CH 908: Mass Spectrometry Lecture 7 Tandem mass spectrometry Prof. Peter B. O’Connor Tandem Mass Spectrometry or MS/MS Isolation Fragmentation Isolation Fragmentation Benefits: 1.Extremely high MS/MS/MS, MS/MS or MS3 specificity 2.More structural information Limitations: 1.Isolation window 2.Fragmentation efficiency 3.Ion Losses Tandem Mass Spectrometry “Tandem in Time” – FTMS, QITMS “Tandem in Space” – Triple quad, TOF/TOF, sector OUTLINE • Tandem in space instruments – – – – Sectors Triple quads Q-tofs, tof/tofs, unique instruments (pentaquads) Orbitrap (sort-of) • Tandem in time instruments – Ion traps • Classic 3D • Linear ion trap – FTICR • MS/MS methods – – – – CAD ECD (plus ETD, EID, EED, etc) PD (UVPD, IRMPD) SID Magnetic sector instruments Ions are deflected and accelerated down a curved path to the detector. Magnetic-Sector Mass Spectrometry In summary, by varying the voltage or magnetic field of the magnetic-sector analyzer, the individual ion beams are separated spatially and each has a unique radius of curvature according to its mass/charge ratio. High resolution isolation requires very stable high voltage power supplies, magnetic field, and very narrow slits (micron) Isolation resolution of 103 – 104 is possible, but it comes at the cost of sensitivity. Usually a mass window of ~5 Da wide is selected. Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (TOF-MS) •Separates ions based on flight time High resolution isolation requires very stable high voltage power supplies for the source, high timing accuracy and rapid response in the TIS (picoseconds) Usually limited to an isolation resolving power of 102. Usually a mass window of ~5 Da wide is selected. Laser Source deflector Collision Cell (Vc) + + Vs first field free drift region Delay Generator second field free drift region Detector Oscilloscope Figure 6. MALDI tandem time-of-flight mass spectrometer. Vr ≈ Vs Aerosol mass spectrometer Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (TOF-MS) •Separates ions based on flight time •Timed ion selector used for separation •In MALDI, metastable ions have the same flight time as precursor ions, so it is often impossible to completely select the precursor ion. Triple quadrupole MS3 MS/MS scan modes Ions in an Oscillating Electric Field A± = U ± Vsin(ωt) “Matthieu eqn” az -0.4 Operating z stability Line -0.2 b=1.0 qz=.908 0.0 Stable z&r -0.2 + -0.4 + -0.6 + az = 8eU/mω2r2 r stability 0.5 1.0 1.5 qz = 4eV/mω2r2 qz • qz a V/m • qz a fion • az a U/m qz = 0.908 az A B 0.2 z stable B A 0.0 r and z stable D -0.2 az = 0.02, qz = 0.7 az = 0.05, qz = 0.1 C C D r stable -0.4 -0.6 0.0 0.5 1.0 qz az = -0.2, qz = 0.2 az = -0.04, qz = 0.2 Figure 12. Mathieu stability diagram with four stability points marked. Typical corresponding ion trajectories are shown on the right. Ejection Frequency QITMS: Theory of MS/MS qz isolation = 0.80 qz excitation = 0.25 • Isolation waveform is applied to mass select precursor ion • A dipolar resonant excitation amplitude is applied to the endcaps • The selected ion gains energy and undergoes collisions with He atoms and dissociates via CID • The fragment ions with stable trajectories are trapped and mass analyzed Scan Function for MS/MS on QIT Ion Injection Isolation m/z analysis Excitation RF Amplitude Tailored Waveform Resonance Excitation / Ejection Amplitude Time Beir, M.E. and Schwatz, J.C. in Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry. 1997 259. Ion trap isolation • Resonant ejection of particular ions (or ranges) is the standard method of isolation. • The resonant pulse can be created in many ways. • Resonant ejection of one ion usually involves simultaneous ejection of other (lower m/z) ions. • Isolation resolution can be as high as 103, but is rarely used above 102 – or a 3-10 Da window. • Ion recovery efficiency after resolution is the highest possible with mass spectrometry. Excitation/Isolation methods in FTICR Stored-Waveform Inverse Fourier Transform Marshall, A. G., T.