TSAILE CAMPUS DIRECTORY President's Office VP-Institutional Advancement VP - Academics VP - Student Success SCIENCE & PHYSICAL ED. ACADEMIC SUPPORT George, Maggie - College President 6670 Daines, Cameron - VP of Inst Advcm 6698 Bitok, Abe - Interim Vice President of SS 6611 Ahumada, Martin - CAO 6622 Cury, Michelle - Executive Asst. 6669 Jackson, Leon - Construction Projects Director 6769 Thompson, Liz - Admin Asst 6736 John, Roberta- Executive Asst. 6623 Robinson, Donald - CHAIR 6719 Lang, Anjeanette - Executive Assist. 6672 Brown, Preston-Sr Research Analyst/Planr 6828 Gorman, Foster-Interim Student Program Dir 6744 Blackwater, Patrick - Dual Credit 6921 Kahn, Nesbah- Admin. Asst. 6936 Akpabio, Akpabio E - Chief Tech Off 6646 Begay, Daryl - Gov.t & Ext. Affairs Officer 6985 CAMPUS SECURITY Begay, Naomi - Student Program Office Asst. 6743 ACADEMIC DIVISIONS Cate, Carrie 6721 Edison, Gloria - Help Desk/SuppAsst 6675 Board Room 6680 CENTER FOR DINE STUDIES Sinclair, Sara 6720 MacKenzie, John Scott - Data Bse 6639 DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES FINANCIAL AID INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Delmar, Donovan - Police Sgt 6629 James, Laverne - Admin Asst 6628 Thompson, Formon-Financial Aid Director 6857 Littleben Jr., Thomas - CHAIR 6665 Mayer, Margaret 6722 IT Helpdesk 6644 Central Dispatch/Security 6802 Joe, Ordell -Financial Aid Officer 6737 Lang, Annette- Admin. Asst. 6658 Petersen, Mark 6717 Vecenti, Michele - User Spt/Tr Spec 6682 Dan, Jathan - Financial Aid Coordinator 6956 Aronilth, Wilson 6658 Tsosie, Netallia 6967 Richards, Mark - Network Specialist 6898 Vacant - Financial Aid Assistant 6731 Denetdeal, Donald 6660 Mitchell, Kevin - Network Tech 6896 Jackson, Martha 6656 McClenny, Laura- CHAIR 3659 Ortiz, Louis - Computer Tech 6647 Fowler, Perphelia - Director 6950 Admin. Asst. 6603 COMMUNICATIONS Nez, Ruth - Benefit/Payroll Coord. 6604 McCombs, Edward - Sr. Marketing Officer 6635 Hadley, Sylvia - HR Assistant 6605 Frank, Cuyler - Radio Operations General Mangr 6697 Tapahonso, Lori - Sr. Public & Community Rel Ofcr 6696 VP - FINANCE DINE POLICY INSTITUTE TITLE III SOCIAL & BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE Joe, Apryl - Program Manager 6853 Vecenti, Gene 6663 Alva, Irene- Admin. Asst. 6621 Adakai, Vale - Sr. Computer Tech 6652 Harvey, Barbara - Admin Assistant 6852 Denny, Avery 6664 Conference Room 6850 Computer Technician 6641 Begay, Marius 6626 IT Conference Room 6990 ENGLISH Thompson, Cheryl - VP of Finance 6679 (Vacant) - Director 6942 Roy, Trisha - Receptionist 6855 Leonard, Raychelle- Sr. Acctng Specialist 6683 McKenzie, James - Sr. Policy Analyst 6946 Curtis, Edison - Academic Advisor 6727 Eutsey, Lisa -CHAIR 7522 Haskie, Miranda 6715 Johnson, Jancita - Acct Payable Tech 6685 Curley, Crystalyne - Policy Analyst 6944 Largo, LaToyia - Academic Advisor 6861 Frank, LaFrenda 6968 Ami, M. Christine 6616 Sam, Nonabah - Museum Curator 6981 Yazzie, Selina - Acctng Specialist 6692 Parrish, Michael - Research Assistant 6945 Morris, Davina - Career Specialist 6851 Himmelreich, Gerry 6706 Unsworth, Sara 6624 Begay, Vina - Archivist 6983 Tsosie, Herman - Purchasing Technician 6686 Livingston, Verlena - First Year Exp Coord 6858 Herndon, Brian 6964 Sam, Gwendolyn, Museum Asst 6982 Cashiers 6684 Jackson, Marlencia - Counselor II 6854 White, Orlando 6615 McLaughlin, Daniel-CHAIR 