Conjunctive normal form with example The steps to convert to conjunctive normal form: 1. Eliminate by using the fact that a b is equivalent to ~a V b 2. Reduce the scope of negation: ~(A V B) = ~A B ~(A B) = ~A V B De Morgan's law: ~x P(x) = x ~P(x) ~x P(x) = x ~P(x) 3. Standardize variables so that each quantifier binds a unique variable. x P(x) V x Q(x) would be converted to x P(x) V y Q(y) 4. Move all quantifiers to the left of the formula without changing their relative order. x y P(x) V Q(y) 5. Eliminate existential quantifiers. A formula that contains an existentially quantified variable asserts that there is a value that can be substituted for the variable that makes the formula true. y President(y) can be transformed into President(S1) If existential quantifiers occur within the scope of a universal quantifier then the value that satisfies the predicate may depend on the values of the universally quantified variables. x y father_of(y, x) can be transformed into x father_of(S2(x), x) These generated functions are called Skolem functions. 6. Drop the prefix. 7. Convert the matrix into conjunction of disjuncts. 8. Call each conjunct a separate clause