Identiation of horizontally aquired DNA using genome signature analysis 1 1 2 Stephen A. Jarvis , Jason S. Mirsky , John F. Peden and Nigel J. Saunders 3 y 1 Programming Researh Group, Oxford University Computing Laboratory , University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 3QD, UK. 2 3 MRC Moleular Haematology Group , Moleular Infetious Diseases Group , Institute of Moleular Mediine, University of Oxford, Oxford OX3 9DS, UK. September 1, 2000 Abstrat Introdution Identiation of regions with untypial perentage G+C omposition and dinuleotide signatures are two genome analysis tehniques used in the identiation of horizontally aquired DNA. We desribe a generi program framework for performing both types of analysis in linear time. The approah is extended for length > 2 oligonuleotide signatures. Using the derived program we test some of the onlusions of Karlin and Burge, the primary exponents of these tehniques. We demonstrate that no single method of signature analysis is suÆient for the omplete identiation of horizontally aquired DNA. Consequently we produe a fast program - and a robust methodology - for the prodution and employment genome signatures in the identiation of horizontally aquired DNA. Software available from rst author. DNA; genome; signature; algorithms. In addition to the vertial transmission of adaptive mutations, horizontal transfer of genes between unrelated speies is inreasingly reognised as an important omponent of evolution [Doolittle, 2000℄. Most if not all speies inlude material whih has been aquired in this way. The sope for this type of geneti exhange is limited in higher organisms in whih the germ ells are sequestered and are not normally exposed to foreign DNA. However, in bateria, in whih the ells that form the origins of new populations are exposed to DNA in the environment, horizontal exhange of DNA is an ongoing and important proess [Arber, 1993, Lawrene et al., 1998, Maddox, 1998, Woese, 1998, Brown and Doolittle, 1999, Doolittle, 1999, Forterre and Philippe, 1999, Jain et al., 1999, Martin, 1999, Nelson et al., 1999, Faguy and Doolittle, 2000, Moreire, 2000℄. For example, it has been estimated that 18% of the genes in E. oli have been aquired by horizontal exhange sine its divergene from Salmonella spp.approximately 100 million years ago [Lawrene et al., 1998℄. Horizontal exhange is reognised as being important in the evolution of baterial virulene, the most widely aknowledged examples of whih are so-alled `pathogeniity islands'. The typial har- Motivation: Results: Availability: Keywords: now versity at: of Department Warwik, of Coventry Computer CV4 7AL, Siene, UK. UniEmail: To whom orrespondene should be addressed y urrent address: Sir William Dunn Shool of Pathology, University of Oxford, Oxford. OX1 3RE 1 ateristis of these regions of DNA are: a %G+C omposition whih diers from that of the rest of the genome; terminal inverted repeats; proximity to tRNA genes [Hou, 1999℄ and assoiation with transposases whih may be intat or present as remnants. These islands often ontain groups of genes with funtions whih an readily be invoked in making a speies more virulent, suh as toxin prodution and seretion [Groisman and Ohman, 1996, Haker et al., 1997, Alfano et al., 2000℄. Usually the origin of the transferred DNA is not known and the soure of these genes - so signiant in virulene - remains an interesting enigma. In a small number of instanes, however, the likely origin of horizontally transferred genes an be inferred with some ertainty [Vasquez et al., 1995, Kroll et al., 1998, Saunders et al., 1999℄. In order to beome established within a baterial population, an aquired gene (or other gene with whih it is assoiated) must lead to an inrease in baterial tness. This takes plae through one or more of the following fators: inreasing transmissibility, inreasing the size of the olonising population, establishing new nihes in whih the organism an grow, or evading host immune responses. This inrease in tness must then be suÆient for the sequene to beome prevalent in the population to whih it has been transferred. This ours either through lonal replaement of the previous population that did not have the gene or by further horizontal transfer of the gene within the new speies to whih it has been transferred. The proesses whih might be expeted to be involved in inreased tness are broadly similar to those involved in virulene. It is therefore important to be able to identify sequenes whih have been aquired by horizontal transfer in order to understand the evolutionary history of a speies and, in the ontext of baterial pathogens, to identify genes potentially assoiated with virulene. DNA from dierent geneti bakgrounds (e.g., baterial speies) has dierent harateristis. These are a produt of the odons whih are preferentially used by the partiular speies and the environmental onditions in whih it grows, as well as the types of error to whih the DNA repliation enzymes are prone and dierenes in the ability of eah enzyme to or- ret