AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF Ana L. Scopel for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Crop Science presented on July 23, 1993. Title: Photocontrol of geed Germination in Arable Land Abstract approved: Redacted for Privacy Steven R. Radosevich The overall objective of this thesis was to determine the role of light in triggering germination during soil disturbance, and to identify the mechanisms whereby buried seeds in arable soils detect the light signals. In the first section it is shown that a short period of burial induces a dramatic, m 10.000-fold increase in light sensitivity in the seeds of the arable weed Datura ferox. This increase in sensitivity has been interpreted as a natural transition from the "low-fluence" (LF) to the "very-low-fluence" (VLF) mode of phytochrome action. Field experiments indicated that germination of buried seeds may be triggered by millisecond-exposures to sunlight. This observation suggests a key role for the process of sensitization in the mechanisms that allows seeds to detect soil cultivation events in arable lands. Large scale field experiments using standard farm equipment further tested the above hypothesis. Results demonstrated that cultivating agricultural land during daytime can increase germination of buried seed populations between 70 and 400 t above levels recorded following nighttime cultivations. Covering the tillage implements during daytime cultivation decreased the number of dicotyledonous seedlings emerged, while strong artificial illumination (> 300 Amol m-2 5-1; 400-800 nm) of the soil surface during nighttime tillage significantly increased seedling densities. These results suggest that the enhancement of seed germination caused by daytime tillage, compared with nighttime tillage, is due to light that penetrates into the soil during the actual disturbance event. The detection by the seeds of the extremely short exposure to sunlight requires high photosensitivity, and provides an "adaptive purpose" for the evolution of the VLF response mechanism in phytochrome-controlled seed germination. Seeds of Datura ferox were used to investigate the connection between the induction of sensitivity to VLFs and endogenous abscisic acid (ABA) levels. Results indicated that, in buried seeds, the decline in endogenous ABA levels coincided with or preceded the induction of the VLF germination response. Exogenous ABA applied to the incubation medium preferentially reduced the VLF response compared with its effect on the LF response. These results support the hypothesis that the reduction in endogenous ABA levels during seed burial plays a role in switching the seeds from the LF to the VLF mode of phytochrome action. Photocontrol of Seed Germination in Arable Land by Ana L. Scopel A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Completed July 23, 1993 Commencement June 1994 APPROVED: Redacted for Privacy Pro essor of Crop and Soil Science in charge of major Redacted for Privacy H6ad of department of Crop and Soil Science Redacted for Privacy Dean of G Date thesis is presented July 23, 1993 Typed by Ana L Scopel ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I specially appreciate the support and guidance that Steve Radosevich has given to me in all the aspects related with my work at OSU. The opportunity of discussing and sharing different views about science, society and ecology with him and Mary Lynn Roush has been most enriching, and has certainly contributed to modify my "worldview". I enjoyed working with Anita Azarenko and specially value what I have learned about hormone analysis. I would also like to thank Mayvin Sinclair, for her friendship and support, and Fred Friedow for being always so helpful in solving problems. I thank the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas (CONICET) of Argentina for granting me an External Fellowship that made this visit to the United States possible and to the Dept. of Forest Science, OSU, for additional financial support. Finally my gratitude to my husband, Carlos, for his love, unconditional support and encouragement, and to my two dearest treasures, my sons, Nicolas and Sebastian. To them, and my family at home is this thesis dedicated. CONTRIBUTION OF AUTHORS Co-authors of individual papers are identified in the first page of each chapter. The following is brief list of their contributions to each manuscript. Anita N. Azarenko advised me on techniques used for ABA quantitation and collaborated in the design and execution of the experiments presented in chapter 4, contributed to the discussion of the results, and edited successive drafts of the paper. Carlos L. Ballare contributed to the ideas and hypotheses discussed in chapters 2, 3, and 4, collaborated during the execution of the experiments, and reviewed drafts of the manuscripts. Steven R. Radosevich advised me on several steps along the completion of this thesis, contributed to the ideas discussed in this work, to the discussion of the experimental results, and edited successive drafts of the thesis chapters. Rodolfo A. Sanchez discussed with me several of the ideas presented in chapter 2 and 4, contributed to the discussion of the results, and edited drafts of the manuscript included in chapter 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1. GENERAL INTRODUCTION References CHAPTER 2. INDUCTION OF EXTREME LIGHT SENSITIVITY IN BURIED WEED SEEDS AND ITS ROLE IN THE PERCEPTION OF SOIL CULTIVATIONS Abstract Introduction Materials and Methods Results and Discussion Conclusions References CHAPTER 3. PHOTOSTIMULATION OF SEED GERMINATION DURING SOIL TILLAGE Abstract Introduction Materials and Methods Results Discussion Conclusions References 1 13 22 23 24 27 33 40 41 52 53 55 60 67 72 78 80 CHAPTER 4. ABSCISIC ACID LEVELS AND THE INDUCTION OF THE VERY-LOW-FLUENCE RESPONSE IN PHYTOCHROME CONTROLLED SEED GERMINATION Abstract Introduction Materials and methods Results Discussion References 90 91 93 97 102 106 110 CHAPTER 5. SUMMARY AND OUTLOOK 121 BIBLIOGRAPHY 126 APPENDICES Apendix 1. Statistical analyses of data presented in Chapter 3 Appendix 2. Statistical analyses of data presented in Chapter 4 140 140 152 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1 (A) Light guides used to irradiate buried seeds with sunlight in the field. (B) Mount used to held the seed coats during determinations of spectral transmittance 48 Figure 2.2 (A) Relative spectral photon distribution (LI 1800 of the treatment light sources spectroradiometer, Li-Cor, NE, U.S.A.). (B) Transmittance spectra of the seed coats of D. ferox. (C) Relationships between germination in the laboratory and the W Pfr established by R and FR light 49 Figure 2.3 Fluence response curves for the induction of germination by sunlight under field conditions 50 Figure 2.4 (A) Calculated Pfr/P ratios established by different fluences of sunlight. (B) Relationship between germination and the W Pfr established by the various exposures to sunlight or sunlight followed by FR 51 Figure 3.1 Effect of daytime cultivation in early summer (1991) on seedling emergence compared with the 86 the nighttime (no light) control Figure 3.2 Effect of daytime cultivation in late summer (1991) on seedling emergence compared with the nighttime (no light) control 87 Figure 3.3 Effect of covering the tillage implements during daytime cultivation in the autumn (1991) on seedling emergence compared with the full sunlight (no cover) control 88 Figure 3.4 Effect of manipulating the light conditions during cultivation on the emergence of dicotyledonous seedlings compared with the nighttime (no light) control 89 Figure 4.1 Total (upper panel) and selected ion chromatograms of methylated HPLC purified sample of ABA from intact seeds of D. ferox 115 Figure 4.2 Time courses of dark germination, light sensitivity and ABA levels in D. ferox seeds buried outdoors 116 Figure 4.3 Time courses of dark germination, light sensitivity and ABA levels in D. ferox seeds buried in a growth chamber at 20°C/30°C. 117 Figure 4.4 Effect of exogenous ABA on light sensitivity of D. ferox seeds exhumed after five (A) or six (B) months of burial outdoors 118 Figure 4.5 Effect of exogenous ABA on light sensitivity of D. ferox seeds that had been kept for three weeks in a WSA 119 Figure 4.6 Relationships between VLF responsivity and endogenous ABA levels in whole seeds of D. ferox 120 LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1 Table 3.1 Viability and germination of different seed batches of Datura ferox at the time of burial (late winter) 47 Cultivation experiments carried out during 1991 and 1992 85 PHOTOCONTROL OF SEED GERMINATION IN ARABLE LAND CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INTRODUCTION "But seeds are invisible. They sleep deep in the heart of the earth's darkness, until some one among them is seized with the desire to awaken." Antoine de Saint Exupery, The Little Prince Harcourt, Brace & World Inc. 2 Seed banks in arable land Buried seed populations ("seed banks") are recognized as a primary source of new plants of annual species that occupy arable land. Efforts have been directed towards the reduction of seed banks by crop rotations, fallowing and other management methods involving cultivation (for review see Cavers and Benoit, 1989). Scheweizer and Zimdahl (1984), summarizing 50-year crop management studies in experimental areas, found that, regardless of the agricultural practice used, most viable seeds were lost from the seed bank within 1-4 years if the input of weed seeds was prevented or was minimal. Norris (1985 cited in Menges 1987) estimated that weed control must exceed 99.99 % efficiency in order to reduce seed inputs to mantain a constant seed bank in an arable field. The results obtained by Ballare et al. (1987) when modelling the dynamics of Datura ferox populations in soybean crops support these estimations. These authors found that control efficiencies as large as 95 % could not prevent the population of this weed from increasing year by year. Farmers continue to be dependent on herbicide use to control the input of weed seeds and also to meet the standards imposed by the goverment and retail sales, such as crop seed free of contaminants or high cosmetic standards for fresh market produce. As a standard practice in the 3 U.S.A., any land in which a crop is grown undergoes at least one major soil disturbance (e.g. ploughing) and from 2 to 6 subsequent tillages (e.g. a disk + roller) for seed bed preparation. A prevalent strategy for weed control consists of preplant and preemergent herbicides or 3 to 5 cultivations after crop emergence. These practices are not only expensive in terms of herbicide cost, human labor and fuel but also can have a negative effect on soil structure. Frisbie and Smith (1989) while addressing the future of agriculture propose that bio-intensive integrated pest management will rely on biological control, host resistance and cultural management as the main tactics for crop production rather than pesticide-dependant methods. They recognize the need for a creative scientific revolution to take place, especially in the area of weed control. nHowever, new insights into how to create a significant change in current weed control procedures will only be brought about through a thorough understanding of plant environmental biology. For example, possible alternatives to herbicide application might be achieved by manipulating microenvironmental stimuli important for weed seed germination and seedling emergence. 4 Environmental control of germination in arable land Successional environments are characterized by transient increases in the availability of light and other environmental resources, which are caused by disturbances that eliminate or reduce existing vegetation. Canopy "gaps" may be created by natural agents (i.e. fire, storms, or herbivores) or by humans in managed ecosystems. Gaps may be of different sizes, from minute ones created by small herbivores foraging on herbaceous vegetation to those involving hundreds of hectares caused by tillages in cultivated areas. In arable lands, disturbances occur in a more or less cyclical fashion due to the practices necessary to produce a particular crop. The major disturbances in such agricultural systems are grazing, mowing, and soil cultivation. Soil cultivation in arable land usually results in a cohort (flush) of weed seedling emergence and recruitment (e.g. Chancellor, 1964; Roberts and Potter, 1980; Froud-Williams et al., 1984). Recruitment of some weed species takes place almost exclusively after tillage, suggesting a sophisticated degree of adjustment to the agricultural environment (Soriano et al., 1970; Harper, 1977; Ballare et al., 1992). Several factors have been proposed to work as 5 environmental signals whereby seeds detect disturbances and canopy gaps. These include soil temperature changes (Koller, 1972; Thomson et al., 1977; Aldrich, 1984; Benech Arnold et al., 1988; Ghersa et al., 1993), light (Sauer and Struik, 1964; Wesson and Wearing, 1969), changes in the soil atmosphere (Roberts, 1962; Simmonds and Simpson, 1971; Harper, 1977), and modification of chemical composition of the soil solution (Angevine and Chabot, 1979; Pons, 1989; Simpson, 1990). The role of light as a stimulus for germination in disturbed soil has become well established since the classic experiments of Sauer and Struick (1964) and Wesson and Wareing (1969). Although these authors did not cultivate the soil with tillage equipment in their experiments, they convincingly demonstrated that germination in disturbed soil can be reduced if light is excluded. Different authors have subsequently focused on changes in light sensitivity during seed burial (e.g. Taylorson, 1972; Baskin and Baskin, 1979, 1980; and refs. in Karssen, 1982) and the involvement of phytochrome in the germination responses to light (see Taylorson, 1987 and Ballare et al., 1992 for reviews). Phytochrome The discovery of phytochrome in the early 1950s (Borthwick et al., 1952) led to a tremendous increase in 6 understanding about how plants perceive and respond to light (see Sage, 1992 for a historical account). Since phytochrome is the photoreceptor involved in the photocontrol of seed germination a brief overview of its major properties follows. More detailed treatment of the subject can be found in several recent books (e.g. Kronenberg and Kendrick Eds., 1986; Furuya Ed., 1987; Attridge, 1990). It is now known that phytochrome is not a single pigment, but rather a family of proteins with a similar, perhaps identical chromophore (Sharrock and Quail, 1989; Furuya, 1989; Quail, 1991). In Arabidopsis for example, three different phytochromes and five different phytochrome genes have been discovered over the last few years. In the mechanism of action of these photoreceptors the first step involved is absorption of light by the chromophore, which is accompanied by a change in the properties of the pigment molecule. This alteration initiates a transduction process, that is a series of molecular events that culminate in the response, e.g. germination. The precise sequence of events is not yet known for any particular response, but the gap in understanding of how the "black boxes" work between light absorption and observable response has been dramatically narrowed during the last few years. Phytochrome-mediated processes are being 7 studied intensively. Of general acceptance is that there is more than just one primary mechanism of phytochrome action (see e.g. Johnson, 1989). In some cases it is clear that phytochrome responses do not involve changes in gene expression (e.g. chloroplast orientation in the alga Mougeotia). Yet, in others (probably the majority of phytochrome responses) light absorption by phytochrome leads to altered expression of selected genes. There is little evidence for a direct interaction between phytochrome and the genome and, possibly, there is more than one mechanism whereby phytochromes effect transcriptional activity (see Quail, 1991 for a review). Regarding its photochemical characteristics, phytochrome molecules exist in two relatively stable forms, Pr (active form) and Pfr, with absorption maxima in the red (R) and far-red (FR) regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, respectively. Each form is converted into the other upon absorption of light. Because the absorption spectra of Pr and Pfr overlap to a considerable extent, light cannot push the pigment to pure Pr or Pfr. Thus, under conditions of continuous illumination, a photoequilibrium (0) between Pr and Pfr is reached that may be characterized by the proportion of phytochrome molecules that are in the Pfr form, i.e. the Pfr/P ratio. Values of 0 vary from 0.02 under monochromatic FR to 0.86 under monochromatic R (e.g. 8 Mancinelli, 1988). If the pigment is exposed to polychromatic light, as is the case under natural conditions, the Pfr/P ratio at 0 is highly dependent on the R to FR quantum ratio in the incident radiation (R:FR ratio) (Smith and Holmes, 1977). Thus, 0 values obtained by exposing purified phytochrome preparations to natural light typically vary from ca. 0.6 (direct sunlight; R:FR = 1.15) to 0.15 (light filtered through dense leaf canopy; R:FR = 0.2). The effects of light on a number of physiological functions are well correlated with its effects on 0. Values of 0 can be estimated analytically (Hartmann and Cohnen- Unser, 1972) using spectral irradiance data and published values of phytochrome photoconversion-coefficients (e.g. Mancinelli, 1988). A similar approach can be used to