Pacific Northwest Wildfire Coordinating Group Fuels Management Working Team

Pacific Northwest Wildfire Coordinating Group
Fuels Management Working Team
Date: 6-29-2010 9:20 am NWCC
Leanne Mruzik - BLM
Laura Mayer - FS
Alan McGuire-Dale - FS
Darrell Johnston – WA DNR
Lauren Maloney - BLM
Cyndi Sidles - FWS
Mary Helen Smith - ODF
Pam Ensley - FWS
Dee Townsend - NPS
Gene Lonning - BIA
John Buckman - ODF
Bill Aney - FS
Dale Guenther
C= Call In
1. Review Previous Meeting Notes – Yes….the notes we didn’t take (I thought with that in mind it would
go faster….wrong). So we looked at Lauren’s notes. Thanks for that Lauren, here are the highlights.
We discussed the "Demystifying Grants" document that Mary Helen provided, ODF reports
accomplishments through the Field monitoring report, DNR offered up how they track grants, what
message do we want to convey, did we make a difference, what did GIS WT come up with for
reporting data standards - Gene was going to provide a copy and share with the group, finalize an
inventory of what is out there, are Oregon projects lining up with the State Wide Risk Assessments,
how are project areas identified in CWPP and role do we think CWPP should play, and discussed
development of a matrix. Determine which grants we need to focus on. And the charter is signed and
2. GIS Working Team Update – Dale Guenther discussed what projects the GIS working team is
developing. They provide support for agencies by providing data sets, data set standards and help
support IMT’s.
Transfer Data Standards: Who, What, Where, and When. See attached documentation. This info is
used for several things including Landfire Refresh, Planning Info., Fire History for 2001-2009, etc.
IMT’s are provided with Roads layer, Stream Layer, Aviation Hazards layer, Fuels Treatment layer,
and Fire History layer.
This team is also involved in adopt-a-team which helps IMT’s get gear up with tech. transfer
Fuels Effectiveness program is on going. See attachment.
Dee Townsend will provide Dale with the GIS contact for NPS.
Dale will set up a web meeting in the future to look at what is available in GIS.
3. Review 2010 Program of Work – Briefing paper from each agency to be sent to Leanne by Sept. 7.
Should include the following information:
Primary Grants Process used (focus on Past and Current)
Grant timelines
Funding Source and Amounts
Picking or Priority Identification for funding
Summary of Grants funded
*Portions of this info is in the Grant Maze Overview paper.
4. Discuss NFP Grants – We discussed which grants this group should have a primary focus and
this is what I heard.
Primary - National Fire Plan Wildland Urban Interface Community Assistance (CA)
Secondary - Volunteer Fire Assistance (VFA)
Secondary - Rural Fire Assistance (RFA)
Secondary - Ready Reserve (RR)
Secondary - State Fire Assistance (SFA)
Secondary - Western States Wildland Urban Interface (WSFM)
5. Discussion on future efforts – Should be looking at:
Future process or changes for upcoming grants.
 Data for effective measurements
 Future prioritization of treatments
 State Risk Assessments
 Federal EMDS / HFPAS priorities
What are the challenges?
Dates to Remember:
September 23, 2010
Next Meeting
Web Sites of interest:
NW Fire Plan
GIS Working Team