Finnish Economic Papers – Volume 20 – Number 2 – Autumn 2007 Estimating Equilibrium Search Models from Finnish Data* Tomi Kyyrä Government Institute for Economic Research, P.O. Box 1279, 00101 Helsinki, Finland; e-mail: Empirical equilibrium search models have attracted a growing interest in recent years. Estimation of such models has not been completely successful, however. This has led researchers to develop more sophisticated versions of the models in an attempt to get a better fit to the data. We estimate various proposed specifications of the Burdett-Mortensen model from Finnish panel data. We begin with a pure search model in which search frictions are the only source of wage dispersion. Then we proceed to more complex specifications by introducing measurement error in wages and unobserved employer heterogeneity. Our results show how search frictions vary with education, age and sex, and how these differences are reflected in wage differentials in the Finnish labour market. (JEL: C41, E24, J31, J64) 1. Introduction The equilibrium models of the labour market provide a useful framework for analysing various labour market issues. In such models a policy reform or shock that directly affects some subgroup of firms or workers can change the behaviour of all agents on both sides of the market, leading to changes in the equilibrium wage distribution and unemployment rate. When both sides of the labour market are modelled in a dynamic environment, a number of simplifying assumptions must be adopted to keep the model * This study is based on a chapter of my doctoral thesis. The paper has benefited from helpful comments received at the 56th European Meeting of the Econometric Society, the 1st Nordic Econometric Meeting and various seminars held in Finland. Michael Rosholm provided most of Gauss programs needed in the estimations. I thank three anonymous referees and (co-editor) Heikki Kauppi for their suggestions and comments. All the remaining errors and misinterpretations are my responsibility. tractable. Despite simplifying assumptions, the equilibrium solutions are typically rather complex, involving highly nonlinear functions of structural parameters. A consequence is that the equilibrium models are difficult to estimate, and thereby such models are usually calibrated, not estimated. In calibration, one collects numbers from various sources for some parameters of the model and solves the model with respect to the remaining parameters. This procedure is quite arbitrary, and therefore the estimation of the structural parameters should be preferred. Another issue is to which extent stylized equilibrium models are able to describe the real-world labour market. If the model has not been tested with the data, one must be gullible to take the predictions of the model seriously. Estimating structural equilibrium models from micro-data 139 Finnish Economic Papers 2/2007 – Tomi Kyyrä produces more credible parameter estimates, allows us to assess the fit of the model, and yields valuable information for developing a more rigorous basis for equilibrium labour market analysis. This study considers the estimation of the equilibrium search model of Burdett and Mor­ tensen (1998).1 The model generates wage differentials between homogenous workers even when all firms are assumed to be identical. This main prediction of the model is consistent with empirical evidence on the existence of considerable wage differentials which cannot be explained by worker and job characteristics (see Bowlus et al., 1995). Other strong predictions concerning the relationship between wages, job durations and firm sizes follow from this simple model as well. Since many of these predictions are consistent with the stylized features of the labour market, the Burdett-Mortensen model has attracted a growing interest in the empirical literature. The various specifications of the model have been applied to data from the Netherlands (Van den Berg and Ridder, 1998), the US (Bowlus, 1997, and Bowlus et al., 2001), Denmark (Bunzel et al., 2001) and France (Bontemps et al., 2000). Bunzel et al. (2001) compare different versions of the model using Danish data. This study provides a similar exercise in the context of the Finnish labour market. We estimate different variants of the BurdettMortensen model using maximum likelihood from a sample of workers who entered unemployment in Finland during 1992. In the analysis we distinguish between separate segments of the labour market by stratifying the data according to education, sex and age. The estimation results are discussed and compared across the model specifications as well as across the worker groups.2 We begin with the homogeneous version of the model. This simplest version of the model gives a poor fit to the data because the shape of the theoretical wage distribution is at odds with the observed distribution. We 1 See Mortensen and Pissarides (1999), Van den Berg (1999), Rogerson et al. (2005), and Eckstein and Van den Berg (2007) for the surveys of search models. 2 Unlike Bunzel et al. (2001), we include also a model specification with continuous productivity dispersion in our set of the equilibrium search models to be compared. 140 proceed by estimating an augmented specification of the homogenous model by assuming that the wage data are subject to measurement error (e.g. Christensen and Kiefer, 1994a). This is followed by analysis of the theoretical extensions of the model in which firms differ in their unobserved labour productivity. We consider specifications with a finite number of firm types (Bowlus et al., 1995, 2001, and Bowlus, 1997) as well as continuous productivity heterogeneity (Van den Berg and Van Vuuren, 2000, and Bontemps et al., 1999, 2000). Although the fundamental structure of the model remains unchanged, the source and interpretation of observed wage differentials depend upon the underlying assumptions on measurement error and productivity heterogeneity. The results of the paper are useful in a variety of ways. First, a comparison of the fit of different extensions is informative on what aspects of the theory and empirical specification are likely to be important to obtain an acceptable fit to the Finnish data. Second, by investigating variation in the parameter estimates across the model specifications, we can test how robust the estimates of the fundamental parameters are with respect to different ways of deviating from the homogenous version of the model. Third, our results are informative about the relationship between unemployment durations, job durations and wages in the Finnish labour market. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In the next section the concepts of the equilibrium search theory are discussed. Section 3 introduces the data and provides some summary statistics. Estimation results from various empirical specifications are reported in Section 4. The final section concludes. 2. Equilibrium search theory In this section we briefly describe equilibrium search theory along the lines of Burdett and Mortensen (1998) and Bontemps et al. (2000). We begin with a pure search model in which all jobs are equally productive and all workers are identical. Then we introduce employer heterogeneity in the model but retain the assumption tion 4. The final section concludes. Finnish Economic Papers 2/2007 – Tomi Kyyrä Equilibrium search theory of homogeneity of the worker population than for the employed (λ 0 > λ 1), the reservation throughout the paper. wage r exceeds the value of non-market time b. s section we briefly describe equilibrium search theory along the lines of it Burdett In that case is more rewarding to search while the worker rejects wage offers ortensen (1998) Bontempssearch et al. (2000). We begin with aunemployed pure searchand model 2.1 and Equilibrium with identical agents in the interval (b, though thisjob causes a the optimal From (1) one can see how the possibilityr),ofeven search on the affects ch all jobs are equally productive and all workers are identical.utility Then loss we introduce in the short run. If the offers arrive 2.1.1 Worker behaviour search strategy of an unemployed worker. If wage offers arrive more frequently for the a higher rateofwhen yer heterogeneity in the model but retain the assumption of at homogeneity the employed (λ 0 < λ 1), enterThe supply side of theunemployed labour market popuing employment the subsequent thanis for the employed (λ > λ1 ) , improves the reservation wage r exceeds the value populationlated throughout the paper.of ex ante identical work- chances of0 receiving by a continuum higher offers. It follows of non-market time with b. In that is more search while unemployed and ers. Behaviour of workers is characterised thatcase the itworker is rewarding willing to to accept also some Equilibrium identical agents the search standardwith job search with search onoffers jobsinthat less (b, than When the arrival rate a utility loss themodel worker rejects wage the pay interval r),b.even though this causes the job. In particular workers are assumed to be is independent of employment status (λ 0 = λ 1), Worker behaviour themaximising short run. the If the at aishigher rate when employed (λ0 < λ1 ) , entering risk-neutral agents whoinare ex-offers thearrive worker indifferent between searching pected present value of future income stream while employed and while unemployed. the subsequent of receiving higher offers. Any It follows that the upply side of the labour market is employment populated byimproves a continuum of ex antechances identical with infinite horizon. Workers in the labour job that compensates for the foregone value of workerwith isorwilling to accept somemodel jobs that pay less than b. When the arrival rate is s. Behaviour of workers is characterised the standard jobalso search with market are either employed unemployed. non-market time is acceptable in this case and Each worker is facing a known distribution of thus r =(λ b.0 = status λ1 )are , the worker is indifferent between searching on the job. In particular workers independent are assumedoftoemployment be risk-neutral agents who wage offers F with associated jobs, from which while employed while unemployed. Any job that compensates for the foregone value mising the expected present value wage of future income stream infinite horizon. he randomly samples offers bothand on and with 2.1.2 Firm behaviour off the job. Wage offers arrive at the Poisson of non-market time is acceptable in this case and rs in the labour market are either employed or unemployed. Each worker is facing a thus r = b. rate λ 0 when unemployed and at the Poisson The demand side of the labour market consists distributionrate of wage offersemployed. F with associated jobs, from which he samples λ 1 when Unemployed workers of randomly a continuum of ex ante identical firms. The 2.1.2 Firm behaviour search for an acceptable job and employed firms are assumed offers both on and off the job. Wage offers arrive at the Poisson rate λ0 whento use only labour inputs in workers for a better job. Jobs are destroyed at production. Each worker generates a flow of revThe demand side of the labour market consists of a continuum of ex ante identical firms. ployed and at Poissonrate ratedλ employed. workers search for thethePoisson , 1inwhen which case theUnemployed worker enue p to his employer. We assume that p is inThe firms are assumed to use only labour inputs in production. Eachrefer worker generates who holds the job is laid off and becomes undependent of the size of the workforce and eptable job and employed workers for a better job. Jobs are destroyed at the Poisson employed. to p as the (labour) productivity of the firm. The a flowjob of isrevenue pand to becomes his employer. We assume that p is independent of the size of in which case Jobs the worker who holds laid off unemployed. are identical apartthe from the wage associfirm sets its wage so as to maximise the expecttheassociated workforce and refer to p aassteady-state the (labour) productivity of the The firm sets its atedapart with from them.the As wage a result, employed workers profit flow taking thefirm. optimal bs are identical with them. Ased result, employed are willing to move into higher-paying jobs search behaviour of workers and wages set by wage jobs so aswhenever to maximise the expected steady-state profit flow taking the optimal search s are willingwhenever to move into the opportunity arises. The To attract the higher-paying opportunity arises. The current other firms as given. workers the firm behaviour of workers and wages set by other firms as given. To attractranworkers the firm wage thus serves as the reservation wage for posts wage offers, among which workers t wage thus serves as the reservation wage for employed workers. In the limiting employed workers. In the limiting case of zero domly search using a uniform sampling scheme. postsofwage offers, amongworker which can workers randomly search using a uniform sampling scheme. zero discounting, the reservation wage the unemployed betoexpressed discounting, the reservation wage of the unem- Contrary the competitive setting, the presence Contrary to the presence searchmarket frictions in the labour market ployed worker can be expressed as the competitiveofsetting, search frictions in theoflabour generates dynamic monopsony power for wage-setting h generates dynamic monopsony power for wage-setting firms. As workers cannot find a 1 − F (z) firms. As workers cannot find a higher-paying dz, (1) r = b + (κ0 − κ1) higher-paying job instantaneously, firms can offer strictly smaller job instantaneously, firmswages can offer wages strict-than marginal 1 + κ [1 − F (z)] 1 r ly smaller than marginal labour productivity. labour productivity. b is the value of non-market time, including unemployment of search where b is the value of non-market time, includ- benefits The net expected profit flow of a firm paying The expected profit flow of a firm paying wage a steady ing unemployment benefits net of search costs, wage w in a steady statewisingiven by state is given by κ0 = λ0 /δ, κ1 = λ1 /δ and h is the upper bound of the support of F (see Burdett κ 0 = λ 0 /d, κ 1 = λ 1/d and h is the upper bound of ortensen, 1998). This equation defines the and reservation wage r (2) as a function the support of F (see Burdett Mortensen, (2) π(p, w) =of(pthe − w) l(w), 1998). This equation defines the reservation ural parameters of the model. wage r as a function of where the structural w) isworkforce the expected size of the workforce l(w) is parameters the expected where size ofl (the (associated with a given F ). The firm of the model. (associated with a given F ). The firm would emwould employ as manyofworkers to maximise its profit flow as long as p > w. From (1) one can see how the possibility ploy as as possible many workers as possible to maximise 4 search on the job affects searchserves its profit as long wage as p > w. the current Sincethe theoptimal current wage as theflow reservation for Since employed workers, the number strategy of an unemployed worker. If wage of- wage serves as the reservation wage for emof workers to the ployed firm in workers, equilibrium with the wage offered. In other fers arrive more frequently for theavailable unemployed theincreases number of workers availa- words, the labour supply curve the firm is facing with is upward-sloping. The firm takes 141 the function l as given and offers a wage that maximises its expected steady-state profit 5 Finnish Economic Papers 2/2007 – Tomi Kyyrä ble to the firm in equilibrium increases with the for all w on the common support of F and G. wage offered. In other words, the labour supply Since workers tend to move up the wage range curve the firm is facing with is upward-sloping. over time, the earnings distribution lies to the The firm takes the function l as given and offers right of the wage offer distribution, or more fora wage that maximises its expected steady-state mally, G first-order stochastically dominates F profit flow. Obviously, a firm never offers a as F (w) – G (w) ≥ 0 for all w and κ 1 ≥ 0. The diswage above p as the profits would be negative, crepancy between the earnings and wage offer nor it offers a wage less than r as such a wage distributions depends on κ 1 which is equal to would not attract any workers. the expected number of wage offers during a productive receive spell of nor employment (which may consist of sevsly, a firm never Equally offers a wage above pfirms as themust profits wouldthe be negative, same expected profit flow in equilibrium. This eral consecutive job spells) flow.than Obviously, a firm never offers wage above p as the profits would be negative, nor and can be thought ge less r as such a wage would nota attract any workers. does not mean that wage offers need to be equal, of as a relative measure of competition among it offersfirms a wage lessreceive than r the aspaying such wage would not attract any workers. however. A firm higher wage makes ain equilibrium. firms for workers. roductive must sameaaexpected profit flow lower profit per worker but makes it up in volBy equating inflow and outflow of workver offers a wage above p as the profits would be negative, nor productive firms receive the same expected flow in the equilibrium. t meanEqually that wage offers need to must be equal, however. A firm payingprofit a higher ume as the higher wage attracts more workers ers to the firm offering wage w, we find that the r asThis suchdoes a wage would not attract any workers. not mean that wage to firm be equal, however. A firmsize paying a higher from other firms and enables the to higher retain expected of the workforce in such a firm lower profit per worker but makes itoffers up inneed volume as the wage attracts By equating the inflowasand outflow of workers to the firm offerin them for a longer time. It follows that some can be expressed ms wage mustmakes receive the same expected profit flow in equilibrium. a lower perthe worker makesthem it up for in volume as time. the higher from other firms and profit enables firm but to retain a longer It wage attracts firms choose to offer low wages with a cost theofexpected size of the workforce in such a firm can be expressed wage offers need to be equal, however. A firm paying a higher more workers from otherturnover, firms andwhile enables the pay firm to retain for a longer time. It high labour others higher some firms choose to offer low wages with a cost of high labourthem turnover, By equating the inflow and outflow of workers firm offering find λ1 G(w) (m − u)wage w, we κ + κ1 ) m λ0 uto+the 0 (1that wages and experience lower labour turnover. perfollows worker but makes it up inchoose volumetoasoffer the higher wagewith attracts = (5) l(w) = some low turnover. wages a cost of tradehigh labour turnover, pay higher that wages and firms experience lower labour Due to (5) this δ +λ − F (w)] as (1 + κ0) (1 + κ1 [1 − the expected of the offered workforce in such a firm can be1 [1 expressed Due to this trade-off between size the wage firms andothers enables thehigher firm to retain them for a longer It turnover. Due to this tradepay wages and experience lowertime. labour and the same profit he while wage offered andlabour labourturnover, turnover, the sameexpected expected profit level can be that−the λ1 G(w) (m u) size of the firm + κ1 ) m is normalized to one. O κ0 (1population λ0 u +provided = (5) l(w) = turnover, can beoffered attained bylabour paying different wages. hoose to offer level low wages with aand cost of high labour 2, off between the wage turnover, the same expected profit level can be δ +inλ1w[1and − Fcontinuous (w)] aying different wages. (1 + κ0F ) (1is+continuous. κ1 [1 − F (w)]) where Note that no assumpt ages and experience labour turnover. to this tradeattained by payinglower different wages. provided that Due the size of the firmbeen population normalized to one.quit Obviously increasing have made sois far. Since workers and arel is hired and laid o 2.1.3 Steady-state outcomes dy-state outcomes provided that the size of