Wilderness Tracks Intermountain Region January 2010 Jedediah Smith Wilderness, Caribou-Targhee NF (Send me a photo of your area to display in a future edition) Congratulations! For the 4th consecutive year, R4 had a 100% completion rate for the 2009 Infra-Wild data pull. Thank you for making sure your data was entered and accurate. 10-Yr Wilderness Stewardship Challenge 2009 Update – 63% of areas to minimum stewardship level. The numbers are in for 2009 and it was a exceptional year! Region 4 improved from 15 to 27 of 43 Wilderness areas managed to a minimum Stewardship level. This is 63% of all areas now at minimum stewardship level. We also had a significant number of improvements in individual element scores. Your efforts are making a difference! The latest scoring sheet and a reference map is attached for your use. Take a moment to share these results with your line officers. 10 yr Wilderness Stewardship Challenge website The site is: http://fsweb.wo.fs.fed.us/rhwr/wilderness/10ywsc/index_1 0ywsc.html Contains National program information about the 10 Yr Wilderness Stewardship Challenge NFF Grant Deadline Approaches In celebration of 2004’s 40th anniversary of the Information you can use for Wilderness, and Wild and Scenic Rivers. Upcoming Events and Trainings R4 Wilderness Manager’s Annual Meeting th March 9-11 Hampton Inn, Cedar City, Utah Please make your reservations to attend this year’s wilderness manager meeting. Call: 435-586-5000 or make reservations online. Group Code: Wilderness Meeting Forest Service Per Diem Rate = $70 Special guest: Doug Scott, Campaign for America’s Wilderness. Field Trip to the new Cottonwood Forest Wilderness. Many current topics! Agenda forthcoming. Arthur Carhart National Wilderness Training Center Courses: see website for listings http://carhart.wilderness.net/index.cfm?fuse=courses The 2009 ACNWTC progress report is attached. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interagency Regional Wilderness Stewardship Course, West Yellowstone, May 3rd – 7th. 2010 This course for District Rangers, Forest Staff, and Wilderness Managers is specifically for R1 and R4. Please plan to attend if you have not been to a Regional wilderness training session before. National Opportunities: National Wilderness Stewardship Training, June 22-26, 2010, Missoula Montana This is the session for Forest Supervisors and Directors and other senior-level officials. Some opportunities for District Rangers. See attachment. Wilderness Act, the U.S. Forest Service issued a Stewardship Challenge, calling for all Wilderness Areas in the National Forest System to meet baseline management standards by 2014. At the end of Fiscal Year 2009, only 127 of 406 Wilderness areas meet the baseline standard. The National Forest Foundation, as the official nonprofit partner of the Forest Service, is please to announce that it is currently soliciting proposals for its 2010 Wilderness Stewardship Challenge (WSC) Award Program to help meet the Forest Service meet this challenge. The NFF will provide matching grants of up to $50,000 to nonprofit partners to implement stewardship projects that directly support specific management needs in U.S. Forest Service Wilderness Areas. WSC Proposals are due hard-copy to the NFF on or before Tuesday, January 26, 2010. To learn more about the Wilderness Stewardship Challenge Program, please visit http://www.nationalforests.org/conserve/grantprograms/ ontheground/wilderness _____________________________________ Wilderness Advisory Group By Jeff Weise, Bridgeport RD, H-T NF The latest WAG newsletter from Winter 2010 is attached. Or visit the WAG home page for current information. http://www.wilderness.net/NWPS/documents/FS/WAG_N ewsletter_Winter2010.pdf _____________________________________ Wilderness Information Management Steering Group By Nick Glidden, Dixie NF We are working on testing the mobile application for its spring release. The release is on time and we report on this at the spring Wilderness Managers meeting. The group is redesigning the Motor/Mech use authorization form for INFRA reporting. And with the new FIA agreement we have a draft paper on "what to do when FIA contacts you to work on your forest". Final testing of the legacy data migration tool is in progress. This tool automates the process of transferring your home-grown database to INFRA. A newsletter is forthcoming within a month with more details. Exit Strategies Conference “Managing Human Waste in the Wild” "The AAC and a select group of nonprofits and government agencies are teaming up to host an international conference on managing human waste in wilderness settings. The three-day “Exit Strategies” meeting will be held at the American Mountaineering Center and Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado next summer: July 30 to August 1." Please follow this link [http://www.americanalpineclub.org/exitstrategies] to learn more about the upcoming Exit Strategies Conference: ______________________________________ NineMile Training Center Your source for traditional skills training like saws sharpening, pack and riding stock, historic building restoration, Leave No Trace, etc,.can be found at the following link: Ninemile Wildlands Training Center 2010 ______________________________________________ National Univesity The Forest Service National University offers a variety of training opportunities and this year it will include a wilderness workshop. The