PNWCG STEERING COMMITTEE Meeting Notes November 17, 2000 In Attendance: Bob Anderson, WA Fire Service Pam Ensley, USFWS Barbara Kennedy, BLM/SORO Lanny Quackenbush, ODF Bob Garrison, OR Fire Marshal Terry Hueth, BLM/USFS Paul Rose, Forest Service John Viada, WDNR Cory Winnie, BIA Introduction – Barbara Kennedy Barbara Kennedy called the meeting to order at 9:40 a.m. and reviewed the agenda topics. Revisit and Further Discussion Regarding Fire District Participation - All PNWCG had tasked the Business Incident Management Team to suggest a solution for paying fire district personnel. An agreement had been drafted with Tualatin Valley so that resources could be moved over to the east side of the Cascades, but the agreement was never signed. Since then, the larger issue of how to pay and how resources might be moved has been recognized. ODF and Forest Service had a problem with the draft agreement. Paul Rose said the Team is working on a way for the states to receive the service with a direction to reimburse the fire district, but he does not have an answer at this time. The committee discussed alternatives for paying rural fire departments when they participate in federal wildland fire incidents. If the states acquire the resource and pay the fire district, they have to wait for reimbursement. If the resource is hired by a federal agency, the fire district is paid directly. Bob Anderson suggested that the language in agreements may need to be modified to allow federal payment of fire district resources. Modification of agreements to clarify reimbursement for personnel and equipment costs may be needed for now. Bob suggested that the only solution in the interim is an agreement made directly with the federal agencies by any fire district that wants to participate. Bob Garrison explained that the situation was complicated by the differences in situations for fire districts in Oregon and Washington. He suggested coming up with one administratively determined rate that Oregon fire districts will expect whether they are going to work for ODF or a federal agency to clarify expectations. Bob will look at the statutes to confirm what fire districts are allowed to do as legal corporations and determine if they have the legal authority to contract with federal agencies. The easiest answer is to reimburse them at the rates established by the Fire Marshal's standardized fee structure; they are used to getting this rate when going out of district. Bob is willing to work with ODF and someone from the Forest Service or PNWCG to agree on a payment schedule. He offered to act as an intermediary between the fire districts and the State Fire Defense Board on the one hand, and ODF and PNWCG on the other. Fire district resources could be sent to other jurisdictions within the state, but he suggested keeping mobilization at the request of the Governor as a separate issue. The committee discussed the advantages and disadvantages of a template agreement and how the process would work. Bob Garrison and Bob Anderson discussed the pros and cons of having the agreements signed in advance. Barbara suggested using the same basic format and covering personnel and equipment with the same agreement. Paul Rose expressed concern about having multiple agreements and opening them up to rate negotiations. Bob Garrison said what he was PNWCG Steering Committee November 17, 2000 Page 2 proposing with the Oregon fire departments was that they agree to one rate through the State Fire Defense Board. He suggested that it may be that as a first step, all that can be accomplished is to have districts contract with ODF; the next step would be to open it up to federal agencies. The committee members concluded the discussion with an agreement that there is a common interest in having the agency using the fire district resource pay that fire district resource directly; that the committee would like to achieve a consistent and common payment model using the states’ Fire Marshal’s mobilization rates; and that the vehicle to accomplish this is an individual agreement between an agency and a fire district based on a template. Having one master agreement was generally agreed upon. Lanny disagreed in that he would like to see a joint agreement between wildland agencies and ultimately have fire districts sign on to it individually. Paul said this removed the potential of having two or three federal agencies sign an agreement with the same department. He thought there were advantages to having a single agreement. Having two agreements, one for each state, was also proposed. Bob Anderson wished to reserve judgment until he saw the details. The committee agreed to form a task group consisting of Judy Kline, Paul Rose, a representative from Mary Curso’s office, and Bob Garrison, and to keep Bob Anderson in the loop. Lanny will represent ODF for now, but he will try to get Michelle Remmy involved. The task group is to report back to the steering committee by the February meeting. Bob Anderson will send out his draft language to Barbara, who will forward it via e-mail to the committee. Strategic Plan – Barbara Kennedy Barbara reported that the chairs of the working teams have been invited to the first day of the December meeting to provide a summary of accomplishments and discuss what is planned for next year. On the second day, the committee will look at the strategic plan to make sure that the plan is consistent with the National Fire Plan. She reminded the committee that they will have work to do in preparation for this meeting. 