
Module proposal


Proposal Form for New or Revised Modules (MA1- version 3)

For consideration by the Undergraduate Studies Committee/Sub-Faculty or Graduate

Studies Committee only.

NB: 1.

If it is unclear whether or not a change to an existing module should be proposed on this form, the Chair or Secretary of the

Undergraduate Studies Committee/Sub-Faculty or Graduate Studies

Committee should be consulted.


In order to reduce printing costs please delete the text provided as guidance in the body of the form before submission to the Faculty

Secretariat. However, all sections must be completed to the satisfaction of the Faculty Undergraduate/Graduate Studies



Title of Module:

CH908 Mass Spectrometry


New or Revised Module:

New module?

Revised module?

[ ]

[  ]

Level: D (Doctorate)

M (Masters)

H (Honours)

I (Intermediate)

C (Certificate)

[ ]

[  ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

If this new module replaces an existing approved module specify the code and title of the module to be discontinued and date on which change will occur:

If this is a proposal for a revised module, specify which sections have been amended, and give an outline rationale for the changes:

This form is updated to reflect the module’s new position within the new AS:MIT course. Sections 3-5,7,8 have been amended, and minor updating of syllabus (Sec.

10) has occurred.

Furthermore, revision of CATS weightings for AS:MIT students in light of introduction of transferable skills module has taken place. CH908-12 is offered as a 12 CATS module for courses F1PB and F1PE. For AS:MIT, the module is offered as a 10

CATS version where the transferable skills elements are separately assessed within the module CH948 Warwick Interdisciplinary Science Transferable Skills.


Date of Introduction of new module or revised version of existing module:

Oct 2010


Department Responsible for Teaching:


Module proposal


If the module is taught by more than one department please indicate this (for matrix purposes):




100% 85%


Name of Module Leader:

Prof. Peter O'Connor

If the module leader is not a member of Warwick staff and has not previously been appointed as a module leader/tutor, please include a C.V with this form.




Availability/Location of module within courses:

List the degree courses on which this module is available, indicating the year of study, whether the module is core or an option and the credit weighting in each case. Include any part-time or 2+2 degrees on which this module is available.

Title Year of Core study

Optional Option list CATS* core?

A,B or C




Analytical Science: Methods and Instrumental


Chemistry with Scientific Writing



Scientific Research and










*Credit should be in one of the following tariffs:

6, 12, 18, 24, 48 credits; or

7.5, 15, 30, 45, 60 credits; or

(for postgraduate courses only) 10, 20, 30, 40, 50,60 credits

Consultation with other Departments:

It is important that any departments affected by the introduction of this module are consulted before the module is considered by the relevant

Faculty committee.

Which other departments will be affected by the introduction/revision of this module (i.e. other departments offering the module as an option in their degree courses, including joint degree courses involving the department proposing the module)? Please give details of any consultations undertaken and indicate whether the other departments have approved the proposal.



Module proposal



Describe the relationship to any other modules with which the new module has a close connection and any prerequisite relationships.

Option of AS:MIT. Basic principles of MS will have been introduced within CH921. A reasonable grasp of chemical structures is necessary, but prior knowledge of mass spectrometry is not required.


Module Aims:

These should identify the module’s broad educational purposes. Indicate how the module will contribute to the achievement of the aims of the degree courses on which it is available.

Students will learn how to interpret EI mass spectra, will learn about new ionisation methods and will get insight into some of the instrumentation used. Students will also learn how to sequence peptides and determine post-translational modifications in proteins. Students will learn the basics of modern proteomics.


Learning Outcomes:

Successful completion of the module leads to the learning outcomes. The learning outcomes identify the knowledge, skills and attributes developed by the module. Learning Outcomes should be presented in the following format using the table below:

By the end of the module students should be able to...

Learning Outcomes should include reference to subject knowledge and understanding, key skills, cognitive skills and subject-specific practical and professional skills and be clearly relevant to fulfilling the educational aims.

Learning Outcomes should be measurable by the assessment methods for the module. Indicate how the module will contribute to the achievement of degree course learning objectives.

(a) Subject knowledge and understanding

The knowledge and understanding that a student will be expected to have upon completion, such as ‘a theoretical knowledge of the principles and methods of archaeology’ or ‘a knowledge of the major types of chemical reaction and the main characteristics associated with them.’

(b) Key Skills

Communication (written, verbal, graphical...)


Use of information technology (e.g.

WP, www, databases, spreadsheets, specialist packages)

Ability to learn

Others (e.g. teamwork)



Cognitive Skills

For example: ability in critical analysis; the ability to formulate and test concepts and hypotheses.

Subject-Specific/Professional Skills


Module proposal

For example: laboratory skills; scientific support writing; research skills and methods.