mistakes. This makes it possible to identify setions of DNA whih are derived from dierent geneti bakgrounds by means of their untypial base omposition. DNA whih is inorporated following horizontal transfer will be exposed to the same pressures whih gave the reipient its harateristi omposition. As a result, over time the aquired DNA will begin to onform to the average DNA omposition of the reipient by a proess alled amelioration [Lawrene and Ohman, 1997℄. However, the rate of amelioration is suÆiently slow that it is possible to identify regions of DNA whih have been horizontally aquired. The extent to whih this sequene is untypial therefore depends on both the extent of the dierene between the donor and reipient speies and the period of time whih has elapsed sine aquisition. The rst method for the identiation of regions of potentially horizontally transferred DNA is based on %G+C harateristis of the sequene. This is useful beause the %G+C within prokaryoti genomes is relatively homogeneous within a speies but differs between unrelated speies [Karlin et al., 1998℄. Signiantly dierent %G+C ontent in setions of DNA therefore indiates possible horizontal aquisition [Karlin et al., 1998℄. Experimental studies showed that the dinuleotide odds ratios were similar in most organisms for the bulk of their DNA and essentially the same for dierent parts of the same genome [Josse et al., 1961℄. Looking at sequenes derived from dierent sequene bakgrounds revealed that more losely related speies tended to have more similar dinuleotide ompositions than unrelated speies [Karlin et al., 1994.a, Karlin et al., 1994.b, Karlin et al., 1994.℄. Karlin and his olleagues noted that the speies dierenes in base usage were more omplex and that, in addition to dierenes in %G+C omposition, dierent speies used harateristi patterns of dinuleotide pairs within their genomes. This observation provided the basis for the seond approah in whih the DNA is seen not as a string of single bases but as a sequene of pairs of dinuleotides: the sequene ACGTG, for example, would be onsidered as a sequene of dinuleotide pairs AC, CG, 2 Number of steps Estimated exeution GT and TG. The perentage of eah of the 16 din(bounded by O) time uleotide pairs was found to dier between speies O(log 2 n) 0:1 seonds and although the reasons for these dierenes are not p O( n) 5 seonds fully understood, this provides a seond method for identifying horizontally aquired DNA. The method O(n) 1 hour 15 minutes is known as dinuleotide signature (DNS) analyO(n2 ) 450 years sis [Karlin and Burge, 1995℄. In this paper: Figure 1: Length of time n omputations take when = 5; 000; 000 and a single omputation takes 1 mil Karlin's approah to %G+C ontent and DNS nliseond. Table adapted from [Kaldewaij, 1990℄. analysis is examined and extensions to his methods are proposed. alulation. The hromosomes of ba A generi program for the linear omputation of mathematial teria are typially omposed of 0.5 to 5 million base n-oligonuleotide signatures is developed. pairs (Mb). Performing alulations on the DNA (of length n) requires a large amount of Karlin and Burge's observation that n- sequene omputation: rst the omplete sequene statistis oligonuleotide signatures are highly implied are obtained, O(n); then individual segments (winby the DNS is onrmed. However, it is also and ompared with demonstrated that if dierent window sizes and dows) are statistially analysed the omplete sequene, O(n2 ). A straightforward reword lengths are used, n-oligonuleotide signaan implementation tures point to dierent, potentially relevant, nement would therefore produe whih was bounded by O(n2 ) steps. areas from the DNS graphs. Figure 1 shows the relationship between asymptoti analysis and omputation time. A omparison is made of the dierent methods Optimisations to programs an of ourse be made for identifying horizontally aquired DNA; onand omputers work at a far greater rate than the lusions are drawn and supporting results, whih example suggests. However, the table demonstrates desribe how the methods an be used, are prethat a dierene in the order of omplexity of an algosented. rithm is diretly proportional to the runtime. Reduing an algorithm from an O(n2 ) solution to a O(n) solution will make a onsiderable dierene to the number (and variety) of results whih an feasibly be obtained. Systems and methods Computational analysis Asymptoti analysis is a way of omparing the performane of dierent omputational algorithms. This omparison is used to selet one omputational approah, whih may provide a more eÆient solution, over another. The big-O notation desribes the upper bound of the asymptoti growth of a funtion. For instane, if an algorithm takes 31 n2 2n + 4 steps, it is of O(n2 ), sine it is bounded from above by a funtion whih takes n2 steps times some onstant [Kaldewaij, 1990℄. Karlin's methods for nding horizontally aquired DNA rely on omparing DNA with itself by means of Methods of genome analysis %G+C ontent Calulating the %G+C ontent of an organism's DNA is a simple method for nding regions of geneti interest. %G+C ontent sores are alulated for segments (windows) of DNA by adding the frequeny (number divided by window length) of G to the frequeny of C. A plot of %G+C ontent is derived by sliding the window over the omplete genome sequene and plotting the results. 