:ian aksi ini 1l' of Peer Editc-' r' :eiillg Education A POLITICS OF SCIENCE DEVELOPMENT: The Development of Prophetic Social Sciences Modell 0s ..t-i-tics -' Nasiwan ' .'.(arta, DivaPress dalam -::s : Pada . --.akarya, 6 Abstract SeP:' 20021 i' :- '1.,:lui Program i '' ' . --:ialltasan Buta :-. :.ttian Strategis ' l"' '' BerPersPektii t ' -1 Genre-Baseci -- '"' . - Ajat Sudraiat Cholisin ..:' DP3M, Dikti The longtern-r goal of this researcir is to produce tl,e,:ines .i11.i -oncepts of social sciences '.vhich are developed based on the values, behavior llLrer, r:r..nr socral relatlons =-, -nt. growing in Indonesra. These rndigenous theorres anci colce:ts cl:rtrLbLr:: to solr:e the .ocial problems in Indonesia, for example the education secto: i',-hicl i: is lo 1,1'odr.rce .enerations who have nationahsm, autonomy, and characters, 0ne,,::t-e sc,.rlr:iot.is tc -,rpe this problem as proposed by Kuntowijoyo is developing Propire:i: S:ri:.. Sirences,:cial sciences which not only expiain and change the social phenon-ien..r-. L.-.- .:.so give :Lrectiontowhich,bywhom,andforr,r,hatthetransformationisperforlnec T:i.tr:anded :'ansformatron include emancipation, liberation, transcendence, and propi'ie:l: The specific target in thrs research is developing a model for propire:rr srcta, ,,iences in the fonn of an Indigenous-based Sociai Sciences curriculum blue pilnt,,r:lch . -eatly contributes to the fornrulation of a new curriculum at Faculty of Social Scrences, . -t Student's Cha:-'- .. :r-oceedlng, )o =- - 1l- :. i D, Bandung -- -' r Eyal<arta State University. The research method en-rployed in this research is Researci-, .d Development methocl [Thiagarajan, S., et,al., 1974] known as a Four-D model rvhicir rodified with R&D model [Borg &Gall, 1983], Moreover, the research stages consist oi .iLne, design, develop, and dissentrnate eqr-ripped with Phenomenology methods, in the development Dhase, the lesearch has produced a curriculum blue print lbr . 'eloping indigenous prophetic social sciences in the form ofa guideline for developing .'.llabus of prophetic social sciences course, independent science course, lntegratecl ,,al sciences. lesson pian anri prophetic socral sciences textbooks. The developmenr ?r'opheiic Sociai Sciences aims at producing a theory and concept based on the ..1 rvisdour ancl socio ctLltural u,hicir gror'r,rn Indonesian societies to solve the socral :llems in indonesia" Plakteknr-a " . .tv ords : indig en izotio rt, Proo h eti c Sc ci al Scte nce s, cu rriculum Introduction ocial sciences in Incionesia historicall)r cannot be separated by porverini regime as shown in Dutch coionial time from 16tr'centuryto independence era cieveloping a science calied in d oiogy, i ndology is a science devel cp e o Dr ch schoiar to understand cuiture, Dutch Indies societlr [nativeJ. Oblectrves doiogy cievelopmeni are to glve daiafinformation to the Dr-rtch Incle-; : llaper is pa|tl1- iielelupeci tlonr the Iligire| Education llagshrp researcjr or i)t r: ol Se-r'eir Universities ir.: improring ihe Qurlrtl, iincl ll.eierance oi Highe r I,,r:r -+ 425 . ,. ' =::':ittg \ledia: , Grendi Hendrastomo - Earlr- Step to Create iovfui Learntng 330 ',','-sdoll Values in the Anak Dalam Tribe In Jambi in the . =:-.:=r:-r'e oi Character Education -, --. Tern'lrene|atY - 343 r F;-- -::: i=:-.:entbatlgan Media Blog Selarah Sebagai Alternatif Media ?::lbelaiaran Sejarah di Sekolah Menengah Atas Zulkarnain - 354 The Perceptions of Global warming and Environmental Benefits of Bioethanol for Sustainable Energy Among secondary school Students in Jakarta Erdawati - 379 a SOCIAL AND POLITICAL DYNAMICS IN