Molecular dynamics with on-the-fly machine learning of quantum mechanical forces James Kermode Warwick Centre for Predictive Modelling School of Engineering University of Warwick Warwick Centre for Predictive Modelling Seminar Series 5th March 2015 Warwick Centre for Predictive Modelling 2 Multiscale Materials Modelling Accuracy & transferability Materials failure process: complex chemistry and large systems 3 Matching Atomistic and Continuum Cracks in ideal brittle materials are atomically sharp Divergence of stress field near a crack tip 1 ⇠p r Stillinger-Weber potential, Si(111) 20 A = 2 nm In situ AFM image of atomically sharp crack tip in silica (Image: C. Marlière) Process zone: ~2 nm G Singh, JR Kermode, A De Vita and RW Zimmerman, Int. J. Fract. (2014) 5 Multiscale Materials Modelling Simultaneous coupling QM/MM – buffered force mixing • Retain QM forces only in (green) core region. • Throw away ‘bad’ QM forces on buffer region close to artificial surface Abrupt force mixing and extended buffer region solve electronic termination problem, giving accurate QM forces. N Bernstein et al. Rep. Prog. Phys. 72 026501 (2009) 8 QM/MM – buffered force mixing Covalent Materials Oxides Metals 160 n.n. core EAM average error n.n.n. core EAM average error (b) 140 percentage error wrt PBC DFT (a) (c) [112] direction 120 100 av. force: 1.6 eV/Å av. force: 0.4 eV/Å 80 60 40 20 0 Silicon bulk and surface ~ 7 A Silica (quartz, amorphous) ~ 10 A 2.5 5 width of the buffer (Angstrom) 7.5 Dislocation core in Ni ~ 5 A Figure 3: Force error convergence with Figure respect to size in crystalline bulk silicon (b) hydroxylated amorph 4: buffer (a) thermalised alpha-quartz, and its 001 surface. Only CE used here. N Bernstein et al. Rep.inProg. Phys. 72 026501 (2009)Individual force errors for C the same slab contact with water. A Peguiron et al., J.dots) Chem.and Phys,average 142 064116 (2015) EE (yellow force error 9 for CE (red line) and ‘Learn on the Fly’ scheme a 100 Å 211 01̄1 Molecular Mechanics (empirical, fast) 1̄11 c b Force-based hybrid approach (cf. QM/MM) ✓Get QM forces right on a moving region, giving accurate trajectories ✓Reproduces brittle response without any empirical crack growth criteria 10 Å 10Add Å chemical complexity near tip: wide range of ✓ chemomechanical problems in reach d Quantum Mechanics (accurate, slow) Code: A. De Vita and R. Car, MRS Proc 491, 473 (1998) G Csányi et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 175503 (2004) 10 ctioa his of red me onage the ng all ta ack no on onof del der out ave on 01] to 11) his hat me !10" his 3a. the the mesed ereA eak the eron. rgy as nded, y is ons on nd ng laway ent of Recent Chemomechanical Applications B2 A1 A2 B4 A3 A4 H induced ‘SmartCut’ B3 B1 Dynamical instabilities in Si 5Å Crack-dislocation interactions b 110 110 001 10 Å JR Kermode et. al. Nature 455 1224 (2008) c d Three dimensional effects G Moras, L Ciachhi, C Elsässer, P Gumbsch and A De Vita Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 075502 (2010) Crack-impurity scattering C Gattinoni, JR Kermode and A De Vita, In prep Stress corrosion cracking e 5 mm Figure 3 | The (110)[1 10] · crack system. a, Geometry of the crack tip propagating straight at low speeds by sequential breaking of type A bonds (blue). Red atoms are described using quantum mechanics, yellow atoms using an interatomic potential. At each propagation step, the A bond is weaker than the corresponding B bond because of a neighbouring undercoordinated atom (indicated by an arrow for the A1–B1 pair). b, At higher speed an instability occurs. At this point any slight shear disturbance in the stress field reverses the relative stability of A and B bonds, and the crack is deflected onto a (111) plane. The energy release rate for this system is G 5 6.7 J m22. In addition to the main tensile load, this includes a small G 5 0.24 J m22 shear contribution to break the symmetry in the y direction. JR Kermode, A. Glazier, Ga Kovel, L Pastewka, Both exposed (111) crack surfaces undergo 2 3 1 reconstruction. 6 c–e, Photographs fromDthree-point bending (reprinted G Csányi, Sherman and experiments A. De Vita, In prepwith permission): (110) fracture surface for low-speed cleavage (grey; c); fracture surface of a specimen with the crack deflected from the (110) plane (white) to the (111) plane (black) for intermediate-speed cleavage (d); (111) fracture surface obtained for high-speed cleavage (e). hers Limited. All rights reserved Fig 2. Subcritical crack advance on Si(110), catalysed by oxygen (red atoms). Left: the system before chemisorption of second O2, Right: crack advance after dissociative adsorption. JR Kermode, L Ben-Bashat, F Atrash, JJ Cilliers, D Sherman and A. De Vita., Nat. Commun. 