WEG S.A. 3rd Quarter 2011 Earnings Results Conference Call October 26, 2011 – 11:00 a.m. (Brasilia time) Transcript of the simultaneous translation from Portuguese into English Disclaimer CORPORATE PARTICIPANTS Mr. Laurence Beltrão Gomes – Finance and Investor Relations Officer Mr. Luís Fernando Relations Manager Oliveira – Investor The statements that may be made during this conference call relating to WEG’s business perspectives, projections and operating and financial goals and to WEG’s potential future growth are management beliefs and expectations, as well as information that are currently available. These statements involve risks, uncertainties and the use of assumptions, as they relate to future events and, as such, depend on circumstances that may or may not be present. Investors should understand that the general economic conditions, conditions of the industry and other operating factors may affect WEG’s future performance and lead to results that may differ materially from those expressed in such future considerations. 3Q11 Results Conference Call PRESENTATION Operator: Good morning. Welcome to WEG's conference call to announce the results of 3Q11. We would like to inform you that this conference call is being recorded and at this time all participants are connected in listen-only mode. Later on we will start a Q&A session when further instructions will be given for you to participate. Should you need assistance during the call please request the help of an operator by pressing the start key followed by zero. Motors | Energy | Transmission & Distribution | Automation | Caotings Page 2 October 26, 2011 Before proceeding we would like to testify that any forward-looking statements made during this conference call pertaining to WEG's business prospects; projections; operating and financial goals and to WEG's potential future growth are mere beliefs and assumptions of WEG's management, as well as information currently available. These statements involve risks, uncertainties and the use of assumptions because they relate to future events and therefore depend on circumstances that may or may not happen. Investors should understand that general economic conditions, conditions of the industry and other operating factors may affect WEG's future performance and may lead to results that will differ materially from those expressed in such forward-looking statements. 3Q11 Results Conference Call We would also like to remind you that this conference call is being conducted in Portuguese with simultaneous translation in English. October 26, 2011 3Q11 Results Conference Call October 26, 2011 To obtain the quarter results press release or the presentation that we will be using during this conference call please go to WEG's investor relations page at www.weg.net/ir. With us today in Jaraguá do Sul we have Mr. Laurence Beltrão Gomes, Finance and Investor Relations Officer and Mr. Luis Fernando Oliveira, Investor Relations Manager. Please Mr. Laurence Beltrão Gomes, you may proceed. Mr. Laurence Beltrão Gomes – Finance and Investor Relations Officer Good morning everyone. It is a pleasure to have you here attending this conference call to announce the results of 3Q of WEG. Page 1 WEG S.A. 3rd Quarter 2011 Earnings Results Conference Call October 26, 2011 – 11:00 a.m. (Brasilia time) Transcript of the simultaneous translation from Portuguese into English Gross Operating Revenues Domestic Market Highlights Third Quarter, 2011 in R$million Gross Operating Revenue Domestic Market External Markets External Markets in US$ Net Operating Revenue Gross Operating Profit Q3 2011 1.552.044 953.515 598.529 364.730 1.317.483 418.266 Q2 2011 Growth % 1.510.276 2,8% 936.061 1,9% 574.215 4,2% 360.639 1,1% 1.277.258 3,1% 381.437 9,7% Gross Margin 31,7% 29,9% Net Income 154.567 154.557 Net Margin 11,7% 12,1% 243.743 215.579 EBITDA Margin 18,5% 16,9% EPS 0,2491 0,2491 EBITDA 31,7% 0,0% 142.106 13,1% 209.196 8,8% 968 785 889 907 954 Q3 2009 Q3 2010 Q3 2011 16,5% 17,6% 0,0% 0,2289 8,9% Figures in R$ Thousands Q3 2007 Page 3 5% 2% 12,0% 3Q11 Results Conference Call 3Q11 Results Conference Call -8% 23% Q3 2010 Growth % 1.419.160 9,4% 906.954 5,1% 512.207 16,9% 298.020 22,4% 1.188.622 10,8% 377.227 10,9% Q3 2008 Page 4 October 26, 2011 October 26, 2011 We may start on slide number 3. We would like to highlight the growth of 10.8% in the net revenue in 3Q as compared to 2010, showing that we are still growing and very healthy rates. It is important to note that as of this quarter comparisons will include the consolidation of revenues of the acquisitions that we have recently made and therefore you do not need to make adjustments, comparison will be direct. We would also like to remind you that 3Q10 is a very strong comparison basis; but anyhow we managed to keep it as a two-digit growth in 3Q11. Following a very clear trend presence in