Prevalence of Intestinal Parasites Among Rural Population in Babylon Province Ahmed M. Al-Moussawi College of Dentistry, University of Babylon Abstract An epidemiological study was conducted during the period from May 2002 till February 2003 to investigate of the prevalence of intestinal parasites among population at AlDoullab village ( Hilla city rural) Babylon province . A total of 681 faecal samples from different ages were examined. There are many intestinal parasites were detected such as (10.5% for Entamoeba coli , 10.1% for E. histolytica , 8.9 % for Iodamoeba butchlii, 7.2% for Giardia lamblia , 2.9 % for Trichomonas hominis, 4.1% for Blastocystis hominis , 0.8% for Isospora belli, 7.6% for Hymenolepis nana, 6.0 % for Enterobius vermicularis, 2.8 % for Ascaris lumbricoides ,1.5% for Ancylostoma duodenale). The overall percentage incidence of intestinal parasites infection in this study was 62.7 %. Introduction The parasitic infections in people regard as a major problem in the world especially in the communities whom suffering from poor sanitation and low personal hygiene such as primary schools pupils and rural communities. (Garcia & Bruckner, 1993) Intestinal parasites distributed in various ages equally in both rural and civilian environments where the rural environment provide normal conditions for presence of such infections as general while the civilian environment provide a social conditions for such infections (Hashem et al., 1999). The number of studies deal with the prevalence of intestinal parasites in Iraq is low relatively compared with the percentages of parasite distribution (Hashem et al., 1999). 1 In Iraq there are many epidemiological studies of the parasites infections, we review some of them. In Naienawa province show the total percentage of the intestinal parasites was (70%) where including (19.5%) Entamoeba coli ,(3.11%) Entamoeba histolytica , (11.9%)Giardia lamblia , (19.5%) Hymenolepis nana , (11.8%) Enterobius vermicularis , (2.95%) Ascaris lumbricoides and (0.6%) Ancylostoma duodenale in addition to presence a variation in basic blood component values ( hemoglobin amount and eosinophile count ) in the infected and non infected individuals (Al-Omar, 1992). Al-Dulaimi (1996) conclude after his checking of 1086 stool specimens for intestinal parasites detection in Al-Anbar city the total infection was (37.2%) including (9.3%) E histolytica, (25.7%) G lamblia and (0.5%) H nana . In field study for intestinal parasites infection among Deiala city 6645 stool specimens were tested and reveal the total infection was 29.1% and many intestinal parasites were recorded such as E histolytica (13.6%) , E coli (1%), G lamblia(11.1%), H nana(0.6%), E vermicularis(1.9%) and A lumbricoides (0.2%) (Mawlood et al.,1998). There is another epidemiological study in Hilla City made by Al-Kubaiessy (2000) where investigated 4537 patients who visited two hospitals ( Babil for childbirth and children hospital and Marjan Specialist hospital ) and he found the total parasitic infection was 47.1% including E coli (10.9%), E histolytica (10.3%), G. lamblia(8.3%), T hominis (1.4%), Chilomastix mesnili (0.9%), H nana(2.2%) , Taenia saginata (0.06%), E vermicularis (10.4%) , Trichuris trichiura (1.6%), A lumbricoides (0.8%)and A duodenale (0.1%). Materials and Methods In period from May 2002 till February 2003 a surveillance study was done at Al-Doullab village ( Hilla city rural) Babylon province .( 681) Stool specimens collected in a clean, watertight container with a screw –cap lid. Macroscopic examination of the samples was the first to 2 determine the consistency and color and the presence of blood and mucus( Zeibig ,1997). Second examination is microscopically by using direct smear with normal saline (0.9%) and Lugol’s Iodine , by using floatation method with saturated salt solution ( Zeibig ,1997). Information list provided to each person to collect his name, family number, drinking water, presence of animals and Watercloset in the house. Chi square test (Campbell, 1967) were employed for the statistical analysis. Results The total infection is 62.7 %, the total tested samples is 681and infected samples is 427(table 1). Table (2) show the total infected percent according to parasites among population. The participated intestinal parasitic infection types were listed in table (3). Table (4) illustrated the relationship between intestinal parasitic infection and tested person’s age. Significant differences between the infected number and age. In table (5) there are significant differences between the infected number and family number, the