Communication, Prevention & Investigation Working Team Meeting Notes March 24, 2011

Communication, Prevention & Investigation Working Team
Meeting Notes
March 24, 2011
In attendance: Lauren Maloney, Claire McGrew, Rod Nichols, Janet Pierce, Sandy Williams,
Jeree Mills, Len Diaz, Pam Robbins, Tom Skinner, Tom Knappenberger
Meeting began at 09:42
Notetaker for the meeting
Claire volunteered to take notes.
Review and Approval of February 8, 2011 Meeting Notes
Lauren requested any recommended changes. None were provided. Minutes were approved.
PNWCG Annual Workshop An update was provided by Rod Nichols, ODF. Rod attended the first day of the workshop. Joe
Schramek served as Acting Chair. Topics discussed by the steering committee included the
current state of the budget. Joe provided some feedback to the group and indicated that we
should get back to basics and focus on safety, efficiency and sustainability. He also said that
since we have had a fairly moderate couple of fire seasons, that we need to continue to focus
on reminding citizens of the dangers of wildland fires.
Rod presented the steering committee with accomplishments from our team. These included:
Task Orders:
 Task Order 1009-09, Wildfire Awareness Week. This has been established to be held the
first full week of May prior to Mother’s day. (May 1-7).
 Task Order 1009-10, PNWCG Annual Accomplishment Report (Due in April). The
steering Committee advised Rod to contact the various committee chairs to get
information necessary to put this together.
 Task Order 1009-11, Annual Fire Prevention Workshop. The goal is to re-establish
communication with the annual prevention workshop group. We asked the steering
committee to offer additional support to the workshop with scholarship funds. Rod
believes the steering committee is motivated to find scholarship funds for this.
Other Efforts:
 Presented the working team recommendation to stay with the current efforts on
Wildfire Awareness Week.
 Look to develop This is a one stop for citizens. Jeree added that
the benefit of this is that you don’t have to know whose land it is. Rod noted that Dale
Gunther was at the meeting and provided a great explanation of the site. There was
strong support from the steering committee for future development.
 Rod mentioned the team’s goal of sharing information and informally coordinating
wildfire awareness efforts.
Support of the Smokey Bear award nominations.
Desire from the group to work to build a capacity on the fire trespass program in the
region, including more qualified fire investigators.
PNWCG Annual Accomplishment Report – Rod Nichols
Rod is in the process of making contacts, but if you have pieces from your own agencies that
you think that it would be good to include, please let Rod know. Lauren asked if there was
anything additional we could do to help. Rod requested that if you have names of individuals
who are on the other working teams or on the steering committee that could assist with
updates to let him know and he will follow up.
Rod thinks we’re in a good position to meet the deadline of April 2011. Jeree asked who the
report goes to. Sandy believes its Joe and the steering committee and most likely the national
group. Rod will find out what the distribution process is and report back. Rod will likely ask for
an editor’s eye on the report prior to presenting it to the committee.
CPI WT Letter of Support for Oregon Garden Fire safe House (Lauren)
Lauren updated us that this is a partnership at the Oregon Garden in Silverton, Oregon. The
project purpose is to make it a fire safe demonstration house with respect to wildland and
structural messaging. Malcolm Hiatt from Oregon Department of Forestry has requested a
letter of support from our working team showing our support for this project vested in
prevention and education efforts. Another point of interest at the location is the Frank Lloyd
Wright House, which draws interest to the location. Once the demonstration house is
complete, this site could be a potential site for our next year’s meeting.
Claire offered to send out some pictures of the home as Len requested them. She also added
that there will be some “Better” television segments on channel 12 advertising safety issues.
(These are short safety messages for “Better” T.V.)
The group agreed that they could support the project. Len requested information on other
groups that were currently supporting it. He indicated that he would like it if we were to add
the other groups that we partner with to mention them in our letter.
Lauren noted that once the letter is written and approved by the team, we will then pass the
letter of support to PNWCG steering committee for approval.
PIO Training and Experience Document (Lauren)
Lauren had previously drafted a document last fall to show the various qualifications of a PIO.
