Standing Group Responsible for the Maintenance and Refurbishment of
Centrally Timetabled Rooms
Notes from the meeting of the Group held on Monday 9 May 2011
Ms B Lees (Chair), Mr J Buckingham, Miss V Feller, Ms L Holland, Mr G Hunter (for item
33/10-11), Ms B Lambert, Mr D Mace, Mr J Owen, Mr M Roberts.
Ms P Mealing, Mr P Jones.
The notes of the meeting held on 14 March 2011.
That the minutes be approved.
Westwood Lecture Theatre Works
A paper detailing all the AV works for the WLT (paper CTTR.5/10-11), noting that:
The current projector and column boards were being retained;
The installation would be carried out ‘in house’;
The projector room would be moving to the back of the lecture theatre;
The cost of the AV works (which was likely to be the only cost to the Group of
the WLT project) represented good value for money and would result in a
significant improvement to the room’s facilities.
That a meeting took place on 1st April with the Institute of Education to
outline the scope of the works to the WLT;
That the main issue raised by the Institute of Education was concerning
temperature within the room which currently cannot be regulated;
That the Institute of Education was informed that the replacement heating
system would regulate temperature more efficiently;
That the Institute of Education was concerned with possible disruption to
other classes within the building due to the noise generated from the
WLT works;
That the total cost for AV equipment in the WLT is £13,568.63 (including
An oral report by the Mechanical Services Design Engineer on the Westwood Lecture
Theatre Programme of works noting that:
The tenders were returned and the cost of the works was lower than
expected at a cost of £301k (including VAT);
A meeting with the Head of Estates Services will take place on 13th May to
consider the approval of the works and to confirm how the cost of the works
will be split between the 10-11 and 11-12 financial years, noting that the
Mechanical Services Design Engineer will update members of the Group on
the outcome at the earliest opportunity.
An oral report from the Mechanical Services Engineer in response to the issues
raised by the Institute of Education noting that:
The issue of noise control will be managed through consultation with the
Disruption to access into the building will be minimised through consultation
with the contractor, it being noted that online room timetables will show when
access is required by Education;
The new heating system will regulate temperature more efficiently by
recycling the air which currently escapes from the room.
An oral report by the Small Works Manager regarding the proposed disabled ramp
access noting that:
Push button access was thought a safer and more appropriate option than
automatic doors, it being noted that this facility will be included in the overall
cost of the refurbishment funded by Estates;
The final design of the ramp at the front of the lecture theatre has been
confirmed (subject to approval by the Disability Officer), noting that the floor
at the front of the lecture theatre will remain level with a small ramp
connecting the entrance to the ground floor.
Matters Arising
H0.56 Damp Issue (note 28a/10-11 refers)
An oral report from the Small Works Manager on the damp problem in H0.56, noting
that the issue has not been resolved and a meeting will take place with the
Maintenance Officer to try and resolve the issue.
That the Small Works Manager keep the Secretary and Chair updated, preferably
with the issue being resolved before the next meeting of the Group.
New Centrally Timetabled Rooms (P5.21) (note 28b/10-11 refers)
That the Small Works Manager has confirmed that the lighting in room P5.21
is in a satisfactory condition;
That push button access into room P5.21 would improve disability access into
the room.
An oral report from the Small Works Manager confirming that:
The corridor lighting works in the Physics building will not affect the
refurbishment of P5.21 during the summer vacation;
The P5.21 works will take one week to complete, noting that the
Small Works team can contact the Timetabling team directly to make
a booking;
The option of installing push button access into room P5.21 would be
considered once the results of the Disabled Access Survey are
known (as detailed in minute 39/10-11).
That the Small Works Manager update the Secretary on the final costs for the
works within a week of this meeting.
That the decision to refurbish P5.21 (in this financial year) be taken by Chair’s
action once the final costs are known.