4 2441 (2013) Machine-­learning of QM forces Zhenwei Li’s PhD project has advanced considerably during this reporting period. In this part of the overall project, we are working to improve the informational efficiency of our modelling approach, particularly on the idea of building a database of previous QM results “on-­the-­fly”. By reusing (rather than recalculating) the information stored in the database, it is in principle possible to dramatically reduce the computational cost of our simulations, while still retaining our target high (QM) accuracy. With this goal in mind, Zhenwei has developed an advanced interpolation scheme for QM forces based on Gaussian Process regression, with an accuracy which systematically improves as more data is added to the database of reference configurations. The scheme has been so far tested both on MD and, more stringently, on the phonon band structure of silicon [3]. A Glazier, G Peralta, JR Kermode, A De Vita and D Sherman, Phys. Rev. Lett, 112 115501 (2014). Interaction between cracks and point defects Our project on modelling the interaction between crack propagating on the (111) cleavage plane in silicon and isolated substitutional boron defects has been concluded, and the resulting paper is currently under peer review [4]. Our QM simulations predict three regimes: at low speed we see deflection of cracks in perfect silicon crystals;; at intermediate speeds, crack deflection occurs at defect sites, at a rate proportional to the linear defect concentration. At higher speeds the crack-­defect interaction is dynamically hindered, and perfectly smooth fracture surfaces are recovered. These predictions are completely consistent with experimental results obtained by our 11 g n i k c a St lt u fa e n a l p QM region 1: Crack Tip QM region 2: Dislocation Core 12 shielding configuration, the red circle indicates the location of the dislocation core, and the red line the stacking fault. The colour code shows the yy component of the stress tensor, in units of GPa. Red/yellow represent tension, and dark blue compression. Crack/dislocation – coarse-graining y/Å FIG. 5: Snapshot from a LOTF simulation of System A, with the dislocation above the crack, at the end of a 75 ps simulation. Away from the dislocation core and its associated stacking fault (shown with red line), the fracture propagates relatively straight along the [001] direction, with a reduced velocity see text, not sure about this due to the antishielding e↵ect of the dislocation. Atom colouring is as in Fig. ??. Stress / GPa Dislocation core below crack Stress / GPa Dislocation core above crack This work was funded by the Rio Tinto Centre for Advanced Mineral Recover at Imperial College, London and FIG. SnapshotCommission from a LOTFADGLASS simulation of System B, where the 4: European FP7 project. We the dislocation core is Adrian located Sutton below the this pure would like to thank for crack. useful For discussions. shielding configuration, the red circle indicates the location of the dislocation core, and the red line the stacking fault. The colour code shows the yy component of the stress tensor, in units of GPa. Red/yellow represent tension, and dark blue compression. ⇤ Electronic address: x/Å x/Å Quantifying loss of information during coarse-graining: uncertainty propagation from atomistic to continuum C. Gattinoni, J.R. Kermode and A. De Vita, in prep. 13 Microstructural Uncertainty • Most of our work so far has only considered deterministic materials failure problems • Stochastic microstructural effects are also extremely important • e.g. fracture in glass, a prototypical amorphous material, where microstructural variation plays key role in determining fracture response Goal: average over representative microstructural configurations to produce effective mean-field response. Probabilistic ‘error bars’ essential. MathSys MSc Project proposal with C. Ortner (Maths) 14 Target Application Areas Covalent Materials Oxides Metals Background Hydrogen embrittlement (HE) is the most devastating and unpredictable, yet least u failure experienced by engineering components. Hydrogen can be introduced into a sources: eg from decomposition