D. Shemansky 6/25/2006 Titan mesosphere/stratosphere structure: A photometric analysis of the altitude range below 1000 km has been carried out at the highest possible ray-height resolution (3-5 km) for the lsco and avir TB occultations. FUV Spectral ranges accumulated: px 174-367 649-752 828-899 944-1008 wavelength (A) 1250.-1400. 1620.-1700.6 1759.9-1815.1 1850.3-1900.2 designation _CH4 _C2H4 _C6H6 _C6N2 _CH4: Dominated by CH4 but contains a mix of higher order hydrocarbons. _C2H4: Dominated by C2H4 but also mixed with other higher order hydrocarbon and cyano species. _C6H6: Peak region of the C6H6 cross section. Mixed primarily with C2H4, but dominated by aerosol scattering at lower altitudes. _C6N2: Peak region of C6N2 cross section, dominated by aerosol scattering. Figures 1 & 2 show ln(I/I0) against altitude for the lsco photometric regions on two different scales. The _C6H6 and _C6N2 components show significantly different shapes below 900 km. The subtraction of a constant 0.12 fraction of the optical depth of the _C2H4 component from _C6H6 gives the points plotted as the dark gray curve with solid diamonds (C6H6_lnII0_cC2H4). The result is identical to the _C6N2 component within data noise over the entire altitude range. Both curves show no structure in altitude down to the sudden change in slope at 590 km. There is an indication of an extinction layer at 516.6 km. The conclusion is that the _C6N2 photometric component contains only extinction by the aerosol component referred to earlier as tholin, and the _C6H6 component contains extinction by tholin and C2H4. This is consistent with the spectral analysis in which upper limits were obtained for C6H6 and C6N2. The results from Figures 1 & 2 indicate further that there is no measured evidence for C6H6 or C6N2 in the lsco occ data. Figures 3 & 4 are the figures for the avir occultation corresponding to 1 & 2 for lsco. Extraction of the C2H4 contribution to the _C6H6 signal in this case required a fraction 0.15 of the _C2H4 optical depth, in order to match the _C6N2 optical depth curve. In this case, however, there are two locations where deviations go beyond the noise level, one at 580.5 km, and the other in the region 400-450 km, as shown in Figures 3 & 4. The deviation at 400-450 km has an inconclusive origin at this time. The apparent extinction layer at 580.5 km can be interpreted in two possible ways; The layer may be C6H6, or it may represent a strong change in the partitioning of the higher order species below the level of C6H6. This can only be resolved by spectral analysis. At 596.3 km the _C6H6 optical depth corrected for the _C2H4 component (_C6H6_lnII0_cC2H4) is nearly identical to the optical depth of the _C6N2 component (Fig. 3, 4). Figure 5 shows the avir optical depth spectrum at 596.3 km compared to the lsco spectrum at 537.3 km. Although the lsco spectrum is about one scale height lower than the avir spectrum, the spectra contain nearly equal abundances of the higher order hydrocarbons. Figure 6, however, shows the avir spectrum at 576.5 km which covers the region between 576.5 and 596.3 km. Here the spectrum shows a large increase in the abundance of C2H4 relative to the other species. The lsco spectrum at 514.4 km shown in Figure 6 shows much less C2H4 and therefore does not have the same property in magnitude of variation in abundance within a scale height in altitude. The conclusion is that the extinction peak at 580.5 km in the _C6H6_lnII0_cC2H4 plot in Figures 3 & 4 is caused by an increased partitioning in C2H4 in absolute amount and relative to other species. Figure 7 shows the _C2H4 component before and after removal of an estimate of the tholin contribution to the optical depth, in the lsco occultation. Three extinction peaks are identified in the figure. The result is consistent with the earlier conclusion that the higher order hydrocarbon and cyano species are confined in altitude range and the observations infer that these species are not detectable below about 500 km in this experiment (ie the observed absorption spectrum at lower altitudes arises in the higher altitude regions along the line of sight). The primary component responsible for extinction below 600 km is aerosol. Figure 8 shows the _C2H4 component for both avir and lsco after correction for the tholin contribution. The evident much deeper extinction in the avir occultation below 600 km apparently is caused by the sharp increase in C2H4 abundance that does not have an equivalent in the lsco data. Figure 9 gives a comparison of the tholin components in avir and lsco where strong differences in distribution are evident below 500 km. Figure 10 shows the spectral analysis for lsco at 546.5 km, providing extracted abundances for the species. The values for C6H6 and C6N2 are upper limits. The magnitude of the