calculate the rate of cycling between Pr and Pfr, and to estimate the amount of Pfr formed after exposures to light that are too short to drive the pigment to photoequilibrium (see Cone and Kendrick, 1985; Scopel et al., 1991). Photocontrol of seed germination Laboratory studies on the photocontrol of germination have shown that light must establish a relatively high level of the active form of phytochrome (Pfr) for germination to occur, and that the potential effect of light can be nullified if Pfr is reduced to about 2 percent with a pulse 9 of far-red radiation (see references in Bewley and Black, 1982). This FR-reversible photoresponse is known as the low fluence (LF) response. Recent work in several laboratories has demonstrated that many phytochrome mediated processes can be elicited by light exposures that establish much lower percentages of Pfr. This type of photoresponse, termed very low fluence (VLF) response (Mandoli and Briggs, 1981; Blaauw-Jansen, 1983; Kronenberg and Kendrick, 1986), also has been documented for light promoted seed germination. For example, sensitivity of seeds to light forming very low amounts of Pfr has been obtained in laboratory experiments by pretreatments of chilling (VanDerWoude and Toole, 1980; Cone et al., 1985; VanDerWoude, 1985), high temperature incubation (Cone et al., 1985; Taylorson and Dinola, 1989), gibberellic acid (Rethy et al., 1987), or ethanol (VanDerWoude, 1985). Sensitized seeds require ca. 104 fewer photons than unsensitized seeds, and can be induced to germinate by Pfr levels that are two to four orders of magnitude lower than those established by a saturating pulse of pure far-red radiation. The discovery of VLF response in seeds has prompted a consideration of its potential ecological significance (Cone et al., 1985). Taylorson (1972) and Baskin and Baskin (1979), working with seed recovered from soil, reported levels of light sensitivity that were difficult to interpret based on classical far-red reversible phytochrome responses. These findings suggested 10 that the VLF response mechanism may be operative in buried seeds. An assessment of the ecological importance of light sensitization, i.e. VLF response, requires that light conditions encountered by seeds in arable soil be considered. If seeds are buried deeper than a few mm, they will be exposed to darkness (Woolley and Stoller, 1978; Tester and Morris, 1987) for relatively long periods of time, and eventually, to pulse-like irradiations of sunlight when the soil is cultivated. Thereafter, only a fraction of the total seeds in the soil should experience further light, because light penetrates so poorly into soil. Moreover, seeds on the soil surface are at great risk from desiccation, photoinhibition (Gorski and Garska, 1979), and predation (Scopel et al., 1988). Therefore, if light is an important cue for germination in cultivated soil, germinating cohorts following soil disturbance would seem most dependent on seeds being exposed to light during tillage. Studies by Hartmann and Nezadal (1990) support this reasoning. These scientists, using a farm-scale version of the pioneering experiment of Sauer and Struik (1964), observed that weed seedling emergence in arable fields was strongly reduced when tillage operations were performed at night. 11 If the VLF response mechanism is indeed found in buried seeds, the possibility of it being a general phenomena among light-requiring seeds should be further investigated. Although the evidence reviewed above suggests a role for light in triggering germination during tillage, no direct proof for this hypothesis has been obtained using normal cultivation conditions. Moreover, the contribution of light received during the actual disturbance in relation to the total light received by seeds in tilled soil has never been evaluated. The physiological basis for the shift to the VLF response also is unknown (Cone et al., 1985; VanderWoude, 1985). The endogenous balance of growth regulators might be involved in seeds because, under laboratory conditions, experiments with increases in gibberellic acid concentration sometimes cause seeds to respond within the VLF range (Rethy et al., 1987). This thesis is focused on the photocontrol of seed germination in arable lands. Each chapter was written as an individual manuscript and can be read independently of the others. In the subsequent chapter (Chapter 2), the main question addressed is whether seeds shift during burial from the LF response mode of phytochrome action (in which only a relatively high % Pfr can trigger germination), to the VLF 12 response (in which seeds may be induced to germinate by much lower % Pfr (< 10-2U. In Chapter 3, the ecological significance of VLF responses is investigated in relation to the perception of light by the buried seeds during soil disturbance. 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Sanchez Departamento de Ecologia, Facultad de Agronomia, University of Buenos Aires, (1417) Buenos Aires, Argentina (A.L.S., C.L.B., R.A.S.); Departments of Forest Science and Crop and Soil Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331-7501, USA (A.L.S., C.L.B.) Plant, Cell and Environment 14: 501-508 (1991) 23 ABSTRACT Light, probably acting through the photoreceptor phytochrome, promotes germination of weed seeds when the soil is disturbed by tillage operations. A short period of burial is shown to induce an enormous, . 10,000-fold increase in light sensitivity in the seeds of the arable weed Datura ferox which is interpreted as being a natural transition to the "very-low-fluence" mode of phytochrome action. Field experiments indicated that germination of buried seeds may be triggered by millisecond-exposures to sunlight and suggested a key role for the process of sensitization in the mechanisms whereby light requiring seeds detect the occurrence of soil cultivation events in arable lands. Abbreviations: FR, far-red; LFR, low fluence response; P, total phytochrome (Pfr + Pr); Pfr, FR-absorbing form of phytochrome; Pr, R-absorbing form of phytochrome; R, red; VLFR, very low fluence response; 0, Pfr/Pr ratio at photoequilibrium; ai,x and a2,), apparent spectral molar conversion cross-sections for the transitions Pr -> Pfr and Pfr -> Pr, respectively. Key words: Datura ferox; germination ecology; phytochrome; seed dormancy; soil cultivation; very low fluence; weeds. 24 INTRODUCTION The ability of terrestrial plants to produce dormant seeds presumably evolved more than 300 million years ago (Mapes et al., 1989), and is of indubitable value for reducing germination under environmental conditions that are unfavourable for seedling establishment. In a number of species, including many weeds of arable land, dormancy is terminated when the hydrated seed is exposed to light, which is perceived by the photoreversible chromoprotein phytochrome (e.g. Bewley and Black, 1982; Taylorson, 1987). Frequently, in order to be effective, light must establish a relatively high level of the far-red (FR) absorbing form of phytochrome (Pfr), and its potential effect can be completely nullified if the Pfr content is immediately reduced to . 2% with a pulse of FR radiation. This FR- reversible photoresponse, known as the "low fluence response (LFR)" (Kronenberg and Kendrick, 1986), has generated considerable interest because of its involvement in the regulation of seed germination under leaf canopies (Cumming, 1963; Smith, 1973; Frankland and Taylorson, 1983). In recent years, work in several laboratories has shown that certain phytochrome-mediated processes can be elicited by light treatments that establish much lower percentage of Pfr. This type of photoresponse, termed "very 25 low fluence response (VLFR)" (Mandoli and Briggs, 1981; Blaauw-Jansen, 1983; Kronenberg and Kendrick, 1986), has also been documented for light promoted seed germination. Light sensitivity of seeds of some species that form very low amounts of Pfr has been obtained in the laboratory by pretreatments such as chilling (VanDerWoude and Toole, 1980; Cone et al., 1985; VanDerWoude, 1985), incubation at high temperatures (Cone et al., 1985; Taylorson and Dinola, 1989), incubation in the presence of gibberellic acid (Rethy et al., 1987), or treatment with anesthetics (VanDerWoude, 1985). Sensitive seeds require 104 times less photons than insensitive seeds and can be induced to germinate by Pfr levels that are two to four orders of magnitude lower than those established by a saturating pulse of pure FR. The discovery of the VLFR in seeds has prompted a number of questions about its potential ecological significance (Cone et al., 1985). As yet, little is known about the occurrence and adaptive implications of this type of light-controlled germination under natural conditions. Seeds are known to undergo important changes in light sensitivity during burial (Taylorson, 1970, 1972; Baskin and Baskin, 1980, 1985; Froud-Williams et al., 1984) and there are reports of exhumed seeds responding in the laboratory to irradiations that established Pfr levels of 2% or less (Taylorson, 1972). These findings and those of Baskin and 26 Baskin (1979) suggest that the VLFR mechanism might be operative in buried seeds. We have addressed this question by determining fluence-response curves under laboratory and field conditions for seeds of the arable weed Datura ferox that had remained buried in the soil for some months. We chose this species as test material because several aspects of its germination ecology are already well known and seem to be common to other annual dicots that invade rotation crops. 27 MATERIALS AND METHODS The species Datura ferox L. (Solanaceae) is an aggressive annual weed of summer crops in temperate and subtropical areas of South America. Seeds are produced during late summer and autumn and are dormant at maturity (Soriano et al., 1964). In the field, germination of seeds kept on the soil surface or buried at a constant depth is poor to nil. However, flushes of seedling emergence take place during spring and summer if, after several months of burial, the seeds are returned near the soil surface (Soriano et al., 1971). Under common agricultural practice, the main germination flushes take place after events of soil cultivation (Ballare et al., 1987, 1988). Seed sources and burial procedures Seeds of D. ferox were collected in the winter from plants invading soybean fields in Lobos (Buenos Aires, Argentina). Seeds of two different harvests were used: 1988 and 1989 (hereafter referred to as L88 and L89 batches, respectively). The L88 batch was very heterogeneous regarding the degree of seed maturity, as judged from the 28 color of the seed coats (Ballare et al., 1988), and was divided into two pools, i.e. pale brown seeds (= light coats) and dark brown seeds (= dark coats). After harvesting the seeds were air dried and either stored in opaque glass jars at constant 20°C, or buried to a depth of 7 cm in a recently cultivated field at the Faculty of Agronomy (University of Buenos Aires). This burial simulated the effect of shallow cultivations which are normally used to initiate fallow in the cropping areas where D. ferox is a successful weed (Ballare et al., 1988). The physiological status of the seeds at the time of burial is summarized in Table 2.1. Plastic mesh bags each containing 50 seeds were used in experiments where the seeds were exposed to light after retrieval from the soil (i e.: laboratory experiments and the simulated-cultivation experiment). Supports of clear acrylic (Fig. 2.1A) were used in the experiments where seeds were illuminated while buried in the soil (in-situ irradiation experiment). These supports were designed to guide light to the seeds. They consisted of a sheet (20 x 20 x 4 cm thick) of transparent Paolini acrylic (Paolini SA, Buenos Aires, Argentina) with a shelf attached to one of the sides to hold the seeds. The seeds were placed in a row on this shelf and were kept in place by a plastic mesh. The face of the guide opposite to that used for sowing was abraded to create a light-diffusing surface. Except for 29 the portion that was left above ground (. 2.5 cm) and a small window in front of the seeds, the acrylics were coated with reflective polyester material. The light guides carrying the seeds were buried in winter with their main plane parallel to the predicted direction of the direct solar rays at midday in late spring. The above ground portion remained covered with a black cap until the time of irradiations. Each guide was calibrated individually using two LI 190SB quantum sensors (Li-Cor, NE, U.S.A.), one held parallel to the light-entering, upper edge of the guide and the other pointing at the seed window. Mean transmittance was about 2%. Inspection of the guides after a period of burial indicated that there was only minimal accumulation of soil particles in the area of contact between the seeds and the acrylic; therefore, the above figure was taken as a good estimate of the actual transmittance during the experiment. Light sources and irradiation treatments R light was supplied by 40W/15K8 red fluorescent tubes (Philips, Holland). FR was obtained by filtering light from a 250-W incandescent lamp through a 5-cm thick water layer and a RGN9 filter (Schott, FRG) (Fig. 2.2A). To obtain the different levels of Pfr, fluence rate was varied between 2.4 and 79.6 Amol 111-2 s-1 (R) or between 0.6 and 48.6 Amol m-2 s-1 (FR), and irradiation time between 2 seconds and 1 hour (R) 30 or between 5 seconds and 15 minutes (FR). Reciprocity was found to hold for the longest irradiations used. A dim green light was used for handling the seeds in the dark room after retrieval from the soil. The source provided <2 x 10-2 Amol m-2 s-1 between 400 and 550 nm at the seed level. The seeds were exposed to this light for periods shorter than one minute and this exposure had no effect on germination. Irradiations with sunlight were performed in two ways. In the in situ irradiation experiment (Fig. 2.3A), sunlight reached the seeds after passing through the light guide used for burial. The average fluence rate at seed level was 59 Amol m2 s-1 (400-800 nm). Different fluences were obtained by varying the irradiation time between 2 seconds and 2 hours. In the simulated-cultivation experiment (Fig. 2.3B), seed bags were unearthed near midday using light proof equipment. The bags were thoroughly shaken to eliminate bound soil particles, transferred to a shutter box under dim green light and then given a controlled exposure to sunlight. Sunlight fluence rate was varied from 0.15 to 1,950 Amol m-2 s-1 (400-800 nm) by means of neutral density filters. Exposure times were varied between 2 and 153 seconds. In the FR-reversion test the seeds were placed under the FR source (Fig. 2.2A) within 2 minutes after 31 receiving 3 x 105 Amol m-2 of sunlight and were given 1.5 x 105 Amol m-2 in order to reduce the Pfr content to about 3%. Relative humidity inside the irradiating cabinet was kept near 100% to prevent seed desiccation. After irradiations the bags were taken back to the dark room and placed horizontally on a 3 cm thick layer of moistened soil that was supported by means of a plastic mesh at the bottom of opaque cylinders of PVC (10 cm high x 10 cm diameter). The bags were then covered with a 7 cm thick soil layer and the cylinders taken to the field and sunk into previously dug 10 cm deep holes. Except for the lack of light exposure, the seeds used as dark controls were subjected to identical manipulations. The number of germinated seeds was determined two weeks after the irradiation treatment. Measurements of seed coat transmittance and phytochrome calculations To determine the transmittance spectra, fragments of the seed coats ('u 4 mm2) were bound with epoxy adhesive to a perforated plate that was mounted on the light receiving dome of the LI 1800 spectroradiometer (Li-Cor, NE, U.S.A.) (Fig. 2.1B). The spectrum was scanned for light and dark coats with the sample oriented perpendicular to the direct sun rays. The coats were kept moist during measurements. Reference spectra were obtained after removing the coats 32 from the mounting plate. The amount of Pfr established by the different irradiations was calculated as follows: Pfr/P = 0 {1 exp -[ E (al,x +cr,,x)Fx ] } ( 1) where Fx = photon fluence at wavelength X after screening by the seed coat (gmol m-2), al,), and cr2,x are the apparent spectral molar conversion cross-sections for the transitions Pr->Pfr and Pfr->Pr respectively (m2 gmol-1), P = total phytochrome, and 0 = Pfr/P at photoequilibrium = E [(u,,x)Fx] / E [(al,x +a2,x)Fx]. Eqn (1) was modified from Hartmann and Cohnen-Unser (1972) to be used with polychromatic light sources. To calculate the disappearance of Pfr in the FR- reversion test (Figs. 2.3 and 2.4), eqn (1) was modified as indicated by Cone and Kendrick (1985) to take account of pre-existing Pfr in the seeds. The photoconversion cross- sections used in these calculations were published by Mancinelli (1988, Table 2.4) from the work of Kelly and Lagarias (1985). 