Pacific Northwest Wildfire Coordinating Group Fuels Management Working Team Meeting

Pacific Northwest Wildfire Coordinating Group
Fuels Management Working Team Meeting
Meeting Date: September 23, 2010
Location: NWCC (large conference room)
Time: 0900-1200
Conference Call in Number: 866-750-1702
Passcode: 6817996*
Agenda Items
0900 – 0915 Review Previous Meeting Notes, introduce new team member Dennis Fiore
0915- 1000 Review grant briefing information received from each agency, discuss, and
determine final format, set new date for final product.
1000 - 1100 GIS Working Team Chair Dale Guenther to hand out data sets, give
overview of latest GIS product. FMWT group give feedback, determine what we think
would me a helpful product for further prioritization of grant and fuels projects.
1100 – 1130 Review FY11 Grant Cycle/timelines, clarify role of grant subcommittee in
meeting NFP grant obligations. Discuss funding amounts available for FY11, set
meeting for grant subcommittee to meet to start FY11 grant process.
1130 – 1200 Discuss: agenda item for next meeting, State Assessments what do we wait
to do as a team to address, EMDS/HFPAS review with steering committee September
20th, assign note taker.
NEXT MEETING: November 18, 2010. Meeting place needs to be established
Note Taker: not assigned at the last meeting, earn a golden star and become a volunteer note taker.