THE PAST AND FUTURE Gerakan Keagamaan Di Aras Lokal Pasca-OrdeBaru:Rivalitas Tarbiyah di antara Nahdlatul Uiama dan Muhammadiyah Mukhamad Shokheh - 388 The Shift of Public Service In Village Government From Regulation PersPective Didik G. Suharto, Widodo Muktiyo & Kristina Setyowati - 4Ol Identity And Survival Mechanism: A social construction study on the children of former PKI HamdanTriAtmaja - 4O9 Pemberdayaanperempuanmelaluipendekatanmode}lifeskillberbasis potensi sumber daya lokal: Studi kasus pada UKM kampung wisata indutri keramik DinoYo Malang Ike KusdYah Rachmawati - 416 Social A Poiltlcs of Science Development:The Development of Prophetic Sctences Model laslu,on, AjatSudrajat and Cholisin - 425 P:.artlk Penlbangunan dan Terpinggirnya Masyarakat Setempat .'l;i l:eii,ttS peOPle) Svofruddin - 435 deepry Indonesian socien' the Government to better understand D'.:-' - n.tnlou iloi'o, chancetoextendcolonialisminlndonesia.Thecaseofindoiogl']I..1',...:politics of science der e1r--: a specific scientific discipline associated.with porverful rei discipline cannot be separated from thatchoicetodevelopornotdevelopscientiflcdisciplineisaffectedbl'p:... politics' the powerful regime or education Itisalsotrueinasciencecalledoriental,sciencedevelopedtounde:..:-. eastculture.ltisneitherseparatedfromwestinteresttodominateeasltl;^i' we may take abstraction indlcatir'' If we take lesson fiom such two cases' soc: such as development economic' development of other social sciences with state interests or anthropology can be found associated and is developing this science where ending .'- . - .1Dong0tt-sattrr.ilt.-: .,1rk [based olt so- '.ocial cottvergellcc : - ' The specific scientific A'- hand, prtYcrYl dot',':', l'l' ,pened so that [h. . .. .' difiicult to ro:lll ' -' seen in the follorr tt''. .rre . - ; Polarization Liquefa cr l'" to strengthen the relevant re' capitalism)' position fsuch as international company/international model in l:sciences Social In this context, a"u"top-tnt of Prophetic be positioned as '' : scier-rces Faculty of UNY can nesia, especially in Social paper of social sciences development' This of academic politics or polltics and learnl: Social sciences' context of origin cusses conception of Prtphetic 2. sciences The Conception ofProphetic Social 5*ntrr Attentior-rofsocialscientistsandacademiciansatalternatives.sciencesdevelopmentbr-preser-rttnganalternativediscourseinsomere.. giving chance to present a s' y"u., i, milestone and llnportant momentum Urgency of alternative social scie:sciences independent of $lest domination appearanCeisofbackgrounclofstagnatiorrsorlessaccuraciesofsocialsciet.. phenot:" .o,"tpi' irrlportecl irorn West to expiain various theories ",-,d existinglrrlnclonesia,-,,o.,..,..11,1ir-rimalcontributionofsocialsciencesofilrl,; problems occurring in Indonesia result in solvir-rg varloLls social sciences in Indonesia are how to pres. Serious problenls iacir-rg sociai scientists quest' \n-hy is it necessary to focus on this Figure 1.1. Polariz. social sciences able to transiol'lrl itisduetosocialscietlcesLrltl-tisclecadeistillexperiencingstagnation.SL' transi to erplain social phenomena, but aiso sciences needed 1s not or.ii' able thesocialphenomena,tolr.ilich|ilett.atrsformationidconclucted,wlratfor'. bv Kuntowiioyo in facrng rhese probLe kry whom? According to rei-lectiot.l - academicandcriticalsocialscietlcesCann0tgiveclearanswerflduntort.tt 2006:86, AM Saefuddin, 20 10 39--l9l : lolutionofferedbyKr'tlrtorr.licl-i,oisiol-.r.riidPr:cpheticSoclalsciel:.. phenotrle t.iot or-r11'explain ancl chatlge social namely, social sciences'which cloes Neverthele,cs. .et of rules anci beil :'.