the firm population is red and labour turnover, the same expected profit level can be in w and continuous wherethe F is continuous. Note that anorandom assumptions on the shape of F of the varying Denote the fixed size of the labour force with mworkforce normalized tofirm one.isObviously lvariable, is increasing in around its 2.1.3 Steady-state outcomes nt wages. xed size of the labour force with m andbeen the steady-state of unemployed have madeofsounemployed far.number Since workers quit and are also hired and laid off and the steady-state number continuous where Fprofit is continuous. Noteintervals, time. Asw aand consequence, the flowatisrandom a random variable. workers with u. In a steady state the flows into that no assumptions on the shape of F have been the fixed sizethe of the labour force with m and the steady-state number of unemployed u.Denote In a steady state flows into and out of unemployment are equal: the workforce of the firm is a random and variable, varying around its expected value (1998) prove there existsl aover unique tcomes and out of unemployment are equal, so thatBurdett made so Mortensen far. Since workers quit that and are hired with u. In a steady state the flows into and out of unemployment are equal: = λworkers udt for a short time interval dt. Thus the steady-state unemployment 0 time. a consequence, also the profit flow a random variable. d (m – u) dt = λ 0 udt for As a short time interval dt. and laid offis at random intervals, thesuch workforce librium which consists of a triple (r, F, π), that (i ) r satisfie labour with and the number ofdt. unemployed Thus unemployment rate is the steady-state of the firm is a random variable, varying around equiδ (m force − u) dt =m λ0the udtsteady-state for steady-state a short time interval Thus unemployment Burdett and Mortenseneach (1998) prove that there exists a unique non-cooperative w on the support of F maximises π(p, w), yielding the expec adyrate state and out of unemployment are equal: its expected value l over time. As a consequence, is the flows into a triple (r,to F,the π),3profit such flow that is(i )a they r satisfies (1) given F and (ii ) solu δ librium1which consists of flow u also random variable. equal π. Furthermore, show that the equilibrium = Thus the = steady-state , (3) a short time interval dt. unemployment Burdett and Mortensen (1998) prove that m δ + λeach 1wu+on κ0 theδ support 1of F maximises 0 π(p, w), with yielding the expected steady-state absolutely continuous thenon-cooperative common support [r, h] . profit = (3) = , there exists a unique equilibm δ + λ 1 + κ 0 0 3 analogous argument can derive the steady-state earnings distribution G, consists ∞ for flowargument equal to we π. can Furthermore, they show that the equilibrium and G are Using we an analogous derive theSince rium which of a istriple (r, F,allπ ), F such the expected profit flow π solutions across firms in equilibrium steady-state earnings distribution G, the crossδ u 1 that (i) r satisfies (1) given F and (ii) each w on Using argument we can derive the steady-state distribution G, ion wage distribution employed workers, associated with=earnings aπgiven continuous with the π(r) common support [r, h]all. w on = an analogous =of currently , absolutely = π(w) support of F. Taking this t that of currently employed the support of for F maximisesthe π (p, w), yielding m δ section + λ0 wage 1 + κdistribution 0 the cross-section wage distribution of currently employed workers, associated with a given stribution F. By equating worker flows into and out of jobs paying w or ∞ particular Sinceathe expected profit flow is across allsteady-state firms in equilibrium, holdstoinπ workers, associated with given wage offer distheπ expected profit 4flowitequal .3 the equilibrium wage offer distribution gument we can derive the steady-state earnings distribution G, tribution F. relationship By worker flows intointo and and Furthermore, they show the equilibrium offer steady-state distribution F. equating By flows out of jobs of paying w orthat thewage following wage offer earnings = the π(w) for all w and on the support F. Taking together thatequating π(r)between = πworker p −with w (5) gives 1 +absolutely κthis 1 out of jobs paying w or less, we find the followsolutions for F and G are continuous , w ∈ [r, h] 1 − (6) F (w) = ribution of find currently employedsteady-state workers, associated withbetween a given the wage less, we thesteady-state following relationship offer and support earnings κ1[r, h]. p−r the equilibrium wage offer distribution ing relationship between the wage with 4the common density profit flow is π the . By equating offer worker into distributions: and out of jobs payingwith w orthe associated ∞ across all andflows earnings Since expected distributions: F (w) λ0 u F (w) F (w) = 1 + κ1 1 − p − w , w ∈ [r, h] , (6) firms in equilibrium, it holds in particular that G(w) = relationship between · = steady-state the and earnings κ1 p−r 1 + κ1 δ + λ1 [1 − F (w)] m − u wage 1 + offer κ1 [1λ− F (w)] ∞ F (w) u F (w) π (r) = π = π (w) for all w on the support of 0 f(w) = ,F. w ∈ [r, h] . (4) · = (7) (4) G(w) = with the associated 2κ (p − r) (p − w) density 1 δ + λ [1 − F (w)] m − u 1 + κ [1 − F (w)] the common support of F and G.1Since workers tend to move 1up the wage Moreover, by1 substituting (6) into (1) and recognising that F (h) + κ1 Fall (w) λ0 u w on the of F andofG. workers tend to move up are the (7)toF (w) f(w) = distribution, , ruled wwage ∈ out [r, h] 3 me,for the earnings distribution lies the right theSince wage offer Trivial solutions by .making the natural · common = support 2κ (p − r) (p − w) 1 supportthat bounds assumptions of of F as δ + λ1 [1 − F (w)] m − u 1 + κ1 [1 − F (w)] ∞ > p > b and ∞ >κ i > 0 for i = 0,1. range over time,stochastically the earnings dominates distribution the−right wage offer distribution, ally, G first-order F lies as Fto(w) G(w)of≥the 0 for all w Moreover, by substituting (6) into (1) and recognising that F (h) = 1, we can write the support of F and G. Since workers tend to move up the wage (8)F as F (w) r = αb + (1 − α) p, more formally, G first-order stochastically − G(w) ≥ 0 for all w Theordiscrepancy between the earnings and wage dominates offer distributions depends 142 bounds of support of F as ngsand distribution lies to the right of the wage offer distribution, The discrepancy between the earnings offer distributions depends (9)wage h = βb + (1 − β) p, 1 ≥ s equal κto the0.expected number of wage offers during aand spell of employment (8) r = αb + (1 − α) p, order stochastically dominates F as F (w) − G(w) ≥ 0 for all w on κof equal to thejob expected number offers a spell of employment 1 which onsist severalisconsecutive spells) and can of bewage thought of during as a relative where the weights are given by ncy(which between the earnings and wage offer distributions depends (9)consecutive job spells) and canhbe =thought βb + (1 may consist of several of − asβ) a p, relative aMortensen consequence, also the profit flow isexists a varying random variable. orce of the 3firm is aprove random variable, around its expected value l over (1998) that there a satisfies unique non-cooperative equion the of(r, F F, maximises π(p,that w), the onsists π), such that (i ) ryielding (1)expected given F steady-state andfor (iiF) andprofit equal toofsupport π.a triple Furthermore, they show the equilibrium solutions G are ttconsequence, and Mortensen prove that exists a unique non-cooperative equiaonsists also(1998) the profit flow is there a (irandom variable. of a triple (r, F, π), such that ) r satisfies (1) given F and (ii ) 3 ual tocontinuous π. they show that the equilibrium solutions for F and G are upport of FFurthermore, maximises π(p, w), yielding the[r, expected steady-state profit utely with the common support h] . hich of a (1998) tripleπ(p, (r, F, π), such that (iexpected ) ra satisfies (1)Finnish givenprofit FEconomic andequi(ii ) Papers 2/2007 – Tomi Kyyrä tt andconsists Mortensen prove that there exists unique non-cooperative upport of F maximises w), yielding the steady-state 3tely continuous with theflow common support h] solutions . in equilibrium, Furthermore, they show that equilibrium for F and G arein particular ince the expected profit is πthe across all [r, firms it holds n3hich the support of ofthey maximises π(p, w), yielding the expected consists aF triple (r,that F, π), such that (i ) solutions r satisfies givenGFare andprofit (ii ) a limiting case when search Furthermore, show the equilibrium for(1)Fsteady-state Taking this together with gives equilibsolution emerges ce the=with expected profit flow across all inthe equilibrium, itand holds in particular nuous common support [r,support h] (5) . firms π =the π(w) for all w isonπ the of F. Taking this together with (5) as gives π(r) 4 3 rium offer distribution frictions disappear. l the to π.support Furthermore, they show that the equilibrium solutions for F and G are As a second extreme, if only ofcommon Fwage maximises π(p, w), yielding the expected steady-state profit nuous with the support [r, h] . 4 = π(w) w on all thefirms support of F. Taking this together with (5) gives receive offers (0 < λ < ∞ (r) = πprofit pected flowfor is πallacross in equilibrium, it holds inunemployed particular quilibrium wage offer distribution workers 0 ypected continuous with the common support h] . [r, in to π.3profit Furthermore, they show the equilibrium solutions for F and G are flow is π across all firms equilibrium, it holds in particular 4that and λ = 0), the firms cannot increase their 1 distribution p − wthis together with (5) gives 1 + κ1 of F. Taking =uilibrium π(w) forwage all woffer on the support , w ∈ [r, it h]holds ,workforce − F (w) =is π across (6) by offering higher wages. Thus all Taking of 1F. expected profit flow all firms inequilibrium, particular continuous with the common ph]− =the π(w) for all w on the (5)ingives 4 support p[r,− w. rthis together with 1 +κ κ11 support wage offer distribution firms offer the same wage equal to r which in , wthis ∈ [r,together h] , 1 − of F. Taking F all (w)w= = π(w) fordensity the support with (5) gives = πexpected 4on κ p − rin equilibrium, the profit flow is π firms it holds in particular the associated 1across all wage offer distribution turn converges to b. In this case the equilibrium p−w 1+ κ1associated the , w ∈ [r, h] , 1 − 4 density Fwage (w) with = earnings distribution G limits to a mass point at brium offer distribution he associated density 1r + κof1 F. Taking this together with (5) gives w on the psupport = π = π(w) for κall −w 1+ 1κ1 f(w)1=− , w∈ [r,,h] ,w ∈ [r, h] . b, and the Diamond’s (1971) paradoxical F (w) = κdistribution r−κ p1r) − (p w − w) 1 1 + κ12κ41p − 1(p+ ted density brium wage (7) offer , , ww∈∈[r,[r,h]h] , . monopsony solution emerges. Moreover, all F (w)f(w) = = 1 − κ p − r−w) 12κ r) (precognising over,density by substituting1 (6) (1)−and that F (h) employment = 1, we can write ted 1 (p wouldthebe uniformly distributed 1+ κ p − w + κinto 1 1 f(w) = , w ∈ [r, h] . , w ∈ [r, h] , 1 − F (w) = across the firms associated density ver, substituting into (1)−and that F (h) = 1, we can write as thel (w) = m – u by virtue of (5) +r) κ1(p −r ds ofbysupport of2κ F as(6) (p1κ− w) precognising 1 f(w)Moreover, = 1 by substituting , (6) w ∈into [r, h] . and rec- and (3). (1) 1+ (pand − r)recognising (p −κw) 1 1 (1) sbstituting of support off(w) F2κas associated density (6) into that = h] 1, .we can write r == =that , −Fα) w(h) ∈ Otherthe strong predictions follow from the simognising F (h) 1, we the αb−can +w) (1write p,[r,bounds 2κ (p − r) (p 1 bstituting (6) into (1) and recognising that F (h) = 1, we can write the ple model outlined above. First, workers with of support of F as 1 + κ1 rt of F as r hand == αb ++ (1(1 − α)w p,∈p,[r,Fh] f(w)(6) = into ,− . = 1, longer employment βb β) by substituting (1) recognising that (h) we can write the history are predicted to be 2κ1 (p − r) (p − w) ort of F as more likely to be located at the upper end of the αbh+ (1 α)+ p,(1 − β) p, = −βb support of (8) F as r = into (1) and recognising that F (h) = 1, wage we can write the This is because wage growth distribution. eby thesubstituting weights are (6) given by r = αb + (1 − α) p, h = βb + (1 − β) p, in the model results from job-to-job transitions. 2 support of F the weights areasgiven byr = αb + (1(1 −+ α)κp, 1) Second, the model implies a positive relation(9) h = αβb=+ (1(1−+β)κ p,)2 + (κ2 − κ ) κ , 1 + κ1 ) 0 1 1 (1 ts are given by ship between the size of workforce and the = αb βb + (1 − α) β)1 p, α rh== , 2 wage paid by the firm. Firms offering higher 2 (1 + κ ) + (κ − κ ) κ ts are givenwhere by 1 0 1 1 . β = the weights (1 +are κ1 )given 2 by (1 + κ ) + (κ − κ ) κ α = , h = βb (1 − β) p, 1 0 1 1 wages grow at a larger size because a higher 1 2 weights are given by +(κ κ10)2− 2κ1 ) κ1 (1β+ κ=1 )(1 + . workers to a firm from other α = , (1 + κthe + (κ assumptions − κ1 ) κ1 that ∞wage rivial solutions are ruled out by making > p >attracts b and ∞more > κi > 0 1 ) natural +κκ11))κ210 (1 + κ1 )2 +1(κ(1 0− are βgiven by firms and reduces the quit rate, λ 1 [1– F (w)]. =weights 0, 1. = . α = , (10) 2 natural assumptions that ∞ > p > b and ∞ > κi > 0 ialassociated solutions are ruled out the 1(κ (1solutions +byκmaking )2 + + κ(κ he equilibrium forκ the earnings follows directly from the steady-state + − κ 1(1 1 )0κ 1distribution These results are driven by on-the-job search. 1 )0 − 1 ) κ1 2 = (1 + κ1 ) . 0, 1. outlinedβin (4). 2 onship αsolutions (1= +the κ1natural )for +the (κassumptions κ1 ) distribution κ1 that ∞, > An interesting prediction of the model is that 02 − 1 sassociated are ruled equilibrium out by making p > b and ∞ > κ > 0 earnings follows directly from the steady-state i β = (1 + κ1 ) 2 + (κ0 − κ1 ) κ1 . change in the unemployment benefit b does ship in (4). + κ1 )assumptions + (κ0 − κthat 1 ) κ∞ 1 > p > b anda∞ s areoutlined ruled out by making the (1 natural > κi > 0 1 7 follows equilibrium solutions for the earnings distribution directly from the steady-state not affect equilibrium unemployment as long as β = . that ∞ > p > b and ∞ > κ > 0 (11) 2 solutions ruled out by making natural assumptions i d in (4). aresolutions (1 +the κdistribution κ1 ) κdirectly 1 ) + (κ0 − 1 equilibrium for the earnings follows from the steady-state b < p. For example, an increase in b increases 7 d in (4). the reservation r by virtue of (1). Howociated equilibrium solutions for thethe earnings follows from the ∞ steady-state solutions are ruled out by making naturaldistribution assumptions that directly ∞>p> b and > κi > wage 0 7 outlined in (4). In other words, both the support and functional ever, to retain a positive workforce, firms offerociated equilibrium the distribution follows directly from the steady-state formsolutions of the for wage offer distribution depends 7 earnings ing wages below the new value of r must react outlined in (4). only on the structural parameters of the model. 7 The fact that h is a weighed average of b and p further implies that the7 highest wage offered in the market is strictly smaller than p. The main outcome of equilibrium search theory with on-the-job search is that wages are dispersed in equilibrium even when all workers and firms are homogenous. When the arrival rates of job offers, λ 0 and λ 1, tend to infinity, the equilibrium earnings distribution G converges to a mass point at p, and both the steadystate unemployment rate and the equilibrium profit rate tends to zero. Thus the competitive 4 The associated equilibrium solutions for the earnings distribution follows directly from the steady-state relationship outlined in (4). by increasing their wage offers which in turn affects the wage offers of other firms. The net result is that the exit rate out of unemployment and thus the unemployment level remain unchanged. Using a similar reasoning one can see that a decrease in b does not affect unemployment either. 2.2 Employer heterogeneity The model of the previous section makes several predictions which can be expected to be consistent with empirical data. However, a closer look at (7) reveals that the density of the wage offer distribution (and, consequently, that of the earnings distribution) is strictly increasing and convex on its whole support. This con143 i i i that (pi − w) l(w) = (pi − wi ) l(wi ), where l (w) is as defined in (5), holds for all firms equilibrium distribution of wage offers: implies the with productivity pi offering a wage on the interval [wi , wi ) . This following 1 + κ1 1 − γ i−1 pi − w 1 + κ1 Finnish Economic Papers 2/2007 – Tomi Kyyrä 1− , w ∈ [wi equilibrium distribution of (12) wage offers:F (w) = κ 1 + κ1 pi − wi 1 tradicts with the shape of wage the associated − γ i−1 1 +associated κ1 1with pi − w density 1 + κ1distributions with density (12) F (w) = as empirical 1 − the , w ∈ [wi , wi ) , usually observed in the data wage 1 + κ1 pi − w i 2.2 Employer heterogeneityκ1 1 + κ1 1 − γ i−1 densities are typically unimodal and skewed , w ∈ [wi , wi ) , (13) f(w) = with thetail. associated density with a long right This calls to doubt wheth- (13) 2κ (piexpected − w) (pi − wi ) 1 be The model of the previous section makes several predictions which can to er the simple equilibrium search model1 with + κ1 1 − γ i−1 , w ∈that [wi , w (13) f(w) = be consistent with empirical data. However, a closer look at reveals the identical agents can provide an acceptable fit to i ) ,density heterogeneity 9 (pi −(7) 2κ1realis(pi − w) wi ) the wage data. To make the model more of the wage offer distribution (and, consequently, that of the earnings distribution) is tic,makes we extend thepredictions basic model by allowing for where previous section several which can be expected to γ i = F(∞wi), with the convention that γ 0 = 0.9As shown inwith Mortensen (1990) strictly increasing and convexInon whole contradicts the shape of and in Buremployer heterogeneity. theitsfirst casesupport. we in- This empirical data.troduce However, a closer look at (7) reveals thatdisthe density dett and Mortensen (1998), an equilibrium is heterogeneity assuming a discrete wage distributions usually observed in the data as empirical wage densities are typically ∞ 1, …, π ∞ q), where (i) r is by (r, F, π tribution for productivity firms along the characterized distribution (and, consequently, that ofacross the earnings distribution) is the common wage satisfying (1), (ii) unimodal andMortensen skewed with a long right tail. and This calls to doubtreservation whether the simple lines of (1990) and Burdett and convex onMortensen its whole support. This contradicts the shape F isofthe wage offer distribution given in (12) (1998). This is followed by with an extenequilibrium search model with identical agents can provide an ∞ acceptable fit to the wage and (iii) π i = (pi – w) l (w) is the expected steadysioninofthe Bontemps al. (2000) which allowsare fortypically usually observed data as et empirical wage densities flow ofbyfirms with for productivity pi dispersion. data.continuous To makeproductivity the model more realistic, we extendstate the profit basic model allowing wed with a long right tail. This calls to doubt whether the simple offering wages on the interval [Kwi, ∞wi), i = 1, 2, employer heterogeneity. In the first case we introduce heterogeneity assuming a discrete q. In general, when there are q types of model with identical can provide an acceptable fit to the …, wage 2.2.1 Aagents finite number of firm types the resulting distribution of wage offers distribution for productivity across firms along the linesfirms, of Mortensen (1990) and Burdett he model moreAssume realistic,that wethere extend basic ofmodel allowing forabsolutely continuous with the support F is arethe q types firmsby which and Mortensen (1998). This is followed by an extension of Bontemps et al. (2000) which [r, h] and has q –1 “kinks” corresponding to the differ labourheterogeneity productivityassuming such that neity. In the first caseinwetheir introduce a discrete p1 < p <…< pq. Let γ i be the fraction of firms