Jennifer L. Chapman, JD, CPA

Jennifer L. Chapman, JD, CPA
413 Waddell Street, Athens, GA 30605
University of Georgia, Terry College of Business, J.M. Tull School of Accounting
Senior Lecturer
Director of Master of Accountancy (MAcc) Program
Tull School AACSB Coordinator
Part-Time Instructor, Tax Research
Athens, Georgia
Georgia Gwinnett College
Associate Professor of Legal Studies and Accounting
Assistant Professor of Legal Studies and Accounting
Assistant Dean for Operations
Lawrenceville, Georgia
University of Georgia School of Law
Adjunct Professor of Tax Law
Athens, Georgia
2006-2008, 2011-Present
Impact of income and transfer tax law and federal tax procedure on individuals and businesses
Professionalism and ethics in the legal and accounting fields
Pedagogical issues
Fortson, Bentley, and Griffin, P.A.
Tax Attorney
Athens, Georgia
PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP
Tax Consultant
Atlanta, Georgia
1999, 2000
Hon. Clay D. Land, U.S. District Court, Middle District of Georgia
Judicial Law Clerk
Columbus, Georgia
Attorney, State Bar of Georgia (active)
Certified Public Accountant, Georgia State Board of Accountancy (active)
University of Georgia, School of Law
Juris Doctor
Magna Cum Laude, Order of the Coif
Editor-in-Chief, Georgia Law Review, 2001-2002
Athens, Georgia
University of Georgia, Graduate School, J.M. Tull School of Accounting
Masters of Accountancy, Taxation
Summa Cum Laude
Athens, Georgia
University of Georgia, J.M. Tull School of Accounting
Bachelor of Business Administration, Accounting
First Honor Graduate, Summa Cum Laude, With Honors
Athens, Georgia
Young Harris College
Jointly Enrolled During Junior & Senior Year of High School
Earned equivalent of a minor in French
Phi Theta Kappa
Young Harris, Georgia
Legal Environment of Business, BUSA 2106 (BUSA 3500 until Fall 2012), Georgia Gwinnett College, Fall
2008, Spring 2009, Fall 2009, Spring 2010, Summer 2010, Fall 2010, Spring 2011, Summer 2013
Regulation of the Accounting Profession, ACCT 4300, Georgia Gwinnett College, Fall 2011, Spring 2012, Fall
2012, Spring 2013, Fall 2013, Spring 2014, Fall 2014
Negotiations, MGMT 4400, Georgia Gwinnett College, Fall 2009, Fall 2011
Federal Income Taxation of Individuals, ACCT 3201, Georgia Gwinnett College, Spring 2010, Spring 2011, Fall
2011, Spring 2012, Fall 2012, Spring 2013, Fall 2013, Fall 2014, Spring 2015
Introduction to Financial Accounting, ACCT 2101, Georgia Gwinnett College, Fall 2008, Spring 2009, Spring
2010, Fall 2010, Spring 2011
Tax Policy & Research, ACCT 7451, University of Georgia, Terry College of Business, J.M. Tull School of
Accounting, Fall 2014, Fall 2015
Estate & Gift Taxation, ACCT 7430, University of Georgia, Terry College of Business, J.M. Tull School of
Accounting, Fall 2015
Multi-Jurisdictional Taxation, ACCT 7435, University of Georgia, Terry College of Business, J.M. Tull School
of Accounting, Fall 2015
Professional Accounting I, ACCT 5710, University of Georgia, Terry College of Business, J.M. Tull School of
Accounting, Fall 2015
Taxation II, ACCT 5410, University of Georgia, Terry College of Business, J.M. Tull School of Accounting,
Spring 2016 (short session)
Intermediate Accounting for Non-Accounting Majors, ACCT 5001, University of Georgia, Terrry College of
Business, J.M. Tull School of Accounting, Spring 2016
Accounting and Finance for Lawyers (co-taught with Chadwick S. Kelly, JD, CPA), JURI 4384, University of
Georgia School of Law, Spring 2016
Legal Accounting, JURI 4580, University of Georgia, School of Law, Spring 2011, Spring 2012
Estate Planning Seminar, JURI 4560, University of Georgia, School of Law, Spring 2006, Spring 2007, Spring
Federal Estate & Gift Taxation, JURI 4590, University of Georgia, School of Law, Fall 2007
Peer Reviewed Academic Articles:
 Benjamin W. Akins, Jennifer L. Chapman, & Jason M. Gordon, A Whole New World: Income Tax
Considerations of the Bitcoin Economy, 12 PITTSBURGH TAX REVIEW 25 (2014).