-' l9B6l. For Moslenr'' . i alue systems rvhLc:-Rasuiuilah. it is .i''l i that h.tcionesian isl-. :' irom Great Tradrttc':: butalsogiveinstructiontowhrchtl-retratlslortnatiol-tisconclucted,whatforarl.. : p.opt-r"ti. Social sciences does not oniy do change for chat whom? Therefore, Azra,2002i24'; |:utaisotransformationbasedoncertainetl-ricajandpropheticilrspir.ati. lnthiscase,PropheticSociaisciencescontainscleliberatei-vvaluesofcil:l:.Kutrtowiloyo' iiesirahle cilal ' inspiratlor.rs desired ny p"opi"' Acccrding.to directionisbasedonhumanizationTiemancipationinspiratiorrs,liberatiotl: derived from historic mission of isi'transcendence, a prophetic inspiration Quran can be Pos.. 426 in view oi Pl. grand theorl', tttit't'; Moslems do Proces. universailY becaLIS. - rciety, the Dutch had .:clology maY develoP !:rence develoPmentJ. :'. powerful regime so . affected of bY PolicY =.oped to understand -- ntinate east nations : :'-. :tion indicating that : . -conomic, sociologl : lterests or reglma as contained in Article of Ali Imron Par-af:a-::. ^_ ::_ Some critlcs and rntpror.ement oi t:t.:::. Kuntorvijoyo. According to him, noir'[1980s anc] 1::_s -.j.: -j abangan-san tri historically [based on religrous e \pe rlrr.rr: j.-..: crllk (based on social stratification] has experienced changes :=:,*.= - :r: : social convergence. Social mobility occurs from the rt,ong ri1r,i,...: -.=. ,r.= , r.: band, priyoyl down. Meanwhile, Santri group and abangart srort. ..:..= i:.. opened so that there is process to mutuaily fill. As result, cuitural hm;:s '- -ire relevant regim. , .:. ro Present a s- : .-.lll\-e SOcrai SCi; . -. =s of social s c. = " '. ' - ,r.r't(lus llhet-- - ::. - :..:ciences.r- :: .= .tr lndotles... -: .:tEl-tC,,'.':- : . - ::.=.: Ilt'il lrvi f .:.:alism]. -.::aes model in Ind'-' : :ositloned as a Pa.:1 r-.irt, IhIS PaPer o.:' : - :"rgin and learnit.ts . ., alternatlve s:': - -.t'se in some re:. ;: are difficult to identify (Kuntowijoyo, 1986:3-51. Kuntorvijol,o,s \-r!i",. _:: :: seen in the following chart: Polarization Liquefaction of relationship between santri, abqngan and pn).a)1 Snn tri \-u \1./ -+- --Al+lrng;rrr \"/ \.r' \-/ trfu'*rnE L:ilik Figure 1.1. Polarization Liquefaction of relationship between santri, abangan and priyayi Nevertheless, sociologically, in religious life, each religious follo',l,er has : .et of nules and behavior patterns as regulator of the group community [Jackso:: i986J. For Moslem, value ruie is derived from Quran, sunnah Rasuiuilah, or oihe:. '''alue systems whlch are adapted and not contrary to the Quran ancl sunn:.:: .l.asuiullah. lt is consistent with perspective as stanciard principle inciicar.n= ,rat Indonesian islam is result of ir-rterview with normative Moslerns cle::,, =; ':'om Great Tradition in Middle East and local context of Inrionesia [Az-,-ur::.:'-.. -.zra,200224). {n view of Prophetic Social sciences suggested by Kui-tto, jrrr-. :., --Jran can be positioned as vaiue/norm, ihat can ihen be trar.isic:-:-_ ,..-and theory, middle theory until praxis. In other nllance, he s',ig=..:--: :-.--. loslems do process of objectification in Islarnic teaching so that li.: -r-_::_:-. --iversallybecauseitisbasedonpointof objectivevalues that::-: ni=-.:,. 427 -, . people with any religious primordiar dresses. It can arso be performed by other way, departing from available phenomena and social-political phenomena, that can then dialogued with normative text of Quran. opinion by Kuntowiloyo on Islamic objectification can be observed in the book titled" Identitas politik lJmat Islam" [Political Identity of Moslems], especiaily in chapter vr and chaprer VII that is deeply Islamic objectification theme. This book was published in June or 1997 by Mizan publishel, some moments before era of reformation occurred where appearance of independence season sprouting phenomena is to establish politic parties, including growth of Islamic politic parties. 