wage cuts (∞w1, ∞w2, …, ∞wq –1).5 allows for 2continuous productivity dispersion. ductivity across firms along the lines Mortensen (1990) and Burdett Recall from the previous section that the with productivity p orofless. Keeping all other i equilibrium wage densities are convex over their aspects model of unchanged, Mortensen A finite number firm types 98). This 2.2.1 is followed byofanthe extension of Bontemps et al. (2000) which (1990) and Burdett and Mortensen (1998) show whole support when all jobs are equally produc- us productivitythat dispersion. tive. This property is at odds the equilibrium thiswhich case results Assume that there are q solution types of in firms differ in their labour productivity such with that the long flat in a complete segmentation of the wage offer right tail commonly observed in the wage data. <range p2types < among ... < pqfirm . Lettypes. γ i be Optimal the fraction firms with Keeping i or less. umber ofp1firm In productivity contrast, the pmodel of this section with prowageofsetting ductivity implies that the wage implies that of thethewage offered increases with (1990) all other aspects model unchanged, Mortensen andheterogeneity Burdett and Mortensen are q types of productivity firms which differ in their labourofproductivity that f is discontinuous at the wage cuts, beand that all firms type i offersuchdensity (1998) showonthat the equilibrium solution in bounds this case results in a complete segmentation tween wages the interval [K w , ∞ w ), where the i i Let γ i be the fraction of firms with productivity pi or less. Keeping which it exhibits locally increasing patterns.setting This theoretical distribution of intervals arerange such among that w ∞ i =firm w K i +1types. for i = 1,2, … , of the wage offer Optimal wage implies that the wage can take the the model unchanged, Mortensenthe (1990) andwage Burdett and Mortensen q –1. In addition, lowest offered is functional form able to mimic the shape oboffered increases with productivity and that firms ofserved type iinoffer on the interval the wages data. Moreover, since more proto the reservation wage, that w K 1 all = r.We he equilibrium equal solution in this case results inso a complete segmentation ductive firms wages, also ∞wq = h in to beare consistent [wi , w where that the bounds of order intervals such that w for ioffer = 1,higher 2, ..., q − 1. In they attract i ) , define i = wi+1 ange among firm Optimalnotation. wage setting implies that the more wage workers, face lower quit rates and, consewithtypes. our previous addition, the lowest wage offeredofis given equal to themust reservation wage, so that w1 = r. We also quently, In equilibrium all firms type ith productivity and that all firms of type i offer wages on the interval are larger on average. High productivity firmsnotation. make also more profit on average in have profit flow, so define thatthe wq same = h inexpected order to be consistent withthat our previous bounds of intervals w = w for i = 1, 2, ..., q − 1. In i equilibrium than less productive firms. (pi – w) are l (w)such = (pthat – w K ) l ( w K ), where l ( w) is as dei+1 i i i In equilibrium all firms offirms givenwith typeproductivmust have the same expected profit flow, so fined in (5), holds for all t wage offered is equal to the reservation wage, so that w1 = r. We also wage on the interval [Kwi, ∞wis thatity (pip−i offering w) l(w) =a (p defined in (5), holds for all firms i). as 2.2.2 i −w i ) l(wi ), where l (w) A continuum of firm types in order to beThis consistent previous notation. distribuimplieswith the our following equilibrium withtion productivity pi offering a wage on the interval [w the(see following i , w i ) . This Bontemps et implies al. (2000) also Bontemps et of wage offers: all firms of given type must have the same expected profit flow, so al., 1999, and Burdett and Mortensen, 1998) equilibrium distribution of wage offers: = (pi − wi ) l(wi ), where l (w) is as defined in (5), holds for all firms 1 + κ1 1 − γ i−1 pi −5 wVan den Berg (2003) points out that there may exist 1 + κ1 (w)interval = , w ∈characterized [wi , wi ) , by a different reservation pi offering (12) a wage [w , 1w−) . This implies the following (12) onFthe other equilibria κ1 i i 1 + κ1 pi wage − wiand a different number of active firm types. This posution of wage offers: sibility arises from the two-way relationship between the with the associated density reservation wage of the unemployed and minimum produc1 + κ1 1 − γ i−1 pi − w 1 + κ 1 − γ 1 + κ1 tivity level in use. In other words, the reservation wage af. 1 i−1 1(13) − , w ∈ [wi , w i) , , fects w ∈the [wminimum f(w) =wi κ1 1 + κ1 pi − i , w i ) , level of profitable productivity and vice 2κ1 (pi − w) (pi − wi ) versa. d density 9 1144 + κ1 1 − γ i−1 , w ∈ [wi , wi ) , f(w) = 2κ1 (pi − w) (pi − wi ) 9 n average in equilibrium than less productive firms. uum of firm types Finnish Economic Papers 2/2007 – Tomi Kyyrä an alternative of Burdett the BurdettGiven Γ an equilibrium is characterized by (2000) (seepropose also Bontemps et al.,extension 1999, and and Mortensen, Mortensen model which allows for continuous (r, F ) , where (i) the common reservation wage alternative productivity extension of the Burdett-Mortensen model which allows for (1) and (ii) the wage offer distribution dispersion. For this specification r satisfies we suppose that specification productivity we p issuppose continuously the workers face while searching F is given by ctivity dispersion. For this that productivity distributed across active firms according to the (14) and (16).6 A s before the equilibrium distri­ only one wage offer can be profit-maximizing a closed-form expression in general. Despite distributed across active function firms according to the distribution distribution Γ, with support [K p, ∞ p], function bution oΓ,f wage offers F is absolutely continu et show al. (2000) showone that over K p ≥ r. Bontemps , where p ≥where r. Bontemps et al. (2000) that only wageous offer canits support [r, h]. Neither K nor F has ing for each for firmeach and the offer increases with firmoptimal and thewage optimal wage offer in-productivity. this the model outlined above makes some re­ creases with productivity. It followsdistribution that there Γ strictions re exists a direct map between the productivity and wage on the shape of the wage distribu- tions, excluding certain shapes for F and G. One of these restrictions says that for given κ 1, f (w) (1 + κ 1 [1– F (w)]) decreases over the whole support of F (i.e. the second-order condition of F (K(p)) = Γ(p), (14) profit maximization holds everywhere). This 003) points out that there may exist other equilibria characterized by a different where K(p) denotes the wage offered by firms prediction can be used as a specification test in a different number of active firm types. This possibility arises from the two-way with p andand K minimum is an increasing andlevelthe empirical analysis of the model. It imposes the reservation wageproductivity of the unemployed productivity in use. In continuous function. differently, the fracrvation wage affects the minimum levelStated of profitable productivity and vicethe versa. restriction how steeply f can increase for e K(p) denotes the wage offered by firms with productivity p and K is an increasing tion of offers no higher than K(p) equals the given κ 1. Where the density f is decreasing the continuous function. differently, thep and fraction no higheristhan K(p) met regardless of the he wage offered by firms withwith productivity K less. is of anoffers increasing fraction ofStated firms productivity p or condition obviously Given that K is strictly increasing in p, firms value of κ . For large κ 1 the condition allows f where K(p)differently, denotes wage offeredofby productivity p and 1K is an increasing ls the Stated fraction of firmsthe with productivity pfirms or less. ion. the fraction offers nowith higher than K(p) with the lowest productivity K p must offer a to increase quite steeply, but for small κ 1 the and that continuous function. Stated ther and fraction ofcondition offers no pis higher thaneven K(p)if f increases only Given Kproductivity is strictly increasing in differently, p, firmswage with productivity must offer firms withoffered p10 or less. wage equal to the reservation theincreasing violated the wage by firms with productivity p andthe K lowest is an highest wage in the market is offered firms slightly. equals the fraction firms with p orby less. ge equal to the reservation wage rproductivity and highest wage theoffer market is offered by rictly increasing in p,offirms with the lowest productivity p in must tion. Stated differently, the fraction ofthe offers no the higher with the highest productivity ∞p. Since wagethan K(p) When productivity is dispersed across firms, Given that K is strictly increasing ininwage p, firms with the lowest productivity p must offer with highest productivity Since offer for p inofthe wage ris and thep for highest the market isthe offered by offer unique any pwage inthe the interior ofisΓ,unique theany shape F interior obviously depends on the shape feservation firmsthe with productivity or p. less. optimal wage offer wwage = K(p) solves the first-wageofinΓ.the However, whereas κ 1by > 0 is necessary and a wage equal to the reservation r and the highest market is offered the optimal wage offer wwage =with K(p) theproductivity first-order ∂π (p, w) /∂w = 0. productivity p. Since offersolves islowest unique for any p incondition the interior trictly increasing p,the firms offer order in condition ∂π (p,the w) / ∂w = 0. For givenpFmust sufficient for wage dispersion, it should be notthe highest productivity p. Since the wage offer is unique for any p in the interior given F with and p this condition writes as p rthis writes as e firms offer w =and K(p) solves the highest first-order condition ∂π (p, w) 0. ed=that reservation wage andcondition the wage in the market is /∂w offered by productivity dispersion is neither necesnor sufficient for wage of Γ, the optimal wage offer w = K(p) solves the first-order sary condition ∂π (p, w) /∂w = 0. dispersion. In the condition writes as ts productivity p. Since the wage offer is unique for any p in the interior presence of productivity differentials the degree (p − w) writes − (1 +as κ1 [1 − F (w)]) = 0, (15) 1 f(w) For given F and 2κ p this condition of wage dispersion may be decomposed into ge offer w = K(p) solves the first-order condition ∂π (p, w) /∂w = 0. 2κ1 f(w) (p − w) − (1 + κ1 [1 − F (w)]) = 0, two parts: one which is due to search frictions ded that w = K(p)as≥ r.2κ The first-order condition gives an implicit of the his condition writes to the homogeneous case and an(15) = 0, function 1 f(w) (p − w) − (1 + κ1 [1 − F (w)])analogously provided that w = K(p) ≥ r. The first-order conother offer≥ofr. aThe firmfirst-order with productivity given an κ1 implicit and the function distribution of which wages results offered from by variation in productiv(p) conditionp gives of the dition anκ≥1implicit function the wagegivesityanacross firms. In particular 2κ1 f(w)that (p −w w)gives −K(p) (1 + [1 −The F (w)]) = 0, ofcondition provided = r. first-order implicit function the it can be shown rith firms. As shown al.distribution (2002),pthis the following optimal wageofofthe productivity andet the ofimplies wages offered offer pofingiven aBontemps firmκ1with productivity given κ 1 and thatbythe equilibrium homogeneous verwage offer of a firm with productivity p given κ and the distribution of wages offered by 1 the distribution of wages offered by other firms. sion of the Burdett-Mortensen models emerges forBontemps a firm with productivity p : implies ny in et al. (2002), this optimal of wage K(p) ≥ r. The first-order condition givesthe an following implicit function the As shown in Bontemps et al. (2002), this imas a limiting case when the degree of productivother firms. pAs: shown in Bontemps et al. (2002), this implies the following optimal wage p productivity dzaoffered with productivity p given κ1 andoptimal the distribution of wages by plies the following wage policy for ity dispersion goes to zero (see Bontemps et al., 2 = p −productivity (1 + κ1 [1 − Γ(p)]) 2 , for details). policy for firm aK(p) firmwith with p productivity p: p : 2000, (1 + κ [1 − Γ(z)]) r 1 n in Bontemps et al. (2002), this implies dz the following optimal wage F: exists a direct map between the productivity distribution Γ and wage offer distribution F: ) = p − (1 + κ1 [1 − Γ(p)])2 , p 2 dz of the structural κ1 [1 − Γ(z)]) r (1 +we r from (1) = into express 2 K(p) in terms hubstituting productivity p : K(p) (16) p −(16), (1 + κ1 [1can − Γ(p)]) (16) 2, r (1 + κ1 [1 − Γ(z)]) p meters λ0 ,(16), λ1, δ,we p, Γ) . express om (1) (b, into can K(p) dz in terms of the structural 2 .(1) p)By = psubstituting − (1 + κ1 [1 − , r Γ(p)]) from into (16),bywe(r,can K(p) terms of the structural 2where Given Γ. an equilibrium is characterized F ) , express (i) the in δ, p, Γ) − Γ(z)]) 6common reservation r (1 + κ1 [1 To be specific, there can be a single equilibrium, mul tiple equilibria or equilibrium may not exist at all, dependλ0 , λ(ii p, Γ) 1 , δ,the rparameters satisfies (1)(b, and wage offer distribution thethe workers face while searching brium characterized F. ) , where (i) the common reservation om (1)is into we )by can(r,express K(p) terms ing on the values of structural parameters of the model. By(16), substituting r from (1) intoin(16), we of can ex-structural Given Γ an equilibrium is characterized by (r, F ) , where (i) common 6 Bontemps et al.offers (2000)reservation and (16). As before the equilibrium distribution ofthe wage Fpoint is out that it is in general hard nd (iiΓ) )by the wage offer distribution the workers face while searching press K(p) in terms of the structural parameters ,given δ, p, . (14) to differentiate between alternative cases. In the text we (b, λ 0over ,(1) λ the δ,equilibrium p, . wage wage r6 satisfies (iiΓ )) the offer distribution thea arbitrarily workers while searching assume that the unique equilibrium exists. 1,and utely continuous its support h] . Neither F has closed-form expression nd (16). before distribution ofnor wage offers F is face ibrium is As characterized by (r, F ) ,[r, where (i) theKcommon reservation 6 F isitsgiven by this (14) and (16). K As the equilibrium distribution of wage offers F is neral. model outlined above makes someexpression restrictions on the shape over support [r,offer h]the . Neither norbefore F has a closed-form and (ii )Despite the wage distribution the workers face while searching 145 absolutely continuous over itsmakes support [r, h] . Neither Konnor F shape hasofathese closed-form expression 6 end wage distributions, excluding certain shapes for F and G. One restrictions his the model outlined above some restrictions the (16). As before the equilibrium distribution of wage offers F is in general. Despite this(1the above makes some restrictions that for given κ1[r, , f(w) + for κmodel [1Fnor −and Foutlined (w)]) over the whole supportonofthe F shape ons, certain G. of these restrictions 1K s overexcluding its support h] shapes . Neither F hasOne adecreases closed-form expression the wage excluding certain shapes forsupport F and G. of these restrictions the second-order profit maximization holds everywhere). This prediction ,off(w) (1 + κdistributions, [1condition − F (w)])of decreases over the whole of FOne 1 1 Finnish Economic Papers 2/2007 – Tomi Kyyrä 3. Data 3.1 Sample details Christensen and Kiefer (1997) discuss data requirements for identification of the structural parameters of the Burdett-Mortensen model. They show that the model can be estimated from data on individual labour market histories where at least some of the workers are observed with both unemployment duration and job duration with the associated wage. Empirical analysis of this study is based on a sample of individuals drawn from the worker data of the Integrated Panel of Finnish Companies and Workers (the IP data).7 Underlying source of information on workers in the IP data is the Employment Statistics (ES) database of Statistics Finland. The ES database is a longitudinal database which combines information from over 20 administrative registers. Since 1987 the ES database has been updated regularly, and it covers effectively all people with a permanent residence in Finland. Each individual in the ES database who holds a job at the last week of the year is associated to his or her employer with a company and establishment identifier. The worker panel of the IP data covers all people from the ES database with an identifier of the private-sector employer at least in one of the years between 1988 and 1996. As a result, the underlying worker panel covers practically all persons who have been employed in the private sector during the period 1988–1996 (at least at the end of one year). The total number of persons in the IP data is slightly below two million. For these people a set of variables, collected by combining the annual records of the ES database, is available over the period 1988–1996. In this paper we focus on a subsample of the worker panel of the IP data. As a first step we select all individuals between the ages of 16 and 65 who entered unemployment during 1992. In choosing a sample of unemployed workers we follow the practice of Bowlus et al. (2001) and Bunzel et al. (2001). We exclude workers who 7 A detailed description of the IP data is given in Kor­ keamäki and Kyyrä (2000). More recently, the Finnish Longitudinal Employer-Employee data (FLEED) have replaced the IP data. 146 have been self-employed as well as those have been employed by the public sector or nonprofit organization during the period 1990– 1996. These groups are excluded as the underlying model does not describe their labour market experiences. For all individuals selected in the sample, we record the duration of the unemployment spell (d ) and information on whether unemployment ended because of finding a job (cd = 0) or for some other reason (cd = 1).8 Unemployment spells not followed by a job are treated as rightcensored in the empirical analysis. This may occur due to a drop out of the labour force, participation in the active labour market programme or the spell continuing beyond the observation period. It should be stressed that we treat unemployment spells ended in a job replacement programme as right-censored as well. Thus we make a difference between finding a job from the open labour market and becoming employed by labour administrative measures. For those workers who found a job, we further record the accepted wage (w) and the duration of the subsequent job spell ( j ) along with the reason for termination. The wage rate is computed using information on annual earnings and the days worked. A job spell may end in a layoff (a = 0, cj = 0), a quit (a = 1, cj = 0) or be right-censored (cj = 1). Job spells followed by unemployment are classified to be ended in a layoff, whereas job spells consecutively followed by another job spell with a new employer are interpreted to be ended in a quit for a better job. We identify changes in employer by comparing establishment identifiers attached to workers on the basis of the employer.9 Job spells terminated due to a drop out of the labour force and those continuing beyond the observation period are treated as right-censored. All durations are measured in months, and wages are 8 If the worker has several unemployment spells started in 1992, we choose the first one. 9 The establishment identifier is available only at the last week of each year, and hence we do not observe the employer for jobs that started and ended within the calendar year. Subsequent job spells result in a quit only if we actually observe the change in the establishment identifier. Hence, we may be underestimating the number of quits to some extent. Finnish Economic Papers 2/2007 – Tomi Kyyrä converted into monthly rates to match the duration measures. Recall that our theoretical model is concerned with the population of