ()d pu,, '0|i.,rtr]c,\,,(.)'.ir,\0lll I:t'+rlq"rl\'\tFrr),,1,.)1,1,:liir'.,nr\.rtrLnrr]lfn Pur nlr'r.rnr rnr qr rtr,, io't,r!,r.nr mrl! rol'u'nn' unnql |IIfl po" \rpol \J'r'}| rjtrrg r\il]I'l rnrr.rtrrrl tr,tL:l \r'x1,tr. ) rcs],.\\ \\ H r.,\'.to rr nrLu''t JLti .to \rtr.nlr>I turo,rrr.L,tr'l rl) nt Pltr'x$q'r fur pJ\Jpo' \r ,itd,//i ,;rra,rr' r u.xr.,' rL'{L iD, ud . . r',rn'.):p.,t\!tr.t Pu, oi,G.rrLr.l Irrrl\ .xnl)., strnrbI Trr{ ri,\,.rtro s,tnn !kntirlr\\ \),0tri\" tr'.\I,\/,ta,rr'a 0a ri !'Lrru., llI | 1trL 1rt Ir' 1'\'at0a $ h\ / il' I rlrl0lr1](r# \\-!l nte,1, 'll' l\ ' l! " rtrtnnt\l !(l{k)irorlrN\\uuitul'lrr!tt,tri|'trtt|r<1(r$tr[i.)p'\!o rnr'\{,rt 'titrl0L!tt),':t:Jt.trlr,1l,,'trLfirr.\\,rsn'LJ.linl){"lo'.)l\r.)[]L\:1t)rL(lnurtrs!rnal\.I'I alo,lll(\\ \run\^ t ls'.\ tror.i.r(t /orfL.\\ )rrJLlr.>I r.r')!s Jn'lLd Ll f'\rr'r rrrlr JIr lukhr $Lu,L! l,1sr.\ r!r n .nr J' pnr.)uri).(l !r aql;l tr' p.)tnNr uo,!.rNij.o,!orh.u li.,t\\(\\ illnr (tP.nD'l( (1.' i"'r,/rrrrli I(1/ !)\ -r,()/ nl,< ij\/ilif /nt\t,(l\/,t,ii:t\'.1.),t/rrl :irrn L.,l)ri: rlri_ rl n, r Lt ..)tqrfl\r J.'r !r ll.rp'iti NL(,'rr)! trJ bJ' oo po': 'rlt(,f,$\f,\\r rn' .f,, !.i,'.\n(r& PJrr.rrltrn.l ruirjo.rlr('rlrorl|r,lru r.rr r loLlru(lr \nr.rl)\ r;i,urr,/i ,,1 itr,.1 !!r|r, J,ti,ti'\ tr.rniL'ruo) nm( snr:,p }rrtd 91,trn '.1!Il{xi|(l or rr.(l!r ,n \,.!rrl 'L'r'tr r r,\ pr(h,r sflcnls -lvnsl^ doHS)doM fH.L lo Nol-Lvl land rrn:( ? ru?rr:rs fINVC S,tf I tZ tltv (cvldds dfn otr fc sNr) t)pI) 1l )SVN 3H1 ellUt| Y cfaototr lH1 doJ s-]00 Hls o l)1.t4 cfn Elfd y tluDt.y l-tolru od l tt I D.l : t01"q cNV cf-LoN t tt u.t'r1l1D\l llvN lSVl tr.qtJ. 'trf , /Ptj vnL Ptt'(I ltt)s, rtrJr(.,ntr,ii tl sJ.{tr\!.trrstr p rl"trI'pr l':8Hdl,JnH llldVH:) M NOr-rvsdrn NOI V :1NrOd 9NlddrI 53d 'u '1 '1 EOr SdOddOH M:N rInL.l ut rto,l) 4D tDS ,,ss:N -Ldl,,'l: lo srsEfn,, s,l)sva8n vNVf u]l4 :.lrvd1rod tr]Hdvd90loHd rH.l lo str H1f c]olM3N v urHLr901 rl| r cNV -Ldv 9Nt_ttr9 '! ;rn\\\2.]lrm.!r| 1ri rtJ !/.Il atf !8! rnrnl(l L Hldol fdn9 l ):)vE )oo1 LLI6--LSOd V I ua:) vlcf H-L ruoM tD I IH:€ s/v\3lA3U NOlrlSlHXr .t".1 c Ht,^.Hd 9N t,tt CN 99 S/rA3lA3d )OOs f rxr io strr1r"10d f H l nrv3l [t,\rt.v .0 to Nl cNV 9Nrc IUV VlCll^l M:N NO NOltVSaln NO:) ttI.,t{ I ssld90dd Nl-Lstldv \ulnt 1 ) ,t ,sMorn€ 9 AVSSS n tt]t.1t sNod nf N cfufnt rs .atttl ..NfdO,, NV CdVMOI Sf TON trr.t tut .g Ntt;) Dt\t1l tt sr_LrN lN 3H-L lO qjl' lav cNV dn:)lvl"] .)t.&1u'L sf qr!LPilag (jn7 srsrEdans _LoHsdvNs "/tlDnI)s _Llt 6Z []lNlct tds DUD nL cNV sNollvlNSrdo \tDI\' )'l D.Ln07 s:9vht9Ntno|^ )q.