 Jennifer L. Chapman, Case Study: Using the Supreme Court’s Affordable Care Act Decision to Introduce
Judicial Review Philosophies in a Legal Environment Course, 30 JOURNAL OF LEGAL STUDIES EDUCATION 321
(Summer 2013).
 Jennifer L. Chapman, Fitting the Jigsaw Pieces Together to Define the Scope of the Tax Shelter Exception to the
Section 7525 Privilege, BUSINESS LAW REVIEW, Volume 44 (Spring 2011).
 Jennifer L. Chapman, Attorney or CPA? Why It Matters: The Evolving Role of Evidentiary Privileges in Tax
Litigation, SOUTHERN LAW JOURNAL, Vol. XX (Fall/Winter 2010).
Editorial Board Reviewed Academic Articles:
 Jason M. Gordon Jennifer L. Chapman, & Benjamin W. Akins, The Case for Regulation of Bitcoin Mining as a
Security, 19 VIRGINIA JOURNAL OF LAW AND TECHNOLOGY ___ (Summer 2015).
 Jennifer L. Chapman, Navigable Purpose? Prove It. Rethinking the Role of the Navigational Servitude in
Regulatory Takings Claims After Lucas v. South Carolina Coastal Council, 35 GA. L. REV. 1195 (Summer 2001).
Peer Reviewed Conference Proceedings:
Case Study: The Supreme Court, the Affordable Care Act, and Theories of Judicial Review, Academy of
Business Research Conference, Biloxi, Mississippi, November 2012
 Fitting the Jigsaw Pieces Together to Define the Scope of the Tax Shelter Exception to the Section 7525
Privilege, North Atlantic Regional Business Law Association Conference, Waltham, Massachusetts, April 2011
 Attorney or CPA? Why It Matters: The Evolving Role of Evidentiary Privileges in Tax Litigation,
Southern Academy of Legal Studies in Business Conference, San Antonio, Texas, May 2010
 A Tribute to Anne Proffitt Dupre, 46 GA. L. REV. i (Summer 2012).
Drafted and edited quizzes to accompany Mallor et al’s Business Law (McGraw-Hill Irwin, 15th ed. 2012).
 J. Chapman and J. Gordon, If the Wright Brothers Never Got Off the Ground, Will the Post-JOBs Act
Securities Registration Exemptions Allow for the Next Mark Zuckerberg?, Targeted for Journal of Legal Studies
Education (2015/2016)
 J. Chapman, What Mork Learned from Michael: The Importance of Estate Tax Planning for Intangibles
Targeted for a tax law journal (2015/2016).
Who We Are: Evaluating the Credentials, Positions, and Career Paths of B-School Assessment Professionals,
AACSB Assessment Conference, Charlotte, North Carolina, forthcoming March 2016 (co-presenter, Myra Moore)
 Making an Impact Through Teaching, Scholarship, Service, and Student Engagement, Governor’s Teaching
Fellows Conference, Athens, Georgia, January 2015 (co-presenter, C. Douglas Johnson, Ph.D.)
 The Case for Regulation of Bitcoin Mining as a Security, Academy of Legal Studies in Business Annual
Conference, Seattle, Washington, August 2014 (co-presenter, Jason Gordon, JD, LLM)
 The Equal Pay Act: 50 Years Hence, Georgia Gwinnett College Intersections Conference, Lawrenceville,
Georgia, April 2014 (co-presented with Dr. C. Douglas Johnson, Ph.D., Kathleen Pinson, CPA, and three student
Case Study: The Supreme Court, the Affordable Care Act, and Theories of Judicial Review, Academy of
Business Research Conference, Biloxi, Mississippi, November 2012
 Fitting the Jigsaw Pieces Together to Define the Scope of the Tax Shelter Exception to the Section 7525
Privilege, North Atlantic Regional Business Law Association Conference, Waltham, Massachusetts, April 2011
 Attorney or CPA? Why It Matters: The Evolving Role of Evidentiary Privileges in Tax Litigation,
Southern Academy of Legal Studies in Business Conference, San Antonio, Texas, May 2010
 AACSB Accreditation Conference, Chicago, Illinois, September 2015
 AACSB International Conference and Annual Meeting (ICAM), Tampa, Florida, April 2015
 AACSB Seminar for New Associate Deans, San Antonio, Texas, November 2014
 AACSB Annual Assessment Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 2014
AACSB Associate Deans Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, November 2013
AACSB Redesigning the Undergraduate Curriculum Conference, Tampa, Florida, April 2013
Southern Polytechnic State University – University of Pittsburgh Center for International Studies Joint Faculty
