l()l K.H. ATIMAI) DAI I l.,AN'S AN I) lil I IAI).lAIr l)liW;\N'l'AltA'S CONCIlPTS oF llDUCAl'l 0N l N'l'l l li l'lilts l'l'l(l'l'l \/l'.l oF CI'I ARAC'I-ItI{ I'D I.JCAl'ION DJ'1lh K u itl:llnsll li LccllrrcI at I'lS Yogyrrliirr'11 iltatc LJrri!c|siti clyalrktttnalitlrrrgttrail.ctltlr Al)st lircl IloIos'(l hv K' ll t\lrrnatl Dlhlln tdy aints to slu(ly: (l) concc111s ol'ctlttcitliollal contribu{iortl to cdrrclliorlirl sttttggles at thcir aod in lncloncsia Oi*un,uto dLrrini the Outch colonial era b1 K ll Allrn.d Dahlan and Ki concc'ts i11 tllc ctlLrcali(rnal imi, (;),litn.nrio,i, olcharaclcr cduciltion (.i) rr 1rroItIrIIiIrtI ol corllbitlirtg tltc urrl cra. llrc rlrrlin.r ii d*untoro as x bosis to lilcc t10 situutiorrs bilsis ol tcligioLts vrtlttcs atrcl lhc ttsitrs I)c\\illrt|rii ilarljlir uncl Ki Dahlau .H. Ahnrad jlttlovitliotls concepts by 's and Ki Li K cultural valucs. dy wus cprtrlit0tivc in ttitltrlc ctltployittg tltc lrist.rierrl llIlrtt'ltclt lt tr:eLl llrc LIrtLttrtctt( slu(ly ls (llc plintary aItl scconclaty sorttccs. ilcsidcs. this 5tu(l) clllllroyc(l intcrvicws aS Titnlltnsisrvlt ll1c(l]o(1. Thc intcr.victvs r!cIc cortrlrrclcrl rvith lirLLr l\'lLtlrrttttttttLlit'rth itnd metlrOcl, carLicd oUt on both practitionors. of thc study are as lollorvs. Fil.st, thc con(lilion ol'thc cclLrcltion dLrling thc colonial government Ahnlad wnrlairatin,tinnti* 0n(l thsl ol lhc tslirrrric tilLtcrrliprl rvhich \vils llol r(rotl cncotrtittlctl K II was llis tcitclings. (hil1 atrtl t'cltgioLts gc.c'al l<tort,lcdgc inlcsr.tc(l ito run Muhu'tmudiyah schools Ki Hadjar' irrLclligcnce spit ilLLrtl lntl irrtcllig,cn0c inLcllcctLlrl lTcl'',crln a balancc idio prouia. snrdcntsivith idings otl cnllh,rsizctl Ilttttc ott ctltteitliotl bitserl 0lt lotrrl errlltrtr" l'ttrlLrtLtrLtl lllLtlt I'i'tr;r tlrrrt lre csllrblisllccl thc tltlt,rlclclopc'd pr'inciple ol scll-intlcpcnclcnce rvilh a nutionel basis airrctl to tcitlizc e,.lLrertLioll ltrrtl grx[l rlccds ltt n's charactcr cclucalion rvls bascrl on Islirnric tcurlrLrts. rlirrlrcl! llLilll. l.rrrr\lerlge. ()n to Ki Ilacliar ,tootl rreco|ditlg ollrer llitrr(1. lltc rlcetls. brLt irls(r u r"tigiun tuugtr, ltot only knowlcrlgc. irttcllccttrill cLrtttlLttl lll ol clriltltcrr':1trorl rtrtr,,ttrl llrr hlllrtttcc slo\ ol lt r.eduiatio,r hitl tu tukc rtccottttl usirlg thc \\xs irrrl)lcrrrcrrtcd lrtiLteatiLrtr pcr lirt rlcvcloItIcttr. ol-tllcir thc sakc ty, and physical ability for (caring) irnlong \\'ith lhc (cloing) cortrbitrcil (l'ccling). urrcl nglakoni ngr.oso (unclcrstaicling;, ofni",ri ris Ki Ilarllrrl l)crvirrrlrrll lclirscil lhc svslcrn ol-c(l(rciltioll hy lhe Dulch K ll gove1nment at that tinlc, lvhich lvirs rliscrinrn.r(iic irr(l \cry inttlle({llirl irl llilltllc llrirLl. botlt lvas holistic, wllich dahlan ancl Ki Hacljar Dcwantara consiclclccl rt inrportlrll to ilnplcrrrerll crluc0tioll (lrc lirrttilr slslertt llltotrgll tllc lslirrttic the Islamic bolrtling schopl syslcnr ri'lticlt rrus rrrrrlrgerl b1 goth k. H. Ahmarl Dahlitn ancl rviih thc togcthclncss ol tcircllcrs urrrl slrLclcnls crcty tlirr'. sttlrlcllts i1l(lil,lctly lcltrncd no1 ulrrttlclr:t qdlrcirtion irl noblc fro-m tcxtUoot<s but also fr.onr lilc rhrt {hcy cxpcIicnccd dlili'. ILcligion htscd c(lurilli()ll il) Ki Ilarlirtr eltrttrtelul rrrrLl errllrrlc-brtscrl toorl I)ahlurr cducation accor.clilg lo K.ll. Ahtrril(l sllitit' allil ttoblc itttlcIctttlcttcc Sirrrlrlititr" LlisciIlirrc corlcc')ts pclspec(ivc h.rtl alllost silllilrtf ra's 'l ctnphasizcd thc were primaty objcctivcs in thciI ctrnccpls ol odLrcation. hcir lcltttlirtg lltoccsscs -l trro llttttcs' lrtsc s of gooil ciirrlrllics ittltl ilcttls irl rLrilr lrli lo lirllrr 1l\)(l ltrrbits rrrt'1 h'ltrlr it'rs rvith lllc lrattlttltty lltcl ltc lll olch'ar.actcr cclrrcation arc still rolcvilnt lo [rc trpplicrl rrLrrvirr.lltys bccrrLrsc ng school systcnt design ofchalacter eclucalion dcvelopccl l)v the !o\crnlncllt. chatactcr cdqct(ion. K. ll. Ahntacl l).rltlatr. Kyai Haji Ahmad Dalrlan (hctcal'tcr rvtittcrr Ahmad Dahl.rn) ancl Ki llacljar l)c\\lntrtrrr two educationill llgLrtcs thlt Ill(l()rrcsiir during thc Dutch coloniiil pcriod lloth ol' dcvclopccl cortccpts ol' c(ltlcillioll atljLrstcrl t,r cultural, atrcl tcligiotts concliliorts ltl society. They not only creatccl colrcclLs lor lll{ in(lli'cll'rtr\ 1rq,'1r11 rv"' rr"r" hi IIild.iuL I)c\\ilntltir. tLLLtL rirl lrisLoricrri tcllcctiLrtt ur(lrr ()aaulrilli\irl ,rL lllirl lilll. l)Lll llls() llcli\'alY looli purt iur(l \\'cre Llitccllr iltrtrlrctl irl tltc licld ol' ctlucation: thcy str0gglcd to P(Jvitlc cclttcatiotr lbr thc i,rtltgcnotts pcople by cstablishing NlLrhlrntrrrrdiyrtlr lrtrrl'lltllllrrrsis*'a cclitclttitlnal orgirnirirtions. lltcsc,llgrttlizltiotls dcvclopcd tltc ittrligcrtoLLs Icrrlrlc s irrtlcIcrrtlcttl spilit on thc irasis ol sLrerrr eLrlltrtlrl \lrrrrgllls oll lllc Lrtlt llirttrl itllil lllc rcligiou\ slrcl]g111 ort lllc otllcr ii .l t92 K.ll. Ahrlud I)altlln vicu,erl tltrl thc socirl conditions iitich ivclc unl.itvorabic in tclns ol. ccononric. political. sociirl. irnrl cLrllLrllrl uspccls llceirtrse ol 1lr( o(r.rlJrllor;rltl llrc rtli-riLrLrs lil.c which was ncl bascd on Al err.an .,,,1 lln,lith 2, Chrractcr llducrtioll in K.H. |csLrltctl in lirllrlislit. :rIri sliltic itIilLl(lcs. r]il tr,ly J.i(lrllt- I,,,rl \,Ir,11t.,1\ ..rrri .rrl1..rrr! r. rlt't;', _fo givcn. rlcirl rlith lltis. trrlrlicnrng ncw il\!,ilrcncss \\,.r rr\'.(\.ir) t. ll.r1.. l,.,,I,lc 1,,,..(.. \!il_r(lj: r.. lo,. iIl.rrt_.( .llr.rrrs..lr,., l,rr 1,-.,,,11. lr,j\s\.. r.: lelr:- .. r..rr''. IL.l(.111.., L, rL...trrrrr:,, irr \. (,,, ..i lutrrl llit(litll is bclicrerl l0 bc ir i|1r1, lo (lcvcl(rI scll_ iclcntity anci scll-rclilnec. coLulgc lo sltugglc ag:rinst vicc (oll)ressr()n). irrrd titc l,iil t,, tlcvii,p vrlUr {rrrtlcPtll{lfl](c) iSrrtliq i\. hLrrrtorrr. 