Worth County Community Profile 106th in order of county creation December 20, 1853 Prepared for Worth County Cooperative Extension by the Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development The University of Georgia • Athens, GA Total Population Worth County 2010 Trend CAED 22,748 21,560 21,996 21,967 19,745 18,064 2010 Proj. OPB 2005 Est. 2000 1990 1980 14,770 16,682 19,357 1970 1960 1950 21,374 21,094 1940 1930 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 Primary data sources: U.S. Census Bureau, decennial censuses & estimate; CAED (Center for Agribusiness & Economic Development); OPB (State Office of Planning & Budget). 25,000 Population Composition by Age Worth County 100% 65 + 45-64 20-44 5-19 <5 5.1 6.6 13.3 14.5 34.7 31.6 7.7 17.6 9.6 11.1 11.6 19.8 18.2 18.5 33.7 36.3 33.2 23.9 32.7 35.3 32.7 + 5.4 29.5 25.4 24.5 14.3 13.3 10.0 7.6 8.2 7.0 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 0% 2005 Estimated Median Age - 3.6 - 0.9 12.4 Primary data source: U.S. Census Bureau + 0.4 26.2 27.9 34.5 12.0 Change in proportion 1990-2000 Worth Co. = 37.5 yrs. - 1.2 GA = 34.0 yrs. 2005 County Population Comparisons Total Total Rank Density per sq.mi. land area % Chg. 2000-05 Rank of % Chg. WORTH 21,996 80 38.6 0.1 125 COLQUITT 43,915 45 79.5 4.4 86 CRISP 22,017 79 80.4 0.1 126 DOUGHERTY 94,882 23 287.9 -1.2 134 LEE 31,099 53 87.4 25.6 8 TIFT 40,793 47 153.9 6.2 65 TURNER 9,474 133 33.1 -0.3 127 County Primary data source: U. S. Census Bureau Population Change: 1930-2000 30 25 Percentage Change 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 1930-40 1940-50 1950-60 U.S. Primary data source: U.S. Census Bureau 1960-70 Georgia 1970-80 1980-90 1990-2000 Worth Co. Components of Population Change: 2000-2005 Natural Increase & Net Migration* Numerical Change # Natural Increase (BirthsDeaths) Rate of Natural Increase # Net Migration Rate of Net Migration -4 508 4.4 -478 -4.1 1,877 1,349 6.0 591 2.6 21 540 4.7 -494 -4.3 DOUGHERTY -1,183 3,597 7.2 -4,633 -9.2 LEE TIFT TURNER Avg. GA Co. GEORGIA 6,342 2,403 -30 5,571 885,760 993 1,470 262 2,365 376,105 6.8 7.1 5.3 4.8 8.3 3,217 991 -277 2,676 425,510 21.9 4.8 -5.6 7.7 9.4 Area WORTH COLQUITT CRISP Primary data source: U. S. Census Bureau * Numerical change includes “residual” not represented in either NI or NM. Average annual estimates of annual rates per 1,000 population Population Change: 2000-2005 LOSS 0 – 5.3% 5.3 – 10.8% 10.8 – 21.6% 21.6 – 42.7% Avg. GA County = 7.2% GA = 10.8% US = 5.3% Primary data source: U.S. Census Bureau Selected Vital Statistics 2004 Rates 12.9 Total births per 1,000 pop 15.7 51.6 Unwed per 100 total births 39.2 Teen pregnancy per 1,000 females age 10-19 38.3 34.7 11.2 Deaths per 1,000 pop Induced terminations per 1,000 females age 15-44 Low birth weight per 100 births Infant deaths per 1,000 births 7.4 4.4 16.2 9.5 8.8 7.4 Worth Co. Georgia 8.7 10-yr. rates 1995-2004 2004 Worth Co. Natality Data 283 total births, 146 unwed births 13 induced terminations 66 teen pregnancies 31 low birth weight babies 2004 Worth Co. Mortality Data 246 total deaths 3 infant deaths Primary data source: GA Dept. Public Health Highest Level of Educational Attainment: 2000 2.9 Grad or Prof Degree 8.3 5.7 Bachelor's degree 16.0 3.9 5.2 Associate degree 17.7 Some college, no degree 20.4 38.1 HS Grad 28.7 20.9 9th-12th no diploma Worth Co. Georgia 13.8 10.8 < 9th grade 7.6 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Percent of Persons Age 25+ Worth Co. Not completing HS = 31.7% With a bachelor’s + degree = 8.6% Primary data source: U.S. Census Bureau