Development/Curriculum Enrichment Workshop, Marietta, Georgia, October 2012
 AACSB International Accreditation Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, September 2011
Consortium on Negotiation & Conflict Resolution (CNCR), Mediating Campus Disputes, Georgia State
University College of Law, Jekyll Island, Georgia, August 2009
Southern Academy of Legal Studies Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, November 2008
Peer Reviewer, Southern Law Journal, Spring 2010-Spring 2011
Peer Reviewer, Journal of Legal Studies in Business, Fall 2008-2015
Peer Reviewer, American Business Law Journal, Fall 2008-2015
Editor-in-Chief, Georgia Law Review, Volume 36, Fall 2001-Summer 2002
Editorial Board Member, Georgia Law Review, Volume 35, Fall 2000-Summer 2001
 Presentation to Aging and Dementia class on Estate Planning and Elder Law Considerations for Family
Members, Georgia Gwinnett College, April 2012, April 2013, April 2014, and April 2015
 Georgia Gwinnett College, Center for Teaching Excellence, Presentation to educate faculty on the online
curriculum review site (developed jointly be GGC Educational Technology and the College Curriculum
Committee); January 2012
 Two-day seminar for graduate Forestry students on contract law and accounting and tax considerations of
forming and operating a forestry consulting business, University of Georgia, Warnell School of Forestry,
September and October 2011
 Presentation to Psychology of Aging class on Estate Planning and Elder Law Considerations for Family
Members, Georgia Gwinnett College, May 2011
Presentation to the GE Women’s Network on Estate Planning and Probate Law in Georgia, Co-Presenting with
Robert G. Boehmer, Associate Provost, University of Georgia, Atlanta, Georgia, May 2010
Conducted one-day seminar for graduate Forest Business students on the legal considerations of forming and
operating a forestry consulting business, University of Georgia, Warnell School of Forestry, March 2010.
Led discussion on effective nonprofit boards, Morton Theatre Corporation, Athens, Georgia, May 2009
Participated in panel discussion on “Estate Planning and the Role of Non-Profit Boards,” United Way of
Northeast Georgia, Athens, Georgia, May 2008
Conducted seminar for federal employees on “Why You Need an Estate Plan,” Environmental Protection
Agency, Athens, Georgia, September 2007, February 2008, July 2008, July 2009
Participated in panel discussion on “Women in Business,” The Georgia Club, Athens, Georgia, March 2007
Speech to rising third-year law students on “The Federal Clerkship Application Process,” University of Georgia
School of Law, April 2006, April 2007
 Participant in the Atlantic Institute’s Academic Trip to Turkey, June 2014
American Accounting Association, 2015-Present
 Academy of Legal Studies in Business, 2008-2015
 Southeastern Academy of Legal Studies in Business, 2008-2015
 Southern Academy of Legal Studies in Business, 2010-2011
North Atlantic Regional Business Law Association, 2011-2012
 American Bar Association, 2002-Present
 Georgia Society of Certified Public Accountants, 1998-Present
 American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, 1998-Present
AACSB Coordinator, Georgia Gwinnett College, 2015
Member, AACSB Executive Committee, Georgia Gwinnett College, 2013-2015
Member, Strategic Planning/AACSB Steering Committee, School of Business, Georgia Gwinnett College, 20112015
Chair, College Curriculum Committee, Georgia Gwinnett College, 2011-2015
Chair, School of Business Curriculum Committee, Georgia Gwinnett College, 2011-2015
 Member, Merit Pay Task Force, Georgia Gwinnett College (April – May 2014 limited term task force)
 Member, DegreeWorks Committee (ad hoc), Georgia Gwinnett College, 2013-2014
 Member, Leadership Institute Committee (ad hoc), Georgia Gwinnett College, 2012-13
 Chair, Faculty Recruitment Committee (ad hoc), School of Business, Georgia Gwinnett College, 2012-2014
 Faculty Leader, School of Business Studies Abroad Trip to Belgium, France, and Switzerland, May 2012
 Member, ACE Lab Subcommittee (Internationalization), Georgia Gwinnett College, 2011-12
