Fault Region Localization: Product and Process Manufacturing Measurements

Fault Region Localization: Product and Process
Improvement Based on Field Performance and
Manufacturing Measurements
Kamal Mannar, Darek Ceglarek, Member, IEEE, Feng Niu, Senior Member, IEEE, and Bassam Abifaraj
Abstract—Customer feedback in the form of warranty/field
performance is an important direct indicator of quality and
robustness of a product. Linking warranty information to
manufacturing measurements can identify key design and process
variables that are related to warranty failures. Warranty data have
been traditionally used in reliability studies to determine failure
distributions and warranty cost. This paper proposes a novel
fault region localization methodology to link warranty failures
to manufacturing measurements (hence, to design and process
parameters) for diagnosing warranty failures and to perform
tolerance revaluation. The methodology consists of identifying
relations between warranty failures and design/process variables
using rough sets-based analysis on training data consisting of
warranty information and manufacturing measurements. The
methodology expands the rough set-based analysis by introducing
parameters for inclusion of noise and uncertainty of warranty
data classes. Based on the identified parameters related to the
failure, a revaluation of the original tolerances can be performed
to improve product robustness. The proposed methodology is
illustrated using case studies of two warranty failures from the
electronics industry.
Index Terms—Diagnostics, manufacturing, product field performance, product life-cycle, quality, tolerance analysis, warranty.
Note to Practitioners—Warranty failures are indicative of the
performance and robustness of the product. Warranty failures, especially those that occur early (e.g., within six months after sale),
can be caused by interactions between various design and process
characteristics of the individual components of the product. Due
to the large number of components and the interactions between
them, it is difficult to identify all of these relations during design.
Furthermore, it is difficult to replicate actual product usage in the
field during the design stage. The methodology proposed in this
paper integrates a product’s warranty failure information with
that of measurement data collected during manufacturing, to identify relevant design and process variables related to the failures. It
also identifies the warranty fault region within the original design
tolerance window for the parameters. This can help in avoiding
warranty failure(s) through design changes and/or tolerance revaluation. The methodology was applied in the electronics and semiconductor industries.
Manuscript received June 16, 2005; revised May 3, 2006. This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant DMI-0218208
and in part by Motorola Corp. This paper was recommended for publication by
Associate Editor M. Lawley and Editor P. Ferreira upon evaluation of the reviewers’ comments.
K. Mannar and D. Ceglarek is with the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706-1572
(e-mail: darek@engr.wisc.edu).
F. Niu is with Motorola Labs, Plantation, FL 33322 USA.
B. Abifaraj is with Motorola Integrated Supply Chain, Nogales, AZ 85621
Color versions of Figs. 2, 3, 7, and 8 and Table II are available online at
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TASE.2006.880526
1545-5955/$20.00 © 2006 IEEE
Design parameters.
Process variables.
Product life-cycle management.
Axiomatic design matrix representing the relationship between DP and PV to functional requirements.
Warranty Information system consisting of
training data for warranty failure
set of all samples in training
Field performance/warranty failure characteristic.
Nonempty set of manufacturing measurements
for each sample .
Binary decision class
for each sample ,
where 1 represents warranty failure and 0 the
normal product.
is the value set of any measurement
it is the set of distinct values that a particular
has in .
is the uncertainty associated with the decision
to n.
class value
Factors for estimating noise in the warranty and
normal decision classes.
Equivalent set is a set of product samples which
are not distinguishable from each other based on
Family of equivalent classes
based on .
Certainty to classify E to the warranty region
based on .
Certainty to classify E to normal region based
on .
Dependency degree is the fraction of samples in that can be classified into warranty or
normal products relative to the total number of
objects in .
Reduct generated for U,
is a minimum
subset of C which approximately preserves dependency degree.
Warranty region in the parameters identified by
Normal region in the parameters identified by
Boundary region in the parameters identified by
Generalized rough sets (RS).
A. Motivation
N today’s intensely competitive market, manufacturers need
to continuously reduce cost and improve the quality of their
products to successfully attract customers. Current quality improvement efforts concentrate on the design and manufacturing
phases of the product life-cycle management (PLM) [1]. These
efforts can help to significantly reduce product variation caused
by manufacturing [2].
However, warranty or field performance data represent crucial information related to the actual quality and robustness of
the product as perceived by customers. Furthermore, warranty
failures add significant costs in terms of additional service/rework, replacement of faulty products, and customer perception
of the product. Therefore, a methodology for efficient diagnosis
and prevention of warranty failures can provide an important
competitive advantage.
While warranty failures due to physical damage or misuse
by customers are easy to detect during service operations,
many failures cannot be diagnosed visually or by other current
inspection procedures. Such failures may be related to process
and product discrepancies unknown in the design phase. This
observation is further supported by the fact that although quality
control in manufacturing ensures that measured parameters are
within their respective tolerances, most products still record
warranty failures. These warranty failures are often due to the
complex interactions between various design parameters (DPs)
and process variables (PVs) not anticipated during the design
stage. This makes the prevention of warranty failures during
design and their detection in manufacturing a challenging task.
Engelhardt [3] emphasizes that one of the major difficulties
faced by designers is to determine the interactions between
various DPs and their effect on a product’s functional requirements, which result in high warranty/field failures.
In addition to the aforementioned challenges, customer complaints are not expressed in terms of design parameters and
process variables. Hence, the diagnosis of warranty failures requires the integration of warranty information and manufacturing data to determine which process/product parameters are
related to the failures and the nature of interaction causing the
Current advances in computers and database management
allow for easy storage and retrieval of large amounts of data.
This has enabled companies to maintain large databases that
store the DPs and PVs measurements during manufacturing
along with warranty information of all products manufactured
for an extended period. This ensures traceability of the product
(i.e., for any product in the field its corresponding manufacturing measurements of DPs and PVs and the warranty status
can be determined). This provides an opportunity to develop
a methodology which integrates the information from various
PLM phases (design, manufacturing, and service) to enhance
the robustness of the product and reduce warranty cost.
B. Related Work
Warranty has been recognized as an important factor in PLM
and a great deal of research has focused on warranty analysis [4].
Current literature on warranty investigates a vast array of topics,
such as the prediction of warranty failure (reliability analysis),
analysis of warranty policies and cost, and the early detection
of major warranty failures using the change point detection of
failure rates. Table I provides a brief summary of the state of
the art in warranty analysis with respect to the methodology
proposed in this paper.
Warranty analysis from a reliability standpoint is a well-researched area addressing prediction of component failures for
various products ([5]–[7]). These methodologies use warranty
data to determine the reliability of the subcomponents by estimating their lifetime distributions. The lifetime distributions can
be further used to quantify the benefits of any design changes
made for the product [6]. An alternative approach to using percentile life instead of average life time was proposed by Kim
and Kuo [8].
Thomas and Rao [9] focus on analyzing the actual cost of
warranty and formulation of the warranty policy to determine
the period of coverage and remuneration to the customer. They
also emphasize the importance of warranty analysis as feedback for product development. For future research purposes,
they advocate the development of a closed-loop system with
warranty failure analysis as a feedback to product design. Pham
and Zhang [10] have developed a cost model with warranty and
risk costs for software systems.