{,11 :ot_L cNV 3l,'l I 6tpuj 1)ua!itl ts:^^ H:hNol tHt cNo,\.:a Noai t)DelI PlDa:) ,\90 toll ln r-LVla:) srd od 3d aOiliuiisiio ^ r Hrlv N v is: Horv can tirc nranv promising sLrggcstions that emergcd bc translormcd into r(:tirn? return t() the lenuc. a tcllins manilestation appcarcd. lf one lookcd closelv:rt thc aJbremclltioncd rlcmorial panels in thc grand hall. an illtcr|ellion was rcrcalecl. i\lollq rvith the olhcial pancls that rcad "Empcror Lcopolcl I, loundcr ofthe Acadcml" and "llmpcror lranz.]oseplr I. erector ol this On a final notc, 1o VICTORIA HINDLEY is n lnctian L';e a. Fai nore nlanlationjr att;'|, ttiftt. and rdututot htnlg in r,u u.tiL Larinhinlb.con. .rl tr1 t2.\hntuHhtil. lilnhll \t)'tE.\1t!tlnIt)tl\ll.:llItl.:\lrtt'it:ttlm.nd t't: \rtr J,hrin \YnL tuh han Fthrr tt.7. t;tttnl )tttu/lltt.\tll\thn a \1/t)tL fu h 1 1.\t.ixt ln'lnix. nnt lt)trlnthnnrn fu/in/lni tutl /:l2l 3 IOR\trn rt \r "'t" I ;i 5 Dlnrll Llmti. tnn nin. d^ t.Dt tt'kr -,i k: hrl,:/ti,'P, t/Lrn\t. alt lt 0/lntuD tt\ 6 lltl tlo additirxral pancls wcrc covered !!ith lacsimilcs th,rl rcad "llmp{rr(rr Leopold I. cxPcllel of the Jc\\'s liom Vit'nna" and 'Emperor Franz.foseph I, provokcr ol thc first \\'orld \\:er'" It lvould sccnr that thc aclivisGartists rl'ert ilrtervcling in thc s(1ting and thc hegemonic ordcr all the $hilc eclificc," MOVING IMAGES Art Dubai Dubai, U nited Arab Emirates l/arch 21-24,2012 D(xrs1hc mirrkct cconom) rlced dcmoc.acics to ftrrrctiol pr'opcrh I havc lx:en thc structurin{ qLLcstiul ol ihe lilih -\rl 'lhrt might l)ubai in thc Unitccl Arab luilatl s lLIr\Fll r\ comnrt lcial art Iair. Art l)ubai sholcases c(nrtd)Por.rrv ar'lisls liorl lhc.\r'ab riorld and thc gLrbal sorrrh, l)ringilrg thcir\tr)rk to bulcrs I om rrltnrnd the rr orlrl. The contcnrporar-v aIt nla.kel r.lics oi \ht totto)ltnatttih ol art: and to be .()rrt( rrrPor'.lrr, il sccms thll iu r nrLrsr bc 1:lr'odrrt erl irr an cnvirormctrt of unli:ttcrcd critit al discoLrrsc. ( )rht r \ ist' r e |e back to thc patr'onagc svslern righl? lrorricallv. then. lo in r go.rd llnrurcial inveson(rrlt.21rt ncccls to hart a lr'itical pccli!lr'r.r'. ertrr il ir cnldols criticpc in a strpcrficial or tlorc prcciseh rosrr)t'lic nrall1lcr. But in:r rnonal.chr'. r'ritital clis.olnsc is nol ai licc in a \\'cstcrn-*vb us it is d, o UJ d, l)Lrbai \\as alreach trrrcicr Pr_cssurc dLrc to ccnsolship issucs clsc\r'hcrc in llx Linilccl .\rirb llmiratcs. lo 2011. ar thc t.\F,s rnorc cstal>lishccl art lair'. rhe Sharjah Bicnnial. thc trlilate' .hrh :rblLrprh lilccl lespectcrl rlilector.|:Lck l'crsckian olcl a slnqlc cor]Lror'cr_sial arl\rork thal rnixcd sc\ualit\ ancl tshnl i his r t ar r\rt l)ubai rr'as ccnsor'cd as \tell: tl'o rr'orks lctc rtrlrorcd lr'onr t thc cxhibition. and |ilipin() prrhr mancc artist (latlos (ielch an lt lt alicr sccLrritv guards insttuct.d him to cut thc irrragincd dialogue bctrleen lnrclcl:r NIarr'os and N Iuammal Gaclclall liom his lrlilLiant F '' l,ilin gallt rr'. rreatcs :L pla\ l'ul cnliron cnt Ii)r c\Perincrllal ar'( plecti(1s. ;\s pirt ol lht.jallr-packccl lcctur.t st:ries,''l hc Nlcdirrrn ol Nlt'clia, nhich l3asar orgrrnizecl lirr',\r't Dulrai. blogger