200(r: lSll). -fhis bcconrcs l li)un.lrlion of Vrrrr.trrlr:.,i ., . . ,tr r,, l, ., ,.,1r .,rr ,,rr tlrrlili0 K.ll. r\ltltatl l)rrltlun. tvlto lhsolbccl a lol 0l lsliIIic ntodcrn vllLlas 1o (lc\,clop l ltilll civilizltlio , l(i I llrtil:rr. I)cN,i!ttilril Nils tllllUrIcc(l lllorc l)! ('\\ l)ct.slt(rti\as (rl c(l (it1i()n ll lJtc W.sl itnd cltboriltc(l hjs crlLlcltionitl thcorics Using tllc ntlion's cIll |1tl ttr]LtL,s (esJrcr.itrJl! Jtrrlrrrcst, eullurr). I rr)nl tltc erlUrlrlt()llitl tl)cot), hc rvirs inllLrcnccrl by Montcssori.sl)crspccttVc. lhcoly oi urirri:rtr,'rr. , J,rr.. L tr. t( .1,(\.t l.,t (.l t,{t..,r., rrro('l)enJc tl \l\lltl. Iic(,t,,1. rrr tc,,rrrrr]_. ;rr.,l altcn{iolt 10 childr.cn's inlctcsts ill](l nccrls (Si-rrlr0 A KLl0loro. 1006: ll I ). I crrelrcr.s. ntain tluty is giving knorvlcclgc to cltil(lrcn rro{ bLrt guirling thcnt to lcarn in accordancc with titcir Icvclopnrcnlul Illcrcsls itit(l nccils \/il)lcrrcc. i)Ullisll]lct)1. lUl(l lotcc arc Dol Llscd to cducatc cltilclr.cn in ordcr that tlrcl . :rrr,ler cl.,1r lrr,,1 i1,l(,l,ctr,i(.1t \l\tf rl Mtrltarrrnrrrlryalt cclrrcaliol lhal devclolts Islantic virlrrcs and gcncrai knowlcdgc natrilcslcd irl K.ll. Ahr i,l I)illll. r'r (,,llc(llt ,,t ((lU..,rt:i,n. l(l CLItI(iillol l\l\\.,1 ,'n tlri I:ttt,, itl (l.lll (, lltitl l\r Iladjal Dcrvarrtlr.a clcvclopccl havc goals par.allcl to those ol'1hc nlllionitl cdLlcillion. ln qcncr.ul. lsluntic !(lltiitti,' lt:lr ,t I, Llrrl\ ,t.t\..t., i,l lrr| ,rrrru rrr.h.uttart bcrng.. l,llcl\ nlrl.ir)! llrc.rr cafrrlrl.. ,,1. rlel,.lr'l)rrrr: .tll l, lr,,t..ntr.rl. L, l. r(lr..rl nraxitnitlly in acco|dancc rVitlt lltc Iulcs shl(j(l in Al Qur'an and llil(lith so tltill wlole linllll, thcy rvill bL:rngs bccornc (MarzLrki. 20ll:467). . .hurnln Mcanrvhilc. crrllLu.c-basccl cilLrculion thur Ki llaclirir Dcrvantala dcrclopccl itints lo c(lucNlc childrcn so lhal thcy cilt l'ijcl. lhirrl(. itjlrl worli in(ici)cn(lcnrJy irl thc scopc ol'itllilit)iltg llrr. rony trrrri itl lil! logclhctncss (r\briLrIr.trcltILrI l9ii6;lill). Tirr cr)ntlrililli0l 01. llcilcc S rrr.jrrrtriltir(ljo, tltcl;t t\\o priniiltics rcsults it) il co0ccpl ol cllirritctcI ctlrrcatir,rr ptrrirll.,l lo llt( !uitl ,,t tjr\. .rl,\rl:rl e.l.r.,,t.urr. ,,.rtr..ly ttltkilU r',irr,lc I , , . 1,.,,p lc r,lr,, lr:rr, rr,,r ()lll\ rIll('l'tr'(lr,. lr t r,,,,.:,,.,, .r.,.,irr.Lr. rr.Jl ,rs r , L I , r r , , I :r . lovc ancl ltlitlc o1 11rc nilli()n iltLl counlrr-. Ahmatl hltn's CoDccpt of Education I(.11. Alrrrriril Dulrlarr cornbincd scisntillc knoulcJgc irrd reliUior ro inrfrove the poor lile (\\rl\lilr,.'Ir llr. l)L\,j1lc c\pcricIL(rl clLriirrg thc t,'lrrtti;rl ..rir. n sltrl(!,y tu fucc sucill clrcugc-s due to llro(lcrnizntiol. accorcling 1o K.ll. Ahmad