of water during processing, moisture in the environ reactions in a corrosive (eg marine) environment or electrocoating (such as automo decomposition of oil or grease, or direct exposure to H in storage vessels. The pres severe degradation in mechanical properties and consequently a loss in structural i metals and alloys. In particular, high-strength ferritic steels used for pipelines, press weight vehicles, gears and in hydrogen storage are prone to hydrogen cracking. It i strength of the steel, the more prone it is to HE. Despite the considerable research over the last 30 years the mechanisms responsible for the embrittling process are n considerable disagreement in the scientific literature concerning the underlying proc hydrogen embrittlement, even in simple, nominally pure, material systems. Diamond 160 140 percentage error wrt PBC DFT Rocks 120 n.n. core EAM average error n.n.n. core EAM average error [112] direction 100 80 60 With increasing demands for advanced and ultra high strength steels, the steel indu senstitivity to hydrogen embrittlement (HE). The concerns over HE are preventing t using these materials more extensively, which is contributing to their failure to meet emissions by up to 35 g/km. TWIP, TRIP and complex phase steels having UTS of designed but cannot be put into service because of the risks of HE during manufac mild humid conditions. It is therefore of significant technological importance to deve understanding of hydrogen embrittlement and to use this understanding to underpin generation of ultra high strength steels, that are resistant to hydrogen embrittlemen 40 The focus of this research programme will be on Hydrogen Embrittlement in Steels The presence of hydrogen in interstitial sites results in dilation of the material. A co wants to diffuse to regions of high tensile hydrostatic stress in a material, such as to 0 2.5 5 7.5 in Fig 1. The local high hydrogen concentration in the vicinity of the crack tip has a width of the buffer (Angstrom) stru (a) (b) abo this Figure 1: (a) Convergence of QM forces near the core of a dislocation in the phase at room temperature the (solid lines, for nearest neighbours, blue n.n., and next nearest neighbours, red n.n.n. of the dislocation muc core). The dashed lines indicate the percentage error that the EAM potential makes with respect to DFT. fact Quantum calculations are only strictly needed for the nearest neighbours of a dislocation core. (b) AtomAn istic model of a quadrupole of screw dislocations in a Ni-based superalloy. Inset: dissociation of one of emb the screw dislocations into Shockley partials, which can be tracked by two separate mobile QM regions in th (red circles). Hyd (HE loca Hyd tran Key Scientific Goals. The key targets of this project are to study the glide of screw dislocations enh in the phase (initially bulk, then closer to the / 0 interface), to evaluate the relevant diffusion vac 0 the mechanisms and barriers, and to study dislocation climb at the / showing interface, including the role Fig 1 Schematic, the diffusion of hydrogen towards a crack tip. mec Understanding the effect of hydrogen on crack propagation played by vacancies in this process. These overall targets can be decomposed into four work requires 20 Wednesday, 9 October 13 Glass Silicon Photovoltaics Superalloys 2 Project Structure and Resource Management • previous generation Intrepid BG/P machine). QUIP ensemble )parallelism performance. Ensemble parallelism b( )a( over independent QM clusters leads to weak scaling in the time-to-solution for computing all the QM forces (Fig. 9b), which is the rate-determining step of forQM our QM/MM dynamical simulations. The benchmark time shown Force-mixing allows work QUIP includes alltothe currently required for communication between QUIP and VASP, although calculations beI/O distributed we plan to reduce this overhead using an improved interfacing strategy in future. Note that while Automatically split large QM in principle perfect weak-scaling should be obtained, our pilot implementation of theQMensemble Box 1 regions into smaller convex parallelism is based on a proxy process running on the FEN as schematically illustrated in Fig clusters graphleads partitioning QUIP 8.proxy,bywhich to a slight drop off in scaling at the largest partition size of 131,072 cores proxy Box 2 Individual QM calculations (8192 nodes). This is duerun to in the inability of a single FEN to keep up with the I/OQMworkload parallel