Karim et al. [11] and Wu and Meeker [12] developed a
methodology for the early detection of major reliability failures
using warranty data based on statistical monitoring techniques.
Their method allows monitoring change point detection in the
rate of warranty failures for a given product.
While all of these methods extract important information inherent in warranty data and related to lifetime and failure rates
of product components, they do not offer any direct and explicit
feedback to manufacturing or design by identifying interactions
among the DP- and PV-related measurements that cause the observed warranty failures. The mapping of the relation between
warranty failures and DPs/PVs is essential toward the development of a diagnostic methodology and revaluation of design tolerances in order to improve product robustness to warranty failures.
Ge et al. [13] focus on developing an interactive negotiation methodology between various design stakeholders for
large-scale product development at an early design stage. The
method assumes that the relationship between design space
and performance space is known or can be represented by a
mechanistic model. It then uses a set-based zoom-in process to
provide the mappings between performance space and design
space by conducting simulations based on a mechanistic model
of the product. These mappings are then used to negotiate
both performance target values and design parameter values to
achieve optimal design. However, warranty failures are often
caused by interactions between DPs and PVs, which are unknown in the design stage, and, therefore, cannot be identified
based on a mechanistic model in the early design stage. Further,
mechanistic models of the product may not be representative of
the product’s actual usage in the field.
Yang and Cekecek [14] extend warranty analysis by integrating the failure rate of each component with the axiomatic
design approach. This integration was used to develop a design vulnerability index that identifies critical components of the
products that need to be improved based on their functionality
and failure rates. However, the model assumes that sufficient
design knowledge represented in the form of axiomatic design
matrices exists to identify the interaction causing product field
failure. The methodology is based on the assumption that the design knowledge is complete and, thus, if the interactions causing
the failure are unknown in the design stage, it is difficult to prevent or diagnose the field failure.
The FRL methodology proposed in this paper helps to determine relations between warranty failures and DPs and PVs.
These relations allow isolation of critical DPs and PVs causing
warranty failures and determine the corresponding fault region
within their tolerances. This helps in the diagnosis of warranty
failure and revaluation of DPs’ and PVs’ tolerances to avoid the
The proposed FRL methodology extends the current analysis of product field failures by providing modeling capabilities to: 1) integrate warranty information with manufacturing
measurements to determine interactions between DPs and PVs
causing warranty failures; 2) determine the warranty fault region within the tolerance windows of the PVs and DPs, which
can be used for tolerance revaluation to improve product robustness to field failures; and 3) include noise factors related to the
decision classes for warranty data analysis. Separate noise factors are determined for normal and warranty classes to improve
the performance of the FRL methodology.
The rest of the paper is arranged in the following format.
Section II describes the data and information flow in different
phases of PLM which are of interest for warranty analysis. Section III outlines the proposed FRL methodology in the context
Fig. 1. Illustration of product life-cycle information for a multistation
manufacturing system.
of the nature of warranty failure data and requirements of the
analysis. Section IV describes the FRL methodology based on a
generalized rough set to extract the relationship between manufacturing measurements and warranty failures; this is then used
in Section V to perform tolerance revaluation. Section VI illustrates the methodology with two industrial case studies. Finally,
Section VII lists the conclusions and discusses potential future
Information flow between various phases of product
life-cycle management (PLM) can be regarded as a production system realization network with three major parts:
design, manufacturing, and product field performance as described below. Fig. 1 provides an illustration of the production
system information flow in generic multistation manufacturing
with distributed sensing.
A. Design Phase
The design phase (I1) involves both product and process design. The product design phase initially determines all functional requirements (FRs) that a product must satisfy. Based on
these functional requirements, the product architecture and relationship of DPs and PVs are determined. Tolerances are assigned to all of the selected DPs and PVs in order to satisfy
the FRs. Here, let it be a subset of the functional requirements
for which warranty failure is monitored. The proposed methodology determines whether there are any interactions among the
DP- and PV-related measurements that cause the observed warranty failures.
B. Manufacturing Phase
The manufacturing phase (I2) includes all necessary operations to manufacture the product. The information about product
quality and process performance is obtained based on end-ofline or distributed sensing systems ([15], [16]). The DPs and
PVs are measured by various sensors in the manufacturing phase
. These measurements
(I2) represented as
are used for product inspection and process control to ensure
that the DPs/PVs are within their tolerances and the process is
in control [18]–[20]. The measurements C may include all or
a subset of DPs/PVs as well as additional measurements derived from DPs/PVs. The tolerances for these additional mea-
surements are determined based on the tolerances and requirements for the original DPs/PVs ([21]–[23]). Therefore, for the
sake of simplicity in this paper, we consider all manufacturing
measurements (C) as equivalent to DPs/PVs.
While the manufacturing measurements are obtained during
the manufacture of the product, they are stored in the manufacturer’s database for an extended period after the product is
sold. This ensures traceability of manufacturing measurements
for any product in the field.
C. Field Performance Phase
The field performance phase (I3) provides information about
the product’s performance in the field when used by the customer. It consists of service and warranty data collected during
the warranty period after sale. For example, field performance
can be measured by: 1) warranty failures and 2) degradation
of product performance during usage obtained by in-situ monitoring of the product in field. Field performance in this paper
is primarily represented as warranty failures. This is due to the
fact that in-situ monitoring in the field of all or a representative
sample of products is difficult and expensive for products that
are mass produced. For example, in the consumer electronics
industry, such as cell-phone original equipment manufacturers
(OEMs), it is easier to monitor the warranty status of all products after sales rather than in-situ measurements of the products
in the field. However, it should be noted that warranty information is limited to product status (faulty or normal) and the corresponding nature of the warranty failure as reported by the customer. A variety of factors, such as the operating environment
and nature of usage which affects product performance, are not
measured in warranty data. These unmeasured factors increase
the noise level and imprecision of the warranty data, adding further challenges in the development of the warranty failure diagnostic method. The specific characteristics of the warranty data
and the corresponding advantages of FRL methodology are discussed in detail in Section III.
Figs. 2 and 3 illustrate the information flow in electronics
and automotive assembly processes, respectively. Fig. 2, depicts the process of printed-circuit boards (PCBs) assemblies
that form radio products, such as cell phones. The product measurements are obtained at various manufacturing stages, such
as autotesting at the end-of-line as well as after components
placement and soldering operations. Similarly, Fig. 3 shows an
example of automotive body assembly with measurements obtained in distributed measurement stations. The measurements
made during manufacturing could be both categorical and continuous. For example, dimensional measurements of subassemblies in automotive body assembly and measurements of electrical properties (current, power, and voltage) in electronic assembly are recorded as continuous variables. On the other hand,
pallets and fixtures IDs are recorded as categorical parameters.
Figs. 2 and 3 also illustrate the warranty information available for both products. Warranty information typically consists
of the status of a product in the field (normal or faulty) and the
customer’s description of the fault. Products that have failed
during the monitoring period are classified according to warranty failure categories as shown in Figs. 2 and 3.
Fig. 2. Example of manufacturing measurements and warranty information
for radio product (cell phones).