the previous quarters there was more growth in the foreign market then in the domestic market (in Brazil). So we have been having a sequential improvement in our margin, Ebitda margin from 18.5%. It is a result of the main factors of the gradual improvement in our product mix; of the repricing of our profits for new cost conditions and the better occupation of the capacity of our new units and our focus on the management of costs and expenses. The depreciation of the real has had a negative account the impact on the financial results and so we took advantage of the time of greatest devaluation of the real this quarter to constitute additional protection positions for our exports. On slide number 4 please you can see comparison of the gross operating revenues for the domestic market in 3Q along the past five years. You can see that with a 5% growth as compared to 3Q10 we have reached actively the same level of gross revenue as we had in 3Q08, the highest quarterly revenue ever recorded by WEG. If it is similar to the mix of products sold it is quite broad ranging because extension takes place at different paces in different businesses, like we have seen on the year the growth of the internal market taking place in electro and electronic equipment for the industrial market in transmission and distribution. Energy generation is still going through a slow recovery. It is important to note that even though the Brazilian industrial production has slowed down in its growth, the expansion of capital goods is still going on. We believe that the industrial capacity in Brazil is going through a consistent long-term movement of growth. Gross Operating Revenues External Market In US$ million 3Q11 Results Conference Call Page 5 October 26, 2011 On slide number 5 you can see our numbers from overseas revenue, so here you have the gross operating revenue for the foreign market, it is still expressive: gross revenue as measured in dollars is the highest ever in any quarter of WEG's history Page 2 WEG S.A. 3rd Quarter 2011 Earnings Results Conference Call October 26, 2011 – 11:00 a.m. (Brasilia time) Transcript of the simultaneous translation from Portuguese into English and is second only to 4Q08 as measured in reals. This is not different from what we had seen in the first quarters of this year and we are still growing in spite of the microeconomic difficulties in many different markets. In the foreign market our strategy for growth is well known: we have one market share with our sales efforts, we have incorporated new products and services to our portfolio thus leveraging the brand WEG with competitive advantages of customization, production flexibility and customer service. Now I would like to turn it over to Luís Fernando Oliveira to share with you the details about the numbers of this quarter. Please Luís Fernando. Cost of Goods Sold 3rd quarter of 2011 Depreciation 4% Other Costs 33% Steel & Coper 45% Other Costs 31% 3Q11 Depreciation 5% Other Materials 18% Other Materials 21% 3Q10 Steel & Coper 44% Business Areas Gross Revenues Breakdown in R$ million 3Q11 Results Conference Call Page 7 October 26, 2011 1.552 1.219 6% 13% 25% 7% 1.489 5% 13% 1.419 1.283 6% 14% 25% 7% 12% 6% 11% 25% 22% 58% 56% 60% 58% 46% 3Q 2007 3Q 2008 Industrial Equipment 3Q11 Results Conference Call Mr. Luís Fernando Oliveira – Investor Relations Manager 35% 3Q 2009 GTD 3Q 2010 Domestic Use Page 6 3Q 2011 Paints & Varnishes October 26, 2011 On slide number 6 you can see the mix of our products sold. Electro-electronic and industrial equipment are still growing in their relative importance and also in absolute growth. In this manner we took advantage of investments in expansion of industrial capacity in Brazil and the expansion of our capacity overseas as we have discussed before. In terms of transmission and distribution you can see an improvement in the orders placed among the past few months already converting in an increase in revenue: in power generation we are working with a joint venture between WEG and MTOI to produce generators with the first delivery schedule for 2012; in terms of consumer goods we are operating at a new level - higher than before - and our organic growth is superior to the Brazilian economy as a whole, but we went through a moment of accommodation of growth in terms of paints and varnishes we have cross sales and we kept... and it has kept its consistent growth. Good morning everyone. I am going straight to slide number 7. You can see the breakdown of the cost of goods sold in this quarter. It is important to highlight that we are still taking advantage of the gradual improvement in margins in the previous quarters. It has gone 1.9 p.p. compared to the previous quarter and has gone back to the same level we had in 3Q10. This is a reflex of our continuous effort in product repricing, first of all, with the transfer of