Refurbishment works to L3, L4, L5 and B-rooms (note 28c/10-11 refers)
That the cost for delivery and installation to replace the disabled seating at the
back of L5 with fixed seating (and retaining the three pull up writing tablets)
would be £1034k (plus VAT), it being noted that this cost would be taken from
the Furniture and Equipment Officer’s budget and that the seats would be
installed between 1st and 3rd June;
That exterior disabled access signs will be installed shortly.
An oral report from the Secretary, noting that alternative options for the
location of the 2nd Film Society screen could be in the Humanities, Zeeman
and Social Studies buildings, noting however that the Science Concourse
remains the most likely location to install the artwork;
An oral report from the Small Works Manager informing the Group that:
The disabled access signs have been ordered which indicate
directions to L4 and would be installed before the next meeting of the
Further disabled access improvements to L3, L4 and L5 were likely to
be a high priority, but would be considered in the context of the
forthcoming campus wide survey of CTTR disabled access
improvement requirements (see minute 39/10-11 below);
Following discussions with the Access Systems Administrator, it was
noted that:
The main issue with card access on the ground floor lobby of
L4 was that currently it is only programmed for emergency
access only;
Card access would need to be programmed so as to
recognise specific individuals, it being noted that the Lead
Technical Specialist requested that the AV team be permitted
access as well;
The Small Works Manager does not have a list of disabled
students to on which to base access.
That the Lead Technical Specialist discuss with a colleague the issues around
the location of the second Film Society screen and inform the Secretary of his
That the Disability Coordinator be asked to send the Small Works Manager a
list of disabled student names so card access can be granted to disabled
students entering the ground floor lobby of L4;
That the Small Works Manager liaise with the Access Systems Administrator
to request L4 card access for the AV team.
Wi-Fi Access Points (note 28d/10-11 refers)
An oral report from the Lead Technical Specialist on Wi-Fi access points, noting that:
All 100+ capacity CTT lecture theatres now have Wi-Fi access;
20% of CTTRs (including seminar rooms) are still without Wi-Fi access;
By 11/12, there will be full Wi-Fi coverage in all CTTRs;
The AV website can be accessed at any time to check whether any room has
Wi-Fi access (a Wi-Fi symbol will be next to the room);
The cost for installing Wi-Fi in the Zeeman building was slightly lower than
expected at a cost of £1246.42k.
Signage (note 28e/10-11 refers)
That new signage in B0.41 and B0.43 has been installed.
That the Small Works Manager would report back to the Group any further signage
improvements that were required across campus, noting that this work would be
carried out at the same time as the audit of disabled access to CTTRs, with the
priority being to start with central campus rooms.
Clocks in CTTRs (note 28F/10-11 refers)
That the large radio controlled clocks were installed in H0.51 and H0.52.
F1.07, F1.10 & F1.11 (note 28g/10-11 refers)
That Chair’s action has been taken to approve the replacement of carpets in
F1.07, F1.10 & F1.11, at a cost of £5559.84 (including VAT);
That the new carpet was installed on the 26th and 27th April in rooms F1.10
and F1.11, it being noted that conferences and exams will delay installation
of the carpet in F1.07 until the summer vacation;
That the cost for disabled access to rooms F1.07, F1.10 & F1.11 would be
c.£9k, it being noted that this cost was not included as part of the main
An oral report from the Small Works Manager and Furniture and Equipment
Officer, noting that during the works in F1.07, F1.10 & F1.11 between 28 th
March and 7th April, the contractors had spilled paint on the carpet and to
prevent this in future, the porters will be asked to cover all the carpet and
furniture in any room being refurbished;
An oral report from the Small Works Manager on the ceiling leak reported by
the School of Engineering, noting that the affected ceiling tile was replaced
and no stains or water reappeared, therefore the damage was thought to be
relating to an old ceiling leak that has since been repaired.
Whether the c. £9k of disabled access works should be carried out.
That the decision on the disabled access works be taken once the results of the
campus-wide CTTR disabled access survey are known.