Fig. 3. Example of manufacturing measurements and warranty information
for automotive assembly with distributed measurement.
The overall objective of the FRL methodology is to develop a
model that links product field performance to design and manufacturing based on training data that consists of both manufacturing parameters and field information for each product sample.
First, the objective of the FRL methodology is illustrated based
on the assumption that continuous measure of the product performance in the field is available. Then, we will discuss an actual
scenario where only warranty information consisting of product
binary status, faulty or normal, is available.
be the set of functional requirements related to the
, and
be a continuous measure for a particular field performance char).
acteristic “w” (Figs. 2 and 3 provide a few examples of
The objective of field performance analysis is to identify the
and DPs and
relationship between the field performance
PVs. This relationship is often represented in the design stage
in the form of the design matrix following the axiomatic design
approach as shown in (1). This relationship is used by the designer to determine the goodness of design in terms of the ability
to satisfy the functional requirements by the selected DPs and
As mentioned earlier, the relationship shown in (1) is often
incomplete during the product and process design stages due to a
lack of information regarding interactions causing field failures.
However, these relationships can be determined by analyzing a
representative sample of products which consist of both field
performance and manufacturing measurements. The sample of
products and the associated measurements can be represented
as follows:
represents product sample j, with
to n. The training
include the
measurement corresponding to
warranty failure type “w” for each product sample and the
corresponding manufacturing measurements for each sample
, where is the sample size and
is the number of variables measured in manufacturing for each
The training data described above can be used to generate a
to the field
model linking the manufacturing measurements
performance characteristic
shown in generic form as
is a random variable associated with the field perwhere
is the
formance characteristic (warranty failure) “w” and
matrix which describes the interactions between
. The noise represents an unmodeled relationship beand
. Equations (1) and (2) represent two
tween the
generic models which integrate field performance with manufacturing measurements by identifying existing causality relationships between the DPs/PVs and product field failures based
on a representative training sample. Therefore, although the actual interactions between the DPs and PVs are not deterministic (as shown by the unmodeled noise in (2)), there should
exist certain persistent interactions between the DPs/PVs which
cause the failure and can be extracted from the training data.
The effect of noise is an important factor in selecting modeling framework for data analysis methodology which is discussed later in this section.
Availability of Warranty Information: While the complete
information from the field should include the continuous meaas shown in Fig. 2, the
sure of each warranty failure
collection of actual product performance data from the field in
the form of continuous measurements is very difficult and expensive, especially for products that are mass produced. Therefore, warranty information is provided as a binary variable corresponding to the status of each product. Hence, the training
used to analyze a particular warranty failure
cludes a corresponding binary random decision variable
which provides information about the status of warranty failure
“w” of the th-sampled product
if the product is faulty
if the product is normal.
Therefore, the field performance measure for failure “w” for
all product samples in the training data can be expressed as
, for all
to . This reduces the model
in (2) to a model between the correbinary outcome and measurements . Thus, this
can be considered as a supervised classification model which
differentiates between samples having
based on the measurements .
The two steps of the proposed FRL methodology can be described as follows:
Step 1) Data-driven fault localization: It identifies a
subset of manufacturing measurements
that explains warranty failures of a given type
. The identified subset
is used to
define the corresponding warranty fault region
(WFR), normal region (NR), and boundary region
(BND). In this paper, a supervised classification
approach based on the RS method is developed
for performing this step.
Step 2) Tolerance revaluation based on FRL: Tolerance
design evaluation is conducted to eliminate warby redesigning tolerances of
ranty failures
each measured DPs/PV’s parameters
avoid the WFR region.
A. Data-Driven Fault Localization
The objective of the first step is twofold: 1) to identify the
manufacturing measurements related to the specific warranty
failure and 2) to identify the corresponding WFR, NR, and BND
Although the data-driven fault localization in FRL analysis
can be considered as a supervised classification problem, the
methodology must consider the nature of warranty data which
can be described as follows:
Easy and Intuitive Interpretation of Classifier Structure: The
primary objective of the FRL analysis is to provide the capability for easy interpretation of the classifier structure for
the diagnosis of warranty failures rather than to have a model
with only strong failure predictive ability. Therefore, the model
should be able to identify important manufacturing measurements related to warranty failures, and find a warranty fault
region for each identified measurement which helps to define
the operation windows. While traditional classifiers, such as
discriminant analysis, support vector machines, and neural
networks provide good classification accuracy, the form of
classifier and classification function are difficult to interpret.
Similarly, the classifiers, which use nonlinear models, have
the same limitation and do not provide an explicit relationship
between tolerances of individual measurements and warranty
Characteristics of the Warranty Data: Warranty data have
specific characteristics which must be taken into consideration
by the classification methodology. These characteristics can be
summarized as follows:
Noise and error in warranty classification: Since only information available from the warranty is based on the nature of
customer claims, warranty failure information is imprecise in
nature and depends on customer perception. Furthermore, no
information is available about the nature of usage.
Multivariate non-normality and different covariance structure
of warranty and normal data: It is difficult to satisfy the multivariate normality assumption due to the large number of measurements made in manufacturing and the presence of categorical variables. Furthermore, some electronic characteristic measurements can be defined as adjustable parameters.
Multiple and disjoint fault regions caused by multiple root
causes: Warranty failures may have multiple root causes and
disjoint failure regions making it difficult to develop a single
model to explain all of the failures.
Small sample size of warranty failure available in the training
data: In general, one of the major challenges in the analysis of
warranty failure data is the large number of warranty failure
types (
, where
150–200) and small
sample of failures available for each failure type (in some cases,
). Furthermore, this also requires that the method be able
to handle measurements of mixed type (i.e., of both categorical
and continuous measures) since the possibility to convert categorical variables into dummy variables is limited due to the
small warranty failure sample size.
Table II provides a comparative analysis and review of traditional classification methods for warranty failure analysis based
on the aforementioned criteria. Since the FRL methodology is
based on the basic principles of the RS approach in Section IV,
we discuss the specific drawbacks in depth of the traditional RS
application for warranty data and compare it to the advantages
of the developed FRL methodology.
Appendix A provides the comparison of the traditional RS
approach with other statistical classification methods, such as
discriminant analysis and logistic regression, for simulated
data with non-normal distributions. Furthermore, Appendix A
also includes a comparative analysis of error rates of FRL
methodology, discriminant analysis, and logistic regression
based on the analysis of actual warranty data obtained from the
electronics industry. In summary, the RS approach shows lower
error rates than traditional classification approaches (LDA,
QDA, and logit regression).
B. Tolerance Revaluation
FRL methodology provides a direct relationship between
warranty failure and the identified subset
of the mea-
sured DPs and PVs. Additionally, it defines the WFR, BND,
and NR regions in the tolerance for DP and PV represented by
For example, since in cell-phone manufacturing, all products
in the field used by customers have passed all of the required
tests during manufacture and were found to be within the design
tolerances of all the measured parameters, the WFR and BND
regions most likely intersect with the tolerance region of the
identified as related to
corresponding DPs and PVs
the analyzed warranty failure.
