Molecular Electronic Spectroscopy Electronic changes have been occurs in this region, since the energy limits equal to 8000cm-1frequency (ranged from 750nm into less 200nm). Its classified into three different region (A, B, and C), since the visible is C-region, that's ranged from 750nm into400nm and the near UV-region (B) is ranged from 400nm into 200nm.the last region-A is the vacuumed UV-region that’s ranged from 200nm and less than (oxygen absorbed). The energy value limits reach the outer shell electrons of chemical species and promotion to higher energy levels. Assumption: Nuclei remain frozen (R unchanged) during the transition. 1- Vertical transitions between potential energy curves. 2- There is no selection rule governing the allowed vibrational changes accompanying an electronic transition. 3- Instead, the probability of undertaking a v” → v’ transition is governed by Franck‐Condon factors. Electronics spectroscopy studies give up information about electronics structures of molecules, electronics energies at different molecular levels, and the know lodgment of emission and absorption spectra for colored chemical compounds. A large change in energy are coming from electronic transitions also rearrangements of electrons that’s produced change in electrostatic power on nuclei. At the same time of electronic transition there are vibrational and rotational; so can be analysis the vibrational structure from electronic transition spectra. The following figure shows the diagram of electronic transitions. Figure 1. Molecular energy levels (electronic transitions). If sample spectra at gas phase, but at solid phase, liquid phase there are confused in spectral lines as one band width broad peaks and cannot be analysis. Therefore the spectra in gas phase are very complexes than other phases. In some time absorption energy is so enough to dissociation the molecules. E total =E electronic + E vibration + E rotation All molecules have electronic spectra because the change in electronic distribution produced the change in dipole moment .Alternative in rotational spectra the molecules must have electrical dipole moment ,in vibration spectra the molecules must have change in the electrical dipole moment through the movements. All semi diatomic molecules can be have electronic spectra also within rotation &vibration like N2 ,H2 ,Br2 .from this spectra can be drive constants and bond frequency as shows in dissociation bond of diatomic molecule figure 2. Zero point energy (Z.P.E) is the energy of molecules at ground state. Z.P.E=1/2h𝝼= De-Dº ///De= spectroscopic dissociation energy////Dº=bond dissociation energy Figure 2.potential energy curve for dissociation bond of diatomic molecule. According to the theory of molecular orbital, there are different types of transitions occurs due electron promotion from lowering energy orbital levels into higher molecular orbital energy levels, or transitions can be represented by transition from atomic character orbital into higher energy molecular orbital. UV-Visible spectra of Chemical compounds This is mainly a study of molecules and their electronic transitions. Molar Absorptivity (ε) ranges from 0 to 105 for use in absorbance measurements. Transitions with ε < 103 are considered to be of low intensity. In organic molecules, most bonding electrons are excited by λ < 185 nm (Vacuumed-UV). Recall that E(eV) = 1239 / λ (nm) Most functional groups have lone pairs whose energies place them in the near UV and visible range. These groups are called “chromophores”, although this is a bit odd, since all molecules are “chromophores” under the right conditions. The main electronic transitions are four only some of them are forbidden and the other are allowed transition due the lowest value of energy, that’s occurs in organic, heterorganic, and inorganic compounds. The transitions occurs due the absorption of radiation energy light, this transitions depends on the way of bonding between atoms in the chemical species. In some case they found single type of bonding (saturated hydrocarbons) the only significance transition is sigma to sigma transitions. In other species they found one or more than hetero atoms (like oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphor) that’s have electrons in atomic orbital character (nonbonding molecular orbital).therefore pi to pi, none to pi and pi to sigma transition may occurs. The main types are described in figure 3. Figure 3. Electronic transitions diagram. The following diagram represents the formaldehyde CH2O molecule transitions. --- 𝞂*CH --- 𝞂*CH --- 𝞂*CO --- 𝞹*CO Energy increasing ---------------------------------------------------levels Non bonding --- ---nO ---𝞹CO ---𝞂CO --- 𝞂CH --- 𝞂CH n→σ* Transitions Still rather high in energy, with λ between 150 and 250 nm. These tend to be relatively weak absorbers. Not many molecules with n→σ* transitions in UV/vis region Molecule