2001 Meeting Dates - All The committee agreed upon the following meeting dates for 2001. Barbara will e-mail to members not in attendance to confirm that these dates work for them. January 17 (Chair will facilitate) February 21 March 21 April 18 May 16 June 20 July 18 August 15 September 19 October 17 November 28 December 12-13 Term Length for 2001 PNWCG Chair – All Barbara Kennedy reported that the working guidelines specify that the federal agencies alternate with state or fire district representatives. Pam Ensley expressed a preference not to serve as chair until she had been with the group longer, but said she was willing to serve next time. It was proposed to have Mark Forbes switch places with Pam, with Bob Anderson as Vice Chair. Terry Hueth offered to call Mark Forbes to be sure he was willing to serve as the next Chair. PNWCG Steering Committee November 17, 2000 Page 3 Extending the term length for Chair to two years was discussed, but it was agreed that this was too long a term. It was suggested that having the Chair and Vice Chair work closely together would help prepare the Vice Chair to assume the duties of Chair. MAC Performance - Terry Hueth Terry discussed the recognition of team performance. He suggested sending out a letter signed by the chair to ask about the performance this past year. Update on Washington Teams - John Viada The confusion regarding the number of teams available from Washington was discussed. John reported that there was a committee meeting today to decide on a model for how many teams they can field. The goal is to have the teams more integrated. One issue is how long the IC leaders can be gone. Overall, he thinks the interagency teams were a success. National Fire Plan Update - Terry Hueth Terry reported that the method for giving money directly to the rural fire districts is not in place, although the Forest Service can do this. He suggested working with the two states, looking at their allocations as well as BLM’s, and using existing Forest Service vehicles for transferring the money. If the committee agreed, Terry proposed to take this back to the national Washington Office and report that a system was set up and PNWCG was ready to proceed. Barbara agreed and suggested that as a geographic area, PNWCG propose to BLM’s national office that it use existing vehicles and funnel the Bureau's portion to Rural Assistance, so that there is one process and one system. Terry commented that if the money goes through BLM’s Region 6, there is more trackability. If the committee chooses to use the Forest Service system, it will be their dollars and under their rules; the money would take much longer to distribute through BLM. Lanny said he thinks the state of Oregon would be interested in going through the established Volunteer Fire Assistance (VFA) program. He proposed having some mechanism with wildland cooperators and with the fire districts to suggest doing something extraordinary like radio nets or PPE. Barbara suggested meeting to look at the regulations, since a decision is needed. Pam reported that USFWS, like BLM, is planning to go through the Forest Service. Terry and Pam may work on a joint proposal to take to the national office. They will ask Mark, to get National Parks on board as well. Both Lanny and John Viada agreed it is a good idea, if it can be made it work. Barbara discussed the State Fire Assistance Program that makes money available to states to improve their fire protection programs and the additional funds available for competitive grants to do wildland urban interface projects. Partnerships will make the grants competitive. Fire departments can access money through the Volunteer Fire Assistance and the programs run by the Interior agencies. The states will be the point of contact for local districts to access VFA money through states. The wildland interface competitive grants do not have a 10,000 population limitation. Barbara said the tight deadlines made conversations with partners difficult. Sometime next spring the committee will need to identify needs. PNWCG Steering Committee November 17, 2000 Page 4 Terry proposed having a weekly conference call to focus on implementation of the National Fire Plan. It was also proposed to post information to the National Fire Plan on the website. Lanny suggested that if more than one agency has the same project funded, they can discuss whether or not to share or pool the money. It was agreed to have a conference call to discuss the National Fire Plan on Thursday, December 7, at 7:30 a.m. to exchange information about who had been successful. Barbara suggested that any questions fire districts have regarding the National Fire Plan be referred to her. PNWCG/NWCC/GACG Meeting - Lanny Quackenbush Lanny shared a letter from NWCG suggesting a regular NWCG meeting to be held in Portland on June 5 and 6, with an opportunity for all the geographic coordination group representatives to meet on June 6. On June 7, there will be a joint meeting between NWCG and GACG representatives. PNWCG would coordinate the agenda with the representatives from all the geographic areas for the meeting on June 6. The steering committee agreed to host the joint meeting. Lanny will let Dan Artley know. It was agreed to make a decision regarding rescheduling the regular June meeting at a later date. Updates – Lanny Quackenbush/John Viada: 1/4 Turn Couplings: John Viada shared a letter he had received that indicates the adoption of 1/4 turn couplings; they will be phased in gradually. Lanny reported he had also received information via e-mail. National Weather Service Agreement: Lanny reported that Vicky's response indicated she had just two concerns, and they are ready to sign if agreement can be reached. Integrated Teams: Lanny reported that the thank you letter to the Governor has not been written. Fire Marshals: Sending formal invitations to the Oregon and Washington Fire Marshals to join the PNWCG was discussed. Bob Garrison said it was not necessary for his office at this time. It was felt that a formal letter was needed to invite Mary Curso or her representative to attend the PNWCG meetings. Letter from Tim Murphy: John Viada shared his letter sent last month in response to Tim Murphy, Montana DNRC, regarding leaving the length of commitment at 14 days, with some provisions to extend to 21 days if circumstances warranted. Pam reported this had already been accepted by NWCG. Aviation Specialist: Lanny reported that the Aviation Specialist position description should be available within the week. December Meeting The committee agreed that the December meeting will start at 9:30 a.m. on the first day, and 8:00 a.m. on the second day. /kg