To improve product robustness to warranty failures, the tolerance of the identified DPs and PVs need to be redesigned to
eliminate or reduce the overlap between the WFR and BND re.
gions and the tolerance window of all the
This section describes the FRL methodology and then compares it to the traditional RS method. Traditional RS were developed as a classification method which is robust to noise and
imprecision of data [24]–[26]. A short review of the RS methodology is provided in Appendix B.
While the RS methodology is robust to noise and distribution
of data, it assumes that the decision class values (i.e., warranty
is without
failure status for each product samples “j,”
uncertainty). However, in the case of warranty data analysis,
is determined based on customer feedback and it is
affected by numerous factors in the field including modes of
product usage, environment among others which are unknown.
Therefore, there is a considerable amount of uncertainty associated with the decision class. Furthermore, the performance of
the product in the field may be affected by the infant mortality
period with a decreasing failure rate, or a product may be in transition state to a normal life period with a low, relatively constant
failure rate. The product performance in the field is affected by
such degradation; however, it may or may not be reported by a
customer as warranty failure. Therefore, the traditional RS approach has a relatively high error rate as it does not consider
uncertainty present in the decision class
The FRL methodology uses the concept of generalized RS
based on Han et al. [27]. We incorporate parameters quantifying
noise in the warranty and normal decision class. This is done by
, which represent
utilizing two classification factors
the noise for
, respectively. Additionally, an uncertainty parameter is assigned to decision variable
for each product sample “j”. When
, the product
, the product “j” is cer“j” is certainly faulty; and when
tainly normal.
All steps of the FRL methodology and the relationships between them are shown in Fig. 4 and described as follows:
1) Generation of WIS: This step uses the training data obtained for a particular warranty failure
to generate
an information system for the FRL analysis.
2) Discretization using Boolean reasoning algorithm: Since
the manufacturing measurements could be both continuous and categorical, continuous measurements are discretized into intervals using Boolean reasoning-based discretization.
3) Determination of family of equivalent classes: After discretization, we determine equivalent classes present in ,
each equivalent class
is defined as a set of all product
samples which cannot be distinguished from each other
based on the discretized measurements (i.e., all of the
for all of the product
measurement parameters
samples are equal). The set of equivalent classes determined in the data forms the family of equivalent classes.
4) Determination of dependency degree based on equivalent classes: The dependency degree determines the
ability of measurements
to differentiate between the
. The dedecision classes
pendency degree is calculated based on the concept of
membership function for each equivalent class.
5) Generation of reduct using genetic algorithm: Reduct
is defined as the minimum subset of the measurements
for which the dependency degree
is approxfor the
imately the same as the dependency degree
whole measurement set . The reduct generation is based
on a fitness function which simultaneously maximizes the
to approach
and reduces the cardinality
value of
of . The procedure is based on genetic algorithms.
6) Generation of NR, WFR, and BND regions based on the
reduct : Based on the identified reduct , the following
: (1) WFR for faulty prodregions are determined
ucts; (2) NR for normal products; and (3) BND region representing the transition from the normal product to warranty failures representing the impreciseness or noise in
the data. The identified regions are in the
Fig. 4. Generalized RS mapping of warranty to manufacturing measurements
(Section IV).
The details of the steps described above and also shown in
Fig. 4 are as follows:
A. Generation of Warranty Information System (WIS)
The WIS representing training data for a particular failure
is defined by the following relation:
is the training data set for
where is the product sample size. Each
analysis of failure
product sample
consists of both manufacturing
and warranty status
is a nonempty set of manufacturing measurements corresponding to each sample in the training data. can be represented as shown below
to n; n is the product sample size; and
, where is the number of measured parameters during manufacturing.
Based on the sorted value set, cuts are generated
, for
to (m-1),
midway between
based on the conditions defined in (5). Equation (5)
as the collection of decision class values
can be
observed for each
Equation (6) defines intervals based on midway cuts
are not
between all v and v
singletons or
For each
is the decision class with the binary elements
for all product samples
. The binary element of decision
indicates a product with warranty failure and
indicates the normal status of the product.
represents a set of all distinct values
for measurement
found in
such that
is the uncertainty associated with the decito .
where 0 indicates
sion class value
the normal status of the product and 1 indicates the product warranty failure.
are two noise classification factors, which estimate the noise in normal and warranty decision classes (i.e.,
, noise is defined as
, respectively. This allows for
separate representation of the noise level for faulty and normal
class of products. This distinction is especially important for the
analysis of warranty data since, generally, customer feedback
about faulty products has larger ambiguity than for normal
We use a simple case Example 1 to illustrate the steps A-D
in the FRL methodology. Table III represents the WIS for
Example 1.
B. Discretization Using Boolean Reasoning Algorithm
Since the manufacturing measurements could be both continuous and categorical in nature, the measurements are discretized
to provide the ability to analyze them together. The data are discretized by using Boolean reasoning based on the discretization
procedure. The procedure partitions each measurement
into intervals while minimizing the loss of discernibility between normal and warranty decision classes. The concept of discernibility represents the capability of the measurements to distinguish between normal and faulty products. The discretization
procedure is based on the Boolean reasoning algorithm developed by [28] and implemented by [25]. The algorithm consists
of the two following steps:
1) Naïve cut generation:
This step partitions individual measurements
into intervals. The value set of
denoted by
Boolean reasoning-based cut evaluation:
This step involves the measurement of goodness of
ensemble of all cuts for all
generated in (6)
to partition the measurements space and distinguish between decision classes. This is then used to remove re.
dundant cuts across different
The goodness of ensemble of all cuts is measured by
the Boolean product of sum function defined by (7).
The prime implicant of is the minimal subset of cuts
that preserves the original discernibility with respect to
the decision classes.
The implementation by [25] uses a greedy searchbased approach to compute the prime implicant of
The details of the Boolean reasoning methodology
can be found in [25] and [28]. The discretized measurements for Example 1 are shown in Table IV.
C. Determination of Family of Equivalent Classes
An equivalent class
is a set of product samples which
cannot be distinguished from each other based on measure(i.e., samples in an equivalent class have the same
). This can be represented as:
values for each
is a member of equivalence class
The membership functions can be similarly used for all equivto determine the membership of all the
alent classes
equivalent classes in the training data set based on . The memcan be combined to deterbership of equivalent classes in
mine the membership of all samples into warranty, normal, and
boundary region as follows:
Many such equivalent classes may exist in for a given measurement . The family of equivalent classes is represented by
An example of equivalent classes is provided in Table V for
the illustrative example.
D. Determination of Dependency Degree
of Equivalent Classes
Based on Family
The dependency degree determines the effectiveness of a set
of measurements or any of its subsets to differentiate between
the warranty and normal classes. The dependency degree
determined based on the membership that each equivalent class
belongs to a normal or warranty decision class. The
dependency degree is calculated in two steps:
1) Membership Functions for the Equivalent Classes
: Each equivalent class
consists of product samples that cannot be discerned from each other based on the measurements . The membership of any equivalent class is calculated based on uncertainty values for each sample “j” in the
determines the uncertainty
equivalent class
associated with decision class
is measured by
The membership of an equivalent class
membership functions
for a warranty class and
for a normal class defined in (8) and (9)
represents the cardinality of
The membership function values are compared with the noise
defined for the warranty and normal
product region to determine the membership of the equivalent
class . Based on the specified noise threshold
is classified into a warranty class if
is classified into boundary
normal class if
(i.e., it cannot
region if
be classified into either decision classes based on the members
of the equivalent class).