higher infection percent (77.6%) when family number more than 13 and the low infection percent (47.0%) in family number between (3-4). Table (6) showed the relationship between intestinal parasitic infection and drinking water used in houses, the infection percent increased (81.3%) when using River water. Significant differences were detected in statistical analysis. The infection percent increased (73.0%) when the Water-closet absent and no hand washing after excrement while decreased (50.6%) in presence of Water-closet and hand washing after use it, we have Significant differences in statistical analysis (table 7). Table (8) reveal the relationship between intestinal parasitic infection and presence or absence of animals in houses, infection percent (66.3%) increased with presence of animals in the houses and decreased (31.4%) in absent it. Significant differences between the infection percent and animals present. 3 Table (1): The numbers of infected and tested persons and intestinal parasites percentage in at Al-Doullab village . Region Al-Doullab village Tested number 681 Infected number 427 Infection percentage % 62.7 Table (2): The total infected percent according to parasites among population at Al-Doullab village. Parasite Entamoeba coli Entamoeba histolytica Iodamoeba butschlii Giardia lamblia Trichomonas hominis Blastocystis hominis Isospora belli Hymenolepis nana Enterobius vermicularis Ascaris lumbricoides Ancylostoma duodenale Summation Infected number 72 69 61 49 20 28 6 52 41 19 10 Infection percentage % 10.5 10.1 8.9 7.2 2.9 4.1 0.8 7.6 6.0 2.8 1.5 427 62.7 Table (3): The participated intestinal parasitic infection type at Al-Doullab village. Infection type Single infection Double infection Multiple infection Summation Infected number Infection percentage % 175 143 109 427 25.7 21.0 16.0 62.7 4 Table (4): The relationship between intestinal parasitic infection and tested persons age at Al-Doullab village. Age (year) Tested number Infected number Infection percentage % 94 98 105 118 100 79 87 681 65 74 66 78 59 46 39 427 69.1 75.5 62.9 66.1 59.0 58.2 44.8 62.7 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 More than 30 Summation Calculated χ2 22.28 * 12.59 2 Tabulated χ ( 0.01 ) * Significant differences (P≤ 0.05). Table (5): The relationship between intestinal parasitic infection and family number at Al-Doullab village. Family number 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 More than 13 Summation Tested number 66 85 111 168 175 76 681 Infected number 31 46 63 104 124 59 427 Calculated χ2 Infection percentage % 47.0 54.1 56.7 61.9 70.9 77.6 62.7 23.61 * 15.09 2 Tabulated χ ( 0.01 ) * Significant differences (P≤ 0.05). 5 Table (6): The relationship between intestinal parasitic infection and drinking water used in houses at Al-Doullab village. Drinking water type Tap water River water Tap + River Summation Tested number Total number Infected number Infection percentage % 201 262 218 681 63 213 151 427 31.3 81.3 69.3 62.7 Calculated χ2 127.27 * 9.21 Tabulated χ 2 ( 0.01 ) * Significant differences (P≤ 0.05). Table (7): The relationship between intestinal parasitic infection and presence or absence of Water-closet in houses and hand washing or not after using Water-closet at AlDoullab village. Present of water-closet in houses and hand washing after using it or not. Present of water-closet and hand washing after using it. Absent of water-closet and no hand washing after defecating. Summation Total number Tested number Infected number Infection percentage % 314 159 50.6 367 268 73.0 681 427 62.7 2 Calculated χ Tabulated χ 2 ( 0.01 ) * Significant differences (P≤ 0.05). 6 36.26 * 6.63 Table (8): The relationship between intestinal parasitic infection and presence or absence of animals in houses at AlDoullab village. Animals presence Animals present Animals absent Summation Tested number Total number Infected number Infection percentage % 611 405 66.3 70 22 31.4 681 427 62.7 2 Calculated χ Tabulated χ 2 ( 0.01 ) * Significant differences (P≤ 0.05). 