neededonto~1024 servicecores this each many simultaneous calculations (one execution thread is required to handle upeach sub-block Scalable to ~100,000 corepartition). Efficiency improvements which replace file-based communication with a new solution using sockets are under active development, and we are Petascale machines QM Box N confident this will recover the close-to-ideal weak scaling observed up to 65,536 cores. HPC Scalability BG/Q Execute Nodes Front End Node N clusters N forces • Cluster 1 Force 1 • 1024 cores QM calculation on Cluster 1 Cluster 2 1024 cores QM calculation on Cluster 2 ... Force 2 • QM/MM MD with N QM atoms Cluster N Force N ) d( 1024 cores QM calculation on Cluster N )c( Monday, 7 October 13 lc )011(iS eht no erutcarf fo noitalumis peed reyal 01 a morf tohspans )a( :krow gniogno fo sthgilhgiH .2 .giF size and # fo nrettap eht etoN .level TFD eht ta delledom tnorf kcarc eht gnola smota 005~ htiw ,1.1MWeak ot tnascaling: veler ,enproblem alp 00,001~ a ni noiger pit kcarc fo pu esolC bc( .noitom knik aiv noitagaporp gniwohs tnorcores f eht ggrow nola together sdnob u esolC )c( .1.1M ot tnaveler ,)eulb ni dethgilhgih( smota MQ 002~ htiw ,ztrauq ni erutcarf elttirb fo noitalumis erroc smota deruoloC .2.1M ot tnaveler ,)ssalg( acilis suohproma ni erutcarf fo noitalumis a ni noiger pit kcarc bus edon 821 a no gninnur noitaluclac TFD tnereffid a ot gnidnopserroc ruoloc hcae htiw ,snoiger MQ 51 eht ot ehcs gninoititrap fo sliated erom rof 2.3.1 noitceS ees( ereh sedon 8402 fo ezis noititrap latot a rof ,noititrap .)txet ees( gninraeL enihcaM ecrof MQ rof gnisu selucelo4,096 m fo tecores s elpmaxe 65,536 cores 4 QM clusters 64 QM clusters M rof snoitaluclac noitcudorP .stceffe lanoisnemid-­eerht .1 -­ krow gniogno fo sthgilhgiH d eerht fo snoitalumis desab-­TFD wen edulcni dna ,etelpmoc yltsom era )erutcarf enillatsyrc uohtiw elbisaaef neeb evah ton dluow taht noitagaporp kcarc detavitca byllamreht fo msinahcem elcun eht yb sdeeps wol yrev ta etagaporp nac skcarc taht dnif eW .secruoser ssalc pihsredaeL 17 s tsrif eht era Fig. eseht9. ,eScaling gdelwoplots nk rufor: o oaT VASP .sgojcalculations noitacolsidfor ota ssingle uogola200 na ,atom sknikSiO2 fo nQM oitarcluster. gim b Ensemble parallelism performance. For each data point, QUIP runs on one 1024 core sub-block partition, and each SiO2 QM cluster ‘Learn on the Fly’ predictor/corrector ‘Learn on the Fly’ scheme adds ‘springs’ tuned to reproduce QM forces k1 k2 k3 k4 U (R) = Uclassical (R) + n rn springs n LOTF vs. buffered force mixing: ✓ Both give correct trajectories ✓ LOTF allows speed up with Fit points predictor/corrector dynamics Cheap classical forces + adj. springs Expensive QM potential G Csányi et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 175503 (2004) N Bernstein et al. Rep. Prog. Phys. 72 026501 (2009) 18 ‘Learn on the Fly’ predictor/corrector Extrap Interp Cheap classical forces + adj. springs Fit points Typically ΔT ~ 10 Δt Expensive QM potential G Csányi et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 175503 (2004) N Bernstein et al. Rep. Prog. Phys. 72 026501 (2009) 19 Towards Optimal Information Efficiency • Recent trend of automatic, non-parametric force field construction using Machine Learning techniques (e.g. NNs [1], GAPs [2]), extending force-matching approach • Our Idea: rather than learning whole PES once-and-for-all, use same technique, Gaussian Process regression, to predict QM forces as a function of local atomic environment • Keeping “in touch” with QM reduces risk of extrapolating outside of fit domain Past N Accelerate QM/MM with MLbased scheme where forces on atoms are: • Either predicted using Past 2 Past 1 QM calculation Interpolation point Present Future Time Gaussian Process regression • Or computed on-the-fly and added to growing ML database Z Li, JR Kermode and A De Vita, Phys. Rev. Lett, In Press (2015) 21 n function f (x), here any force component associated with the atomistic configuratio aussian covariance function C(x, x0 , cov ) is a priori assumed to express the correlatio f (x) and f (x0 ) when the distance between x and x0 is comparable with cov . Given Gaussian Process(y(GP)=regression: use Bayesian inference to compute most likely functionto values et {y} of values f (x ), k = 1, N ) which the force component is known take, withi olecular Dynamics k kwith On-The-Fly Machine Learning given data and a prior distribution for model parameters certainty err ,Mechanical