2) Calculation of Dependency Degree : The dependency
is the fraction of samples in that is classidegree
fied into warranty or normal classes based on measurements .
The dependency degree is defined as
The membership function values for each equivalent class in
example 1 are shown in Table VI. If we assume that
, we can see in Table VI that the
belongs to the warranty class with
to the normal class while
no equivalent class in the boundary region. Therefore, based on
number of samples in each equivalent class and its membership,
we have
The increase of the dependency degree provides a better
ability to classify product samples into warranty or normal regions rather than the boundary region. The maximum attainable
dependency degree is obtained when all of the measurements
are used.
E. Generation of Reduct Using GA
Reduct is defined as the minimum subset of the measurements
which approximately preserves the same dependency
as dependency degree
in the whole measurement
set . The reduct generation is based on a fitness function which
to approach
simultaneously maximizes the value of
reduces the cardinality of . The procedure is based on the genetic-algorithm optimization to search for the minimum subset
The GA optimization is formulated based on the defined fit, which is then maximized to determine
ness function F
). The second term in (14) corresponds to the penalty function
that penalizes longer reducts.
Based on the two aforementioned criteria, the fitness function
is represented as follows:
(b) Reduct identification based on Genetic Algorithm (GA):
As shown by [29], the calculation of the optimal solution for
reduct identification is computationally intractable. Additionally, the fitness function used for reduct identification could be
discrete and multimodal. Therefore, the optimization of reduct
based on the fitness function requires the use of heuristic-based
optimization. Therefore, we use a genetic-algorithm-based approach to identify the reduct that maximizes the fitness function defined by (14).
Fig. 5 shows the details of the GA-based reduct calculation
procedure. The stopping criteria for the maximization of F(B, )
is a lack of improvement in the average fitness of the population
over a specified number of generations (50 generations in the
conducted case studies.)
The output of the GA-based reduct identification is shown in
Fig. 5. Genetic-algorithm-based reduct generation.
reduct . Fig. 5 illustrates the genetic-algorithm implementation for the search of the reduct based on [25].
The method for generation of reduct is described in two
1) Fitness function F (B, ): The fitness function F (B, )
used to search for the optimum reduct
, combines two
Approximate Reduct Determination: For any subset
of , the dependency degree
as in (13) can be
calculated based on its family of equivalence classes
corresponding membership functions using (10)–(12).
If a subset
preserves the same dependency degree
, then the measurements
are redundant and, thus, is
defined as the exact reduct (i.e.,
However, the calculation of exact reducts in warranty data
analysis is computationally intractable and unstable [29] due to
a large number of possible combinations of measurement variables and presence of noise. Therefore, it is necessary to find a
that approximately preserves the same depenreduct
). The approxdency degree as (i.e.,
imation of
is defined by threshold parameter “r.” The approximate reduct calculation is represented
in (14), where the maximum value
by the first term in F
of the first term is restricted by threshold “r.”
Penalty Function for Shorter Reducts: In addition to generating the approximate reduct, it is desirable to have a reduct
of the smallest cardinality (i.e., the smallest possible subset of
F. Generation of NR, WFR, and BND regions based on the
The approximate reduct identifies parameters related to the
. The reduct is then used to identify NR,
warranty failure
WFR, and BND regions. The membership of product samples
belonging to WFR, NR, and BND regions can be calculated
for the reduct
based on the family of equivalent classes
and the classification factors
as shown by (16)–(18).
These are similar to (10)–(12) except that they are determined
based on
Tolerance revaluation is performed based on the WFR, NR,
and BND regions. Fig. 6 provides the steps involved in tolerance
revaluation which are also described below.
A. Identify Ranges for
Defining WFR, NR, and BND
The WFR, NR, and BND regions are defined by (16)–(18).
It is important for ease of interpretation of warranty failures to
relate the WFR, NR, and BND regions to the design tolerances
. Thus, it is necessary to express them in terms of the
C. Tolerance Revaluation Based on WFR, NR, and BND
Regions Identified for Each
Fig. 6. Tolerance revaluation based on WFR, BND, and NR by GRS
(Section V).
For each measurement
(representing DPs/PVs), a tolerance is assigned during design. As seen from Fig. 6 using a 3-D
includes WFR,
example, the original Tolerance
NR, and BND regions. Hence, the tolerance of the parameters
identified in the reducts can be expressed as a Boolean sum of
the WFR, NR, and BND regions as shown in (25)
range of
for each region. The ranges of
have a direct relationship with the respective tolerances of DPs
and PVs represented by
The ranges are determined based on the values of samples in
(i.e., the maxWFR, NR, and BND regions for each
for samples in
imum and minimum values of parameter
each region).
be the identified reduct with
. Equation (16) identifies the samples in the training data set
that are in WFR based on all of the equivalent classes
. Each sample Uj in
. Therefore, the ranges of
a corresponding value
for representing WFR can be defined as
Since the WFR and BND regions could overlap with the tolerances of , it is possible to reduce the occurrence of the correby re-evaluating the tolerance
sponding warranty failure
to reduce the overlap. The tolerances could be redesigned to
avoid the WFR. The BND region represents the uncertainty in
the data and, thus, it can be avoided or retained in the tolerance
based on the comparison of cost of warranty failures and tolerance adjustment.
Equation (26) shows an example of redesigned tolerances
which include only the NR region
Similarly, ranges for all
to define NR and BND region
ranges can be determined as follows:
The ranges from (19)–(21) can be visualized easily up to three
dimensions as shown in Fig. 6. However, for higher dimensions
, they are easier to
of WFR, NR, and BND regions
represent and visualize in terms of if-then rules explained below.
B. Rule-Based Representation of WFR, NR, and BND Regions
Equations (19)–(21) identify ranges for WFR, NR, and BND
. These can be combined into if–then
regions for each
rules for WFR, NR, and BND regions.
The if-then rules for the WFR region can be represented as
a Boolean summation of the individual ranges for all
identified based on the approximate reducts and defined in (22)
Similarly, rules for the NR and BND regions can be represented as follows:
Two case studies from cell-phone manufacturing illustrate the
FRL methodology. The outline of the cell-phone manufacturing
process is shown in Fig. 2. The case studies analyze two war-Power/Battery
ranty failures for one product model: 1)
-audio signal failure. Both
performance failure and 2)
failures were classified as: “no defect found” (NDF) (i.e., no root
causes of the failures were identified during repair processes at
the service center). The product model considered in the analysis is part of the iDEN phone family introduced in 2001 and is
a high-end consumer model.
Each of the failures is analyzed independently since they
represent failures occurring in different functional subsystems
(audio and battery failures).
The FRL methodology was used to identify the reducts
(subset of measured DPs and PVs) which explain the warranty
. Corresponding WFR, NR, and BND
regions are identified based on the reducts. The samples used
for the analysis in both cases include products that failed within
six months of their sale. The names of DPs and PVs have been
changed to protect the confidentiality of the OEM.