33 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Laboratory experiments Seeds of Datura ferox that had been buried for two months were retrieved in absolute darkness, placed on moist cotton, and immediately given different fluences of R or FR radiation (Fig. 2.2A). The pulses were designed to establish different levels of Pfr in the seeds, which were calculated analytically (Eqn 1) taking into account transmittance spectra of the seed coats (Fig. 2.2B). After the light treatments the seeds were transferred to darkness and given an alternating-temperature regime (20 °C, 15 h; 30 °C, 9 h) that was found to be favorable for the germination of D. ferox (Soriano et al., 1964). The same treatments were given to seeds of the same batch that had been maintained in dry storage since the time of harvest. Burial induced a dramatic increase in the sensitivity of the seeds to light pulses forming very low % Pfr (Fig. 2.2C). When seeds that had been stored dry in the laboratory for two months were tested we obtained the typical LFR curve, where germination is negligible for Pfr values < 1%. In seeds exhumed from soil, the levels of both, dark and light-saturated germination was greater than for dry stored seed, probably due to some overriding factor that influenced 34 germination independent of Pfr (Duke, 1978; Cone et al., 1985). However the most remarkable observation was that most of the exhumed seeds were induced to germinate when given R or FR pulses that established less than 0.01% Pfr. There was a good agreement between germination results produced by R and FR when pulses established similar calculated %Pfr. The shape of the germination: %-Pfr relationship, was strikingly similar to those reported for laboratory treated seed populations of other species. Two response regions were found: one between 0.0001 and 0.01% Pfr, due to the germination of seeds in the VLFR state, and the other between 1 and 86% Pfr, due to the germination of seeds in the LFR state (cf. Cone et al., 1985; Kronenberg and Kendrick, 1986). These results clearly document, for the first time, a massive, natural transition to the typical VLFR state. The mechanism whereby some seeds in the population acquire the ability to respond to very low % Pfr is still under debate (e.g. VanDerWoude, 1985; Cone et al., 1985). In Datura it seems that low temperatures are not required for sensitization. In fact (i) soil temperature at -7 cm did not fall below 12°C during the burial period in the above experiment, and (ii), we have obtained in the laboratory seed populations displaying VLFR by keeping them for some weeks in an atmosphere saturated with water vapour at 35 constant 25°C (A. L. Scopel, unpublished). This treatment is known to produce a significant decrease in the level of endogenous inhibitors (ABA among them) in seeds of D. ferox (De Miguel, 1980). A similar loss of inhibitors may conceivably take place in the field, while the seeds are surrounded by a moist soil matrix, which might be important for unmasking the VLFR mechanism in this species. Whatever its physiological basis, the phenomenon of light sensitization should be of considerable interest for understanding the effects of soil cultivations on the germination of weed seeds in arable lands. Soil disturbance by tillage operations usually result in a flush of emergence of weed seedlings (Chancellor, 1964; Roberts and Potter, 1980), and this is particularly notorious in areas infested with D. ferox (Ballare et al., 1987, 1988). In many cases light is a major factor in the germination response of the seed bank; if steps are taken to exclude light, fewer seedlings appear in the disturbed soil (Sauer and Struik, 1964; Wesson and Wareing, 1969; Hartmann and Nezadal, 1989). A change in light sensitivity of the magnitude we have shown in Fig. 2.2C is thus likely to influence the responses of buried seeds to cultivation. 36 Field experiments Extrapolating laboratory results to the field situation requires caution. Relatively minor changes in the conditions to which the exhumed seeds are exposed prior to (Bouwmeester and Karssen, 1989) or during the germination test (e.g. Baskin and Baskin, 1979; Bouwmeester and Karssen, 1989) can greatly affect the expression of the dormancy status. Therefore, two additional experiments were established to test for VLFR in the field while trying to cause the least deviation from the natural condition. In one experiment sunlight was piped from the soil surface to seeds that had remained at -7 cm for 3 months after burial in winter. This enabled us to study the light responses of buried seeds without affecting other environmental factors during illumination. At this depth, seeds of D. ferox do not normally germinate in the field but can remain viable for at least 20 months (Ballare et al., 1988). Seedling counts, performed two weeks after the irradiation treatments revealed that, under the conditions prevailing in the soil in late spring (mean daily temperature > 25°C, mean daily amplitude > 12°C), exposure to light was the only requirement that had to be fulfilled in order to trigger germination in about one-third of the seeds (Fig. 2.3A). Moreover, even the lowest fluence delivered, which was equivalent to 0.1 seconds of full sunlight, elicited some 37 germination. Additional experiments showed that light germination was > 90% in seeds exhumed and tested under standard laboratory conditions (not shown), indicating that some overriding factor, independent of light and temperature, reduced germination in the seeds maintained at -7cm. The nature of this factor is unknown, but is probably related to the conditions of poor aeration created by soil compaction after three months. In a second experiment we tested a wider range of sunlight fluences following a protocol that more closely mimicked the conditions experienced by seeds during soil cultivation. Buried seeds were exhumed in darkness in late spring, exposed to sunlight and buried again at the initial depth. Retrieval and burial in the dark had no effect (cf. Fig. 2.2C), but exposures to fluences equivalent to a few milliseconds of full sunlight were sufficient to promote germination in more than 50% of the seeds (Fig. 2.3B). FR given immediately after a saturating pulse of sunlight reduced germination, but only to the level induced by the intermediate fluences. This result and calculations of the amount of Pfr established by the various irradiations (Fig. 2.4A) indicate that m 80% of the light responding seeds were in a VLFR state and required only between 0.0001 and 0.01% Pfr to germinate under field conditions (Fig. 2.4B). Thus, the experiment demonstrated that germination of D. ferox 38 seeds in response to soil disturbance was absolutely dependent on light exposure and confirmed the enormous sensitivity that was apparent in the laboratory study (Fig. 2.2C) . Ecological implications To assess the ecological importance of the process of sensitization, consideration should be given to the light conditions encountered by seeds in arable soil. Provided they are buried deeper than a few millimeters, the seeds will be exposed to darkness (Woolley and Stoller, 1978; Tester and Morris, 1987) for relatively long periods and, eventually, to pulse-like irradiations with sunlight when the soil is disturbed by cultivations. Because light penetrates poorly through soil, only a small proportion of the total seeds in the soil bank will have any chance of perceiving further light after tillage is completed. Moreover, the seeds left at or very near the soil surface are exposed to higher risks of desiccation, photoinhibition (Gorski and Gorska, 1979), and predation (Scopel et al., 1988; Ballare et al., 1988). Therefore, the production of germination flushes after soil cultivation events is likely to be largely dependent on some seeds having the ability to sense the light while the soil is being broken up by the tillage implements. This reasoning is supported by recent 39 results of Hartmann and Nezadal (1989) who, using a farm- scale version of the pioneer experiment of Sauer and Struik (1964), found that weed seedling emergence in arable fields can be strongly reduced if all soil disturbing operations are performed during the night. Taking mouldboard ploughing as an example, one can obtain a rough estimate of the illumination times during cultivation. At a normal working speed of 7 km 11-1, each plough body lags . 0.25 seconds behind its immediate predecessor. This means that the time elapsing between one furrow is turned over and the moment in which it is partially covered with soil pushed by the following mouldboard will be of this order of magnitude. Exposures of this kind are certainly too short to trigger a LFR, which will require between 10 and 1000 times more photons (Figs. 2.3 and 2.4). In contrast, the % Pfr formed during such exposure will be sufficient to give full germination in a population of sensitized seeds (Figs. 2.3B and 2.4B). 40 CONCLUSIONS Arable soils contain enormous quantities of viable buried weed seeds and large flushes of germination typically take place after the soil is disturbed by tillage operations. Seeds of several weed species detect the occurrence of soil cultivation events using light as an environmental signal. In this paper we have shown that seeds of the annual weed D. ferox undergo a large, . 10000-fold increase in light sensitivity while they are buried in the soil and that this phenomenon has a very marked effect on the pattern of response to sunlight under field conditions. According to our results, the induction of a highly sensitive state is required for the detection by the seeds of "split-second" exposures to sunlight. Because short pulses of this nature are very likely to be the most important light signals of soil cultivation, the natural switch from the LFR to the VLFR state that we have documented is probably essential for the perception of soil disturbances by light-requiring weed seeds. Additional experiments with actual disturbance regimes are warranted and necessary to assess the general validity of this hypothesis. 41 REFERENCES Ballare CL, Scopel AL, Ghersa CM, Sanchez RA (1987) The demography of Datura ferox (L.) in soybean crops. 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The Pennsylvania State University Press, University Park, PA, pp 219-231 Soriano A, Sanchez RA, Eilberg BA (1964) Factors and processes in the germination of Datura ferox L. Canadian Journal of Botany 42: 1189-1203 45 Soriano A, Eilberg BA, Suero A (1971) Effects of burial and changes in depth in the soil on the seeds of Datura ferox. Weed Research 11: 196-199 Taylorson RB (1970) Changes in dormancy and viability of weed seeds in soils. Weed Science 18: 265-269 Taylorson RB (1972) Phytochrome controlled changes in dormancy and germination of buried weed seeds. Weed Science 20: 417-422 Taylorson RB (1987) Environmental and chemical manipulation of weed seed dormancy. Review of Weed Science 3: 135­ 154 Taylorson RB, Dinola L (1989) Increased phytochrome responsiveness and a high-temperature transition in Barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli) seed dormancy. Weed Science 37: 335-338 Tester M, Morris C (1987) The penetration of light through soil. Plant, Cell and Environment 10: 281-286 VanderWoude WJ, Toole VK (1980) Studies of the mechanism of enhancement of phytochrome-dependent lettuce seed germination by prechilling. Plant Physiology 66: 220­ 224 VanderWoude WJ (1985) A dimeric mechanism for the action of phytochrome: evidence from photothermal interactions in lettuce seed germination. Photochemistry and Photobiology 42: 655-661 Wesson G, Wareing PF (1969) The role of light in the 46 germination of naturally occurring populations of buried weed seeds. Journal of Experimental Botany 20: 402-413 Woolley JT, Stoller EW (1978) Light penetration and light- induced seed germination in soil. Plant Physiology 61: 597-600 47 Table 2.1 Viability and germination of different seed batches of Datura ferox at the time of burial (late winter) Viability Germination* darkness after R Seed batch L88, light coats L88, dark coats L89, dark coats 95 96 98 0 0 0 39 20 33 * Seeds were incubated under alternating temperatures. For details, see Ballard et al. (1988). Percent germination was calculated based on the number of viable seeds. 48 A lcm B 1cm Figure 2.1 (A) Light guides used to irradiate buried seeds with sunlight in the field. (B) Mount used to hold the seed coats during determinations of spectral transmittance. Letter codes: a, acrylic light guide with abraded surface; b, black cap; c, coat sample; d, teflon diffuser of the LI 1800 spectroradiometer; g, ground surface; m, mounting; n, plastic net; 12, perforated plate; r, reflective coating; s, seed; v, direct light vector. 49 VLFR 0 FR A R > < LFR > 80 1 FR R 400 600 B 800 buried seeds g 40 Ught COCItS-.... 8 8 60 10 dark col3tsA 4 I 400 600 dry stored seeds * 0 d U' a 800 WAVELENGTH (nm ) *5 3 10-2 161 io° 10t 102 Pfr IP(%) Figure 2.2 (A) Relative spectral photon distribution of the treatment light sources (LI 1800 spectroradiometer, Li-Cor, NE, U.S.A.). (B) Transmittance spectra of the seed coats of D.ferox. (C) Relationships between germination at 20°C / Pfr established by 30°C in the laboratory and the different fluences of R light (4, from 4.8 to 2.9 105 Amol m-) or FR light (OS, from 3 and 4.4 104 Amol m-). The seeds used as controls had been kept in dry storage at 20°C and were soaked on moist cotton for 48 h at 25°C before irradiations. Germination is expressed as percentage of the number of viable seeds. Viability was > 95% (controls), and > 90% (exhumed seeds). Crosses indicate the level of dark germination; each datum point is the average of six replicates of 50 seeds each; vertical bars represent ± 1 SE. Only seeds with dark coats were used in these experiments (batch L89). 50 (A) in situ irradiation co ­ I,' //...// /./ //....// 20 0 al 0 0 r- 102 103 106 los z 100 -f113) simulated cultivation 0 P. < . 8 z 80 1X LU0 SL4 FR - f 60 if A ,.1, wNvor 20 0 4 I o 10° 101 le los 10' 102 101 SUNLIGHT (400.800nm) FLUENCE 4,m0( 0 10-` 10 2 102 10 10 101 102 FULL SUNLIGHT EQUIVALENT (s) Figure 2.3 Fluence response curves for the induction of germination by sunlight under field conditions. (A) Light dark light coats; 11 piped to buried seeds (batch L88;0 coats). Each datum point is the mean (± 1 SE) of 6 (B) Seeds exhumed in darkness, replicates of 70 seeds each. irradiated, and buried (batch L89, only dark seeds were used). The diamond indicates germination of seeds irradiated with FR after a saturating exposure to sunlight; each datum point is the mean (± 1 SE) of six replicates of 50 seeds each. Germination is expressed as percentage of the number of viable seeds (viability was > 90t). As the experiments were conducted with different seed batches and were not concurrent, comparison between panels A and B is not appropriate. , , 51 < 100 IRRADIATION TIME (s) a0 VLFR > LFR < > no, B simulated cultivation ./ (8/ i--4,--4-----, so /46 mi a 60 '74 a O 40 A / in situ irradiation O 20 Q o . . 0 10 102 106 SUNUGHT FLUENCE ()mot m2) id' -3 10 . 2 10 -1 10 . . 10° 101 . e Pfr/P ( '4 ) Figure 2.4 (A) Calculated Pfr/P ratios established by different fluences of sunlight. (B) Relationship between Pfr established by the various germination and the exposures to sunlight or sunlight followed by FR. Data from Fig. 2.2. 52 CHAPTER 3 PHOTOSTIMULATION OF SEED GERMINATION DURING SOIL TILLAGE Ana L. Scopel, Carlos L. Ballare and Steven R. Radosevich Departments of Forest Science and Crop and Soil Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331-7501, USA (C.L.B., A.L.S., S.R.R); Departamento de Ecologia, Facultad de Agronomia, University of Buenos Aires, Aires, Argentina (C.L.B., A.L.S.). New Phytologist, in press (1993) (1417) Buenos 53 ABSTRACT We conducted intensively replicated field experiments in the Willamette Valley, Oregon, USA, in order to study the role of light in triggering seed germination during soil tillage. We found that the normal practice of cultivating agricultural land during daytime can increase germination of buried seed populations between 70 and 400 1,­ above the levels recorded following nighttime cultivations. Experimental reduction of the irradiance under the tillage implements during daytime cultivation decreased the number of dicotyledonous seedlings emerged, while strong artificial illumination (> 300 Amol m-2 s-1; 400-800 nm) of the soil surface under the implements during nighttime tillage significantly increased seedling densities. These results suggest that the enhancement of seed germination caused by daytime tillage, compared with nighttime tillage, is due to light that penetrates into the soil during the actual disturbance. The detection by the seeds of this very short exposure to sunlight requires a high photosensitivity, which provides an adaptive "purpose" for the evolution of the Very-Low-Fluence response mechanism in phytochrome­ controlled seed germination. Seedling emergence induced by nighttime tillage was considerable in some experiments, suggesting that light perceived by seeds after cultivation or other microenvironmental factors affected by tillage may 54 be important in triggering germination in disturbed soil. Key words: Germination ecology, Phytochrome, Tillage, Very­ Low-Fluence (VLF), Weed 55 INTRODUCTION Soil tillage stimulates germination of buried seed populations in arable land (Chancellor, 1964; Roberts and Potter, 1980; Ballare et al., 1988). The possibility that exposure of buried seeds to sunlight is the factor that triggers germination in disturbed soil was suggested almost three decades ago (Sauer and Struik, 1964; Wesson and Wareing, 1969). This hypothesis is supported by the following observations: (i) Seeds of many weedy species or ecotypes require light to germinate (Grime, 1979; Taylorson, 1987); (ii) frequently, disturbance of soil samples in the dark results in less germination than disturbance under strong illumination (Sauer and Struik, 1964; Wesson and Wareing, 1969); (iii) in some weedy species, seed burial induces a dramatic increase in light sensitivity, which