Hitrd a pclsonal toul o[Lrnirali ielevisi(]n. tharks to the 1l\t{housancl-hour VHS archile that she coart:cl a locll rLrrralcur into shalins l ith her. Highlighrs inclLrdcd lootagt: ofthc \tez:rira prcscnted dcrnocracl r'ightl Art F curator Shumotl Basal said. thcr'r art histolr is being nrade irr thc t,,\E. Enrirati artists cxhibited al SII(K'\ art lair': l;Lshkeel ol1i ls uorkshops lirr lolal artists; ancl lraflic. originlll,v:r clcsign la Vicla Imclcla." But Pcrsekian's continrred inrpoltancc t as demorstratcd alg()rithuricallv in iLn illlen( tile \rork Pr'oclLlcccl l)\ thc maqazillc -Brr$ch?rrl that lr:rcks relationships in rIc Dubai art world: lhc morc connectt d vou alc, thc bieser \1rtlr cloi Pcoplc rhink ol Dubai as a placclcss clot in global flols But rrrr tlris short lisit I sarv cvicl( rlcc 01 a rrcati\e turcl rcsisrant Lrcal alt sccre. Il "gossiP a(.ts as indiecrn)Lrs arl histor\'," as Dtll)ai-bascd I)Lrb:ri con(eri ol clis(r Lirrcl '\t '\r't Bono NL Dulrai s pcrlirmrur<r' niglrt. organizccl lrl Rami lrrook o1 llralfir'. Sharjah altist Nacla Dadas 'Spcrrh" might iravc l;ccn rcsporxling to thc shennr ol lhc 2(lll llicrrrrial. \\'hatc|cr' happt'nccl to lolc, Sharlehl'.. . ()h (lod I tlanr to smcll like tlc LI,\1, arl sccnc... unclt r rour silll abavasrou srncll likt: ass. \bu knorl ltat. shote it rrp yur ass. I'll gcr orrt ol'this tron-lov: citr'.' 'l lt roung \\'omitn pcrlornled brtathlt'sslr', calmirrg hcr ncrvtrs lith bcautilirl big smilts. ancl concludcd in a lhispt:r'. "II mv lathcr kncr I rr as hcrc hc d kill mcl" Onc cvcnine. rr rurrlrlilg din imatLcd lhc clrinks terracc -\ leclinat.Ju mr:ilah. I t wrs [g\ ptian sound a( artist Nlagcli tr{ostala s insiallation of ninc big. shirl\'incftrstrial mixcls churnine date sr nqr ial ilgrcclicnt in er ervdar cooking iIr thc trr\lli. thc soLrnd mikccl ilncl nrixccl. l ilc h:rrd-wo*ilri{ machircs v:cncd to speak Lrp lbr thc hulclrccls ol-migranr \rorkcrs \\'ho kcpt thc art lair running, r'c1llar ing theil discnr:t silent:e rvith thundcrous noise. -\r't l)ubai liruscd on rhc practiccs and cc.nomi{ s of art collccting. I his Iircus inrrrlvcd t:dut:.rtire r:()llc(:tols rvith tours of local prilate coliections and lcatured a lccture b)' Georeina .\darrr. rvlro covcrs lhc art nrarkct ldr rl\c l"ind1 :ial Tirrzs. lhc lrn mrrrkct, Adarn said, \!as \\'orth Iilir billirxt dollars in 20ll arcorcline to calculations publishcd by Clarc NIc-\ndrct on r\rtnct.conl),,vct auction lrouscs ar-c as opaquc and inllationar! as nrortglrge cr;mpanies in thc UriLed States. '\dam adlocatt d firr rrarsp;rrcnt,r and cautionrd that ccns{rrship is bad lbr thc health of tht: art scurc shc clicl not sal rvhl. lnt ltl assurnc b.calLsc ccnso_ship inhibits erperimentation ancl thus bad Ii)r visual and nrt clia art at Art Dubai dillcrccl as Ur\li citizcns dillir lionr nriglant tolkcrs. \\:hilc