Arts & Social Science Complex 1 B U R N A B Y Faculty Arts Building Area / Cost 7,500 sq. m./ $34.1 million Development Manager Phil McCloy Prime Consultant Busby Perkins + Will Architects Consultant Team Structural: Fast + Epp Mechanical: Stantec Engineering Electrical: Acumen Consulting Cost: BTY Group Landscape: Code: LMDG Lab Consultant: CES Engineering C A M P U S Building Description The 7,500 square metre building will house a new forensic centre for training and research as well as the archeology and criminology departments and First Nations studies. In addition, the SFU psychology clinic will move in from the East Annex building. Design Concept The building is U-shaped to enclose a sky-lit courtyard one quarter the size of the AQ courtyard. The building extends the existing academic concourse to the north east and will join with Strand Hall via a covered walkway. It features two 300-seat lecture halls, a 150-seat lecture hall, new common space, and a new entrance to the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology .. The new building will cover the roadway north of Strand Hall as well as a significant portion of parking lot C. Contractor/Construction Manager Bird Construction Contract Administrator Todd Farup (Stantec) Completion Date (planned) April 2007 Figure 1: Artist’s rendering of ASSC 1 SIMON FRASER UNIVERSITY • PROJECT OVERVIEW • 01 Green Building Features The building is designed with multiple green building features based on the LEED standard. The design achieves high energy efficiency targets that meet CBIP goals (at least 25% below Model National Energy Code). Passive solar design strategies were integrated through calculated external shades for south, east and west exposures as well as high efficiency glazing and high wall insulation values. The building has over 50% green roof which further insulates the building and reduces heat loss, while acting to detain rainwater rate and flow. The U-shaped courtyard design maximizes day-lighting as well as increases the number of work areas with views. Energy efficient lighting includes electronic ballasts, use of day-lighting strategies and room occupancy controls. Project Highlights Heating and cooling is provided by radiant ceiling panels in classrooms and labs, with hydronic baseboard radiators elsewhere. Under-floor air systems are included in the 300 seat lecture theatre and atrium space. Over 50% green roof U-shaped courtyard maximizes views for occupants Heat recovery systems capture waste heat in exhaust air prior to release. Passive solar design strategies to minimize heat gain Operable windows throughout provide natural ventilation. High efficiency building envelope Construction Update Excavation just outside the northeast Academic Quadrangle started in 2004, and the building is slated to be ready for move-in early 2007. SIMON FRASER UNIVERSITY • PROJECT OVERVIEW • 01