The Nature of Science 1B: Scientific Inquiry The Nature of Mathematics 2A: Patterns and Relationships The Nature of Technology 3A: Technology and Science The Physical Setting 4E: Energy Transformations The Living Environment 5D: Interdependence of Life X X X X X X X X Human Society 7A: Cultural Effects on Behavior The Mathematical World 9A: Numbers 9B: Symbolic Relationships 9C: Shapes X X X X X X X Ahimsa Media’s Extension Doing Your Bit Sing! Sing a Song! The Food Web Game Bearly Any Ice Activity 4: Adapting to Survive The Artic and Antarctic Circles Activity 2: Historical Climate Statistics Ice Cores Teachers Guide CO2 Emissions (By Population) The Greenhouse Experiment (and puzzle) The Greenhouse Effect Skit Pre/Post Assessment American Association for the Advancement of Sciences Benchmarks (Grades 3-5) Common Themes 11A: Systems 11B: Models Habits of Mind 12D: Communication Skills 12E: Critical – Response Skills X X X X X Ahimsa Media’s Extension Doing Your Bit Sing! Sing a Song! The Food Web Game Activity 4: Adapting to Survive The Artic and Antarctic Circles Activity 2: Historical Climate Statistics Ice Cores Teachers Guide CO2 Emissions (By Population) The Greenhouse Experiment (and puzzle) The Greenhouse Effect Skit Pre/Post Assessment Bearly Any Ice X X X X X X Content Standard C: Life Science Characteristics of Organisms Organisms and Environments Content Standard D: Earth and Space Science Changes in the Earth and Sky Content Standard E: Science and Technology Understandings about Science and Technology Content Standard F: Science in Personal and Social Perspectives Types of Resources Changes in Environment X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Ahimsa Media’s Extension Doing Your Bit Sing! Sing a Song! The Food Web Game Bearly any Ice X X Activity 4: Adapting to Survive Teachers Guide X The Artic and Antarctic Circles CO2 Emissions (By Population) Ice Cores X Activity 2: Historical Climate Statistics The Greenhouse Experiment (and puzzle) Content Standard A: Science as Inquiry Abilities to do Scientific Inquiry Understanding about Scientific Inquiry Content Standard B: Physical Science Light, Heat, Electricity, and Magnetism The Greenhouse Effect Skit Pre/Post Assessment NRC National Science Education Standards (Grades 3-5)