NATURAL GAS COST BY BUILDING 2003/2004 FISCAL YEAR NATURAL GAS CONSUMPTION FIRM GAS SUB-METERS ON CAMPUS Cost includes 7.5% PST & 1.82% GST General Student's R. Day Care Women's R. Women's R. acc. no. usage (McT. Cowan) Centre (Madge H.) (Madge H.) 81-1500-1011 prorated total 11-8622-04951 11-8622-05001 Int. Gas month $ $ $ $ $ $ apr $ 21,743 $ 4,267 $ 26,010 $ 2,509 $ 498 $0 may $ 16,804 $ 2,817 $ 19,621 $ 1,779 $ 646 $0 jun $ 10,374 $ 1,208 $ 11,583 $ 743 $ 503 $0 jul $ 8,224 $ 1,102 $ 9,325 $ 454 $ 487 $0 aug $ 7,758 $ 991 $ 8,749 $ 406 $ 368 $0 sep $ 12,358 $ 1,805 $ 14,163 $ 780 $ 452 $0 oct $ 20,133 $ 3,622 $ 23,755 $ 1,480 $ 550 $0 nov $ 28,380 $ 4,491 $ 32,871 $ 3,485 $ 716 $0 dec $ 29,269 $ 4,957 $ 34,226 $ 3,781 $ 371 $ 129 jan $ 27,867 $ 6,026 $ 33,894 $ 3,116 $ 23 $ 363 feb $ 23,089 $ 4,876 $ 27,965 $ 2,720 $ 23 $ 411 mar $ 23,517 $ 5,206 $ 28,724 $ 2,565 $ 23 $ 488 total $ 229,517 $ 41,368 $ 270,885 $ 23,819 $ 4,660 $ 1,391 cost/gr. m² $ 9.61 $ 7.33 $ 9.18 $ 15.23 $ 3.32 cost/net m² $ 8.69 $ 8.56 $ 8.67 $ 17.14 $ 3.71 Note: 1. no GST withheld for Day Care Centre as of Jul. 2002 2. Rate adjustment of $211.82 applied to Madge Hogarth for Jan 2003 3. McTaggart-Cowan charges are prorated based upon last year consumption. 4. Madge Hogarth Int. Gas cost reflects the switch in Dec 03 from nat gas to hot water for dom. hot water. WMC kitchen East C. Café Mall Cafeteria Total MBB kitchen $ $ $ $ $ 1997/1998 $ 3,397 $ 3,621 n/a $ 7,018 $ 3,836 1998/1999 $ 3,067 $ 3,667 $0 $ 7,323 $ 3,046 1999/2000 $ 3,746 $ 4,323 $0 $ 8,362 $ 3,896 2000/2001 $ 6,457 $ 7,599 $ 2,167 $ 16,223 $ 6,243 2001/2002 $ 8,145 $ 6,788 $ 2,701 $ 17,634 $ 10,904 2002/2003 $ 7,442 $ 7,080 $ 2,322 $ 16,844 $ 11,283 2003/2004 $ 6,475 $ 6,960 $ 2,388 $ 15,822 $ 10,394 note: DUC kitchen for 2000/2001 was prorated for one year based on readings from 9 Aug 2000 DUC kitchen $ n/a n/a n/a n/a $ 7,241 $ 7,574 $ 7,416 Old Shell Gas Station $ $ 23 $ 23 $ 23 $0 $ 47 $ 26 $ 23 $ 26 $ 22 $ 26 $0 $0 $ 239 BC Hydro $ $ 10,720 $ 12,865 $ 16,475 $ 27,951 $ 32,371 $ 27,359 $ 29,997 Avg. Firm gas $/GJ $ 4.01 $ 4.04 $ 4.75 $ 8.10 $ 9.63 $ 10.23 $ 9.89