Module proposal


(By the end of the module the student should be able to....)

Which teaching and learning methods enable students to achieve this learning outcome?

Which assessment methods will measure the achievement of this learning outcome?

Interpret EI mass spectra in order to elucidate elemental composition and structure of basic organic compounds

Lectures, manual, practical interpretation workshops

Submission of practical reports


Have a good understanding of the physical principles used in mass spectrometry

Lectures, manual Practical reports


Detailed understanding of modern ionisation methods (“soft” ionisation)

Lectures, practicals, all having a tutorial element

Practical reports


Familiarity with different types of mass analysers and sound understanding of timeof-flight Mass Spectrometry, quadrupoles, and Fourier-Transform Ion Cyclotron

Resonance Mass analysers.

Lectures , practical with added demonstration Practical reports


Understanding of the use of modern MS in current research regarding material and biological sciences

Lectures, technical demonstration followed by hands-on practice

Practical reports



Good understanding of electrospray and

Matrix-assisted laser desorption mass spectra of peptides, and their uses in 1) identifying proteins, 2) sequencing peptides and proteins, and 3) determining post-translational modifications. How to use these spectra in proteomics experiments.

Lectures, practical and lectures Practical reports


Module proposal


Exams Office



Give an outline of the syllabus for the module.

1.Principle of a mass spectrometer. Electron Impact (EI) and Chemical Ionisation (CI).

Isotopic pattern.

2.Molecular ion region to elucidate elemental composition. Nitrogen rule. Odd. vs.

Even electron ions and their spectra. Neutral losses.

3.Fragmentation pattern of important compound classes in EI. McLafferty rearrangement, cleavages, etc. Composition of structure through analysis of fragmentation pattern.

4.Standard Odd- and Even- electron fragmentation chemical principles and rearrangements. Examples of such.

5.Principles of Matrix-assisted Laser Desorption/Ionisation (MALDI)

6.Principles of Electrospray Ionisation (ESI)

7.Polymer mass spectrometry, high resolution analyses, elemental composition analysis, and other uses of MS that don't require MS/MS.

8.Introduction to mass analyzers, Details of the quadrupole mass analyzer.

9.Details of the modern Time-of-Flight analyser, Fourier-Transform Ion Cyclotron

Resonance mass analyzer, Orbitrap.

10. MS/MS methods, focusing on Collision-activated dissociation (CAD) and Infrared multiphoton dissociation (IRMPD), and related methods

11. MS/MS methods, focusing on Electron-capture dissociation (ECD), Electron transfer dissociation (ETD), and related methods.

12. Protein and peptide MS/MS, sequencing peptides

13. Protein and peptide MS/MS, identifying post-translational modifications

14. Modern proteomics

15. Other biomolecules.

The formal lectures will be supplemented by several class exercises/examples to reinforce the lecture material (also available to other postgraduates), plus five full practical laboratory sessions. The course does NOT need prior knowledge of ms, but does require a basic understanding of general chemistry and organic chemistry at an undergraduate level. The practicals include live MALDI and ESI sessions, EI/CI and

GCMS (Gas chromatography-MS) sessions, at least one proteomics session, and experience in dealing with data from a variety of different mass analyzers.


Illustrative Bibliography:

List the core texts only. The illustrative bibliography should provide an indication of the focus and level of the reading required by this module, rather than the full range (this should not be more than half a page):

F.W McLafferty and F. Turecek, “Interpretation of Mass Spectra” , 4 th edition,

University Science Books.

E. de Hoffmann and V. Stroobant, “Mass Spectrometry: Principles and Applications” ,

3 rd edition, Wiley.



Give the number of each type of teaching event per week and the length of each session in hours.


Seminars (workshops)

Tutorials per week

15 x 1 hour lectures

8 x 2 hour workshops



Exams Office

Laboratory sessions

Other (please describe):e.g. distancelearning, intensive weekend teaching

5 x 3 hour labs

Total contact hours 46

Module duration (weeks, if applicable) 5

24 hrs practical write ups, preparation and reading

30 hours of practice in interpreting mass spectra, reinforced by the workshops. The examination will primarily be drawn from these spectra.

Development and assessment of transferable skills (20 hours) [12

CATS version only]


Assessment Methods:

Type of assessment Length


Other type of formal assessment

2 Hours

Submission of practicals over

10 days

% weighting




% weighting




Note: CH908-10 and CH908-12 have the same weighting for the examination. The transferable skills element of this process contributes directly to CH908-12 and to CH948 for CH908-10 students.



List any additional requirements and indicate the outcome of any discussions.


Signature of Module Leader:

Prof. Peter O'Connor


Signature of Chair of Department:


