Standing Group Responsible for the Maintenance and Refurbishment of
Centrally Timetabled Rooms
Notes from the meeting of the Group held on Monday 14 March 2011
Ms B Lees (Chair), Miss V Feller, Ms L Holland, Mr G Hunter (for item 27/10-11), Ms B
Lambert, Mr D Mace, Mr J Owen, Mr M Roberts.
Mr J Buckingham, Ms P Mealing, Mr P Jones.
The notes of the meeting held on 28 January 2011.
That the minutes be approved.
Westwood Lecture Theatre Works
A presentation from the Mechanical Services Design Engineer on the Westwood Lecture
Theatre Programme of works noting that:
The tender documents would be available for circulation to interested parties by 18th
Due to budget restrictions, there might be a need for the costs of the planned works
to be divided between two financial years (10/11 and 11/12), however this would be
confirmed by the Head of Estates Maintenance in due course;
A minimum of ten weeks was needed to complete the programme, however it was not
yet confirmed whether this needed to be an uninterrupted programme;
The last row of seating would be fixed following the works, (it being noted that the
final row was currently loose seating), and new disabled space created for three
wheelchair users;
The capacity of the room would be retained at 284;
The cost for the works was expected to be in the region of c.400k (plus VAT), with a
£100k allowance for additional costs, the cost would not be confirmed until the results
of the tender exercise have been released;
The proportion of the costs to be covered by the Refurb Group would be considered
following the results of the tender exercise.
REPORTED (By the Small Works Manager)
That the Disability Coordinator had been consulted regarding the proposed disabled ramp
REPORTED (By the Lead Technical Specialist):
That AV costs could not be provided at present as discussions were still ongoing
regarding the potential to make use of the existing network system in the room,
thereby reducing costs;
That it was expected that the AV installation would be managed internally, thereby
reducing costs further.
That the Small Works Manager and Building Surveyor inspect WLT to finalise and
approve the design plans for the works, particularly noting the need to resolve the
final design of the ramp at the front of the lecture theatre;
That the Lead Technical Specialist provide AV costs to the Secretary by 25th March;
That the Secretary arrange a meeting with the Department of Education to outline the
scope of the works to WLT and to seek their feedback.
Matters Arising
H0.56 Damp Issue (note 2b/10-11 refers)
An oral report from the Small Works Manager noting that the issue had not been fully
That the Small Works Manager and the Head of Estates undertake a further
inspection to identify the cause of the damp issue in H0.56, and report back their
findings at the next meeting of the Group.
New Centrally Timetabled Rooms (P5.21) (note 18b/10-11 refers)
An oral report from the Small Works Manager to update the Group on progress in
relation to the works to the Physics building, specifically in relation to lighting works, it
being noted that works were due to commence in the summer vacation 2011.
That the Small Works Manager update the Group on the potential of new lighting in
room P5.21 and on any implications for the replacement of ceiling tiles.
Refurbishment works to L3, L4, L5 and B-rooms (note 18c/10-11 refers)
REPORTED (By the Secretary):
That the Film Society has been requested to remove one plasma screen to
enable the Mead Gallery to install art work on the back wall of the Science
An oral report from the Secretary noting that:
The Film Society had raised concerns regarding the removal of a
plasma screen, specifically in relation to the potential loss of
advertising revenue as a result;
The Society have been asked to further investigate with their
corporate sponsors the impact of losing a screen before a final
decision would be made regarding the installation of the artwork.
An oral report from the Lead Technical Specialist noting that:
There may be a possibility to install the artwork on the wall where two
vending machines currently stand.
An oral report from the Small Works Manager on discussions with the
Disability Officer regarding disabled access to L3, L4 and L5 noting that:
The Disability Officer was keen to install automatic doors in L3 to
enhance disabled access to the room (two off the fire lobby and one
at the top of L3), and card access to the L4 ground floor lobby
The Disability Officer also felt that external signage indicating
directions to L4 would be a valuable addition;
It was felt that a door stop was needed for L4 and L5 for safety
L3 and L4 met all current DDA requirements, and as such the works
suggestions from the Disability Officer would improve disability
The Group would be updated should the disability access
improvements receive funding approval from the DDA-related
maintenance budget;
The Disability Officer had agreed that L5 would not be considered for
disability access;
The Disability Officer had agreed that the current disabled access at
the top of L5 would be removed due to safety reasons, noting that L4
had ground floor disabled access.
That the disabled seating at the back of L5 be replaced with fixed seating,
noting that the Furniture and Equipment Officer should provide the Secretary
with expected costs for the works as soon as possible;
That the Secretary investigate alternative options for the location of the Mead
Gallery artwork on the Science Concourse;
That the Small Works Manager liaise with the Disability Officer to agree a
way forward in relation to the disabled access improvements suggested for
L3 and L4;
That the doors to L4 and L5 would be re-hung, it being noted that the Access
systems administrator is advising on card access to L4.