homogeneous workers. While all workers are different in practice, we cannot allow the parameters to be different for each individual as the model will be of no use at all in such a case. Instead we assume that the labour market consists of a large number of segments, each of which forms a single market of its own. These segments are assumed to differ from each others according to observed characteristics of workers. To deal with this kind of heterogeneity, the model can be applied separately to each group of workers, allowing for all parameters to vary freely across the groups. This approach corresponds to controlling observed heterogeneity with a complete set of discrete­ regressors (Christensen and Kiefer, 1994a). To pursue this approach, we stratify the data by education, sex and age. We categorize education as follows: lower vocational education or less (11 years or less), upper vocational education (12–13 years), lower university (a Bachelor degree or the lowest level of university education, 13–15 years), and upper university (a Master degree or higher, 16 years or more). The age groups considered are: 16–21 years, 22–30 years, 31–50 years, and 51–65 years. As only few workers with lower or upper university education are aged below 22 or above 50, we combine the two lowest age groups as well as the two highest age groups for these education groups. It is worth noting that the segmentation assumption does not preclude firms from employing different types of workers provided that the production function is additive in different types of labour inputs (e.g. Van den Berg, 1999). In this case, there may be several types of jobs with possibly different productivity levels within a firm but only a particular type of workers are suitable for each type of job. Since workers of different type do not compete for the same jobs, wage offers for workers occupying a particular labour market segment are independent of labour market conditions in other segments. This is an unrealistic assumption since heterogeneous workers (say, women and men with the same education) compete partly for the same jobs in the real-world labour market. One may try to relax this restriction by introducing a more realistic production technology but it will probably make the model completely intractable. This unappealing implication of the segmentation assumption should be kept in mind when interpreting our empirical results. As some of the estimation procedures used are sensitive to outliers in the wage data, some concern needs to be taken with our wage measures. Since the monthly wages are computed from annual earnings without information on hours worked, the wage data can be expected to contain some measurement error. To deal with outliers in the wage data, we first require that all wages must be at least 80% of the lowest salary grade of the central government, after which we trim the lowest and highest 3% of wage observations in each subgroup. Finally, the maximum size of the estimation sample is restricted to 3,000 observations. This is because the computational burden of the estimation method for the model with a discrete distribution of productivity increases rapidly with the sample size and the number of firm types. Thus, we have drawn random subsamples of 3,000 workers (after trimming the wage data) from the underlying groups, defined by education, sex and age, which exceed this size threshold. 3.2 Descriptive statistics It is worth emphasizing that the period under investigation is exceptional one. An overheating period of the Finnish economy in the last years of the 1980s was followed by a deep recession in the early 1990s. The annual change in the GDP was negative during the period 1991–1993, and in the worst year, 1991, the GDP decreased by over 7%. According to the Labour Force Survey, the unemployment rate rose from 3.2% in 1990 to over 16% in 1993, remaining at the level beyond 14.5% until 1996. The labour market experiences of the sampled workers thus took place in a period of record high and stable unemployment. We should keep this in mind when interpreting the results. Table 1 gives some descriptive statistics for the worker groups to be analysed. The aggre147 Finnish Economic Papers 2/2007 – Tomi Kyyrä Table 1: Summary statistics N w wmin wmax d cd j cj a Lower vocational and less Men, 16-21 Men, 22-30 Men, 31-50 Men, 51-65 Women, 16-21 Women, 22-30 Women, 31-50 Women, 51-65 17,051 40,145 73,142 20,129 7,604 13,721 31,212 13,724 7,819 9,526 10,483 10,320 7,071 7,638 7,932 7,871 4,625 4,845 5,067 4,940 4,546 4,607 4,685 4,647 16,713 23,464 26,669 27,002 18,325 18,858 18,172 17,741 7.56 10.49 11.58 16.43 7.07 10.06 11.94 19.17 .78 .58 .57 .73 .80 .71 .66 .79 12.54 12.28 12.52 9.94 12.24 14.63 16.71 13.95 .32 .20 .22 .20 .33 .31 .29 .22 .20 .22 .20 .19 .17 .22 .14 .10 Upper vocational Men, 16-21 Men, 22-30 Men, 31-50 Men, 51-65 Women, 16-21 Women, 22-30 Women, 31-50 Women, 51-65 9,544 11,233 8,993 1,811 6,769 11,002 6,273 695 7,843 9,298 11,742 13,645 6,919 7,734 9,298 10,284 4,659 4,834 5,278 5,724 4,535 4,680 4,837 5,028 15,324 22,003 28,770 27,963 14,799 16,232 22,809 23,591 5.83 8.81 11.22 18.08 5.41 7.51 10.35 18.98 .78 .57 .60 .79 .73 .60 .65 .82 11.91 14.92 17.82 14.02 11.45 15.72 17.60 13.98 .41 .28 .31 .30 .37 .31 .32 .26 .27 .27 .22 .12 .25 .26 .23 .07 Lower university Men, 16-30 Men, 31-65 Women, 16-30 Women, 31-65 5,042 4,495 1,831 1,512 10,531 13,755 8,541 11,241 5,185 5,338 4,725 4,938 23,859 37,047 16,842 28,597 7.36 9.28 6.55 10.83 .59 .54 .56 .61 17.77 18.88 17.31 17.97 .35 .34 .36 .36 .28 .24 .32 .25 Upper university Men, 16-30 Men, 31-65 Women, 16-30 Women, 31-65 502 1,321 526 543 12,883 17,874 11,756 12,887 5,636 5,667 5,683 4,831 27,255 53,488 34,397 34,092 7.21 12.12 6.33 10.32 .47 .56 .51 .59 20.87 22.18 18.09 16.64 .35 .38 .40 .34 .55 .32 .38 .32 Notes: N is the number of observations in the underlying population from which the estimation sample was drawn. w is the average accepted wage (FIM) in the estimation sample. wmin and wmax are the minimum and maximum of observed wages (FIM) in the estimation sample respectively. d and j are the average durations of unemployment and job spells respectively. cd is the share of censored unemployment spells, and cj is the share of censored job spells in the estimation sample. a is the share of uncensored job spells ending in a quit for a better job. gate number of observations in the underlying and most of subsequent job spells ended in a group (N) is given in the first column of the layoff. table. Where N exceeds 3,000, all sample statisUnemployment duration increases with age tics are computed from a random subsample of and is exceptionally high among low educated 3,000 workers, describing the sample to be used workers aged over 50. There are no clear differin the estimations. It appears that the size of the ences in the average duration of unemployment underlying worker group is much lower for by sex. The rate of censoring in the unemployhighly educated groups. This does not reflect ment data is found to be very high. It is also only the education structure of the labour force worth emphasizing that the average duration of but also a lower incidence of unemployment 36 censored spells is over two times higher than among more educated workers. The fact that the that of uncensored spells (not shown in the taperiod under investigation is characterized by ble). This is because long-duration spells of high unemployment levels is reflected to the unemployment are often terminated by labour figures in the table. Unemployment durations administrative measures. This explains partly are relatively long with a high rate of censoring, the higher censoring rates for the groups with 148 Finnish Economic Papers 2/2007 – Tomi Kyyrä the longest unemployment durations. Young job Some technical details on the estimation proceseekers are often regarded as a special target dures are given in the Appendix. group of the labour administrative measures, resulting in a relatively highlikelihood censoringfunction rate forwithout specifying the functional form for the wage offer distribu 4.1 The log-likelihood function workers aged under 22. There are no large difIn the subsequent sections we report the empirical results. Some technical details on ferences in job duration across age groups. The structural parameters of interest are (λ 0, λ 1, , r)given with in a scalar p for the homogeneous modHighly educated workers experience slightly δare estimation procedures the Appendix. longer job spells and are more likely to quit for el, the set (p1, p2, …, pq) of productivity terms model with a discrete distribution of proa better job. Compared to unemployment spells, for the function 4.1 The log-likelihood job spells are longer on average and the rate of ductivity, and Γ for the model with a continuous productivity. correcensoring in the job duration data is much parameters low- distribution The structural of interestofare (λ0, λ1 , δ, r) With with athe scalar p for the homogen sponding parameter estimates in hand, we can er. (p1the , p2 , ..., pq ) ofan productivity terms for the model withour a discrete distribu 10 obtain estimate for b using (1). Since Wages increase with age model, at leastthe up set until were drawn from the inflowdistribution of unemployinterval 31–50 years of age.ofThere are no clear productivity, and Γ data for the model with a continuous of productivity. W wage differentials between workers at the two ment, we observe a spell of unemployment the corresponding estimates in hand, we can obtain an estimate for b u along with the post-unemployment destination lowest levels of education, whereas higher edu-parameter 10 individual in the data. those whose we observe a cation yields slightly higher(1). return. Given Since ouredudata for wereeach drawn from the inflow of For unemployment, cation and age women receive uniformly lower unemployment ended in a new job we further unemployment along with the for each individu observe thepost-unemployment wage rate accepted destination as well as the wages than men do. Despiteofthe trimming produration of the subsequent job along with the cedure there are still wage the observations which data. For those whose unemployment ended in a new job we further observe are relatively low compared to minimum re- reason for termination. Since we do not have rate accepted as the information duration of the job along complete on subsequent all observations, the with the reaso quirements, reflecting somewage measurement prob-as well possibility censored observations unemlems in the wage data. Empirical wage densities termination. Since we do not have of complete information on allonobservations, the possib for each worker group are shown in Figures 1 ployment and job durations is explicitly acobservations on unemployment and job indicators durations isc explicitly accounte for using censoring to 3 in the Appendix, where of thecensored thick solid lines counted d and cj. cd and cj . represent the kernel densityusing estimates obtained censoring indicators The likelihood contribution from an individusing Gaussian kernels with the bandwidth chocontribution an individual is unemployed for d periods, acc ual whofrom is unemployed forwho d periods, accepts sen by a rule of thumb. Other The lineslikelihood depict the then a job with an associated wage w, keeps that predicted densities obtainedthen froma job the with different an associated wage w, keeps that jobs for j periods until he gets lai specifications of the equilibrium search model job for j periods until he gets laid off (a = 0) or (a =on. 0) The or finds another job another (a = 1) has a general finds job (a = 1) hasform a general form and they will be discussed later empirical wage densities are generally unimodal and 1−c skewed with a long right tail. (17) (17) � = ϕ (d) [f(w)φ (j, a |w )] d , ϕ isof the density function of unemploywhere ϕ is the densitywhere function unemployment duration, f is the density of the 4. Econometric analysis ment duration, f is the density of the wage offer offer distribution and φdistribution is the density job duration and condit andfunction f is theofdensity function of destination job We have derived the explicit solutions for the w. The censoring and destination conditional on the ac- duration c t on the accepted wage duration indicator for unemployment d equilibrium wage offer distribution with and cepted wage w. The censoring indicator for una valueFrom of zero the unemployment spell iscdfollowed by a new job,ifand a value of without employer heterogeneity. the ifasemployment duration takes a value of zero sumptions underlying the theoretical model it is the unemployment spell is followed by a new otherwise. straightforward to derive distributions for un- job, and a value of one otherwise. jobKnowloffers arrive Since at thejob Poisson λ0 and allPoisson offers are acceptable to the u employment and job durations Since as well. offersrate arrive at the rate λ 0 edge about these distributions allows us to write and all offers are acceptable to the unemployed ployed in equilibrium, unemployment duration d is exponentially distributed with inte down the likelihood function for the various , so that 10 It can be argued that b is the ’deep’ structural paramspecifications of the model.parameter In the nextλ0section we derive the general form of the likelihood eter of the model rather than r, which follows implicitly from strategy1−c of dunemployed workers. Howd function without specifying (18) the functional form the optimal search ϕ (d)does = λnot e−λ0any . difference in pracever, this distinction 0 make for the wage offer distribution. In the subse- tice due to the one-to-one relationship between b and r 10 It can be argued that outlined b is the ’deep’ quent sections we report the empirical results. in (1). structural parameter of the model rather than r, which fo implicitly from the optimal search strategy of unemployed workers. However, this distinction doe make any difference in practice due to the one-to-one relationship between b and r outlined in (1). 149 17 ro if the unemployment spell is followed by a new job, and a value of one Economic – Tomi Kyyrä to the unemoffers arrive at Finnish the Poisson rate λ0Papers and all2/2007 offers are acceptable wage offer distribution generally does not dein equilibrium, unemployment duration d is ex- with librium, unemployment duration d is exponentially distributed intensity pend on λ 0. This observation taken together with (20) suggests that λ 0 is identified from the unemployment duration data only. It follows 1−cd −λ0 d that the estimator of λ 0 is stochastically indeϕ (d) = λ e . (18) 0 pendent of all other parameters of the model, gued that b is the ’deep’ structural parameter of the model rather than r, which follows As workers search randomly among employers being robust with respect to different model the optimal search strategy of unemployed workers. However, this distinction does not using a uniform sampling scheme, the wage ofspecifications. Despite the apparent simplicity ence in practice due to the one-to-one relationship between b and r outlined in (1). fers are random draws from the equilibrium of the log-likelihood function (20), its maximiwage offer distribution F. To derive the condi- zation is a difficult task, and some nonstandard 17 among employers using a uniform sampling scheme, the wage As workers search randomly tional distribution of job duration j and destina- procedures are called for. We discuss these difAs can workers search randomly among employers using a uniform scheme, the wage As workers search randomly among employers using a offer uniform sampling scheme, the wage offers are draws from equilibrium wage distribution Tosampling derive the tionrandom a, we useusing the standard competing risks ficulties in the F. Appendix. rch randomly among employers athe uniform sampling scheme, the wage framework for exponential duration models. Reoffers are of random draws from the equilibrium offer F. To derive the randomly among employers using awage uniform sampling scheme, the wage offers areusing random draws from the equilibrium wage offer distribution F.distribution To the conditional distribution job duration j the and destination a, wage we use the derive standard mong employers a uniform sampling scheme, wage om draws from equilibrium distribution To derive thecan callthe that layoffs occur at offer the Poisson rate dF. and 4.2 Identical workers and firms conditional distribution duration j and destination a,the westandard can use from equilibrium wage offer distribution F. To the conditional distribution ofdestination jobexponential duration jjob and destination a, we can alternative offers arrive at the Poisson rate λ derive competing risks framework for duration models. Recall thatuse layoffs occur at the standard mdraws the equilibrium wage offer distribution F. To the tribution of the job duration j and a,of derive we can use 1.the standard Since only wage offers exceeding the current We begin our empirical analysis with the simcompeting risks framework for exponential duration Recall that ution ofthe jobPoisson j framework destination a,offers we can use standard competing risks exponential duration models. Recall that layoffs occur atlayoffs occur at rate δand and alternative arrive atthe the Poisson rate λ only wage b duration j duration andexponential destination a, weforcan use the standard s framework for duration models. Recall occur at models. 1 . Since wage will be accepted, the actual quitthat ratelayoffs is plest specification of the model with homogenethe rate δwill and alternative offers arrive at theisλPoisson λwage . Since only wage amework for exponential duration models. Recall that occur atworkers the Poisson δ Poisson and alternative offers arrive at the Poisson rate .1 Since only offers exceeding the current wage bereceiving accepted, the actual quit rate λ (1 firms. − Frate (w)) ,1the λ 1 (1–rate (models. w)), the probability of ofous Equilibrium solutions rteexponential duration Recall that layoffs occur δ and alternative offers arrive at the Poisson rate λlayoffs .at Since only wage 1and F 1an feroffers times the exceeding probability that the received offer for F and f are given by (6)isand (7) respectively. offers the wage will beonly accepted, the quit rate and alternative arrive atanthe Poisson rate λ1 . is Since wage offersarrive exceeding the current wage will be accepted, quit rateactual is λ (1 − (w)) ,λthe 1 (1 − F (w)) , the probability of receiving offer the probability that the received offer is F acceptable offers at the Poisson rate λtimes .current Since only wage gative the current wage will be accepted, the actual quit rate λthe − FFor (w)) , the 1 1 (1actual is acceptable given the current wage w. Condithe reasons1 given in the Appendix, we estiprobability receiving an offer times probability that the isreceived is acceptable current wage will beof accepted, the actual quit rate is λduration (1 − Fthe (w)) ,the the probability receiving anof offer times the probability offer acceptable given the current wage w. Conditional the wage w, received job j sample has offer an minimum tional on the current wage w, the job jthat mate rthe and h duration using the and ge will be accepted, the actual quit rate isthat λ −on F (w)) , the 1current receiving an offer times the probability the received offer is acceptable 1 (1 has an exponential distribution with intensity maximum respectively. These order statistics given the current wage w. Conditional current w, thejthis job duration j has an ving anexponential offer times the probability that the received isδ acceptable given the current wage Conditional onacceptable theoffer current wage w, job duration hasjob an distribution with intensity +on λ (1j − Fthe (w)) .wage Exit from rnttimes the that thew. received offer isparameter wage w. probability Conditional current wage w, the job duration has an of 1 the parameter on d +the λ 1 (1– estimates (r, h) for each group can be found F (w)). Exit from this job exponential distribution intensity δand + .