3. Results and discussion Iiterature study on prophetic sociar sciences [rSpJ, association with this studr. need to present a conception or-r prophetic sociar sciences, it is make a conceptual map to better r-rncierstand Prophetic ""."rrr.f i. Social sciences. .lb ease understanding of prophetic Social sciences, this flow of systematic discussior: is first, to describe state of the arr, context of prophetic Social sciences source in discourse of sociar sciences deveropment; second, to describe construction of Prophetic Sociar sciences, ker, concepts of prophetic Sociar sciences; thirc dialectic of Prophetic Social sciences in academic life in Faculty of social sciences (FISJ of State Universitr..of \bgy.akarta, to be conservatti'e flow in social sciel. transformation. Prophetic S -- and economics t': development, fli', : differentiation, F; . . sciences. 2) Construction ol Develo;::-- seen from as I = sri- : reflected . T'able 5.1. Indr: LEYEL N{eta-theoreti 1) Context ofprophetic Social sciences source context of prophetic socral sciences source or origin, if associated witi. discourse of social scie,ces cie'eropment, is correiating to a condition frequenti,. illustrated by phenontenai slagnation, stagnation ofsocial sciences, situation c. marginalized social scietlce-s t'oies minus economics in national life of Indonesl. -- appearance of ci-1:analytical, liberal- = c (Mettr-tlrcoreri,,. from1990stonow, SocialscientistsinIndonesiaarenotsuccessfulinproclucr.. concepts, theories or perspectives that can give contribution to solutions rprobiems facing Indorlesiar.r peopte in various aspects of life such as horizo,ta conflicts, vertical conflicts, reacrership crisis, sociar fragmentation, uproot crisr_. of culture and indigenous ciecreasing nationarism bound, strong ethnc'arues, nationalism and ethno-centrism enthusiasms. In short, social scientists an-- social sciences are found alreacit, failed anci marginalized from great process nationai development of indonesia. Although there are r"maining rores, the-.. are roles that widely function to gir,,e poli*, regitimacy that has b"een taken ithe ruling regime. In long time, rores of sociar scientists and social ,.;;r;;;; . been replaced by the ruling regime clominaiion. ( others giving background of propr'retic Social sciences origin ar., dominations of Academic Sociar sciences Thought derived from United State . Namely; in what is called as functionarisni. This concept is deriveci fro: optimism in systems of Unitecr States of America. In further developmer: functionalism is considered as one o,ly academic, objective and empirrc. social sciences, pioneered by Tarcott parsons. Functionarism widely emphasiz:, on systems, equilibrium, adaptation, maintenance, and latency so that it seen . 428 Where: indr== consuicuous. Consiciering : -. the table above, rr::... \4odels baseci on t:-of Sociai science. . at meta-theoretl,: ,. conducted obser',--. oi ideas on Prol:-rmore than it, it.: ,.. epistemoiog), a1i i:,.. design in FIS. Tl . draft svllabus iir':r . reflective syllab,-ts - to be conservative. Such condition finally resuits ili crirc.s::: flow in social sciences because the flow does not emphas'z= bY other !tr "erformed ic;al phenomena, that o:: :1'KuntowijoYo on ' - ientitas Politik Umlt ri: \'l and ChaPter transformation. ,-.:-Prophetic Social sciences of origin context is also asstt. ::=: i::-:-:--:. appearance of criticism against academic social sciences [value-free VII, ,n,tyti.,t, published in |une oi r:iormation occurred :i:mena is to establisl: as IiberalJ less caring for values, Separation between rer-exatio:'.:=..