6703 Byjoe, Lisa - Student Support Specialist 6801 Denezpi, Natalie-Retention Specialist 6728 Robinson, Debra 6713 Admin. Asst. 6699 Litson, Benita - Director 6940 Descheenie, Melissa -Payroll Tech 6687 Paquin, Delbert - Facilities Superintendent 3538 Blackmountain, Lavine - Disability Coord 6856 Benally, Thomas P 6815 Land Grant Receptionist 6806 Begay, Amanda - Property Technician 6608 Topaha, Charlotte - Secretary 3517 Admin Assistant 6770 Begay, Sharon - Manager SUPPORT SERVICES INSTITUTIONAL GRANTS OFFICE McNeill, Amanda - Dir. Institutional Grants Office 3524 MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS RESIDENCE LIFE BASET CENTER FOR DINE TEACHER EDU MUSEUM LAND GRANT Price, Gloria -CHAIR 3671 Black, Amelia 6701 Etsitty, Audre - Extension Specialist 6948 6798 Kinlahcheeny, Althea-Admin.Asst. 3672 Fowler, Henry 6818 Nez, Felix - Extension Agent II 6947 Dayzie, Merle T. - Manager 6751 Sandoval, Claude - Facility Manager 6773 Yazzie, Terilyn T.- Admin. Asst. 6782 Farooque, Medhat 6714 Garrity, Geraldine 6814 Neztsosie, Bryan - Project Coord 6662 Ben, Stella - Assistant 6607 O'Daniel, Wayne - Maintenance Foreman 6772 Bahe, Dawayne - RL Coordinator 6783 Coffey, Charles 6712 Benally, Cynthia 6817 Redhorse, Amy - Grant Assistant 6941 Support Services - Front Desk 6634 White, Samson - Custodian Supervisor 6771 Wauneka, Delia - RL Asst. 6799 Fraley, Juanita 6710 Benally, Barsine 6816 Badoni, Jerry - Docutech 6620 Morris, Earl - Bldg. Maintenance Coordinator 6774 Denney, James 6709 Ben, Dawnlei - STEM Proj. Asst. 6704 James, Latasha - (Post Office) 6756 (Vacant) - Inventory Manager 6775 Lee, Esther - Receiving Technician 6606 Tenequer, Mario - Delivery Specialist 6893 Davis, Velveena - Dir. of Institutional Effectiveness 6846 Dennison, Kurt- Delivery Specialist 6893 Nelson, Brandon - Sr. Data Analyst 6843 Admissions & Records Tapaha, Janeen - Data Specialist 6697 Benally, Andreana - Data Entry Technician 6842 BOOKSTORE Chee, Bernice - Bookstore Asst. 6750 Lopez, Benita - Bookstore Clerk 6871 OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS LEARNING CENTER Tahe, Fred - Learning Center Manager 6726 Wauneka, Deanna L.- Admin. Asst. 6725 HUMANITIES & FINE ARTS Peterson, Herman-Librarian 6764 Front Desk 6757 White, Sheila-CHAIR 6619 Klee, Rosita - Cataloging Librarian 6760 Chee, Veronica- Admin. Asst. 6614 Norcross, Mary - Serials Technician 6761 6630 Templin, John 6617 Johnson, Ruby - Acquits/Circ/Te 6762 Litzin, Louise - Registrar 6633 Whitesinger, Don 6963 Slivers, Lucinda - Audio/Visual Tech 6763 Jim, Lorene A.- Office Coordinator 6632 Willeto, Karen 6618 Secatero, Wanda-Admin. Asst. 6631 Willeto, Paul 6962 ADMISSIONS & RECORDS RECRUITMENT ARAMARK LIBRARY Jumbo, Winifred - Recruiter MATHEMATICS 6733 ATHLETICS OTHER Tsosie, Willis-CHAIR 6965 Morris, Victoria- Admin. Asst. 6707 Nooseli Bi'olta Day Care 724 6909 Lee, Franco - Aramark Director 6747 Lewis, Brendee - Catering Supervisor 6953 Vacant - Athletic Director 6753 Wang, Chengde 6724 Navajo Nation Daycare 724 2217 Cashier 6746 Benally, Lemix, Wt Room Coord 6970 Tom, Tammy 6820 Navajo Nation Headstart 724 2209 Kitchen 6749 Craig, Jackson, Gym Manager 6754 Makeyev, Oleksandr 6960 Tsaile Elementary School 724 3331 Snack Bar 6735 Archery Coach 6969 2015 Dine College Directory [Also llocated on the Warrior Web/Human Resource] Tsaile Health Center 724 Updated: 04/29/2015/2:21:PF 3600