entire university is scheduled for March 15-29, 2010 in Atlanta, GA. The wilderness awareness and management workshop is scheduled for 8:00 am- 5:00 pm, Friday March 19. More information on this workshop, including the registration process, may be found on the attached flyer or at: http://fsweb.hcm.fs.fed.us/training/natl_univ/index.ph p ______________________________________ Air Quality Website has Challenge Item #2 information, Jeff Sorkin, R2 The long awaited website for the wilderness template is here! Please forward this link to wilderness managers and other staff who are working on the 10-year challenge for air quality. http://fsweb.r2.fs.fed.us/rhwr/wilderness-nonmotorized/airquality/ There is a link to the wilderness.net site that has several useful documents as well. (In the Toolboxes) X-Cut Saw Program Other Air quality Examples Breaking News! – Gary Hayward is moving to a new position and will be stepping down as our Regional Cross Cut Saw Coordinator. A big thank you to Gary for keeping this valuable program moving forward for the last several years. A new coordinator will be named shortly. In the meantime, Dolly Chapman, H-T NF, is offering a saw sharpening service as well as other cross cut saw resources. See attachments. ______________________________________ NWPS Display available! Information about how to reserve the new NWPS displays is now online on wilderness.net and the Carhart Center website. The displays are available on a first come-first served basis and the borrower pays the shipping cost. For a good example of an updated forest-wide plan for your wilderness folks to look at: http://www.fs.fed.us/r2/whiteriver/projects/air-resourcemgmt-plan/index.shtml. ELY Ranger District Air Quality Monitoring Joshua Simpson has also taken the air quality task to heart and has created an air quality monitoring site for the Ely Ranger District. See webcam pictures of current air quality conditions at: http://www.fsvisimages.com/hisc1/hisc1.html or http://www.fsvisimages.com/whpi1/whpi1.html Joshua says, “the first link is of the High Schells airshed....from far left is N. Schell Peak, and far right is the tip of Mt. Moriah....the second link is looking out at Currant Mtn, Red Mtn, Bald Mtn, and White Pine Range Wildernii…this has been a very cool project to work on and it is super awesome to see it come to some sort of fruition.....” http://www.wilderness.net/index.cfm?fuse=display ________________________________ Wilderness Information Mgt Steering Team Newsletter Requests for 2011 MTDC proposals due. Missoula Technology and Development Center is soliciting requests for project proposals. This is a great chance to propose problems for technical fixes. See attached letters for details on how to submit a proposal. Social Networking has Arrived for Wilderness Managers. By Tom Carlson, ACNWTC The wilderness social networking site, Connect, is now available at: http://connect.wilderness.net. This social network site is a partnership of the Arthur Carhart National Wilderness Training Center, Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute, and the University of Montana Wilderness Institute built through the Ning platform and designed to connect federal wilderness managers; related state, and local government agency employees, academics, researchers, and K-12 educators; and, position-holding members of wilderness related NGOs around the topic of wilderness management and stewardship. Currently, it is the only social network specifically designed for wilderness professionals and their partners. Initially, invitations for participation will be extended, beginning December 1, to the more than 3,500 federal, state, and local government employees who have The Wilderness Information Management Steering Team has just released the Winter 2008/2009 edition of their semi-annual newsletter. It can be downloaded from --> http://fsweb.wo.fs.fed.us/rhwr/wilderness/wimst/wimst_ne wsletter_vol3issue1.pdf ______________________________________________ Revised On-line Training Courses for the 10Year Wilderness Stewardship Challenge MISSOULA, MT (December 16, 2009) -- The Arthur Carhart National Wilderness Training Center announces the revision and launch of six e-learning courses for wilderness stewardship through the Eppley Institute for Parks and Public Lands including The Wilderness Act of 1964, Minimum Requirements Analysis, Wilderness Stewardship Planning Framework, and Visitor Use Management: Fundamentals, Strategies, and Monitoring. Collectively, the courses will provide the necessary tools, knowledge, and information for successful completion of several elements in the 10-Year Wilderness Stewardship Challenge. “Our revised on-line courses are much more interactive than before,” said Connie Myers, Director of the Arthur Carhart National Wilderness Training attended Carhart Center classroom and/or on-line courses as well as the regional program managers, WAG and WIMST members. Subsequent membership is by request and participation hinges on their professional connection to wilderness and we hope you will help spread the word to others who may be interested. A 1-page Connect.Wilderness.net Policies paper explaining the purpose and function of the network is attached. The Carhart Center worked closely with appropriate FS staff to confirm that both the site and participation by FS employees meets current agency guidelines and policies. We also requested and received review of the