costs along time. In this quarter the behavior of the cost of the raw material is a kind of stable at least until the beginning of September. So our strategy for exposure worked better. Secondly, the new manufacturing units in Linhares and in India have a better occupation of the production capacity and they are almost getting to a level of equilibrium in the operational use. And also we improved the mix of products sold. Page 3 WEG S.A. 3rd Quarter 2011 Earnings Results Conference Call October 26, 2011 – 11:00 a.m. (Brasilia time) Transcript of the simultaneous translation from Portuguese into English slowdown in investment in the growth of production capacity. Main impacts on EBITDA in R$ million 161,2 28,3 4,0 FX Impact on Gross Revenues 88,3 Deductions on Gross Revenues COGS (ex depreciation) 209,2 Volumes, Prices & Product Mix Changes 8,0 4,4 2,4 Selling Expenses General and Administrative Expenses Profit Sharing Program 243,7 We took advantage of the times of the greatest devaluation of our currency to increase trade finance and protect our positions. This reflected in cash flow for financing as you can see. The cash variation in the nine for his months of 2011 was positive by R$ 247.7 million. Capacity Expansion Program EBITDA Q3 10 EBITDA Q3 11 3Q11 Results Conference Call in R$ million Outside Brazil October 26, 2011 Page 8 Brazil On slide number 8 you can see our main impacts on Ebitda. The positive variations in gross revenue as a result of an increase in volume and price (volume of sales and prices of goods) and mix of products and it was set off by the depreciation of the foreign exchange producing a negative impact of R$ 28 million and then the cost of goods sold excluding depreciation (88) and we had to increase... reduce costs and produce more overseas. We have been successful in curbing operational expenses as you can see in the small absolute variations in sales expenses, general and administrative expenses. The net effect was a growth of 16.5% in Ebitda within absolute variation of R$ 34 million reaching R$ 243.7 million with an Ebitda margin of 18.5% in the quarter. Cash Flows In R$ million 2.553,0 290,8 Operating 319,7 Investing Cash 4Q10 562,4 3.086,6 Financing Cash 3Q11 (*) Long term financial investments are considered under cash flows from investing activities. 3Q11 Results Conference Call Page 9 61,4 34,2 73,8 53,7 43,7 13,0 44,1 2,0 27,2 30,1 40,7 42,1 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 2010 3Q11 Results Conference Call Page 10 33,8 8,2 25,6 Q1 41,1 2,4 49,9 7,3 38,8 42,6 Q2 2011 Q3 October 26, 2011 Now on slide number 10 you can see here our investment capacity in fixed assets along quarters. As we have mentioned before - and this has become a reality - we expected a relative slowdown in the investments in the capacity expansion program along 2011. The production of newly opened units in Linhares and especially in India are still growing and we believe we will close 2011 close to operational breakeven in these units. We also remind you of speed and implementation in our investment program, which is the main feature of our investment program. We can respond promptly to any increase in demand that may arise. This concludes our presentation and we can now start our Q&A session and then we turn it back over to our operator to start the question-andanswer session. October 26, 2011 And then on the slide you can see this graphic representation of cash flow. We are still producing cash in our operating activities in spite of all our revenue and more investment in working capital. Our investments include financial investments for the long-term, which is a feature of IFRS. If we discounted the effect 2011 is likely to be a year of Page 4 WEG S.A. 3rd Quarter 2011 Earnings Results Conference Call October 26, 2011 – 11:00 a.m. (Brasilia time) Transcript of the simultaneous translation from Portuguese into English Contacts www.weg.net/ri Laurence Beltrão Gomes Do you have any ideas, any numbers or sizes? Investor Relations Officer laurence@weg.net Luís Fernando M. Oliveira Mr. Luís Fernando Oliveira – Investor Relations Investor Relations Manager +55 (47) 3276-6973 luisfernando@weg.net twitter.com/weg_ir 3Q11 Results Conference Call Manager Page 11 October 26, 2011 Q&A Session Well, it depends on market conditions; but we are already seeing a gradual improvement in our product mix and so we believe that as the product mix recovers in terms of products for, long-cycle products this would go up and this recovery will take place gradually. So yes, we do expect a recovery next year. Operator Mr. Bruno Savaris – Credit Suisse Thank you very much. Ladies and gentlemen we are now going to start our Q&A session. We remind you once again that this conference call is being conducted in Portuguese with simultaneous translation into English. If you want to ask the question please