-C. L. Wang, et al. (1985). "Tailored Excitation for Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry." J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 107: 7893-7897. Correlated Harmonic Excitation Frequency (CHEF) High resolution ion isolation Isolation of single isotopes of ubiquitin (8.6 kDa) and carbonic anhydrase (29 kDa) was demonstrated. O'Connor, P. B. and F. W. McLafferty (1995). "High Resolution Ion Isolation with the Capacitively Coupled open cell." J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 6(6): 533-535. FTICR ion isolation • Resonant ejection of particular ions (or ranges) is the standard method of isolation. • The resonant pulse can be created in many ways – sweep, SWIFT, FNF, CHEF, etc. • Resonant ejection frequencies are largely independent • Isolation resolution can be as high as 105, but is rarely used above 103 –1 Da window. • Most of these isolation methods result in off-resonant ion excitation which can lead to fragmentation or poor performance due to magnetron expansion Fragmentation Methods Breaking up a molecule requires putting energy into it's vibrational modes or causing a reaction that breaks a bond. • Collisional Activation (CAD or CID) • Photodissociation (IRMPD and UVPD) • Surface Induced Dissociation (SID) •Electron ion reactions – ECD, ETD, EID, EDD, AI-ECD, … •Metastable Atom dissociation (MAD) Collisionally Activated Dissociation also called Collision Induced Dissociation (CID) N2 N2 + N2 N2 N2 N2 + N2 0 N2 • Ion’s smack into neutral gas • By far the most common molecules and break up MS/MS technique • Energy of the collision is controlled by changing the kinetic energy of the ion. • Fragments scatter radially • slow fragmentation method, deposits vibrational energy throughout the molecule prior to fragmentation. •SORI-CAD, ITMSn, Triple quad, TOF/TOF, etcetera Oscilloscope Delay Generator Laser Source S Pusher (Vp) + + + Q0 (RF-only) Focusing + Q1 (mass filter) + Q2 (RF-only) Collision Cell D (field free drift region) V + Vr ≈ Vp Figure 14. Quadrupole Time-of-Flight Hybrid Collisional Activation in a QIT A± = U ± Vsin(ωt) “Matthieu eqn” az -0.4 Operating z stability Line -0.2 b=1.0 qz=.908 0.0 Stable z&r -0.2 + -0.4 + -0.6 + az = 8eU/mω2r2 r stability 0.5 1.0 1.5 qz = 4eV/mω2r2 qz • qz a V/m • qz a fion • az a U/m Collisional Activation inside an FTICR Gauthier, J. W., T. R. Trautman, et al. (1991). "Sustained offresonance irradiation for CAD involving FTMS. CAD technique that emulates infrared multiphoton dissociation." Anal. Chim. Acta 246: 211-225. Mirgorodskaya, E., P. B. O'Connor, et al. (2002). "A General Method for Precalculation of Parameters for Sustained Off Resonance Irradiation/Collision-Induced Dissociation." Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 13: 318-324. Photo-Dissociation +* + + 0 hυ • Ion absorbs photon(s) and break •slow fragmentation method, deposits vibrational energy throughout the molecule prior to • Energy of the fragmentation fragmentation (depends on is controlled by changing the wavelength). photon’s wavelength. •IRMPD, UVPD, BIRD • No scattering, except for multiply charged ions UV photodissociation • High energy environment, cleaves the backbone yielding a- and x- radical cationic species which further dissociate • If too much energy or wrong wavelength (193 nm), only immonium ions are observed. 