2010 REU Lecture Optics and Instrument Design An overview Erik Richard erik.richard@lasp.colorado.edu 303.735.6629 Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 1 Outline •Brief Review: Nature of Light (Electromagnetic Radiation) –Propagation of E&M waves –Interaction with matter –Wave-particle duality –Atomic, Molecular absorptions and emssions –Blackbody Radiation – Planck –Sensors • Brief Review: Optics Concepts - Refraction, Reflection, Diffraction, Polarization - Prisms vs. gratings –Imaging characteristics of lenses and mirrors –Aberrations –”You can’t always get what you want” –Detectors •Instrument Design, Function and Calibration-Dave Crotzer Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 2 Nature of Light (Electromagnetic Radiation) Classical Definition: Energy Propagating in the form of waves – Many physical processes give rise to E&M radiation including accelerating charged particles and emission by atoms and molecules. Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 3 Electromagnetic Spectrum • Velocity, frequency and wavelength are related: c=l*n where: • c=3x108 m/sec is the velocity in vacuum l and n are the wavelength and frequency respectively • Electromagnetic radiation is typically classified by wavelength: Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 4 Nature of Light: Wave-Particle Duality • Light behaves like a wave – While propagating in free space (e.g. radio waves) – On a macroscopic scale (e.g. while heating a thermometer) – Demonstrates interference and diffraction effects • Light behaves as a stream of particles (called photons) – When it interacts with matter on a microscopic scale – Is emitted or absorbed by atoms and molecules • Photons: – Travel at speed of light – Possess energy: E=hn=hc/l • Where h=Planck’s constant h=6.63e-34 Joule hz-1 • A visible light photon (l =400 nm) has n=7.5 x 1014 hz and E=4.97 x 10-19 J Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 5 Nature of Light: Photon Examples Atoms and Molecules Photoelectric Effect The nature of the interaction depends on photon wavelength (energy). Electron kinetic energy: K.E.=hn-W. W is the work function (depth of the ‘potential well’) for electrons in the surface. 1ev=1.6x10-19J Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 6 A closer look at the Sun’s spectrum Note log-scale for irradiance The hotter and higher layers produce complex EUV (10-120 nm) emissions dominated by multiply ionized atoms with irradiances in excess of the photospheric Planck distribution. Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 7 Atmospheric absorption of solar radiation N2, O, O2 ~99% solar radiation penetrates to the troposphere Altitude (km) Solar FUV and MUV radiation is the primary source of energy for earth’s upper atmosphere. stratosphere O3 troposphere Altitude “contour” for attenuation by a factor of 1/e I(km) = 37% x Io Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 8 Atmospheric Absorption in the Wavelength Range from 1 to 15 m Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 9 Black Body Radiation • An object radiates unique spectral radiant flux depending on the temperature and emissivity of the object. This radiation is called thermal radiation because it mainly depends on temperature. Thermal radiation can be expressed in terms of black body theory. Black body radiation is defined as thermal radiation of a black body, and can be given by Planck's law as a function of temperature T and wavelength Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 10 Blackbody Radiation Curves 2hc 2 1 u(,T) 5 hc kT e 1 Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 11 Black body radiation • Planck distributions Hot objects emit A LOT more radiation than cool objects I (W/m2) = x T4 The hotter the object, the shorter the peak wavelength T x max = constant Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 12 Solar Spectral Irradiance SORCE Instruments measure total solar irradiance and solar spectral irradiance in the 1 -2000 nm wavelength range. Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 13 Solar Cycle Irradiance Variations The FUV irradiance varies by ~ 10-100% but the MUV irradiance varies by ~ 1-10% during an 11 year solar cycle. Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 14 Solar variability across the spectrum • Solar irradiance modulated by presence of magnetic structures on the surface of the Sun……Solar Rotation (short) Solar Cycle (longer) • The character of the variability is a strong function of wavelength. Greatest absolute variability occurs in mid visible Greatest relative variability occurs in the ultraviolet. Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 15 Atmospheric Observation Modes Direct Solar Radiation (Solar or Stellar) Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 16 Functional Classes of Sensors Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 17 Elements of optical sensors characteristics Sensor What is there? Spectral Characteristics Spectral bandwidth () Resolution () Out of band rejection Polarization sensitivity Scattered light Optics – REU Lecture 2010 How much is there? Radiometric Characteristics Detection accuracy Signal to noise Dynamic range Quantization level Flat fielding Linearity of sensitivity Noise equivalent power Where is it located? (or Pattern Recognition) Geometric Characteristics Field of view Instan. Field of view Spectral band registration Alignments MTF’s Optical distortion Richard 18 The challenge So… there is light (sometimes lots, sometimes not so much) How do we collect it? How do we separate it? How do we detect it? How do we record it? Finally, How do we know we’re correct? Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 19 Snell’s Law of Refraction - Derivation Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 20 Reflection and refraction refractive index speed of light in vacuum speed of light in medium Glass : n 1.52 Water : n 1.33 Air : n 1.000292 As measured with respect to the surface normal : angle of incidence angle of reflection Snell ' s law : n sin n 'sin ' Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 21 Critical angle for refraction An interesting thing happens when light is going from a material with higher index to lower index, e.g. water-to-air or glass-to-air…there is an angle at which the light will not pass into the other material and will be reflected at the surface. Using Snell’s law: n 'sin ' n sin n n o sin c sin 90 n' n' Examples: Water to air 1 48.6 1.33 c sin 1 Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Glass to air 1 41.1 1.52 c sin 1 Richard 22 Total internal reflection At angles > critical angle, light undergoes total internal reflection It is common in laser experiments to use “roof-top” prisms at 90° reflectors. (Note:surfaces are typically antireflection coated) Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 23 Polarization p-polarized waves are linearly polarized waves parallel to the plane of incidence s-polarized waves are linearly polarized waves perpendicular to the plane of incidence From German “parallel” & “senkrecht” Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 24 Brewster’s Angle 90o n sin n 'sin n 'sin(90o ) n 'cos n ' B arctan n Examples: Water to air 1.33 53.1 1 B tan 1 Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Glass to air 1.52 56.6 1 B tan 1 Richard 25 Fresnel Reflection Equations Polarization dependent Reflection fraction vs. incident angle sin( ) n cos n cos Rs ( ) sin( ) n cos n cos 2 2 tan( ) n cos n cos Rp ( ) tan( ) n cos n cos 2 2 Augustin-Jean Fresnel 1788-1827 Normal incidence n n R n n Optics – REU Lecture 2010 2 Examples: Air-to-water : R=2.0% Air-to-glass : R=4.2% Richard 26 Fresnel Reflection Air-to-salt salt-to-air Salt: AgCl (near-IR) Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 27 Familiar Examples of Brewster and TIR Brewster’s: HeNe laser cell Round trip gain must exceed round trip reflection losses to achieve laser output Want to MINIMIZE reflection here TIR: Diamond cutting Want to MAXIMIZE reflection here Brilliant diamond cut must maximize light return through the top. Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 28 Rainbow Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 29 Prism refraction sin 1 n sin 2 sin 1 n sin 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 n Optics – REU Lecture 2010 n Richard 30 Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 31 Optical dispersion issues Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 32 Spectral Irradiance Monitor SIM • • • • • • Measure 2 absolute solar irradiance spectra per day Wide spectral coverage – 200-2400 nm High measurement accuracy – Goal of 0.1% (1) High measurement precision – SNR 500 @ 300 nm – SNR 20000 @ 800 nm High wavelength precision – 1.3 m knowledge in the focal plane – (or ll < 150 ppm) In-flight re-calibration – Prism transmission calibration – Duty cycling 2 independent spectrometers Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 33 SIM Prism in Littrow Al coated Back surface n’ sin 2 sin 1 n' Optics – REU Lecture 2010 1 sin( ) sin n' Richard 34 SIM Optical Image Quality Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 35 Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 36 SIM Measures the Full Solar Spectrum Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 37 Optical displacements “Careful!” For small angles: Optics – REU Lecture 2010 n 1 d t n Richard 38 Focal length (thin lens) Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 39 Chromatic Aberration Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 40 Chromatic Aberration Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 41 Chromatic Aberration Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 42 Focal ratio (f/#) Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 43 Focal ratio con’t Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 44 Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 45 Optical Transmission Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 46 Reflection or Refraction? Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 47 Reflection Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 48 Auxiliary Optical Elements for Gratings Lenses are often used as elements to collimate and reimage light in a diffraction grating spectrometer. Imaging geometry for a concave mirror. Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Tilted mirrors: 1. Produce collimated light when p=f (q=infinity). 2. Focus collimated light to a spot with q=f (p=infinity). Richard 49 Diffraction grating fundamentals Beam 2 travels a greater distance than beam 1 by (CD - AB) For constructive interference m= (CD-AB) m is an integer called the diffraction order CD = dsin & AB = -dsin m= d(sin + sin) Note: sign convention is “minus” when diffracted beam is on opposite side of grating normal than incidence beam; “plus” when on same side Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 50 Diffraction grating fundamentals Diffraction gratings use the interference pattern from a large number of equally spaced parallel grooves to disperse light by wavelength. Light with wavelength that is incident on a grating with angle a is diffracted into a discrete number of angles m that obey the grating equation: m. = d.