Evaluating the transferability of coarse-grained, densitydependent implicit solvent models to mixtures and chains The MIT Faculty has made this article openly available. Please share how this access benefits you. Your story matters. Citation Allen, Erik C., and Gregory C. Rutledge. “Evaluating the transferability of coarse-grained, density-dependent implicit solvent models to mixtures and chains.” The Journal of Chemical Physics 130.3 (2009): 034904. As Published http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3055594 Publisher American Institute of Physics Version Author's final manuscript Accessed Thu May 26 23:41:35 EDT 2016 Citable Link http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/68988 Terms of Use Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Detailed Terms http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ Evaluating the Transferability of Coarse-Grained, Density Dependent Implicit Solvent Models to Mixtures and Chains Erik C. Allen, Gregory C. Rutledge* Department of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 USA *Corresponding author: rutledge@mit.edu Keywords: Coarse-graining, implicit solvent, density dependence, mixing rule Abstract: Previously, we described a coarse-graining method for creating local density-dependent implicit solvent (DDIS) potentials that reproduces the radial distribution function (RDF) and solute excess chemical potential across a range of particle concentrations [E.C. Allen and G.C. Rutledge, J. Chem. Phys. 128, 154115 (2008)]. In this work, we test the transferability of these potentials, derived from simulations of monomeric solute in monomeric solvent, to mixtures of solutes and to solute chains in the same monomeric solvent. For this purpose, “transferability” refers to the predictive capability of the potentials without additional optimization. We find that RDF transferability to mixtures is very good, while RDF errors in systems of chains increase linearly with chain length. Excess chemical potential transferability is good for mixtures at low solute concentration, chains, and chains of mixed composition; at higher solute concentrations in mixtures, chemical potential transferability fails due to the unique nature of the DDIS potentials. With these results, we demonstrate that DDIS potentials derived for pure solutes can be 1 u$e& e''e()i+e,- i. )/e $)u&- 0' 12.- i130r)2.) $-$)e1$ i.(,u&i.g )/0$e i.+0,+i.g 1i6)ure$7 (/2i.$ 2.& (/2i.$ 0' 1i6e& (0130$i)i0. i. 10.01eri( $0,+e.)8 !" !$%r'(u*%i'$ 902r$e:gr2i.i.g )e(/.i;ue$ /2+e re(ei+e& gr0<i.g i.)ere$) 2$ 1e)/0&$ )0 e6)e.& )/e )i1e 2.& ,e.g)/ $(2,e$ 0' 10,e(u,2r $i1u,2)i0.$8 =. i)$ 10$) e$$e.)i2, '0r17 2 (02r$e:gr2i.i.g 2,g0ri)/1 i$ 2 $)2)i$)i(2, 'i))i.g 3r0(e$$ )/2) $-$)e12)i(2,,- re&u(e$ )/e .u1>er 0' &egree$ 0' 'ree&01 'r01 )/2) 0' 2. 2,,:2)01 $i1u,2)i0.8 ?/i$ re&u()i0. i$ 2(/ie+e& ei)/er >2ggreg2)i.g 1u,)i3,e 2)01i( (00r&i.2)e$ i.)0 2 $i.g,e (02r$e:gr2i.e& @9AB 32r)i(,e 0r >)/e &e,e)i0. 0' 32r)i(,e$7 2$ i. 2. i13,i(i) $0,+e.) $i1u,2)i0.8 C (02r$e:gr2i.i.g $(/e1e u$u2,,- $)2r)$ <i)/ 2 $/0r) $i1u,2)i0. i. </i(/ e+er- 32r)i(,e i$ e63,i(i),- i.(,u&e&D )/i$ i$ u$e& )0 ge.er2)e &e$(ri3)i+e E&2)2F 2>0u) )/e e62() $-$)e18 ?/i$ $i1u,2)i0. i$ '0,,0<e& >- 2 12)(/i.g 3r0(e&ure i. </i(/ )/e (02r$e:gr2i.e& 30)e.)i2, i$ (re2)e& 2.& 233,ie& )0 2 $-$)e1 i.+0,+i.g 2 re&u(e& .u1>er 0' 32r)i(,e$ )0 re3r0&u(e )/e &2)2 0' )/e u.