l)lrlrlirrr. elrrr.l,c rtr.rtl( by tcl(rllg lu Al eL,r.ln by (rudiuirl rg liltiilistic J i ldcj lrrd blrtr,l ob,.Jienci. Da Such a slrxtcgy accor(ling to Abclul Munir.Mulkhan (l()trrt;'t1 ..',r bc rrilrJe hy .rw,rl,urrrng tltt iltihatt r sprIit rtrrrl lllutivjltiur) lhtoUglr thc of logicf,l and ralioial ;inking c:rlrrrl,ilrry rrrr.l lry srrrJyirrg soeirj lc.rlilies. /tlrinkrrrg improvonrent I hcrcluru. thc ubjcct ol thc P1q3qj1lng llto\ cnlcnt by MLrhulrnrrrliyuh (hal K.ll. Ahnracl Dahh; \'slirbli\lr(\l is .lctuk_rpirrg inltorirtrvc spirit and rroli\irlrr,n in all .oeral srrara. fi.orD rhe liypcople, tllc l)('or. lltr Ireh, t(' thc intcllccrrllrl llr( l)r',,ics. L'l (il.tfit(tLl. c(lu(JtiL,r) tlrll K,H. Airrrad l)ahlan applicd to hjs shrclents wis gudLr0lly carricd o 1 wilh cenflinty. Thc coutitgetb itcl or to .r[r goocl dcctls wos soulcthiug ;ol* irrlr.rlrrrrrr rllirrr rrr..r'cly r.crrdirrg lntl nrenroIizi g (.)uf iUl vcrscs ils possil)lc, M0lnorirl rli ty Al Al Qur'an vcrses with;ut unclerstanding inrplcrllcnLing thc coltlcltts was not bcDel nraoy crroLrglt accoldilg 1o ll,lt. Tjlcrelorc. thc Dr( llrrrt lrc alrplicd irr tclclrrng his studcnts wrs l)ol rclJin5.rrrrl rlcrtrolizing Al eur.un verscs, bul .I)rlcl\t.r {irn! Ilrr, rrrt.lrnirrgs lrrrJ rntplcr thcnr ol cloing r' ur gi_rocl clecds iu clailv lilb. Thc loirndation ol'K.H. Ahlrad Dahlan,s r)LIU crlllcillrott is lslurrric tcuchings cor tlrlec pillur, cs l)tclltioncd belorc. rrattrcly fuitlt. scrcltrlle lrrowledge. and good decds; bc(olltc tl)u brr,is hrr irll uducJtionfll itIcntpts itc lrirrlr. l(cligiotrr lirrrh (belicll rn the bccontcs rlrc pr.iruirr'1 pillar.. lollowed by scr lirrorvlcdgc t{) support rhc bclicf tlrtrl onc has. posscssing religious laith and beliel one wil willingly do good (lcc(ls in accor.dancc with Irlrgi.rrrs Iulcs. lhesr: lrr., plir.;rllcl to thc chi rrlucurion rhcrrr') by Li,,korrl {lg9j:51), who that charactcr has thr.ee intcrrelated aspects, nolal knowing, nroral lbeling, and rroral bi ll l)..gini wilh krrowilg irllgo-od thilgs. lollowcd i t tltc ltc rl) to do ull gouci things. i )lrlllrgrlcrs lirr:rlly ti,ll,rwcrt hy Ll,,irg rrll goj rhing,, tlr'cc itsl)(ctj. ccot,.lrng lo Licl(onil, ilrc con! ,r'' tl)s lrirlrili ol lhIltUltl\. lr:clitigs. trtttl trctionS; irll. ll IltuIt. il i. rr..eerilrry ro hnvc knowlcdUo ju(lgc whirt is rigltt, coltccli about what is righi actioD to do whtt is right. 193 3, Chrrnctcr tiducation in Ki Dcwantara's Conccpt of F.ducnlion lic fe hc ue ,rd )y ul tq rg s, tJw tn rd c, l, ls o c s g d II d v ) Educating. accorcling to Ki llurljar Illdjar Dcrvanlala, is not only improving the intellcctual aspccr. but {. (l)nll)iIriion ol K.ll. ,\hrrrIrl Duhlin's llnd Ki lla(l.iar Dc\1rntllrr's CoDccpts of Chirrirctcr llducation Thcsc trvo ligtrlcs' contmon intelests in u|c thrt thcy cntphasizc education of pc|sonality ancl