7 32.62 * 6.63 Discussion The results showed the total infection with intestinal parasites (62.7%) is high (table 1) because There are many people in rural areas who suffering from parasitic infections due to poor sanitation, poor public health practices, increasing of vectors and malnutrition states in addition to using of river water directly for drinking and washing. In addition to the affect of the economic blockage in Iraq for long period leading to decreasing of drugs and sanitation. E. coli, I. butchlii, T. hominis are considered nonpathogenic parasites in human , they worldwide distribution and their cysts contaminate food and drinking water then infect human . Detection of these non-pathogenic parasites in human would suggest ingestion of contaminated water or food and may indicate possible exposure to pathogenic organisms (Schmidt & Roberts, 1989; Garcia & Bruckner, 1993; Yilmaz et al., 1999; Chin, 2000). Infection with E. histolytica (10.1%) and G. lamblia (7.2%) regard as critical infection and worldwide distribution their cysts transmitted through contaminated food and water, hand to mouth contamination. Flies and cockroaches serve as vector for E. histolytica infection (Zeibig ,1997). Both E. histolytica and G. lamblia cysts are resistant to chemical disinfectant such chlorine. G. lamblia infection mainly responsible for diarrhea especially in children rather than adults (Zeibig ,1997; Tsuyuoka et al., 1999 ) . B. hominis infection (4.1%) is initiated by ingestion of fecally contaminated food or water . It causes diarrhea, abdominal pain and fever (Zeibig, 1997). I. belli infection (0.8%) is worldwide distribution parasite transmitted by oocyst contaminated food or water .it’s infection characterized by diarrhea, abdominal pain and eosinophilia (Zeibig, 1997). The infection with H. nana (7.6%) occurs by the presence of rodent or beetles (Tribolium) in houses. These worms have different life cycle, it can infect human with or without intermediate host (Schmidt & Roberts, 1989). 8 E. vermicularis (6.0%) one of the famous children worms infections especially in crowded areas such as schools and orphans . It distributed all over the world (Prince, 1998). The infection with A. lumbricoides (2.8%) is very common in the world. It increased in poor sanitation regions, particularly where human feces is used as a fertilizer and where children defecate directly on the ground (Zeibig, 1997). Ancylostoma duodenale infection (1.5%) is worldwide distribution particularly in the inhabitants practice poor sanitation practices, especially with regard to proper fecal treatment and disposal. It infect persons who walk barefoot in feces contaminated soil ( Al-Mamouri, 2000 ) . It is clear from the table (3) that double infection is (21.0%) and multiple infection is (16.0%) because of the highly exposure to the infection sources such as contaminated food or water (Al-Mamouri, 2000). In small ages (1-5) and (6-10) infection was (69.1%) and (75.5%), alternatively (table 4) due to the high chances for infection in these ages and they not realize the good sanitation in compare with older ages with significant differences (Abass, 1997; Al-Mamouri, 2000). Also when the family number is high (more than 13) (table 5) the infection is increased (77.6%) in compare with family number (3-4) it’s infection percent (47.0%) because of the crowding in houses leading to participation in food tools, clothes and bed finally increasing the infection significantly (Al- Omar, 1992). In table (6) using of river water for drinking causes increasing of infection significantly (81.3%) due to presence of infective stages in this water from the fecal materials contamination (Al-Mamouri, 2000). One of the important reasons of increase infection is the absence of water-closet in houses and no hand washing after defecation, table (7) showed high infection (73.0%) due to above reason. So the defecate directly on the ground give a chance for flies and other insects to carry the infective stages then contaminate the water or food. In addition to contaminate 9 the hands with fecal materials serve as hand to mouth contamination. The statistical analysis reveal significant differences (Abdel Messih et al., 1975 ;Al – Kafaji , 1999 ). Finally presence of animals in houses plays a role in transmission of infection as shown in table (8) it record infection (66.3%) in the presence of animals. These animals ( rodents, cats , dogs , cows , birds and others ) carry the infective stages especially rodent regard as intermediate host for example dwarf tape worm (H. nana) there is significant differences (AlMamouri, 2000 ; Wajihullah,2001). From these study we conclusion the followings: 1- The total incidence of intestinal parasites infection in this study was 62.7 % . 2- Entamoeba coli infection (10.5%) was the highest in current study. 3- The infection increased with increasing of family number. 4- The infection with Isospora belli (0.8%) and Blastocystis hominis (4.1%) were firstly recorded in Hilla city. 5- The using of river water facilitate the infection transmission and increase it (81.3 %) . 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