λ1, − F (w)) . Exit wage w.into Conditional on the current wage w, the duration jparameter an exponential intensity parameter δ 1+from λhas (1 − FTable (w)) Exit from this job from thistojob 1 (1 into udistribution nemployment jpδ/ robability where correspond the unemployment occurs with [δ + (1 − Fthis (w))] exit into athey highernditional on the current wage w,with the job has anλ stribution with intensity parameter δoccurs +probability λduration −with Fjob (w)) . Exit job 1from 1 (1with d / [d + λ 1 (1– F (w))] and exit into a higher- minimum and maximum accepted wage (i.e. into occurs with probability δ/ [δ + Putting λand − Fthese (w))] and exit into a higherution with intensity λλ111(1 − FF(w)) ./this Exit from into unemployment occurs with probability δ/ [δ λ(1 (1 −(w))]. Fjob (w))] into atogether higher1 (16 exit paying jobprobability with [δ + λ+ −this F intensity parameter δparameter +probability λ unemployment (1δ/ −δ[δ F+ (w)) .(1 Exit from job ment occurs with + − higherpaying job 1with probability λ 1(w))] (1– F and (w)) exit / [1d 1+into6ra = w min and h = wmax). Estimates of other pa(w)) /together [δ + λ1Putting (1 F (w))]. these together thoccurs with probability δ/−[δ/Putting + λwith − Fexit (w))] and exit into a−higher1 (1 λ (1w))]. these together yields rameters of−the model are presented in Table paying with probability λ(1 (1 − Finto (w)) [δ +− λ1F(1 F (w))]. these Putting together yields probability δ/ [δ λpaying (1 Fjob (w))] a/λ higher1λ(1 1 probability λjob (1+ − F (w)) [δ + − F (w))]. Putting these 1 (1– F 1 1and 2. yields λ1 (1 λ1 (1 − F (w))].these Putting these together λrobability (w)) / [δ−+Fλ(w)) −[δF+ (w))]. Putting together 1 (1 − Fyields 1 (1 / [1−F (w)])j It is 1found that (19) (19) φ (j, a |w ) = [(1 − a)δ + aλ1 (1 − F (w))]1−cj e−(δ+λ . λ 0 is uniformly higher than λ , suggesting that wage offers arrive more fre1 1−cj −(δ+λ1 [1−F (w)])j 1−c(1 −(δ+λ 1 [1−F (w)])j 1−c (w)])j 1 [1−F (j, a j|we+−(δ+λ )aλ = 1[(1 − +.aλ F (w))] e. . 1 jquently φ(19) (j, |w− )= [(1φ − a)δ (1 − a)δ F (w))] e− φ (j, a |w(19) ) = [(1 − a)δ + aλ1a(1 F (w))] when unemployed than when employed. Substituting 1−c (18) and (19) into (17) and taking logarithm gives the individual contri1−c −(δ+λ1 [1−F (w)])j j (w)])j This corresponds to the case where the reserva−(δ+λ [1−F j 1 a−|w )= +(w))] aλ1 (1 − eF (w))] e . a)δ + [(1 aλ1−(1a)δ −F . tion wage r exceeds the value of non-market Substituting (18) and (19) into (17) and taking logarithm gives the individual contriSubstituting (18) and (19) into (17) and taking Substituting (18) and (19) into (17) and taking logarithm gives the individual contribution to the log-likelihood function: g (18) and (19) into (17) and taking logarithm gives the individual contrilogarithm gives the individual contribution to time b. Moreover, as d is uniformly higher than bution to the log-likelihood function: 8) and(17) (19) into and taking logarithm gives the individual contribution to(17) the log-likelihood function: into and taking logarithm gives the individual contriog-likelihood function: λ , jobs are more likely to end in a layoff than the log-likelihood function: log � = (1 − cd ) (1 − cj ) ln [(1 − a)δ + aλ1 (11 − F (w))] − λ0 d in a quit for a better job. Ignoring workers aged kelihood function: nction: log � = (1 − c ) (1 − c ) ln [(1 − + λ aλ − λage, log � = (1 − c ) (1 − c ) ln [(1 − a)δ + aλ (1 − a)δ F22, (w))] λ0. d− F (w))] d j 1decreases 0 d being excepbelow with og � = (20) (1 − c(20) ) (1 − c ) ln [(1 − a)δ + aλ (1 − F (w))] − λ d 0− + (1 −dcj ) (ln j)(1 d j 1 λj0 + ln f(w) −0(δ + 1λ 1 [1 − F (w)]) tionally low for less educated workers aged over (1c− clnd(1 )[(1 (1 − c)j(ln ) ln +(1 aλ (w))] − (1 − + aλ −+F (w))] λλ0F d[1 (20) −(w)]) (δ + λ F (w)]) j) . + (1F − cλj0)d(ln d )= j )+ 1−(1 (20) )− (ln + ln f(w) −.λ(δ + ln λ [1 Moreover, −F j)1λ .[1 −increases 0+ λ[(1 lna)δ f(w) −−1(δc(1 + (w)]) j) − j− 0− 1f(w) cja)δ 0+ 1λ 50. with education, 0 Estimations of different specifications of the Burdett-Mortensen model will all be based on though not uniformly. In contrast, λ 1 does not (ln λ0−+(δln+f(w) λ1 [1 +λ (10 − + cln λ1 [1−−(δF + (w)]) j)− . F (w)]) j) . cj ) (ln j )f(w) Estimations of different specifications of Burdett-Mortensen model will all be based on Estimations different specifications of the Burdett-Mortensen model will patterns all be based on (20), the onlyofdifference between the specifications being the functional form assumed for Frespect exhibit any clear with to educadifferent specifications of the Burdett-Mortensen model will allthe be based on of different specifications of specifications thebased tiononnor with respect to age. Less educated 11Estimations (20), the difference between the functional form rent specifications of the Burdett-Mortensen model willthe all beassumed (20), only difference between specifications being thedistribution functional assumed F assumed for F and f.the Recall that the only shape of the equilibrium wage offer generally doesfor not cations of the Burdett-Mortensen model will all be based on difference between the specifications being the form forbeing F form Burdett-Mortensen model willfunctional all be based on women aged over 50 have the lowest chances of 11 11 specifications and f. Recall that the shape ofwith the generally does not being the functional assumed for F wage (20), the only difference between theform specificaand f.the that the shape of the equilibrium wage distribution does not . This observation taken together (20)offer suggests thatoffer λ0generally isdistribution identified from depend on λthe en thebetween specifications the functional form assumed for Fequilibrium lence that the shape ofRecall equilibrium wage offer distribution generally does not 0being tions being the functional form assumed for F This observation taken together with (20) that λfrom on λ0 .offer tofthe shape of the wage distribution generally does not . depend This observation taken together with suggests that depend onequilibrium λwage 0 is identified from the unemployment duration data only. It follows that the estimator of λλsuggests is identified stochastically theobservation equilibrium offer distribution generally does This together suggests that λnot identified from 00 is 0 is(20) andtaken f.011 Recall thatwith the (20) shape of the equilibrium quit or layoff, i.e. observations on a are not crucial for iden- , so that ponentially distributed with intensity parameter λ 0, so that the duration data only. It the of λ0ofisλ stochastically tification. Theof separate identification taken together with parameters (20) suggests that λ isfrom identified from that the unemployment duration data It that thefollows estimator λ0estimator is stochastically independent of(20) allItunemployment other of thefollows model, robust with respect to different 1 and d even withnobservation taken together with suggests that λ0only. isestimator identified 0 of ment duration data only. follows that the λ is stochastically 0 being out knowledge of a follows from the fact that the condi- 11 of all parameters of of the model, beingrespect robust respect different duration data only. It follows that the ofwith λ0 isrespect stochastically Christensen and Kiefer (1997) show that identification tional jobwith hazard decreases with w. A higherto wage does not independent ofindependent all other parameters the model, being robust towith different model specifications. Despite the apparent simplicity log-likelihood function (20), ata It follows that the estimator ofestimator λother isofstochastically allonly. other parameters of the model, being tothe different 0 robust of all structural parameters of the model does not necessar- affect the layoff rate but implies a lower quit rate and the model specifications. Despite the apparent simplicity ofare the log-likelihood other parameters ofapparent the model, being robust with respect tofunction model specifications. Despite the apparent simplicity of extent the log-likelihood function its maximization is arobust difficult task, and some nonstandard procedures called for. ily require information on whether the job ends in a different of this effect depends on λ 1(20), . We function (20), meters of the model, being with respect tospell different ations. Despite the simplicity of the log-likelihood (20), itsof maximization is alog-likelihood difficult and some nonstandard s. is Despite thesimplicity apparent simplicity of task, the function (20), its maximization is a difficult and sometask, nonstandard procedures areprocedures called for. are We called for. We these in the Appendix. the apparent the log-likelihood function (20), on a discuss difficult task, difficulties and some nonstandard procedures are called for. We 150 11 discuss these difficulties in thefor. Appendix. a difficult task, and difficulties some nonstandard procedures are called for. We parameters of the model does Christensen and Kiefer (1997) show thatcalled identification of all structural discuss in the Appendix. task, and some nonstandard procedures are We ifficulties in thethese Appendix. not necessarily require information on whether the job spell ends in a quit or layoff, i.e. observations on 11 11 Christensen and show that identification of allwithout structural ulties inathe Appendix. and Kiefer (1997)of show that(1997) identification ofofall structural parameters of knowledge theparameters model of does Appendix. nd Kiefer (1997) that allKiefer structural parameters the areChristensen notshow crucial foridentification identification. The separate identification of λ1model and δdoes even aof the model does not that necessarily require information on whether the job spell in i.e. adoes quit or affect layoff,the i.e. not necessarily require information on whether the spell inw. aA quit or layoff, observations on observations on quire information on the whether the job ends in a quit or job layoff, i.e.ends observations onends follows from fact the spell conditional job hazard decreases with higher wage not Kiefer (1997) show of quit all structural parameters of theeffect model does on are crucial for identification. The separate δ even without howidentification. that of aall structural parameters ofthe theextent does aidentification are not that crucial for identification. The identification of λidentification of a knowledge of a 1 and δofeven for The separate identification of λseparate δ model even without knowledge a λof layoff rate but identification implies anot lower rate and of this depends . λ1 andknowledge 1 and 1without Finnish Economic Papers 2/2007 – Tomi Kyyrä Table 2: Estimation results with identical agents λ0 λ1 δ p b Lower vocational and less Men, 16-21 Men, 22-30 Men, 31-50 Men, 51-65 Women, 16-21 Women, 22-30 Women, 31-50 Women, 51-65 .0285 .0399 .0375 .0166 .0282 .0292 .0286 .0109 (.0011) (.0011) (.0010) (.0006) (.0012) (.0010) (.0009) (.0004) .0099 .0130 .0117 .0138 .0070 .0082 .0051 .0054 (.0011) (.0009) (.0008) (.0013) (.0009) (.0007) (.0005) (.0008) .0470 .0547 .0531 .0701 .0486 .0401 .0384 .0519 (.0024) (.0018) (.0018) (.0029) (.0025) (.0017) (.0015) (.0024) 42,697 58,533 70,946 78,136 62,871 50,235 65,841 78,050 (3,271) (2,844) (3,629) (5,373) (6,164) (3,240) (5,314) (9,152) 2,461 754 332 4,532 1,753 1,228 811 3,988 (229) (279) (312) (205) (257) (264) (238) (114) Upper vocational Men, 16-21 Men, 22-30 Men, 31-50 Men, 51-65 Women, 16-21 Women, 22-30 Women, 31-50 Women, 51-65 .0385 .0494 .0353 .0116 .0505 .0534 .0335 .0095 (.0015) (.0014) (.0010) (.0006) (.0018) (.0015) (.0010) (.0009) .0128 .0118 .0080 .0071 .0113 .0106 .0079 .0035 (.0013) (.0008) (.0006) (.0013) (.0010) (.0007) (.0006) (.0014) .0405 .0390 .0327 .0454 .0458 .0357 .0324 .0506 (.0022) (.0014) (.0012) (.0029) (.0022) (.0013) (.0013) (.0055) 29,884 46,673 71,490 94,126 33,238 33,173 55,604 152,083 (1,751) (1,950) (3,825) (13,130) (1,982) (1,426) (3,089) (55,257) 1,740 —2,358 —3,464 4,687 635 —1,366 —1,489 3,970 (298) (416) (535) (342) (291) (346) (419) (337) Lower university Men, 16-30 Men, 31-65 Women, 16-30 Women, 31-65 .0562 .0495 .0675 .0357 (.0016) (.0013) (.0025) (.0015) .0096 .0075 .0119 .0080 (.0007) (.0005) (.0010) (.0009) .0296 .0292 .0284 .0293 (.0011) (.0010) (.0014) (.0017) 48,443 91,523 28,814 66,729 (2,054) (4,474) (1,272) (4,988) —7,453 (697) —14,893 (1,031) —5,081 (705) —4,881 (895) Upper university Men, 16-30 Men, 31-65 Women, 16-30 Women, 31-65 .0735 .0363 .0770 .0395 (.0047) (.0016) (.0050) (.0027) .0180 .0078 .0102 .0123 (.0020) (.0008) (.0015) (.0019) .0184 .0218 .0249 .0310 (.0018) (.0013) (.0023) (.0029) 34,727 110,639 63,666 64,873 (1,350) (7,135) (5,355) (6,069) —16,266 —20,876 —26,298 —5,850 (2,945) (2,368) (3,901) (1,781) Notes: Standard errors are in parentheses. finding a job when unemployed, but women parameter not only a function of unemployment with university education tend to receive more benefits but also of search costs and perhaps offers than their male counterparts when unem- even of the disutility of unemployment (Bunzel ployed. Layoff rate d decreases with education et al., 2001). There is also a tendency for b to but there is little difference by sex. Workers be lower for women than men among less eduaged below 22 and those aged over 50 are more cated workers aged below 22 and over 50, while likely to be laid off than other workers. the reverse is true among workers between 22 Productivity p increases with age and is often and 50 years old. higher for men than for women with some exEquilibrium unemployment rates, as implied ceptions. Young workers with upper vocational by the estimates of λ 0 and d, are record high, education are found to be less productive than being over 50% for some groups (not reported their less educated co-workers. Otherwise pro- in the table). It is obvious that our sample drawn ductivity differentials across education groups 37 from the inflow of unemployment is not a repdo not exhibit very clear insight. The value of resentative sample of the labour force but worknon-market time b appears to be positive among ers with poor employment prospects are likely workers with the lowest level of education. For to be over represented. In particular, the layoff more educated groups b is typically negative, rates are expected to be much higher in our being more negative for higher education levels. sample than among the employed population on Negativity of b reflects the need to interpret this average, which leads to the overwhelmingly 151 Finnish Economic Papers 2/2007 – Tomi Kyyrä large unemployment rates. Although a flow sample is a natural choice to explain differences in post-unemployment wages, it is obvious that our results do not describe the labour market as a whole very well. Overall all structural parameters of the model are estimated accurately and their estimates allow for a meaningful economic interpretation. The fit to the wage data is less satisfactory, however. This is illustrated in Figures 1 to 3 in the Appendix where empirical wage distributions and predicted wage offer distributions obtained from the different specifications of the model are shown. The predicted theoretical density for the pure homogeneity model is computed by inserting the parameter estimates into (7). While the empirical (kernel) densities are unimodal and skewed with a long right tail, the equilibrium search model with identical agents restricts the predicted densities to be increasing and convex over the whole support. Such a shape is obviously not supported by the data. The predicted densities are flat over their whole support, leading to a poor fit to the wage data in all worker groups. Recall that our data do not contain information on working time. This with some other inaccuracies in the available data suggests that our wage variables are subjected to measurement error. The estimates of the structural parameters of the model can be expected to be affected by measurement errors. The order statistics estimators of (r, h) are clearly sensitive to measurement error. The dependence of (r, h) on other parameters of the model implies that the maximum likelihood estimates of frictional parameters (λ 1, d ) are also affected by measurement error in wage data (Van den Berg and Ridder, 1993). Taking the possibility of measurement error in wages explicitly into account may hence improve the performance of maximum likelihood estimation. Following Christensen and Kiefer (1994a) and Bunzel et al. (2001), we assume that the wage data are subject to a multiplicative error term with a Pearson Type V distribution with unit mean. Estimation results for the homogeneous model with measurement error in wages are reported in Table 3. While the underlying theoretical model remains unchanged, the estima152 tion procedure deals with a more complex measurement process now (see the Appendix for details). In contrast to the previous case, we now estimate r and h along with other parameters using maximum likelihood. The results are missing for four groups of low-educated women as the estimates of r and h converged to the same value in their cases. Compared to the previous results, λ 1 is now uniformly much higher and d uniformly slightly lower, while λ 0 is of course not affect by the introduction of measurement errors. Among workers with an upper university degree λ 1 now exceeds d, while the reverse still holds for other groups. Moreover p is uniformly lower and b uniformly higher than previously. The presence of measurement errors in the wage data suggests that a range of wage offers is narrower than previously, so less variation in p and b is required to explain the observations in the data. The estimates of r and h are generally very close to each other, resulting in a small difference between p and b. As another implication, dispersion in the sequence of wages that the worker can receive over time is predicted to be quite narrow. The predicted densities for observed wages obtained from the measurement error model are shown in Figures 1 to 3 in the Appendix. It is evident that the measurement error specification results in a rather good (statistical) fit to the wage data. In particular, both tails are captured quite nicely and the mode point is very close. As a consequence of the improved fit to the wage data, the estimates of frictional parameters are likely to be more appropriate here. On the other hand, the finding that measurement errors account for such a large part of the observed wage variation can be viewed as a failure of the theoretical model as it implies that the theory is unable to explain wage dispersion within the labour market segments. In other words, the results suggest that search frictions do not play an important role in explaining wage dispersion. But this is a too hasty conclusion since workers and jobs are likely to be different within the narrowly defined labour market segments as well. Finnish Economic Papers 2/2007 – Tomi Kyyrä Table 3: Estimation results with identical agents and measurement error in wages λ0 Low voc. & less Men, 16-21 Men, 22-30 Men, 31-50 Men, 51-65 Women, 16-21 Women, 22-30 Women, 31-50 Women, 51-65 Upper vocational Men, 16-21 Men, 22-30 Men, 31-50 Men, 51-65 Women, 16-21 Women, 22-30 Women, 31-50 Women, 51-65 .0285 .0399 .0375 .0166 λ1 9,278 (920) 11,915 (848) 11,329 (996) 14,336 (1,499) — — 8,013 (1,022) 11,457 (1,793) (.0027) (.0024) (.0022) (.0033) — — .0122 (.0013) .0124 (.0018) (.0023) (.0018) (.0017) (.0028) — — .0366 (.0015) .0502 (.0024) .0385 .0494 .0353 .0116 .0505 .0300 .0286 .0189 .0133 .0301 .0363 .0353 .0301 .0439 .0412 (.0031) (.0020) (.0015) (.0025) (.0029) — — .0075 (.0031) .0437 .0508 .0495 .0658 p (.0011) (.0011) (.0010) (.0006) — — .0286 (.0009) .0109 (.0004) (.0015) (.0014) (.0010) (.0006) (.0018) — — .0095 (.0009) .0236 .0317 .0291 .0339 δ b 7,052 8,121 9,995 8,855 σ (454) (475) (545) (517) — — 7,849 7,026 (420) (391) .3012 .3417 .3739 .3743 (.0114) (.0108) (.0100) (.0173) — — .2700 (.0069) .2883 (.0123) (.0021) 10,900 (660) 5,611 (409) .2294 (.0013) 10,682 (635) 8,056 (540) .3320 (.0012) 16,688 (1,268) 8,244 (889) .3549 (.0029) 34,816 (4,476) 8,013 (652) .2657 (.0021) 7,436 (479) 6,464 (364) .2594 — — — 4.3 Discrete productivity dispersion — — — .0496 (.0054) 40,043 (13,510) 5,802 (674) .2217 (.0183) (.0091) (.0170) (.0327) (.0076) — — (.0516) Next we consider the extended model with a discrete distribution of Lower university Men, 16-30 Men, 31-65 Women, 16-30 Women, 31-65 4.3 (.0016) Discrete .0562 .0228 productivity (.0016) we .0264 15,660 (612) 4,556 error (607)in wages, .2506 (.0151) do (.0011) notdispersion allow for measurement so comparisons .0495 (.0013) .0183 (.0013) .0265 (.0010) 22,672 (1,127) 4,951 (1,007) .3550 (.0201) .0675 (.0025) .0267 (.0024) version .0251 (.0014) 9,190 can(570) 7,545 .3018 (.0103) of the model be done in a (827) straightforward manner.Here The Next we consider the extended model with a discrete distribution of productivity. .0357 (.0015) .0195 (.0022) .0265 (.0016) 13,554 (1,640) 9,305 (1,332) .3832 (.0188) wit ind to the log-likelihood function is still givenwith by (20), the only differen we do not allow for measurement error in wages, so comparisons the homogeneous Upper university Men, 16-30 Men, 31-65 Women, 16-30 Women, 31-65 .0735 (.0047) .0431 (.0047) homogeneous .0140 (.0016) case 17,131 (528)measurement 2,864 (1,355) errors .2071 being (.0210)that F and f without version of the.0197 model can be.0189 done in a straightforward manner. The individual contribution .0363 (.0016) (.0020) (.0012) 27,896 (1,760) 6,656 (1,901) .4462 (.0388) .0770 (.0050) .0294 (.0044) and .0205 (.0022) 12,490 (1,350) 9,911 (2,646) .3409 (.0206) (13)still respectively. Bowlus etonly al. (1995) develop an estimation to the log-likelihood function (20), the difference compared to the .0395 (.0027) .0305 (.0050) .0271 is (.0028) given 19,978by(1,861) 6,219 (1,642) .4045 (.0604) ar m to deal with the errors ill-behaved of given this extension homogeneous case without measurement being likelihood that F andfunction f are now by (12) (se Notes: Standard errors are in parentheses details). the other parameters of the method model are estimated, and (13) respectively. Bowlus et Once al. (1995) develop an estimation which is able an e obtained using function of this extension (see the Appendix for to deal with the ill-behaved likelihood q 4.3 Discrete productivity details).dispersion Once the other parameters of the model an estimate of b 2δ can(1be λ0 −are λ1 estimated, − μi ) (21) (21) b = r − (pi − wi ) 1 − μ2i − λ 1 − γ i− δ + λ 1 1 obtained using i=1 Next we consider the extended model with a discrete distribution of productivity. Here we do follows q from the substitution λ0which − λ1 2δ of (1 (12) − μi )into (1). 