good nloral conduct. The thc r'norrl (inncr strength. charactcrJ, thought (intcllcct). and physical aspect of a child. ln aclciition, Ki Ilacljar. Dewantnra ( l9i7a:323) also cmphasizcs thc importance of cducation bnscd on culturc, which cclucation sttempts to enhance goocl moral as rrraxinrally as govcrnnrcnl inrplcmcr',tecl inlcllectulll education also simr:ltaneously cnhancing possible by devcloping thoughts, feclings. and willingncss. Educution ol thL' cugnitivr ir:l\(t (thought or intellcct) is allcacly clear; up to thc lprcscnt, it lrcc<lnrcs thc fir'st priolily itr oLrr educational systcnr. Howcvcr, thc lll'lcctiv0 lsl)cct (feelings and willingness) is olten ncglcctecl. A igood pcrsonnlity is nol givcn h t ir rn sr l). , dcvcloped through a long ploccss. Education ofgood urolll basccl on thc nntion's cultulc is dcvcl0pc(l lnrl crcllplillcd by tcirclrcls or. parnong. Thc conccpt o l' "r'll?,{.jrl", lum0ly //!'cl.// (knowing), rglo,ro (lccling). rrnrl rrg/rrlioirl (iloin11), cornbined with the instrLrctional rncthod with rhc anong (caring\ svstctn, bocontcs an insltuclionill systent applied il Tantirnsiswa. with thc sloglrr Tulwti Handayani (Litcrally, it rrrcans 'Florr tlrc rear, the tcachel nrotivfltes thc stu(icnts'). With sLrch a systcm, Ki IIad.ilr Dcwill]tara nrirdc rn allcr.nalivc to colonial cducalion which was too intcllcctuill in nature by devcloping cducation based on thc nation's cultulc, including hunrlnity, indcpcndcnl spirit, lcspcct lbr piucnls, politcncss. crhics, nationalisnl, and stluggling spilit, in olclcr thar education dcvclops slu(lcnts irs a rvltolc rr,hich enhanocs thcil pcrson lity urrrl cha|actcr.. The proccss ofcducation ol'goocl rnoml by Ki llttcljar Dcwantarl is crrr-ricil orrl il li)uf strgcs tlrirl he took f'rom Islantic principlcs, nanrcly ,r.t,ra i'rr1 (law), halcikat (csscrlcc), toikot(palh), Ind /r./ i.l/irl (knowlcdgc). 1'l1c ,\vuti'ut stagc is th0 proccss ol making childlen under age havc good habits, rhc hakikat stage is thc tinrc ol'plovitlint insight inro ol undcrstanding oJ'All vil'tuc allcr lhey rrc gro\!n up. lhe lorifurt slagc is a proocss of making thcnt awal.e ofthe obligation to do good clcctls, ancl ll.tc tnu rilirt stage is the highcst stagc in which thc grown-ups are capable of distingLrishing bctwecn vicc ancl viftuc and selecting thc b01tcr lor tltcn'tsclvcs. Good moral bcconres thc nrain goal ol thc learning proccss that Ki lladjar Dcr.,anlarr hirr is not only irnploving thc intcllcclual spcct rs thc schoolr g system by the Dutch colonial governll'tent at that conducted. Educating according to timc, but also sirrultancously inrproving t\c goocl moral (inner strenglh, charrctcr), lhoLrght (intcllccr), and physical aspect ola child. cultivation ol'children's pc|sonality and good moral corrduct bcconrcs thc lirst priority indispensable in thc lcnrning ploccss. Whcn