2.1 Summary of FY 1998 to 1999 DoD Child-Care Fee
Report .................................. 15
3.1 Categorization of Installations in the Sampling Frame
for the Rich and Remote Variables, by Service ..... 28
3.2 Categorization of Installations in the Sample for the
Rich and Remote Variables, by Service ........... 28
3.3 Categorization of Responding Installations for the
Rich and Remote Variables, by Service ........... 28
4.1 Average Annual Cost Per Child and Maximum
Caregiver-to-Child Ratios in CDC Care, by
Child Age ................................ 38
4.2 Average Annual Cost Per Child in CDC Care, by Child
Age and Service............................ 40
4.3 Average Other Costs and Food Costs Per Child for
CDC Care, by Service........................ 40
4.4 Average Number of Children in CDC Care at an
Installation, by Child Age and Service ........... 41
4.5 Percentage of Children in Each Age Group in CDC
Care, by Service ........................... 42
4.6 Average Center Size, by Service ................ 42
4.7 Average Annual Cost Per Child in FCC, by
Child Age ................................ 46
4.8 Average Annual Cost Per Child in FCC, by Service .. 47
4.9 Median Percentage of Children in Each Age Group in
FCC, by Service ............................ 48
4.10 Provision of FCC Subsidies: Number of Subsidies by
Child Age and Service ....................... 49
viii Examining the Cost of Military Child Care
4.11 Median FCC Subsidy Per Week, by Child Age, at
Installations Providing a Subsidy ............... 50
4.12 Median Percentage of a Provider’s Own Children
Served in FCC, by Service .................... 51
4.13 Percentage of Average Costs Covered by Category III
Parent Fee, by Child Age ..................... 52
4.14 NAF Expenditures as a Percentage of Total ChildDevelopment Program Expenditures ............ 53
4.15 Characteristics of Contractor-Operated Centers ... 55
4.16 Estimated Cost Per Child in Contractor-Operated
Centers ................................. 58
5.1 Characteristics of Sponsoring Employers ........ 63
5.2 Characteristics of Visited Centers............... 65
B.1 Analysis of Cost per Infant ................... 117
B.2 Analysis of Cost per Pre-toddler ............... 117
B.3 Analysis of Cost per Toddler ................. 118
B.4 Analysis of Cost per Preschooler .............. 118
B.5 Analysis of Other Costs per Child .............. 120
B.6 Analysis of Food Cost per Child ............... 120
B.7 Analysis of Direct-Care Labor Cost per Infant ..... 121