purpose, operation, and participation policies from OGC and feel confident that official and voluntary use of this site by FS employees, within the Connect.Wilderness.net Policies, is appropriate. As described in the attached Policies, the purpose of this network is to advance stewardship of designated wilderness areas on federal lands. To facilitate creative thinking and the free flow of ideas throughout the wilderness community both open and closed discussion groups can be created. Open groups are accessible to all network members while closed groups may be formed by anyone with participation by request and invitation only. The network will not be formally monitored however the Wilderness.net Webmaster and the Carhart Center Staff will participate and discourage inappropriate use of the site if necessary. Please help spread the word on this new tool for wilderness stewardship let the conversations begin! Current Offerings at Univeristy of Montana RECM/FOR 404 Wilderness in the American Context and RECM/FOR 560 American Wilderness Philosophy and Policy This course provides a broad perspective of what wilderness is and how the idea developed, exposes the student to some of the differing values, ethics, and expectations of wilderness held by society, and also examines the early history of wilderness preservation that ultimately led to federal protection in the U.S. Wilderness Act. The course will run January 25 thru May 14, 2010. Registration deadline is Wednesday, January 20, 2010. For more information (course objectives, costs, books) see attached announcement. 560 American Wilderness Philosophy and Policy (4 credits Graduate) counts toward UM’s Online Graduate Certificate in Wilderness Management. Center. “We have made a point to include numerous case study examples within every course, making broad ideas and principles relevant to current challenges in the field.” With less than 5 years left in the Challenge, these online courses provide an important resources for wilderness managers seeking to make progress on many of the elements. Listed in the table below are the correlations between courses offered, expected goals after completion of the courses, and elements addressed through implementation of goals: Participants in the on-line training courses are able to take courses at their convenience and refer back to all information, anytime. Trainees who achieve a grade of 80% will receive a certificate via e-mail and completion will be recorded in AgLearn. All Carhart Center on-line training courses are free of charge. Visit http://www.carhart.wilderness.net and click on ‘Online Courses’ to enroll today. The Wilderness Act: A 2-hour foundational training, developed by the Carhart Center staff, to provide an understanding of the Wilderness Act. Minimum Requirements Decisions: A comprehensive 2-hour session providing the tools and skills necessary for anyone involved in determining whether use of motorized equipment, mechanical transport, aircraft, structures, or installations are necessary in wilderness. Completion of the Wilderness Act training is required before taking this course. Wilderness Stewardship Planning Framework: Develop and implement a plan that guides wilderness stewardship decisions. Wilderness Visitor Use Management Fundamentals: Define visitor use management and identify methods for preservation of wilderness character. Visitor Use Management: Strategies: Design practical application of strategies and tactics which address biophysical and social impacts. Visitor Use Management: Monitoring Impacts & Use: Develop and implement a monitoring program for campsites, trails, use, and encounters. ______________________________________ University of Montana Graduate Wilderness Courses The University of Montana is now offering a Graduate Certificate in Wilderness Management. The certificate provides students and professionals with training and “We simply must band together, all of us who love the wilderness. We must fight together---wherever and whenever wilderness is attacked.” Bob Marshall Parting Note from George Duffy (retired) See attachments for a stirring farwell letter from George Duffy. expertise in the key topics related to wilderness management. Four online courses cover the history and philosophy of the wilderness system, wilderness law and policy, wilderness recreation management, wilderness ecosystem conservation and resource monitoring, and wilderness planning. Courses are offered as traditional correspondence courses or interactive online courses through the Wilderness Management Distance Education Program in the College of Forestry and Conservation. To earn a Graduate Certificate in Wilderness Management, students must successfully complete the following courses: RECM/FOR 560 American Wilderness Philosophy and Policy 4 credits RECM/FOR 561 Managing Wilderness Ecosystems 4 credits RECM/FOR 562 Managing Recreation Resources in Wilderness Settings 3 credits RECM/FOR 563 Wilderness Planning: Theory, Management Frameworks, and Application 3 credtis RECM/FOR 560, 561, and 562 can be taken in any order, but RECM/FOR 563 serves as a capstone and cannot be taken until the other three courses have been completed. In total, 14.0 credits are required. For more information visit http://wmdep.wilderness.net/ or contact Lisa Gerloff at lisa.gerloff@umontana.edu; 406-2435346. _____________________________________ Your news and notes here! Send items to rwelsh@fs.fed.us