thc Dulclr colonial rrnccasingly. thcsc t\\,o llgutes s,cre bmve enouglt rur rrakc a clccision to intpl!nrcnt educatiou with diflcrcn( conccpls.'l'hcir cdLrcrtional goals not only crrphasizc tltc ilrlal['ctLtill or cognitivc ssfect, but rulst, rlcvclop chiltlrcn s good chilractcrs. Islaln, rvlrich is llrll ol'tcirchings crnphasizing norms lrgrrtlirg thc lclrrtirrrrslrip rrrtrolg hrrnlrn bcings rtnd thlt l)ctwccn hurnln bcings irncl Cod, bccomes the lorrrrdrtirrn ol K Il. Ahrnad Dahlan's cducation of gorxl tttrlitl eortrltrel. l\luirltvltilc, charnctct' scrrsiliverrcss cLLllivirlcd tlrIrrLrgh a vaIicty of ar.t r(li\,lics llr(l ill iltl)(ll(tii)l l() tltc nltlion's cullul0 bc{iorncs thc lbirndation ol Ki llacljar Dewantata's c(lucali{)n lloth K.ll. Alrrrad I)irlrlan lnd Ki Hadjar I)clvallillil crrl;lltIsizc thc inlpottancc of thc culliv!tiorl ol'goocl moral con(lLlct that can be naximizcd in thc bourding cducalional systcm. K.ll. Ahrlud l)alrlun's lnrl Ki llld.jar [)cwantart's cor'rccpts ol' the borrding systcrn ain to develop chiklrcn's physical urtrl spiriturl aspccts, The ruldclstarrlinu ol lcligioLrs tclrcltings and thcir. iorplcmcnlation as rvcll as thc prcparation of prospcclivL' lorrtlcrs hcconte th0 goills of thc M rrlrirnr rlirtliyulr ltolldirrs systcrn.'l hc lanansiswa tcrching institution. bascd on Ki Hadjar |)urr:rrrt:t ,r' , ltrttt,tl ,,' r ( l't.,. (t tlr'lit\t/C{ ItotC O cclucation in thc l)olrding systent as an alternalive lhut hc olli'rc(l in trnticiplrtinq cclucation which bccotttcs nrrrtc trntl rrrLrrc itrt(llcetuill ill naturc. Eclucation IbcLrsing on only intcllcctuality makes hurrunity lccling pclislr irrtrl crlphlsizcs only rllusions. lioth ligLrrcs i'icrl thut thc boardirrg syslcrn is an approp|iurc ntodcl lbr charactcr ccluca l ion. ll' thcir- vicrvs tr|c cornbiIcrl, tll0y car reprcsenl cdLrcationirl pcrspcclivcs that, bcsides enrphasizing lcligious nornts. highly rcspccr thc ualion's cultural valLrcs in clcvcloltinq studcnts' chiuilctcrs. Up to tlte prcsent. characlcr cclucation in lncloncsia is still in thc process of scalching alicr thc utost appropriate loInrat. ll l)uncasila bccorncs tltc lbLrnclation ol thc implementation. chalactcr cclucalion has to conloun to all principlcs in Puncusilu. Thc Iir.st pr.inciplc. bclicl in Cod, cannot bc scporated fiom lhe corlporlcrts of thc intp lemclt talion of the nation's cllariicter cduciltion. Ilcligion. which bcconcs thc IbLrnclation ol K.ll. Ahnrad Dahlan's character c.,luca1ion, is all alterniltivc lbr. thc chalactcr cclucalion inrplcntcntrition in lncloncsia, cornbined . i' 194 ol good nmlal basccl on thc natioD's cLlllurc thut Ki Ilirrljirr I)cwilnt|ra rvith thc cducution tlcvclopcrl. I\4oruorcr'. il llrcl rrrc slLr(lrc(l irr rir()rc de(ail, thcse lrvo ligurcs'birsic iclcirs ol chllucLcr' cclLtcllion ntc irr linc $rtlr lclull lhcorics on cha[rctct c(luelrLioi] lrl l)rc\crlL. srreh its tlrosc proPoscd by l-icliorl i l99l I lnd llohlin (2005). 