The data used in the analysis of the two warranty failures
consist of the following data.
1) Warranty failure samples: These were products classified under the warranty failure being studied (
). Their corresponding manufacturing measurements (C) were also collected. Since these samples
represent warranty failures, they are given a decision
2) Normal samples: The products that have not failed in
the field within six months after sales forming part of
the training data along with their manufacturing measure. Since these samples represent normal or nonments
faulty products, they are given a common decision class
A. Case Study 1: Analysis for Warranty Failure
Power/Battery Performance Failure
The warranty failure
was one of the major failures in
the “No Defect Found” category and the battery life of the model
warranty failure is
was a major concern. The analysis of
conducted following the main steps of the FRL methodology
presented in Sections IV and V.
1) FRL-Generalized Rough Set (GRS) Analysis:
Step A)
Step B)
Step C)
Step D)
Step E)
WIS: The analysis was conducted with data set
that had 450 normal operating data and 23
failures. The 23 warranty failures were collected
over a period of five months and all of these failures occurred within six months after sales. A total
of 170 parameters were measured for this product
during testing in manufacturing which forms the
measurement set (i.e., each sample consists of
, with
Further, a
value of 0.75 was set for repreand
senting the noise decision class
value of 0.75 for
. These values were determined based on the analysis of historical data
for the warranty failure and feedback from the service regarding the failure.
Discretization of continuous measurements: Since
the measurements (C) consist of both categorical
(65) and continuous (105) variables, the measurements are discretized based on the Boolean reasoning algorithm.
Based on the discretized measurements, the family
of equivalent sets was determined. The family of
equivalent sets represents all sets whose elements
cannot be distinguished from each other based on
the available manufacturing measurements .
is determined
Dependency degree
based on the membership of the equivalent classes
using (13).
Genetic-algorithm-based reduct generation: The
generated in GRS approximation
. The value of approximation was chosen as 0.9 based on convergence and
stability of reducts. The identified reduct for the
was the following.
: A continuous variable which is a current measurement.
: A continuous variable which is a
power measurement.
Number of retests: Categorical variable
measuring number of times the product is tested
in a testing station.
Fig. 7. Scatter plot of both normal data (500 samples) and failures (8 samples)
with C-D-E-J indicating the WFR, A-B-I-F-G-H is the NR and B-C-J-E-F-I is
the boundary region.
Therefore, the reduct generated provides a
significantly smaller subset of parameters 3 out
of the total measurement parameters of 170.
Step F)
Warranty, normal, and boundary regions: The
calculation of WFR, NR, and BND regions is
performed based on the identified approximate
reducts using (16)–(18). The WFR region calculated consisted of 20 samples, NR of 444 samples,
and BND region of 9 samples.
2) Tolerance Revaluation: The range (WFR), range (BND),
and range (NR) are calculated based on (19)–(21) and are
shown in Fig. 7 by WFR by C-D-E-G, BND by B-C-J-E-F-I,
and NR by A-B-I-F-G-H. Also, it shows that the failures cannot
be identified during testing in manufacturing as they are clearly
within the original tolerances for both variables. Prevention of
the failure requires a change in design or tolerance revaluation
to avoid the fault region. The samples in the boundary region
could signify products that have been functionally affected by
the value of the identified parameters but they were not reported
as warranty failures due to noise factors such as customer
The analysis results can also be expressed in the form of rules
that identify the DPs/PVs related to the failures and the corresponding WFR, NR regions as shown in Table VII. The first rule
. The catis a combination of a categorical variable
egorical variable is a measure of the number of times the testing
is repeated for the product. If a product fails a particular test, it
is reworked and tested again. The first rule identifies products
that are tested multiple times and within the identified range of
as warranty failures.
WFR for
The second rule is a combination of two continuous variables
. The plot of the data points using these two variables shown in Fig. 7 clearly identifies the ability of these two
factors to discriminate between the faults and normal products.
Based on the rules in Table VII and the original tolerances
in Fig. 7, the occurrence of the failure can be reduced by reval-
tions of the two parameters for the two manufacturing locations.
Plant 2 is more sensitive to the warranty failure due its overlap
with the WFR although it has been better centered based on the
original tolerance window. Further, it should be noted that the
WFR, NR, and BND regions were obtained based on the analysis for Plant 1 only; therefore, there is an overlap of 15 normal
products from Plant 2 in the WFR region (which is a misclassification of 0.93%).
B. Case Study 21: Analysis for Warranty Failure
Fig. 8. Scatter plot of the plot of both normal data (1500) and failures (20)
with boundaries A-B-C-D indicating the fault region.
uation of the tolerances of
to avoid or reduce
overlap with the WFR and BND regions.
3) Discussion for FRw (Power/Battery Performance
Failure): Fault interpretation: Based on the identified factors
and their fault regions, the results were presented to design
engineers for the physical interpretation of the results. The
determine the current drawn from
different subcomponents in the cell phone. When both
are in the higher end of tolerance, it results in a large
load on the battery when the cell phone is switched on, affecting
battery performance. Therefore, although the parameters are
within their individual tolerances, they interact during operation
of the product resulting in failure.
on New Product DeImpact of the Analysis for
sign: Based on the identified parameters related to the warranty
failure and the interpretation of the interaction, design changes
were made for the new products introduced in 2004 which
for the new products.
eliminated the “NDF” failure
on Process Control for Cur4) Impact of Analysis for
rent Product: In addition to changes in the new products, the
analysis can be extended for process control for current prodand
ucts to reduce the overlap of measurements of
with their corresponding WFR and BND regions. The case study
was analyzed based on normal data for a single plant or manufacturing location (Plant 1). The normal products from another
manufacturing location (Plant 2) were obtained and the meaand
were superimposed to the WFR,
surements for
NR, and BND regions obtained based on the analysis performed
above. Fig. 8 shows normal data from both the manufacturing
locations with respect to the WFR and NR region. From Fig. 8,
we can see that there is a clear difference between the distribu-
, Audio
was analyzed similarly
The second warranty failure
using warranty failures for a period of six months and the corresponding manufacturing measurements for the failures. The
was a significant failure category related to
warranty failure
communication performance of the radio product. The failure
information was collected for a period of 6 months consisting
of 12 faults and compared with 500 normal operating data that
had not failed in field during the period of 6 months. Similar
values of 0.75 as in
failure analysis are used
for analyzing audio failure.
1) FRL Analysis: Steps A to D, which correspond to all
steps beginning with the WIS generation until determination
of the dependency degree, are conducted in a similar way as it
was shown for warranty failure
Step E: Reduct generation: Two possible reducts are identified for two possible failure relationships consisting of three
variables each.
, and
Reduct 1:
, and
Reduct 2:
The two reducts generated may indicate multiple root causes
for the failures and, therefore, multiple fault regions.
Step F Generation WFR, NR, and BND regions: The calculation of WFR, NR, and BND regions is performed separately for
each reduct based on the identified approximate reducts using
Also, since the NR and WFR were well separated compared
, values of 0.75 no samples are obtained in the
BND region.