has been interpreted as a natural induction of the Very-Low- Fluence (VLF) response mechanism (Scopel et al., 1991). The VLF response is common in several processes mediated by the photoreceptor phytochrome (Mandoli and Briggs, 1981; reviewed by Kronenberg and Kendrick, 1986, and VanDerWoude, 1989), is triggered by light exposures that would form very small amounts of the far-red- (FR-) absorbing form of phytochrome (Pfr) (i.e. between 10-4 and 10-2 Pfr [Cone et al., 1985]), and may allow seeds to detect sub-millisecond­ exposures to sunlight when the soil is being disturbed by 56 tillage (Scopel et al., 1991). In spite of this evidence, the quantitative importance of light-induced germination in cultivated land remains unclear. This is because: (i) besides changing the light conditions, soil tillage can alter many other aspects of the soil environment that influence seed dormancy and germination, and (ii), the responses of natural seed banks to tillage cannot be adequately predicted by scaling-up from physiological and single-factor studies (discussed by Ballare et al., 1992). In a study that tested the light requirements for germination of buried seeds, only one third of a seed population of Datura ferox could be induced to germinate in situ by saturating exposures to sunlight after three months of burial. When the soil surrounding the seeds was mechanically disturbed in a parallel experiment, the proportion of buried seeds that germinated after exposure to light increased by a factor of three, indicating that the lack of light was unlikely to be the only factor limiting germination in the soil (Scopel et al., 1991). A few field- scale studies have compared weed seed germination induced by daytime and nighttime cultivations with standard tillage equipment, and the results have been mixed. Feltner (1967) reported a 40 96 reduction in the emergence of Amaranthus retroflexus in field plots cultivated at night. He acknowledged frequent location x treatment interactions and 57 the variability in his data set was apparently too large to allow any definitive conclusion (Woolley and Stoller, 1978). Hartmann and Nezadal (1990) reported that a field strip where tillage operations were carried out at night over a six-year period had dramatically reduced weed abundances compared with an adjacent strip cultivated near solar noon. Jensen (1991) found that daytime cultivation resulted in larger numbers of emerged seedlings in one out of two field experiments. A reduction in seedling numbers with nighttime tillage was apparent in a third field experiment, but logistic problems encountered when applying one of the treatments prevented statistical inference from the resulting data. One problem is that replication intensity in some of these studies could have been insufficient, given the extreme spatial heterogeneity of soil seed banks in agricultural fields (e.g. Goyeau and Fablet, 1982; Benoit et al., 1989; Dessaint et al., 1991). Another problem is that only the average effects of treatments across species have been reported in some cases, and species vary in their light requirements for germination (e.g. Grime, 1979; Bewley and Black, 1982). An additional complication is that the light requirement for germination of buried seeds may fluctuate dramatically with time (Taylorson, 1972; Froud-Williams et al., 1984; Baskin and Baskin, 1985; Scopel et al., 1991), and may be affected by the light environment experienced by the seeds before burial (Fenner, 1980). 58 Overall, the critical question that has not been directly addressed in field experiments is to what extent light signals perceived by the seeds when the soil is being actually cultivated contribute to germination induction. Light penetrates poorly through soil, but penetration may be increased by cracks and air spaces among aggregates in well structured agricultural soil (see Bliss and Smith, 1985; Tester and Morris, 1987; Mandoli et al., 1990). Thus, a potentially large number of seeds left near the soil surface by cultivation might receive light stimuli after tillage, and eventually contribute to the flux of germination. Recent results with Datura ferox show that, at least for seed batches that display FR-reversible photoresponses (i.e. the classical, low-fluence response (LF, Kronenberg and Kendrick, 19861), light promotion of seed germination is mediated by a phytochrome pool that is highly stable in the Pfr form (presumably phytochrome B) (Casal et al., 1991). This observation suggests that even very weak light received by seeds left under a few millimeters of soil might induce germination, because the light signal could be integrated (as Pfr) over several photoperiods (Ballar6 et al., 1992). This paper presents results of large-scale field experiments designed to specifically test the role of light received by seeds during soil disturbance in the promotion of germination caused by tillage. 59 Abbreviations: FR, far red (700-800 nm); LF, low fluence; Pfr, FR-absorbing form of phytochrome; VLF, very low fluence. 60 MATERIALS AND METHODS Study site and general experimental conditions The experiments were conducted in the field at the Vegetable Research Farm (Dept. of Horticulture, Oregon State University) located on well drained silty clay loam soils of the Chehalis series in the Willamette Valley, near Corvallis, OR, USA. The annual precipitation is 960 mm and is concentrated in the autumn and winter months. The farm is divided into several experimental fields on the basis of topographic position, soil characteristics, and cultural history. All fields used in these studies (typically between 0.1 and 0.25 ha) had been planted with vegetable crops during the last 40 years and presented a rich flora of weedy annual species. The most conspicuous summer-annuals found in the experimental plots were Amaranthus retroflexus L. (redroot pigweed) and Solanum nigrum L. and S. sarrachoides Sendtner (black and hairy nightshade, respectively). The predominant species after the late-summer / early-autumn tillage were Poa annua L. (annual bluegrass), Sonchus spp. (sowthistles), Lamium purpureum L. (red deadnettle), Cerastium vulgatum L. (mousear chickweed), Stellaria media (L.) Vill. (common chickweed), Anthemis cotula L. fennel), and Veronica spp. (speedwells). (dog 61 For each experiment, one or two apparently uniform experimental fields were selected in the farm, and within each field, treatments were arranged in randomized complete blocks. Between 6 and 26 replicate blocks were used in each experiment depending on the size of the available fields and the number of treatments (see Table 3.1 and also legends for Figs. 3.1 3.4). Each experimental plot (i.e. block x treatment combination) was 2 m by 18 m and was oriented with its long axis perpendicular to the long axis of the field. Typically, the integrated area of the plots occupied between 60 and 80 % of the experimental field area. All experimental cultivations were carried out with a dual-action disc harrow or with a mould-board plough followed by a dual-action disc harrow during summer and early autumn. In each experiment, all tillage treatments were applied within a time period of less than 12 h. The number of harrow passes was adjusted in each experiment to obtain a distribution of soil-aggregate sizes comparable with that of a typical seed bed. In each individual plot, all passes were completed in <15 min. Cultivations were performed by the authors and care was taken to ensure that the working speed and the settings on the tillage equipment were the same for all cultivation treatments. Daytime cultivations were performed around noon under unobstructed sunlight. Nighttime cultivations started more than 3 h after the official sunset. The only light that could be seen during control nighttime cultivations came 62 from the stars and the lighting system of the distant town. The nominal working speed was 7 km 11-1. Ploughing depth was -18 cm. The mould-board plough had two 14-inch (35.6-cm) blades. The disc harrow was of the dual-action type, had a working width of 163 cm and consisted of two 15-inch (38.1 cm) disk packs followed by a 17.5-inch (43.8-cm) roller. The clearance between disc packs varied between 27 cm (center) to 47 cm (outer border of the harrow). Specific details on the tillage sequences and experimental manipulations of the light environment are given below. 1991 Experiments In a first series of experiments, performed in early summer of 1991, we studied the effects of daytime and nighttime cultivation on seedling emergence. The previous crop in the field was squash; a superficial cultivation was applied one month before the experimental tillage using a rotary harrow. The experimental cultivations were carried out in July 1991 with a mould-board plough followed by two passes with a disc harrow. The field was sprinkle irrigated within 48 h before cultivation; no irrigation was applied after tillage. In another experiment (late summer) we tested the effect of artificial weak illumination (- 30 Amol 111-2 s-1) 63 during the night. This experiment was carried out in a field that had been planted with squash and field beans in the previous summer. A superficial cultivation was applied one month before the experimental tillage using a rotary harrow. The experimental cultivations were carried out in August 1991 with a mould-board plough followed by two passes with a disc harrow (timing and details as described above). In order to provide additional illumination during tillage time only, a light bank was mounted on the tillage equipment and switched on at the beginning and off at the end of each tillage pass. The light bank consisted of ten 12-volt automotive headlights equipped with 55-W halogen bulbs (Durimex H3). The irradiance (400 800 nm) at soil level between the disc packs was 31 ± 1 Amol m-2 s-1 (n = 60) and was estimated from actual readings for the visible wave­ band, taken with a Li-Cor (LI-185A) radiometer, and the spectral distribution of the light source (determined with a LI-1800 spectroradiometer). The plots were irrigated 3 wk after the experimental cultivations. In the autumn of 1991 we tested the effect of covering the tillage implements during cultivation under full sunlight. The experimental cultivations were carried out in October 1991 with two passes of a disc harrow (details as above) on the stubble of a bean crop. To obtain the "cover" treatment, the top and four sides of the harrow were covered 64 with sheets of corrugated cardboard and with a heavy, opaque tarpaulin. These covers filtered out all direct sunlight. Some diffuse light penetrated into the working zone through small and transient openings formed between the covers and the soil surface as the equipment advanced over the irregular ground. No irrigation was applied before or after cultivation. 1992 Experiments During 1992, large numbers of replicate plots were cultivated during the summer and autumn at (i) midnight with or without strong (>300 Amol 111-2 s-1) artificial illumination, and (ii) midday with or without the implements covered to reduce the irradiance at ground level. For practical reasons, all the experimental cultivations were performed with a disc-harrow and the observations were concentrated on dicotyledonous species. Cultivations were carried out in June or September with three passes of the disc harrow (details as above) on fields that had been ploughed at night in late spring (summer tillage) or ploughed at night and cultivated at least once during the summer (autumn tillage). The experimental manipulations of the light conditions consisted of reducing the irradiance during daytime cultivation by covering the disc harrow (details as in 1991) or providing strong additional 65 illumination during the night with lamps mounted on the tillage equipment. The light bank consisted of 10 automotive headlights equipped with 55-W halogen bulbs (Durimex H-3) and four 110-volt, 500-W quartz-halogen floodlight units (Regent Lighting Co.) powered by a portable AC generator mounted on the harrow. The irradiance (400 800 nm) at soil level between the disc packs was 317 ± 14 Amol m-2 s-1 (n = 32), which was about 50 % of the irradiance measured between the disc packs of the same harrow under clear-sky conditions [617 ± 54 Amol m-2 s-1 (n = 39)]. Sampling and statistics Between eight and 20 quadrats (0.40 or 0.05 m2) were used to sub-sample each plot depending on seedling density. Sub-samples were pooled to obtain a block average, which was used in all subsequent analyses (Hurlbert, 1985). For each block, the number of seedlings emerged in a given cultivation treatment was divided by the corresponding control. In the figures, we present the calculated ratios (treatment / control) averaged across the N blocks and their standard errors. ANOVA was performed for each experiment and the error mean square was used to calculte the Fisher's Protected Least Significant Difference (FPLSD) (Stafford, 1991). This multiple comparison test was used to determine significant differences between the mean ratios of the 66 individual treatments and their corresponding controls (i.e. ratio = 1). The ANOVA and FPLSD tests for each experiment are included in Appendix 1 (pp. 140-151). 67 RESULTS 1991 Experiments Compared with nighttime tillage, cultivation with a mould-board plough and a disc harrow near solar noon in early summer had a dramatic impact promoting seedling emergence in a field dominated by Amaranthus retroflexus and Solanum spp. (Fig. 3.1; Appendix 1, p. 140). In another field, which was cultivated in late summer with the same implements, nighttime tillage was followed by a considerable flux of seedling emergence; yet, daytime cultivation caused a two-fold increase in the germination of winter-annual dicotyledonous and grass species relative to that nighttime tillage control (Fig. 3.2; Appendix 1, p. 142). The additional weak illumination (<30 Amol m2 s-1) during nighttime tillage had no effect on seedling emergence compared with the dark control (Fig. 3.2; Appendix 1, p. 142). A similar pattern of response was observed in a late- germinating cohort of the summer-annual species A. retroflexus and Solanum spp. (not shown). As a more rigorous test of the role of light perceived by seeds during tillage in the induction of germination, we cultivated the soil at midday with the top and sides of the tillage implements covered to prevent sunlight from reaching 68 the ground surface. This treatment was intended to interfere only with seeds that received sunlight in the form of a flash exposure while the surrounding soil was being disturbed by the tillage implement; after cultivation the soil surface was left exposed to direct sunlight. Covering the disk harrow during an autumn tillage caused a 30 96 reduction in the number of dicotyledonous (winter-annuals) seedlings emerged compared with the uncovered control. The emergence of grass species was not affected by the covering treatment (Fig. 3.3; Appendix 1; p. 145). This experiment demonstrated that sunlight sensed by dicotyledonous seeds during tillage can promote their germination in the field, and was in apparent conflict with the results from the artificial-lighting experiments described above. Several factors could have contributed to this apparent discrepancy, including: (i) differences between experiments in the species composition of the soil seed bank, (ii) differences in the dormancy status of the seed bank, (iii) unknown endogenous or environmental conditions during the night that prevent photostimulation, and (iv), insufficient irradiance in the artificial-lighting experiment. The first possibility is weakened by the observation that the species lists for the seedling cohorts that followed the late summer (Fig. 3.2) and autumn (Fig. 3.3) tillage have several species in common under the group 69 of winter-annual dicots. The fourth possibility was addressed theoretically by roughly estimating the amount of Pfr that could have been formed in the seeds after an exposure to the light provided by our light bank. These calculations were performed using the equations and attenuation properties of seed coats described by Scopel et al. (1991). Assuming an exposure time for individual seeds of 0.14 to 0.25 s (the times required by the harrow to cover the distances between disk packs at 7 km 11-1 [see Materials and Methods]), and an irradiance of 31 Amol 111-2 s-1, we estimated the Pfr level to be between 3 x 10-3 and 6 x 10-3 96. This Pfr level should induce germination of the most sensitive fraction of a seed population responding in the VLF range (i.e.: 10-4 to 10-2 li-Pfr, Cone et al., 1985, see Introduction). However, the actual amounts of Pfr established in the seeds during cultivation were almost certainly lower than this estimate, due to attenuation of the actinic light by dust and soil particles adhered to the seeds. 