Rooms MS.03, MS.04, MS.05 (note 28i/10-11 refers)
An oral report from the Chair informing the Group that the Institute of Maths
have moved some bookings into LTTRs, therefore freeing up some slots in
rooms MS.03, MS.04 and MS.05.
An oral report from the Lead Technical Specialist informing the Group that:
The blackboards in the smaller CTTRs B2.01, B2.02, B2.03 and
B2.04/5 are in a relatively poor condition, thereby preventing the use
of these rooms (as an alternative to the Zeeman rooms) by the
Institute of Maths;
The option of installing vertically sliding blackboards (such as in room
H0.52) would not be feasible due to the relatively low ceiling height;
One option, which will be offered to the Institute of Maths, will be to
install three standard blackboards stretching the entire length of the
wall (standard blackboard size is 2400x1200cm), it being noted that
installing new blinds in room B2.01 would help prevent light entering
the room which currently disturbs the clarity of the image on the
The Lead Technical Specialist meet with colleagues from the Institute of Maths to
discuss the blackboards in rooms B2.01, B2.02, B2.03 and B2.04/5, and update the
Chair on the outcome.
CTTR Projector Replacements (note 28j/10-11 refers)
That due to an instance of the projector failing in room R0.21:
AV Services had purchased a loan stock visualiser to serve as an emergency
back-up for any visualiser that fails in a CTTR;
The Chair had agreed to the purchase of a back-up projector for use when
CTTR projectors fail.
An oral report from the Lead Technical Specialist informing the Group that:
A new back-up projector would cost £5,079k (including VAT), which
was nearly half the usual price, it being noted that a loan stock
visualiser is now available to use as a back-up.
Projection facilities are appropriate in CTTR seminar rooms (with no
further investment being needed at this time), however the following
lecture theatres require new projection facilities:
PLT (cost £12,000K including VAT);
S0.21 (cost £12,000K including VAT);
GLT2 (cost £6,000K including VAT);
H0.58 (cost £2,000K including VAT);
The new projection facilities could be installed in-house during the
summer vacation if approved.
That the purchase of the back-up projector at £5,079k (including VAT) be
That the budget for this financial year (10-11) be considered before approving
the new projection facilities in the lecture theatres shown above.
2009-10 Programme of Works – CIF funds (note 18e/10-11 refers)
An oral report by the Secretary, noting that the final spend figure for the CTTR 200910 works (Summer ’09 & ’10) is still pending a resolution on an outstanding invoice
relating to the Summer 2010 works.
That the Small Works Manager update the Secretary on the details of this invoice by
May 13th.
AV Guides (note 30/10-11 refers)
That in order to look more presentable, AV guides and contact information across
CTTRs would need A3 frames at the cost £19.95 (plus VAT) and £8.50 (plus VAT) for
fitting, per frame.
That the purchase of AV guides and contact information at £3,500k (excluding VAT)
be approved.
A023 (note 2/10-11 refers)
That the carpet in room A023 will be re-carpeted during three consecutive days, May
30th, May 31st and 1st June, it being noted that the cost will be taken from the
Furniture and Equipment Officer’s budget.
2010-11 Programme of Works
Budget Position and Agreed/Pending Works
A summary of the current budget position for University Funds (paper
CTTR.1/10-11 (revised 5);
A paper detailing the agreed and pending works to CTTRs for 10-11
(paper CTTR. 2/10-11 (revised 2).
An oral report by the Secretary informing the Group that £65.4k has been
committed so far this financial year.
That regarding paper CTTR.1/10-11 (revised 5), each Group member
would double check all amounts highlighted in red plus all amounts in
the ‘outstanding’ and ‘posted’ columns, it being noted that members
will report any issues/changes to the Secretary; Lisa/David/Jon
That regarding paper CTTR. 2/10-11 (revised 2), each Group member
would double check pending works and approved works are correct
and nothing was missed off or added incorrectly.