=.. - in:*--:=: and economics, religion and politics and religion and sciences' development,flowseparatingreligionfromsciencesfollowsprincipie:r::=' reiigror- :: ' ' differentiation. Post modernism does not agree a view separating !. sciences. r:.=:ron rvith this r:--es, : i on indigenousness Jl Construction ofProphetic Social sciences based based on indigenousness Development of Prophetic Social sciences :--: - it is necessa:-' ,-ial scrence S' 1u r::: v.'stematic discus>-- : seenfromsidesofindigenousnesslevelssystematicallycanfolloll-Siei]5 levels of social sciences: as reflected in the table of indigenousness : S:;ia1 sciences soL::: sciences Table 5.1. Indigenousness Levels ofSocial : :escribe construc:- r S:,cial sciences; li'--::a::.ry of social scie:::., \o Meta-theoretic (Meta-theoretical) r;n, if associated r', r: i ..:. sciences, situation : :,:.onal Iife of lndones-= i - .:ccessful in Produc::- :.rrtion to solutions = -- c: ..ie such as horizon:: ::riation, uProot crls-, =- jound, strong ethr.:s::. r:. ;ocial scientists a:: :. i :rom great Process :' roles, the=: = ::maining '. ::.al has been taken i; ::i social sciences ha".'= sciences origin ar= r-,'.-"ii irom United State-' .,::iept is derived fro::. ::- i;: iurther ) Theoretic (Theoretical) 3 Empiric -- ccndition frequen'- develoPmen: ::'ective and emPiric: :,- -sm widelY emPhasize. NOTES. LEVEL (Empirical) analysis Incligenousness tefers to expression and ofworldviel's' icieoii:r ' sciences and products unJ'prriloroprri."1 assumptions similar to social developed fi'orn the pr:c lndigenousness relers to theories or concepts people' native of historic experiences '' ':: problems facing tt't,t,.'..-' Indigenousness focuses on review ofactual concernurg cor:'rir::::-' that"pr"viou.ly got less attentions, such as' topics cuitural imPerialism, etc. 4 Application (Applied) policy. specification Indigenousness is manilested in program actiiities. as well as socializatlon of implementation' si::' ':: are not too tangible a:--' Where: indigenousness phases in practice :onspicuous -_ ^^ ir, Consideringtheindigenousnesslevelsofsocialsciences,asillustrateC.::hetableabove,itmaybestatedthatDevelopmentofPropheticSocialscie:lt=-i ],lodelsbasedonindigenousnessofsocialsciencesimplementedintheFac;-.':t:: of four levels" lf Social sciences, State university ofyogyakarta, consists appried levels. why it is so,.be:r-''= atmeta_theoretic, theoretic, empiric and only socialization [appirca:.-:".' ;onducted observation results in FIS is not :fideasonPropheticSocialsciencesandideasonindigenousness'''-':.:' philosophical bases cn:- : nore than it, it is associated with tracking of Social sciences Model De-':':-:''-: :plstemology and axiologyJ of Prophetic syllabus arranqelren: =-.':::-= Sesign in FIS. fnis contlxt also develops t. namel1" substaniii e 3raft syllabus arrangement in two models' , -,"-.- - -' reflectivesyllabusofintegratedPropheticSocialsciences'less::l:':':-'-:l c -atencY so that it seerr-. 