Icy Satellites Update Amanda Hendrix With contributions from Tim Cassidy Candy Hansen Bonnie Buratti Ben Teolis Chris Paranicas UVIS Team Meeting, Boulder 6 January 2012 Since the last team meeting… • Mimas paper was submitted to Icarus (Aug.) – Resubmitted 4 Jan 2012 • Zastrow Enceladus paper submitted to Icarus • UVIS data (Mimas, Tethys) presented: – – – – MOP DPS PSG AGU • Flybys (E14, E15, E16, D3) “lenses” on Mimas and Tethys (Schenk et al. 2011) Mimas: ISS ratio (IR/NUV) Mimas: electron contours Mimas: ISS color (IR-green-NUV) Tethys: ISS color (IR-green-NUV) comparison with CIRS • Thermal anomaly: leading hemisphere region has high thermal inertia related to highenergy electrons (Howett et al., 2011) the E-ring Eccentric E-ring grains hit primarily Mimas’ trailing hemisphere and Tethys’ leading hemisphere (Hamilton & Burns, 1994) Saturn r B Typical “cold” ions Mimas Hot electrons Co-rotation Saturn TETHYSr B Typical “cold” ions Trailing Hemisphere E-ring grains & neutrals Bombardment produces distinct patterns Tethys Leading Hemisphere Leading Hemisphere MIMAS Trailing Hemisphere E-ring grains & neutrals Hot electrons Co-rotation 126MI_ICYLON003 I/F m0 Mimas: the UV albedo on the anti- Saturnian – leading hemisphere is higher (x~1.5) than on the leading hemisphere This may be consistent with E-ring grain bombardment, brightening the trailing hemisphere compared to the leading hemisphere – consistent with VIMS results. Mimas E-ring grains & neutrals Typical “cold” ions Hot electrons Co-rotation Mimas: 170-190 nm E-ring grains & neutrals Typical “cold” ions Brightening by E-ring grains on trailing hemisphere Hot electrons Co-rotation Mimas: 170-190 nm E-ring grains & neutrals Typical “cold” ions Brightening by E-ring grains on trailing hemisphere Hot electrons Co-rotation Hot electrons do NOT produce a significant “lens” shape on the leading hemisphere Mimas: 170-190 nm E-ring grains & neutrals Typical “cold” ions Brightening by E-ring grains on trailing hemisphere Hot electrons Co-rotation Hot electrons do NOT produce a significant “lens” shape on the leading hemisphere Mimas: 170-190 nm E-ring grains & neutrals Typical “cold” ions Brightening by E-ring grains on trailing hemisphere Hot electrons Co-rotation Hot electrons do NOT produce a significant “lens” shape on the leading hemisphere photolysis. H 2 O2 H2O2: a UV darkening agent Carlson et al. 1999 The Mimas observation was made in Feb 2010, not long after equinox; the southern hemisphere of Mimas had been experiencing summer Saturn r B Typical “cold” ions Hot electrons Co-rotation Saturn TETHYSr B Typical “cold” ions Trailing Hemisphere E-ring grains & neutrals Tethys Leading Hemisphere Mimas Leading Hemisphere MIMAS Trailing Hemisphere E-ring grains & neutrals Hot electrons Co-rotation Bombardment produces distinct patterns; photolytic products might be expected to appear mostly in the south (for Cassini data so far) MIMAS anti-Saturnian hemisphere February 2010 TETHYS anti-Saturnian hemisphere July 2007 normal albedos; same color scale MIMAS TETHYS 1. Tethys gets darker (toward TH) than Mimas MIMAS TETHYS 1. Tethys gets darker (toward TH) than Mimas 2. Tethys’ LH (part of it) is as bright as Mimas’s TH MIMAS TETHYS 1. Tethys gets darker (toward TH) than Mimas 2. Tethys’ LH (part of it) is as bright as Mimas’s TH 3. Tethys’ bright LH seems to be offset toward north Tethys Brightening by E-ring grains on leading hemisphere E-ring grains & neutrals Typical “cold” ions Hot electrons Co-rotation Hot electrons do NOT produce a “lens” shape on the leading hemisphere photolysis. H 2 O2 H2O2 formation modeling • For simplicity we analyze the concentration and time constant on the ice surface to get a rough idea of the concentrations and time scales. • On the Mimas leading hemisphere, from electrons & ions – We estimate an average surface H2O2 concentration from electrons and ions of only ~0.008% – Considering UV photons: ~0.13 % at 45 deg latitude Estimating H2O2 concentration and time scales d(concentration)/dt = creation – destruction = flux*(creation cross section) flux*(destruction cross section) creation cross section (~constant*stopping power) destruction cross section (~constant) fit For ions and electrons we did not find any statistically significant trend in over the measured range of S, The creation cross section is proportional to the stopping power - implies H2O2 formation directly from OH radicals following water dissociation Uncertain by at least order of magnitude, so time scales are uncertain H2O2 timescales • The time constants are – ~8 years for dark surfaces on the leading hemisphere, and – ~65 days on illuminated surfaces at 45 deg latitude. • consistent with slow H2O2 destruction by electrons and ions in the shadowed northern latitudes during the ~7 year winter timeframe – followed by a several month recovery in peroxide during the transition to summer as surfaces are newly illuminated. – The months-long recovery time scales would imply a time lag in the northern latitude albedo, possibly accounting for the north-south asymmetry seen by UVIS ~6 months after equinox. “lenses” on Mimas and Tethys (Schenk et al. 2011) Mimas: ISS ratio (IR/NUV) Mimas: electron contours Mimas: ISS color (IR-green-NUV) Tethys: ISS color (IR-green-NUV) ISS ratio (UV/IR) at UVIS resolution/perspective UVIS (170-190 nm) Dione, Rhea: no latitudinal variations due to less pure H2O ice on the surface (?) 30°W 129DI_ICYLON001 Normal albedo 180°W 018RH_ICYMAP006 New work on Enceladus plume fallout Schenk et al. 2011 Kempf et al. 2010 non-fallout region 60°W fallout region Rev 121 We have not done anything about solar variations (diurnal or cycle) OR photometry – so disregard y-scale. But spectral SHAPE should be ok. H2O ice reflectance overplotted Enceladus I/F Upcoming activities • LPSC (abstracts due 10 Jan; special Cassini session) • MAPS workshop (Mar 28-30, Cologne) • Flybys (E17 on 27 Mar 2012; E18 on 14 Apr 2012; E19 on 2 May 2012) • • • • • Icy Sats phase curve analysis (with Buratti) Io paper – finish (with Shemansky, Steffl) Icy sats – rings comparisons (with Todd) Comparisons with VIMS (with Roger Clark) HST observations (Cuzzi) Disk-integrated phase curves What does this say about plume particle size? VIMS sees a very very bright forward scattering peak at 2 um. the NUV slope HST/STIS Noll, 2008; Hendrix et al. 2011