70 East Lake Street Suite 1700 Chicago, IL • 60601 312-332-1041 www.ctbaonline.org STATE GOVERNMENT AGENCY PROJECTS VETOED BY GOVERNOR BLAGOJEVICH Source: HB 3866 compared to Governor’s Veto Message Original )<Budgeted Amount That Was Vetoed Census Redistricting Program Illinois Channel Attorney Fees Lincoln 's Challenge Vetoed Project Board of Elections Illinois Arts Council Central Management Service Department of Military Affairs TOTAL STATE GOVERNMENT AGENCY PROJECTS REDUCED IN FY2008 APPROPRIATIONS BY GOVERNOR Department Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability Legislative Information System Legislative Audit Commission Legislative Printing Unit Project that Received Appropriation Reductions Original Budgeted Amount Personal Services Retirement Contributions State Employees' Retirement Systems State Contributions Social Security Contributions Contractual Services Travel Commodities Printing Equipment Electronic Data Processing Telecommunications Costs associated with the assumption f duties of the Pension Laws Commission Reduced Vetoed Amount $350,000 $1,000,000 $400,000 $2,000,000 -$3,750,000 Difference $838,530 $33,550 $814,100 $32,600 -$24,430 -$950 $139,200 $134,800 -$4,400 $64,150 $123,700 $7,310 $2,885 $4,940 $930 $61,700 $120,100 $7,100 $2,800 $4,800 $900 -$2,450 -$3,600 -$210 -$85 -$140 -$30 $2,590 $9,065 $2,500 $8,800 -$90 -$265 $205,000 $199,000 -$6,000 Personal Services Retirement Contributions Retirement Contributions Social Security Contributions $2,504,800 $100,200 $415,800 $2,289,000 $91,600 $379,100 -$215,800 -$8,600 -$36,700 $191,600 $175,100 -$16,500 Personal Services Retirement Contributions Retirement Contributions Personal Services Retirement Contributions $189,500 $7,600 $31,500 $1,389,430 $55,600 $181,000 $7,250 $30,000 $1,317,100 $53,700 -$8,500 -$350 -$1,500 -$72,330 -$1,900 © 2007, Center for Tax and Budget Accountability 1 Legislative Research Unit Legislative Reference Bureau Architect of the Capitol Joint Committee on Administrative Rules Illinois State Auditing Act - Auditor General Attorney General Retirement Contributions $230,645 $218,200 -$12,445 Personal Services Retirement Contributions Retirement Contributions Social Security Contributions Contractual Services Travel Commodities Printing Equipment Telecommunications Legislative Staff Intern Program Giorgi Memorial Intern Program $1,269,500 $50,800 $210,800 $1,232,500 $49,300 $204,200 -$37,000 -$1,500 -$6,600 $97,150 $689,900 $20,200 $16,300 $27,700 $108,200 $32,000 $94,300 $626,500 $19,600 $15,800 $26,900 $90,000 $30,700 -$2,850 -$63,400 -$600 -$500 -$800 -$18,200 -$1,300 $581,400 $564,500 -$16,900 $113,300 $110,000 -$3,300 Personal Services Retirement Contributions Retirement Contributions Social Security Contributions Contractual Services Printing Contractual Services $1,845,900 $73,900 $305,700 $1,772,400 $70,900 $293,600 -$73,500 -$3,000 -$12,100 $141,300 $145,000 $175,400 $1,101,600 $135,600 $141,900 $170,000 $1,010,900 -$5,700 -$3,100 -$5,400 -$90,700 Personal Services Retirement Contributions Social Security Contributions Contractual Services Travel Commodities $854,900 $141,900 $830,000 $137,500 -$24,900 -$4,400 $65,400 $64,000 $24,000 $14,800 $63,000 $62,000 $22,000 $12,300 -$2,400 -$2,000 -$2,000 -$2,500 Personal Services Retirement Contributions Social Security Contributions Contractual Services Commodities Equipment Electronic Data Processing Personal Services Retirement Contributions Social Security Contributions Retirement Contributions Contractual Services Travel Equipment Electronic Data Processing Telecommunications $5,000,000 $830,000 $4,500,000 $745,300 -$500,000 -$84,700 $382,500 $1,064,200 $22,000 $100,000 $344,300 $736,200 $16,640 $98,360 -$38,200 -$328,000 -$5,360 -$1,640 $120,000 $32,864,000 $5,442,600 $90,000 $31,650,000 $5,260,600 -$30,000 -$1,214,000 -$182,000 $2,514,100 $328,800 $2,935,000 $353,000 $375,000 $2,447,100 $320,700 $2,150,000 $350,000 $285,000 -$67,000 -$8,100 -$785,000 -$3,000 -$90,000 $1,450,000 $690,000 $1,430,000 $625,000 -$20,000 -$65,000 © 2007, Center for Tax and Budget Accountability 2 Office of the Secretary of State Comptroller Administration Comptroller - Statewide Fiscal Operations Comptroller - Electronic Data Processing Comptroller - Special Audits Comptroller - Merit Commission