press the start key followed by the one key in your touch phone. To take your question from the list please press star two. Our first question comes from Mr. Bruno Savaris from Credit Suisse. Mr. Bruno Savaris – Credit Suisse Good morning everyone, thank you for the call. I have just one question about your top line. Considering that 2011 is almost over for 2012 you have any clarity in terms of your potential growth? Will it indeed be 15% or 20%? Do you think the guidance can be kept and basically what time of margin recovery can you see for next year? Thank you very much. Mr. Luís Fernando Oliveira – Investor Relations Manager Bruno thank you for your question. Yes, I think that we can envisage that. We will close the year between 15% and 20% of topline growth and yes, we do expect a recovery in margins next year. Mr. Bruno Savaris – Credit Suisse Thank you very much. Operator Our next question comes from Mr. Nicolai Sebrell from Morgan Stanley. Mr. Nicolai Sebrell – Morgan Stanley Good morning. There have been many acquisitions in the manufacturing sector I think; what are the opportunities for you in terms of acquisitions - overseas, not in Brazil, outside Brazil? Question number one. Question number two Capex. In the future do you need to expand anywhere inside or outside Brazil? Could you share more with us about Capex next year? Mr. Luís Fernando Oliveira – Investor Relations Manager Well, WEG and our strategy, our growth strategy through acquisitions overseas - and WEG has many opportunities for growth through acquisitions overseas, especially in Asia - but it is based on two pillars, two drivers I would say: the first one is winning and obtaining new technologies through acquisitions, new technologies for our products or new products especially more technology, differentiated technology that we might add to our products. Page 5 WEG S.A. 3rd Quarter 2011 Earnings Results Conference Call October 26, 2011 – 11:00 a.m. (Brasilia time) Transcript of the simultaneous translation from Portuguese into English And secondly winning market share; winning brands in markets for us to rapid win market share through a consolidated brand. So these are the main drivers or the main factors driving our acquisitions overseas and as everything, Nick, we are increasingly more likely... as it has been happening in Brazil we are likely to expand our product portfolio going beyond our core in terms of electrical motors and electrical generators. This movement which is already taking place in Brazil will gradually also happen overseas. So all the equipment, all the machines or types of equipment around these core products will make sense for WEG. Mr. Nicolai Sebrell – Morgan Stanley Thank you. In terms of technology which are the technologies that you want? In the area of engines, but not just engines... Mr. Luís Fernando Oliveira – Investor Relations Manager Well Nick from the standpoint of technology what we want are things that are close to our core products that we already have and so it might be... for example there is a major effort for internal development And for some projects it would make sense for us that instead of developing it internally it is a relatively well-established technology there might be an acquisition or a joint venture and in this manner we would be able to win that technology more rapidly. We already have some examples, we do not need to speak in hypotheses; so a concrete case is Instrutech last year, late last year, early this year IFSUL... so these are all segments where we already have technology that might... maybe were not fully established but that were mature enough. And would make more sense for us to evolve in this manner: through joint ventures, acquisitions; for example aero generators we have a partnership. So it is this type of technological evolution that we are talking about. Obviously technological evolution in more core products such as engines we have a major capacity for projects development and in these cases our needs is much smaller. Does it make any sense? Mr. Nicolai Sebrell – Morgan Stanley And in terms of Capex? Mr. Luís Fernando Oliveira – Investor Relations Manager Well, the Capex... well in Capex and this growth through the portfolio, an increase in portfolio, joint ventures, partnerships they work in an analogous way, in a similar way; we might expand production capacity or we might have a partnership or an acquisition that will provide that advantage to us. Anyhow, for us to keep growing at 15%, 20% year on year we need to keep a certain level of investment in the expansion of production capacity and we will continue doing that in the future without any major changes; we might change slightly the profile or to focus more overseas. But on the whole this will not change considerably the amounts or anything. We are preparing our budget for 2012 now, we are going to