429 also develoPed' Social sciences developed This study follows perspectlve of Prophetic Kuntowi)oyo_intellectualfromCulturalsocia]sciencesFacultyofGadjahNla': by Kuntowiioyo on Prophetic Soc University of Yogyakarta' Essentialiy' idea table' sciences can be summarized in the following .. Table 5,3, Pilat indigenousnes: Toharyl Pillar Hutnantza tiolr Social sc Table 5.2' Idea by Kuntowif oyot Prophetic ldeas ta"*a-' "f\*,"1 in lslam ideas scienccs Ift To.1"*k,p131-'" Ci*t FocrLs ol ler'teu ol socral -iberatitrl Paradrgrn ancl Proplrctic Soc sclenccs. i, .tili. ihr\ pler iotts social scienccs' rrlnsforntatile ti.icolog-vI Vierv on coffelittloll bet\\,cen science' ancl tSP crrIl' o1'alreacl1' eristit.ig social screnccs: \ssociation lr ith ancl crltic ol 'liberation theoiog) P"*tl,les --",. N-_--'k""l l. Five N'ioral Principle s gan []c basis L' Transcen ,1.-n c are Islainic obiectification e tbt l.tttmanizattorl Iibratron anri transcendcnce oi scicnces' ideologt of fir'e moral inlc i "f- SCiCIlCCS. rr c lnclonesia and crisis s Focus pritlla tacie social I scienccs revieu. Jistoric sctenccs Pr,,nltcti. \u.t:rl 'e iuttr'c: tlSP\ Ke1 cotlcePts oflered in develoPing social sc:icnces i Stat-ting espccralll' ess.iltlal I . tiotlt besl httmall collccpts: [o irsrruct th. r]i.r 'r'lll (il''tmanizati(rn) Pillar -io prer etlt tjle r;ittnrrlrt;t {liberatron)' and 3. I i r havc tuith irl ihe Lioci ltranscendu'nce l ploblcrn ol societr { Table 5.4. Pill; Indigenousnes rt I Lrdonesia N4etaphvsic basrs socializatioll). fir rrrirlit rer elatlot.i lts l<ntrlr F:pistctnologl'hasl: llescrrrclt \serlcla: huulltrtizaLilrn' l. l. Ariologv brsts , j rlnsccitdence lc-clge sourcc llber-a an'iti'all:"1 vaiue To tdtrrlt ntle hclnecn sctc'uce atrti in lntilr'''s islanr is rtlrLc sottrce lbr social sciclltists rs ol''lcetrlieltii'rr Pancasila iFii e \1ola1 Plincrplesi in Intiot.icsia- so that r :Lltles ol Fir t \ Isltr,lic 1 iLleas l :';,nc,p]es alle ll(ll aolltf'l]:\'to Islntriic r Lluer' i.'ll1t!!11_-l-,."1l, . Lililanlzetroll qI ]l!'' "!!L'4 t'""' " "1, " Rcvltalizailon ci Fi';e [4olai i']' : :irtt !iir,toso 2011."Re-i:ltellret:ltiLrll 'ltlC \ -.Deveioptnctltlnin'lonesia::iC:iseStridv"lfitleasb: rrl-:rlFrsisii-.rS.r.rr,ra,"qlt !Llrail;il ",. -r,,.,.r,,,tiovo" l)::irt'l''--l'lioltgie:s iil cr' ilve i\ioi';:li Pl'ircin'Les- - ,s ::\ iiiiili(r\\/licvil on Prophetlc Strr:ia1 sciences ere fl'amed :l bl l' hunt;rnization' and elllrir' 1...]ri'rel'!, ii.insa€!li1ti1rae, iiberation, Pf'lDheliC''otL'i -ri,iiti:, fi .C.eIS t-\,' |',ir1r-;r'vilOlit-r'},1 S-r''stel:l--' EiL}ncniic r',-Il',5,rr.:ti !,r'sie:r:", iLIr:iltl' !-lsien:s' 'g lri:. ,)qr.i..: .'t ""i1" 'r1q Ii''1"' -onclusions !eveiol-':tr r ir FIS U):', in Iilc-lones :Erport€Ll.: !o.ssibiiif\ 11.lJ sciences develoPed'l-' Faculty of Gadjah Mac' ryo on ProPhetic Soci Table 5.3. Pilars and Indicators of Prophetic Social ssiences Elased on indigenousness (adapted from M" Roqib, based on $'ork S .{hmad Tohary) t,:*Er Indicator Pillar Humanization o,cial sciences r.-: :ad cnsis of social 1. 2. 3. 4. Liberation r::;.n and ProPhetic Social L; s.rcial sciences; critic oi : -i"l;h?ralion rheolog! c-.l; cbiectification. '::-< :s 1. 2. 3. To favor Transcendence 1. 2. 3. 4. l: s::ences. 5. 6. 7. ::::.=,--. Illiteracf is huc:: ofthe oppressed; To erectjustness, truth andprosperity. To eliminate rlliteracy and backwardness. . To admit that there is the One God; To self-approach and make ecology-friendly lound as Cod's Crearion; To always try to obtalnbeneficence ofthe God; To understand all events using divinity approacht To associate all events with religious teaching; To do something followed by expectation for hereafter beneflcence; To accept certainty of the God with full willingness. Pillar and nc:ldence) Transcendence gt slrurce. Lll-.eration and transcendenc: :nd value : ;.:, starting poini. lllite=;. ::--; povefiy. \tr:e qill not ie ::-::self-liberate from iilite-;, .