The analysis identified two different sets of parameters related to different sets of test parameters.
2) Tolerance Revaluation: The ranges identified for WFR
and NR identified by using 91–21 are shown in Figs. 9 and 10
for the two reducts. Since there are no samples in the BND region, no range is generated for the same. As seen from Figs. 9
and 10, there is a good separation between the NR and WFR region which results in no identification of the BND region based
on the training data. The different reducts indicate two different
, there is an overlap
possibilities for the failure. Similar to
of the WFR with the tolerance although, in this case, the tolerances of three parameters need to be considered for revaluation
to eliminate or reduce warranty failures.
C. Discussion Regarding Future Work Based on the Analysis
of Case Studies
The case study analyzes each warranty failure separately; this
is performed since the analyzed failures are from different func-
Fig. 9. Scatter pot of the plot of both normal data (500) and warranty failures
(5) for the first rule in Table VIII with the identified fault region.
Fig. 10. Scatter plot of the plot of both normal data (500) and warranty failures
(7) for the second rule in Table VIII with the identified warranty fault region.
tions and/or subsystems of the product, making them independent. For example, the two failures studied (battery and audio
failures) for cell phones were mutually exclusive (i.e., there was
no instance of one product having both warranty failures). However, it may not be true in the case of failures related to same
function or subsystem. This poses an important question regarding whether the customer complaint is sufficient to separate these two failure types or whether they need to be analyzed
together. One future research area will be to study such failure
types which are not mutually exclusive.
Evaluation of the product field performance is a critical factor
in product life-cycle management (PLM). Field performance information, such as warranty failures data, is an important measure of product quality and robustness.
The developed fault region localization (FRL) methodology
provides a general framework for integrating two traditionally separate areas—design and manufacturing with warranty
failures. This integrated FRL methodology simultaneously
addresses both: 1) identification and diagnosis of design and
manufacturing root causes leading to product warranty failures
and 2) provides analytical feedback to design to prevent or
reduce the occurrence of field failures in new product models.
Recent research and development related to storing and tracking
warranty failure and key product and process parameters data
provides a much needed opportunity to analyze and diagnose
warranty failures.
The FRL methodology is based on two steps.
Step 1) Supervised classification of each warranty failure
using the proposed generalized RS approach
which identifies the minimum number of key DPs
and PVs and their operation windows to classify
a given warranty failure.
Step 2) Tolerance revaluation of the identified DPs and
PVs to avoid a given warranty failure. The tolerance revaluation approach provides an intuitive interpretation of the results in the form of warranty
fault region, normal region, and boundary region
represented graphically or as a set of designed “tolerance rules.”
The presented methodology provides a general framework for
the analysis of field failures based on manufacturing measurements.
Two presented case studies from cell-phone manufacturing
illustrate and validate the developed FRL methodology. The initial application of the methodology in cell-phone manufacturing
completely eliminated one of the top 5 warranty failures classified as a No-Defect-Found category.
Section III describes the motivation for using GRS methodology. Table II provides a summary of comparison between
the different classification methods for warranty data analysis.
This section describes the comparison in detail and provides
numerical comparison of error rate for GRS with classification
The use of the proposed GRS methodology offers the following advantages based on the nature of the warranty data to
be analyzed:
1) Imprecise Nature of Warranty Data: Warranty failures
are characteristically imprecise in nature as they depend on customer perception and usage (i.e., two samples having the same
manufacturing characteristics could have different field performance). This may be due to different operating conditions based
on customer usage, period of usage, environment, and other factors which are difficult to capture in warranty data and, therefore, form part of the noise in the data.
Rough sets has been developed as an analysis method for imprecise data [24] and determines the boundary region between
classes which takes into account the noise in the data. Further
modifications are made in the GRS by introducing classifica), which are used to incorporate the noise
tion factors (
in warranty and normal decision classes. In addition, a certainty
is introduced to represent uncertainty or confidence in
a sample. These two additions to the traditional rough set theory
incorporate 1) the uncertainty in the classification of individual
samples into warranty and normal and 2) allow the representation of noise present in warranty and normal data through classification factors.
2) Non-Normal or Asymmetric Distribution Due to Aggregation Based on Warranty Performance: The distribution of
manufacturing measurements for normal and warranty decision
classes could have non-normal or asymmetric distribution. Field
failures process could have non-normal and asymmetric distributions as they are aggregated into two classes based on warranty information and some measurements could be inherently
non-normal. Rough-set-based methodology is significantly robust compared to traditional classification methods with respect
to sample distribution, covariance structure, and sample size
which are critical for warranty analysis and are illustrated by
the following quantitative comparison.
Comparison of LDA, QDA, and Logit Regression With Traditional RS and GRS: Doumpos and Zopounidis [26] conducted
a study to compare the performance of statistical classification
methods (linear and quadratic discriminant analysis, logit analysis) to RS for continuous variables.
The analysis conducted in [26] consists of extensive Monte
Carlo simulation to examine the performance of these methods
under different data conditions.
The simulation was performed by [26] based on seven factors
identified as important for classification analysis by the authors.
The first factor encompasses various methodologies compared
in the simulation (i.e., LDA, QDA, logit analysis, and RS). The
other factors are the statistical distribution of sample data (exponential, uniform, log-normal, normal), number of groups in data,
the size of the training sample, correlation coefficient between
attributes, homogeneity of covariance matrices, and the degree
of overlap between the groups. A validation sample is created
for each combination of the above training. The analysis of the
results obtained from the experimental design is based on the
classification error in the validation sample. A seven-way analysis of variance is performed using the transformed misclassification rates of the methods using an error measure defined below
Error measure
error rate
Description of error rate: The error measure used in A.1 is based
on the analysis performed by [26]. They use the transformation
to stabilize the variance of the misclassification rates with higher
values of the error measure indicating lower performance. In
addition to the displayed error values, the effect of interaction
between the methodology used (LDA, QDA, or RS) with the
distribution was found to be statistically significant and the corresponding ANOVA analysis is shown in [26]. Other significant interactions include sample size, covariance matrix structure, and the size of the training sample. Rough sets is shown to
provide consistently lower error rates with significant difference
with statistical classification in small and medium sample sizes.
In addition to this simulation for traditional RS, we performed
a comparison of the proposed GRS with the same classification
methods for warranty data analysis. The results of the analysis
are shown in Table IX.
3) Multiple Root Causes and Disjoint Fault Region: The
methodology should also consider the possibility of multiple
root causes for the failures. Thus, unlike regression and other
model-based techniques (i.e., a single model for the whole
population), the method should be object based [i.e., it should
be able to generate multiple models (if necessary) to describe
the data]. Multiple root causes could mean different combinations of process/test variables related to the failure or different
failure regions for the same combination of variables. The GRS
methodology can create more than one reduct to explain the
warranty failure to detect the existence of multiple root causes
or disjoint regions.
