UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK Standing Group Responsible for the Maintenance and Refurbishment of Centrally Timetabled Rooms There will be a meeting of the Group on 23 June at 14.00 in room H0.43 1. Notes TO CONSIDER: The notes of the meeting held on 9 May (copy attached). 2. Matters Arising (a) H0.56 Damp Issue (note 2b/10-11 refers) TO REPORT: (i) That the Maintenance Officer believes the damp issue in room H0.56 was caused by residual damp from an old leak and will take time to dry out; (ii) That the room was redecorated on the 24th May 2011. TO RECEIVE: An oral report from the Small Works Manager on whether he is satisfied the damp problem has been resolved. (b) New Centrally Timetabled Rooms (P5.21) (note 34b/10-11 refers) TO REPORT: (c) (i) That the final costs for the refurbishment works in room P5.21 are £3,395k (excluding VAT), plus a £200 contingency sum, it being noted that this total excludes the cost for servicing the sliding partition which will be £375.00 (excluding VAT); (ii) That the works are due to take place in July and will be covered by the 10-11 refurbishment budget, it being noted that the sliding partition will be funded by the 11-12 budget. Refurbishment works to L3, L4, L5 and B-rooms (note 34c/10-11 refers) TO RECEIVE: An oral report from the Lead Technical Specialist on the outcome of the discussions on the potential locations for the second Film Society screen. (d) Signage (note 34e/10-11 refers) TO REPORT: That any further signage improvements across campus will be picked up via the Estates Small Works signage survey which will be undertaken in Autumn 2011. (e) Clocks in CTTRs (note 34f/10-11 refers) TO REPORT: That following a campus survey of all CTTRs, there are 59 rooms without clocks, noting that: (i) The cost to replace all clocks is £741.09 (including delivery, batteries, and fitment) and would be covered by the Group’s 10/11 budget; (f) (ii) 4 of the rooms (Lib 1, R0.21, S0.21, ACCR Conference Room) have a capacity of 75 or above and would require radio controlled clocks (this additional cost is included in the price quoted above); (iii) There are 6 rooms in which the clocks are not working (WT1.05, WLT, MS.01, S0.11, B2.04/05, H3.05); the Estates Office has been informed and a docket raised. F1.07, F1.10 & F1.11 (note 34g/10-11 refers) TO REPORT: That subsequent to the works in April in rooms F1.07, F1.10 and F1.11 there are some outstanding defects, noting it is expected that these outstanding items would be resolved by 6th July. (g) Rooms B2.01, B2.02, B2.03 and B2.04/5 (note 34h/10-11 refers) TO RECEIVE: An oral report from the Lead Technical Specialist on the outcome of discussions held with colleagues from the Institute of Maths to discuss the blackboards in rooms B2.01, B2.02, B2.03 and B2.04/5; (h) 2009-10 Programme of Works – CIF funds (note 34j/10-11 refers) TO REPORT: That the Small Works Manager will update the Secretary on the final invoice from 09-10 once the contractor has been in touch, it being noted that the contractor has been given a deadline of 27th June to settle the final account. (i) AV Guides (note 34k/10-11 refers) TO REPORT: That the frames for AV guides have been ordered and would be installed over the summer break, noting that the installation will be complete before the start of next term, 11-12. (j) H095c (New Hybrid Room – CTTR/Psychology) (note 37/10-11 refers) TO REPORT: That the works are likely to go ahead at the end of July, it being noted that the Small Works manager would update the Secretary on the exact date once it is known. TO RECEIVE: An oral report from the Small Works Manager confirming that the wording for the new sign (in the stairwell), and the date of installation. (k) Disabled Access Survey (note 39/10-11 refers) TO REPORT: (l) (i) That the Assistant Secretary sent a list of all centrally timetabled teaching rooms to the Small Works Manager; (ii) That the development of a timetable for the Disabled Access Survey is underway noting that the Small Works Manager will update the Group once the timetable is completed. Westwood Lecture Theatre Works (note 33/10-11 refers) TO REPORT: (i) That funding for the WLT works has been approved and will begin on 20th June 2011; 4. (ii) That the bulk of the noisy work will be undertaken in the first week of the programme prior to the main session of the Teach First conference; (iii) That a separate access point into the WLT will be created to reduce the problems arising from shared works and public access into the building through the main entrance; (iv) That the cost for AV installation (£13k) will be covered by the Refurbishment Group’s 10/11 budget; (v) That Teach First bookings in WLT would be accommodated in the Zeeman building. 