Selected Public School Statistics School Year 2004-05 48.4 Teachers w/adv degrees 53.6 29.8 College prep certif 73.8 63.6 Class '05 Grad Rate 69.6 3.9 Gifted Special Ed 8.4 7.6 12.1 Free/Reduc lunch 62.8 47.9 7.0 4.4 Retained in grade Worth Co. Georgia 15.4 Absent >15 days 10.6 7.3 5.0 HS Dropout rate 0 10 Primary data source: Governor’s Office of Student Achievement 20 30 40 50 Percentage 60 70 80 Worth Co. K12 enrollment = 3,943 HS dropouts = 93 General Fund Expenditures per FTE = $5,754 Per Capita Income: 1999-2004 $35,000 $30,000 $25,000 $20,000 $15,000 $10,000 $5,000 $0 1999 2000 2001 Worth Co. 2004 PCI Worth Co. = $22,479 Primary data source: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (5/06) 2002 2003 Georgia Georgia = $29,782 US = $33,050 2004 US Per Capita Income: 1999-2004 Percentage Change 9 Percentage 7 5 3 1 -1 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 Worth Co. Primary data source: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (5/06) 2002-2003 Georgia 2003-2004 US Per Capita Income: 2004 PCI Rank of PCI % PCI of GA Total % Change in PCI 1999-2004 WORTH $22,479 89 75.5 15.6 COLQUITT $20,611 128 69.2 10.2 CRISP $21,828 99 73.3 13.7 DOUGHERTY $25,353 35 85.1 21.8 LEE $22,382 91 75.2 3.6 TIFT $23,284 73 78.2 11.4 TURNER $20,368 134 68.4 17.5 GA Avg. Co. $23,588 -- 79.2 14.6 County Primary data source: U. S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (5/06) Median Household Income 2003 Model-Based Estimates $43,318 US GEORGIA $42,421 GA Avg. Co. $34,932 $32,115 WORTH $27,694 COLQUITT CRISP $26,311 $30,186 DOUGHERTY $48,764 LEE $31,649 TIFT $26,291 TURNER $0 $9,000 $18,000 Primary data source: U. S. Census Bureau $27,000 $36,000 $45,000 $54,000 Transfer Receipts: 2004 Worth Co. Total = $104,001,000 32.8 Retirement/Disab 34.8 17.9 Medicare 20.0 22.9 Pub Med Assist Supp Sec Inc Georgia 19.8 3.4 2.6 Worth Co. 1.2 0.8 Family Assist 4.2 2.7 Food Stamps Worth Co. $4,729 per capita transfer receipts 7.4 Other Inc Maint 5.7 1.7 1.9 2.7 3.3 Unemp Veteran Benefit 21.0% of total personal income 5.4% change in total 2003-2004 6.0 All Other 8.4 0 5 10 15 20 Percentage Primary data source: Bureau of Economic Analysis (5/06) 25 30 35 40 Persons Living Below Poverty Level 2003 Model-Based Estimates # of Persons % of all Persons Rank of % WORTH 3,849 17.5 90 COLQUITT 8,459 19.7 121 CRISP 5,051 23.3 153 DOUGHERTY 20,293 21.8 141 LEE 2,654 9.1 10 TIFT 7,067 18.1 101 TURNER 2,084 22.4 148 GA Avg. Co. 7,246 16.0 -- County Primary data source: U. S. Census Bureau Persons Living Below the Poverty Level 2003 Model-Based Estimates 5.2 – 9.4% 9.4 – 13.4% 13.4 – 17.0% 17.0 – 20.1% 20.1 – 24.7% Weighted average poverty threshold for a family of 4 persons in 2003 = $18,810 Primary data source: U.S. Census Bureau (rev 10/06) Georgia 1,155,544 persons 13.4% ------------US = 12.5% Unemployment Rates Rate per 100 in Labor Force 10 Worth Co. Georgia U. S. 8 6 4 2 0 1996 1997 1998 2005 Rates Primary data source: GA Dept. of Labor 1999 2000 2001 Worth Co. = 5.6 2002 2003 GA = 5.3 2004 2005 US = 5.1 Business Establishments, Employment and Wages Worth County 2005 Annual Averages, % of Total Estab Emp Wages Agriculture Whlsle trade Finance/Insur Accom/Food Svc All Other Primary data source: GA Dept. of Labor Construction Retail trade Prof-Sci-Tech Svc All other svc Manufacturing Transp-warehous Health svc Govt Employment Comparisons by Industry: 2005 Total GOODS Producing Agriculture Construction Manufacturing Total SERVICE Producing Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance-Ins Transp-warehous Information