H0.51 & H0.52
That H0.51 and H0.52 have been provisionally booked for works
between 10th and 23rd August, it being noted that some costs will
therefore come out of the 11/12 budget (hence that a document
listing the 11/12 financial commitments will be provided at the next
meeting of the Group);
That AV Services will need the room free for two weeks in order to
complete the works;
That the total cost for replacement AV equipment in room H0.52 is
£22,665.82 and for room H0.51 £33,709.42 (both including VAT);
That a meeting of departmental colleagues to consult on the
proposed works to H0.51 and H0.52 took place on 27th April, and the
following concerns were raised:
History of Art noted the need for good image quality as
previously the projection did not have optimal clarity;
The level of noise during the works would need to be kept to
a minimum due to other classes taking place in nearby
The air conditioning makes the room too cold and has
discoloured various ceiling tiles;
The room is too dark;
A request for visualisers to be installed throughout
A paper detailing departmental comments on H0.51 and H0.52 (paper
An oral report from the Lead Technical Specialist in response to
paper CTTR.6/10-11, informing the Group that:
The ability to project two images at a time is affected by the
size of the room, as the images have to be smaller when two
images are simultaneously being projected;
The AV costs would depend on what is decided as the best
method of projecting images, the options being:
A new second projector (c. £10k) {which would
increase the cost of the boards (by c. £5k)}, it being
noted that this improvement was the ideal scenario;
To use one visualiser and one overhead projector to
project simultaneous images, it being noted that this
cost was included in the AV costs quoted above
(minute 35b(iii)/10-11);
To use two visualisers per lecture theatre, it being
noted that this would cost an extra c. £2.5k plus the
cost of the lectern modifications;
A single projector with scaling box that can blend two
images, similar to the AV facility in room L4, it being
noted that this is a cheaper option (and that smaller
screens are needed) and the Lead Technical
Specialist will set up a demonstration of this type of
projection and report departmental feedback from
Physics as soon as possible.
The costs for new boards might come down and the Lead
Technical Specialist will keep the Secretary informed if the
cost does change.
The request for visualisers to be installed throughout
Humanities is an excellent idea but is not currently feasible
due to the expense involved (c. £2k per room), but noting
A new visualiser, to be produced from June 2011
onwards, may be cheaper;
It would be preferable to start by installing visualisers
in larger rooms, working through all rooms in size
The Zeeman lecture theatres are currently without
visualisers, noting that the installation of a visualiser
Acoustic panelling would greatly improve the sound quality in
H0.51 and that the Lead Technical Specialist would send the
dimensions of the panels to the Small Works
Manager/Furniture and Equipment Officer.
An oral report from the Small Works Manager informing the Group
To replace the lighting in rooms H0.51 and H0.52 would be
too costly cannot be covered by this year’s budget;
An oral report from the Chair informing the Group that:
The option to manually control the blinds in rooms H0.51
and H0.52 will be retained;
The expected costs for the next financial year (11-12) will be
available at the next Refurbishment Meeting and will list
works the Group has committed to.
That the Lead Technical Specialist would order the projector for
H0.51 (noting that H0.52 is not having a new projector)
That the Small Works Manager:
Provide costs for acoustic panelling in H0.51;
Raise a docket for the air conditioning issue commented by
departmental colleagues during the meeting to discuss
proposed works to H0.51 and H0.52;
Inform the Secretary of the final costs for painting and tidying
and of any works requested by the Disability Co-ordinator by
31st May.
That the Lead Technical Specialist and the Chair will meet with Film
and Television Studies to discuss the issue of 35mm projection in
H0.51, noting that:
Jon & Becky
The department had recently commented about the poor
sound quality in H0.51;
The planned refurbishment to H0.51 would improve the sound
quality as new speakers would be installed for general
teaching use;
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A significant number of film showings are only attended by a
small number of students, hence H0.51 is being underutilised, noting that whilst it would be valuable to undertake a
survey of usage, this would not be feasible until term 1;
To move the 35mm projection facilities to another (smaller)
CTTR would require a specialist contractor, noting that it
would be better to spend the money on the installation of
surround sound.