Comptroller Operation of Auto Equipment Operational Expenses of Inspector General Disbursement to the Illinois Equal Justice Foundation $140,000 $120,000 -$20,000 $300,000 $250,000 -$50,000 $5,000,000 $3,500,000 -$1,500,000 Grants to Public Libraries $17,668,400 $16,668,400 -$1,000,000 Personal Services Retirement Contributions Social Security Contributions Contractual Services Travel Commodities Printing Equipment Telecommunications Auto Equipment $4,279,238 $708,685 $4,154,600 $688,100 -$124,638 -$20,585 $327,437 $1,650,060 $46,659 $125,763 $36,050 $13,184 $248,230 $9,167 $317,900 $1,602,000 $45,300 $122,100 $35,000 $12,800 $241,000 $8,900 -$9,537 -$48,060 -$1,359 -$3,663 -$1,050 -$384 -$7,230 -$267 Personal Services Retirement Contributions Social Security Contributions Contractual Services Travel $5,352,601 $886,444 $5,196,700 $860,700 -$155,901 -$25,744 $409,425 $195,082 $4,429 $397,500 $189,400 $4,300 -$11,925 -$5,682 -$129 Personal Services Retirement Contributions Social Security Contributions Contractual Services Travel Commodities Printing Electronic Data Processing $4,477,204 $741,470 $4,346,800 $719,900 -$130,404 -$21,570 $342,475 $1,046,171 $8,240 $122,570 $348,449 $332,500 $1,015,700 $8,000 $119,000 $338,300 -$9,975 -$30,471 -$240 -$3,570 -$10,149 $1,698,676 $1,649,200 -$49,476 Personal Services Retirement Contributions Social Security Contributions Contractual Services Travel Local Government Officials Training Auditing and Assisting Local Governments $1,889,020 $312,841 $1,834,000 $303,800 -$55,020 -$9,041 $144,612 $77,662 $72,615 $140,400 $75,400 $70,500 -$4,212 -$2,262 -$2,115 $12,875 $12,500 -$375 $25,750 $25,000 -$750 Expenses Personal Services Official Court Reporting Retirement Contributions Social Security Contributions $95,790 $93,000 -$2,790 $38,017,200 $6,310,900 $36,217,900 $5,998,100 -$1,799,300 -$312,800 $2,908,316 $2,819,000 -$89,316 © 2007, Center for Tax and Budget Accountability 3 State Board of Elections Administration State Board of Elections - Elections State Board of Elections - General Council State Board of Elections - Campaign Disclosure State Board of Elections - Information Technology Supreme Court - Circuit Court Illinois Courts Administrative Offices Illinois Courts Commission Personal Services Retirement Contributions Retirement Contributions Social Security Contributions $616,700 $24,700 $102,200 $562,300 $22,600 $93,100 -$54,400 -$2,100 -$9,100 $47,200 $43,100 -$4,100 Personal Services Retirement Contributions Retirement Contributions Social Security Contributions $1,542,400 $61,700 $256,000 $1,422,300 $57,000 $235,500 -$120,100 -$4,700 -$20,500 $110,400 $108,900 -$1,500 Personal Services Retirement Contributions Retirement Contributions Social Security Contributions $264,000 $10,600 $43,800 $249,500 $10,000 $41,300 -$14,500 -$600 -$2,500 $20,200 $19,200 -$1,000 Personal Services Retirement Contributions Retirement Contributions Social Security Contributions $713,700 $28,600 $118,200 $692,400 $27,700 $114,700 -$21,300 -$900 -$3,500 $54,600 $53,100 -$1,500 Personal Services Retirement Contributions Retirement Contributions Social Security Contributions $553,300 $22,200 $91,700 $411,900 $16,500 $68,200 -$141,400 -$5,700 -$23,500 $42,400 $31,500 -$10,900 Mandatory Arbitration Sexually Violent Persons Commitment Act Probation Reimbursements $688,900 $678,500 -$10,400 $337,500 $324,500 -$13,000 $62,454,600 $60,052,500 -$2,402,100 $6,205,500 $1,030,100 $6,062,600 $1,004,100 -$142,900 -$26,000 $474,700 $2,996,800 $69,900 $86,300 $463,800 $2,977,700 $67,200 $83,000 -$10,900 -$19,100 -$2,700 -$3,300 $3,186,600 $227,700 $18,100 $3,067,700 $218,900 $17,400 -$118,900 -$8,800 -$700 $1,158,700 $729,500 -$429,200 $56,300 $54,100 -$2,200 Personal Services Retirement Contributions Social Security Contributions Contractual Services Commodities Printing Electronic Data Processing Telecommunications Auto Equipment Judicial Conference and Supreme Court Committees Contingent Expenses © 2007, Center for Tax and Budget Accountability 4 Department of Agriculture Illinois Arts Council Central Management Services Central Management Services Business Enterprise Prog Bureau of Property Management Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity Bureau of Tourism Bureau of Technology and Industrial Competitiveness Bureau of