over a teaching Forces: set {x} of Supplementary atomic-configuration Material data points (xk , k = 1, N ) Quantum 1D Example: dicted “posterior” distribution for the value yN +1 at a new Zhenwei Li, James R. Kermode and Alessandro Depoint VitaxN +1 has mean an Posterior Gaussian Process Regression ussian Process ∝ T y = k C N +1 Regression 1 y p(parameters|data) L(data|parameters) p(parameters) (S1 Likelihood Prior = kT C 1 k (S2 Process (GP) provides a nonparametric way to carry out Bayesian inference of an f(x) vector’ ction any used forcetocomponent associated withBlack: the function atomistic configuration (x, x0 ,f (x), has been generate (i) the N -dimensional ‘feature k describin cov ) here an covariance function C(x, x0configurations , cov ) is a priori to express the correlation riance between the database {x} assumed and the new ‘test’ atomic configuratio Blue: observations 0 0 i)and thefcovariance between the between test configuration itself and (iii) the cov N⇥ covarianc (x ) when the distance x and x and is comparable with . N Given a yi = f(xi) Cofdescribing the data in {x}[1]: is known to take, within values (ykthe = foverlap (xk ), k between = 1, N ) which thepoints force component Red: GP mean, std. dev. nty err , over a teaching set {x} of✓atomic-configuration data points (xk , k = 1, N ), ◆ 2 d 2 point xN +1 has mean and “posterior” for=the a new Covariance distribution N +1 at + (S3 Cmn expvalue ymn mn err . 2 (smoothness of prior) 2 cov 2 y,N +1 T 1 Covariance matrix C note that, as an alternative the rotationally invariant internal vector (IV) representatio yNto = k C y (S1) Posterior mean +1 Feature vector k d in the main text, more general representations could be chosen requiring the determi 2 T 1 Posterior variance = k C k (S2) Self-covariance κ y,N +1 f the optimal rotational alignment of pairs of atomic configurations. Some work in thi n, revealed that this could be achieved by a search in the 3D rotations space using a stan ) has been used to generate (i) the N -dimensional ‘feature vector’ k describing cov 22 aternion exploit the better topology of the SUatomic (2) manifold through it e betweenrepresentation the database to configurations {x} and the new ‘test’ configuration QM benchmark (Fig. Force Gaussian Processes for Fracture at the Atomic range reflecting the decay rate/interaction range configurations of forces “internal” representation for atomic and isSimulations the value usedScale in1), thishere work.ob Functional (DFTB) force vectors [24]. Afterthe carrying out MLaccuin this reprecally Tight impose Binding in the system. Crucially, to improve prediction err = 0.05 eV/Å, the following equation: we transform the predicted force back into spectrum the regularising thefrom linearthe algebra [2 obtained Stilli racy, this set cansentation, be expanded to include any additional Cartesian representation, so that they have the correct components of the k-dimensiona sical potential [29] is also shown f vector presumed orientation to carry for useful information on target ′ ′ ′ MD trajectory integration. 𝐓 𝐫 = r1 𝐔1 𝐓 𝐫(Supplementary + r2 𝐓𝐔2 𝐓 𝐫 + rEq. 𝐓 𝐫 its Car 3 𝐓𝐔3S1), Application to force learning: compute most probable force given database of atomic environments QM forces. TheseFor areeach typically vectors obtained atom, k force independent internal vectors (IVs) can be reconstructed as F = A(1+ and well-established associated QM forces (plus aforce prior assumption that forces atoms Comparing equationvary 10.3 10.4, approach we obtainas the result: from classical fields orrelative from QM Vi can be uniquely defined by the positions rq with ofsmoothly where move). the absolute or its neighbours, expensive which makesthan them the invariant under transconfiguration is provided by the models lessa measure computationally current Requires of “similarity for force learning” of two atomic configs, 1 3) T 𝐔the 𝐫 = 𝐓𝐔𝑖 (A 𝐫)+ =(𝑖(A =T1,A) 2, and (1 lations and any permutation of neighbours of A . 