Lib 1 (note 29/10-11 refers)
That Lib 1 has been booked for the proposed works from 15th to 19th
An oral report from the Small Works Manager informing the Group
that the DDA budget cannot cover the c.£3k cost for push button
access to Lib 1;
An oral report from the Furniture and Equipment Officer on the need
to order the new tables for Lib1 by the end of May, it being noted that
there will be 6-8 weeks lead time.
That the Secretary confirm the result of discussions with the Academic
Advisory Group on the new proposed tables for Lib1.
CTTR Audit Project
A paper detailing a list of refurbishment priorities for CTTR rooms following
the CTTR audit (paper CTTR. 7/10-11).
An oral report from the Furniture and Equipment Officer informing the Group
that any issues in paper CTTR. 7/10-11 which state that a few chairs are
missing cannot be recovered.
That an extra ‘comments’ column be added onto paper CTTR. 7/10-11 which
will be used by members of the Group to comment on the issues raised in the
audit, it being noted that the CTTRs listed in the paper should be inspected
before the next meeting of the Group, with a revised version of paper CTTR.
7/10-11 being sent to the Assistant Secretary by 16th June. Lisa/Jon/Dave
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Departmental Comments on CTTRs from the Annual Accommodation Round
A paper detailing the departmental comments on the Annual
Accommodation Round forms on improvements needed to CTTRs
(paper CTTR.8/10-11);
A paper detailing departmental comments on the 5 flexible CTTRs
that have now been in operation for 2 terms (paper CTTR.9/10-11).
That an extra comments column be added onto paper CTTR.8/10-11
for use by the Group to add their comments alongside specific
departmental comments on the condition of CTTRs, it being noted
that the CTTRs listed in the paper should be inspected before the
next meeting of the Group, with a revised version of paper CTTR.
8/10-11 being sent to the Assistant Secretary by 16th June.
That decisions on the potential roll-out of flexible CTTRs be
postponed pending the IATL investigations into the future teaching
room layout/facilities that are desired by staff and students.
Ad Hoc Departments Comments on CTTRs
That the Department of Engineering have raised a potential problem with the
low temperature of room F1.07 during the autumn term.
An oral report from the Small Works Manager informing the Group that the
heating system was recently replaced, however the heating controls were not
installed at the same time and will be installed during the summer vacation,
which should resolve the problem.
MS.01 & MS.02
That blackboard lighting in MS.01 and MS.02 was inadequate with four of the
eight blackboard lights being non-functional, and complaints have been
received by Statistics students largely through course feedback.
An oral report from the Lead Technical Specialist, noting that the blackboard
lights are now working, it being noted that to prevent this situation happening
again Estates will check the lights every two months.
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B101, B102, B103 & B104/5
That a complaint was received from the Institute of Maths regarding the
quality of the blackboards and the lack of flexible board space in the
Sciences Concourse B-Rooms.
That the quality of blackboards and lack of flexible space in the B-Rooms will
be discussed at the forthcoming meeting with Maths (as detailed in minute
Ramphal Lecture Theatre
That the Department of Statistics have reported that numerous
writing tablets are broken and are in need of repair, and following
inspection by the Furniture and Equipment Officer a number of
additional issues have been noted in regard to the state of repair of
the room, specifically that:
90% of the writing tablets have quite bad chips and dents in
83 writing tablets are broken;
1 chair seat is totally off its hinges.
That the total cost in 2009 for replacing all tablets and repairing some
arm shrouds was £5444 (plus VAT), it being noted that a survey
would need to be carried out in order to get a more accurate
That the Furniture and Equipment Officer send a report to the
Secretary/Chair on the condition of the seating in the Ramphal Lecture
Theatre and consequent refurbishment proposals, noting the need to
consider whether the seating/writing surface set-up needs to be significantly
changed in the long-term.