(We had previously discussed it on a phone conference.) Since then, the PIO qualifications have
changed. Lauren asked Tom K if he thought the document may not be usable due to these
recent changes.
Tom elaborated on the history of this task. There are 250 PIO’s in the region. He feels the
need to provide for continuity in the PIO function as there previously has been some confusion.
It was brought up in 2008, at the national region meeting. Since then, it led to the change in
the PIO qualifications that will take effect in June. AllPIOs will have to take S-203, and
complete the PIOF task book as a first step. Tom’s goal is to get a one-page sheet that can be
provided to a prospective PIO in order to give them some direction on training.
He has met with Lauren on this. On the NIFC bulletin board there is a short summary of the
current PIO requirements and those in effect after June. In writing the document, Tom and
Lauren utilized the red book as a resource. Len asked if this document would address PIOs that
utilize the blue book (i.e., BIA PIOs). Lauren requested a copy of the blue book to ensure that
the different qualifications are properly documented. When the document is finalized, Lauren
will run it through the regional training team to ensure that it meets their needs.
Sandy ran this document through her training folks. They had asked why they were involved.
Sandy cautions that we are creating something that the national level is also working on. If we
send this document out for review, but then the national levels are changing, that we are
spinning our wheels as those wanting to get qualified will only comply with the national level
and not with the local requirements.
Lauren noted that if the training team doesn’t want to take it on, then they will let us know.
The way that the document is currently crafted, it will cite all of the resources to get it all in one
Sandy didn’t think this would apply to her agency as they primarily handle agency staff.
Rod expressed appreciation for this work because he receives a lot of requests from those who
want to be PIO’s and there hasn’t been a “standard.” This has made it easier. Jeree indicated
that she thinks that it would be worthwhile as well. Once finalized, Lauren will send it to the
working team. Len clarified that it would be sent to this group. Project – Rod Nichols
This is a public website. Rod indicated that there was a lot of interest in this at the steering
committee. Several had concerns since each agency has different restrictions. He also noted
that Paul Bell cautioned that we could get agency restrictions on the site, but private
landowners can set their own standards so there will still not be total coverage on the
Lauren introduced the letter (sent to each WT member with the agenda for this email). She is
unsure of what direction we should take on this. She will clarify with the Dale Guenther if this is
a memo, a request or a note. Len asked for additional clarification on who wrote it, who is
supposed to receive it and what we’re supposed to do. Lauren indicated that we should be
prepared for this to turn into a task order.
Len had done some checking with his counterparts but has been unable to find any that have
examples of where they have been participating in the intent of the document.
Sandy shared that DNR puts a burn ban on state lands. Jeree knows there are all different
agencies with fire restriction information posted. State Fire Marshal offices for both states
refer to the agencies in their states that set restrictions. The Forest Service web sites will be
standardized fairly soon. Jeree has visited 6 -7 Forest Service sites, but had to really search for
the restrictions. She feels it would be an easy transition without everyone being in consensus
with their fire restrictions when we get started.
Lauren – BLM and Forest Service will have the most work with this. When Len talked about
reaching out to his counterparts, he mentioned using zones similar to what the draft document
indicates and we could potentially use this on the site for organization purposes.
Lauren noted that, for example, when a local ODF unit wants to change its fire restrictions, unit
representatives are already talking to adjacent units , so communication is there.
Len – There isn’t currently anything that is well defined, but there aren’t clear definitions of
what zones would look like. Also, be warned that the end user doesn’t care whose zone it is.
Tom S – So, if there is an area that no one claims it, what restrictions will the end user find?
Len – Someone should have it. If it’s not a defined organization, it would be the state.
Discussion ensued on rangeland fire restrictions.
Tom S – Advised there should be a default. A disclaimer should be written to advise that it is
not protected and it would then fall into the local rural department. We will need to make sure
that we indicate they need to contact the local fire protection district phone numbers if it is not
protected by a state/federal agency.
Jeree indicated that we have a contact list of all of the rural fire departments in Oregon if
anyone wants a copy.
