Appendix B Fire Operations Program Emphasis Area Prioritization Sula Salmon-Challis National Forest Dixie V U 43 Wisdom Gibbonsville Warren North Fork Shoup Jackson Polaris V U 278 Big Creek Carmen Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness Salmon Bannack Baker Cobalt Grant V U 324 Lemhi Ellis V U 29 Leadore May £ ¤ 93 Challis Patterson Gilmore V U 21 Sunbeam V U 75 Stanley Clayton V U 28 Sawtooth Wilderness Chilly Atlanta Mackay Leslie Darlington Berenice Legend Sun Valley Featherville Ketchum V U 33 Sage-grouse Habitat V U 22 Moore Analysis Area Grouse Fire Supression Priorities Very Low Pine Low Arco £ ¤ 20 Moderate Hailey High Very High ´ Designated Wilderness Land Ownership Salmon-Challis National Forest 0£ 20 ¤ 10 Bellevue V U 23 20 Miles Other National Forests Data was provided from the Westwide Risk Assessment that was completed in March of 2013. The Oregon Department of46Forestry implemented conducting the Westwide Risk Assessment on behalf of the Council of Western State Foresters with funding from the USDA Forest Service. V U BLM AMSET lys 7/20/15 £ ¤ 26 V U 23 £ ¤ 93 Sources: Esri, DeLorme, USGS, NPS, Sources: Esri, USGS, NOAA