3 Dinuleotide signatures nally the sequene is ompletely overed by windows. Graphing the results shows the regions of Dinuleotide signatures an be used to show areas largest dierene, whih are andidates for horizontal where pairs of bases are lustered more frequently aquisition. than if they were distributed aross the sequene by hane. A DNS graph is based on a alulation of odds ratios for eah of the 16 dinuleotides. This odds ratio (probability) is alulated by taking the frequeny of a dinuleotide and dividing it by the ex- Just as greater information and resolution is obtained peted probability of nding the dinuleotide within when dinuleotide sequene omposition is onsidered rather than single base omposition, analyza partiular sequene: ing sequenes on the basis of even longer motifs may provide additional useful information. Trinufxy pxy = (1) leotide omposition addresses odon usage in exfx fy pressed portions of open reading frames. However, it fx is the frequeny of nuleotide x within the se- may be that preferenes for partiular pairs or more quene and fxy is the frequeny of the dinuleotide of odons, mutational proesses whih favour or sexy within the (irular) sequene of DNA: let against longer sequenes, or proesses whih affet the omposition of the non-transribed strand #xy will inuene the sequene omposition in additional fxy = (2) #dinuleotides ways. The method has therefore been extended so that signatures an be determined for longer mowhere #dinuleotides = SequeneLength 1 tifs [Karlin et al., 1997, Mirsky, 1999℄. pxy represents the odds ratio for dinuleotides Dinuleotide analysis is easily extendible to in single-stranded DNA. To alulate the odds ra oligonuleotide signatures of length n. tio for double-stranded DNA, written pxy , the sequene and its reverse omplement are onate4l 1 nated [Burge et al., 1992℄. The alulation remains j p i (f ) p i (g) j (4) Æ (f; g ) = ( l ) the same, but with a sequene twie the length of the 4 i :s original. To nd areas of possible horizontally aquired where l is the length of oligonuleotides whih omDNA, a window (f ) (of some hosen size { 50 Kb for prise the signature, s is the set of all permutations of example [Karlin and Burge, 1995℄) is reated. The length l and i is one suh permutation. In addition, the variane v and standard deviation dinuleotide probabilities of this window are then ompared with the dinuleotide probabilities of the sd an be determined for the absolute dierenes of overall sequene (g ). This is done for eah of the 16 the p values at eah point and for the Æ values aross dinuleotides and the normalised results are added. the entire sequene. The result is an overall dinuleotide dierene ben x2 ( x)2 tween the window f and the sequene g . v= (5) 2 Oligonuleotide signatures X P 1 X p j Æ (f; g ) = ( ) 16 16 xy xy (f ) P n pxy (g ) j (3) To alulate the variane for Æ , eah Æ value or responds to a x and the number of Æ values (the sequene length) orresponds to n. To alulate the variane of the p values, x = p and n = 4l . The standard deviation p is simply the sum of the variane values, sd = v . Using the same mehanis as those used in %G+C ontent signatures, Karlin and Burge suggest repeatedly sliding the window one position along the sequene and repeating the dierene alulation until 4 When the entire population is not known, that is if the window slides by more than one base between alulations, an estimate of the variane is alulated: v = n P x2 n(n P ( x)2 1) A. Sequence Movement of sliding window (6) Windows wrap round before termination because of circularity of bacterial DNA Window 1 2 3 Implementation B. Window The same proedure is used to implement %G+C ontent, dinuleotide and n-oligonuleotide signatures. The sliding window implementation (or similar) is mehanially equivalent for eah; the primary dierene between eah signature is simply the formula used to alulate the points. A generi implementation is explored. %G+C ontent requires the smallest speiation and is therefore most appropriate to illustrate the derivation of the program. An O(n2 ) solution is derived and, by a method known as loop attening, this is onverted into an O(n) solution. The O(n) implementation provides the basis for a omparative study of these methods for the identiation of horizontally transferred DNA. ws 0 <= ws < WS C. Sequence Old window C A New window A Nucleotide leaving window If ( n = C or n = G ) GC(window’) = GC(window) - 1 T G Nucleotide entering window If ( n = C or n = G ) GC(window’) = GC(window) + 1 Figure 2: Derivation of a generi DNA signature algorithm: A. Generate a window for every position in the sequene by sliding the window through the sequene, the outer loop; B. Calulate signatures for eah