λmax εmax H2O (partial Rydberg) 167 1480 CH3OH 184 150 CH3C l 17 3 200 CH3I 258 365 (CH3)2S 229 140 (CH3)2O 184 2520 CH3NH2 215 600 (CH3)3N 227 900 Solvents can interact with the analyst molecules and shift absorbance peaks and intensities. Red Shift (Bathochromic) – Peaks shift to longer wavelength. Blue Shift (Hypsochromic) – Peaks shift to shorter wavelength. n→π* generally blue shifted by solvent; solvation of and hydrogen bonding to the lone pair. Large shifts (up to 30 nm). Both n→π* and π→π* red shifted; attractive polarization forces, increase with increasing solvent polarity. Small shifts (less than 5 nm). Reasons of Shifting of electronic transitions They found different reasons for the remove the transition into up normal positions:A- Effect of substituted groups on the original spectrum. Alternative the functional groups (provided with hetero atoms) with unsaturated center will remove or shifted the absorption into red region (longer wave length- red shift). hν Θ C--C=N+= -C=C--N= Alternative of two unsaturated centers (double bonds) causes the delocalization of electron alone the axis of molecule, were the absorption of π⇒π* will remove into red shift (low frequency) with low energy value. B- Effect of solvent In some of polar solvent, transitions are shifted into red region due interaction of polar excited groups with polar solvents. hν =C=C=polar solvent⇒ solvent side Θ--+… ΘC-C+… Θ--+…solvent side But in some interaction between the molecules and solvents, they give up more stability (localization) of electrons, therefore absorption position alter to shorter wave length (blue shift) with highly energy value (hydrogen bonding). The transition didn't occur unless additional energy value to break down the hydrogen bond and transition in blue region. The calculation of the hydrogen bonding strength in compounds can be doing thereby measuring the transition into two different solvent polarities. Taking the difference between them in energy value as in following example: n⇾π* of carbonyl group in acetone. In Hexane 279nm (506.3 kJ mol-1) In Water 264.5nm (527.2 kJ mol-1) Energy difference equal to20.9 kJ mol-1 Solvents can also induce significant changes in the intensity of peaks. Hyperchromic – Increase in absorption intensity. Hypochromic – Decrease in absorption intensity. C- Effect of complementary groups (Charge transfer spectrum) When they found more than one substituted group into aromatic ring with different effect (one of them is electron donating and the other is electron drawing) in Para position for each others, these groups can be called complementary groups. H2N-- --NO2 ↔ H2N+== =NO2= Red shift (λmax=375nm, ℰ=1600m2 mol-1 The transition is called Charge transfer, and the band is Charge transfer band, this phenomenon is due the resonance exchange effect. If the two substituted groups into the aromatic ring have the same electronic effect (both of them drawing or donating) the resultant spectrum as individual spectrum of one group and there aren’t complementary groups. The same thing occurs if they are not in Para position from each others. D- Effect of hydrogen bonded (inter &intra). This reason is come out from hydrogen bond formation in two different case, the first is inter hydrogen bonding formation in the same chemical species moiety like in salicylic acid ,the second case is intra hydrogen bonding formation between two chemical species moiety in bulk solution like ethanol and acetone. Both types will alter the transition into blue shift (shorter wave length). Spectra of inorganic compounds Importance are significance only in transition metals were those metals with partially filled d-orbital and also Lanthanides with Actinides (have partially filled f-orbital), those ions have finite colors due absorption bands in IR & visible region and in some time reach the UV-region. There are two types of molecules around the metal ions:-A-Negative ions (CN- ,-OH , Cl- ) Bpolar molecules (NH3, H2O) Application of UV-Visible spectroscopy They found different useable applications are:A-Chemical analysis (qualitative and quantitative) 1. Calibration Curve 2. Standard Addition (matrix effects/complex sample) 3. Internal Standard (compensate for random and systematic errors; difficult). B-Spectrum of charge transfer. C-Stoichiometry of complexes. They found three spectrometry methods of metal-ligand ratio determination. 1-Mole ratio (one component is constant concentration and the other is continuous change). 2-Jobe method (the total molar concentration is constant for all component in solutions). D-kinetic of chemical reactions. The absorbance for reactant or products is changing within the time of reaction according to their concentrations. E-Equilibrium of Acid –Base The equilibrium constant of acids-base can be determine according to their relative absorbance, therefore can be determine the dissociation degree of acids and bases.