𝑖 𝐓 same reference (e.g., an empirical tight binding forces are vectors! invariant Hamiltonian to translation, permutation and rotation. Complication: chemical species. A possible choice is: As a first, stringent test of th model if the main QM model is DFT-based, see inset racy of our matrix representatio " ✓ # ◆ Nneighb p(i) of Fig. 2). The directions V̂i X = Vi /||Vi || form performance in handling highly s rq an in(1) Internal vectors systemVwhich i = urations involving very small or n ternal coordinate forr̂qk exp > 3 gives an overr (i) cut q=1 (i =1… k) nal vectors and target forces, by determined description of vector quantities. A represenwhereconfiguration each of these vectors is defined by di↵erent tation for the atomic x is given by the k ⇥k values dispersion of crystalline Si using The predicted phonon spectra c of the parameters r and p, chosen within a suitable T cut Feature matrix matrix X with elements Xij = Vi · V̂j = (V A )ij where QM benchmark (Fig. 1), here o range reflecting the decay rate/interaction range of forces we have defined the vector and direction matrices Functional Tight Binding (DFTB in the system. Crucially, to improve the prediction accu0 1 0 1 spectrum obtained from the Stil 0 1 0 1 | | any additional racy,| this| set can | be expanded |to include |. . . V̂ A on target sical potential [29] is also shown |T = @ |vector | presumed T | @ | A A = to carry useful information V̂ V . . . V V 1 k 1 T Tk @ A @ A . V V = V1 . .QM .| (2)obtained k | ,A These typically force vectors 1 . . .| V̂ k| | forces. | = areV̂ Figure 10.1: QM Schematic 2D projection of an atomic cluster within from | |from |well-established classical | | force | fields or spherical radius r . Both external coordinate {x, y} and internal Describing Atomic Environments 𝑐𝑢𝑡 models less computationally expensive thancoordinate the current {U(r01, m1), U(r02, m2)} are shown. Force F on the target reference (e.g., an under empirical tight central binding atom FIG. (green ball) indicated by the thickofblack The Si 1. is Comparison thearrow. bulk The feature matrix X = Hamiltonian V AT is invariant transinternal vectors are functions of the positional vectors of the neighboring model if the main QM model is DFT-based, see inset lated with DFTB (blue), and SW ( lations, permutations and rotations of the corresponding atoms (red balls) while the parameters of r0 and m are both tunable to of Fig. 2). The directions V̂i = Vi /||Vi || form an inon-the-fly approach (red), computed generate different internal vectors. atomic configuration. similarity ternal The coordinate systembetween which fortwo k >atomic 3 gives an overment Parlinksi-Li-Kawazoe method environments xmdetermined and xn isdescription expressedof by thequantities. distance vector A represenIn order to establish a 3-D internal coordinate for an atomic cluster, at least three inte eV/Å (dotted lines) and err =0.05 (IVs) are k not⇥k co-planar have to be invented. Figure 10.1 demonstrates the IV tation for the atomic configuration x isvectors given bythatthe 4 5 ⇥ 10 eV/ Å U(r value (solid fo a two-dimensional case, where, both U(r , m1) and functionslines) of the positi T 01 02, m2) are k 2 m n matrix X with elements X = V · V̂ = (V A ) where ij i j ij Li, JR Kermodevectors and AofDe Vita, Phys. Rev. Lett, to Inthe Press (2015) 23 fur 1 X Xij ZX neighbouringrameter. atoms with respect central one. However, was several ij 2 we have The ML database co defined the vector and direction matrices (3) dmn = constraints have to be applied before the IVs are considered to be suitable for use in atomic configuration. The similarity between two atomic Force Gaussian Processes for Fracture Simulations at the Atomic Scale ment Parlinksi-Li-Kawazoe method environments xm and xn is expressed by the distance =0.05database: eV/Å (dotted lines) and Scale factors errover the following equation: 4 5 ⇥ 10 eV/ k N k m n 2 m Å value n 2(solid lines) f X X X Xij Xij Xijdatabase ) (XThe 1 ij ML 2 rameter. was c 2 ′ ′ ′ (3) dmn = = . Distance metric 𝐓 i𝐫 = r1 𝐔1MD 𝐓 𝐫 trajectory. + r2 𝐓𝐔2 𝐓 𝐫 2+ r3 𝐓𝐔3 𝐓 𝐫 k i,j=1 N i i n,m=1 Covariance Cov(m, n) = exp ✓ d2mn 2 2 cov “Curse of dimensionality” – QM is long range • Forces depend mostly on atoms within cutoff ~10 A from central atom • Project target forces into internal coordinate system (dim. k ~ 10-20) • Perform GP regression there • Overdetermined system - transform back to find ‘best’ absolute Cartesian reference frame in least squares sense Z Li, JR ◆ j=1 (1 Comparing equation 10.3 with 10.4, we obtain the result: + 2 mn err 𝐔𝑖 𝐓 𝐫 = 𝐓𝐔𝑖 (𝐫) (𝑖 = 1, 2, and 3) (1 F = AF = F = A 1 T Schematic 2DT projection of an atomic cluster within Figure 10.1: spherical radius r𝑐𝑢𝑡 . Both external coordinate {x, y} and internal + {U(r01, m1), U(r02, m2)} are shown. Force F on the target coordinate central atom (green ball) is indicated by the thick black arrow. The internal vectors are functions of the