Lauren – Sounds like we all agree in concept, but she will take it back to the steering committee
to find out what is being requested of the working team.
Jeree – A real plus for us is that we have Dale to help us with this. He has been involved in the
process since it was started several years ago.
Lauren would like to change the Pacific Northwest web page link that is there now right away
because the information on it is really old.
Len – when he talked to Corey, Len advised that it’s not for IFPLs but it is for the public. Len
would recommend that we make this clear when Lauren gets her follow-up answers.
Jeree – Thanked Lauren for her work on this.
Smokey Bear Awards
Jeree – We had to get them in a while ago, no problems with deadlines. Received 3
nominations from DNR, some from inside and outside candidates. They looked good and
complete. Nationally, they only received 12-15 nominations total, so Region 6 was well
represented this year. National level may be worried in the future about maxing out the
orders. They didn’t know if they were going to get awards this year in the prior year quantities
due to the extreme cost of gold. The trophies are dipped in real metal and with the high price
of gold, they didn’t know if they were going to have to limit it. Continue to keep in the back of
your mind nominations for next year.
Criteria – If someone’s job title is prevention, then it’s really difficult to get the award, so really
make sure that you are documenting this well to demonstrate how they go about and beyond.
It does have to be Wildland Fire related as well.
Sandy – It’s been a challenge to get the nominations in.
Lauren learned at the Fire Prevention Conference this year that the group organizing the event
received a Silver Smokey award in 2000.
Jeree asked if any anyone had any questions. They haven’t picked the awarded candidates yet.
No call backs for requests to modify anything. She expects to hear by May. They will contact
Jeree and will work out something with the supervisors to get a public venue for presentation
Lauren – tell people the back-story to get them interested in the awards.
Representative Updates
Tom Knappenberger
Assisted in teaching the S-203 class last week. Great Cadre. Mike Ferris and Kris Erickson and
two others partnered to put this on. They did a great job. They had 28 students which were
enthusiastic, smart and dedicated. Great week with simulations and he has an email list of 28
new folks. They asked if they were to continue and 18 asked to be added to the list of emails
that he will add to the email list of PIOs in the region.
Previous S-203 classes are not done by the region; they are district responsibilities which makes
it difficult. Tom will lobby the group in Wenatchee for next year. His goal is to have one in the
region each year. There is a lot of cost associated with this, so there are two parts to it. One is
to have someone to put it on, and the second is that they have the budget to support it.
This class will help us with the continuity of our PIO development.
Lauren added that there was a last minute request to the Forest Service main office that the
regional funding is maintained and Jeree and Lauren will make an effort this year to help
include S-203 in the budget for next year, as it is not a line item.
Tom said that he would like to sit down with Lauren to make sure that money is available.
Jeree thanks for him advising of the coordination center media desk in the class. Sandy said it
makes sense that we start talking about the class coordination now so that we can organize it.
Tom asked if she was volunteering. Sandy will ask Joel if he is going to put one on and will
advise Tom.
Sandy Williams
Wildfire Awareness Week is May 1-7 and will center around campfires with the main reason
being the anniversary of the 30 Mile Fire. They have no money and one of the regions made
signs with popsicle sticks. Through her BLM grant, she is getting signs made for outdoor
burning. They will be aluminum so they won’t burn. For global wildfire awareness week, she is
on an international group hoping to build a website. Sandy will send the group a link. That
group got approval for a global proclamation, and they will have a place where groups can sign
on to support wildfire awareness efforts. She also did a state profile for Washington. The group
will ask people to sign on and provide information about themselves. The site aims at tourists
visiting local areas to recreate. Sandy would encourage others to share this. It is set up for
northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere. They are trying to get as much going as
possible. The UN Food and Agriculture Organization brought up what we are doing to them.
Things are progressing rapidly. The purpose is to help them on a local level. It’s another
opportunity to raise wildfire awareness.
Rod Nichols
Field fire educators are doing their annual visits with interface residents. They’ve set up mass
mailings about what the requirements are to make their places safe through hazardous fuel
reduction and creation of defensible space. There was a pretty bad fire several years ago that
was started by a resident trying to clear defensible space and started a 30000 acre fire. A
current goal is to ensure that folks do clearing work before fire season begins.