1992 Experiments Of course, the above calculations only provide a coarse approximation to the light conditions sensed by phytochrome in individual seeds during tillage. Therefore, in order to test the irradiance hypothesis more directly, we 70 increased the output of the implement-mounted light source by an order of magnitude in the experiments of 1992, obtaining an average surface irradiance that was only 50 % lower than that measured between the disc packs under clear- sky conditions. Using the same approach explained above, the Pfr levels established on individual seeds by direct exposure to this light were estimated to be between 3.7 x 10-2 and 6.6 x 10-2 %. These Pfr levels are four to seven times greater than the required to saturate a VLF-response, but still two orders of magnitude lower than what would be necessary to trigger a typical FR-reversible, LF response (Cone et al., 1985; Scopel et al., 1991). As in 1991, midday cultivation in the summer and autumn resulted in increased emergence of dicotyledonous seedlings, compared with the midnight tillage control (Fig. 3.4; Appendix 1, p. 148). Covering the tillage implement during daytime cultivation reduced seedling emergence to levels that were similar to those obtained after nighttime tillage (Fig. 3.4; Appendix 1, p. 148). Irradiation of the soil under the implements with - 300 Amol m-2 s-1 during midnight cultivation increased the number of seedlings emerged by about 50 11, compared with the dark control (Fig. 3.4; Appendix 1, p. 148). The patterns of response to the experimental manipulations of the light environment observed in the summer and autumn experiments were very similar. 71 However, it has to be pointed out that the absolute germination level in the plots cultivated during nighttime was large in the experiment performed at the beginning of the rainy season (Fig. 3.4, autumn; see also Fig. 3.2). 72 DISCUSSION The experiments reported in this paper show that (i) nighttime cultivation (Figs. 3.1, 3.2, and 3.4) and cultivation with covered tillage implements (Figs. 3.3, and 3.4) result in reduced emergence of dicotyledonous seedlings compared with cultivation under full sunlight, and (ii) the reductions in seedling emergence caused by the two treatments (i.e. nighttime tillage or tillage under an opaque cover) are quantitatively similar (Fig. 3.4). The simplest interpretation of this result is that most of the promotion of germination caused by daytime tillage (compared with nighttime tillage) is caused by very short exposures of the seed to sunlight when the soil matrix is mechanically disturbed. In agreement with this hypothesis, we found that irradiation of the soil under the implements with strong light (- 300 Amol m2 s-1) during midnight cultivation significantly increased the number of seedlings emerged compared with the dark control (Fig. 3.4). This observation is also consistent with the hypothesis that a VLF-sensitive mechanism is responsible for the detection of the brief light exposure because, according to our calculations (see above), the artificial light treatment would have formed < 10-1 % of Pfr in the exposed seeds, and Pfr levels > 3 '4,­ required in order to effect a LF response (Cone et al., 1985) . are 73 An important observation requiring further discussion is that, although the results of this series of experiments (Figs. 3.1, 3.3, and 3.4) point to the importance of light perceived during tillage to the promotion of germination, the absolute germination level in the plots cultivated during nighttime was considerable in some cases (Figs. 3.2 and 3.4, autumn). A relatively large background germination after nighttime tillage was also observed by Jensen (1991) working in Denmark. We have established that, in our experiments and at least for the dicotyledonous species, most of this germination is indeed triggered by soil tillage (i.e. seedling emergence is negligible in unperturbed soil; data not shown). Our data do not allow us to distinguish whether these seedlings originate (i) from seeds that are not photoblastic and are triggered to germinate by other effects of tillage on the soil microenvironment (e.g. altered temperature), or, alternatively, (ii) from seeds that receive and respond to light during the days that follow the tillage operation. As already mentioned, photostimulation of seed germination (by LFs) in some species involves the action of a phytochrome pool that is highly stable as Pfr (presumably phytochrome B) (Casal et al., 1991). It is not known if the VLF response is also mediated by a stable phytochrome, but clearly the possibility exists that hydrated seeds are able to integrate light signals (LF, and possibly VLF as well) received over a 74 relatively long period of time. In this regard we have noticed that, during the rainy autumn in the Willamette Valley, the surface of the soil may remain near field capacity for several days. Therefore, the favorable moisture conditions during the autumn might support germination of seeds left by cultivation in microsites exposed to light close to the soil surface. Following this line of thought, one should expect the largest differences between daytime and nighttime cultivations in conditions that favor rapid desiccation of the upper soil profile. Interestingly, the largest difference between the two treatments was observed in an experiment carried out in mid summer (Fig. 3.1). On the other hand, and to the extent that tillages modify the vertical distribution of seed populations in the soil profile (e.g. Van Esso et al., 1986; Cousens and Moss, 1990, and references therein), they would also modify the thermal environment sensed by the seeds. Thermal cues are important for germination in many species (Grime, 1979), including weeds of arable land (Benech Arnold et al., 1988). The effect of tillage on the thermal environment, rather than exposure to light, may be the critical factor triggering germination in seeds that respond to nighttime tillage. Another important point is that the promotion of germination caused by daytime tillage (compared with nighttime tillage), was generally larger when the 75 cultivations involved the use of a mould-board plough (Figs. 3.1 and 3.2) than when cultivations were carried out with a disk harrow only (Fig. 3.4). A likely explanation may lie on the fact that the disc harrow causes much less soil inversion than the mould-board plough, which is known to be very effective at moving seeds between depth layers during soil cultivation (Van Esso et al., 1986; Cousens and Moss, 1990, and references therein). The large difference (particularly in the summer) between daytime and nighttime cultivations with a mould-board plough (Fig. 3.1) may be due to the germination of seeds that were left in soil layers protected from desiccation after being photostimulated by a VLF pulse during tillage. The response of the grasses to manipulations of the light environment during tillage were not consistent among experiments (Figs. 3.2 and 3.3), in spite of the fact that a single species (Poa annua) was the dominant component of the grass flora in all cases. A clear difference between treatments was only seen in the summer experiment of 1991 (Fig. 3.2), where daytime cultivation promoted germination by a factor of 2.4 compared with nighttime cultivation. Covering the tillage implements to reduce the irradiance in the working zone (Fig. 3.3), or cultivating during nighttime (not shown) had no effect on grass seedling emergence in the autumn experiments. A possible explanation of these results 76 is that the light requirement fluctuates with time in the seed bank. Changes in light sensitivity during burial have been documented in many studies (e.g. Taylorson, 1972; Froud-Williams et al., 1984; Baskin and Baskin, 1985; Scopel et al., 1991). In studies with Poa annua in Great Britain (Froud-Williams et al., 1984) it was found that the level of dark germination of exhumed seeds increased dramatically after six months of burial. In Datura ferox, the VLF response mechanism is rapidly induced in the buried seeds (Scopel et al., 1991), but at least under certain experimental conditions (optimum alternating-temperature regime), the light requirement may eventually disappear with time (Scopel et al., 1991 and unpublished results). A second, alternative explanation for the variability observed with the grasses in the present experiments is that the expression of the light requirement is affected by other environmental conditions experienced by the seeds after tillage, which may fluctuate on a seasonal basis. Bouwmeester and Karssen (1989) have demonstrated that factors such as addition of nitrate to the incubation medium affected the response of exhumed Chenopodium album and Spergula arvensis seeds to light, and Baskin and Baskin (1985) have shown that the responses of exhumed Panicum capillare seeds to light depended on the temperature regime to which the seeds were exposed after the light treatment. Carefully planned experiments will be required to 77 distinguish between these possibilities (i.e. variation in light sensitivity or variation in the environmental conditions that affect the expression of light sensitivity), and to assess the extent to which the response of a given species group to the tillage light environment changes over time. 78 CONCLUSIONS We conclude from these experiments, which involved a very high degree of spatial replication, that the normal practice of cultivating agricultural fields during daytime enhances germination of dicotyledonous weed seeds, compared with nighttime cultivation (Figs. 3.1, 3.2, and 3.4). Under our environmental conditions, the mean enhancement factor for dicotyledonous species averaged over all blocks and experiments was 2.2 (S.E. = 0.2, N [number of blocks] = 70). The range of response for individual blocks was 0.2 to 10.5. This emphasizes the critical need of intensive spatial replication in studies of environmental control of germination with natural seed banks. Our experiments further indicate that the germination enhancement caused by daytime tillage in dicotyledonous species is due to light that penetrates into the soil during the actual disturbance (Fig. 3.4). The detection by phytochrome of this very short exposure to sunlight requires a very high sensitivity, and it is proposed that the photodetection of soil disturbances is one of the major adaptive "goals" that favored the evolution of germination responses through the VLF mechanism. According to our results, reducing the irradiance at the ground surface during tillage (i.e. by using nighttime cultivation or light-shielded equipment) may contribute to reduce weed seedling emergence in agricultural 79 land and may be an useful complementary tool in weed control programes. Acknowledgments Supported by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas (Argentina), and the Dept. of Forest Science (Oregon State University, USA). We thank L. C. Burrill for helping with species identification, R. Hopson for practical assistance, and C. M. Ghersa and an anonymous reviewer for comments and suggestions on the manuscript. 80 REFERENCES Ballare CL, Scopel AL, Ghersa CM, Sanchez RA (1988) The fate of Datura ferox seeds in the soil as affected by cultivation, depth of burial and degree of maturity. Annals of Applied Biology 112: 337-345 Ballare CL, Scopel AL, Sanchez RA, Radosevich SR (1992) Photomorphogenic processes in the agricultural environment. Photochemistry and Photobiology 56: 777­ 788 Baskin JM, Baskin CC (1985) Seasonal changes in the germination responses of buried witchgrass (Panicum capillare) seeds. 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Plenum Press, New York, pp 181-189 Van Esso ML, Ghersa CM, Soriano A (1986) Cultivation effects on the dynamics of a Johnson grass seed population in the soil profile. Soil and Tillage Research 6: 325-335 Wesson G, Wareing PF (1969) The role of light in the germination of naturally occurring populations of buried weed seeds. Journal of Experimental Botany 2: 402-413 Woolley JT, Stoller EW (1978) Light penetration and light- induced seed germination in soil. Plant Physiology 61: 597-600 85 Table 3.1 Cultivation experiments carried out during 1991 and 1992 BLOCKS YEAR SEASON TREATMENTS* (N°) Daytime Cover Nightime Nightime Illumination@ 1991 SUMMER Early 10 (July) Weak 6 X October 12 X X June 22 X X X Strong 26 X X X Strong Late X (August) AUTUMN 1992 SUMMER AUTUMN September X indicates treatment performed in that experiment. @ Weak = 31 Amol m-2 s-1; Strong > 300 Amol m-2 s-1. 86 41 5t1 6.0 ­ O E 5.0 ­ 0 O .E 4.0­ Z arg) c 3.0 ­ .5 C/) 0 2.0­ E to cv Amaranthus Solanum retroflexus spp. Species Figure 3.1 Effect of daytime cultivation in early summer (1991) on seedling emergence compared with the nighttime (no light) control. Absolute densities after nighttime cultivations are indicated at the top in plants m2. Thin bars indicate ± 1 S.E.; N (number of blocks) = 10. The weedy flora (surveyed one month after cultivation) was dominated almost exclusively by Amaranthus retroflexus, Solanum nigrum Statistical analysis in Appendix 1. sarrachoides and S. . 87 2.5 166131 2.0 Winterannual dicots 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 3.0 2391 71 Grasses 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 - 0.5 Daytime Nighttime + low light Treatment Figure 3.2 Effect of daytime cultivation in late summer (1991) on seedling emergence compared with the nighttime (no light) control. Also shown is the effect of weak artificial illumination (31 Amol m2 s-1) during the night tillage. Absolute densities after nighttime cultivations are indicated at the top of each panel in plants m-2 (counts made 5 wk after the experimental cultivations). Thin bars indicate ± 1 S.E.; N (number of blocks) = 6. The most conspicuous winter annual dicots were: Lamium purpureum, Sonchus spp., Cerastium vulgatum, Veronica spp. and Stellaria media. The most abundant grass was Poa annua. Statistical analysis in Appendix 1. 88 284± 26 Winter Annual Dicots 2381-20 Grasses Species Group Figure 3.3 Effect of covering the tillage implements during daytime cultivation in the autumn (1991) on seedling emergence compared with the full sunlight (no cover) control. Absolute densities in the control plots are indicated at the top in plants m' (seedling counts performed 3 wk after the experimental cultivations). Thin bars indicate ± 1 S.E.; N (number of blocks) = 12. The predominant species among the winter annual dicots were: Lamium purpureum, Cerastium vulgatum, Veronica spp., Stellaria media. Less abundant were Anthemis cotula and Calandrinia ciliata var. menziesii. The most conspicuous grass was Poa annua. Statistical analysis in Appendix 1. 89 Autumn 2.0 7) 2.0 O 1.0 1.8 E 1.6 1.6 0 1.4 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 6 0.6 0.6 c 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 366t 54 Summer 33t4 O o 711 Tu. 0 0 Daytime Daytime w/cover Nighttime + light Daytime Daytime w/cover Nighttime + light Treatment Figure 3.4 Effect of manipulating the light conditions during cultivation on the emergence of dicotyledonous seedlings compared with the nighttime (no light) control. Absolute densities after nighttime cultivations are indicated at the top of each panel in plants m-2 (seedling counts performed 3 wk after the experimental cultivations). Thin bars indicate ± 1 S.E.; N (number of blocks) = 22 (summer 1992, left panel) or 26 (autumn 1992, right panel). The species composition of the plant communities established after cultivation was as indicated in the legends for Figs. 3.1 (summer tillage) or 3.3 (autumn tillage). Statistical analysis in Appendix 1. 90 CHAPTER 4 ABSCISIC ACID LEVELS AND THE INDUCTION OF THE VERY-LOW­ FLUENCE RESPONSE IN PHYTOCHROME CONTROLLED SEED GERMINATION ANA L. SCOPEL, CARLOS L. BALLARE, ANITA N. AZARENKO, and STEVEN R. RADOSEVICH Departments of Forest Science and Crop and Soil Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331-7501, USA (C.L.B., A.L.S., S.R.R); Departamento de Ecologia, Facultad de Agronomia, University of Buenos Aires, (1417) Buenos Aires, Argentina (C.L.B., A.L.S.); and Department of Horticulture, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon 97331, USA (A. N. A.) 91 ABSTRACT A short period of burial in the soil induces a dramatic increase in light sensitivity in seeds of the annual plant Datura ferox L., which has been interpreted as a natural transition to the very-low-fluence (VLF) mode of phytochrome action (A.L. Scopel, C.L. Ballare, R.A. Sanchez [1991] Plant Cell Environ 14: 501-508). In the work reported in this paper, the connection between induction of sensitivity to VLFs and endogenous abscisic acid (ABA) levels was investigated by measuring the time courses of ABA loss and induction of VLF-responsiveness during burial and by investigating the effects of exogenous ABA on light sensitivity. Our results indicate that (a) endogenous ABA levels decrease during seed burial preceding or concomitantly with the natural induction of the VLF germination response; (b) the total quantity of endogenous ABA in buried seeds and the levels of R-induced or dark germination are not obviously correlated; (c) incubation of the seeds in an atmosphere saturated with water vapor at 25°C reduces endogenous ABA levels and renders the seeds sensitive to VLFs; (d) addition of ABA to the seed incubation medium has a greater negative impact on the VLF response than on the response to saturating red light pulses; (e) the quotient between far-red- (VLF-) and red- induced germination tends to decrese with endogenous ABA in 92 seed samples that differ in ABA content as a consequence of natural ABA loss or experimental ABA addition. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the reduction in endogenous ABA levels during seed burial plays a role in switching the seeds from the low fluence to the VLF mode of phytochrome action, and suggest that the mechanism whereby ABA reduces the responsivity to VLFs is, at least to some extent, independent of the inhibitory effect(s) of ABA on seed germination. Abbreviations: FR, far-red light; LF, low fluence; R, red light; VLF, very low fluence; WSA, water-vapor saturated atmosphere; X and Y, hypothetical reactants in the phytochrome signal transduction chain. 