"Working Population" "Work

"Working Population"
"Work is an activity carried out by people to provide economic security
& helps to preserve and maintain life".
The worker’s health is extremely important to economical status of population.
Occupational Health:
"It is the application of public health principles, medical, nursing and engineering
practices for the purpose of conserving, promoting, and restoring the health and
effectiveness of workers through their employments".
Objectives of Occupational health:
Health promotion and maintenance of the highest degree of physical, mental,
and social well being of workers.
Prevention of health hazards to which workers are exposed.
Control of health hazards.
Increased public & professional awareness of occupational workers.
Improved surveillance & evaluation.
Types of Occupational Health Hazards:
 Physical Hazards- Heat, burns, heat stroke
 Chemical Hazards- local action, inhalation, ingestion
 Biological Hazards- all living organisms whose excretions are capable of
causing human disease. Such as in hospitals, clinical laboratories, farms etc..
 Ergonomic Hazards- can produce adverse health effects when certain tasks
are performed repetitively. Such as lifting of heavy loads
 Psycho- Social hazards- emotional tension, poor relationship, lack of job
Occupational groups at Risk:
 Medical and paramedical personnel
 Farmers and agricultural workers
 Workers in industries
"Primary Health Care at Work Place"
Measures for the promotion of workers:
 Nutrition
 Control of communicable diseases
 Environmental sanitation
 Health education
 Mental health
Social welfare
Prevention of Occupational Diseases:
The various measures are grouped as:
Medical measures
Engineering measures
Legislative measures
Medical Measures:
 Pre-placement examination
 Periodical health examination
 First aid & medical care
 Maintenance of health records
 Health education and safety program
 Safety working environment
 Notification of certain occupational diseases
Engineering Measures:
 Proper design of factory building, all safety measures should be incorporated.
 Maintenance of general cleanliness.
 Control of dust, fumes, and gases by exhaust ventilation and other means.
 Protection of workers by providing protective devices.
 Periodic plant survey & environmental monitoring.
Society has an obligation to protect
the health of the workers.
Workers compensation and processing of claims and reports.
Occupational Health Nursing:
"It is the application of nursing principles to ensure the health of workers in
all occupations".
Objectives of Occupational Health Nursing:
 Protect the workers from occupational health hazards.
 Promote a safe and healthful work place.
 Promote education & research in the field.
Role of Occupational Health Nurse:
 Assesses the work environment for actual
and potential health hazards.
 Collects data about the health status of the workers through health history,
physical assessment, and laboratory measures.
 Develops a nursing diagnosis to formulate
a plan of nursing care in collaboration with other health care professionals.
 Records health data and maintain accurate employee health records.
 Provide counseling for workers’ health problems.
 Provide health promotion & disease prevention intervention.
 Develops liaison relationships with community health care providers &
organizations for worker health enhancement.