Teaching Fellow – TF Moderation Visit

Teaching Fellow – TF
Moderation Visit
Area of Learning:
Year Group:
No of Pupils:
Identified focus for observation (focus on 2, 3 or 4 Teaching Standards and any previous targets)
To be used in conjunction with the Warwick Assessment Descriptors which provide extension of the criteria.
Some learners engaged
throughout the lesson
Requires support to create a safe
stimulating environment
Most learners engaged
throughout the lesson
Some strategies/ resources in
place to create a safe
stimulating environment
Consistently demonstrates
positive attitude including
SMSC in some lessons
Some learners make progress
which is expected.
Developing planning making
provision for, pupil progression
taking into account evidence of
prior knowledge &
All learners engaged and motivated
throughout the lesson
A range of strategies/ resources in
place to create a safe stimulating
Consistently demonstrates positive
attitudes including SMSC in all lessons
Some pupils are given
opportunities to reflect
Select a range of teaching
strategies to facilitate learning
and overcome potential
barriers. Developing targeted
intervention at times.
Most pupils are given opportunities
to reflect effectively and identify
emerging needs.
Select effective teaching strategies to
encourage independent learning and
set challenging tasks. Pupils overcome
barriers. Routinely checking pupils
understanding, well targeted
All pupils are given opportunities to
reflect effectively identify emerging
As for good but enables all pupils to
overcome barriers. Systematically
checking pupils understanding
alongside well targeted
Is developing secure subject and
curriculum knowledge, requires
support to develop pupils’
learning& skills and address
Strategies employed to
encourage independent
Has a secure subject and
curriculum knowledge, uses
this in their planning to
develop pupils’ learning &
skills, address misconceptions.
Some effective strategies employed
to encourage independent learning at
Has a good subject and curriculum
knowledge, uses this consistently in
their planning to develop pupils’
learning & skills and address
Effective strategies are employed
to encourage independent learning
Has a strong subject and
curriculum knowledge, uses this to
maximize learning in a lesson.
With support helps pupils
understand the value of learning.
Can help pupils understand the
value of learning.
Promotes the correct use of
literacy and numeracy with
Understands the need to
promote the correct use of
literacy and numeracy and
builds in appropriate support
opportunities into their
Plans a range of opportunities to help
pupils understand the value of
Develops the mathematical and
communication skills of the pupils
they teach; promotes and supports
the correct use of literacy and
numeracy across a range of lessons.
Requires support to plan
structured lessons and to set
clear and/or challenging LOs.
Is beginning to develop pace. Use
subject specific language
accurately; adapt their language
to suit the learners they teach.
Plans structured lessons with
clear and challenging LOs,
some support may be
required. Teaches
appropriately structured and
paced lessons; uses subject
specific language accurately;
adapts their language to suit
the learners they teach.
Teaches lessons which engage
pupils, arouse their curiosity
and promote learning.
Uses ICT, to support their
teaching, and pupils’ learning.
Takes every opportunity to help
pupils understand the value of
Effectively teaches mathematics
and communication skills to
enhance pupil progress.
Consistently & proactively
promotes and supports the correct
use of literacy and numeracy
throughout their practice.
As for good but Consistently
Uses exceptionally clear subject
specific language which is
consistently matched to the full
range of learners needs.
Can demonstrate positive values
including SMSC
Learning not evident
Demonstrate some
understanding of planning
sharing an awareness for the
provision of pupil progression &
taking into account pupil’s prior
Developing understanding for
the need for pupils to reflect
Requires support to adopt
teaching strategies which
facilitate learning to overcome
potential barriers including any
Developing ideas to encourage
independent learning.
With support is able to teach
lessons which engage pupils,
arouse their curiosity and/or
promote learning. Requires
support to use ICT to support
their teaching, pupils’ learning.
Most learners make progress which is
Consistently take into account the
prior learning and making provision
for pupil progress over time.
Plans structured lessons with clear
and challenging LOs.
Teaches appropriately structured and
paced lessons, effective use of lesson
time at all stages of the lesson. Uses
subject specific language accurately;
language is well-matched to
learners’ needs.
Teaches well, engaging pupils,
arousing curiosity and promoting
learning. A range of carefully
matched approaches. Uses a range of
ICT resources, to support their
teaching and learning.
