GE Hybrid Water Heater Warranty. 800$%&''&()*$#+';"3+$1'.;"-+-$<*$.2'$82)!.'"?+-$7+';"3+'$H+)%.'B9$ 7)&10+$*.2'$'+3+"1)$!+'+9$ .$#3!+-20+$#+';"3+@$3&00$III9J=>9D>ED$KIII9JJL9JLMJN9$O0+&#+$ O'..4$.4$)!+$.'"/"(&0$12'3!&#+$ !&;+$#+'"&0$(25<+'$&(-$5.-+0$(25<+'$&;&"0&$<0+$%!+($3&00"(/$4.'$ -&)+$"#$(++-+-$).$.<)&"($ #+';"3+9 #+';"3+$2(-+'$)!+$%&''&()*9 For The Period Of: We Will Replace: One Year F'.5$)!+$-&)+$.4$)!+$ .'"/"(&0$12'3!&#+$ Any par)$.4$)!+$D*<'"-$E&)+'$D+&)+'$%!"3!$4&"0#$-2+$).$&$-+4+3)$"($5&)+'"&0#$.'$%.'B5&(#!"19$ G2'"(/$)!"#$limited one-year warranty,$=>$%"00$&0#.$1'.;"-+@$free of charge,$&00$0&<.'$&(-$'+0&)+-$ #+';"3+$).$'+10&3+$)!+$-+4+3)";+$1&')9 Second through Tenth Year$ F'.5$)!+$-&)+$.4$)!+$ .'"/"(&0$12'3!&#+ Any par)$.4$)!+$D*<'"-$E&)+'$D+&)+'$%!"3!$4&"0#$-2+$).$&$-+4+3)$"($5&)+'"&0#$.'$%.'B5&(#!"19$ G2'"(/$)!"#$limited ten-year parts warranty,$0&<.'$&(-$'+0&)+-$#+';"3+$).$'+10&3+$)!+$-+4+3)";+$1&')$ &'+$(.)$"(302-+-9 What Is Not Covered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this Limited Warranty. Any implied warranties, including the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, are limited to one year or the shortest period allowed by law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or product purchased outside of the US, contact your dealer for Warranty and Service information. Warrantor for Products Purchased in the United States: General Electric Company, Louisville, KY 40225. 22