CHAPTtrR1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 What is thermodynamics? Thermod.ynamics is the science which has evolved from the original investigations in the 19th century into the nature of "heat." At the time, the leading theory ofheat was that it was a type offluid, which could flow from a hot body to a colder one when they were brought into contact. we now know that what ,,heat,' is not a fluid, but is actually a form of energy - it is was then called the energy associated with the continual, random motion of the atoms which compose macroscopic matter, which we can't see directly' This type of energy, which we will call thermal energal can be converted (at least in part) to other forms which we can perceive directly (for example, or electrical energy), and which can be used to do useful things such as propel an automobil e or a 747 . The principles nf thermodynamics govern the conversion of thermal energy to other, more useful forms. kinetic, gravitational, For example, an automobile engine can be though of as a device which flrst converts chemical energ'y stored in fuel and oxygen molecules into thermal energy by combustion, and then extracts part of that thermal energy to perform the work necessary to propel the car forward, overcoming friction. Thermodynamics is critical to all steps in this process (including determining the level of pollutants emitted), and a careful thermodynamic analysis is required for the design of fuel-efficient, Iow-polluting automobiie engines. In general, thermodynamics plays a vital role in the design of any engine or power-generating plant, and therefore a good grounding in thermodynamics is required for much work in engineering. only governed the behavior of engines, it would probably be the most economically important of all sciences, but it is much more than that. since the chemical and physical state of matter depends strongly on how If thermodynamics much thermal energy it contains, thermodynamic principles play a central role in any description of the properties of matter. For example, thermodynamics allows us to understand why matter appears in different phases (solid, liquid, or gaseous), and under what conditions one phase will transform to another. CHAPTERI. IN"RODIJCTION 2 Thecompositionofachemically.reactingmixturewhichisgivenenoughtime ,,equilibrium" is also fully determined by thermodynamic principles to come to fasi it will get there) For (even though thermodynamics alone can't tell us how materials science, chemistry, these reasons, thermodynamics lies at the heart of and biology. Thermodynamics in its original form (now known as class'i'calthermodynam- ics)isatheorywhichisbasedonasetofpostulatesabouthowmacroscopic 19th century, before the matter behaves. This theory was developed in the atomicnatureofmatterwasaccepted,anditmakesnoreferencetoatoms.The and the impospostulates (the most important of which are energ'y conservation work) can't be derived within sibility of complete conversion of heat to useful if one accepts thern' a very the context of classical, macroscopic physics, but with experiment' powerful theory results' with predictions fully in agreement Whenattheendofthelgthcenturyitfinallybecameclearthatmatterwas showed that the postucomposed of atoms, the physicist Ludwig Boltzmann from consideration of the lates of classical thermodynamics emerged naturally trying to track the atoms inmicroscopic atomic motion. The key was to give up approach, averaging over dividually and instead take a stal,istical, probabilistic thebehaviorofalargenumberofatoms.Thus,theverysuccessfulpostrrlatesof c]assicalthermodynamicsweregivenafirmphysicalfoundation.Thescienceof statisticalrnechanicsbegunbyBoltzmannencompasseseverythinginclassical combined with quantum methermodynamics, but can do more also' When explain essentialiy all observed chanics in the 20th century, it became possible to physics' including esproperties of macroscopic matter in terms of atomic-level superconductors, etc' oteric states ofmatter found in neutron stars, superfluids, in biology, contributions important statistical physics is also currently making forexamplehelpingtounravelsomeofthecomplexitiesofhowproteinsfold. Eventhoughstatisticalmechanics(orstatisticalthermodynamics)isina ,,more fundamental" than classical thermodynamics, to analyze practical example' to carry out problems we usually take the macroscopic approach' For its more convenient to think a thermodynamic analysis of an aircraft engine' fluid with some specified a continuum of the gas passing through the engine as sense propertiesratherthantoconsiderittobeacollectionofmolecules'Butwe dousestatisticalthermodynamicsevenheretocalculatewhattheappropriate be' property values (such as the heat capacity) of the gas should CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION L.2 Energyand EntroPY and entropg' Most The two central concepts of thermodynamics are energy and prestemperature other concepts we use in thermodynamics, for example entropy' Both energy sure, may actually be defined in terms of energy and have very different they but systems, physical and entropy are properties of nor destroyed, produced characteristics. Energy is conserved: it can neither be Entropy has a although it is possible to change its form or move it around' produce more entropy different character: it can't be destroyed, but it's easy to energy' entropy too Like does)' (and almost everything that happens actually can appear in different forms and be moved around' Ac]earund.erstandingofthesetwopropertiesandthetransformationsthey undergoinphysicalprocessesisthekeytomasteringthermodynamicsandlearnbook is focused ing to use it confidently to solve practical problems. Much of this their origins in on developing a clear picture of energy and entropy, explaining to analyze methods effective developing and the microscopic behavior of matter, to energy happens what complicated practical p.ocessesl by carefully tracking and entropY. 