H095c (New Hybrid Room – CTTR/Psychology)
That H095c would become a hybrid CTTR/LTTR room from October 2011
onwards, being centrally timetabled on Mondays and Fridays (term time only,
9am-5pm), and locally managed at all other times including vacations and
That the capacity of the room would be 14 in boardroom layout;
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That the Small Works Manager has proposed that the works in H095c will
take place on 20th June 2011, it being noted that the cost would be covered
by the Refurbishment Group:
Sound proofing £520 (excluding VAT);
Decoration works £400 (excluding VAT).
That the Furniture and Equipment Officer is awaiting delivery for the
following, with installation expected to commence the week beginning 27 th
7 tilt-top tables on castors (£1277.50 (including VAT));
15 Dream chairs as per other CTTRs (£975 (including VAT));
1800 x 1200mm VES magnetic whiteboard (£116.50 (including VAT),
not including fitting charge (£20).
An oral report from the Small Works Manager informing the Group that the
date for small works (20th June) is still provisional and is subject to change;
An oral report from the Lead Technical Specialist informing the Group that
the current projector, despite its age, is in good working order and will last at
least another 12 months, it being noted that it was deemed unnecessary to
spend £250 on security brackets for the projector as the value of the current
projector does not warrant this expenditure and that the Refurb Group will
pay for a replacement if the projector is stolen and split the cost with the
Department of Psychology if the projector breaks;
An oral report from the Small Works Manager on the new signage for the
door from the stairwell to the ground floor, noting that:
The current sign is old and inappropriate;
Psychology has agreed to pay half of the cost towards the new sign;
There were some issues still to be resolved with the Fire Officer in
relation to students waiting in the stairwell, hence the wording of the
sign had yet to be determined.
CTTR Capacities
That the Furniture and Equipment Officer has undertaken a review of the
capacities of a number of CTTRs and has recorded the following
amendments to capacities:
MI.F25a: capacity be reduced to 26 (from 30);
H4.02: capacity be reduced to 22 in boardroom layout (from 30);
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WCE0.10: capacity be reduced to 48 (in rows), it being noted that the
room was not practical for boardroom layout;
WA1.06: capacity be reduced to 18 in rows;
P5128: capacity be reduced to 76.
The Furniture and Equipment Officer has confirmed that the following rooms
have appropriate capacity:
MI.A1.28: (capacity 32);
H4.01: (capacity 15);
WE1.17: (capacity 36), noting that any crowding may be due to
locally owned cupboards still existing around the edges of the room
which will be taking up desk space;
B2.02: (capacity 60);
B2.01: (capacity 40).
That the reduced capacities will be incorporated into the 11/12 timetable.
Disabled Access Survey
An oral report from the Small Works Manager informing the Group of a new project to
be undertaken by Estates in which a disabled access survey will be carried out
across all centrally timetabled teaching rooms, it being noting that:
The DDA fund does not cover ad hoc individual items relating to disabled
access; instead, each CTTR refurbishment project should include a
budgetary line for disabled access works;
Once the survey is complete and a decision made on the priority order of
teaching rooms requiring disabled access improvements, the Estates
Office/Disability Coordinator will put in a bid for funding;
Currently there are no timescales in place for when the survey will take place
and be completed;
The following outstanding items discussed above will be included in the
disabled access survey and therefore cannot be individually resolved:
Push button access into room P5.21 (as detailed in Minute 34b/1011);
Access to L3, L4 and L5; (as detailed in Minute 34c/10-11);
Disabled access to rooms F1.07, F1.10 and F1.11 (c.£9k), (as
detailed in Minute 34g/10-11);
Push button access to Lib 1 (c.£3k), (as detailed in Minute 35c/1011).
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That the Assistant Secretary send a list of all centrally timetabled teaching
rooms to the Small Works Manager;
That the Small Works Manager consider the likely timetable for the
completion of the survey and inform the Assistant Secretary.
5 Year Plan Bid
REPORTED (by the Chair):
That a 5 year plan bid had been put forward to increase the Group’s annual budget
from c. £85k to c. £750k.
Date of Next Meeting
That the next meeting of the Refurb Group would be arranged for mid-June.
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