Prof-Sci-Tech Adm-Waste svc Health-Soc Svcs Accomo-Food svc All other svcs 3.9 0.7 4.4 5.2 6.4 4.8 5.4 14.6 17.7 11.7 56.4 16.1 11.6 1.3 3.9 0.0 3.1 4.3 4.1 1.0 5.0 0.0 6.9 8.8 6.6 8.4 7.7 8.2 Total GOVERNMENT Primary data source: GA Dept. of Labor Worth Co. 14.7 Georgia 16.5 28.9 65.4 Farm Gate Value by Commodity Group: 2005 Worth Co. Total Value = $122,950,767 Row-Forage crops 43.2% Poultry-Egg 6.5% Other 16.7% Livestock 9.6% Fruits-Nuts 0.9% Forestry 4.4% Ornamental Horticulture 3.5% Veges 15.3% Primary data source: Center for Agribusiness & Economic Development, UGA Components of Gross Property Tax Digest: 2005 Worth Co. Gross Digest (40% Value) = $506,018,155 32.6 Residential 21.7 Ag/Pref/Environ 6.4 9.4 Commercial 2.9 Industrial Utility Timber 53.2 38.7 22.2 7.9 7.1 3.1 5.4 3.7 9.9 8.4 6.8 Motor Vehicle Mobile Home 13.3 41.5 2.7 1.3 0.4 0.6 1.1 0.2 Primary data source: GA Dept. of Revenue Worth Co. GA Avg. Co. GA Total County Property Tax Digest Comparisons: 2005 County WORTH COLQUITT CRISP DOUGHERTY LEE TIFT TURNER Avg. GA Co. % Resi- % Agri- % Com- % In- % Motor % dential cultural mercial dustrial Vehicle Other 32.6 40.7 38.8 39.5 57.7 34.7 20.6 41.5 Primary data source: GA Dept. of Revenue 38.7 15.6 14.7 2.1 11.2 12.7 42.6 21.7 9.4 20.6 20.7 28.1 13.9 24.9 16.9 13.3 2.9 4.2 13.5 18.3 0.7 13.3 4.3 7.9 9.9 11.4 8.3 8.3 12.3 9.8 8.0 8.4 6.5 7.4 4.0 3.6 4.1 4.5 7.5 7.8 Millage Rates, Taxes Levied, & Sales Tax ’05 Countywide Millage* ’05 School Millage* ’04 Taxes Levied* ($000) Sales Tax Rate WORTH 26.990 15.000 $11,851 7 LSE COLQUITT 26.439 8.698 $17,986 7 LSE CRISP 30.110 17.351 $15,999 7 LSE DOUGHERTY 42.950 19.000 $84,342 7 LSE LEE 31.990 14.750 $16,998 7 LSE TIFT 27.844 14.964 $24,216 7 LSE TURNER 32.699 13.500 $6,059 7 LSE County LOST Type* as of 10/06 as of 10/06 *All tax districts are assessed an additional .250 state millage. Taxes Levied, but not necessarily collected. L=Local Option Sales Tax, S=Special Purpose, E=Educational Primary data source: GA Dept. of Revenue Retail Sales Analysis: 2005 Worth Co. Total Retail Sales = $182,921,000 0.77 Total Retail Sales Health-Personal Care 2.01 Bldg Mat-garden equip-supplies 0.95 Gas stations 0.66 1.16 Motor Vehicle-parts Furniture-Home Furn-Appliance 0.46 Clothing & Accessories 0.46 General Merchandise 0.13 Food Services-Drinking Places 0.33 Food-Beverage Stores 0.85 0 1 2 3 Sales Activity Index-Wealth Factor A “pull factor” of 1.0 means that the county’s sales are what would be expected based upon the number of residents and their relative wealth. Primary data sources: “2006 Georgia Outshopping Report,” SBDC, Applied Research, The University of Georgia. Commuting to Work: 2000 Percentage of: Residents working in county 38.4 Residents working out of county 61.6 Workers coming into county 26.1 Residents driving to work alone 80.2 Residents carpooling Residents working at home 15.9 2.0 Resident workers 16+ = 9,213 Residents working in county = 3,539 Residents working out of county = 5,674 Total working in county = 4,789 Workers commuting into county = 1,250 Worth County Mean travel time to work = 24.8 min. Ratio of IN to OUT = 0.22 Primary data source: U.S. Census Bureau This study was developed to assist community leadership with their future planning and decision making. Special Area Report # 0709 February, 2007 Prepared for Worth County Cooperative Extension by Susan R. Boatright Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences The University of Georgia • Athens, GA Georgia Cooperative Extension 706-542-0760 • 706-542-8938 www.caed.uga.edu AND www.georgiastats.uga.edu