A novel strategy for the isolation of membrane ligand-receptor complexes Aims Results

A novel strategy for the isolation of membrane ligand-receptor complexes
Perry Bateman, Ellie Marshall, Jose Gutierrez-Marcos
University of Warwick
•  To advance our knowledge about the role of receptor-ligand interactions in plants.
•  To develop a novel strategy for the isolation of low-abundance membrane protein
Experimental Approach
•  I designed a strategy to enrich MEG13-BLRP from plant total protein extract.
•  Initial experiments using magnetic beads gave negative results on Western blot
•  This method is based on the strong protein-protein interaction between biotin and
streptavidin (SA) [3] as shown in figure 3.
(figure 4.a). SA was eluted from the beads (MW: 52.8 kDa tetramer, 13.2 kDa
monomer, figure 4.b), and the antibody cross-reacted with the monomer. This was
indicated by the presence of the band in all lanes.
1a 1b 1c •  In addition, lack of background bands in figure 4.b indicated that magnetic
streptavidin beads may not be suitable for our analysis.
•  Therefore, I compared the binding efficacy of different beads (figure 5). This
In plants, double fertilisation leads to the formation of a diploid embryo and a
analysis indicated that agarose beads were the more efficient.
triploid placental endosperm. The endosperm is thought to act only as a nourishing
organ to provide nutrients to the developing embryo. Surprisingly, we have found
that an Arabidopsis endosperm-specific protein, MEG13, is necessary for embryonic
development, acting specifically on the extra-embryonic suspensor cells [1]. Lossof-function analysis by RNA interference (RNAi) has revealed a wide range of
embryonic defects, in particular suspensor cell differentiation and embryo patterning
Total protein extracts from AtMeg13-BLRP (1a), Columbia (wild type) (1b) and mutant BLRP (1c)
plants were incubated with agarose-streptavidin beads. (Fig. 1). Interestingly, this protein is expressed exclusively in endosperm cells
surrounding the embryo, yet elicits a phenotype in suspensor cells. This suggests
that Meg13 acts non-autonomously as a diffusible signal between the endosperm
2 3 Figure 4. Western blot for AtMeg13 (a) and coomassie gel stain (b) of
eluted proteins from magnetic SA beads. Soluble proteins from WT
and Mutated BLRP: lanes (i) and (iii) respectively. Membrane bound
proteins from WT and Mutated BLRP: lanes (ii) and (iv) respectively.
50 pM of synthetic AtMeg13 as positive control (+ve).
and the embryo. However, it remains unclear how this protein can regulate these
developmental processes.
A B C D •  Total
agarose (b & c) SA beads.
Background binding shown.
Immunoprecipited with agarose beads but gave negative results after western blot
analysis (not shown). Therefore, I tested a different buffer to extract MEG13 from
different subcellular compartments as shown in figure 6.
Figure 1. Microscopy images of RNAi AtMeg13 phenotypes. Pro-embryo cells: yellow, suspensor
cells: red, the hypophysis: blue and the micropylar endosperm: green. Wild type (A) and RNAi
phenotypes; cone (B), double-head (C) and short suspensor (D).
The beads were pelleted and un-bound proteins washed away (2). The bound proteins were
eluted by boiling in SDS and centrifugation (3-4). 4 •  To address this caveat, we have generated a two-component system [2] designed
to Co-ImmunoPrecipitate (CoIP) the MEG13 protein complex.
•  To this aim, transgenic Arabidopsis plants were generated expressing an bacterial
biotin ligase enzyme, BirA, and a MEG13 protein fusion to a Biotin Ligase
Figure 6. Western blot for
AtMeg13 in fractions of total
protein extract.
Sections (a),
(b) and (c) show cell wall bound,
soluble and microsomal fractions
carried the wild-type (WT) and
mutated (Mut) BLRP constructs.
50 pM of synthetic AtMeg13 as a
positive control (+ve).
Recognition Peptide (BLRP) as shown in figure 2. This system should biotinylate
MEG13 in vivo.
•  MEG13 was found, predominantly in the microsomal fraction, using a more
aggressive extraction buffer.
•  Co-expression of both
•  This indicated the protein was located in the membrane.
constructs during early
seed development was
confirmed by RT-PCR.
•  In addition, we
designed a MEG13
tagged with a biotin-
Meg13 Agarose beads bound to streptavidin
Meg13-Mut BLRP Non-biotin binding proteins Figure 3. Schematic of biotin pull-down system.
defective BLRP tag by
engineering a key
•  Isolated peptides were detected by Western blotting using an antibody against
aminoacid (K->R)
substitution. •  Test experiments were carried out by spiking total protein extract from wild-type
Figure 2. Schematic of BLRP/BirA expression system.
plants with a synthetic biotin-tagged peptide (ZmMEG1).
Further Work
•  Confirm MEG13-BLRP abundance using an anti-BLRP antibody.
•  Repeat biotin extraction using the improved extraction procedure.
•  Increase scale of extraction to achieve higher yield of MEG13 and protein partners.
•  MS/MS analysis of isolated proteins.
1.  Bayer, M., et al., Paternal control of embryonic pa1erning in Arabidopsis thaliana. Science, 2009. 323(5920): p. 1485-­‐8. 2.  Law, J.A., et al., A protein complex required for polymerase V transcripts and RNA-­‐ directed DNA methyla@on in Arabidopsis. Curr Biol, 2010. 20(10): p. 951-­‐6 3.  Gonzalez, M., et al., Interac@on of bio@n with streptavidin. Thermostability and conforma@onal changes upon binding. J Biol Chem, 1997. 272(17): p. 11288-­‐94. 