Wi-Fi Access Points (note 18d/10-11 refers)
That the following CTTR controlled rooms have had Wi-Fi access points
ACCR, WLT, PLT, S0.21, PS1.28, B2.02, B2.04/05, S0.11, S0.20, A0.23,
WCE0.10, S0.13, S0.18, S0.09, S0.10, R1.15, WE1.17, WT0.05, S0.17,
WCE0.09b, S0.08, WCE0.09a, WE0.01, S0.03, S2.81, S1.66, S1.69, S2.73,
That the remaining Wi-Fi access points (as detailed in minute 18d/10-11)
would be installed over the Easter vacation.
An oral report from the Lead Technical Specialist noting that:
Information regarding Wi-Fi provision in CTTRs could now be found on the
AV webpage;
The cost of installation of Wi-Fi in the Zeeman building may be less that
originally quoted; the Group would be informed in due course whether any
reduction to its £1.5k contribution to the installation would be possible. Jon
Signage (note 18d/10-11 refers)
An oral report from the Small Works Manager noting that the Social Sciences and
B0.41/043 signage had now been delivered and should be installed this week, it
being noted that there would be a campus inspection with the signage company to
identify the need for any further signage across campus.
Clocks in CTTRs (note 19c/10-11 refers)
That clocks had been installed in Humanities CTTRs and WCE0.09b and
That the large radio controlled clocks to be installed in H0.51 and H0.52 were
awaiting delivery, and would be installed as soon as possible.
F1.07, F1.10 & F1.11 (note 19d/10-11 refers)
That a number of writing tablet chairs have now been installed in F1.07,
F1.10 and F1.11;
That a detailed list of proposed works to F1.107, F1.10 and F1.11 was listed
in paper CTTR.2/10-11 (revised 1), it being noted that final costs for the
works were £5.3k (incl. VAT);
That the Senior Duty Manager had booked out F1.07, F1.10 and F1.11 from
28th March to 7th April for the works to the rooms;
That asbestos had been found in the window ledge covering in all three
rooms, and would be removed on 28th March.
An oral report from the Furniture and Equipment Officer noting that:
The tables in the poorest condition have been removed from F1.07, F1.10
and F1.11;
In the opinion of the Furniture and Equipment Officer, the blinds and carpets
in F1.07, F1.10 & F1.11 do not need replacing;
The staircase and main corridor carpets around F1.07, F1.10 & F1.11 were
being replaced at the end of April in line with the rest of the refurbishment in
the Engineering building, it being noted that this will be funded by the
Furniture & Equipment budget.
An oral report from the Small Works Manager noting that:
The programme as outlined in paper (CTTR.2/10-11 (revised 1), was
That the refurbishment works to F1.07, F1.10 & F1.11 be approved (as detailed in
paper CTTR.2/10-11 (revised1)).
WE117 & WA108 (note 21/10-11 refers)
That the cost to install a projector with laptop input in WE1.17 and WA1.08
would be c.£2.5k per room;
That the cost would increase to £7.5k per room if a fixed PC and lectern were
also installed.
That it was the view of the Lead Technical Specialist that installation of a PC,
lectern and projector would be preferable to a laptop input projector, it being
noted that doing so would improve the AV provision in the rooms and
potentially improve the usage of the rooms as a result;
That WE1.17 was booked for 132 hours (15%) in term 1, 187 hours (21%) in
term 2 and 72 hours (8%) (45 hours of this are a whole week booked out to
exams) in term 3;
That WA1.08 was booked for 220 hours (24%) in term 1, 239 hours (26%) in
term 2 and 150 hours (16%) in term 3;
REPORTED (By the Lead Technical Specialist)
That the £7.5k may be better spent elsewhere, especially in consideration of
the costs for H0.51 and H0.52 potentially rising and furthermore, the low
usage of WE1.17 and WA1.08;
WE1.17 and WA1.08 were supported by AV Services, noting that laptop and
projection facilities could be set up by AVS as requested by the user of the
That the Group postpone the decision on whether WE1.17 and WA1.08 requires a
fixed PC and lectern until the Institute of Education’s Annual Accommodation Round
form has been received.
Rooms MS.03, MS.04, MS.05 (note 23/10-11 refers)
An oral report from the Chair to inform the Group that the Department of Maths was
investigating the potential of using LTTRs to free up bookings in MS.03, MS.04 and
MS.05 and would send the Chair a list of bookings that could be moved in due
CTTR Projector Replacements (note 19a/10-11 refers)
That the cost to replace old or broken CTTR projectors was currently being
investigated by the Lead Technical Specialist, it being noted that the Group had
previously been advised that a proportion of CTTRs would require new projectors
during 10-11.