positional vectors of the neighboring atoms (red balls) while the parameters of r0 and m are both tunable to generate different internal vectors. + A A A A F In order to establish a 3-D internal coordinate for an atomic cluster, at least three inte vectors (IVs) that are not co-planar have to be invented. Figure 10.1 demonstrates the IV a two-dimensional case, where, both U(r01, m1) and U(r02, m2) are functions of the positi Kermodevectors and AofDe Vita, Phys. Rev. Lett, In Press (2015) neighbouring atoms with respect to the central one. However, 24 several fur constraints have to be applied before the IVs are considered to be suitable for use in ML for forces – interpolation accuracy Teaching database built from ~2000 configs at 20 fs intervals along a reference DFT MD trajectory in Si at 1000 K Teaching points Test points Time Measure interpolation ability: test configs midway between teaching points Z Li, JR Kermode and A De Vita, Phys. Rev. Lett, In Press (2015) 25 ML for forces – interpolation accuracy Teaching database built from ~2000 configs at 20 fs intervals along a reference DFT MD trajectory in Si at 1000 K Teaching points Time Test points Measure interpolation ability: test configs midway between teaching points Force error / eV/A Sorting by distance and selecting only ~500 most relevant environments sufficient to predict accurate forces at test points Augmenting descriptor IVs with classical potential force vectors significantly improves accuracy ~6% force error wrt DFT Database size Z Li, JR Kermode and A De Vita, Phys. Rev. Lett, In Press (2015) 26 nal get ed QM ent ng set ineren⇥k ere spectrum obtained from the Stillinger-Weber (SW) clasHigh Accuracy Spectrum sical potential [29] isForces: also shownPhonon for comparison. In parComputed using forces learnt from 300 K MD trajectory (DFTB) (2) ns- Z Li, JR Kermode and A De Vita, Phys. Rev. Lett, In Press (2015) FIG. 1. Comparison of the bulk Si phonon spectrum calcu- 27 On-the-fly Machine Learning of QM Forces a b• • • • • 64 atom bulk Si test system; QM forces evaluated every step for testing Configs added to database when average force error > 0.1 eV/A Learning rate provides measure of complexity for MD force learning - ‘chemical novelty’ T = 200 K – long periods (> 1 ps) where no QM is necessary T = 1000 K – QM calculation rate of 1/30 sufficient after initial phase Z Li, JR Kermode and A De Vita, Phys. Rev. Lett, In Press (2015) 28 Quantifying Chemical Novelty b c Total # QM calcs per cycle Individual QM calculation Z Li, JR Kermode and A De Vita, Phys. Rev. Lett, In Press (2015) 29 (s) sq (S4) = in multi-component r̂sq exp for predicting QMV forces systems. For the of this tests, the descriptor Zs ,Zpurpose q i r (i) q=1 is of the same form as described in the main cut paper, while the definition of the IVs (Eq. 1) was extended so that individual vectors are constructed only between atoms with the same species: where s is the atom of interest, q is one of its neighbours and Zs and Zq are the species of atoms " ✓ feature # ◆p(i) s and q. The IVs are next combined toNX form an extended matrix Xij similar to the neighb r sq (s) one described in the main paper V (Eq. 2 and following text), with an additional block structure (S4) = r̂ exp sq Zs ,Zq i r (i) cut reflecting the presence of di↵erent atomic species: Internal vectors q=1 ✓ ◆ T T where s is the atom of interest, q V is Zone of itsVneighbours and Zs and (a) Zq SiO are2 the species of atoms Z1 A Z 2 1 A Z1 X= (S5) Tto form an T extended feature matrix X s and q. The IVs are next combined similar to the V A V A ij Z2 Z1 Z2 Z 2 Block feature matrix one described in the main paper (Eq. 2 and following text), with an additional block structure T where the matricesthe Vpresence VZ2 and ATZ2 formed reflecting of di↵erent atomic species:from the IVs and normalized directions Z1 , AZ1 and for species Z1 and Z2 , respectively. ✓ ◆ T T VZ1 Alevel V Z1 A We selected crystalline -SiC describedX at=the DFTB and amorphous SiO2 described at the Z1 Z2 (S5) T T V A V A Z Z DFT (LDA) level as test systems, to provide a range2of Zbonding 2 and Z2 long-range order properties. 1 In both cases, we find that the forces from reference 300 K QM molecular dynamics trajectories can T T where the matrices V , A and V and A the IVs and normalized directions Z Z 1 2 Z1using a database containing Z2 formed from be reproduced within a 10% accuracy 2000 configurations (Figs. S1(a) for species Z2 , respectively. 