High level of engagement and
enthusiasm throughout the lesson
As for good but creative
Is proactive in consistently
demonstrating positive attitudes
and SMSC in all lessons
All learners make good progress or
better than expected
Confidently and consistently plan
for pupil progression. Able to
articulate a clear rationale for
building on prior achievement
securing pupil progress.
As for good but teaches
exceptionally well.
Uses a range of ICT resources, to
enhance their teaching and pupils’
Understands how homework
work can sustain learners’
progress, consolidate learning
and with help, can design and set
appropriate tasks.
Understands how homework
can sustain learners’ progress,
consolidate learning and can
design and set appropriate
Understands how homework can
sustain learners’ progress,
consolidate learning and can design
and set appropriate and engaging
As good but in addition recognizing
that the intended audience is both
parent and child.
Is beginning to seek advice from
colleagues on how to improve;
tries to act appropriately on
written and oral feedback and
Limited differentiation in place
Seeks advice from colleagues
on how to improve, and acts
appropriately on written and
oral feedback and targets.
Uses well-focused short- and longerterm developmental targets to
improve their practice.
As good but in addition, judging
the impact on all groups of
Some approaches/resources in
place to enable all pupils to be
taught effectively
Clear differentiation in place and
appropriately deployed to allow for
purposeful learning
Developing understanding of
barriers to learning
Deploys a limited range of
strategies to overcome barriers
to learning
Plans/deploys well-targeted
interventions to overcome potential
barriers to learning
Marking or feedback is
infrequent and/or irregular
and/or fails to provide pupils with
guidance on how work can be
improved. Corrections not done.
Work incomplete.
Marking and feedback are
encouraging and provide pupils
with some guidance on how
work can be improved.
Pupils encouraged to respond
to feedback.
Marking and feedback are frequent
and provide pupils with guidance on
how to improve. Corrections/
improvements are carried out and
most missing work is completed.
Developing understanding of
purpose of assessment strategies
Uses a limited range of
assessment strategies
Requires support to set
assessment criteria
Sets assessment criteria.
Plans informal and structured
assessment opportunities into their
teaching, using an increasing range
of strategies
Sets clear and accurate assessment
criteria and personalized targets
Creative strategies /resources used
effectively to allow all pupils to be
taught effectively. ( or to learn
independently )
Plans/deploys well-targeted
interventions to overcome
potential barriers to learning for a
range of pupil needs
Marking and feedback are frequent
and regular, providing pupils with
very clear guidance on how work
can be improved.
Corrections/improvements are
carried out and any missing work is
Plans informal and structured
opportunities, using a wide range
of strategies
Little/no evidence of self/peer
Learners evaluate their
Learners evaluate their achievement
against success criteria to improve
performance over time.
Requires support to exercise
appropriate authority to manage
behaviour positively
Exercises appropriate authority
to manage behaviour
Manage learners’ behaviour largely in
a way which promotes self-control
and independence
Beginning to promote mutually
respectful trainee - pupil
Some evidence that learners
respond promptly to teachers’
direction and work cooperatively
Requires prompting to use praise,
sanctions, rewards consistently
and fairly
Requires support to plan
for/deploy support staff to
enable learning and teaching.
Mutually respectful trainee pupil relationships
Learners respond promptly to
teachers’ direction and work
Uses praise, sanctions, rewards
consistently and fairly
Has a developing rapport with
learners with a positive attitude to
Learners demonstrate positive
attitudes towards teacher, learning
and others; lesson flows smoothly
Effective use of praise, sanctions,
rewards to promote self-discipline
(Where applicable) deploys
support staff enabling learning
and teaching.
(Where applicable) deploys support
staff, in an increasing range of ways
which promote learning
Observer comments, including strengths and areas for development:
Trainee Reflections:
For TF moderation use only: Please contact STF if a query is raised.
Signed SM:
Signed trainee:
Makes effective use of clear and
accurate assessment and targets to
maximise learning
Learners to evaluate their
achievement against success
criteria which improves their
performance within the lesson.
Manage learners’ behaviour
consistently in a way which
promotes self-control and
Established rapport with learners
encouraging a positive attitude to
Learners display very high levels of
engagement, courtesy,
collaboration and cooperation
Effective use of directed praise,
rewards to promote learning
outcomes for pupils
(Where applicable) deploys support
staff, in an extended range of ways
which maximises learning