An oral report from the Lead Technical Specialist noting that:
There was an urgent need to replace the projector in room H0.51 (the
expected cost of which would be £7960 (plus VAT);
Projection facilities in room H0.52 were currently in good working order and
adequate for users’ needs;
Since new projectors would be installed during the summer term or the
summer vacation the cost could be borne by either the 10/11 or the 11/12
That the Secretary will be informed of any other CTTRs which require new
projection facilities and the attendant costs as soon as possible; Jon
That the purchase of the projector at £7960 (plus VAT) be approved for
installation as soon as possible;
10-11 Programme of Works
A summary of the current budget position for University Funds (paper
CTTR.1/10-11 (revised 4);
A paper detailing the agreed and pending works to CTTRs for 10-11 (paper
CTTR. 2/10-11 (revised 1);
Papers detailing proposed new layouts of Lib 1 and Lib 2 (papers CTTR.3/1011, & CTTR.3b/10-11), and the costs attached to the proposed changes
(paper CTTR. 4/10-11);
Lib 1, Lib 2 & P5.21
REPORTED (By the Lead Technical Specialist)
That the AV provision in Lib 1, Lib 2 and P5.21 was of comparable quality to other
seminar rooms and therefore would not require an upgrade at present;
REPORTED (by the Furniture and Equipment Officer)
That Lib 1 was in poorer condition than Lib 2, and would therefore benefit the most
from refurbishment.
REPORTED (by the Furniture and Equipment Officer):
That the capacity of P5.21 (50) was appropriate.
H0.51 & H0.52
REPORTED (By the Secretary):
That H0.51 and H0.52 have been booked out for works from the 8th to 25th August
should the works detailed in paper CTTR.2/10-11 (revised 1), be approved, it being
noted that refurbishment costs for this project would therefore fall under the 11/12
Refurb Group budget;
REPORTED (By the Lead Technical Specialist):
That costs and recommendations for any additional AV to H0.51 & H0.52 would be
provided by the next Refurbishment Group meeting, it being noted that the Group had
previously been advised of costs for fixed projection facilities, manual white boards,
and lectern/visualisers, however there was potentially an alternative option to install
touch screen controllers.
An oral report from the Small Works Manager noting that:
The estimated costs for H0.51 and H0.52 (painting and tidying) would be
c.£3-4k, it being noted that the costs would be finalised shortly;
Following consultation with the Disability coordinator, the attendant costs and
works for rooms H0.51 and H0.52 will be reported back to the Group. Dave
An oral report from the Lead Technical Specialist confirming that:
New AV for H0.51 and H0.52 will be ordered before the next meeting of the
Group (and hence would come out of the 10/11 budget);
That final costs for AV equipment in H0.51 and H0.52 will be reported to the
Secretary as soon as possible.
That the following works be approved:
Refurbishment works to Lib 1, specifically:
New impervious backed carpet, at a cost of £1,752;
Two new whiteboards at a cost of £300 (plus £40 installation);
New flexible tilt-top tables on castors at a cost of £8,030 subject to
agreement from the Academic Advisory Group, noting that whilst the
current capacity could be retained, the tables would take up more
space, hence options to use the room flexibly would be limited;
Redecoration works at a cost of £1k;
That improvement works for Lib 2 not be approved at this time;
That the Senior Duty Manager check the availability of Lib 1 during the
summer vacation and report this to the Secretary, the Furniture and
Equipment Officer and the Small Works Manager, it being noted that one
week would be needed for the proposed refurbishment to be completed; Phil
That the Secretary organise a meeting of department colleagues to consult
on the proposed works to H0.51 and H0.52.
That the Small Works Manager investigate push button entrance to Lib 1,
specifically to determine whether the DDA budget can cover the c.£3k cost.
Departments Comments on CTTRs
That following a request from the Department of History to replace missing AV guides
and contact information in centrally timetabled rooms there were now printed
individual signs installed in every CTTR, it being noted that the signs provide contact
details for AVS and the location of the nearest internal phone.
REPORTED (By the Lead Technical Specialist):
That AV guides and contact information have been installed in c.75% of centrally
timetabled rooms, it being noted that the remainder would be installed by the next
meeting of the Group.
REPORTED (By the Furniture and Equipment Officer):
In order to look more presentable, the guides and contact information may
need A3 frames;
To order and install the frames, it would cost £19.95 (plus VAT) and £8.50
(plus VAT) for fitting, per frame.
That once all the missing AV guides and contact information in centrally timetabled
rooms have been installed, new guides will be framed and installed at a cost of
Date of Next Meeting
That the next meeting of the Refurb Group would be arranged for the week beginning
9th May.