93 INTRODUCTION Light, acting through phytochrome, is an important environmental cue for seed germination in many species. Responses to both low fluences (LF) and very low fluences (VLF) (Mandoli and Briggs, 1981; Kronenberg and Kendrick, 1986) have been reported for light induced germination (references in VanDerWoude, 1989). For seed batches that respond in the LF range only, relatively long exposures (typically on the order of minutes) to light treatments that form between 2 and 86 % of Pfr are required to trigger germination, and the potential response is fully reversible by far-red (FR). In Datura ferox L., this type of photoresponse is typical of batches of freshly collected seeds or seeds that have been maintained in dry storage, and is known to be mediated by a phytochrome pool that is highly stable in the Pfr form (Casal et al., 1991). Light sensitivity in seeds of some species can be increased dramatically, leading to VLF responses, by treatments such as pre-incubation at low (VanDerWoude and Toole, 1980; Cone et al., 1985; VanDerWoude, 1985) or high temperature (Cone et al., 1985; Taylorson and Dinola, 1989), treatment with ethanol (VanDerWoude, 1985), and GA, (Rethy et al., 1987). VLF responses are saturated by light pulses that would establish <10-2% of Pfr, and are therefore not 94 reversible by FR. In D. ferox, the induction of VLF responses takes place naturally while the seeds are buried in the soil, apparently without any requirement for chilling temperatures (Scopel et al., 1991a). The acquisition of sensitivity to VLFs appears to play a critical role in the mechanisms whereby buried weed seeds detect the occurrence of soil disturbances in arable land (Scopel et al., 1991a, 1993; Ballare et al., 1992), but the mechanism of sensitization is unknown. An unsolved problem is how the LF- and VLF-response mechanisms differ at the molecular level. VanDerWoude (1985, 1987, 1989) has proposed a model of phytochrome action that may account for the existence of VLF and LF responses on the basis of the dimeric nature of phytochrome's quaternary structure (Jones and Quail, 1986; Brockmann et al., 1987). The central idea in VanDerWoude's model is that LF responses are triggered by a complex formed by an unknown (membrane associated) receptor "X" and a phytochrome dimer that has both chromophores in the Pfr form (i.e. X-Pfr:Pfr), whereas VLF responses are triggered by the association between X and the heterologous phytochrome dimer (i.e. X-Pfr:Pr). Conditions that shift seed germination from a LF to a VLF response would do so by altering the activity (lateral membrane mobility) of the X-Pfr:Pr effector complex (VanDerWoude, 1985, 1987), or by altering the relative 95 affinities of X for the two active phytochrome dimers (Pr:Pfr and Pfr:Pfr) (De Petter et al., 1988). Models that do not require phytochrome to be a dimer have also been suggested to explain the existence of LF- and VLF-responses (Cone et al., 1985), and the idea of a single "primary reactant" (i.e. a single "X") for phytochrome appears to be inconsistent with data obtained in studies of the action of phytochrome on the appearance of glutamate synthase (Hecht and Mohr, 1990). In some systems, sensitization toward VLFs can be obtained by treatments with hormones, such as IAA in R- regulated coleoptyle elongation (Shinkle and Briggs, 1984), and GA, in light promoted germination of Kalanchoe seeds (Rethy et al., 1987). However, it is unclear whether the variations in endogenous hormone levels triggered by developmental or environmental signals actually modulate the light sensitivity of these systems under natural conditions. In D. ferox seeds, germination responses toward VLFs can be induced by incubation in a WSA at constant 25°C (Scopel et al. 1991b), and previous work has indicated that WSA treatments cause a reduction in the endogenous levels of inhibitors, including ABA (De Miguel, 1980). Although this association is suggestive, neither the effects of ABA on VLF responses nor the natural dynamics of endogenous ABA in buried seeds have been previously investigated. 96 In the experiments reported here we have studied the natural variations in ABA levels during seed burial and investigated whether these variations may play a causal role in shifting seed populations between the LF- and VLF- responding states. We used the arable weed D. ferox as a test material because detailed information on changes in fluence response curves for phytochrome controlled germination during burial is already available, and because the VLF mechanism appears to play an important role in the germination ecology of this species (Scopel et al., 1991a). 97 MATERIALS AND METHODS Seed sources Seeds of the summer annual weed Datura ferox L. ("chamico"; "chinese thornapple") were harvested in the fall of 1989 and 1990 from plants growing in soybean fields in Lobos, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Only seeds with dark seed coats (Ballare et al., 1988) were used in these experiments. The seeds were air dried and stored in dark jars at 20 °C until needed. For the germination tests, the seeds were placed in 10 x 10 x 1-cm plastic boxes on one layer of blotting paper saturated with 6.5 mL of distilled water or ABA solution. Burial experiments Plastic mesh bags containing 50 seeds each were either buried at a depth of 7 cm in a seed bed adjacent to the laboratory in Corvallis, OR, USA, on 10 May 1991; or buried at a depth of 5 cm in 10 x 10-cm plastic pots filled with commercial garden soil and placed in a growth chamber. The seed bed was kept free of weeds and was exposed to actual weather conditions. Temperature at the depth of seed burial was > 13°C and < 33°C during the spring and summer months. Soil temperature at seed depth in the growth chamber 98 experiment fluctuated between 20°C (15 h) and 30°C (9 h). The pots were irrigated to maintain the soil water content near 70 % of field capacity. Germination tests were performed prior to seed burial in order to obtain the initial status of the seed population. At each sampling date (see Figs. 4.2 and 4.3), seeds were exhumed in absolute darkness. A light proof device was used to retrieve seed bags buried outdoors. A very dim green light (Scopel et al., 1991a) was used to handle the seed samples in the dark room. The seeds were rapidly rubbed with cotton cloth to remove adhered soil particles, and either stored at 80°C for ABA determination or immediately transferred to the germination boxes containing blotting paper moistened with distilled water and exposed to the light treatments (see below). After irradiations, seeds were incubated for 120 h at 20°C/30°C. For each sampling date, three replicate samples of 50 seeds each were used to test germination. Except for the lack of exposure to R or FR light, the dark controls were subjected to identical manipulation. Water saturated atmosphere Incubation in water saturated atmospheres (WSAs) was carried out as described by De Miguel (1980) at 25°C in 99 darkness. Seeds were retrieved from the WSA chamber in absolute darkness, rapidly rubbed between cotton cloths and processed and incubated as indicated for the burial experiments. Light sources and assessment of light sensitivity R was provided by a bank of four fluorescent tubes (Sylvania, Danvers, MA). Irradiation time was 17 min; total fluence = 16,198 Amol m-2; max = 660 nm; calculated % Pfr in the seeds after filtering by the seed coats (Scopel et al., 1991a) = 39. FR was obtained by filtering the light from a 250-W incandescent bulb through 5 cm of water and a RG9 filter (Schott, PA, USA); irradiation time = 12 sec; total fluence = 10.4 Amol m-2; calculated % Pfr = 9.5 10-2. The germination response to saturating R was considered the maximum attainable light-induced germination response. The germination response to FR was used to estimate the magnitude of the VLF response, as the amount of Pfr formed by the FR treatment would be enough to saturate a VLF response but approximately two orders of magnitude lower than the required to trigger a LF response. ABA quantitation and manipulation For each determination of endogenous ABA levels, at 100 least two samples (between 0.7 and 1.5 g fresh weight per sample, approximately 35 to 55 seeds) of intact seeds of D. ferox were used. The seeds were powdered in a liquid nitrogen-chilled mortar together with 2H-ABA (gift from Dr. JG Buta, USDA, Beltsville, MD, USA) (1 ug g-1 sample) as an internal standard and 50,000 dpm DL-cis,trans-[G-21-1]ABA (66.4 Ci mmo1-1, Amersham) as radiotracer. The powder was washed with 10 mL of 70% acetone (aqueous, v/v) and allowed to equilibrate overnight at 4°C. The extract was then filtered, rinsed 3 times with 5 mL of 70% acetone and dried in a rotary evaporator. The residue was reconstituted with 5 mL of acidified water (pH 3.0) and partitioned 3 times with 5 mL aliquots of ethyl acetate in a separatory funnel. The organic phase was saved in each extraction, pooled, dried in vacuo, resuspended in 250 AL of 30:1:69 methanol:acetic acid:water (v/v/v) and injected into a Beckman HPLC equipped with a 110B pump and 163 variable wavelength detector for further purification. Absorbance was monitored at 264 nm. Reversed-phase chromatography was performed using a Supelco Supelcosil LC-18 3 Am (3.3 cm x 4.6mm ID) column preceded by a Supelguard LC-18 5 Am (2cm x 4.6mm) guard. The samples were run isocratically with 30:1:69 methanol:acetic acid:water for 20 min at 1 mL min-1. The radioactive fractions collected from the HPLC were pooled, reduced to dryness, resuspended in 100 AL of methanol and methylated using ethereal diazomethane (Cohen, 1984). The methylated 101 sample was dried under nitrogen, dissolved in 35 AL of ethyl acetate and kept at 80 °C until analyzed by GC-SIM-MS. GC­ MS was performed using a Hewlett-Packard 5890 GC and a Hewlett-Packard 5971A mass selective detector coupled to the GC using SIM with a dwell time of 25 ms for each ion. The selected ions monitored were m/z 190 and 193. The levels of endogenous ABA were calculated from data similar to those shown in Fig. 4.1 using an isotope dilution equation derived by Cohen et al. (1986). The calculated R value used in the equation was 2.844. In the ABA addition experiments, seeds retrieved from the soil or from the WSA were placed in direct contact with the ABA (Sigma) solution in the germination box and immediately exposed to the light treatments. Four ABA levels were tested: ABA 0 mM, 0.02 mM, 0.03 mM and 0.05 mM, and between 3 and 17 replicate seed boxes of 50 seeds each were used in the germination tests. A time course of seed imbibition after transfer to the germination box indicated that seed FW plateaued at about 10 h after sowing. Radicle protrusion is not observed until 48 h after irradiation, which suggested that under this experimental protocol ABA was allowed ample time to interact with the transduction of the phytochrome signal. 102 RESULTS Light sensitivity increases and ABA decreases during burial Seeds of D. ferox were buried outdoors in Spring 1991. At the time of burial, seeds required R light to germinate (Fig. 4.2). The germination response to short pulses of FR (calculated % Pfr = 9.5 10-2), which was initially negligible, increased dramatically during the first three months of burial, and remained high until the end of the experiment. This observation is interpreted as a natural induction of the VLF mechanism, and is consistent with previous results (Scopel et al., 1991a). Under these experimental conditions we also noticed changes in the levels of dark germination in the exhumed seeds during burial. These changes were not always coincident with the changes in FR (VLF) responsiveness, and their expression was influenced by the incubation conditions of the retrieved seed samples (see below and Scopel et al., 1991a). ABA levels in the seeds dropped drastically during the initial three months and remained low throughout the remaining burial period (Fig. 4.2). Seeds buried in soil containers and maintained in a growth chamber at alternating 20 °C /30 °C also showed a transient increase in the responsivity to FR (Fig. 4.3). 103 Compared with the outdoor-burial experiment, the kinetics of VLF-response induction in the growth chamber was slower and the response itself was of reduced magnitude. Dark germination was not observed in exhumed seeds of this experiment. There was a large reduction of endogenous ABA during the initial phase of burial, and the ABA drop clearly preceded the increase in responsivity toward FR pulses (Fig. 4.3). During June there was a slight increase in ABA levels, which preceded the drop in FR responsivity observed during the last part of this experiment. The increase in ABA during June might be associated with an accidental failure of the watering system and consequent partial drying of the soil in late May. Exogenous ABA preferentially inhibits FR-induced germination The majority of the seeds retrieved from the soil in October (five months of burial) were induced to germinate by a short FR pulse followed by alternating 20°C/30°C (Figs. 4.2 and 4.4A). Addition of ABA to the incubation medium reduced both R- and FR-(VLF-)induced germination, but the depression of the latter was of much greater magnitude and occurred at lower ABA concentrations (Fig. 4.4A). By the end of November (six months of burial), most of the seeds retrieved from the soil germinated in darkness 104 when incubated at 20°C/30°C (Fig. 4.2). Interestingly, incubation at constant 25°C (instead of alternating 20°C/30°C) after the light pulses appeared to restore the light requirement without affecting R- or FR-induced germination. As in the October experiments, addition of ABA caused a drop in FR-induced germination relative to R- induced germination (Fig. 4.4B). Incubation in a WSA at 25°C induced FR-responsivity in D. ferox seeds (Fig. 4.5 and Scopel et al., 1991b), although to a somewhat reduced extent compared with soil burial (cf. Fig. 4.4). The effect of FR on germination, relative to the effect of R was strongly reduced by exogenous ABA (Fig. 4.5). Relationship between VLF response and endogenous ABA levels The importance of the VLF response (estimated from the effect of FR on germination) relative to germination induced by saturating R pulses was plotted against the concentration of endogenous ABA (Fig. 4.6) for seed samples that had been either buried or exposed to WSAs, and that were incubated in distilled water or ABA solutions before the light exposure. For each data set there was a trend of reduced VLF response relative to the maximum light response with increasing endogenous ABA concentration (Fig. 4.6); however, there was 105 considerable variation among data sets in the form of the relationship. This variation was specially noticeable when comparing experiments where the various ABA levels were generated over time (burial or WSAs) with those in which an initially low level of ABA was artificially increased by addition of ABA to the incubation medium (WSAs + ABA). In this latter case the levels of seed ABA were higher and the apparent response-curve flatter. 