1.3 SomeTerminologY is cerMost fields have their own specialized terminology, and thermodynamics here' so we can tainly no exception. A few important terms are introduced begin using them in the next chapter' 1.3.1 System and Environment Inthermodynamics,Iikeinmostotherareasofphysics,wefocusattentionon or region(s) only a small part of the world at a time' We call whatever object(s) the system surrounding of space we are studying Ihe sgstem' Everything else (in principle including the entire universe) is t,he enu'ironment- The boundary betweenthesystemandtheenvironmentis,Iogically'tlnesystembound"arg. definition of the The starting point of any thermodynamic analysis is a careful system. \. ', IR-k"t System Boundary engines, ' motors, chemical plants, heat pumps, pov/er plants, fuel cells, aircraft CHAPTER 1.. INTRODUC"ION Figure 1.1: Control masses and control volumes' 1.3.2 Open, closed,and isolatedsystems Any system can be classified as one of three types: open, closed, or isolated' They are defined as follows: Both energy and matter can be exchanged with the environment. Example: an oPen cuP of coffee. open system: energy, but not matter, can be exchanged with the environment. Examples: a tightly capped cup of coffee' closed system: system: Neither energy nor matter can be exchanged with the environment - in fact, no interactions with the environment are possible at all. Example (approximate): coffee in a closed, well-insulated thermos bottle. isolated no Note that no system can truly be isolated from the envitonment, since which phenomena thermal insulation is perfect and there are always physical etc.). can,t be perfectly excluded (gravitational fields, cosmic rays, neutrinos, But good approximations of isolated systems can be constructed. In any case, isolated systems are a useful conceptual device, since the energy and mass contained inside them staY constant. 1.3.3 Control massesand control volumes ttolume. Another way to classify systems is as either a control rnass ot a control thermodynamrcs' This terminology is particularly common in engineering A control mass is a system which is defined to consist of a specified piece mass. or pieces of matter. By definition, no matter can entel or ieave a control moves boundary system the then If the matter of the control mass is moving, with it to keep it inside (and matter in the environment outside)' A control volume is a system which is defined to be a particular region of space. Matter and energy may freely enter or leave a control volume, and thus it is an open system. CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION L.4 A Noteon Units exclusively. If you grew up In this book, the SI system of units will be used very familiar with this anywhere but the United States, you are undoubtedly used the SI undoubtedly have system. Even if you grew up in the US, you of your many and probably in system in your courses rn physics and chemistry, courses in engineering. Energy, no matter one reason the sI system is convenient is its simplicity' other systems' some : 1 kg-m2/s2)' In what its form, is measured in Joules (1 J differentunitsareusedforthermalandmechanicalenergy:intheEngiishsvsof thermal energy and a ft-lbf tem a BTU ( "British Thermal Unit" ) is the unit thermal enelgy is measured is the unit of mechanical energy. In the cgs system, incalories,allotherenerg-yinergs.Thereasonforthisisthattheseunitswere was like mechanical energy' chosen befbre it was understood that thermai energy 2 only on a much smaller scale' AnotheradvantageofSlisthattheunitofforceisindentica]totheunit choice if one knows about of (mass x acceleration). This is oniy an obvious as Newton's second law, and allows it to be written F: ma. (1'1) unit derived from the 3 primary In the SI system, force is measured in kg-m/s2, a but given the shorthand name SI quantities for mass' length, and time (kg, -, s), ..Newton.,, The name itself reveals the basis for this choice of force units. of a TheunitsoftheEnglishsystemwerefixedlongbeforeNewtonappearedon thescene(andindeedweretheunitsNe.wtonhimselfwouldhaveused).The of mass is the "pound mass" unit of force is the "pound force" (ibf), the unit So Newton's second law (lbm) and of course acceleration is measured in fb/s2' from &14 units (lbm ft/s2) must include a dimensional constant which converts to force uniis (lbf). It is usually written F: I =m4 (1.2) 9c where Qc: 32.1739ft-1bm/tbf-s2' (1.3) Of course,in SI g": l. ffisusedtoo.Americanpowerplantengineersspeakofthe ,,heat rate,, of a power p]";*h; is defined as the thermal energy which must be absorbed The heat rate is usually expressed in from the furnace to produce a unit of electrical energy BTU/kw-hr. CHAPTER 1.. INTRODUCTION of their In practice, the units in the English system a,re now defined,in terms and one meter, a of fraction a certain SI equivalents (e.g. one foot is defined as it is units, lbf is defined in terms of a Newton.) If given data in Engineering necessary often easiest to simply convert to SI, solve the problem, and then if assume implicitly we will reason' this For convert the answer back at the end. law. 2nd Newton',s in SI units in this book, and will not include the 9. factor