2 . not allow for measurement error in wages, so , (21) b=r− (pi − wi ) 1 − μi − γ 1i−1 δ+ , wq ) can be found from T statistics estimates for (r,λh) ≡−(w 1 1 comparisons with the homogeneous versionλ1ofOrder i=1 the model can be done in a straightforward Other parameter which follows from the substitution of (12)estimates into (1). are shown in Tables 4 to 6. Estimates of manner. The individual contribution to the log- which follows from the substitution of (12) into (λ δ) ≡ are very close to the estimates obtained fro 1 ,h) likelihood function isOrder still given by estimates (20),meters the for(1). statistics (r, (wgenerally 1 , w q ) can be found from Table 1 as previously. Order statistics estimates for (r,Compared h) = (Kw1, ∞wto only difference compared to the homogeneous q) the correspon model measurement wages. Other parameter estimates are with shown in Tables 4 error to 6. inEstimates of the frictional paracase without measurement errors being that 38 F can be found from Table 1 as previously. Other the measurement specification, there is a tendency parameter estimates are shown in Tables 4 tohomogeneous 6. for λ1 to be s and f are now given by (12) andare (13) respecmeters (λ1 , δ) generally very close to error the estimates obtained from the Estimates of the frictional parameters ( λ , d ) tively. Bowlus et al. (1995) develop an estima1 does not exhibitCompared any systematic Overall the difference model with measurementδ error in wages. to the differences. corresponding estimates from tion method which is able to deal with the ill- are generally very close to the estimates obare so moderate that can draw conclusions tainedthere from homogeneous withsame measbehaved likelihoodthe function of thiserror extension measurement specification, isthe aone tendency for basically λ1model to be the slightly smaller while conc urement error in wages. Compared to the cor(see the Appendix for details). Once the other parametersdifferences. from this model andthe fromdifferences the homogeneous with the δ does not exhibit any systematic Overall in thesemodel estimates parameters of the model are estimated, an esti- responding estimates from the measurement error specification, there is a tendency for λ 1the to frictional mate of b can be obtained using that one can draw are so moderate basically the same conclusions concerning [ Tables to exhibit 6 aboutany here ] be slightly smaller while d does 4not parameters from this model and from the homogeneous model with the measurement error. To get an idea of productivity differences, the average 153 productivit [ Tables 4 to 6 about here ] computed and shown in Table 4. Conditional on the education level, tivity p tends to increase with age.productivity Except for across workers over To get an idea of productivity differences, the average theaged firms is 50, for p to be lower for workers with upper vocational education than f Finnish Economic Papers 2/2007 – Tomi Kyyrä Table 4: Estimation results with discrete productivity dispersion λ0 λ1 δ q p b Lower vocational and less Men, 16-21 Men, 22-30 Men, 31-50 Men, 51-65 Women, 16-21 Women, 22-30 Women, 31-50 Women, 51-65 .0285 .0399 .0375 .0166 .0282 .0292 .0286 .0109 (.0011) (.0011) (.0010) (.0006) (.0012) (.0010) (.0009) (.0004) .0219 .0288 .0234 .0298 .0166 .0193 .0123 .0122 (.0023) (.0019) (.0016) (.0026) (.0020) (.0017) (.0012) (.0017) .0444 .0507 .0499 .0662 .0464 .0370 .0365 .0503 (.0023) (.0018) (.0017) (.0028) (.0025) (.0017) (.0015) (.0024) 5 6 5 6 4 6 6 4 21,539 28,438 36,920 37,507 27,227 22,808 29,556 36,217 4,266 4,049 3,761 5,793 4,069 3,971 3,465 4,715 Upper vocational Men, 16-21 Men, 22-30 Men, 31-50 Men, 51-65 Women, 16-21 Women, 22-30 Women, 31-50 Women, 51-65 .0358 .0494 .0353 .0116 .0505 .0534 .0335 .0095 (.0015) (.0014) (.0010) (.0006) (.0018) (.0015) (.0010) (.0009) .0254 .0254 .0181 .0133 .0276 .0230 .0174 .0072 (.0024) (.0016) (.0013) (.0023) (.0024) (.0015) (.0013) (.0029) .0373 .0353 .0301 .0439 .0420 .0323 .0298 .0498 (.0021) (.0013) (.0012) (.0029) (.0021) (.0013) (.0013) (.0054) 4 4 5 3 5 6 4 2 17,497 23,945 35,160 53,937 15,697 17,499 27,277 77,089 3,827 2,491 2,320 5,972 3,636 2,547 2,913 4,798 Lower university Men, 16-30 Men, 31-65 Women, 16-30 Women, 31-65 .0562 .0495 .0675 .0357 (.0016) (.0013) (.0025) (.0015) .0213 .0180 .0245 .0205 (.0014) (.0012) (.0019) (.0021) .0267 .0266 .0250 .0263 (.0011) (.0010) (.0014) (.0016) 5 6 6 6 25,167 41,202 16,807 29,217 275 —1,758 373 2,460 Upper university Men, 16-30 Men, 31-65 Women, 16-30 Women, 31-65 .0735 .0363 .0770 .0395 (.0047) (.0015) (.0050) (.0027) .0410 .0208 .0257 .0265 (.0043) (.0020) (.0033) (.0039) .0138 .0188 .0206 .0275 (.0016) (.0012) (.0022) (.0028) 5 6 5 5 19,919 45,053 26,853 33,265 —863 —584 —3,965 2,109 Notes: Standard errors are in parentheses. q is the number of firm types and p = average productivity across firms. systematic differences. Overall the differences in these estimates are so moderate that one can draw basically the same conclusions concerning the frictional parameters from this model and from the homogeneous model with the measurement error. To get an idea of productivity differences, the average productivity across the firms is computed and shown in Table 4. Conditional on the education level, the average productivity ∞ p tends to increase with age. Except for workers aged over 50, there is a tendency for ∞ p to be lower for workers with upper vocational education than for those with lower vocational education. Overall these differences across the worker groups are in line with the findings from the homogeneous model, even though the absolute values of productivity estimates are quite different. 154 q i=1 γ i − γ i−1 pi is the Namely, the average productivity estimates ∞ p are approximately only half of the corresponding productivity estimates obtained from the homogeneity model without measurement error but are clearly higher than the estimates from the measurement error specification. Furthermore, it turns out that the value of non-market time b is typically positive, though there are few groups for which b takes a negative value. Differences in b with respect to education and age are similar to those observed in the case of the homogeneous model. 39 Estimates of productivity parameters, wage cuts and their weights are shown in Tables 5 and 6. Individual productivity values and wage cuts, say pi and ∞wi, exhibit increasing patterns with respect to age among groups with university education while the picture is less clear for less Finnish Economic Papers 2/2007 – Tomi Kyyrä Table 5: Estimation results with discrete productivity dispersion, continued p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 Lower vocational and less Men, 16-21 Men, 22-30 Men, 31-50 Men, 51-65 Women, 16-21 Women, 22-30 Women, 31-50 Women, 51-65 13,643 17,295 22,671 20,879 11,969 12,354 16,398 19,360 30,392 17,190 37,564 26,750 33,784 17,426 17,708 43,418 40,487 19,007 47,012 35,892 114,231 25,163 24,134 123,891 44,072 24,177 56,809 40,360 679,097 42,016 28,632 540,357 108,892 41,443 148,293 62,652 Upper vocational Men, 16-21 Men, 22-30 Men, 31-50 Men, 51-65 Women, 16-21 Women, 22-30 Women, 31-50 Women, 51-65 13,375 15,146 22,338 38,261 9,757 11,946 16,759 49,328 19,258 21,668 27,545 72,673 15,158 13,236 26,769 152,647 26,360 27,620 30,704 141,549 29,653 16,207 48,668 721,354 62,415 75,768 41,592 Lower university Men, 16-30 Men, 31-65 Women, 16-30 Women, 31-65 18,213 25,616 12,812 17,605 20,020 45,985 13,507 25,184 Upper university Men, 16-30 Men, 31-65 Women, 16-30 Women, 31-65 16,589 26,719 17,355 22,495 16,960 28,891 18,697 26,773 47,827 45,129 p6 136,864 211,517 125,113 162,682 100,363 39,350 26,410 195,431 87,954 56,156 56,535 24,891 48,888 14,208 30,545 35,263 83,992 17,024 44,957 113,867 156,640 22,032 59,843 446,879 41,729 127,858 19,525 31,640 25,678 34,878 21,083 44,102 50,459 40,743 40,111 58,421 151,310 95,614 168,181 Notes: All pi ’s are statistically significant at the 5 per cent level. educated workers. Of course, these kinds of comparisons are complicated by the fact that the number of firm types q varies across the groups. Given the shape of the empirical wage distribution, it is not very surprising that the bulk of firms is found to be low productivity ones. Firms with the lowest level of productivity represent over half of all firms in each submarket as g 1 > .5 holds for all worker groups. Some productivity terms take very high values in some groups of workers, though their relative weights are very low (see the associated g i’s). It is worth noting that all wage differentials that cannot be explained by differences in the frictional parameters are attributed to productivity differences. Thus the productivity parameters may capture also other sources of wage dispersion than pure productivity differences (Bowlus, 1997). In Figures 1 to 3 in the Appendix the estimated density functions of the model with discrete productivity dispersion are characterized by discontinuous jumps at the estimated wage cuts (∞w1, …, ∞wq –1), between which the densities exhibit locally increasing patterns. It turns out that the model with discrete productivity dispersion is able to capture the shape of the wage distribution quite well but has some difficulties with the both tails of the distribution. In particular the estimated density has generally the 40 tail which is too fat compared to the obleft served wage distribution. As a result, the model has problems also to match the mode point accurately. These failures are not unique to the Finnish data but appear in the previous empirical applications of the same model as well (see Bowlus et al., 1995, Bowlus, 1997, Bunzel et 155 Finnish Economic Papers 2/2007 – Tomi Kyyrä Table 6: Estimation results with discrete productivity dispersion, continued w1 w2 w3 w4 w5 Lower voc. & less Men, 16-21 Men, 22-30 Men, 31-50 Men, 51-65 Women, 16-21 Women, 22-30 Women, 31-50 Women, 51-65 8,700 9,768 12,458 11,330 7,352 7,913 8,270 8,849 10,704 10,008 14,803 11,478 9,303 8,150 8,647 11,177 11,755 10,273 15,684 12,988 14,857 10,445 9,378 13,265 12,511 11,889 16,329 13,132 18,042 11,352 9,629 12,211 12,102 Upper vocational Men, 16-21 Men, 22-30 Men, 31-50 Men, 51-65 Women, 16-21 Women, 22-30 Women, 31-50 Women, 51-65 9,379 9,563 12,429 16,607 7,118 8,074 10,213 13,736 10,197 10,242 13,539 19,303 8,296 8,349 11,963 17,585 11,728 14,532 14,280 10,438 9,603 18,128 10,646 11,238 11,580 Lower university Men, 16-30 Men, 31-65 Women, 16-30 Women, 31-65 12,405 15,407 8,763 10,846 12,811 21,470 8,951 13,638 13,030 21,528 9,742 14,769 17,481 25,153 10,257 15,852 31,672 12,828 21,243 Upper university Men, 16-30 Men, 31-65 Women, 16-30 Women, 31-65 12,846 16,284 13,065 13,888 14,301 17,287 13,086 15,327 16,066 19,185 16,651 17,958 17,204 23,020 22,223 21,768 15,874 17,680 29,622 γ1 γ2 γ3 γ4 γ5 .7857 .6143 .7477 .7283 .8027 .7080 .6623 .7947 .8917 .6493 .8620 .7403 .9153 .7357 .7290 .9433 .9297 .6807 .8933 .8183 .9927 .8880 .8063 .9823 .9543 .8053 .9110 .8247 .9467 .9173 .8270 .9410 .9383 .7967 .6310 .6340 .7914 .7297 .6483 .7013 .8653 .8673 .6810 .7100 .8767 .8663 .6957 .8103 .9686 .9450 .9067 .7527 .7490 .7200 .5913 .6153 .5553 .5637 .7102 .6160 .9420 .8757 .9517 .8377 .9770 .9573 .9157 .9213 .7897 .9040 .6199 .7864 .8030 .9057 .7297 .8373 .9563 .9520 .7763 .8635 .9903 .9206 .9533 .7085 .6181 .7122 .6979 .8255 .7062 .8796 .7914 .8872 .8022 .9592 .9006 .9103 al., 2001, and Bowlus et al., 2001). Addition- ductivity parameters pi being in a more reasonally, there are difficulties in explaining wage able range and the associated values of g i being observations at the upper end of the distribution well below one. Changing the upper value of which is often thin, covering wide ranges. Add- trimming has of course a direct effect on the ing more firm types serves as a way of obtain- estimate of h. A brief sensitivity analysis done ing a more accurate fit to the right tail of the with the different trimming thresholds suggests distribution. The estimation procedure aims to that the other parameters and conclusions of attach different firm types to each of these ob- interest are reasonably robust, however. servations, leading to implausibly high productivity values sometimes. However, these high 4.4 Continuous productivity dispersion productivity values have only a minor overall effect as their weights are very low (in terms of Next we turn our attention to the version of the 41model with a continuous productivity distributhe associated values of g i’s). It should be stressed that the trimming proce- tion. The individual log-likelihood contribution dure applied to the wage data is related to the has the same general form as previously defined number of heterogeneity terms needed to match in (20) but the equilibrium distribution of wage the right hand tail of the wage distribution. In- offers is now given by F(w) = Γ (K–1(p)). This is deed by trimming a higher fraction of wage val- a highly nonlinear function of unknown paramues from the upper end of the distribution leads eters and does not have a closed-form expresto a smaller choice of q, with the highest pro- sion in general, suggesting that the standard 156 Finnish Economic Papers 2/2007 – Tomi Kyyrä maximum likelihood estimation could be very cumbersome. The first point to note is that the integrals within the expressions for F and f must be evaluated numerically in each iteration. An additional difficulty follows from the fact that the productivity distribution Γ is not generated by the model but it must be taken as exogenously given. This is not a problem as such but, as argued by Bontemps et al. (2000), the most well-known parametric specifications for Γ are unlikely to generate the wage offer distribution consistent with the shape usually observed in the wage data. To deal with these difficulties Bontemps et al. (2000) propose a flexible estimation procedure which does not restrict Γ to belong in any parametric family (see the Appendix for details). In the first step the wage distribution is estimated using some nonparametric method, which does not impose any restrictions on the shape of equilibrium wage distributions. Conditional on the nonparametric estimates of F and f, maximum likelihood estimation in the second step relies only on assumptions about the behaviour of individual workers who are taking the wage offer distribution as given. In other words, the assumptions about the wage-setting strategies of firms do not affect the estimation of frictional parameters (λ 0, λ 1, d ). Only in the final step of the estimation procedure, that part of the model which describes firm behaviour (i.e. the first-order condition of firm’s problem) is exploited to estimate productivity dispersion. Bontemps et al. (2000) emphasise that the estimates of the frictional parameters can be expected to be consistent under a wide range of assumptions on the demand side of the story. This class of models includes, among others, the specifications of equilibrium search models outlined and estimated in the previous sections. The estimates of the frictional parameters are given in Table 7, whereas the kernel estimates of f are shown in Figures 1 to 3 in the Appendix. It appears that λ 1 is generally very close to the estimates obtained from the homogeneous model with measurement error and from the model with discrete productivity dispersion while d is almost identical. Since the estimates of (λ 0, λ 1, d ) in this setting can be expected to be robust with respect to different mechanisms determining the wage distributions, we can conclude that all specifications of the Burdett-Mortensen model generating an acceptable fit to the wage data produce appropriate estimates for the frictional parameters. This suggests that to the extent we are concerned with the estimation of frictional parameters it is not so important whether the deviations from the theoretical distribution predicted by the homogeneous model are attributed to measurement error or to employer heterogeneity as long as the shape of the wage distribution is captured by the specification. This is essentially the same result as found by Bunzel et al. (2001) with the Danish data. The average productivity values in the last column are computed by taking the averages of point estimates p over workers who found a job (see (28) in the Appendix). However, the estimated relationship between the wage offer and productivity is not consistent with the theory. The condition that f (w)(1 + k 1 [1–F(w)]) decreases everywhere is violated for small wages in all worker groups. In other words, the model fails to capture a steeply increasing wage density observed at the lower end of the wage distribution. Recall that the model with a discrete distribution of productivity also fails to explain the shape of the left tail of the wage distribution. The increasing pattern of f (w)(1 + k 1 [1– F(w)]) on small wages implies that the relationship K(p) is downward-sloping for small values of p. This suggests the wages offered by some less productive firms are not optimal as they could increase their profits by reducing their wages. A binding minimum wage is an obvious candidate to explain this failure of the model, as it may prevent low paying firms from lowering their wages further. As pointed out by Van den Berg and Van Vuuren (2000), omitted worker heterogeneity may also provide an explanation. To see this, suppose that workers within a given labour market segment are heterogeneous with respect to their value of non-market time (this heterogeneity may result, for example, from differences in unemployment benefits or in the value of leisure). In this case workers will apply different reservation wages when searching from unemployment. Thus a firm which lowers 157 Finnish Economic Papers 2/2007 – Tomi Kyyrä Table 7: Estimation results with continuous productivity dispersion λ0 λ1 δ p Lower vocational and less Men, 16-21 Men, 22-30 Men, 31-50 Men, 51-65 Women, 16-21 Women, 22-30 Women, 31-50 Women, 51-65 .0285 .0399 .0375 .0166 .0282 .0292 .0286 .0109 (.0009) (.0014) (.0016) (.0007) (.0010) (.0010) (.0011) (.0006) .0234 .0291 .0254 .0298 .0179 .0194 .0118 .0117 (.0029) (.0021) (.0022) (.0030) (.0025) (.0019) (.0011) (.0016) .0437 .0508 .0495 .0658 .0454 .0368 .0366 .0502 (.0034) (.0026) (.0025) (.0040) (.0032) (.0022) (.0019) (.0034) 20,921 28,443 34,973 36,894 25,973 22,520 30,019 38,504 Upper vocational Men, 16-21 Men, 22-30 Men, 31-50 Men, 51-65 Women, 16-21 Women, 22-30 Women, 31-50 Women, 51-65 .0385 .0494 .0353 .0116 .0505 .0534 .0335 .0095 (.0014) (.0017) (.0012) (.0006) (.0023) (.0019) (.0013) (.0012) .0293 .0262 .0183 .0129 .0280 .0232 .0184 .0077 (.0026) (.0020) (.0014) (.0026) (.0026) (.0017) (.0015) (.0034) .0362 .0352 .0301 .0440 .0412 .0322 .0296 .0495 (.0029) (.0019) (.0018) (.0043) (.0029) (.0017) (.0016) (.0075) 16,134 23,465 33,879 56,461 15,990 17,573 26,052 71,444 Lower university Men, 16-30 Men, 31-65 Women, 16-30 Women, 31-65 .0562 .0495 .0675 .0357 (.0018) (.0018) (.0026) (.0015) .0224 .0174 .0245 .0185 (.0014) (.0011) (.0025) (.0020) .0264 .0266 .0251 .0265 (.0014) (.0013) (.0018) (.0020) 24,535 42,881 16,971 31,605 Upper university Men, 16-30 Men, 31-65 Women, 16-30 Women, 31-65 .0735 .0363 .0770 .0395 (.0067) (.0018) (.0051) (.0031) .0384 .0189 .0271 .0294 (.0054) (.0018) (.0042) (.0051) .0139 .0190 .0204 .0272 (.0021) (.0016) (.0026) (.0035) 20,448 48,668 24,157 30,916 Notes: Standard errors are in parentheses. p is the average productivity over workers who found a job. its wage offer may become unattractive for some groups of workers. The firms should take this effect into account when setting wages, which may explain the failure of the theoretical model at the lower end of the wage distribution. 