Print Form Service-Learning Course Development Plan Name: ____________________________ Phone: ________________ Email: ________________________ Department: ________________________ Course Number & Name: ______________________________ Term to Implement: Fall___________ Year Spring _________ Projected # of Students: _______________ Year Will you: □ Require students to participate in service-learning project □ Offer service-learning project as an option How many hours will you ask students to serve? ________________ Service-learning hours will vary based on the nature of the project and how it connects to the course. For courses with substantial service-learning components, a minimum of 20 hours is recommended. Has this course been offered before as a service-learning course? __________ When? ________________ If the service-learning course was offered before, has it been altered? _________ If yes, in what way? Will you need assistance from the Center for Student Leadership and Service to select a community partner and/or facilitate your project? Yes________ No________ IF YES . . . staff from the CSLS will contact you during the semester prior to teaching the class. The community partner and project should be designed prior to the beginning of the semester whenever possible and will include an orientation for the students to the site. IF NO . . . and you already have selected your community partner and developed your project, a servicelearning partner agreement must be on file with the Center for Student Leadership and Service prior to the beginning of the project. Indicate your community partner and describe the service-learning project in your draft syllabus. *** If your course has previously been registered as service-learning AND has not significantly changed (e.g. new learning objectives, different type of community partners, etc.) – STOP HERE and submit the top portion of this form and an updated draft syllabus that includes: • course learning objective(s) that will be addressed by the service-learning project • description of the community partner, service-learning project, service-learning requirements, and how students will be oriented to the community site • integration of service-learning project into graded assignment(s) and calculation of final grade *** If this is your first time incorporating service-learning into this course, please address the following questions in an attached draft syllabus OR below: 1. What learning objective(s) from your course syllabus does the service-learning assignment address? 2. Briefly describe the service-learning project: 3. Describe the structured reflection activities that students will complete to connect their service experiences to the learning objectives of the course (e.g. journal, paper, presentations, web logs). How often will you assess this reflection? 4. How will you assess students’ learning related to identified course objectives (see #1) that occurs during the service-learning project? Assessment may be based on reflection, a final product, or other assignments related to the identified course objectives. 5. How will you assess the service-learning project in relation to the goals of the community partner? Assessment may be based on community partner feedback (e.g. survey, interview, etc.) or other measurable outcome (e.g. product or service provided). 6. Attach a draft syllabus for the course that includes: • course learning objective(s) that will be addressed by the service-learning project • description of the community partner, service-learning project, service-learning requirements, and how students will be oriented to the community site • integration of service-learning project into graded assignment(s) and calculation of final grade Submit this plan and draft syllabus via e-mail to Jeremy Tuman (, CAT Service-Learning Facultyin-Residence) and the Center for Student Leadership and Service ( The form will be reviewed and a copy forwarded to your division chair. S-L Faculty-in-Residence Signature: ____________________________ Date: _________________ Division Chair Signature: _________________________________ Date: _________________