-: Social, politic. econornc. culture, etc must self-base oi; divinity changes. Effofis to capture something of divinity aspect and spiritual value. framed bY four r:: T [zalion, and emancipar: r 3. 4. 7. Humanization Efforts to humanize human. eliminate hate and violence agarnst :eration and transcendenr'c :r- of Five Morai PrinciPle' t: -' l-i. = Study of ideas bY Notona: : ?-- :,iiples, SurabaYa. 1. 2. 5. 6. values of Five Moral values. Indicator Meaning = L- scientists in Indonesia' q-;i i is objectification of L.:amic rs:c.c:: foggq;riz:;-,;;- ts ::-::t;: --:= libErarioc ,:i ::,:.: -,:--:: Table 5.4. Pillars and Indicators of Prophetic Social sciences Based on Indigenousness (adapted from M. Roqib, in Prophetic Education) r::lion) t ::t lo povefty without sciences. for humanizati on' *-.r1), To keep brotherhood although different religions, social status, and tradition; To view as an intact unit; To avoid various fotms of violence; and To throw away prejudice and hate to others others. Liberation Efforts to liberate and free ofoppression. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. To admit that there is the God; To self-approach and make bio-ecology-friendll'' found as the God's creation; To always obtain the God's beneficence; To understand all events by divinity approach: To associate all events with religious teaching: To do something followed by expectation for hereafter beneficence; and To accept certainty of the God with full rviilLngless To keep brotherhood although they have different religions, social status and tradition; To r ieu as an inlact unit; To avoid various forms of violence; To tll'ow away preiudices and hate against others To favor olthe oppressed; To erectjustness, truth and prosperity; and To eliminate illiteracv and backwardness. :es are Frophetic Social sciel:'^: onomic SYStems and Pol-:: Conclusions 1. Development of Prophetic Social sciences models based on indigenousness in FIS UNY is response and solution to development of social sciences in Indonesia which, in long term, may exist in social sciences hegemonl' imported from the west. Development of Prophetic social sciences gives possibility to result in solution to stagnation symptoms and discontinuity' 43L 2. of social sciences in Indonesia minimally contributing to various problems appearing in Indonesia. In context of development and academic discourse existing in FGIS, Prophetic Social sciences is also an urgent need to do buriaof social sciences as occurring in vision and FIS for 2014-201-9. Steps of Prophetic Social sciences model development in FIS UNY are as follows: first, in early years of leadership, we built culture and academr: atmosphere motivating creation of academic climate enabling academiciar:. Djono. "Nilai Kearifa:r Edi Seyawari. Brro Educar.,:. .L,l:....: Efffendy. S c., Pe., ' Un.r...-. - . Ernawati purr., r... 2007 book, and necessary equipments. These steps are taken by doing FGD rl academicians and students and users of Curriculum (teachersJ; third arrange syllabus structure guidance, syllabus draft, RPB and teaci: . press,20-- to receive critical-transformative thinking by doing rnonthly dlscussl: in Forum FISTRANS INSTITUTE; second, to find inputs of materials, a: thinking to arrange course of Prophetic Social sciences, compile teachL: Oktobet._ , 3, _ Feith Herbert and press - . books. Giddens, Anthonr: I _ Sosial. pasur.... 3. Blueprint of Prophetic Social sciences Curriculum has relevance to : . Curriculum specified in FIS UNY by applying vision to be excellent fa--in doing burial ofsoclai sciences. 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