have more clarity about those numbers more towards the end of the year. Mr. Nicolai Sebrell – Morgan Stanley Thank you very much. Operator Our next question comes from Ms. Sara Delfim from Merrill Lynch. Ms. Sara Delfim – Merrill Lych Good morning. My question is about inventory. Looking at your balance or financial statement it went up 25% year on year; is this a strategy of taking advantage of falling commodity prices to build a cheaper inventory to make up for the coming quarters or is it some other effect that I Page 6 WEG S.A. 3rd Quarter 2011 Earnings Results Conference Call October 26, 2011 – 11:00 a.m. (Brasilia time) Transcript of the simultaneous translation from Portuguese into English have not yet been able to understand? Could you share more with us about your inventories? Mr. Luís Fernando Oliveira – Investor Relations Manager Well, actually this growth in inventories is a natural consequence of the general increase in activity. Yes, in activities, especially in longer-cycle products we have a positive cash so to increase revenue we need to make additional investment in working capital and to control that very well, especially because of the changes that would have been making over the past few quarters to import more raw materials to taking the production more outside Brazil and everything. All of this has an impact much so on inventory, but on the whole... in terms of our suppliers and customers. The main working capital accounts, suffers the impact of our strategies. If you look in the long term you will see that the variation inventory is not so big. If you look at nine months our additional investment in inventory is similar to the investments we made last year, and last year we had a smaller growth in terms of revenues, the investment in other accounts was even bigger. But on the whole this investment we are not doing anything, speculation that from materials, it is not physical inventory of metals. That is not what we are doing, especially because most of our inventory they are in inventory of inprocess inventory stop this is most of our inventory. Ms. Sara Delfim – Merrill Lych Thank you very much for your answer. Operator Our next question comes from Mr. Cassio Lucin from J Safra Bank. Mr. Cássio Lucin – J Safra Bank order book, how much it has grown year on year? And technically is this average prices? And the second question regards competitiveness. Compared to your peers ABB, Siemens, they have been more aggressive in pricing. Have they been more aggressive in pricing? How is this evolving? Mr. Luís Fernando Oliveira – Investor Relations Manager Well, our order book... and this is something we always talked about and we avoid talking about the order book because we think our order book does not create value with what creates value is the conversion of orders into revenues, and this is what we are seeing. We have been able to rapidly convert orders into revenues. We have had more orders and detest converts it into revenues this quarter and this is already in our numbers, reflected in our numbers. But on the whole we see very good prospects in the sector of energy in the future and this is likely to continue in the future. In terms of aggressiveness actually we need to divide this very well into very distinct or different moments. So I cannot give names to our competitors; but those who have seen the auction of energy, electric energy, but all the players in this market they were being very aggressive in terms of prices. The issue is... and the question is how sustainable that type of thing was and on the whole we are quite confident in our competitive conditions. We are getting ready to be competitive in many foreign exchange conditions and of course they are all easier when the current foreign exchange (1.80 foreign exchange) rates on shortterm will make our lives easier; but also will make us... will give us conditions to operate with more ease better to protect our positions on the whole, what ends up having an impact in our competitiveness too. Mr. Cássio Lucin – J Safra Bank Thank you very much. Good morning everyone. I have two questions, the first one could you give us an idea about your Page 7 WEG S.A. 3rd Quarter 2011 Earnings Results Conference Call October 26, 2011 – 11:00 a.m. (Brasilia time) Transcript of the simultaneous translation from Portuguese into English Mr. Luís Fernando Oliveira – Investor Relations Manager We have a question through the web from Mr. Sergio Saraiva, shareholder, and he is asking about the possibility of aero generators in the industrial complex Pecém in Ceará, where there is capacity for production of wind energy in Brazil. Hi Bruno. First of all about the wind energy. Well, obviously we are working on that and this is a joint venture that they have just recently started, we are working on technology transfer, there are people from here