&er,-i.g 2,,:32r)i(,e $i1u,2)i0.8 G2ri0u$ )-3e$ 0' &2)2 /2+e >ee. u$e& '0r 9A 30)e.)i2, 'i))i.g7 i.(,u&i.g '0r(e$H:I7 re+er$i>,e <0rJ87 r2&i2, &i$)ri>u)i0. 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transferability across a range of solute concentrations. This paper examines their performance in other situations. Specifically, we create DDIS potentials generated from simulations of pure monomeric solute particles in monomeric solvent, and then examine the transferability of these potentials to two other cases – mixtures involving more than one type of solute particle and solutes comprising chains particles – in the same implicit solvent. These cases are of particular relevance for the study of surfactants, because transferability would imply that one need parameterize CG potentials only for the head and tail solute particles individually, thereby greatly extending their utility. Therefore, we examine here the limits of transferability of density dependent potentials for these cases. II. Theory !"#$i&'(N*&+&i*#(,*#-"#&i*#$( In this work, !S refers to the &*&+/ density of solute particles, where the subscript “S” stands for solute, and may include contributions from different solute types. !0,(!1, and !,, respectively, are the densities of A, B, and C-type solute particles only. Finally, ! without subscript refers to the state point density, considering all particles (solute and solvent). A superscript 2 indicates that the density is the /*3+/ density of solute particles; otherwise, the density refers to the global average density. !!4S(5*&"#&i+/(6"-i"7( In Paper 1, we proposed a density-dependent, implicit solvent (DDIS) potential with the form 5 L E i = µ( ! S,i )+ 1 #V EFF (rij , !S,iL ) 2 j"i (1) where Ei is the effective energy of particle i, VEFF is a pairwise potential between solute particles that is an explicit function of solute particle density in the vicinity of particle i, L , and µ is a “self-interaction” term that is also a function of solute particle density. ! S,i We also proposed a method to fit such potentials, such that the solute-solute RDF and solute excess chemical potential, µAex, are reproduced across all solution compositions. We present here only a brief sketch of the solution algorithm. For further details, the reader is referred to Paper 1.38 The algorithm first involves generating pairwise potentials as a function of the global solute density by performing RDF-inversion22 for a number of solute compositions. Assuming that the distribution of local densities is centered about the global density in these first simulations, the RDF-inversion potential obtained for a given global solute density can then be taken as representative of the potential to be applied for a particle that experiences a comparable local solute density, regardless of the actual global density of the system in which the particle is found. Once the pairwise potentials are determined, an iterative procedure is used to determine the self-interaction as a function of local solute density such that the solute excess chemical potential is reproduced across all compositions. The method does not guarantee fit to an arbitrary accuracy. The measure of error in the RDF is given by the solute-solute energy, defined as: 6 ! %& ! "!## ! ! # " $## " %#'## " %! ! # ! ! ( # # #% $ )% !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#$%! 