106 DISCUSSION Our results indicate that (a) endogenous ABA levels decrease during seed burial preceding or concomitantly with the induction of the VLF germination response (Figs. 4.2 and 4.3); (b) seed exposure to WSA, a treatment known to reduce ABA levels in D. ferox We Miguel, 1980, and this report) also renders the seeds sensitive to VLF (Fig. 4.5); (c) addition of ABA to seed incubation medium has a greater negative impact on the VLF response than on the response to saturating R or on the level of dark germination (Figs. 4.4 and 4.5). These observations are consistent with the hypothesis that the drop in ABA levels during burial plays a role in inducing or unmasking the VLF mechanism in D. ferox seeds. Previous studies have shown that, although ABA plays a role in inducing seed dormancy and accelerating seed maturation (Karssen et al., 1983), ABA levels and depth of dormancy are not always correlated in mature seeds (Black, 1991 and references therein). Addition of ABA to mature, non-dormant seeds frequently inhibits germination. In Brassica rapa seeds, ABA inhibition is the result of reduced embryo growth (water uptake), which in turn is the consequence of ABA inhibition of cell wall loosening (Schopfer and Plachy, 1985). In intact, R-requiring seeds of 107 D. ferox, exogenous ABA inhibits germination (De Miguel, 1980). In isolated embryos incubated in a mannitol solution, addition of ABA to the medium restricts their growth (Sanchez and De Miguel, 1985). These changes in the capacity of the embryo to grow against an osmotic block might be significant for radicle protrusion in seeds that, like those of D. ferox, have dormancy imposed by the enclosing tissues (see Sanchez et al., 1986, 1990 for further discussions). On the other hand, the degradation of endosperm cell walls, and the concomitant reduction of mechanical resistance to radicle protrusion, appear to be critical requisites for germination in D. ferox (Sanchez et al., 1986, 1990). This degradation most likely involves increased mannanase and mannosidase activities (Sanchez et al., 1987, 1990), an enzyme system that is known to be inhibited by ABA in (germinated) lettuce seeds (Dulson et al., 1988). In our experiments with intact D. ferox seeds, addition of ABA to the incubation medium inhibited dark and R-induced germination. However, it is clear that endogenous ABA and the levels of R-induced or dark germination are not correlated within the range of ABA concentrations measured in the seed burial experiments (Figs. 4.2 and 4.3). Also, the addition of ABA preferentially inhibited FR-induced germination (compared with R-induced germination) (Figs. 4.4 and 4.5). A larger inhibitory effect of ABA on FR- as 108 compared with R-induced germination was also reported by DeGreef et al. (1989), who worked with Kalanchoe seeds sensitized to VLFs by GA,. These results give support to the idea that the mechanism whereby ABA reduces the responsivity to VLF is, at least at some point, independent of the effect of ABA on light-saturated and dark germination. On the other hand, the lack of a single relationship between endogenous ABA and VLF responsivity (Fig. 4.6) suggests that a simple model where the bulk, current level of endogenous ABA is the sole determinant of the expression of the VLF mechanism is untenable. Comparisons between the kinetics of ABA loss and VLF- response induction in buried seeds (Figs. 4.2 and 4.3) suggest that, if there is a causal link between the two, the increase in light sensitivity is not an immediate response to the ABA drop. Preparatory processes that require the ABA level to be below a critical threshold might take place during the period that precedes the increase in responsivity toward FR. Several genes are known to be negatively regulated by ABA (Heterington and Quatrano, 1991), and the lag period might represent the time required by the seeds to produce a specific receptor for the postulated Pfr:Pr dimer or a reaction partner for the hypothetical Pfr:Pr-X effector complex. On the other hand, the ABA addition experiments (Figs. 4.4 and 4.5), indicate that ABA may have a more 109 immediate effect preventing VLF responses. That ABA has effects at multiple levels in plant cells is well established (Hetherington and Quatrano, 1991), and rapid influences, e.g. on membrane functions, are well documented although the primary site of ABA action (i.e. lipids, proteins) is unknown (Hetherington and Quatrano, 1991). Membrane properties and the mobility of the Pfr:Pr-X effector play a central role in VanDerWoude's model, and these might be targets for ABA action. Obviously, our ability to identify processes that are likely to be affected by ABA is severely limited by our lack of understanding of the VLF and LF mechanisms at the molecular level. Acknowledgments We are most grateful to Dr. Rodolfo A. Sanchez for useful discussions and for providing the seeds of Datura ferox and to Dr. Jerry Cohen for making the Beltsville facilities available to us and for his expert advise on ABA determination. We also wish to thank Ms. Yuen Yi Tam and Mr. Jarco Moreno for practical assistance, Mrs. Gretchen Bracher for preparing the figures, and Dr. Frank Sorensen and members of the Pacific Northwest USDA-FS Research Station for providing the field site and growth chamber facilities in Corvallis. 110 REFERENCES Ballare CL, Scopel AL, Ghersa CM, Sanchez RA (1988) The fate of Datura ferox seeds in the soil as affected by cultivation, depth of burial and degree of maturity. Annals of Applied Biology 112: 337-345 BallarA CL, Scopel AL, Sanchez RA, Radosevich SR (1992) Photomorphogenic processes in the agricultural environment. Photochemistry and Photobiology 56: 777­ 788 Black M (1991) Involvement of ABA in the physiology of developing and mature seeds. In WJ Davies, HG Jones, eds, Abscisic Acid. Physiology and Biochemistry. Bios Sientific Publishers, Oxford, pp 99-124 Brockmann J, Rieble S, Kazarinova-Fukshansky N, Seyfried M, Schafer E (1987) Phytochrome behaves as a dimer in vivo. 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Botanical Gazzette 146: 472-476 Sanchez RA, De Miguel LC, Mercuri 0 (1986) Phytochrome 113 control of cellulase activity in Datura ferox seeds, its relationship with germination. Journal of Experimental Botany 37: 1574-1580 Sanchez RA, Sunell L, Labavitch JM, Bonner BA (1987) Changes in the micropylar region of the endosperm, before radicle protrusion in the seeds of two Datura species (abstract No. 711). Plant Physiology 83: S118 Sanchez RA, Sunell L, Labavitch JM, Bonner BA (1990) Changes in the endosperm cell walls of two Datura species before radicle protrusion. Plant Physiology 93: 89-97 Schopfer P, Plachy C (1985) Control of seed germination by abscisic acid. III. Effect on embryo growth potential (minimum turgor pressure) and growth coefficient (cell wall extensibility) in Brassica napus L. Plant Physiology 77: 676-686 Scopel AL, Ballard CL, Radosevich SR (1993) Photostimulation of seed germination during soil tillage. New Phytologist, in press. Scopel AL, Ballard CL, Sanchez RA (1991a) Induction of extreme light sensitivity in buried weed seeds and its role in the perception of soil cultivations. Plant, Cell and Environment 14: 501-508 Scopel AL, Ballard CL, Sanchez RA (1991b) Very-Low-Fluence­ responses in light promoted germination of buried weed seeds. Implications for the perception of soil cultivation. Beltsville Symposium XVI. 114 Photomorphogenesis in Plants: Emerging Strategies for Crop Improvement. Book of Abstracts, pp 13. College Park, MD Taylorson RB, Dinola L (1989) Increased phytochrome responsiveness and a high-temperature transition in Barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli) seed dormancy. Weed Science 37: 335-338 VanDerWoude WJ (1985) A dimeric mechanism for the action of phytochrome: evidence from phototermal interactions in lettuce seed germination. Photochemistry and Photobiology 42: 655-661 VanDerWoude WJ (1987) Application of the dimeric model of phytochrome action to high irradiance responses. In M Furuya, ed, Phytochrome and Photoregulation in Plants. Academic Press, London, pp 249-258 VanDerWoude WJ (1989) Phytochrome and sensitization in germination control. In RB Taylorson, ed, Recent Advances in the Development and Germination of Seeds. Plenum Press, New York, NY, pp 181-189 VanDerWoude WJ, Toole VK (1980) Studies on the mechanism of enhancement of phytochrome-dependent lettuce seed germination by prechilling. Plant Physiology 66: 220­ 224 115 40 TIC of data: AS4LAB2.D 30 20 10 0 40 Ion 190 Area 407925 30 20 10­ 0 20 Ion 193 Area 43152 10­ ,...A...................A/\". 6.2 6.4 6.6 6:8 7.0 7.2 7.4 Time (min.) Figure 4.1 Total (upper panel) and selected ion chromatograms of a methylated HPLC purified sample of ABA from intact seeds of D. ferox. The ions at m/z 190 and 193 represent the base peaks of MeABA and the deuteriated internal standard, respectively. 116 100 - 0 - 150 vi 75- rn a 0 CO ca E 50 - 75 _ cg rn 25­ 0 0 May Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Date Figure 4.2 Time courses of dark germination, light sensitivity and ABA levels in D. ferox seeds buried outdoors. Seeds were buried in May, exhumed in darkness at the indicated dates, rapidly rubbed with cotton cloth to remove adhered soil particles, and either stored at -80°C for ABA determination or immediately transferred to blotting paper moistened with distilled water and exposed to the light treatments. After irradiation, seeds were incubated for 120 at 20°C/30°C. The calculated Pfr level established by the light treatments (see "Materials and Methods") was 39 t after R and 10-2 t after FR. Each datum point is the mean of three replicate samples of 50 seeds each (germination) or two samples of 0.7-1.5 g FW of intact seeds each (ABA) ± 1 SE (when larger than the symbol). 117 200 R O FR Dark 100 - 150 t t .....---"*...ifroe..0". 100 t -6- 'a- ei) 75­ 0) c o al c < < :;--. co E 50 - 50 S) 0c 0 a> a 0) 0 c w 25­ '. . 0-0--0 I Mar 1 0 111 I I Apr I May I 1 Jun Jul Aug Date Figure 4.3 Time courses of dark germination, light sensitivity and ABA levels in D. ferox seeds buried in a growth chamber at 20°C/30°C. Seeds were buried in March, exhumed in darkness at the indicated dates, and processed as indicated in the legend to Fig. 4.2. Each datum point is the mean of three replicate samples of 50 seeds each (germination) or two samples of 0.7-1.5 g FW of intact seeds each (ABA) ± 1 SE (when larger than the symbol). 118 1 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 Exogenous ABA (mM) Figure 4.4 Effect of exogenous ABA on light sensitivity of D. ferox seeds exhumed after five (A) or six (B) months of burial outdoors. Seeds were retrieved in absolute darkness, rapidly rubbed to eliminate adhered soil particles, and transferred to plastic boxes containing blotting paper saturated with ABA solutions of the indicated concentrations. Seeds were then immediately exposed to the light treatments and incubated for 120 h at 20°C/30°C (A) or at 25 °C (B). The calculated Pfr level established by the light treatments (see "Materials and Methods") was 39 % after R and 10-2 % after FR. Each datum point is the mean of three to eight replicate samples of 50 seeds each ± 1 SE. Statistical analysis in Appendix 2. 119 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 Exogenous ABA (mM) Figure 4.5 Effect of exogenous ABA on light sensitivity of D. ferox seeds that had been kept for three weeks in a WSA. Seeds were retrieved from the WSA chamber in absolute darkness, rapidly rubbed between cotton clothes, processed as indicated in the legend to Fig. 4.4, and incubated for 120 h at 20°C/30°C. The calculated Pfr level established by the light treatments (see "Materials and Methods") was 39 % after R and 9.5 10-2 % after FR. Each datum point is the mean of 10 to 17 replicate samples of 50 seeds each ± 1 SE. Statistical analysis in Appendix 2. 120 O O T- 100-. Buried outdoors Buried at 20-30°C 0 WSA IF O WSA + ABA co 1? cc 75­ .-.--.-, _Ne cis cc113 u_ 50­ c0 fs c_ coh­ 25­ (5 0 I I 100 200 1 300 400 Endogenous ABA (gg g-1 FW) Figure 4.6 Relationships between VLF responsivity and endogenous ABA levels in whole seeds of D. ferox. The different data sets correspond to seed samples that had spent variable periods of time in the soil or were exposed to WSAs, and that were incubated in distilled water or ABA solutions prior to the light exposure. The primary data used to construct this figure were presented in Figs. 4.2 (Buried outdoors), 4.3 (Buried at 20°C/30°C); germination data for the WSA data sets were presented in Fig. 4.5 (WSA + ABA) or were obtained from germination tests carried out before and after the exposure to WSA (WSA). The ratio (FR-dark)/(R­ dark) was calculated with the average germination induced by each irradiation treatment. Endogenous ABA levels were obtained as indicated in Materials and Methods. 121 CHAPTER 5 SUMMARY AND OUTLOOK The main theme of this thesis is the photocontrol of seed germination in arable land. I have approached this problem at different scales, from the field experiments using large plots and farm equipment, to the dark-room experiments aimed at understanding the physiological basis of changes in light sensitivity. This multi-scale approach was useful to narrow the gaps in the understanding of how the photophysiology of seeds changes in the natural environment and how this change affects the responses of seed banks to man-made perturbations. Most previous studies on the photocontrol of seed germination have been accomplished with seeds that display R/FR reversible photoresponses (i.e. LF responses). The results presented in Chapter 2 demonstrated, for the first time, that seeds of an arable weed (Datura ferox) naturally acquire the ability to respond to VLFs after burial. VLF- responding seeds are roughly 10,000 times more sensitive to 122 light than LF-responding seeds, suggesting that care should be taken when attempting to predict the photoresponses of buried seeds from laboratory studies. Responses to VLFs had been reported previously for several plants systems, including seeds exposed to a variety of artificial pretreatments under laboratory conditions. However, the ecological significance of the very high light sensitivity is not immediately obvious, and VLF responses have largely been regarded as laboratory artifacts. The experiments described in Chapter 2 and 3 demonstrated that not only is the ability to respond to VLFs induced naturally during burial, but also that the high light sensitivity is expressed in seeds buried in the soil under field conditions. These results call attention to two important points. First, what is the ecological significance (i.e. "evolutionary purpose") of the shift in light sensitivity and what are the managerial implications for agriculture. Second, what is the physiological basis of the induction of the VLF mechanism. Both questions were addressed in this thesis. What follows is a brief summary of the major findings and their likely implications. One of the challenges faced by ecologists is to scale 123 up the wealth of physiological information to understand and predict the responses of complex ecological systems. Physiological studies on seed germination typically focus on the effect of a single factor under well defined experimental conditions, which are set deliberately to exclude interactions and other sources of "noise". Yet, it is the product of such interactions that seed ecologists attempt to predict and agronomists seek to manipulate. In Chapter 2, I proposed that a critical role of the VLF response is to allow seeds to detect split-second exposures to sunlight when the surrounding soil is disturbed by tillage operations, and that these short light pulses are critical germination cues for species that invade arable lands. This hypothesis was consistent with the results of field experiments in which seed samples were exposed to relatively simple perturbations. However, many previous studies have demonstrated that light interacts with other environmental factors (e.g. temperature) in the control of seed germination. Several of these factors are altered when the soil is cultivated, making the quantitative importance of light signals difficult to predict. Moreover, seeds of several weedy species or ecotypes can readily germinate in darkness, at least under some conditions, adding a further complication to the prediction of seed bank responses. The experiments presented in Chapter 3 were designed to 124 elucidate the role of light perception by seeds during soil disturbances and to assess the significance of short light pulses on germination induction. Soil cultivation with farm equipment during daytime enhanced weed seed germination between 70 and 400 % above those levels recorded for the same set of cultivations performed during the night. Covering the implements during daytime cultivation, which prevented sunlight from reaching the soil during the actual disturbance, reduced the germination of dicotyledonous species to levels that were similar to those obtained after nighttime cultivation. On the other hand, nighttime cultivation under strong artificial light mounted on the harrow equipment significantly promoted seedling emergence compared with the dark control. These findings suggest that pulse-like irradiations perceived by the seeds during soil disturbance play an important role in triggering seed germination in disturbed soil. Calculations indicate that a mechanism sensitive to VLFs is required for the photodetection of these short exposures to sunlight, pointing to a critical ecological role for the VLF phytochrome response in seeds. More research is required to test the general validity of these conclusions in other cropping systems and under different ecological scenarios, as discussed in Chapter 3. Given the potential practical applications of manipulating the light environment to influence seed germination, agricultural and ecological 125 research in this direction seems well warranted. The experiments presented in Chapter 4 were designed to test the potential role of changes in endogenous levels of abscisic acid (ABA) in the shifts of light sensitivity experienced by seeds when they are buried in the soil. 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(SAS Institute General Linear Models Procedure Class Level Information Class Levels BLOCK 10 TREAT 3 Values 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 LA LS N Number of observations in data set = 30 NOTE: LA = Daytime cultivation (Amaranthus retroflexus); LS = Daytime cultivation (Solanum spp.); N = Nighttime cultivation (control =l) General Linear Models Procedure Dependent Variable: RATIO Source DF BLOCK TREAT 2 Source DF BLOCK TREAT Error Corr.Tot 9 9 2 18 29 Type I SS 86.7836800 117.4166067 Mean Square F Value 9.6426311 58.7083033 1.07 6.54 Type III SS Mean Square F Value 86.7836800 117.4166067 161.5286600 365.7289467 9.6426311 58.7083033 8.9738144 1.07 6.54 R-Square 0.558338 C.V. 79.27750 Root MSE 2.995633 Pr > F 0.4257 0.0073 Pr > F 0.4257 0.0073 RATIO Mean 3.77866667 141 General Linear Models Procedure Least Squares Means TREAT LA LS N RATIO LSMEAN Std Err LSMEAN HO:LSMEAN=0 5.45100000 4.88500000 1.00000000 0.94730219 0.94730219 0.94730219 0.0001 0.0001 0.3051 Pr > Pr > IT1 LSMEAN Number 1 2 3 IT1 HO: LSMEAN(i)=LSMEAN(j) i/j 1 2 3 2 1 . 0.6777 0.0038 0.6777 . 3 0.0038 0.0095 0.0095 Fisher's Protected LSD (FPLSD) FPLSD = tdf,0.05 x [2MSE/r]°.5 FPLSD = 2.11 x (2(8.97)/10)0.5 = 2.826 NOTE: LA (Daytime cultivation, Amaranthus retroflexus) significantly different from N (nighttime cutivation); LS (Daytime cultivation, Solanum spp.) significantly different from N (nighttime cutivation). 