Creativity, dedication, and commitment have characterized many of the wilderness... efforts since the Wilderness Act was passed in 1964. ... WILDERNESS EDUCATION LEADERSHIP AWARDS

Creativity, dedication, and commitment have characterized many of the wilderness education
efforts since the Wilderness Act was passed in 1964. This award is designed to recognize
excellent educators and education programs that engage citizens of all ages in understanding
and sustaining the value of the wilderness resource.
Two types of education awards may be presented; one to recognize a recently implemented,
creative and influential wilderness education program, and one to recognize an ongoing,
educational program that demonstrates consistent delivery over time.
• Forest Service Employees and volunteers
• Private or public organizations (non-governmental)
• Private individuals
1. To recognize creative and influential wilderness education programs offered by:
a. A Forest Service entity, either individual or group
b. A private individual or a non-governmental organization.
2. To encourage sharing of dynamic and successful education tools, programs and
messages across educational networks
1. Creative development and/or successful ongoing presentation of wilderness related
education tools, programs, or messages
2. Ability to increase either the number of people reached with a wilderness message or the
ability to change unwanted behavior relative to wilderness resource stewardship
3. Variety of audiences reached, and appropriateness of message to the audience reached
(age, type of user, geographic-urban/rural location).
4. Effectiveness in meeting the goals of the education program.
1. Fill out the nomination form. Identify the category for which the nomination applies.
2. The sponsor may be a supervisor or person familiar with the nominee’s efforts and is not
required to be an agency employee.
3. Prepare a nomination narrative that includes a summary of the project, addresses each
criterion, and does not exceed two pages in length. Supplementary materials, such as
lesson plans, evaluations, photographs, and any other material that illustrate or describe
the program may be submitted in addition to the two-page nomination narrative.
Materials will not be returned.