and they are working together and I think the first products will be delivered in the beginning of the year and we are working with the people who participated in the auction to see our possibilities. As I have been saying our competitiveness in T&D is very strong and we are formatting our sales team to work specifically in terms of generation of wind energy. There is a sales team that is already out on the street. It has some unique features, this market equipment are sold and purchased in a slightly unique way and this is what we are working on now. According to the terms of our joint venture for the manufacturing of this type of product - and we are going to have the first deliveries next year - we are using our industrial complex here in Jaraguá do Sul at least for the time being. We started here, we had great industrial capacity already installed here and it would not make much sense for us to produce it anywhere else. So we already have the capacity here, we are going to use it here because it is existing and as our market evolves and our presence in this market evolves we will have other options of additional investment in other industrial complexes that WEG owns in Brazil. Mr. Bruno Giardino – Santander For example we have a newly opened industrial complex in Linhares where we had 500,000 m² and this is one of the options that they have to expand our product line in Linhares. Thank you very much for your question anyhow. About the breakdown between generation, transmission and distribution. You said that T&D has been more dynamic recently, whereas in generation you are a sort of lacking behind slightly. Was it still like that? Operator Our next question comes from Mr. Bruno Giardino from Santander. Mr. Bruno Giardino – Santander Good morning everyone. I have two questions, the first one is about the wind energy market with the auctions in August. Are you already getting orders for wind energy? And the second question regards generation. Compared to the previous quarter do you see a faster order book? Is it getting closer to the dynamics of your other divisions? Mr. Luís Fernando Oliveira – Investor Relations Manager Your second question I apologize; which division were you talking about? Mr. Luís Fernando Oliveira – Investor Relations Manager Yes, especially in terms of revenue this quarter this trend was very clear. T&D had a greater importance this quarter and generation equipment... compared to generation equipment. Just one thing Bruno: these divisions they are more for accounting purposes than practical. So when you are selling generation systems includes transmission and distribution equipment. Naturally there are projects that are specific, so it is just a substation for new industrial unit and this is very easily identifiable. In other cases this division that we are making here is much more for accounting purposes than anything else. So you need to draw a line here. But on the whole T&D have had a more dynamic performance and we have been seeing that very clearly. So the trend is that along time this generation might improve slightly and T&D will Page 8 WEG S.A. 3rd Quarter 2011 Earnings Results Conference Call October 26, 2011 – 11:00 a.m. (Brasilia time) Transcript of the simultaneous translation from Portuguese into English gradually moderate and things will again become more well-balanced. be some difficulties in visibility, this scenario is slightly... is changing very fast; but we are very confident with that estimate between 15 % and 20% for 2011 compared to 2010. Mr. Bruno Giardino – Santander Just about wind projects do you already have orders to be delivered next year? Mr. Luís Fernando Oliveira – Investor Relations Mr. Wellian Wang – Quest And for the market in Brazil our growth this quarter was 5%; is that just because of the market or have you also lost market share? Manager Yes we have orders that will be delivered next year. We have the first deliveries for 2012. Operator Our next question comes from Mr. Wellian Wang from Quest. Mr. Wellian Wang – Quest Good morning. I would like to go back to the issue of growth. You have been growing at a level of 20% in the first two quarters and this quarter you slowed down to a level closer to 10%. How do you see that for the future? In 4Q do you think this growth will go back up to more like 20% or will it slow down even further? Mr. Luís Fernando Oliveira – Investor Relations Manager Thank you very much for your question. So that is 26%, 27... 