157 nm photodissociation IRMPD • Ions are heated using a CO2 laser until they dissociate. • Fragments follow lowest energy pathways which means preferential cleavages • Fragments remain in the laser beam and continue to absorb resulting in secondary fragments. Infrared Multiphoton Dissociation Surface induced dissociation + 0 + • Ion smack into a surface, break, and rebound •slow fragmentation method, deposits vibrational energy throughout the molecule prior to • Energy of the fragmentation fragmentation. is controlled by changing the ion kinetic energy. •Ions are lost by neutralization at the surface (much better with • Fragments scatter radially perfluorinated surfaces) SID in an FTICR Surface induced dissociation Electron Capture Dissociation n+ + e- (n-1)+* m+ 0 • Multiply charged ions capture a slow electron •Fast fragmentation method involving a radical rearrangement in the region of • Energy of the fragmentation the backbone carbonyl (for is determined by coulombic proteins) recombination. •Generates very predicable and • no scattering, but if both very even sequence ladder fragments are charged, coulombic repulsion will •Nobody knows how it works occur on things other than proteins Odd vs. Even Electron Fragmentation • Even electron = proton rearrangements • Odd electron = radical rearrangements • Non-ergodic fragmentation = FAST!! ECD Spectrum Substance P ECD RPKPQQFFGLM-NH2 M2+ c5 c10 c7 [M+2H]+• c6 c4 c8 * a7 w2 300 400 500 600 700 800 z9 900 m/z c9 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 674.8 = [M+2H]2+ 18000 16000 1348.7 = [M+2H]+• 14000 RPKPQQFFGLM 12000 10000 Z9•/Z9 8000 C7•/C7 6000 C9 C 10 C5•/C5 4000 C6•/C6 C4•/C4 C8•/C8 2000 0 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Self Assessment • How do you isolate ions in a TOF instrument? An Ion Trap? An FTICR? • Isolation and fragmentation of ions in an ion trap (using CAD) results in losses of ions below ~30% of the precursor mass. Why? • For proteins/peptides, CAD results in what two main fragment types? • For proteins/peptides, ECD results in what two main fragment types? CH908: Mass spectrometry Lecture 1 Fini… Magnetic-Sector Mass Spectrometry Magnetic-Sector Mass Spectrometry THEORY: The ion source accelerates ions to a kinetic energy given by: KE = ½ mv2 = qV Where m is the mass of the ion, v is its velocity, q is the charge on the ion, and V is the applied voltage of the ion optics. Magnetic-Sector Mass Spectrometry •The ions enter the flight tube and are deflected by the magnetic field, B. •Only ions of mass-to-charge ratio that have equal centripetal and centrifugal forces pass through the flight tube: mv2 /r = BqV, where r is the radius of curvature Magnetic-Sector Mass Spectrometry mv2 /r = BqV •By rearranging the equation and eliminating the velocity term using the previous equations, r = mv/qB = 1/B(2Vm/q)1/2 •Therefore, m/q = B2r2/(2V) •This equation shows that the m/q ratio of the ions that reach the detector can be varied by changing either the magnetic field (B) or the applied voltage of the ion optics (V). Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (TOF-MS) THEORY: •KE=qV when electrons are accelerated through an electric field •KE of ion is ½mv2, so qV= ½mv2 and velocity is inversely proportional to mass •Transit time (t) is L/v, where L is drift tube length and v is velocity •So t=L/(2V/m/q)½ can be solved for charge-mass ratio Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (TOF-MS) HOW IT’S DONE: • Reflectron is series of rings or grids that serves to focus ions to improve resolution • Exact values of L and V do not need to be known if two or more ions of known mass are used as mass calibration points • Produces a mass spectrum as a function of time (can be measured every 10 nsec) Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (TOF-MS) ADVANTAGES: •Good for kinetic studies of fast reactions and for use with gas chromatography to analyze peaks from chromatograph •Can register molecular ions that decompose in the flight tube Outline: Isolation Methods • • • • • • Sectors – slits TOF – timed ion selector Orbitrap – not possible – why? Quadrupoles – matthieu stability diagram Ion traps – Resonant ejection – frequencies? – sweeps – Swift – Filtered noise field FTICR – – – – – Resonant ejection Sweeps SWIFT Filtered noise field CHEF, multi-CHEF In each case: Isolation resolution Limitations Requirements Selectivity