tholin component assumes the scatterer is the same composition as the tholin solid in the Khare et al. 1984 paper. The shape of the extinction cross section derived from the Khare etal. refractive index provides a satisfactory fit to the observed spectra, but inferred absolute abundance will depend on modeling. Comparison to Voyager results: Figure 11 compares the _C2H4 component for avir and lsco with the occultation result for Voyager (Smith et al, 1982) in the appropriate wavelength range. The altitude scale of the Voyager data is apparently accurate based on internal consistency of the data. The Voyager occultations were close to equatorial. The main differences to note are that the apparent strong extinction by aerosols takes effect about 100 km higher for Voyager and significantly more absorption is evident for Voyager in the 700 km – 1000 km region. The Voayger data show a broad extinction maximum near 770 km. Conclusions: The high radial resolution photometric data for the TB occultations show results in general agreement with the earlier spectral analysis. The main conclusions brought forward by this data reduction are: 1) There are apparent significant differences in partitioning and abundance for the higher order hydrocarbons between the north latitude (avir) (60o – 47o) and south latitude (-36o) (lsco) below 850 km. Production of the higher order hydrocarbons appears to stop below 500 km in lsco and 450 km in avir. There is roughly a factor of 3 more higher order hydrocarbon in avir compared to lsco at 575 km. The north latitude higher order hydrocarbons appear in a single broad layer, while the south latitude data show three possible narrow layers extending from 754. to 528. km. The Voyager equatorial results appear to show a broad layer at 770 km, and an aerosol cut-off near 450 km, ~ 100 km higher than the Cassini results. 2) Aerosol extinction is dominant above 1840 A at all altitudes. This extinction is detectable at about 800 km in the transmission data, and dominates all absorbers at all wavelengths in the fuv except for CH4, below 450 km – 400 km. 3) C6N2, the end point in the chain to formation of aerosols is not detectable in the TB data. C6H6 is also not detectable. Upper limits have been set. 4) The tholin cross section shape (Khare et al) allows a satisfactorily fit to the observed spectrum when included with the hydrocarbon and cyano species. f1159_ww0_lnII0_t Figure 1 0.1 -0.0 -0.1 _C6N2_lnII0_t _C6H6_lnII0_t _C2H4_lnII0_t _C6H6_lnII0_cC2H4 _CH4_lnII0_t -0.2 516.7 km ln(I/I0) -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 -0.6 -0.7 -0.8 -0.9 -1.0 400 500 600 700 800 h (km) 900 1000 1100 1200 f1159_ww0_lnII0_t Figure 2 0 ln(I/I0) -1 _C6N2_lnII0_t _C6H6_lnII0_t _C2H4_lnII0_t _C6H6_lnII0_cC2H4 _CH4_lnII0_t -2 -3 -4 400 500 600 700 800 h (km) 900 1000 1100 1200 f1140_avir_ww0_lnII0_t Figure 3 0.1 -0.0 -0.1 _C6N2_lnII0_flt_t _C6H6_lnII0_flt_t _C2H4_lnII0_flt_t _C6H6_lnII0_cC2H4 _Ch4_lnII0_flt_t -0.2 580.5 km ln(I/I0) -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 -0.6 -0.7 -0.8 -0.9 -1.0 300 400 500 600 700 h (km) 800 900 1000 1100 f1140_avir_ww0_lnII0_t Figure 4 0 ln(I/I0) -1 -2 _C6N2_lnII0_flt_t _C6H6_lnII0_flt_t _C2H4_lnII0_flt_t _C6H6_lnII0_cC2H4 _Ch4_lnII0_flt_t -3 -4 300 400 500 600 700 h (km) 800 900 1000 1100 ftb_avir_348_11_40_11_r5_lnII0a_037 Figure 5 0 _037_avir _027_lsco -1 ln(I/I0) -2 037_avir: 596.3 km 027_lsco: 537.3 km -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 λ (A) 1600 1700 1800 1900 ftb_avir_348_11_40_11_r5_lnII0a_036 Figure 6 0 _036_avir _026_lsco -1 ln(I/I0) -2 036_avir: 576.5 km 026_lsco: 514.4 km -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 λ (A) 1600 1700 1800 1900 f1150_ww0_lnII0_C2H4_tholin Figure 7 0 753.5 km _C2H4_lnII0_cC6N2 _C2H4_lnII0_t 528.2 km -1 ln(I/I0) 578.7 km -2 -3 400 500 600 700 800 h (km) 900 1000 1100 1200 avir_lsco_ww0_lnII0_C2H4_tholin Figure 8 0.0 690.2 km ln(I/I0) -1.0 _C2H4_avir_knII0_cC6N2 _C2H4_lsco_lnII0_cC6N2 574.6 km -2.0 753.5 km 578.7 km -3.0 528.2 km -4.0 400 500 600 700 800 h (km) 900 1000 1100 1200 avir_lsco_ww0_lnII0_tholin Figure 9 0 _C6N2_lsco_lnII0_t _C6N2_lavir_nII0_t ln(I/I0) -1 -2 -3 -4 200 300 400 500 600 h (km) 700 800 900 Figure 10 ftb_lsco_348_11_59_59_R5_lnII0s_027d Fit to lsco transmission spectrum at h= 546 km 0 -1 -2 h= 546.5 km N2 =3.8 x 1021 CH4 = 4.20 x 1019 C2H2= 2.50x1017 ln(I/I0) C2H4=4.20x1016 -3 -4 C2H6=3.50x1016 HCN=1.70x1017 _027x _042 _c2h2_005 _c2h6_003 _c2h6_013 _hcn_009 _c2h4_010 _ln_027x _027c_05_lnII0 ln_027d_04_00 C4H2=4.5x1015 -5 -6 C6N2=1.0x1015 C6H6=6.5x1014 Tholin=4.0x1015 -7 -8 1150 1250 1350 1450 1550 λ (A) 1650 1750 1850 1950 avir_lsco_voy_C2H4 Figure 11 0 -1 C2H4_lsco voy_lnII0_1632 C2H4_avir ln(I/I0) -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 300 400 500 600 700 h (km) 800 900 1000 1100