Interconnection-Level Transmission Planning PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Rachel Sherrard (360) 213 2674 December 18, 2009 WECC AWARDED $14.5 MILLION IN RECOVERY ACT FUNDING TO CONDUCT INTERCONECTION-WIDE ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION PLANNING Salt Lake City, Utah – The Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) has received notification from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) that it has been awarded $14.5 million in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding to conduct interconnection-wide electric transmission planning studies in the Western Interconnection. The funding allows WECC to significantly expand existing regional transmission planning activities and broaden stakeholder involvement in planning processes. The resulting transmission plans will provide high quality, credible information on transmission infrastructure requirements to decision makers at all levels. “The DOE funding enables WECC to dramatically enhance regional transmission planning capabilities and increase cooperation in the Western Interconnection,” said Louise McCarren, WECC Chief Executive Officer. “WECC expects the resulting plans to facilitate the development of transmission infrastructure needed to maintain electric grid reliability and to increase access to renewable and other low-carbon generation resources throughout the region.” The funding will allow WECC to evaluate long-term regional transmission needs that factor in variables including electric demand, generation resources, energy policies, technology costs, impacts on transmission reliability, and emissions. WECC will seek guidance throughout the project from a broad set of stakeholders including representatives from states and provinces, utilities, agencies, non-governmental organizations, energy developers, and consumer advocates. WECC expects to begin the project with the formation of a multi-stakeholder Scenario Planning Steering Group and the development of a transmission study work program. Please visit the WECC Web site at FOA 0000068 for additional information on the project. ### Notes to editors: 1. WECC – one of eight Regional Entities in North America, encompassing a geographic area equivalent to over half the United States – is responsible for promoting electric system reliability and providing a forum for coordinating the operating and planning activities of its member organizations. WECC members — representing all segments of the electric industry — provide electricity in 14 western states, two Canadian provinces, and portions of one Mexican state. 2. WECC’s response to the U.S. Department of Energy’s Funding Opportunity Announcement DE-FOA-0000068 can be found at FOA 0000068. 3. Interconnection-wide Transmission Planning Program Partners include: California Independent System Operator: ColumbiaGrid Northern Tier Transmission Group WestConnect Arizona State University Colorado School of Mines Washington State University Western Electricity Coordinating Council