20 something percent growth that we had seen in 1H11 it had an important component that was the consolidation of the acquisitions that we made and which started to be consolidated after the second half of last year. So the comparison basis is very different. So this explains most of this growth and so we had to growth, we still had a two-digit growth; but much closer to what we are seeing now, close to 15%, slightly higher or something around that. If there was any change in growth this quarter but I can say to you is that we are relatively confident that we are going to close the year close to 20%, 15% for 2011 over 2010. It will most likely be a quarter that will be similar to this one. There might Mr. Luís Fernando Oliveira – Investor Relations Manager No, we have not seen any loss in market share. So there is different growth in different business units; some business units are growing very markedly, very healthy growing; but some other business units are going through a slow down. For example something that is essentially Brazilian that we are going through some reduction in growth with a major contribution in the past, which are engined for the domestic market. So there is no loss in market share; there is a slowdown in the overall... a slowdown in the market because of macro economic conditions. So fundamentally speaking this still leaves a very appealing market with an organic growth rate that is superior to the economy as a whole and so soonest economic conditions go back we are going to have expansion of credit, increase in employment and again it will have a higher growth again that will contribute to the overall growth of the Brazilian market. So there is no loss of market share; what happens is that there are different performances in different business areas. Mr. Wellian Wang – Quest Thank you very much. Operator Excuse me. We would like to remind you if you want to ask a question please press star one. Our next question comes from Mr. Luiz Adaime from York. Page 9 WEG S.A. 3rd Quarter 2011 Earnings Results Conference Call October 26, 2011 – 11:00 a.m. (Brasilia time) Transcript of the simultaneous translation from Portuguese into English Mr. Luiz Adaime – York Good morning. I apologize if you have already answered this question; but they can see an increase in inventory over the nine months in terms of inventory basis compared to last year; is this something occasional, is it any effect of the last day of the quarter or has there been indeed an increase in structural inventory? Mr. Luís Fernando Oliveira – Investor Relations Manager Well, that mix does have an impact on that; but I would say that most likely this quarter most of the variation that we have had is the effect of the inventories that were in subsidiaries outside Brazil or on the move, traveling until they got to the customer and that were converted for a higher foreign exchange. Because changes in mix take place gradually. They would not have such a marked impact from one quarter to the other. I mean, the change in this quarter was in the foreign exchange and the main impact apart from this backdrop movement, which is a natural increase in inventory. Mr. Luiz Adaime – York Thank you for the question. We have already talked about this; not just about the inventory but the whole investment in working capital. This is a reflex of an overall increase in business volumes. We are having a growth that is significant in terms of revenue and it is natural. We are a company of positive working capital, we need to make investments and working capital whenever we growth and you can see that now. Just in terms of inventory. Inventory has just become clearer now this quarter; that we have been making investments in Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, everything. So we have made additional investments in working capital so as to keep cash flow that is positive. There is some positive impact in terms of the effects of the foreign exchange in the inventory of products that are outside Brazil and that are some changes because of that - but it is not anything too extraordinary; it is just as we would expect further growth of the top line. Mr. Luiz Adaime – York Just about the inventory cycle is there any difference in the more significant difference between product lines? Could it be because of the changing our product mix or not necessarily? Is it indeed just a matter of growth and the strategy of the company? Thank you very much. Operator Excuse me. We are now closing our Q&A section. We would like to turn it back over to Mr. Laurence Beltrão Gomes for his final concentrations. Please Mr. Gomes you may proceed. Mr. Laurence Beltrão Gomes – Finance and Investor Relations Officer Once again we think your presence and questions. This quarter you have seen a growth in revenue and a gradual recovery of operating margins. We are confident in WEG's strategic position to keep on growing both in Brazil and overseas with flexibility for customers as well as with a product portfolio that is increasingly broader. Have a good afternoon. Thank you. Operator WEG's conference call has ended for today. We thank you very much for your participation and have a nice day. Mr. Luís Fernando Oliveira – Investor Relations Manager Page 10