window, the inner loop; C. Flatten the inner loop for O(N ) solution. Generi genome signatures The preondition states that the sequene must be The speiation of a program for %G+C ontent of at least length 1 (for %G+C ontent this is approanalysis (GCprog ) is presented in the guarded ompriate; for larger oligonuleotides this minimum must mand language [Kaldewaij, 1990℄. be the length of the oligonuleotide). P = fN 1g The frame ontains the information relevant to the [ on N: int fN 1g; A: array[0..N) of DNA; development of the program: the onstant N is the on WS: int f1 WS Ng; length of the DNA sequene A; W S is the window var n: int; size; n is a variable used for traversing the sequene GCprog and GCprog is simply a marker for the program itself. ℄. Q = fr = 8p : 0 p < N : 8q : 0 q < W S : The postondition desribes the result r, a list of g = (#i : p i (p + q ) : %G+C ontent dierenes, one for eah of the winA:(i mod N ) = C dows in the sequene. The modulo (mod) is ontained _ A:(i mod N ) = G)=W S )g within the speiation to aount for the irularity of the baterial DNA. It is also noted that the results The speiation ontains three parts: the preon- list r is written to a le as the program proeeds dition P; the part in the frame, denoted by square this saves on RAM. brakets; and the post ondition Q, found after the The program derivation ontains three stages: frame. 5 Derivation: stage 1 window and adding the items whih enter the window eah time the window slides. See Figure 2-C. To alulate the new inner loop we now split the loop into two parts: the rst alulates the ontent for the rst window, O(N ) one only; the seond alulates the remaining N 1 windows, onstant 2 O(N ) = O(N ). As we are adding terms rather than multiplying them, the new algorithm is O(N ). To alulate a window from every position in the sequene, the window slides through the sequene (f. Karlin). This outer loop is determined by replaing the onstant N by the variable n and using the postondition Qfn = N g. This suggests starting n at 0 and setting the loop guard to n 6= N . This oers a solution to the outer loop of O(N ). See Figure 2-A. Computing other signature types Derivation: stage 2 The derived algorithm is generi in the sense that it provides the neessary O(N ) framework for whihever type of signature one is trying to program. The inner loop alulation (for %G+C ontent) an simply be replaed by the formula for noligonuleotide signatures [Mirsky, 1999℄. One interesting observation should be noted for noligonuleotide signatures. When nuleotides enter and leave a window, some adjustment needs to be made to the tallies for the oligonuleotides in the new window. In Figure 2 part C, for example, a ount of the dinuleotides in the window requires 1 to be subtrated from the CA ount and 1 to be added to the TG ount. This is an easy alulation to make, yet one must be areful about storing and aessing a list of oligonuleotide ourrenes. If a linear searh is used then the omplexity of the overall algorithm may hange; if 4l > N , the generi signature program will not maintain O(N ). To overome this problem a hash funtion is used to alulate the array position of any permutation. DNA is oded as an enumerated type, where A=0, T=1, C=2, G=3. The hash funtion is alulated as follows: if the oligonuleotide being searhed for in the hash table is ATCA, the hash table oset is as follows: The inner loop is now alulated. The inner loop orresponds to the alulation for one window. Sine the inner loop will be plaed within the outer loop, p an be replaed by n in the inner loop speiation. [ var ws, g : int; ws, g = 0, 0; ℄. Qi Wprog = ft = 8q : 0 q < ws : = ((#i : n i < (n + q ) : A:(i mod N ) = C _ A:(i mod N ) = G)=W S )g g The inner loop is derived by replaing onstant W S with variable ws and splitting the invariant into two hunks, one for alulating G ontent and the other for alulating C ontent. The inner blok is also O(N ). See Figure 2-B. Sine the windows range from size 1 to N 1, a mathematial average for the window size is N=2. This gives O(W S )[W S n(N=2)℄, i.e., O(N ) for the inner loop. As this ours O(N ) times, one for eah iteration of the outer loop, the omplexity of the algorithm is O(N 2 ). Derivation: stage 3 0 43 + 1 42 + 2 41 + 0 40 = 0 + 16 + 8 + 0 = 24 It is possible to atten the inner loop from an average The ourrene ount for this oligonuleotide is size of N=2 to a onstant of 2. Instead of simply ounting and disarding the number of Gs and Cs therefore found at position 24 in the hash table. The alulation is always unique, so searhing the in eah window, it is possible to use the information from the previous window to alulate the next. This hash table is never neessary. It is also onstant, so is possible by subtrating the items whih leave the the lookup is always very quik. 6 Figure 3: N-oligonuleotide signatures for H. pylori. Figure 4. Signature analyses of H. pylori, window Using large windows the HNS (part b, bottom) is size 1 Kb. The rst graph shows the DNS; the highly implied from the DNS (part