5. Conclusion This paper has provided quite an extensive structural empirical analysis of various specifications of the Burdett-Mortensen model. We found that, in the absence of measurement error in wages, the equilibrium search model with identical agents does not fit to the wage data. This failure is due to the prediction of the theory that the shape of the equilibrium wage density is convex which is at odds with the wage 158 data. Introduction of the measurement error in wages or employer heterogeneity in terms of labour productivity across firms provides a way of making the model more flexible. These extended versions of the basic model proved to give a much better fit to the wage data. The frictional­ parameters of the model, i.e. the layoff rate and arrival rates of job offers, were found to be fairly robust across the model specifications which fit to the wage data. Stated differently, it does not make much difference for the estimates of the frictional parameters whether 42 the wage distribution is matched by allowing for the measurement error in wages or unobserved productivity differences. However, the estimates of the other parameters – the value of non-market time and productivity terms – vary across the different specifications to a large extent. Finnish Economic Papers 2/2007 – Tomi Kyyrä In the case of the homogeneous model with the measurement error in wages almost all wage dispersion was attributed to the measurement error. This indicates that the model without (unobserved) worker or employer heterogeneity cannot explain the observed wage variation. Although the equilibrium models with employer heterogeneity match the overall shape of the wage distributions relatively well, they do have problems in explaining the shape of the lower end of the wage distribution, and in particular the testable theoretical conditions implied by the model with continuous productivity dispersion were rejected in the empirical analysis. Of course, one can expect that incorporating employer heterogeneity and measurement error into the same model provides a way of capturing the shape of the lower end of the wage distribution as well. On the other hand, unobserved heterogeneity and measurement errors allowed for in a sufficiently flexible form can be used to ’explain’ any discrepancy between the theory and data. One may call into question whether introducing more unobservables in the empirical analysis of equilibrium search models stands for any progress. As long as the shape of empirical wage distributions is captured mainly by unobservables, we cannot be very satisfied with our empirical analysis. Since the equilibrium search theory describes the joint behaviour of workers and firms, a natural way to proceed is to exploit data on both sides of the labour market. Matched firm-worker data are currently available for many countries, including Finland. Such data contain information on firm sizes, labour turnover and productivity, opening up new possibilities for testing existing models and, more importantly, for estimating more general models (see Postel-Vinay and Robin, 2002, and Christensen et al., 2005, for steps in this direction). But it may be difficult to make significant progress without reconsidering the theoretical structure of the model. In particular, the demand side of the equilibrium search story raises doubts. The assumption that the only choice the firm has to make is to set its wage optimally is obviously not realistic. A consequence is that the labour demand side of the BurdettMortensen model is too naive for describing observed labour turnover in the data. In reality firms face external shocks which lead to the creation and destructions of jobs as wages cannot be fully adjusted in response to these shocks. Equilibrium search models with endogenous job creation and destruction are necessarily much more complicated than the Burdett-Mortensen model. Therefore, a serious challenge for empirical equilibrium analysis of the labour market is to introduce endogenous labour turnover without making the resulting model empirically completely intractable. References Bontemps, C., J.-M. Robin, and G. J. van den Berg (1999). “An equilibrium job search model with search on the job and heterogeneous workers and firms.” International Economic Review 40, 1039–1074. Bontemps, C., J.-M. Robin, and G. 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(1999). “Empirical inference with ing the likelihood function with respect to √ (r, h) . Due to the properties of order statistics, the estimates of (r,nh)is are equilibrium search models of of the labor market.” The ( λ , λ , d ) conditional on the estimates of (r, h). 0 values 1 tent, converging to their true at a rate faster than n, where the superco sample Economic Journal 109, F283–F306. √ Due to the properties of order statistics, the estent, converging tomintheir true values at a rate faster than n, where n is the sample Van den Berg, G. J. (2003). “Multiple equilibria and This suggests that ignoring variation in the estimates of (r, h) does not affect asymp imum wages in labour markets with informational fric- timates of (r, h) are superconsistent, converging This suggests that ignoring variation the estimates of (r, h) does affect asymp tions and heterogeneous production technologies.” to and theirtherefore trueinvalues at treat a rate thannot inference about (λInterwe can (r,faster h) as fixed in√ n, the maximum 0 , λ1 , δ), national Economic Review 44, 1337–1357. where n is the sample size. (r, This Van den Berg, G. J., and G. Ridder (1993). “Estimating inference about (λ0of , λthe and therefore we can even treat h) suggests asthey fixed inthat the 1 , δ),frictional estimation parameters, though not maximum exogenou an equilibrium search modellihood from wage data.” In Panel ignoring variation in the estimates of (r, h)are does Data and Labour Market Dynamics. 43–56. Eds.ofH.the not lihood estimation frictional parameters, even though they are not exogenous affect asymptotic inference about (λ 0, λ (λ 1, 0d, ), and Kiefer, λ1 , δ, r, h) , w Bunzel, P. Jensen, and N. C.Christensen Westergård-Nielsen. Am- 1994b). Given the consistent estimates of and therefore treat (r, h) as fixed in 0the sterdam: North-Holland. Christensen and Kiefer, 1994b). Given we the can consistent estimates of (λ , λ1 , δ, r, h) , w estimate p and b using (22) and (23) and compute their of standard errors using the Van den Berg, G. J., and G. Ridder (1998). “An equilibmaximum likelihood estimation the frictionrium search model of the labor market.” Econometrica estimate p and b using (22) and (23) and compute errors using the al 2001, parameters, even thoughtheir they standard are not exogemethod (see Bunzel et al., for details). 66, 1183–1221. nous (see Christensen and Kiefer, 1994b). GivVan den Berg, G. J., and A. van Vuuren (2000). “Using method (see Bunzel et al., 2001, for details). firm data to assess the performance of equilibrium search en the consistent estimates of (λ 0, λ 1, d, r ,h) , we and firms with measurement error models of the labour market.”A.2 AnnalesIdentical d’Economie etworkers de can estimate p and b using (22) and (23) and Statistique 67–68, 227–256.A.2 Identical workers and firms with measurement error compute standard usingobservation the delta in the data To deal with measurement errors, their we assume thaterrors the wage method (see Bunzel et al., 2001, for details). To deal with measurement errors, we assume that the wage observation in the data x, is the product of the true unobserved wage w and an error term ε, so that x = Appendix x, is the product of the true unobserved wage w and an error term ε, so that x = The multiplicative errorworkers is assumed to bewith independently and ident A.2Identical and firms A.1This appendix gives details of the estima-measurement measurement error The multiplicative measurement error is assumed to be independently and ident tion procedures. Identical workers and 31 firms without measurement error To deal with measurement errors, we assume 31 Substituting (6) and (7) into (20) and summing that the wage observation in the data, say x, is over the observations gives the log-likelihood function in terms of (λ 0, λ 1, d, p ,r) . The properties of the maximum likelihood estimators are not standard in this case, however. This is due to the dependence of the support of F on the unknown parameters of the model. Kiefer and Neumann (1993) show that one can simplify the estimation problem considerably by reparametrizing the model from (λ 0, λ 1, d, p ,r) to 160 the product of the true unobserved wage w and an error term e, so that x = w · e. The multiplicative measurement error is assumed to be independently and identically distributed across individuals and to be independent of all other variables in the model. Following Christensen and Kiefer (1994a) and Bunzel et al. (2001), we assume that e has a Pearson Type V distribution with unit mean, variance s 2 and density tributed across individuals and to be independent of all other variables in the model. A.3 Discrete productivity dispersion llowing Christensen and Kiefer (1994a) and Bunzel et al. (2001), we assume that ε has In addition to the problem that the bounds of the support of F depend on Finnish Economic Papers 2/2007 – Tomi Kyyrä Pearson V be distribution withofunit mean,variables variance σ 2 the and density ividualsType and to independent all other in model. −2 parameters, the model specification with acan discrete producti (∞estimation w1, …, ∞wq –1of). the An estimation method which −2 2+σ 1 +etσal. 1 +that σ −2 ε has n and Kiefer (1994a) and Bunzel (2001), we assume 4) gε (ε) = exp − , deal with these complications has been devel(24) distributed across individuals and be εindependent offurther allε other variables in 3+σ −2bution is complicated bythe themodel. fact that the likelihood function is not di (2 Γ + σto−2 oped by Bowlus et al. (1995). Once again it is tribution with unit mean, variance σ 2) ·and density Following Christensen and Kiefer(1994a) and Bunzel et al.cut (2001), assume has estimation denotes the wage points (w ...,reparametrize wthat ).ε An the−2 2+σ −2 function. convenient the modelmethod in a sim-which can deal 1 ,to q−1 error at here Γ gamma A consequence of allowing for thewe measurement 1+σ 1 + σ −2 ilar fashion as was done in the homogeneous . expwith gεPearson (ε) = Type V distribution − , variance σ 2 and density complications hasthe been developed by Bowlus et al. (1995). Once again it is −2 that weand add integral each wage observation in likelihood viduals be−2 independent offor allunit other variables in the model. 3+σ need ε mean, Γ (2to +toσ ) · εan case.individual Evaluating (12) at w = ∞wi and solving for −2 2+σ −2 −2 to assume reparametrize model in a similar fashion asbetween was done 1(17) + gives the following relationship thein the homogen 1 + σεphas ntribution. Formally, weBunzel replaceet by forwe and Kiefer (1994a) and al.σ (2001), that ithe amma of allowing the measurement error 24) function. A consequence gε (ε) = exp − , −2 Γ where Γ̃.denotes the gamma function. A conseproductivity terms, wage cuts and the fractions −2 3+σ x/r ε 1−c d = w and solving for p gives the following relationship b (2 +σσ ) · εdensity 2 and x 1 (12) at w i i withquence unit mean, variance x dibution an integral for each observation theEvaluating individual likelihood in ofϕwage allowing for the measurement error of firm φ j, a (ε)dε , types: f g 5) � = (d) ε −2 where Γ denotes the gamma function. A consequence of allowing for the measurement error 2+σ ε ε ε −2 −2 productivity wage cuts and the fractions of firm types: is σ(17) that to x/h add an for each wageterms, 1+ 1 +integral σof y, we replace by oss individuals andwe to need be independent all other variables in the model. (ε) = observation −2 exp − , in the individual likelihood contri s that we need to add an integral for each wage observation in the individual −2 3+σ 1 likelihood ε 1−cdsection, and 1/ε is the here ϕ,Γφ(2and in the previous Jacobian of the μ2i σ f )are ·(1994a) ε as x given and xwe Bunzel (26) = wi − w , i = 1, 2, ..., q, tensen and+x/r Kiefer et (17) al. (2001), we assume(26) that εpihas bution. Formally, by 1replace 2 1 − μi 1 − μ2i i φ consequence j, a the , given the error freplace g(17) = ϕ (d) ε (ε)dε ontribution. Formally, wetrue byfor2the ansformation between and observed wages term. In this case we mma function. A of allowing measurement error ε mean, ε ε x/h V distribution with unit 1−cd variance σ and density x x 1 x/r −2h) not use order statistics for (r, but estimate them simultaneously Jacobian an integral for each wage observation in1/ε the individual likelihood is 2+σ e25) as given in the previous section, and the of the , with (λ0 , λ1 , δ, σ) 32 −2 −2 φ j, a 1 + σf where gε (ε)dε where (25) 1 �+=σ ϕ (d) ε ε ε gε (ε) = − on (25), ,in which the integral is evaluated x/h exp maximizing the likelihood wethe replace (17) by 3+σ −2 observed ε term. In this case we en true and given based the error Γ (2 + σ −2 )wages · εfunction 1−c where ϕ, φx/rand f are as given in the previous section, and 1/ε is the Jacobian theγ i ) (1 − 1 + κ1 of d xthem The merically in h) each of measurement where ∈ (0, 1) , i = 1, 2, ..., q. xA 1 presence (27) μi = the support for (r, butiteration. simultaneously (λ0 , λerrors , δ, σ)makes sistics the gamma function. of allowing forwith the measurement error estimate 1(27) . fconsequence φ j, a (ε)dε , ϕ (d) g 1 − γ i−1 1 + κ ε 1 case we ransformation between the true and observed wages given the error term. In this ε ε wages ε x/h the distribution of observed independent ofκ the parameters, so the kelihood function based on (25), which the in evaluated to add an integral for each wagein observation (1 is−unknown γ i ) likelihood 1integral +the 1 individual simultaneously i ’s∈out (0, ,(12) i= 1, = (27) μ Substituting p ofwith and using do not use order statistics for (r, h) but estimate them (λ λ(13) , δ,q. σ) (26) allows us to write the likelih i 0 , 2, 1..., as given in the previous section, and 1/εinisthis of the 1) aximum estimation is standard γ i−1 1the +case. κJacobian 1 1− teration.likelihood presence of measurement the ormally, weThe replace by support where ϕ(17) , φ and f are as givenerrors in themakes previous in terms λ0,we λ1 , δ,integral r, h, w1 ,is...,evaluated wq−1 , γ 1 , ..., γ q−1 . Since there are kinks at by maximizing the likelihood function based on (25), in of which the 1−c n With the true and observed wages given the error term. In d this case the estimates of (λ , λ , δ, r, h) in hand, the estimates of (p, b) can be computed section, and 1/ e is the Jacobian of the transforSubstituting p ’s out of (12) and (13) (26) x/r 0 1 Substituting (13) usingso(26) function observed wages independent the unknown parameters, theallows usi to write the likelihoodusing xout 1 of (12) and x ofpi ’s φ j, a (ε)dε , f g � = ϕ (d) in F, the density f and hence the likelihood function is discontinuous at the mation between the true and observed wages allows us to write the likelihood function in numerically in each iteration. The presence of measurement errors makes the support ε tics for (r, h) (23) butx/h estimate them simultaneously with (λ0 , λ 1 , δ, σ) for observed wages ng (22) and asinbefore. predicted εIn ε1 , δ,ε 1-3 are kinks at the wage cuts terms of λFigures r, h,the w , γdensities γ q−1 of. Since estimation isgiven standard in this case. 0 1 , ..., q−1use 1 , ..., the error term. In, λthis case we do wnot terms (λ 0, λ there 1, d, r ,h, ∞w1, …, ∞wq –1, γ 1, …, γ q –1). Bowlus et al. (1995) show that the maximum likelihood estimates f the distribution of observed wages independent of isthe unknown parameters, so the function based onprevious (25), insection, which the integral evaluated elihood estimates into d fof are given in and is likelihood the Jacobian of theisare statistics for (r, h) estimate them Since there kinks at theat wage cuts in F, the F,the theparameter density fbut and hence the function discontinuous these points. sobtained (λ0 ,as λ1by ,order δ,inserting r, h) inthe hand, the estimates of (p,1/ε b) can besicomputed (wcase. wq−1 ) density come from the hence set of observed wages.function As in theishomogenous ca multaneously with (isλ 0x/r , λ 1, d, x s )in bythis maximizing f and the likelihood maximum likelihood estimation standard 1 , ..., ration. The presence of measurement errors makes the support 1 between true and1-3 observed wages the error term.the In this case welikelihood estimates of wage cuts Bowlus et al. (1995) that maximum s before. the Inthe Figures the predicted densities for fgiven (ε)dε. gεshow likelihood function based onε (25), in observed which wages discontinuous at these points. ε der statistics to estimate (r,be h).computed Conditional on these estimates, the likelihood With the estimates of (λ , λ , δ, r, h) in hand, the estimates of (p, b) can x/h 0 1 observed wages independent of thethem unknown parameters, the er statistics for integral (r, h) simultaneously with , λ1 , δ,As σ) the evaluated numerically in of each it- so (λ etinal.the (1995) show that thewe maximum 0Bowlus (wbut ...,estimate wq−1 ) come from the set observed wages. homogenous case, use orting the parameter estimates into 1 , is be maximized using an iterative procedure with two steps inq –each iteration. In eration. The presence of measurement errors likelihood estimates of wage cuts (∞ w , …, ∞ w using (22) and (23) as before. In Figures 1-3 the predicted densities for observed wages 1 1) x/r timation is standard in this case. 3 Discrete function productivity dispersion the likelihood based on in which integral isonevaluated x statistics 1 der to(25), estimate (r, h).the Conditional these estimates, likelihood function makesf the support of the distribution of ob- come from the set ofthe observed wages. As incan the gε (ε)dε. likelihood function is maximized with respect to (w1 , ..., wq−1 ) holding ( re obtained by inserting estimates into ε εthe of (λ , λ1 , δ,served r,x/h h) inwages hand, theparameter estimates ofthe (p,unknown b)the can bemakes computed 0iteration. each The of using measurement errors the support independent of pahomogenous case, weiteration. use orderInstatistics esbepresence maximized an iterative procedure with two steps each the first to step addition to the problem that the bounds of the support of F depend oninunknown x/r x 1 fixed, using simulated annealing which randomly searches over the possible w rameters, so the maximum likelihood estimation timate (r, h). Conditional on these estimates, the before. In Figures 1-3 the predicted of densities observed wages so the f theis unknown gfor tion of observed wages independent parameters, ε (ε)dε. oductivity the in likelihood function respect to (w holding (r, h, λusing 1 , ..., wdistriq−1 0 , λ1 , δ) ε maximized ε rameters, the estimation of thecase. model with with a discrete productivity isdispersion standard this likelihood function can) be maximized an x/h specification 12 binations according an optimal stopping rule. Given the estimates of (w1 , ng theestimation parameter into hood isestimates standard in simulated this With the estimates of case. (λ 0, λ annealing hand,randomly iterative procedure two steps in each itera1, d, r ,h) in fixed, using which over with the possible wage cut com tion is further complicated by the fact that the likelihood issearches not differentiable roblemDiscrete thatthe the bounds support F depend on function unknown x 1 ofof the x/restimates corresponding discontinuity points in the wage offer distribution γ 1 , ..., γ (p, b) can beofcomputed using tion. In the first step the likelihood function is A.3 productivity dispersion 12 timates of (λ0 , λf1 , δ,binations r, h)gin hand, the estimates of (p, b) can be computed (ε)dε. according an optimal stopping rule. Given the estimates of (w , ..., w ), the ε...,before. 