(sin()+sin(m)). In the special case that m=0, a grating acts like a plane mirror and =- Blue (400 nm) and red (650 nm) light are dispersed into orders m=0,±1, and ±2 Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 51 Grating example Illuminate a grating with a blaze density of 1450 /mm With collimated white light and a incidence angle of 48°, What are the ’s appearing at diffraction angles of +20°, +10°, 0° and -10°? 1mm 6 nm d x 10 689.7 nm 1450 mm 689.7nm 748.4 nm sin 48 sin 20 n n Wavelength (nm) Optics – REU Lecture 2010 n=1 n=2 n=3 20 748 374 249 10 632 316 211 0 513 256 171 -10 393 196 131 Richard 52 Reflection Grating Geometry Gratings work best in collimated light and auxiliary optical elements are required to make a complete instrument Plane waves, incident on the grating, are diffracted into zero and first order Rotating the grating causes the diffraction angle to change 650 nm d (sin( ) sin( )) 400 nm Zero order Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 53 Typical Plane Grating Monochromator Design Grating spectrometer using two concave mirrors to collimate and focus the spectrum Only light that leaves the grating at the correct angle will pass through the exit slit. Tuning the grating through a small angle counter clockwise will block the red light and allow the blue light to reach the detector. Entrance Slit Exit Slit Detector Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 54 Diffraction Fraunhofer single slit diffraction involves the spreading out of waves past openings which are on the same order of the wavelength of the wave Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 55 Resolving Power Na spectral lines Na D-lines Instrument & Detector Optics – REU Lecture 2010 D1=589.6 nm D2=589.0 nm Richard 56 Free spectral range For a given set of incidence and diffraction angles, the grating equation is satisfied for a different wavelength for each integral diffraction order m. Thus light of several wavelengths (each in a different order) will be diffracted along the same direction: light of wavelength λ in order m is diffracted along the same direction as light of wavelength λ/2 in order 2m, etc. The range of wavelengths in a given spectral order for which superposition of light from adjacent orders does not occur is called the free spectral range Fλ. m 1 1 1 m Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 57 Resolving Power The resolving power R of a grating is a measure of its ability to separate adjacent spectral lines of average wavelength λ. It is usually expressed as the dimensionless quantity R mN Here ∆λ is the limit of resolution, the difference in wavelength between two lines of equal intensity that can be distinguished (that is, the peaks of two wavelengths λ1 and λ2 for which the separation |λ1 - λ2| < ∆λ will be ambiguous). Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 58 SOLSTICE: Channel Assembly ‘A’ Channel During Preliminary Alignment Test Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 59 SOLSTICE: Channel Assembly Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 60 Solstice Instrument The SOLar-STellar Irradiance Comparison Experiment consists of two identical channels mounted to the SORCE Instrument Module on orthogonal axes. They each measure solar and stellar spectral irradiances in the 115 - 320 nm wavelength range. SOLSTICE Channels on the IM SOLSTICE B Single SOLSTICE Channel SOLSTICE A Optics – REU Lecture 2010 - Dimensions: 88 x 40 x 19 cm - Mass: 18 kg - Electrical Interface: GCI Box Richard 61 SOLSTICE Grating Spectrometer • SOLSTICE cleanly resolves the Mg II h & k lines Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 62 Optical Aberrations Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 63 Optical Aberrations Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 64 Optical Aberrations Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 65 Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 66 Optical Aberrations Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 67 Spherical Aberration Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 68 Coma Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 69 Astigmatism Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 70 Optical Aberrations Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 71 Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 72 Optical Aberrations Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 73 Focus!!! Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 74 Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 75 Unwanted & Scattered Light Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 76 Cassegrain Baffling Example Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 77 The End Game Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 78 Optical Detection Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 79 “What’s the Frequency--Albert?” Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 80 Photomultiplier Tube Detectors Single photon detection (pulse counting) with an PMT Output pulse Ground -1200 V •A photon enters the window and ejects an electron from the photocathode (photoelectric effect) •The single photoelectron is accelerated through a 1200 volt potential down series of 10 dynodes (120 volts/dynode) producing a 106 electron pulse. •The electron pulse is amplified and detected in a pulse-amplifier-discriminator circuit. •Solstice uses two PMT’s in each channel that are optimized for a specified wavelength range –CsTe (‘F’) Detector Photocathode) 170-320 nm –CsI (‘G’) Detector Photocathode) 115-180 nm Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 81 Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 82 More Nomenclature Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 83 Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 84 Optics – REU Lecture 2010 Richard 85