4) Interpretation of Results and Mapping: The method
should not only provide the parameters related to the faults but
also the nature of relationship or the fault region in the tolerance
of the identified parameters. As expressed in [30], although
neural networks are robust as they do not require any distribution assumptions (similar to RS) and handle nonlinear data,
they require a larger training sample size and are not easy to
explain, especially in the presence of hidden layers. The ability
to understand the interactions between the process/product
parameters and warranty failures is critical for warranty data
Rough set theory was developed by Pawlak ([24]) and has
been used for the classification of imprecise or uncertain data.
RS theory is a tool to describe dependencies between various
measurements characterizing samples in the dataset. It is used
to evaluate the significance and relationship of measurements to
different sample types (in our case, normal and failure samples)
and deal with inconsistent data. As an approach to handle imperfect data, it complements other theories that deal with data
uncertainty, such as fuzzy set theory, and has been found to be
a very useful tool in the study of classification problems in various applications, such as business failure prediction, medical
decision making, and diagnosis of assembly failures [31].
RS can also handle mixed-type data that contain both continuous and categorical information which is difficult to analyze
using standard statistical techniques. It uses training data to determine patterns of interest from the dataset. The training data
used to develop the classifier consist of samples or objects and
each object has information associated with it. The information
associated with each object consists of conditional and decision
attributes. Conditional attributes are those which describe the
characteristics of the object (e.g., manufacturing measurements
in this paper). The decision attributes partition the objects into
classes (e.g., warranty and normal classes in this paper).
The principal characteristic involving classification using RS
is the measurement of impreciseness in data. Objects that are
characterized by the same conditional attribute values are considered to be indiscernible. This indiscernibility relation constitutes one of the mathematical bases of RS theory. A set of mutually indiscernible objects (equivalent set in this paper) forms
a basic granule of knowledge about the dataset.
The union of these equivalent sets forms RS with lower and
upper approximations. A rough set can be described as a collection of objects that, in general, cannot be precisely characterized
in terms of the values of their sets of attributes but which can be
characterized in terms of lower and upper approximations. For
classification, RS are generated corresponding to each decision
class. These RS determine the space in the conditional attributes
that are related to specific decision classes. The RS consists of
two boundaries determining two regions in the conditional attribute space. The primary region defined by the lower approximation boundary consists of objects that definitely belong to
the particular decision class, and the boundary region defined
by the upper approximation boundary consists of objects that
could possibly belong to the decision class.
On the basis of lower and upper approximations regions, the
ability of the conditional attributes in differentiating between
the decision classes can be determined. This is defined by the
ratio of cardinality of the primary region to the cardinality of the
boundary region. The accuracy, therefore, represents the ability
of the conditional attributes in determining the decision class for
objects in the dataset [26].
On the basis of the determined approximation accuracy, we
can reduce the required information so as to retain only those
conditional attributes that are absolutely essential for the classification of the objects being studied. This is achieved by discovering the subsets that can provide the same quality of classification as the whole set of conditional attributes. Such subsets are
called reducts. Based on the reducts, a set of rules can be developed for the classification of objects into the various decision
In summary, the RS-based classification approach identifies
the minimum subset of conditional attributes that can be used
to differentiate between various decision classes in the dataset.
Further, RS are defined by the lower and upper approximation
boundaries for sets corresponding to different decision classes.
This allows to accurately determine and represent the imprecision in the data.
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Kamal Mannar received the B.S. degree in mechanical engineering from the National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, India, in 2001, the M.S.
degree in manufacturing systems engineering from
the University of Wisconsin (UW)-Madison in 2005,
where he is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in industrial and systems engineering.
He was a Manufacturing Engineer in Delphi
Automotive Systems, Bangalore, India, from 2001 to
2002. Currently, he is a Graduate Research Assistant
in Manufacturing Systems Realization and Synthesis
(MARS) Lab with UW-Madison. His research interests include methodologies
for the diagnosis and prediction of warranty and field failures and the use of
field performance as feedback to design and manufacturing to improve product
robustness. The research is being performed in collaboration with General
Electric Health Care and Motorola Labs.
Dariusz Ceglarek (M’03) received the Ph.D. degree
in mechanical engineering from the University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, in 1994.
He was with the research faculty at the University of Michigan from 1995 to 2000. In 2000, he
became Assistant Professor in the Department of
Industrial and Systems Engineering at the University
of Wisconsin-Madison, where he rose to the rank
of Associate Professor and Professor in 2003 and
2005, respectively. His research interests include
design and manufacturing with an emphasis on
multistage production systems convertibility, scalability, and diagnosability,
ramp-up time, and variation reductions; integration of statistical methods and
engineering models for root cause identification of quality/variation faults;
sensing systems/networks in manufacturing; and reconfigurable/reusable
assembly systems.
Dr. Ceglarek was elected as a corresponding member of CIRP and is a
member of ASME, SME, NAMRI, IIE, and INFORMS. He was Chair of
the Quality, Statistics and Reliability Section of the Institute of Operations
Research and Management Sciences (INFORMS). Currently, he is a Program
Chair of the ASME Design-for-Manufacturing Life Cycle (DFM-LC) Conferences and is an Associate Editor of the ASME Transactions, Journal of
Manufacturing Science and Engineering. He also serves on the program review
panel for the State of Louisiana Board of Regents R&D Program. He has
received a number of awards for his work including the 2003 CAREER Award
from the National Science Foundation, 1998 Dell K. Allen Outstanding Young
Manufacturing Engineer Award from the Society of Manufacturing Engineers
(SME), and two Best Paper Awards by ASME MED and DED divisions in
2000 and 2001, respectively.
Feng Niu (M’88–SM’99) received the B.S. degree
in physics from Zhongshan University, Guangzhou,
China, in 1982, and the M.S. degree in engineering
from the Institute of Electronics, the Chinese
Academy of Sciences (CAS), Beijing, China, in
1985, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the Polytechnic University,
Brooklyn, NY, in 1990 and 1992, respectively.
He began his career with the Institute of
Electronics, CAS, Beijing, China, and is now a
Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff with
Motorola Labs, Plantation, FL. Before joining Motorola, he was a research
scientist with the Center for Advanced Technologies in Telecommunications
(CATT), Brooklyn, NY. His research interests include cognitive radio, location
technology, antenna, propagation, distributed sensing, and microelectromechanical systems (MEMS).
Dr. Niu has been a technical reviewer for IEEE journals in the areas of antennas, propagation, and communications. He has served on the international
program committees and technical committees, and as session chairs and reviewers of the international conferences in the areas of systems, communications, antennas, and RF technologies. He has given invited technical presentations and keynote speeches in conferences, universities, and professional societies.
Bassam Abifaraj received the B.Sc. degree in
electrical and computer engineering from Florida
Atlantic University, Boca Raton, in 1985.
He began his career in 1987 with Motorola,
Plantation, FL, and held several positions including
software development, test system development,
technical operations, new product introduction,
manufacturing production management, program
management, and worldwide quality management.
Currently, he is Quality Director for a Motorola
integrated supply chain in Nogales, Mexico.
Mr. Abifaraj holds several patents, publications, and engineering awards on
inventions that were developed and implemented; one of which is an early type
of belt clip for cellular phones that almost everyone uses. He represented Motorola with the South Florida Manufacturing Association and served on the
board of directors of the Florida Sterling Council.