a, top). seond shows the HNS. Disussion This method also has the advantage of not requiring any of the oligonuleotide permutations to be stored textually, and thus wasting memory. Eah oligonuleotide permutation is simply a formula based on the nuleotide ontent and the enumerated type values. One last optimisation an be made. This imple mentation is for Æ and not Æ , as the alulation is for single-stranded DNA. It is possible to write a funtion whih derives the omplement of the sequene and onatenates it onto the end, as suggested by Karlin and Burge (1995) and originally implemented by Burge et al. (1992). This turns N into 2 N . We prove that Æ atually equals Æ , even though p 6=p. The proof of this equivalene is illustrated by Mirsky (1999). The 50% gain redues the omputation time of a derived program still further. Comparative results Karlin and Burge (1995) present a DNS graph of H. pylori; this graph is reprodued by our derived program and is shown in Figure 3-a. Karlin and Burge doument that signatures reated from longer permutations are \highly implied" by the DNS graph. The length 6-oligonuleotide signature graph (HNS) for window size 50,000 (Figure 3-b) is indeed implied by the DNS results, although the results are not the same. The observation of impliation does not hold uniformly for other window sizes. Dierent areas of interest are highlighted as the window-length and permutation-length variables are modied (Figure 4). The results also show that Æ ats as an averag7 ing funtion, removing a large amount of potentially valuable data. By studying Pxy pxy (dinuleotide probability for the whole sequene minus the probability for an individual window) for all xy permutations of length 2, regions of importane appear whih are averaged out from the Æ graphs. The graphs for dierent permutation lengths an be ompared. This is beause signatures are based on odds ratios and so the number of permutations is absorbed into the ratio yielding absolute results. Signiant results are identied by seletion based on standard deviation thresholds from the mean. The most appropriate thresholds should be determined on an organism-by-organism basis and on the nature of the study being performed, and remain dependent on window size and permutation length. DNS analysis using a 50,000 base window has previously been used to identify regions that have been horizontally aquired in N. meningitidis, using a threshold for detetion of 3 standard deviations [Tettelin et al., 2000℄. Analysis of the H. pylori sequene, using the same parameters the DNS analysis, identied two regions inluding reading frames HP0412 to HP0465 and HP0497 to HP0573. The seond region ontains the ag pathogeniity island previously identied using this method [Karlin and Burge, 1995℄. Using the same threshold of 3 standard deviations the HNS identied only a single region (from HP0499 to HP0578) ontaining the seond region identied by the DNS. Using a redued threshold of greater than 2 standard deviations the HNS also identied a region inluding the rst identied by the DNS (from HP0409 to HP0480), and an additional region inluding reading frames HP0974 to HP1030. One diÆulty with this approah is that the large size of the windows means that this method only gives a general indiation of where the atypial sequene is loated. In the ase of the ag pathogeniity island the region whih had been horizontally aquired was dened by a judgement based upon interpretation of the oding regions [Karlin and Burge, 1995℄. In the ase of N. meningitidis, in whih a similar analysis was performed, the limits of the regions that had been horizontally aquired were determined by omparison with an unrelated seond sequened strain [Tettelin et al., 2000℄. Using a window length of 1000, DNS analysis identied 177 windows of > 3 standard deviations above the mean. These orrespond to 25 regions with ontiguous ORFs and 2 regions whih did not ontain annotated oding regions. The HNS analysis identied a broadly similar number of regions, with 222 windows > 3 standard deviations above the mean. These orrespond to 32 regions with ontiguous ORFs (and none not ontaining any annotated oding regions). However, although the analyses based upon dierent length motifs identied 20 ommon reading frames (40% of DNS and 25.3% of HNS nds) the majority of the reading frames identied were unique to one or other analysis. The unique genes identied in both analyses inluded those whih are known to be the subjet to horizontal transfer suh as restrition modiation system genes (2 identied by DNS and 7 by HNS). It should also be noted that genes whih have atypial sequene omposition for reasons other than horizontal aquisition are also identied by this method, inluding in this analysis the `poly E rih protein' (HP0322) and the `histidine and glutaminerih protein' (HP1432). Reduing the window size inreases the granularity of the results. This is assoiated with an inrease in the speiity of this analysis, although some genes adjaent to those that generate divergent results