thc ilallcr,v ?l-t glitter-ed uncler' thc chandt:lit rs ol l\ I adinat .lumt:irah, vnk:os n rt: projr:cttrl irt a stinkv ph\!,(xxl r(rrstlucti(Jrl called The Hatch. He|e shonc blc.rklr'jLrst (nre ol thc works proglernmrrl b\ thc RabaL-bascd colkrctivc 'I hc Curatorial l)clcgltion. rvhich plesented 1?a/rl /or lisatnplr: ,\1.1 l)uhni LiJi i20),1), r t,rmblillg doc Lrme|rt of thc s(:(r'ct tlLat Dub:ri lirels its conspicuous r:xccsscs public bl crploiting thc l.orlcl's poorcst pcoplc rrigrant \\'orkcrs iiom Sri l,:rnka, Inclia, Banslaclcsh. and soutlrt:r'n lran. i-Ihr: rt:st of thc progran rvas rrissing ft;r sonrc rrirson.)'\lso in thc snrclly Hatch $'as Rrlll.dirr a/ )i:ha BiLi 120101 b-r' -\lmagul \Icllilr:rrr:r'a, an Oricnralist \\.ct clrc:Lm sct al thc t\vc1lth-.enrury rrausoleunr ,\isha Bibi, handsornell sheathcd il baskctleave tilcs, :rl)oLrl rrhich beautilul Kazakh lornen dlilt, clohg dlam:rtic thirrgs rvith r:rrormous the rnarkct. s\\aths oflal)ric. Thc lair includcd man\,\()rks that srnthesized conccptual art, abstrarti(nl, and Isl,unic aesthclics lbr pleasilrg alld salcablc lesults. I u'ould gladlv lralc slrcllcd out lor Iralian artist Hirclich Pelhaps the nrost haurrring atd bcautilirll,v installccl rnoving' inragc rork \\'ls thc vidco inst:rllation i\ l,(ltcl Can Alulvs l{r:ach lLs 1)t'stilation" bl l,ebancsc artists.loarla Hacljirhomas :rnd KhalilJorcigc, olc ol this vcar"s ,\Ll aaj Capital ,\rt Prizc Sh;LEc's 10000 Pagu ol tcn thousaDCl i20lll, a hanclsonrc six lbot circlc composr<1 rolled lrttcrs at (,;alcric Kashya Hildclrrancl, or lil Aclccla Sulem:rn s eleamins eieht-fbot llo,ral 120121 ma.lc ol stainlcss str:cl drail covcrs, la)crccl likc llsh scalcs, at;\icrrn Galicrr,, bacl I the monel ard spau:. '\t I'aradisr: Rtxr' (}allerr, NlouDir l'atmis 7etha.'lr.'gia i20l'01,:r cle',r-r viclco olrotating ol1: cerlrered clisks spcllirrg out pious phrascs in ;\r'abic nirrirked NI:rrccl l)uch arrp's .1ncnil (iiLona ll!1261. lrr Nazgol Ansarinias ''l{eflet tiorrs/Rcfi:rctions" scrics i20I Il, thc afiist colhsccl articlcs lrrrrrr Ilanian ntrlspapcrs t,-llzIan)ahu Ilhtn\ 0l iJlnttt ,\latu\ thr\;hl( Reltinl (ih:d Doorj Bottkruptgt.Ilasnt -\htbarak's \econrl fiial Sertion irrto cornpler but lcgiblc ecomelric p21ttcr1ls. T:r1siIRatllijis photrr series 'Irathers" t20061shols Palcstinian sllrps irr l,hich pictures of larrill patriarchs (as rr,cll as Yrsrer ,\ral:l1l preside o\ cr l1eat rows ol roilel pap(:r anrl kitchen irems. The gaze ol the dcccasccl man upon the sm:rll shop th:rt pror,iclcs his childrcD's livclihrxrd givcs a susc ol both contiDuitv and liagilitv. Nl()st people, ol' coursc, can't alldrd thc rr,olk ior- sale al Art Dubai. As x pcrlb.rrance) ariist lsak Ilerlrit:, rvlro teat:hes at thc Univcrsitv ol Sharjah, pulled together'len people willing to chip in drrce hrurdlecl dollals cach totard:r collcctivc purchase. One rvom:rn suggcstcd H?rig r\ilazian s delicate uatelcol,rr of :1 tcrrorist atta(:k o]r BLrrj Khalila: "It's rvithin our buclr{]t arld lairl1 portablc." rrirrcls. Hcrc, a lorv o1- lil!