1 and and S1(b)). For theZ300 K amorphous SiO2 trajectory, we further investigated if and to what extent We crystalline at the level and SiO2the described the accuracy ofselected the predicted forces-SiC can described be improved by DFTB incorporating inamorphous the descriptor force at the DFT (LDA) as test systems, to provide a range of bonding andinteratomic long-rangepotential, order properties. vector predicted by a level short-ranged form of the polarisable Tangney-Scandolo In give bothacases, we findaccurate that the description forces from reference 300 As K QM trajectories can known to reasonably of silica [5]. canmolecular be seen indynamics Fig. S2(a), this bethe reproduced withinerror a 10% accuracy with using aa modest database⇠1000 containing 2000 configurations (Figs. S1(a) decreases relative force achievable configuration database from and(corresponding S1(b)). For the to 300a K amorphous SiO2compared trajectory,towe further investigated and to what extent 10% to 6% 0.06 eV/Å error, the average DFT forceif magnitude theÅ). accuracy the close predicted forces can beerror improved by incorporating in the descriptor of 1.0 eV/ This isofvery to the standard assumed in the Gaussian Process for thethe force predicted form of the polarisable Tangney-Scandolo interatomic potential, teachingvector data by setting by thea short-ranged err hyperparameter to 0.05 eVÅ. known give a we reasonably accuratethe description of silica As can be seen to in 1000 Fig. S2(a), this For the SiCtosystem, next increased temperature of the[5].target trajectory K, decreases theconfigurations relative force are error a modest configuration and found that 2000 stillachievable sufficient with to stay within a⇠1000 10% force error, oncedatabase more from (a) SiO2 (b) SiCDFT force magnitude 6%sets (corresponding to a 0.06 eV/ error, compared to the provided10% thattothe of2,IVs are DFT augmented by Å forces from an appropriate classical interatomic Amorphous SiO target SiC,average target DFTB 1.0 this eV/Å). is very close topotential the standard error assumed in Gaussian Process the com Supplementary Figure S2: Relative error of ML-predicted force for magnitudes potentialof (in caseThis a Stillinger-Weber [6] re-parametrised to the match the bulk and the average QM force magnitude MD trajectories of: (a) a 72-atom amorphous SiO teaching data by setting the to 0.05 eVÅ.for err hyperparameter elastic properties predicted by the reference DFTB Hamiltonian (Fig. S2(b)). at 300 K, computed with DFT (LDA); a 64-atom -SiC system at 1000K, K, compu For the SiC system, we next increased the temperature of the(b)target trajectory to 1000 DFTB. The black curves show results from descriptors including only IVs from Eq. S4. Z Li, JR and A De Vita, within Phys. Rev. Lett,force In Press (2015) and found that 2000 configurations areKermode still to descriptors stay 10% once more 30 p curves are sufficient obtained from also aincluding forceserror, from classical interatomic provided that the sets of IVs are augmented by forces appropriate classical interatomic for SiC Tangney-Scandolo (TS) forfrom SiO2 an [5] and Stillinger-Weber (SW) reparameterised Extension to Multi-species Systems Summary • Hybrid QM/MM approaches allow ‘chemomechanical’ materials failure problems to be modelled with QM precision • Addresses lengthscale limitations of QM approaches e.g. DFT • Practical: e.g., experimentally verifiable predictions of fracture phenomena • Timescale limitations – prohibitive to model many important processes • On-the-fly Machine Learning of QM forces improves timescales accessible • Target optimal information efficiency – only do QM when necessary • Need representation of atomic environments suitable for force learning • Progressively fewer QM calculations are required when same chemical process is encountered again • Chemical ‘novelty’ and uncertainty can be quantified • Next Steps • • • • Improved atomic environment descriptors, e.g. vector covariance kernel Use GP variance predictions to quantify uncertainties Integrate on-the-fly ML and hybrid QM/MM approaches Propagation of uncertainties through coarse-graining 31 Acknowledgments Federico Bianchini, Marco Caccin, Zhenwei Li and Alessandro De Vita Albert Bartok-Partay, Gábor Csányi and Mike Payne Anke Peguiron, Gianpietro Moras, Lars Pastewka and Peter Gumbsch Gaurav Singh and Robert Zimmerman Chiara Gattinoni Noam Bernstein Financial support and supercomputing resources: 32 32