Member, SACS Compliance Certification Committee, Georgia Gwinnett College; Lead Author, Standards 3.4.1
and 3.4.10, 2011-13
Member, Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) Committee, Georgia Gwinnett College; Member, Community Input
Subcommittee; Member, School of Business QEP Subcommittee, 2011-13
 Chair, Annual Awards Committee, Georgia Gwinnett College, 2009-2011
 Member, Mentoring Committee, Georgia Gwinnett College, 2009-2010
 Member, IEE Goal Team #2: Effective Written & Oral Communication, Georgia Gwinnett College, 2009-2010
 Member, School of Business Scholarship & Awards Committee, Georgia Gwinnett College, 2009-2011
 Member, School of Business Students Committee, Georgia Gwinnett College, 2009-2011
 Secretary, Member, School of Business Curriculum Committee, Georgia Gwinnett College, 2008-2011
Member, Annual Awards Committee, 2008-09
 Member, IEE Goal Team #6: Ethics, Georgia Gwinnett College, 2008-2009
Treasurer, Board of Directors, Georgia Children’s Chorus, 2015-Present
Board of Directors, Treasurer, Finance Committee Chair, Strategic Planning Committee, Sub-Committee Chair
for Philanthropic Support, University of Georgia Alumni Association, 2006-2015
 Athens Rotary Club, Athens, Georgia, 2010
Treasurer, Board of Directors, Morton Theatre Corporation, Athens, Georgia, 2009-2011
Board of Directors, Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic, Athens, Georgia, 2008-2009
Planned Giving Advisory Committee, United Way of Northeast Georgia, Athens, Georgia, 2008-2009
 Executive Advisory Board, Georgia Children’s Chorus, Athens, Georgia, 2009-Present
 Treasurer, Board of Directors, Georgia Children’s Chorus, Athens, Georgia, 2005-2009
 Board of Directors, Athens Justice Project, Athens, Georgia, 2006-2008
LEAD Athens, Athens Chamber of Commerce, Athens, Georgia, Class of 2006
Western Circuit Bar Association, Athens, Georgia, 2004-2008
 Volunteer Evaluator, Georgia High School Mock Trial Competition, Columbus, Georgia, 2003-2004, Athens,
Georgia, 2004-2010
 Georgia Association of Women Lawyers, Columbus, Georgia, 2002-2004
Volunteer, Girls in Action, Columbus, Georgia, 2002-2004
 Volunteer, Junior Achievement, NFL-YET Summer Program, Atlanta, Georgia, 1999
 Volunteer, Athens-Clarke County Mentor Program, Athens, Georgia, 1996-98
 Volunteer, Atlanta Committee for the Olympic Games, Rhythmic Gymnastics Venue, Athens, Georgia, 1996
 Volunteer, Athens Area Homeless Shelter, Athens, Georgia, 1995-98
 Volunteer, Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, 1995-98
 University System of Georgia, Governor’s Teaching Fellow, Summer Symposium, May 2014
 University of Georgia Alumni Association’s 40 Under 40 Honoree, Class of 2012
 Outstanding Teaching Award Nominee, Georgia Gwinnett College, 2008-09, 2011-12, 2012-13
 Outstanding Student Engagement Award Nominee, Georgia Gwinnett College, 2011-12
 University of Georgia Alumni Association’s 40 Under 40 Nominee, 2011
 Order of the Coif, University of Georgia School of Law, 2002
 Grassman Law Scholarship, University of Georgia School of Law, 2001-2002
 Student Bar Association, University of Georgia School of Law, 1999-2002
 Troutman Law Scholarship, University of Georgia School of Law, 1999-2001
First in Class, Masters of Accountancy, University of Georgia, 1998
Graduate Assistant, Tax Research and Federal Income Tax, University of Georgia, 1997-98
First Honor Graduate, University of Georgia, 1997-98
Graduate Assistant, Tax Research and Federal Income Tax, University of Georgia, 1997-98
Ernst & Young Outstanding Student in Tax Research, University of Georgia, 1997
UGA Senior Superlative, University of Georgia, 1997-98
Mortar Board Honor Society, University of Georgia, 1997
Delta Sigma Pi Scholarship Key, University of Georgia, 1997
 Beta Alpha Psi National Accounting Honor Fraternity, University of Georgia, 1995-97, President 1996-97
Beta Gamma Sigma, 1996
Phi Kappa Phi, 1996
Golden Key, 1996
UGA Honors Program Academic Scholarship Identification Program (ASIP), 1995-96
UGA Presidential Scholar, 1994-97
Governor’s Scholar, 1994-97
UGA Alumni Scholar, 1994-97
UGA Honors Program, 1994-97
Phi Theta Kappa, Young Harris College, 1993