1 hc sinrilirr itl ol K.l l. .,\lrrrurl l)arrlan's iurd Ki Iladjrr l)crluntelu's conccl'rLs ol cha|aclcI cducnliori\ llrirl lllc)'cnrl)hirsizc {lrc pIinciPlc o1 cxcltlp]|[] tttodel: urrtl lhc inll)orlirlec ol il\iit0ltcss through a dial,rgic prrccss in tlrc inculcution ol' i. chllrilctcrs 1o u\oi(l in(l()rlriIirti()rr 'l hc lcilchcr. who is a strbstilrrlc lir l)ircuis anrl is sirrrrltuncorrsly un cldcr llgurc .rt school. has a lcsponsibility ot' p|oricling cxunrplcs li|st l.rlirrc rclching rll goo(l things 1o lll0 slLrclcnts. Suclr rL corLlition is plritllcl to thc lhcory on tlrc chilluclcr implcnrcntltirrn rtrr()r(1in! 1() I'cills()r]. cdLrcillion (10(X);2-1()). who st0lcs Lhlll tllc i( 0ill clrirtxclcr c(lrrcllli()rr ploglarr is iln iiltcl]rpt colluboratirell' trutlc by adDlinist[itors. lcachcrs. courrsclots, and prrcnts ancl pclsonality. Conrbining the concept of good nr,,rill condllct cdui tion th l K.H. Ahmad Dahlan rlcvclopccl and charNotcr c(lucalion thllt Ki Hadjar Dcwantara in'rplcmcnted li)rr'rulating is an alternative to idcal conccpt of chamcter education llr IDcloncsian pcoplc. Both gonccpts aim to lnake Inclolesian pcople posscss indeperdent spirit, good nrorirl colldLrc{, n(l Bood chaftrctcrs. Characlcr educalion is iurplenrented thlough an educational ploccss r,vhich is basccl on thc firmily, dialogic, and holistic. "lhc cor)ccllls ol' cxcrl'rplary nto(lcls and dialogic proccsscs to llnd out tlle roots of the problcnrs ancl thcir solutions.ilre applied ,as an lttclrl)l lo rtlrin awatcnJss. Charactcr cducation iu good moral corduct c(hrcation accolding to K.H. Ahmad Dahlan and ar1 rnoral cdLrcation in Ki llad1aL Dewantara's pcrspcctive has a sirrilar conceptual loundation, lloth crn bc lnalognrrs 10 il twin lroverncnt, stlrLggling to dcvclop inclcpcndcnt spirit lbr inrligcnous pcoplc nlthough they have difforeut lburldatiorls, namcly leligion and culture. Their .A(ln)itristlrlrlls. le,relreLs. lrtrtl,.r'rLtt:r'lots \l.rrr L\{r drrtics. Onc is cncorrraging llrc plrrclrls' irrvolvcrrrcnl an(l the olhcr is Ir'ovirlinI n(xlils li)r lhc rI[{lr]ls con(cr'rs ()vcr tlrc corrrliliorts o{ thc pcttplc uttdcr Moclcling plays crrplrasizcd cclucllion to build studcnts' clraracters, lt spcciul tolc irs 11rc cotc ol ir proSrallr. l"irs1, il g(x)d clri[lcLct llils k) bc ittcttlcltlcd ir lltc IetsDcr'lite ol "r[' rts Itlo". trrl "do as l say". Such a theory is in linc rvitlr r.vhat both K.H. Ahnracl I)uhlar irn(l Ki li r(liar Dcwirnllrir ir thc chl[irclcr c(lucirliol ill]l)lcnrcllirlloD. Bcsidcs cxcnrpluly uro(lcls. both K.ll. Ahlrircl Dahlan ancl Ki llarljur I)c\\.irnlrrir vicrvccl lhal di(l !llxlr(lcr c(lllcrli\rt llt,l lu ttrtr'lt tlrc lrrels rrl awareness and inrplcmcntltion. 