Business Development Historic Preservation Agency Department of Natural Resources Department of Natural Resources Office of Business Serv Environment and Economic Development Shared Services Center Springfield Building and Grounds Contractual Services Grants for Arts Organizations Grants for Special Constituencies Grants for International Grant Awards Grants for Art Education Humanities Program Public Radio and Television Stations Public Radio and Television Grant Act General Shared Services Center $737,500 $700,700 -$36,800 $2,147,000 $2,047,000 -$100,000 $8,041,000 $4,705,900 -$3,335,100 $2,868,200 $1,813,500 -$1,054,700 $1,000,000 $1,711,400 $992,000 $719,000 $1,116,900 $713,200 -$281,000 -$594,500 -$278,800 $377,100 $271,100 -$106,000 $4,860,600 $3,494,800 -$1,365,800 $1,023,700 $972,515 -$51,185 $740,100 $122,900 $540,780 $86,030 -$199,320 -$36,870 $56,700 $301,000 $39,690 $54,200 -$17,010 -$246,800 $17,439,200 $13,439,200 -$4,000,000 $711,400 $675,800 -$35,600 $460,000 $200,000 -$260,000 $165,000 $150,000 -$15,000 $17,492,600 $12,492,600 -$5,000,000 $3,581,500 $1,581,500 -$2,000,000 $595,600 $565,900 -$29,700 $3,000,000 $500,000 -$2,500,000 Contractual Services Travel Telecommunications Economic Development Shared Services Center Contractual Services $1,312,400 $57,600 $235,000 $1,282,400 $37,600 $185,000 -$30,000 -$20,000 -$50,000 $3,124,300 $520,900 $2,968,100 $420,900 -$156,200 -$100,000 Personal Services Retirement Contributions $1,160,400 $192,600 $1,060,400 $176,100 -$100,000 -$16,500 Personal Services Retirement Contributions Social Security Contributions Contractual Services Contractual Services Shared Services Center Grant with Brainerd Development Corp Development of the Illinois Grape and Wine Industry Grants for the Employer Training Investment Program Homeland Security Market Development Economic Development Shared Services Center Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission © 2007, Center for Tax and Budget Accountability 5 Social Security Contributions Contractual Services Contractual Services Office of Law Enforcement Office of Land Management and Education Department of Natural Resources Department of Natural Resources State Geological Survey State Natural History Survey State Museums Department of Natural Resources Conservation Purposes Department of Revenue - Government Services Department of Revenue - Tax Enforcement Department of Revenue - Tax Operations TOTAL $88,700 $750,300 $600,500 $81,100 $650,300 $400,500 -$7,600 -$100,000 -$200,000 Personal Services Retirement Contributions Social Security Contributions Telecommunications $6,526,600 $1,083,400 $6,426,600 $1,066,900 -$100,000 -$16,500 $144,100 $467,400 $136,500 $367,400 -$7,600 -$100,000 Personal Services Retirement Contributions Social Security Contributions Contractual Services Local Flood Protection Projects Grants for Office of Water Resources - Projects on the Kaskaskia River $15,249,100 $2,531,400 $14,524,100 $2,411,400 -$725,000 -$120,000 $1,247,900 $2,113,200 $1,192,900 $1,813,200 -$55,000 -$300,000 $1,480,300 $900,300 -$580,000 $600,000 $20,000 -$580,000 Personal Services Contractual Services Equipment $6,775,600 $262,400 $112,800 $6,425,600 $162,400 $12,800 -$350,000 -$100,000 -$100,000 Contractual Services Personal Services Retirement Contributions Social Security Contributions $203,100 $3,747,600 $622,100 $151,300 $3,647,600 $605,600 -$51,800 -$100,000 -$16,500 $286,700 $279,100 -$7,600 $805,200 $0 -$805,200 Personal Services Retirement Contributions Social Security Contributions $3,217,700 $534,100 $3,185,500 $528,760 -$32,200 -$5,340 $246,200 $243,730 -$2,470 Personal Services Retirement Contributions Social Security Contributions $48,104,600 $7,985,400 $47,623,560 $7,905,550 -$481,040 -$79,850 $3,680,000 $3,643,200 -$36,800 Personal Services Extra Help Retirement Contributions Social Security Contributions Government Shared Services Center $32,200,500 $90,000 $5,345,300 $31,878,500 $89,100 $5,291,850 -$322,000 -$900 -$53,450 $2,470,200 $2,445,500 -$24,700 $6,639,500 $6,307,500 -$332,000 -$480,200,365 -$439,012,015 -$41,188,350 Grants for construction and development For more information please contact Chrissy Mancini, Director of Budget and Policy Analysis at cmancini@ctbaonline.org © 2007, Center for Tax and Budget Accountability 6