will still be inluded due to the sliding window nature of this method. The results onerning the ag pathogeniity island proved interesting. Both 1000 bp window size analyses identied HP0527 and HP0528 (oding for ag pathogeniity island proteins 7 and 8). However, the DNS also identied HP0522, HP0523, HP0531, HP0532, HP0533 and HP0534 (enoding ag pathogeniity island proteins 3, 4, 11, 12, 13 and a hypothetial protein, respetively); while the HNS identied HP0527 and HP0528 (enoding ag pathogeniity island proteins 15 and 16) as well as two other reading frames within the region of divergene but not part of the reognized pathogeniity island. These results indiate that although the overall patterns of the longer window analyses are similar this an be the onsequene of the presene of different signals within the sanned areas and that the 8 speiity and sensitivity of the dierent word length analyses dier. Karlin and Burge state that the area of most signiane in the 50 Kb window dinuleotide signature points to a pathogeniity island [Karlin and Burge, 1995℄. This is supported by the 50 Kb-window DNS and %G+C ontent results. However, the analysis using shorter windows indiates that some of the genes within this region, even within the ag pathogeniity island itself, are not divergent by 1 standard deviation (see Figure 4). On the basis of the signature analysis it annot be onluded that all of the genes within this region have features that suggest that they have been horizontally aquired. While a 1 Kb window implies the results of the 50 Kb window, sine the larger window merely averages the results of the smaller windows it omprises, the reverse is not true. Examination of the region identied by the 50 Kb DNS using the smaller window analysis allows us to onlude that the large peak surrounding the pathogeniity island is in part identifying regions of atypial assoiated DNA, and that the abnormal regions do not omprise all the reognised genes that ompose the ag pathogeniity island. Signature analysis with a large window (e.g. 50 Kb) annot be relied upon for nding short regions of atypial sequene (e.g. 2 Kb) in a genome. Reently, Lawrene and Ohman mined the DNA of E. oli for horizontally aquired regions [Lawrene et al., 1998℄. Using a odon bias tehnique, they determined that 18% of the genes in E. oli (approximately 10% of the sequene) have been horizontally aquired sine its divergene from Salmonellae. A similar proportion of untypial sequene in E. oli is identied using signature analysis. A length-2 oligonuleotide signature and a length-6 oligonuleotide signature showed that 14% and 12% respetively of the windows in eah were at least 1 standard deviation above the mean. ods to plot individual probabilities and to alulate standard deviations and means for use in ondene estimates. The development of a generi O(n) algorithm for these tasks is doumented. This has onsiderable benet over an O(n2 ) solution. The speed at whih the resulting program exeutes means that methods of signature analysis an be ompared using large datasets and previous onlusions an be tested. Testing these signature analysis methods on genome sequene data has revealed that %G+C ontent alone is not a reliable method for identifying horizontally aquired DNA. The variane that implies horizontal transfer is not always reeted in %G+C ontent and therefore we reommend the use of %G+C ontent only to support data from one of the other doumented methods. DNS analysis does identify sequenes onsistent with those thought to be horizontally transferred. The generation of length-n>2 oligonuleotide signatures also provides useful results. Karlin's results suggesting that the n-oligonuleotide signatures are highly implied by the dinuleotide signature are onrmed for a 50 Kb window. However, with dierent window sizes, the n-oligonuleotide signatures often point to other, potentially relevant, areas from the dinuleotide signature graphs. In addition, we nd that plotting individual dierenes in probabilities, before averaging, results in a ner granularity of results. Often an average annot distinguish between a high variation in an individual permutation whih is oset by low variations in the other permutations, on the one hand, and moderate dierene in all permutations on the other. Our omparison of methods leads us to onlude that no single method of signature analysis is suÆient for the omplete identiation of horizontally aquired DNA. There is some overlap between the results, but dierent approahes ontribute valuable additional results that any one method would miss. Aknowledgements Conlusions Nigel Saunders is supported by a Welome Trust felThis paper desribes new software for the identia- lowship in medial mirobiology. tion of horizontally aquired DNA. Programs have been developed whih perform dinuleotide and noligonuleotide signatures and whih inlude meth9 Referenes Alfano,J.R., Charkowski,A.O., Deng,W.L., Badel, J.L., Petniki-Owieja,T., van Dijk,K. and Collmer, A. 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