'l hc alt0nlpls to allrin awdrcncss alc nril(lc thlouth a clilogic proccss. K.ll. Alrrrld l)ulrlurr hckl a pIillciplc Ihirt occupalion madc thcnl think of cducational c(rrcql)ls wilh lhc slnrc principle in esscnce. Both Sirnplicity, disciplinc, indcpcndent spirit, and good rrorrl cor(luct trccrrrrc tlrr r)lin gouls ol b0lh ctlLrc.itionul corcL'pts. Thc learning process acco|ding 10 thcsc two figures has a silnilarily in tlrirl both crnphrsizc thc plinciplc of cxcnpiary nrodcls and 4u itwarcucss process through dialogs. l-hc tcachcrs play an inrpo(ant role in building the slu(lcrts'cllllrelcrs irt scltool; thcy ltc obligcd t0 providc good cxarlplcs for the students in all aspccts ol'knowlcdgc taught to thern, in adtlition to givirg inspilatiol to thcnl (hrough dialogic learning cnlbracing a lcligion mcans doing good actions; the vcLscs ll ort'r Al Qur'ln ilrc lot only lcarucd in tcrms ol lhcir llcilnin!.s hul lrlso lrpplictl irt tclnts ol lltcir instruclions. llclbrc his studcnls irpplicd thc vcrscs processes. thal (hcy hird lcurnctl. hc diil not tcir.h thc intctprctatiort ol otlrcr \crscs. Sirrrilurly. Ki Illcljll Dcwantara cnrphlsizccl tbill it \\'us inll)orlilnt lbl' childrcn 1o hrt.' rt lrthit rrl hclrrrinu rvcll in accoldancc with our cultlllc. lo inculc|lc lhc 0warcncss ol thc lovc ol cultLrrc. rnd to sirongly Thcse two are highly respccled by our nation. The holcl artd lriglrll' rcsl).el tl)!. rlrliorr's cultrrlc. I;,r'cly tcachcr is obligcd lo lcach ch rirclcls to thc slLrdcIls sponlancously bccaLrsc acco|cling 10 hinr charirctcr rrrirlerrlrlistit vulucs ilrrrj :'cicntific valucs arc rulrrrJtcd fi,.rrr: lhc rcligion and culture. cducllion is not ncccsslrlily irrplcnrcllccl irs a scparrte subjccl. bLrt it is intcglutccl into iLIl sLrbjccts through lhc .\ ui Ltl, lutikdt, tre ti/itl ',r'td ltukiktr nrtion's cLlltLlrc so thal j1 is necessary to build chllactcrs basccl on lcligious and cultural values Both K. H. Ahrrad Dahlan and I)cwarlirl strugglcd lor Ki Hadjar indepcndence by dclinding thc rcligiorl and the nation's cLLIture. Iocal cultural v lucs constituting thc national culture bccorne important pad in the development of cl)irl0tcr c(iucllior to fircc global ch llenges whioh arc gotting nrora and mon powerful at p|cscnt. Thc licld ol'educatiou has to compete with Matclialistic valucs can clcstroy the religion and the bcsides humanity valucs. slagcs. llrirfr,irriNcras 5. Conclusions Willt sirrilirr blcl.!rL'rrrttls. l,.ll. Alrntird Dahlan arcl Ki llucljaI I)c\!rrrtilra inrplcllcrllc(l cdLlcalior lhlt nLrl orrlv crlplrasizcLl tlrc intellcctLrlrl ilspccl bu( llso el$cloIcrl tlrc slu(lcIls' inlcgril), fll AbdLrllrh Syukli Zarkrsyi. (2010). keplitrlcliau "lMcrnbangun darr kar0ktcr bangsa tnclalui llcrdidikirn'. Mul;ulalt. Disanpaikau dalalr scminar rrasioral FISII UNY l2 lMci20l0 I t95 t'. 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