-size Irumar ligLu-er I|rats in fllliDrarcl), nronalchl is not the threat to;rrt that the mark(:t is. ,\skccl to cliscuss thc rolc ol art ir tlrt: rraku o[ Tahri| Squa|e lbr " l he Nlediurr ofNIedia." \Villiam \\'clls tolcl al;t;ut opclilg the venerable lbrlnhousc Cia11cry cluling lhc (jair-o prolests to Lost u'orkshops, periiumanl:s, :urtl publicirtions. Negar '\z;mi, rxliur ot Ruloun, ajoLrrnal ol(lntcnpolaly \{idcllc liastcrn irrt, poirted out that rhc ltg)?tian Nlinistr',v o1'Culturt: hacl alrcady co optcd rc\olu1i()n:rrv arl, and arlisl Huda Lutfi shoucd pou,crlll t:xampies of (-lairo grafliti. r\ll agrccd graveh that it is inportant to docurncnr this $rrk 1)ul not r'()mm.rdif it, to resist thc sccmingl,v inex()r:rblc dr:n-rand lor levolutionar,v art. is (oo soon aftcr Tahrir Square to make art: an indisputablt: conscisus. But thc next da\, Bcrbic sholred a small audience his ti<|tr'l'fu Rallfu lir Pelrn i20 i 1l- Hc hacl re coldccl thc Cairo protcsts off his l\: ancl cditcd thc lo-fl results into a Lheatrit:al barrlt: It Abu Shaqra lionl Beirut's C,;aleric Janinr: Rulrr:iz. ard Ranu \lukhcric(: llonl San Francisco-based Frcl \orris. But g-cncralll, ev/ ot A Letter can Always Reach ts Dest n.t on (2o12) by Joana Ha.ll thomas and Kh. lJore ge co!rtesy Abraar Cap t. Art Fr ze rnsta .tro. v al 3 lionr C) thc chari(rt race scenc in 3rn.{ar: This work, casting protcstors ancl policc as gladiators. rvas so clisrespectlirl it took mv breath awa\'. I rcalized that B{rrl}i('s meclium is sllock, uhich he sculpts likc a plastir material. Prcltv soon somc r-ishtcous, conscnsus- E sccnc, rr,hosc soundtrar:k of grunts and rvhooshes he lil'ted 'l he l:ril tricd to encouragc potcntial collcctors ofmoline-inrage meclia. Culator Chanlal (lrousel led a rour called 'l,n irlg \\ ith Vidco' fr:atuting uorks lry Hassiur Khal. Nftrna Hirtoun, and othels. Gall(:ries exhibitecl r'idcos:rs morine p:rinlinss that can :rlso bc stillcclt, as in thc irninrations ol Nlazcn Kclbaj ancl Shirilr a t\!o broad, r'anslucent screensl onc matt'lializcs closer ro thc !i(\\d exd bcgirls to spcak.'I hcsc arc actols rvho rclatc l ith cligrit-r' tlrt' plr:as ol trnail scanrrrrr:rs lrom prx;r countries likc Liberia, Haiti, and l hailand. -lhc artists (real lhese slori{ s as lmthlirl lictions thar iDdcx actual sul}aring ancl crcali\ c imaginalior. clar-kcnccl r'rxrrll, Projuct( d r)n lornred polirical art is going to cornc oul ol 'l'ahrir Scluarc and slro\\'up at art vcrrurs around thc ur;rld. But I doulrt fhe Raule Jil 1'rlrzr rvill evel lx: lil sale. LAURA U. MARKS, d.,/ hoLu ritotitt in Ihntottrr. (;anatta. L unl t uruktr Ltl mliu utt. kad$ at .\noL lia!l o E I