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S0.49),05n!8(5,5*59/!<5(!)99-),5.!)n-!*5)(/&-B()0n&-!/0.49),05n/!5<!.5n5.&(0*!/594,&! )(&!B0;&n!0n!G)8&(!1A!A!!?99-),5.!/0.49),05n/!D&(&!8&(<5(.&-!4/0nB!,%&!GIJK?LS! 6V&(/05n!#A#)N1!.59&*49)(!-:n).0*/!/0.49),05n!/5<,D)(&=!D%&(&)/!,%&!*5)(/&-B()0n&-! 6OOPS)!/0.49),05n/!D&(&!8&(<5(.&-!4/0nB!)!K5n,&!L)(95!*5-&!5<!54(!5Dn!-&/0BnA!!! ?/!0n!,%),!8)8&(=!)99!/0.49),05n!D&(&!*)((0&-!54,!0n!,%&!#$%&&n/&.'9&&),!%'Q()%R"*Q1A#S! )n-!!'Q!#*#QTASS=!D%&(&!"*!)n-!#*!)(&!,%&!U&nn)(--V5n&/!8)().&,&(/!5<!,%&!/59;&n,!WA!! 2)*%!/0.49),05n!*5n/0/,&-!5<!1TTT!,5,)9!8)(,0*9&/A!!$%&!*4,5<<!()-04/!<5(!0n,&()*,05n/!D)/! /&,!,5!S#*!4n9&//!5,%&(D0/&!0n-0*),&-! ! ?99-),5.!/0.49),05n/!5<!/594,&!.0C,4(&/!)n-!5<!*%)0n/!D&(&!*)((0&-!54,!0n!,%&!/).&! .)nn&(!)/!,%&!.59&*49)(!-:n).0*/!/0.49),05n/!5<!G)8&(!1=!D0,%!,%&!&C*&8,05n!5<! 0n,().59&*49)(!-&B(&&/!5<!<(&&-5.!<5(!,%&!*%)0n!/0.49),05n/A!!@5n-!9&nB,%/!)n-!)nB9&/! D&(&!%&9-!<0C&-!),!,%&!.0n0.4.!&n&(B:!;)94&/!4/0nB!,%&!UPXLSN>!)9B5(0,%.=!D%09&! ,5(/05n!)nB9&/!D&(&!)995D&-!,5!(5,),&!<(&&9:A!!L%)0n/!5<!9&nB,%!,D5!)n-!<54(!D&(&! /0.49),&-A!!F(&&!&n&(B:!*)9*49),05n/!0n!,%&!)99-),5.!/0.49),05n!D&(&!8&(<5(.&-!4/0nB! ,%&(.5-:n).0*!0n,&B(),05n!6$P)N#A!!$%&!/,)n-)(-!GIJK?LS!"!/D0,*%0nB!<4n*,05n!D)/! 4/&-!,5!0n,&B(),&!'&,D&&n!)n!0n0,0)9!/,),&!0n!D%0*%!,%&!,&/,!8)(,0*9&!0n,&()*,05n/!D0,%!,%&! ! 1#! remaining system were switched off and a final state in which the test particle interactions were fully enabled. Switching was applied to nonbonded interactions only, with soft core interactions to avoid singularities and using a soft core interaction parameter !=0.51. A total of 31 ! values were used (! = B0.00 0.03 0.0C 0.10 D. 0.E3 0.EC 1.00F). Hmplicit solvent Ionte Jarlo simulations were carried out in the same manner as the monomeric density dependent, implicit solvent simulations. Kearest bonded neighbor particles were included in the calculation of local density. Hn addition to the chain translation moves used for monomeric simulations, simulations of dimers included rigid body rotation moves as well, in the proportion L0M translation:20M rotation. Por tetramers, we also included rotation moves about individual bonds, in the proportion 50M translation:20M rigid body rotation:30M bond rotation. Simulations of monomeric solutes were equilibrated for 10# cycles, followed by sampling for 3 " 10# cycles. Sampling of dimers was performed for twice as many cycles, or 6 " 10#, and chains of length four were sampled for 1.2 " 105 IJ cycles. Pree energy was calculated using the Bennett Acceptance Tation method##. Two ! values were used (! = B0.00,1.00F) with an initial state comprising a non-interacting test particle and a final state having a fully interacting test particle. Sampling was performed every two IJ cycles, which was sufficient to generate statistically independent samples, as determined by the autocorrelation function of the measured energy difference. TWP sampling was performed every 100 IJ cycles. 1# !"# %&'()*' +,- D/'0(''/1, ! "#r%&'()!*+,)-!.-)/!&0!%1&-!23r4! In the all-atom simulations described in this work, particles interact via the truncated and shifted ;ennard-<ones potential, where the potential between particles & and 5 is described by: %% '%! )* ! & !! "" " # !"#)* ! '+ ""# !!"# "" "# " ##&"# $ '+ ""# !"#$% ! &"# !!"