2010-11 Programme of Works (a) Budget Position and Agreed/Pending Works TO RECEIVE: (i) An oral report from the Furniture and Equipment Officer, Lead Technical Specialist and Small Works Manager on paper CTTR.1/10-11 (revised 5), highlighting any discrepancies in the ‘outstanding’ and ‘posted’ columns; (ii) An oral report from the Furniture and Equipment Officer, Lead Technical Specialist and Small Works Manager to confirm whether any amendments needed to be made to the list of pending and approved works, as set out on paper CTTR. 2/10-11 (revised 2). TO CONSIDER: (b) (i) A summary of the current budget position for University Funds (paper CTTR.1/10-11 (revised 6) copy attached), noting that colleagues need to update the Secretary as soon as possible on any invoices that may not be submitted by the end of the financial year, 31 st July 2011; (ii) A paper detailing the agreed and pending works to CTTRs for 10-11 (paper CTTR.2/1011(revised 3), copy attached. CTTR Projector Replacements (note 34i/10-11 refers) TO CONSIDER: Whether the projection facilities in the following CTTR seminar rooms can be financed this year: (c) (i) PLT (cost £12,000K including VAT); (ii) S0.21 (cost £12,000K including VAT); (iii) GLT2 (cost £6,000K including VAT); (iv) H0.58 (cost £2,000K including VAT); H0.51 & H0.52 (note 35b/10-11 refers) TO REPORT: (i) That refurbishment costs are as follows: (A) H0.51 (£1966.00 (plus VAT)); (B) H0.52 (£2206.00 (plus VAT)); (C) Outside area of H0.51 and H0.52 (£781.00 (plus VAT)). These costs would be funded by the Group’s 11/12 budget. (ii) That new and replacement AV equipment in H0.52 would cost approximately £22,000, and in H0.51 £33,710 and would be funded by the Group’s 10/11 budget; (ii) That the column boards in H0.51 will need to be removed before the AV works can begin in H0.51 (10th-16th August allocated to Estates and 17th-23rd August allocated to AVS, vice versa for H0.52); (iii) That asbestos was discovered behind the blackboard in H0.51 and the blackboard will therefore be removed by the end of July and replaced before the start of the 11-12 academic year; (iv) That the removal of the blackboard would cause minimal disruption to CTT and Conference room bookings; (v) That to redecorate and make good the wall after the blackboard has been removed will cost c. £500 (plus VAT), and will be financed from the 10/11 budget; (vi) That following a request by the Institute of Maths to retain the facility of a blackboard in H0.51, a hybrid chalk and whiteboard would be installed in H0.51, noting that Maths were supportive of this proposal; (vii) That a docket has been raised for the air conditioning issue in rooms H0.51 and H0.52; (viii) That H0.51 no longer needed to have 35mm projection facilities given that all Film and Television bookings for 11/12 had been moved to Millburn House. TO RECEIVE: (d) (ix) An oral report from the Lead Technical Specialist on the best projection/visualiser option for H0.51 in light of recent discussions with Physics; (x) An oral report from the Small Works Manager confirming whether the costs detailed above include acoustic panelling and any works requested by the Disability Co-ordinator. Lib 1 (note 29/10-11 refers) TO REPORT: That the cost for refurbishing Lib1 will be c.£4,847k, noting that: (e) (i) The works have been approved and will be funded by the Group’s 11/12 budget; (ii) Tilt top tables on castors will be ordered for Lib1. CTTR Audit Project (note 35d/10-11 refers) TO RECEIVE: An oral report from the Furniture and Equipment Officer, Lead Technical Specialist and Small Works Manager on the condition of the rooms listed in paper CTTR.7/10-11, copy attached, which were identified as being potential priorities for future refurbishment and AV works. (f) Departmental Comments on CTTRs from the Annual Accommodation Round Forms (note 35e/10-11 refers) TO RECEIVE: An oral report from the Furniture and Equipment Officer, Lead Technical Specialist and Small Works Manager in response to the departmental comments listed in paper CTTR.8/10-11, copy attached. 