Jeree Mills
Team Teaching is going on a lot through the region. The only thing that they have asked Jeree
to work is fire restrictions project. She is also getting ready for her summer job at the
coordination center.
May 24th they will have an open house at the new office. The building looks very nice. They
won’t be doing paper invitations, so they will be sending electronic invitations. They won’t
have any equipment at this year’s open house because of limited space in parking. There will
be guided tours. Dan has asked the staff to say what it is that they do. In the last couple of
years, there hasn’t been a lot of media that shows like they used to, so it will be interesting to
see how it goes at the new location, which is locally centered for media.
Tom asked if there was an email list that he could send to the group. Tom will send to Lauren
and Lauren will send to the group. Timberlake Job Corp will be preparing cake and coffee for
the open house.
Len Diaz
BIA Update – Prevention budget has remained on an even level. No cuts this past year. They
have done some classes on how to write investigation writing skills primarily as they continue
to have a lot of arson fires. They are also working on increasing capacity to do fire
investigations. Right now, they have 3 qualified investigators in the state of WA with 2 trainees,
but in Oregon they have none qualified with 1 trainee. They have sent a lot of people in the
past, but there is little follow through. FI-210 is offered numerous places. Seasons have been
mild. BIA is obligated to pursue the suspect and recover costs for the fire. For example, the fire
on the Flathead Reservation, the recovered costs all went back to the tribe.
US FWS is also under the same mandate for cost recovery. Not sure how they are for
investigators. Law enforcement branch is typically involved in different mission which doesn’t
lend it to fire investigations. Len will be working with the tribes that end up with fires and will
ask them to take additional trainees from adjacent reservations. It will all depend on timing
and distance.
Claire McGrew
Working with ODF on wildfire awareness week.
Thomas Skinner
His organization has lost one member that used to belong the group. Tom got the prevention
position here on the working team and will primarily be making sure that the communication
flow is present and that they support the group. They feel it is important that FWS be involved,
so he is committed to sharing the information.
Lauren Maloney
Lauren asked Janet if she would be attending the group. Janet agreed. She will post the
member contact document on the communication prevention team working team website.
Lauren passed a list around to make sure that all of our contact info is correct.
Lauren owes the prevention minutes up on the website. She will have those updated in the
next several days
Last week there was a safety and leadership meeting in Central Oregon. It occurred at Sun River
and 367 fire folks were in attendance. The event was focused on GS-9 and GS-11 fire staff to
help people that want to move forward in the arena. There hasn’t been an after-action review
yet, but it appeared to be well received.
The last speaker focused on importance of laughter in leadership.
Pam Robbins
Pam will now be attending the committee representing BLM. They have developed a
prescribed fire web site to help dispatch offices be more advised. She doesn’t know if this will
be expandable at this time.
They use social media to get Monday Movies etc up on the web. Public Affairs in BLM are the
onlyBLM employees with access to social media.
Jeree made a note that the coordination center pulls up the same information (regarding
smoke and prescribed fires), so a link to that site might be a good update for her system.
Lauren recommended discussions between the two offices to ensure that they are not
duplicating efforts.
DNR – Sandy updates that in the DNR movies are being loaded onto YouTube for reference.
Future meeting schedule –
Previously handled through doodle polls – discussion ensued regarding the polls. It was
decided we would set dates at this meeting.
June 7th – 9:30 a.m. – Next Conference Call – Jeree will set up a room to meet in the NW
Coordination Center for those that would like to attend in person.
September 8th, 2011 at 9:30 a.m.
December 8th 2011 at 9:30 a.m.
Jeree asked if we would be ok to continue with only meeting every quarter as we may have a
lot to do. We will meet in June and review this further.
Lauren checked in with the group to ensure they were still able to participate. Sandy will
check in with Esther to make sure she is still able to work with the group.
Good of the Order
January 3, 2012 Jeree’s retirement
Open House on the 24th at the NW Coordination Center.
Meeting ended at 11:55