# "" "# "'(""# " # &% "# "# "# "# '% (%$###################################################&"# $ '+ ""# ("@) with *$#$ &$12 #$ &$& -$ " "# " "# /$ ! ! &"# !!"# ," "# " # 4!"# ,$%$ ) %$ ($ ($ %$ ($ %$ ,$$$ &"# '$ $$ &"# ($ '$ /$ .$ +$ $% "# ("#) where !&5 and "&5 are the ;ennard-<ones parameters for &5 interactions. Cquations ("@) and ("#) allow for the possibility of different cut-off radii (678&5) for interaction between different particle types. ! and " values of unlike particles are governed by ;orentFGerthelot mixing rules. In Iaper ", we examined the behavior of a single solute type (hereafter referred to as JKL) in solvent (JML) at reduced temperature and density *9N".O# and #9NP.##. Gecause the K-type particles were identical to the solvent M, the behavior of K-M mixtures was identical for all compositions of K. Qor the work presented here, we find it useful to "# intro)*+e t-o a))itiona/ so/*te types3 -hi+h )isp/ay 5so/6ent7phi/i+8 an) 5so/6ent7 pho9i+8 9eha6ior3 respe+ti6e/y: A so/*te<s re/ati6e pre=eren+e =or the so/6ent +an 9e meas*re) 9y the =ree energy o= trans=er3 !!"@#""A3 )e=ine) as the =ree energy +hange asso+iate) -ith trans=erring a sing/e so/*te parti+/e =rom a 9ath o= so/6ent parti+/es B to a 9ath o= so/*te parti+/es C: Dhe =ree energy o= trans=er +an 9e +a/+*/ate) =rom the ex+ess +hemi+a/ potentia/ o= so/*te parti+/esF $%# '% $%# '% !!S ! # " S " # $Sex &% S # !)%* $Sex &% S # ")% (% %% # (% %% # @"#A By 6arying parti+/e #$$<s an) %&,$(<s3 -e +reate) a 5so/6ent7phi/i+8 parti+/e @type BA an) a 5so/6ent7pho9i+8 parti+/e @type HA3 -ith intera+tion parameters gi6en in Da9/e ": Co/*te type B is )isting*ishe) 9y its re)*+e) #) o= I:J3 +ompare) to ## o= ":I: Co/*te type H intera+ts -ith the so/6ent B 6ia a re)*+e) +*to== ra)i*s o= ":KL$#3 -ith H7H an) B7B intera+tions maintaining the *s*a/ J:I$# +*to==: Da9/e " sho-s the so/*te enhan+ement ratio =or a// three types o= so/*te parti+/es at %"M%NI:J: Dhe spe+i=i+ #$$<s an) %&,$(<s *se) -ere se/e+te) s*+h that B7type an) H7type so/*te enhan+ement ratios -ere +/ose to ":I =or a// +ompositions: Dhis in)i+ates that 9oth so/*te types3 -hi/e expressing re/ati6e pre=eren+e =or /iOe or *n/iOe intera+tions3 are +omp/ete/y mis+i9/e in so/6ent at a// +ompositions3 an) 6a/i)ates the *se o= PQ*ations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"#$$%&'&()*% +(,-.'*)/-(! $%/!=,--</6/4.8<!B43)r68.i)4!'/>.i)4!>)4.8i4'!8<<!.%/!3)r>/3i/<0'!,'/0!i4!.%i'!()r0C! -r/'/4./0!i4!.81</!3)r68.A! ! 0$$&(1/2! $%/!-/r3)r684>/!)3!.%/!18'i>!6iDi45!r,</!0/'>ri1/0!i4!.%i'!()r+!i'!5/4/r8<<2!5))0A!!$%/! <)4/!/D>/-.i)4!i'!i4!i.'!-/r3)r684>/!(i.%!r/'-/>.!.)!!!"!i4!'2'./6'!)3!6iD.,r/'A!!E/! 0i'>,''!%/r/!8!6)r/!>)6-</D!6iDi45!r,</!.%8.!>84!i6-r)F/!.r84'3/r81i<i.2!)3!-)./4.i8<'A!!! ! 9G,8.i)4'!HIJKHLJ!-r)Fi0/!8!3r86/()r+!.)!-r/0i>.!.%/!/D>/''!>%/6i>8<!-)./4.i8<C! !#!"H!#C!$JC!18'/0!)4!.%/!'/<3Ki4./r8>.i)4!/4/r5i/'C!!#!840!!$A!!$%/r/3)r/C!9G,8.i)4'!HIJK HLJ!>84!1/!,'/0!.)!)-.i6iM/!.%/!F8<,/'!)3!.%/!'/<3Ki4./r8>.i)4!/4/r5i/'!18'/0!)4!842! 4,61/r!)3!-8r86/./riM8.i)4'A!!N/r/C!(/!'%)(!.%8.!!#H!#%C!$%J!840!!$H!#%C!$%J!>84!1/! -8r86/./riM/0!8'!8!.()K0i6/4'i)48<!3,4>.i)4!)3!1).%!!#%!840!!$%A!!$)!0)!')C!(/!-r)-)'/! 800i45!8!>,1i>!>)rr/>.i)4!./r6!.)!.%/!-,r/!>)6-)4/4.!)4/K1)02!./r6'C!')!.%8.! ! !! ( ! !L , ! #L ) = !!$%&' ( ! !L % ! #L ) % !!(%) ( ! !L , ! #L ) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HOPJ! ! (i.