5. Ad Hoc Departments Comments on CTTRs Ramphal Lecture Theatre (note 36d/10-11 refers) TO REPORT: That in response to complaints about the quality of the writing tablets in R0.21, new hardwearing arm tablets would be installed over the summer vacation. TO RECEIVE: An oral report from the Furniture and Equipment Officer on the best long term option for the seating/writing surface. 6. PC Access in Central Campus CTTRs TO REPORT: 7. (a) That, in response to demand from departments, all CTTRs (approximately 23) on central campus with a laptop input plate will be fitted with a fixed PC for the beginning of the next academic year, noting that the cost for the PCs will be covered by ITS; (b) That the Lead Technical Specialist will provide the costs for fixing and carrying out any ‘tidying works’ associated with the installation of the PCs, it being noted that this is expected to cost c.£300 per room and will be covered by the 11-12 refurbishment budget. F25b - hybrid CTTR/LTTR TO REPORT: (a) That F25b in Milburn House would become a hybrid CTTR/LTTR room from October 2011 onwards, being centrally timetabled in term 1 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm (4pm on a Friday), and locally timetabled at all other times; (b) That the Department of the History of Art would clarify the conditions of use for the hybrid room and discuss any additional issues with the Chair as appropriate; (c) That signage in the interior and exterior of Milburn House would be amended accordingly during the summer vacation. TO RECEIVE: 8. An oral report from the Lead Technical Specialist regarding any AV equipment required or in need of replacement in F25b. A026 and A125 - hybrid CTTR/LTTRs TO REPORT: (a) That the room A026 in Milburn House would become a hybrid CTTR/LTTR room from October 2011 onwards being centrally timetabled on Fridays only (CTT hours are 9am to 7pm) and locally timetabled at all other times; (b) That the room A125 in Milburn House would become a hybrid CTTR/LTTR room from October 2011 onwards, being centrally timetabled on Mondays and Fridays (CTT hours are 9am to 7pm) and locally timetabled at all other times; (c) That to ensure the AV equipment and facilities are consistent with other CTTRs, lectern modifications and PC installation will be covered by this year’s Refurbishment budget, noting that any subsequent standard CTTR AV or refurbishment costs will be divided between the Department and the CTTR budget according to the split in the allocation of the area of the room; (d) That signage in the interior and exterior of Milburn House would be amended accordingly during the summer vacation. TO RECEIVE: An oral report from the Chair on further discussions surrounding the new hybrid status of A026 and A125, in particular if there are any refurbishment priorities for the rooms other than those outlined above. 9. CTT room allocation changes TO REPORT: (a) (b) 10. That the following CTTRs will be re-allocated: (i) H305 (CTTR) will move into H103 (currently FoA common room); (ii) H401 (CTTR) will move into H305 (CTTR), leaving H401 unallocated. That the Lead Technical Specialist and the Furniture and Equipment Officer will advise the Group on the feasibility (and/or necessity) and costs of the following: (i) Writing tablet chairs and whiteboards moving from H401 to H305; (ii) Chairs and tables moving from H305 to H103; (iii) Replacing the carpet in H305; (iv) Curtain hanging repair in H305; (v) Installation of board pen holder in H305; (vi) Moving AV from H401 to H103; (vii) Installation of new whiteboards (on multiple walls) in H103; (viii) Deep clean carpet in H103; (ix) Removing current furniture from H103. IATL Teaching Space Event TO RECEIVE: An oral report from the Chair and Secretary on the recent IATL teaching space event, noting that a written report would be distributed at a future meeting of the Group. 11. Any other Business 12. Date of the Next Meeting