1 w q−1 the wage cut points (w , w ). An estimation method which can deal with these (22) and (23) as In Figures 1–3 the premaximized with respect to (∞ w , …, ∞ ) holding q−1with a discrete productivity distri–1 ε1 ation of thex/h model εspecification mated by observed frequencies in the wage1 data. q In the second step the lik as before. Indensities Figures 1-3 the predicted for observed wages dicted for observed wagesdensities obtained (r, h, d )on fixed, using simulated annealing n(23) addition to the problem that the bounds ofare the support of F λ depend unknown 0, λ 1, distribution are esti, ..., γ corresponding discontinuity points in the wage offer γ 1 q−1 mplications has fact beenthat developed by Bowlus et (1995). Once again it is convenient plicated by by the the likelihood function not differentiable with respect tosearches (λ0, λ1 , δ)over conditional on r, h, w1 , ..., wq−1 inserting the parameter estimatestion intois maximized which randomly the possible ductivity dispersion inserting the intofrequencies parameters, theparameter estimation of the model specification a discrete productivity distrimatedestimates by in with the wage data. In combinations the second stepaccording the likelihood funcin aobserved similar fashion was done inwage the homogeneous case. cut an optimal tsreparametrize (w1, ..., wq−1 ).theAn estimation method which as can model Sincedeal thiswith partthese of the maximization problem is smooth, standard maximu x/r 12 x 1 rule.on Given bution is further complicated the fact the likelihood is not differentiable 1, …, tion is maximized with respect to following (λ . λ1 ,function δ)stopping conditional r, h, w , ...,estimates wq−1 , γ 1 , of ..., (∞γwq−1 blem that theatbounds thebysupport ofpthat F depend on , unknown 1the fand gε (ε)dε. aluating (12) = wiof for the relationship between the i gives en developed by w Bowlus et εal.solving (1995). Once again it is0 convenient ε algorithms can be applied. These two steps are then iterated until converge w ), the corresponding discontinuity points in x/h q – 1 cut points t theofwage (wthis wwith estimation method which deal with thesemaximum likelihood 1 , ..., part q−1 ). Since the maximization problem is can smooth, standard tion the model specification a An discrete distrioductivity wage cuts and theof fractions ofproductivity firm types: the wage offer distribution (γ 1, …, γ q –1) are estimodel in aterms, similar fashion as was done in the homogeneous case. In addition to the order statistics estimators for (r, h), the maximum li te productivity dispersion mated by observed frequencies in the wage data. omplications has developed etis al. Once it is convenient algorithms can by be Bowlus applied. These two steps are again then iterated until convergence occurs. icated by the fact been that the likelihood function not(1995). differentiable 1the μ2i relationship A.3Discrete productivity dispersion = w and solving for p gives following between the 6) i pii = wi − wi , mators i = 1,of 2,the ..., q, wage cuts in thestep wagethe offer distribution (w1 , ..., In the second likelihood function iswq−1) also con 2 2 1− 1 which −fashion μi can o(wreparametrize theestimation model inμamethod asdeal waswith done in the for homogeneous case. i similar In addition to the order statistics estimators (r, h), respect the maximum likelihood esti..., wq−1 ).that An these 1 ,problem √ the the bounds of the support of F depend on unknown maximized with to ( λ , λ , d ) conditionIn addition to the problem that the bounds of the 0 1 age cuts and the fractions of firm types: true value at a rate faster than n. It follows that they are asymptotically in alrelationship on (r ,h, ∞(w w11, …, ∞ wq−1 γ also γ q –1). Since this support of F on unknown parameters, Evaluating (12) at wmators =2w and solving for piin gives the following between the q –1, 1, …, i depend of the wage cuts the wage offer distribution , ..., w ) converge to their developed by Bowlus et al. (1995). Once again it is convenient 32 estimation 1 of the model μi specification with a discrete productivity distrithe maximum likelihood estimator of (λ , λ , δ) and the theory of local cuts b part of the maximization problem is smooth, the estimation of the model specification with a pi = w − w , i = 1, 2, ..., q, √ 0 1 i and the fractions of firm types: 2 i 2cuts productivity terms, μdiscrete 1wage −fact μvalue true atthe adistribution rate faster n.comfollows model in1 a− similar fashion as was done in the homogeneous case.that they are asymptotically independent of i by the i that r complicated likelihood function isItnot differentiable productivity isthan further and Kiefer (1994b) justifies conditioning on them in the second step of the pr 1 that μ2iestimator 12 and the theory of local cuts by Christensen plicated by the fact the likelihood the maximum likelihood of (λ2, , ..., λ1,the δ) Forthese simulated annealing, see Goffe et al. (1994) or wpoints for p gives the following relationship between 0 i and solving i p = w − w , function i= 1, q, t26) (w1, ..., w ). An estimation method which can deal with i i 32 1 − μ2 at the1 − separate maximization Bowlus et al. (1995). can be shown to lead to a joint maximum of μ2i iiterative is notq−1 differentiable wage cut points i and Kiefer (1994b) justifies Once conditioning in the second step of the procedure. The ge cuts the fractions of firm has beenand developed by Bowlus ettypes: al. (1995). again iton is them convenient function on convergence. 2 32 161 1 μi iterative separate maximization can homogeneous be shown to lead to a joint maximum of the likelihood zepi the case. = model win w fashion , i = 1,as2,was ..., q,done in the i −a similar There is no formal test for choosing a value of q, the number of firm typ 1 − μ2i 1 − μ2i i function convergence. at w = wi and solving for pon i gives the following relationship between the the authors of this estimation technique argue that the likelihood ratio test o is noof formal test for choosing a value of q, the number of firm types. However, 32 There rms, wage cuts and the fractions firm types: q against another based on the standard χ2 -criterion can be expected to wo Finnish Economic Papers 2/2007 – Tomi Kyyrä Figure 1. Wage offer densities for workers with lower vocational education or less. 162 Finnish Economic Papers 2/2007 – Tomi Kyyrä Figure 2. Wage offer densities for workers with upper vocational education. 163 Finnish Economic Papers 2/2007 – Tomi Kyyrä Figure 3. Wage offer densities for workers with university education. 164 The estimation method of Bontemps et al. (2000) for the model with a continuous F and f from the wage using some nonparametric procedure. In t F and f from the wage datadata using some nonparametric procedure. ductivity distribution involves three steps. The first step of the procedure isIn to the esti the likelihood function is maximized with respect to (λ , λ , δ) condition 0 1 likelihood function is maximized with respect procedure. to (λ0, λ1 , δ)Inconditional F and the f from the wage data Economic using somePapers nonparametric the secondo Finnish 2/2007 – Tomi Kyyrä−1 parametric estimates of F and f. As the final step p = (w) −1K parametric estimates of F and f. As the final step p = K (w) andand γ(p)γ(p ar thealgorithms likelihood function is maximized 14 with respect to (λ0 , λ1 , δ) conditional on the standard maximum likelihood can be mated using 14 using 14 applied. These two steps areparametric then using iterated until of F and f. As the final step p = K −1 (w) and γ(p) are estim estimates convergence occurs. F (w)] 1 [1 −1 using14 estimators 1 + 1κ1+[1κ− F− (w)] (28) In addition to the order statistics K −1K (w) (w) = = w +w + (28)(28) , , 2κ f(w) 1 2κ1 f(w) for (r, h), the maximum likelihood estimators of 3 1 + κ1 [1 − F (w)] 2κ1 f(w) 2κ,1 f(w)3 K −1(w) = w + = the wage cuts in the wage(28) offer distribution (29) γ(p) 2 (29) , , 2κκ11f(w) (29) γ(p) = f(w) f � (w) F (w)]) 2 − f �− 1 [1 (∞w1, …, ∞wq –1) also converge to their true value at κ1 f(w) (w) (1 +(1κ1+[1κ− F− (w)]) 3 2κ1 f(w) a rate faster than √ n. It follows they are γ(p) � = (29) thatwhere , F,and f and replaced byf �their estimates � f are κ 2− f(w) (w) (1nonparametric + κ1 [1 − Festimates (w)]) where F, f f are replaced by their nonparametric fromfrom the th fir 1 asymptotically independent of the maximum 1 = λ� 1by /δ by maximum its maximum likelihood estimate the second step. κ1 λ 15 likelihood estimator of (λ 0, λ 1, d ) and theory = likelihood estimate fromfrom thefrom second κ1 fthe where F, and1 /δ f are its replaced by their nonparametric estimates the step. first stepT of local cuts by Christensen and Kiefer (1994b) where F, f and f ' are replaced by their nonparathe wage offer density f, apply we apply the standard Gaussian kernel density offer density f, we the the standard Gaussian est metric estimates from first step and k kernel = 15density justifies conditioning on them step λthe /δwage by its maximum likelihood estimate from the second To esti κ1in=the 1second 1 step. choose the bandwidth by a rule of thumb that minimizes the mean integrate λ / d by its maximum likelihood estimate from of the procedure. The iterative separate maximichoose bandwidth a rule of standard thumb that minimizes the mean integrated the wage offerthe density f,1 we by apply the Gaussian kernel density estimators the wage offer zation can be shown to lead to a joint maximum the second step.15 To estimate � Corresponding estimates ofand F and f are obtained by integration � are Corresponding Fapply fthe thenthen obtained bykernel integration andand diff density we standard Gaussian of the likelihood function on convergence. choose the bandwidth estimates by a rulef,ofof thumb that minimizes the mean integrated square e of the kernel density estimate. Standard errors are finally obtained by boo density estimator and choose the bandwidth by There is no formal test for choosing a value of the kernel density estimate. Standard errors are obtained bootst Corresponding estimates of F and f � are then obtained byfinally integration and by differentia of q, the number of firm types. However, the a rule of thumb that minimizes16the mean intewhole estimation procedure outlined above. 16 whole estimation procedure outlined above. grated square error.errors Corresponding of bootstrapping authors of this estimation technique argue that estimate. of the kernel density Standard are finally estimates obtained by 13 A Monte evidence ofthen Bowlus et al. (2001) indicates a tendency towards overfi 13 q against Fevidence and f ' ofare integration andtowards the likelihood ratio test of one value of 16 (2001) by A Monte CarloCarlo Bowlus etobtained al. indicates a tendency overfittin whole estimation procedure outlined above. of heterogeneity types using this criterion. However, they further find that choosing a differentiation of the kernel density estimate. another based on the standard c 2-criterion can of heterogeneity types using this criterion. However, they further find that choosing a valu than true the true has only a minor effect on estimates the estimates (λ1, ,while δ) , while the order st 13 than valuevalue has a minor on the of (λof , towards δ) the order statist 1 Awell Monte Carlo evidence of only Bowlus et al.effect (2001) indicates a tendency overfitting the nu Standard errors are finally obtained by bootbe expected to work reasonably inofthe practice. (r,and h) and the estimator ML estimator ofare λ0 obviously are obviously unaffected by value the value q chosen. of (r, h)14 the ML of λ0whole the of qa of chosen. of heterogeneity types using this criterion. However, they unaffected furtherprocedure findbythat choosing value −1 of q g strapping the estimation outThis is so even though the exact distribution of The first equation is simply the first-order condition (15) solved for p = (w). Th 14 −1K estim firsthas equation is simply the first-order condition for porder = Kstatistics (w). The sec than the trueThe value only a minor effect the estimates of (λ1(15) , δ) ,solved while the 16on −1 can be found by differentiating the first equation with respect to w and noting that K� −1 lined above. the test statistics is not known due to the non found differentiating theobviously first equation with respect to w and noting that K (w) of (r, h) can andbe the ML by estimator of λ0 are unaffected by the value of q chosen. = Γ−1K −1(w) . by choose virtue of relationship the relationship (w) It the is worth emphasising theforestimation regular estimation procedure.14Thus, we virtue F (w)F= Γcondition K (w) (15) . that Theby first equation is simply first-order solved p = K −1 (w). equ 15 of the The second Obviously, the final step requires the denominator of (29) be positive. holds 15 the method finalthe step requires thewith denominator ofw(29) to betopositive. This� This holds thei of Bontemps et al. (2000) is very simple the number of firm types can by be comparing two foundObviously, by differentiating first equation respect to and noting that K −1 (w) = if f (w) −1is satified condition of the firm’s problem or, in other words, if f (w) (1 + κ 1 [1 − F (w)]) condition of the firm’s problem is satified or, in other words, if f (w) (1 + κ [1 − F (w)]) decr 1 by virtue of the relationship F (w) = Γ K (w) . in computational respect. Substitution of the times the improvement in the log-likelihood support 15 support of final F.of F. Obviously, the step requires the denominator (29) to be positive. This holds if the second16 kernel estimates in slightly theof likelihood function cirfunction with each additional firm type to the Our estimation procedure differs that usedBontemps, by Bontemps, al. (200 16 estimation procedure differs fromfrom that used et decreases (2000) condition of Our the firm’s problem is satified or, inslightly other words, if f (w) (1 by + κ1 [1 − F (w)]) ovb different sampling scheme. Contrary to the inflow sample of unemployment, Bontemps, cumvents the need for numerical integrations, c 2.05 critical value.13 Once the other parameters sampling scheme. Contrary to the inflow sample of unemployment, Bontemps, et al support different of F. sample from the French Labour Force Survey drawn from the stock of employed and un 16 from procedure the French Labour Forcestep Survey drawn the stock andbecause unempl while the slightly third does not require evenofiteraof the model are estimated, unobserved heteroOursample estimation differs from that usedfrom by Bontemps, etemployed al. (2000) Consequently, wage observations in their come from G, from not from asour in data. our da Consequently, wagetions. observations inclear their datadata come from G, not F asFinet samplingusing scheme. Contrary to the inflow sample of unemployment, Bontemps, al. (2000) This a advantage compared to the geneity terms (p1, ..., pq) candifferent be estimated estimate G (instead of F ) using a nonparametric procedure and recover the assoc estimate G (instead of FForce ) using a nonparametric procedure and thenthen recover the associated sample from the French Labour Survey drawn from the stock of employed and unemployed wo estimation procedure ofreplace Bowlus al. (29) (1995) forcorresponding (26) and (27). equilibrium flow relationship. They also (28)etand by corresponding the equ equilibrium relationship. They also replace (28) equatio Consequently, wage flow observations in their data come from G,and not(29) frombyF the as in our data. As such � p and γ as functions of G, κ the density of the earnings distr �g, g and productivity 1 , where g is dispersion. the case of discrete γ as functions of aG,nonparametric g, g and κ1 , procedure where g isand thethen density of the distributi estimatepGand (instead of F ) using recover theearnings associated F usin derivative. derivative. flow relationship.14They also replace (28) and (29) by the corresponding equations expr A.4Continuous productivityequilibrium dispersion The first equation is simply the first-order condition � p and γ as functions of G, g, g and κ1 , where–1g is the density of the earnings distribution and (15) solved for p = K (w). The second equation can be found by differentiating the first equation with respect to w and noting that (K–1)' (w) = f (w)/γ (p) by virtue of the relationship F (w) = Γ (K–1 (w)). 34 34 15 Obviously, the final step requires the denominator of (29) to be positive. This holds 34 if the second-order condition of the firm’s problem is satified or, in other words, if f (w) (1+k 1 [1–F (w)]) decreases over the support of F. 16 Our estimation procedure differs slightly from that used by Bontemps et al. (2000) because of the different sampling­ scheme. Contrary to the inflow sample of unemployment, Bontemps et al. (2000) use a sample from the French Labour Force Survey drawn from the stock of employed and unemployed workers. Consequently, wage ob13 A Monte Carlo evidence of Bowlus et al. (2001) indi- servations in their data come from G, not from F as in our cates a tendency towards overfitting the number of hetero- data. As such they estimate G (instead of F) using a nongeneity types using this criterion. However, they further find parametric procedure and then recover the associated F that choosing a value of q greater than the true value has using the equilibrium flow relationship. They also replace only a minor effect on the estimates of (λ 1, d), while the (28) and (29) by the corresponding equations expressing p order statistics estimators of (r, h) and the ML estimator of and γ as functions of G, g, g' and k 1, where g is the density of the earnings distribution and g' its derivative. λ 0 are obviously unaffected by the value of q chosen. The estimation method ofderivative. Bontemps et al. (2000) for the model with a continuous productivity distribution involves three steps. The first step of the procedure is to estimate F and f from the wage data using some nonparametric procedure. In the second step the likelihood function is maximized with respect to (λ 0, λ 1, d ) conditional on the nonparametric estimates of F and f. As the final step p = K–1(w) and γ (p) are esti- 165