%! ! ! "#! # # 3 # # !Acub " ! AL , ! BL # $ c1! AL % c # ! BL % c 4 " ! AL # % c 4 ! AL ! BL % c 5 " ! BL # % c 6 " ! AL # % c ( " ! AL # ! BL % c ) ! AL " ! BL # % c * " ! BL # (A2) A similar equation can be written for the µ!’s. If values of µex$, µex!, !F1,$, and !F1,! can be measured or estimated across as range of densities (!$,!!)? then the resulting system of 18 unknowns can then be optimiEed without the use of additional molecular simulations. Fe elected to use a cubic correction instead of the simpler quadratic because optimiEation over Equations (6)-(8) indicated a slightly superior fit with the cubic correction. However, quadratic correction would likely provide adequate results in many cases. Fe examined the performance of this new algorithm in A/B/Z mixtures, and compared the results to the original mixing rule. 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ig$re () $omparison of free energy changes upon particle insertion in the (a) allparticle and (b) density-dependent, implicit solvent cases. The density-dependent potential introduces a secondary free energy change due to the change in energy models associated with a change in global average solute density of the system. Fig$re *) $omparison of excess chemical potential in all-atom (solid line) and coarsegrained (circles) simulations. LeftB C-type particles in solvent D. RightB $-type particles in solvent D. The dashed lines demarcate errors of 0.06!!, and are provided as a guide to compare the relative errors between the two coarse-grained potentials. Fig$re +) $omparison of worst-fit solute RDF in all-atom (solid line) and coarse-grained (circles) simulations. LeftB C-type particles in solvent D. RightB $-type particles in solvent D. Fig$re ,) $oarse-grained two-body term for local solute density ! S" /"=0.K (!A,-C,"""$) Fig$re -) $oarse-grained one-body term as a function of local solute density ($irclesB Atype particles, SquaresB C-type particles, $rossesB $-type particles) Fig$re .) Oorst case RDF reproduction for mixtures. Left SideB A/C/D mixture, Right SiPeB A/$/D mixture (Solid Line Q all-atom resultsR $ircles QDDIS results). 30 Figure 7)!$%&p()*+%,!%-!.%()+e01)(*,e2!(,2!(330(4%&!ex.e++!.6e&*.(3!p%4e,4*(3!-%)! &*x47)e+,!9)%:e,!2%;,!9<!4%4(3!+%374e!2e,+*4<,!!S=!!>e-4!?*2e@!µBexA!A,!BB!*,!CDEDF! &*x47)e+=!G*164!?*2e@!µCexA!A,!CB!*,!CD$DF!&*x47)e+=!A?%3*2!>*,e!H!C330(4%&!I(37e+;! $*).3e+!H!!SD!KL=M;!?N7()e+!H!!SD!KL=O;!$)%++e+!H!!SD!KL=PB=! ! Figure *)!Q%)+4!.(+e!GRS!)ep)%27.4*%,!-%)!4e4)(&e)+!%-!+%374e!p()4*.3e+!!A(B!C04<pe,!A9B! E04<pe,!A.B!$04<pe=!!A?%3*2!>*,e!H!C330(4%&;!$*).3e+!H!RRT?!)e+734+B=! ! Figure +)!$%&p()*+%,!%-!.%()+e01)(*,e2!(,2!(330(4%&!ex.e++!.6e&*.(3!p%4e,4*(3!-%)! &%,%&e)+,!2*&e)+,!(,2!4e4)(&e)+!(+!(!-7,.4*%,!%-!+%374e!2e,+*4<,!!S=!!A(B!C04<pe,!A9B!E0 4<pe,!A.B!$04<pe=!!A?%3*2!>*,e!H!C330(4%&;!$*).3e+!H!U%,%&e)+;!?N7()e+!H!R*&e)+;! $)%++e+!H!Ve4)(&e)+B=!! ! Figure 10)!EL!+4(,2()2!e))%)!A7,*4+!%-!"ZB!(+!(!-7,.4*%,!%-!.6(*,!3e,146!-%)!3%.(3!RRT?!(,2! 13%9(3!2e,+*4<02epe,2e,4!p%4e,4*(3+=!!A$*).3e+!H!>%.(3!p%4e,4*(3;!?N7()e+!H!W3%9(3! p%4e,4*(3B=!! ! Figure 11)!$%&p()*+%,!%-!$0$!p()4*.3e!GRS+!-%)!(330(4%&,!3%.(3!p%4e,4*(3,!(,2!13%9(3! p%4e,4*(3!-%)!$04<pe!4e4)(&e)+!*,!+%3Ie,4!F!(4!!CD!KL=M!A?%3*2!>*,e!H!(330(4%&;!$*).3e+!H! 13%9(3!p%4e,4*(3;!?N7()e+!H!3%.(3!p%4e,4*(3B=! ! Figure 1.)!C330(4%&!A+%3*2!3*,eB!(,2!.%()+e01)(*,e2!A.*).3e+B!µexA!SB!-%)!C#E#!&%3e.73e=!! ! ! "#! 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