142 Figure 3.2 Statistical analysis (using SAS algorithms) Inc. 1987) of data presented in Fig. 3.2. (SAS Institute Winter-annual dicots General Linear Models Procedure Class Level Information Values Class Levels BLOCK 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 TREAT 3 L N NL Number of observations in data set = 18 NOTE: L = Daytime cultivation; N = Nighttime cultivation (control =l); NL = Nighttime cultivation + Low light General Linear Models Procedure Dependent Variable: RATIO Source Pr > F Model 0.0159 Error Corrected Total Mean Square DF Sum of Squares 7 5.54801667 0.79257381 10 17 1.74523333 7.29325000 0.17452333 R-Square C.V. Root MSE 0.760706 29.45428 0.417760 F Value 4.54 RATIO Mean 1.41833333 General Linear Models Procedure Dependent Variable: RATIO Type I SS Mean Square F Value Source DF BLOCK TREAT 5 2 1.35031667 4.19770000 0.27006333 2.09885000 Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value BLOCK TREAT 5 2 1.35031667 4.19770000 0.27006333 2.09885000 1.55 12.03 1.55 12.03 Pr > F 0.2601 0.0022 Pr > F 0.2601 0.0022 143 General Linear Models Procedure Least Squares Means TREAT L N NL RATIO LSMEAN Std Err LSMEAN HO:LSMEAN=0 2.09500000 1.00000000 1.16000000 0.17054976 0.17054976 0.17054976 0.0001 0.0002 0.0001 Pr > Pr > IT1 LSMEAN Number 1 2 3 IT; HO: LSMEAN(i)=LSMEAN(j) i/j 1 2 3 2 3 0.0011 0.0031 0.5221 1 . 0.0011 0.0031 . 0.5221 NOTE: To ensure overall protection level, only probabilities associated with pre-planned comparisons should be used. Fisher's Protected LSD (FPLSD) FPLSD = tdC0.05 x [2MSE/r]°.5 FPLSD = 2.262 x [2(0.1745)/6]°*5 = 0.545 NOTE: L (Daytime cultivation) significantly different from N (Nighttime cultivation); NL (Nighttime cultivation + Low light) not different from N. 144 Grasses General Linear Models Procedure Class Level Information Values Class Levels BLOCK 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 TREAT 3 L N NL Number of observations in data set = 18 NOTE: L = Daytime cultivation; N = Nighttime cultivation (control =l); NL = Nightime cultivation + Low light General Linear Models Procedure Dependent Variable: RATIO Sum of Squares DF Source 5.91768889 0.93102222 6.84871111 7 Model Error 10 Corr.Tot. 17 R-Square 0.864059 Mean Square F Value 0.84538413 0.09310222 C.V. 22.90358 9.08 Root MSE 0.305127 Pr > F 0.0012 RATIO Mean 1.33222222 General Linear Models Procedure Dependent Variable: RATIO Source DF BLOCK TREAT 5 2 Source DF BLOCK TREAT 5 2 Mean Square F Value 0.13631111 5.78137778 0.02726222 2.89068889 0.29 31.05 Type III SS Mean Square F Value Type I SS 0.13631111 5.78137778 0.02726222 2.89068889 0.29 31.05 Pr > F 0.9062 0.0001 Pr > F 0.9062 0.0001 145 General Linear Models Procedure Least Squares Means TREAT L N NL RATIO LSMEAN Std Err LSMEAN HO:LSMEAN=0 2.13000000 1.00000000 0.86666667 0.12456740 0.12456740 0.12456740 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Pr > ITI LSMEAN Number 1 2 3 Pr > ITI HO: LSMEAN(i)=LSMEAN(j) i/j 1 2 3 2 3 0.0001 0.0001 0.4666 1 . 0.0001 0.0001 . 0.4666 NOTE: To ensure overall protection level, only probabilities associated with pre-planned comparisons should be used. Fisher's Protected LSD (FPLSD) FPLSD = tdC0.05 x [2MSE/r]°'5 FPLSD = 2.262 x [2(0.0931)/6] " = 0.398 NOTE: L (Daytime cultivation) significantly different from N (Nighttime cultivation); NL (Nighttime cultivation + Low light) not different from N. 146 Figure 3.3 Statistical analysis (using SAS algorithms) Inc. 1987) of data presented in Fig. 3.3. (SAS Institute General Linear Models Procedure Class Level Information Class Levels BLOCK 12 TREAT 3 Values 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DC GC L Number of observations in data set = 36 NOTE: DC = Daytime cultivation with the implements covered (Winter­ annual dicots); GC = Daytime cultivation with the implements covered (Grasses); L = Daytime cultivation (control =l) General Linear Models Procedure Dependent Variable: RATIO Sum of DF Source Squares Model Error Corr.Tot. 1.19266111 0.85396111 2.04662222 13 22 35 R-Square 0.582746 Mean Square F Value Pr > F 2.36 0.0364 0.09174316 0.03881641 C.V. 22.08181 Root MSE 0.197019 RATIO Mean 0.89222222 General Linear Models Procedure Dependent Variable: RATIO Source DF Type I SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F BLOCK TREAT 11 2 0.50755556 0.68510556 0.04614141 0.34255278 1.19 8.82 0.3493 0.0015 Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F BLOCK TREAT 11 0.50755556 0.68510556 0.04614141 0.34255278 1.19 8.82 0.3493 0.0015 2 147 General Linear Models Procedure Least Squares Means TREAT DC GC L RATIO LSMEAN Std Err LSMEAN Pr > ITI HO:LSMEAN =O 0.69750000 0.97916667 1.00000000 0.05687443 0.05687443 0.05687443 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Pr > LSMEAN Number 1 2 3 ITI HO: LSMEAN(i)=LSMEAN(j) 1 2 3 2 1 i/j . 0.0020 0.0011 0.0020 . 3 0.0011 0.7980 0.7980 NOTE: To ensure overall protection level, only probabilities associated with pre-planned comparisons should be used. Fisher's Protected LSD (FPLSD) FPLSD = tdt,0)5 x [2MSE/r]°-5 FPLSD = 2.08 x [2(0.0388)/12] 0'5 = 0.167 NOTE: DC (Daytime cultivation with the implements covered [Winter-annual dicots]) significantly different from L (Daytime cultivation); GC (Daytime cultivation with the implements covered [Grasses]) not significantly different from L (Daytime cultivation) 148 Figure 3.4 Statistical analysis (using SAS algorithms) Inc. 1987) of data presented in Fig. 3.4. (SAS Institute Autumn General Linear Models Procedure Class Level Information Class Levels BLOCK 26 TREAT 4 Values 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 C L NL N NOTE: C = Daytime cultivation with the implements cover; L = Daytime cultivation; NL = Nightime cultivation + Strong illumination; N= Nightime cultivation (control =l) Number of observations in data set = 104 General Linear Models Procedure Dependent Variable: RATIO Sum of DF Source Squares 28 Model 75 Error Corr.Tot. 103 29.01502692 42.69037212 71.70539904 R-Square 0.404642 Mean Square F Value Pr > F 1.82 0.0213 1.03625096 0.56920496 C.V. 55.26766 Root MSE 0.754457 RATIO Mean 1.36509615 General Linear Models Procedure Dependent Variable: RATIO Source DF Type I SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F BLOCK TREAT 25 3 16.39572404 12.61930288 0.65582896 4.20643429 1.15 7.39 0.3118 0.0002 Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F BLOCK TREAT 25 16.39572404 12.61930288 0.65582896 4.20643429 1.15 7.39 0.3118 0.0002 3 149 General Linear Models Procedure Least Squares Means TREAT C L NL N RATIO LSMEAN Std Err LSMEAN HO:LSMEAN=0 1.12192308 1.90153846 1.43692308 1.00000000 0.14796114 0.14796114 0.14796114 0.14796114 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Pr > I i/j 1 2 3 4 Ti Pr > I Ti LSMEAN Number 1 2 3 4 HO: LSMEAN(i)=LSMEAN(j) 2 3 0.0004 0.1364 0.0294 1 . 0.0004 0.1364 0.5619 . 0.0294 0.0001 . 4 0.5619 0.0001 0.0402 0.0402 NOTE: To ensure overall protection level, only probabilities associated with pre-planned comparisons should be used. Fisher's Protected LSD (FPLSD) FPLSD = tdf.), x [2MSE/r]°.5 FPLSD = 1.960 x [2(0.569)/26]0.5 = 0.410 NOTE: L (Daytime cultivation) is significantly different from N (Nighttime cultivation); NL (Nighttime cultivation + strong illumination) is significantly diferent from N; C (Daytime cultivation with the implements covered) is not significantly different from N. 150 Summer General Linear Models Procedure Class Level Information Class Levels BLOCK 24 TREAT 4 Values 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 C L NL N Number of observations in data set = 96 NOTE: C = Daytime cultivation with the implements cover; L = Daytime cultivation; NL = Nightime cultivation + Strong illumination; N = Nightime cultivation (control =l) General Linear Models Procedure Dependent Variable: RATIO Sum of DF Squares Source Model Error Corr.Tot. 26 69 95 71.79830000 46.53616250 118.33446250 R-Square 0.606740 Mean Square F Value Pr > F 4.09 0.0001 2.76147308 0.67443714 C.V. 57.75762 Root MSE 0.821241 RATIO Mean 1.42187500 General Linear Models Procedure Dependent Variable: RATIO Source DF Type I SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F BLOCK TREAT 23 3 57.82426250 13.97403750 2.51409837 4.65801250 3.73 6.91 0.0001 0.0004 Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F BLOCK TREAT 23 57.82426250 13.97403750 2.51409837 4.65801250 3.73 6.91 0.0001 0.0004 3 151 General Linear Models Procedure Least Squares Means TREAT C L NL N RATIO LSMEAN Std Err LSMEAN Pr > IT1 HO:LSMEAN =O 1.09500000 1.88875000 1.70375000 1.00000000 0.16763516 0.16763516 0.16763516 0.16763516 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Pr > ITI 2 3 4 . 0.0013 0.0124 0.6899 1 2 3 4 LSMEAN(i)=LSMEAN(j) 2 3 4 0.0013 0.0124 0.4379 0.6899 0.0004 0.0041 1 i/j 1 HO: LSMEAN Number . 0.4379 0.0004 . 0.0041 Fisher's Protected LSD (FPLSD) FPLSD = tdf, x [2MSE/r]°.5 FPLSD = 1.960 x [2(0.6744)/24] " = 0.465 NOTE: L (Daytime cultivation) is significantly different from N (Nighttime cultivation); NL (Nighttime cultivation + strong illumination) is significantly diferent from N; C (Daytime cultivation with the implements covered) is not significantly different from N. 152 APPENDIX 2 Statistical analyses of data presented in Chapter 4 Figure 4.4 Statistical analysis (using SAS algorithms) Inc. 1987) of data presented in Fig. 4.4. (SAS Institute A) General Linear Models Procedure Class Level Information Class Levels Values ABA 4 ABO AB2 AB3 AB5 IRRAD 2 FR R Number of observations in data set = 53 NOTE: ABO = ABA 0 mM; AB2 = 0.02 mM; AB3 = 0.03 mM; AB5 = 0.05 mM; FR = Far Red; R = Red General Linear Models Procedure Dependent Variable: GERM Source DF Model Error Corrected Total 45 52 Sum of Squares 39628.17672 8311.74045 47939.91717 7 R-Square 0.826622 C.V. 17.07994 Mean Square 5661.16810 184.70534 F Value Pr > F 30.65 0.0001 Root MSE 13.59063 GERM Mean 79.5707547 General Linear Models Procedure Dependent Variable: GERM Source DF ABA IRRAD 3 1 ABA*IRRAD 3 Source DF ABA 3 IRRAD 1 ABA*IRRAD 3 Type I SS 26611.83148 5520.67700 7495.66824 Type III SS 24766.46500 8795.18333 7495.66824 Mean Square F Value 8870.61049 5520.67700 2498.55608 48.03 29.89 13.53 Mean Square F Value 8255.48833 8795.18333 2498.55608 44.70 47.62 13.53 Pr > F 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Pr > F 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 153 General Linear Models Procedure Least Squares Means ABA GERM LSMEAN Std Err LSMEAN 90.4187500 97.4777778 86.8750000 93.7666667 19.7500000 96.0000000 8.0333333 50.0000000 2.7741766 4.5302115 6.7953172 7.8465564 6.7953172 7.8465564 7.8465564 7.8465564 IRRAD FR R FR R FR R FR R ABO ABO AB2 AB2 AB3 AB3 AB5 AB5 Pr > ITI HO:LSMEAN=0 LSMEAN Number 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0057 0.0001 0.3114 0.0001 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 General Linear Models Procedure Least Squares Means Least Squares Means for effect ABA*IRRAD Pr > IT1 HO: LSMEAN(i)=LSMEAN(j) Dependent Variable: GERM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0.1906 0.6316 0.2008 0.6894 0.6840 0.5101 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.5059 0.8712 0.3840 0.8414 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.2650 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0009 0.0003 0.0055 0.0001 0.0005 1 i/j . 0.1906 0.6316 0.6894 0.0001 0.5059 0.0001 0.0001 . 0.2008 0.6840 0.0001 0.8712 0.0001 0.0001 . 0.5101 0.0001 0.3840 0.0001 0.0009 . 0.0001 0.8414 0.0001 0.0003 . 0.0001 0.2650 0.0055 . 0.0001 0.0001 . 0.0005 NOTE: To ensure overall protection level, only probabilities associated with pre-planned comparisons should be used. NOTE: The interaction between ABA and irradiation (ABA*IRRAD) was significant at the 0.0001 level. Pairwise comparisons (see "Least Square Means" Tables) showed no differences between R and FR induced germination for ABA levels < 0.02 mM, and differences between the two light treatments for ABA > 0.03 mM. 154 B) General Linear Models Procedure Class Level Information Levels Class Values ABA 4 ABO AB2 AB3 ABS IRRAD 2 FR R Number of observations in data set = 23 NOTE: ABO = ABA 0 mM; AB2 = 0.02 mM; AB3 = 0.03 mM; AB5 = 0.05 mM; FR = Far Red; R = Red General Linear Models Procedure Dependent Variable: GERM Sum of DF Squares Source Model Error Corr.Tot 7 15 22 31495.81738 1620.15787 33115.97525 R-Square 0.951076 Mean Square 4499.40248 108.01052 C.V. 21.98624 F Value 41.66 Root MSE 10.39281 Pr > F 0.0001 GERM Mean 47.2696174 General Linear Models Procedure Dependent Variable: GERM Source DF ABA IRRAD 3 1 ABA*IRRAD 3 Source DF ABA 3 IRRAD 1 ABA*IRRAD 3 Type I SS 19806.84961 7636.91068 4052.05709 Type III SS 20271.35492 7237.45267 4052.05709 Mean Square F Value 6602.28320 7636.91068 1350.68570 61.13 70.71 12.51 Mean Square F Value 6757.11831 7237.45267 1350.68570 62.56 67.01 12.51 Pr > F 0.0001 0.0001 0.0002 Pr > F 0.0001 0.0001 0.0002 155 General Linear Models Procedure Least Squares Means ABA ABO ABO AB2 AB2 AB3 AB3 AB5 AB5 GERM LSMEAN Std Err LSMEAN HO:LSMEAN=0 89.9666667 93.9333333 11.9000000 85.3000000 7.7336667 53.0333333 0.0001000 20.5333333 6.0002923 6.0002923 6.0002923 6.0002923 6.0002923 6.0002923 7.3488273 6.0002923 0.0001 0.0001 0.0660 0.0001 0.2170 0.0001 1.0000 0.0038 IRRAD FR R FR R FR R FR R Pr > 1T1 LSMEAN Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 General Linear Models Procedure Least Squares Means Least Squares Means for effect ABA*IRRAD Pr > 1T1 HO: LSMEAN(i)=LSMEAN(j) Dependent Variable: GERM i/j 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0.6469 0.0001 0.5905 0.0001 0.0006 0.0001 0.0001 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0.6469 0.0001 0.0001 0.5905 0.3251 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.6305 0.0001 0.0006 0.0002 0.0002 0.0017 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.2289 0.0001 0.4277 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.3251 0.0001 0.1522 0.0016 0.0470 0.0001 0.3251 0.0001 0.0002 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.6305 0.0002 0.2289 0.3251 0.0001 0.0017 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.4277 0.1522 0.0001 0.0016 0.0470 NOTE: To ensure overall protection level, only probabilities associated with pre-planned comparisons should be used. NOTE: The interaction between ABA and irradiation (ABA*IRRAD) was significant at the 0.0002 level. Pairwise comparisons (see "Least Square Means" Tables) showed no differences between R and FR induced germination for ABA levels < 0.02 mM, and differences between the two light treatments for ABA > 0.02 mM. 156 Figure 4.5 Statistical analysis (using SAS algorithms) Inc. 1987) of data presented in Fig. 4.5. (SAS Institute General Linear Models Procedure Class Level Information Levels Class Values ABA 4 ABO AB2 AB3 AB5 IRRAD 3 D FR R Number of observations in data set = 146 General Linear Models Procedure Dependent Variable: GERM Sum of DF Squares Source 11 87403.63194 Model 134 40718.94946 Error 128122.58140 Corr. Tot 145 R-Square 0.682188 Mean Square F Value 7945.78472 26.15 303.87276 C.V. 36.48367 Root MSE 17.43195 Pr > F 0.0001 GERM Mean 47.7801370 General Linear Models Procedure Dependent Variable: GERM Source ABA DF 3 IRRAD 2 ABA*IRRAD 6 Source ABA DF IRRAD 2 ABA*IRRAD 6 3 Type I SS 31586.63887 53323.22322 2493.76984 Mean Square 10528.87962 26661.61161 415.62831 F Value 34.65 87.74 1.37 Pr > F 0.0001 0.0001 0.2321 Type III SS 32623.79719 49804.43903 2493.76984 Mean Square 10874.59906 24902.21952 415.62831 F Value 35.79 81.95 1.37 Pr > F 0.0001 0.0001 0.2321 157 General Linear Models Procedure Least Squares Means ABA GERM LSMEAN Std Err LSMEAN 37.0666667 71.3084615 85.8294118 29.0833333 40.8827273 74.4230769 19.2454545 36.5600000 68.8833333 7.1745455 21.4591667 46.7833333 4.5009092 4.8347521 4.2278680 7.1165623 5.2559296 4.8347521 5.2559296 5.5124655 5.0321695 5.2559296 5.0321695 4.5009092 IRRAD ABO ABO ABO AB2 AB2 AB2 AB3 AB3 AB3 AB5 AB5 AB5 D FR R D FR R D FR R D FR R Pr > LSMEAN Number ITS HO:LSMEAN=0 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0004 0.0001 0.0001 0.1745 0.0001 0.0001 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Least Squares Means for effect ABA*IRRAD Pr > Ti HO: LSMEAN(i)=LSMEAN(j) I Dependent Variable: GERM 2 1 i/i 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 4 0.3448 5 0.5822 6 0.0001 7 0.0111 8 0.9433 9 0.0001 10 0.0001 11 0.0223 12 0.1292 0.0254 0.0001 0.0001 0.6495 0.0001 0.0001 0.7287 0.0001 0.0001 0.0003 2 3 4 3 . 1 . 0.0001 0.0254 . 0.0001 0.0001 0.0780 0.0001 0.0001 0.0110 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 5 0.3448 0.0001 0.0001 . 0.1846 0.0001 0.2681 0.4077 0.0001 0.0145 0.3833 0.0374 0.5822 0.0001 0.0001 0.1846 . 0.0001 0.0042 0.5713 0.0002 0.0001 0.0085 0.3953 6 0.0001 0.6495 0.0780 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.4287 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 7 0.0111 0.0001 0.0001 0.2681 0.0042 0.0001 0.0246 0.0001 0.1067 0.7614 0.0001 8 0.9433 0.0001 0.0001 0.4077 0.5713 0.0001 0.0246 . 0.0001 0.0002 0.0450 0.1532 Dependent Variable: GERM i/j 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 10 11 12 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0145 0.0001 0.0001 0.1067 0.0002 0.0001 0.0223 0.0001 0.0001 0.3833 0.0085 0.0001 0.7614 0.0450 0.0001 0.0517 0.1292 0.0003 0.0001 0.0374 0.3953 0.0001 0.0001 0.1532 0.0014 0.0001 0.0003 9 0.0001 0.7287 0.0110 0.0001 0.0002 0.4287 0.0001 0.0001 . 0.0001 0.0014 0.0517 0.0001 0.0003 . . . NOTE: To ensure overall protection level, only probabilities associated with pre-planned comparisons should be used. 158 NOTE: The interaction between ABA and irradiation (ABA*IRRAD) was significant only at the 0.23 level. Pre-planned comparisons (see "Least Square Means" Tables) showed a clear promotion of FR-induced germination above the dark control when no ABA was added to the incubation medium. With addition of ABA, the promotive effect of FR irradiation was of reduced magnitude, and sometimes FR was not significantly different (P>0.05) from the dark control (e.g. ABA 0.02 and 0.05 mM).